The Ciia Program
The Ciia Program
The Ciia Program
The globalisation of investment markets has opened new opportunities for financial market
professionals, but at the same time, it has placed new demands on their skills. Analysts are
seeking international development and exchange opportunities, which requires training that
takes into account the variety of the capital markets to be found worldwide.
In the eight years since its foundation, the ACIIA® has established itself as a valuable forum for
the exchange of knowledge, ideas and education in the international investment field. Several
thousand financial market professionals hold a CIIA® certificate and even more are linked to
ACIIA via our associates worldwide. Together we are prepared to match the momentum of
the markets in the ongoing development of our association and the CIIA® designation.
Come and join us! And face the challenges of the CIIA® designation!
Yours sincerely
Fritz H Rau
ACIIA Chairman
The Association of Certified International Investment Analysts,
Feldstrasse 80, 8180 Buelach, Zurich,
The Association of Certified International
Investment Analysts, Switzerland
The Association of Certified International ● Through the integral involvement of National
Investment Analysts (ACIIA) was established in Societies, ensures that the interests and input of the
2000 as a not-for-profit organization limited by local industry and professionals are met in
guarantee, and is registered in Switzerland. accordance with and commitment to industry ethics
and standards.
● The achievement of CIIA® grant its holders a
Since 1997, representatives from the Asian
Securities Analysts Federation (ASAF), Associação recognized level of expertise and knowledge which
dos Analistase Profissionals de Investimento do is common across international markets.
Mer cado de Capitais (APIMEC) and the European ● The achievement of the CIIA® qualification opens
Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS) the door to an international career in finance and
have been working together to develop an investment.
internationally recognized qualification for
professionals working in the areas of investment A Truly International Qualification
analysis, portfolio management and corporate Certified International Investment Analyst or CIIA® is
finance. an internationally recognized advanced professional
ACIIA Objectives qualification for individuals working in the finance and
investment industry.
The objectives of ACIIA are to: 3
● Encourage and provide a forum for the creation Opening Doors to International Finance and
and interchange of ideas and information in the Investment
finance and investment field.
Increasing globalization of investment markets mean
● Support and promote the interests of the
the world’s key financial institutions are integrating
investment community.
their operations across the major financial centers of
● Promote ethical behavior in the industry. the world.
Role of ACIIA Have CIIA®, Will Travel
The role of ACIIA is to:
CIIA® is the passport you need, as employees
● Establish and supervise the CIIA exams globally. recognize the advantage of hiring mobile professionals
● Award the CIIA® qualification. with qualifications that will enable them to work in any
international financial center.
The CIIA® Qualification - Advantages
The CIIA® is a unique international qualification The CIIA® is currently recognized and supported by the
which is facilitated and recognized by the countries world’s leading Federations: European Federation of
represented by participating National Societies. Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS), Asian Securities
The CIIA®: and Investment Federation (ASIF), and Associação dos
Analistase Profissionals de Investimento do Mercado de
● Combines international and local coverage.
Capitais (APIMEC) and Societies for finance and
● Can equip students with multiple country investment analysts from: Argentina, Austria, Belgium,
qualifications, ideal for those whose work Brazil, China, Chinese Taipei, Finland, France, Germany,
covers different countries.
Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Japan,
● Is internationally transportable and provides Kazakhstan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco,
students with the option of studying and sitting Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden,
exams in 8 different languages. Switzerland, Thailand and Ukraine.
Member Organizations of ACIIA
Asia-Pacific Asian Securities and Investment Federation (ASIF)
Europe European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS)
National Societies
Argentina Instituto Argentino de Ejecutivos de Finanzas
Austria Österreichische Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management
Belgium Association Belge des Analystes Financiers
Brazil Associação dos Analistase Profissionals de Investimento do Mercado de Capitais (APIMEC)
China The Securities Association of China
Chinese Taipei The Securities Analysts Association, Chinese Taipei
Finland The Finnish Society of Financial Analysts
France Société Française des Analystes Financiers
Germany Deutsche Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management
Greece Hellenica Association of Certified Stockmarket Analysts
Hong Kong The Hong Kong Securities Institute
Hungary The Hungarian Capital Market Professionals’ Society
India The Council for Portfolio Management and Research
Iran Investment Industry Development Association of Iran
Italy Associazione Italiana degli Analisti Finanziari
Japan The Security Analysts Association of Japan
Kazakhstan Association of Financial and Investment Analysts
Korea The Korea Certified Investment Analysts Association
Luxembourg The Luxembourg Society of Portfolio Managers and Financial Analysts
Mexico Instituto Mexicano de Analistas, Asesoresy Administradores
Morocco Société Morocaine des Analystes Financiers
Netherlands The Dutch Financial Analysts Society
Nigeria Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers
Poland Polish Association of Brokers and Investment Advisors
Russia Guild of Investment and Financial Analysts
Spain Instituto Español de Analista Financieros
Sweden The Swedish Society of Financial Analysts
Switzerland Swiss Financial Analysts Association
Thailand Securities Analysts Association
Ukraine Ukrainian Society of Financial Analysts
The Council for
Portfolio Management and Research
The Council for Portfolio Management and Research Ethical Institution
(CPMR), was established in 1999 at Hyderabad, India
The CPMR conducts its affairs within a broad
to look after training and certification needs of
framework of ethics and believes in transparency and
students interested in becoming qualified portfolio
managers. promotes an open culture.
