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The document discusses steel tube classification, standards, dimensions, materials, testing and quality management. It also provides information about Železiarne Podbrezová company's product range and contact details.

Steel tubes are classified according to their intended application, dimensions, material and technical standards followed.

The document reviews tube dimensions, steel grades used, technical delivery conditions, testing and quality management systems.


5th. replacement edition 2008

Committee for standardization and standard ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Steel tubes – classification and terminology ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Technical standards of steel tubes ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Production programm – products classification by application ............................................................................................................. 4
Production flow chart in Železiarne Podbrezová ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Review of basic characteristics of steel tubes ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Tube dimensions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Steel for tubes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Technical delivery conditions (TDC) of tubes (excludes testing) ........................................................................................................ 10
Tube testing .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Quality management system, certification, legislation ............................................................................................................................ 12
Product section ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Conversion table ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 69

Packaging of tubes and pipes ................................................................................................................ .............................................. 109
Mechanical and technological testing of tubes and pipes ................................................................................................................ 110
Informationelly comparison of steels ...................................................................................................................................................... 112
Conversion table for hardness and tensile strength ............................................................................................................................... 123
Summary of technical delivery conditions for groups of tubes according to purpose of application ............................................. 124

Page numbers of actual product sort and groups – see production programm on the page 4–5.

Special tables and reference

Carbon equivalent formula ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14

Hot dip zinc coating of steel pipes .........................................................................................................................................................15
Leakage test according to standards ASTM A (ASME SA) ..................................................................................................................23
Pressure equipment and legislation in EN ..............................................................................................................................................25
Dimension tolerances according to ISO 1129 …………………………………………..............................................................………….......27
Ovality, eccentricity…………………………………………………………………………….....................................................................………… 27
Tolerances according to standards ASTM A 530 and A 999 ……………………………..........................................................………..…29
Conversion table of inch and decimal values ……………………………………………...............................................................………....…30
Standard wire gauge for wall thickness …………………………………………………................................................................………..……30
Tolerances according to standards ASTM A 450 and A 1016 ..……………………...........................................................………….……33
NDE of boiler tubes according to standards ASTM ……………………………………............................................................………...……39
Condition and heat treatment terminology of precision tubes ……………………...........................................................…………….……63
Mechanical Tubing according to ASTM A - sizing methods and thermal treatments ………......................................................…..…89
Preparation of ends ………………………………………………………………………………....................................................................……....98
NACE International Standards ………………………………………………………………….................................................................…….... 99

Dear customers, dear ladies and gentlemen,

we prepare this technical tube guide with the wiew of continual development of our firm mutual business relations. Tube guide includes
technical data of steel tubes and tube semi-products, made in company Železiarne Podbrezová. Technical data are included in national
and worl-wide standards or regulations, or bilateral technical delivery conditions and terms.
Application of tube products have to be in compliance with particular law and rules, concerning safety, healt protection and
environment. For this reason is short standardisation survey listed in handbook.
In the countries of European Union there were European standards (EN) adapted into the system of national standards. Previous
standards are not valid by now. Previous standards should not be used in commercial communication for this reason, but valid
EN standards.
Data from previous standards, shown in surveys, during temporary period support the comparison of individual tube parameters,
older technical documentation study, possible tube alternative to previous standards finding e.t.c.
GOST, USA (ASTM,ASME, ANSI,API ) and JIS standards are still valid.

Committee for standardization and standard Steel tubes – classification and terminology
International, worldwide recognized actual standards Mentioned terms of steel tubes are in standard EN 10079 or others
are issued by two standardization institutions resident (ISO 6929).
in Geneva: Tube classification goes out several aspects: mode of produc-
ISO (International Standards Organization) – issu- tion, cross section shape, tube ends treatment, sphere of tube usage.
ing universal standards According to EN 10079 tubes rank among so-called long prod-
IEC (International Electrotechnical Commision) – is- ucts. It is a product having permanent circular or another hollow
suing electrotechnic standards section along, with both ends free and with relatively long length.
ISO standards are accepted worldwide and therefore they usu- By mode of production are tubes divided to two big groups
ally do not go trough the national standard systems. For steel – seamless and welded. Each of this groups can be sectional-
tube they are applied rarely. ISO numbers are in brackets. ized by method of tube production – hot or cold production.
A part of tube products are also so-called hollow sections.
European standardization Here belong seamless or welded tubes of circular, square or
European standardization is analogous to global system, but it con- rectangular section, used as part of building steel constructions
sist of three committees. Two first resident in Brusel, the third one in or machine units.
Sophia Antipolis (France): Hollow bars are seamless tubes of circular section designed
CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation) – issues for production of machine parts by machining. Different from
universal standards. Standards regarding iron and steel are the two first tube groups hollow bars have qualitative and di-
isuued by European Commision for Standardization of Iron mensional parameters, which fit to requirements of workability,
and Steel (ECISS) and appropriate Technical Committees. heat treatment or surface quality.
CENELEC (Comité Européen de Normalisation Élec- Tubes in this guide book are ordered by application consider-
trotechnique) – issues electrotechnic standards ing mode of production, similar to ordering in new steel tube EN.
ETSI (European Telecomunications Standards Insti-
tute) – issues telecommunication standards
Technical standards of steel tubes
National committee for standardization
They issue national standards. Connecting to European Union Technical characteristics of steel tubes are detailed in the appro-
enlarging are European standards (EN) implemented into the priate technical standards.
national standard systems (technical standard harmonization). Pipe parameters could be divided into three main groups:
Unlike ISO standards are EN implemented without modification • dimensions and their tolerances (depending upon the tube
and hereby all discordant national standards have to be can- manufacturing method)
celled. Connected with this the philosophy of standard use has • steel grade and steel conditions
essentially changed: in the past was performance of standard • technical delivery conditions
regulations obligatory. At present appear two terms: relevance Individual national bureaus of standards use different procedures
and obligation of standard. The standard is valid but, except some for data standardization of steel pipes. In real life three options
clauses, its observance is not compulsory. Standard gives recom- are used:
mend technical terms, wich need not be applied. On the other • each main group of parameters is contained in a single stan-
hand two factors arise: dard. The standards are interconnected using references to the
• if the standard is specific in the contract between seller and related ones. Dimensional standard contains dimensional tables
buyer, it will become a part of contract and all its demands and their tolerances; steel standard contains its chemical compo-
have to be executed sition and mechanical properties for various methods of pipe
• in the case some damage occures in consequence of failure manufacturing and steel tempers. The third standard of the tech-
of harmonized standard claims, he who failed terms, defined nical delivery conditions (TDC) sets out all remaining require-
by gowernment act, bear liability. That’s because by law if ments for pipes – testing, acceptance, certificates, packaging,
national standard system assumes harmonized EN, it will be- marking, etc. At the same time it contains references to other
come also harmonized. After publishing in Official publica- standards where these activities are described (e.g. STN, ČSN).
tion of national standards standard may be used for advise- • the second option is when steel and its characteristics are
ment of technical terms execution. included into the TDC standard, and this one contains dimen-
sional tolerances. Two standards are used to describe a pipe
Another standards – dimensional standard that contains dimensional table and
Here belong mainly company standards. These can not be con- the TDC standard (e.g. DIN).
trary to national standards. • the third option – pipe parameters are in a single standard,
Further class are the standards of craft companies, e.g. in USA which also contains the dimensional table, or extraction from
(AISI, ASTM, ASME, API, SAE). the general table of dimensions constituting which is the con-
Valid bilateral technical terms or specifications can be shut-down tent of the general dimensional standard (e.g. NFA, EN).
between commercial partners. In real life there are cases, where both the seller and the buyer
Technical standards make bilateral TDC contracts, or they deliver pipes in accor-
are a part of legislation valid in appropriate industrial field. dance with the buyer’s specifications, which can also include
Specific connection of particular regulations is shown in the the references to national standards. Normally, this is the case,
capters of individual tube range. where the demands for pipes are higher then those set-up in the
national standards.