The CPMR has following objectives: awards the Certified International Investment Analyst
(CIIA®) qualification.
■ Administering a rigorous certification program in
investment analysis and portfolio management. The tie-up of CPMR with ACIIA, Switzerland, enables
■ Promoting research and publications in the areas students to become eligible to write the final level
of contemporary relevance which have significant examinations for the CIIA® qualification. Students
policy implications for investment analysis and pursuing the CIIA® Program after completing the 5
portfolio management. National Level examinations can directly appear for the
The CIIA® Program is offered in India through Council Period of Validity of Enrollment
for Portfolio Management and Research (CPMR).
The enrollment in the Program is valid for seven
The Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA®)
years from the date of enrollment. Students who
is an internationally recognized advanced professional
qualification for individuals working in the finance and are unable to complete the program within the
investment industry. validity period, are required to register de novo by
paying the requisite fee.
The CIIA® Program has the following objectives : Program Structure of National Level
● To develop a new body of knowledge and make it
available for those seeking challenging careers in the The CIIA® Program covers all the important topics
new era of liberalization and globalization; related to portfolio management and investment
● To introduce participants to the financial system and analysis. The program consists of three
capital markets; examinations titled Examination I, Examination II
● To impart a strong conceptual foundation in and Examination III at National Level. Each of the
investment analysis and portfolio management; examinations will be for a maximum of 180 points
● To give adequate exposure to emerging areas like and the duration of 3 hours.
equity and debt research, scientific asset allocation, Examination I : This examination covers all the
portfolio insurance etc.;
6 basic concepts that the students need to pursue
● To prepare individuals capable of providing study of courses like Asset Valuation and Portfolio
leadership in portfolio management and mutual funds
Management. It consists of three courses - Financial
industry operating in a globalized environment.
Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis
For Whom (60 points), Economics (60 points) and Quantitative
◆ Finance and Accounting Professionals like Chartered Methods (60 points).
Accountants, Management Accountants, Cost
Accountants, Certified Accountants, Chartered Examination II : In this examination, a major
Secretaries, Bankers, MBAs, etc, who seek careers portion of the inputs required to make a good
in portfolio management and investment analysis. portfolio manager are covered. The courses to be
◆ Professionals in the area of investment management studied for this examination are - Corporate
and portfolio management. Finance (60 points), Equity Valuation and Analysis
Students who successfully complete all the three Exam III ● Derivative Valuation and Analysis
● Portfolio Management
examinations of the National Level (Examination I,
● Ethics and Professional Standards
Examination II & Examination III) will be awarded
the PG Diploma in Investment Analysis by CPMR. International Level
The Council for Portfolio Management and Exam 1 ● Corporate Finance
Research (CPMR), will confer the designation of ● Economics
Certified Portfolio Manager (in full) and CPM (in ● Financial Accounting and
brief) on them, subject to fulfillment of requisite Financial Statement Analysis
membership criteria. ● Equity Valuation and Analysis
Students who successfully complete the Exam II ● Fixed Income Valuation and Analysis
International Level (Final Level) CIIA® examinations ● Derivative Valuation and Analysis
will be awarded the CIIA® qualification from ACIIA, ● Portfolio Management
Switzerland and Certified Portfolio Manager (CPM) Examination Format : Full and minicase study questions and
designation and membership from CPMR, India in-depth essay questions.
subject to regulations.
National Level Examinations The schedule of the Examinations is given below:
Last Date for
The examinations for the National Level of the
National Level Test Dates Submission of
CIIA® Program serve to finally assess the students' Examinations Examination
understanding of the subject and level of skill Registration Form
development. The examinations are conceived, January, 2010 10, 17, 24, 31 Nov 30, 2009
developed and administered on a rigorous system April, 2010 4, 11, 18, 25 Feb 27, 2010
with a view to groom world-class professionals in July, 2010 4, 11, 18, 25 May 31, 2010
the areas of investment analysis.
October, 2010 10, 17, 24, 31 Aug 31, 2010
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* Applicants can make the payment through credit card at the respective branches. They should get their credit cards swiped for the required amount, sign
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I have carefully read the academic and administrative rules and regulations of the Institute as given in this Document and Application Material and agree
to abide by the same. I understand that these rules are only indicative and the complete list of rules and regulations as updated from time to time will
be given to me on my enrollment in the form of Students Regulations. I also understand that the Institute reserves the right to change/modify the rules
and regulations from time to time and I agree to abide by the same. I understand that in case I withdraw from the program I will not be entitled to claim
any refund of amount paid to the Institute. I hereby declare that the information provided by me in the Application is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge. My signature below certifies that I have read, understood and agree to the rules and regulations of the Institute.
Place : Date : Signature of the Student (Please sign with black ink within the box)
The students are advised to retain a photocopy of the completed Application Form for their records.The relevant enclosures and forms should be enclosed along with the required payments.