Production programm – products classification by application

Continuously cast steel blooms Page 13

Seamless steel tubes for building and mechanical and general use Page 14

Steel tubes for building (hollow structural sections) Page 14

Tubes for mechanical and general engineering Page 16

Tubes for machining Page 16

Tubes for machine parts and general use* Page 16

Precision tubes and HPL tubes (seamless and welded) Page 60 - 93

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments Page 22

Tubes with specified room temperature properties Page 22

Tubes with specified elevated temperature properties Page 34

Alloy fine grain steel tubes for pressure equipments Page 42

Tubes with specified low temperature properties Page 44

Tubes for heat exchangers** Page 48

Tubes with internal riffling Page 53

Pipes suitable for welding and threading Page 54

Line pipe Page 56

Casing and tubing (upon agreement) Page 58

* Upon agreement also tubes (sections) with non-rounded cross section

** Special offer upon agreement:

Seamless or welded tubes for heat exchangers:
carbon-, low alloy-, ferritic- and austenitic alloy steels
the possibility of deliveries of long tubes
U - bending and finning capabilities

Precision cold drawn seamless steel tubes Page 60

Standard precision tubes Page 60

Cylinder tubes (for mechanical treatment – HPZ) Page 72

Cylinder tubes (HP – „ready to use“) Page 74

Tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic lines – HPL Page 76

Tubes for automotive industry Page 84

Injections tubes (for Diesel engines) Page 84

Bearings tubes Page 85

Precision welded steel tubes Page 86

Cold sized precision welded tubes Page 86

Cold drawn precision welded tubes Page 88

Cold sized precision welded square and rectangular tubes Page 91

Precision welded tubes for automotive industry Page 91

Precision welded tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic lines Page 91

Precision welded tubes for heat exchanger Page 48

Tube semiproducts Page 92

Buttwelding steel pipe fittings Page 94

Submerged arc longitudinal welded steel tubes and pipes Page 102

Summary of technical delivery conditions for groups of tubes according to purpose of application see page 124.

Production flow chart in Železiarne Podbrezová

Steel production

Electric arc furnace Ladle furnace Continuously casting

Hot finished tubes production

Division of blooms Rotary heat furnace Sizing mill Removal of scale

Piercing press Elongating mill Push bench Withdrawal mill

Ends cutting Reheating furnace Stretch reducing mill Colling bed

Cutting Straightening Nondestructive Examination Final lengths

Hydrostatic test Product marking Packaging

Precision cold drawn tubes production

Swaging Chemical preparation – Pickling, Phosphating, Lubricant Cold drawing

Heat treatment Straightening Cutting Surface control

Nondestructive examination Preservation Packaging

Semiproducts fabrication

Division of tubes End preparation Bending of tubes

Buttwelding fittings production

Division of tubes Heating and pushing Division of elbows End preparation

Review of basic characteristics of steel tubes
The basic characteristics classification is detailed in the previ- The following formula is used for calculation of
ous section. In this chapter there is a general description of these reference weight (mass):
characteristics with the aim to serve as basis for description of M = (D – T) × T × 0,0246615 (kg/m), or x10,69 [in(lb/ft)].
individual particular types and groups of steel tubes. They are: Formula is applicable for carbon steel. For other steel the value
• tube sizes is multiplied by the following coefficient:
• steel for tubes Steel Specific weight Coefficient
– steel classifications and definitions Carbon 7,85–3 1
– steel marking system for tubes according to EN Austenitic stainless 7,97–3 1,015
Ferritic and martensitic 7,73–3 0,985
• technical delivery conditions (TDC) of tubes (excludes testing)
• tube testing
– test types Steels for tubes
– types of document control Steel definition and division according to EN 10020 – steel is
– individual tests defined like:
Tube dimensions • material with iron mass rate upper then rate of any other ele-
The tube dimensions belong among the basic characteristics of
• content of carbon (C) is less than 2%, what is current limit
tubes. For industry needs and general use, tubes are manufac-
between steel and cast iron (except some Cr-steel with al-
tured in diameters ranging from tenths of milimeters to those hav-
lowed content of carbon more than 2%)
ing diameter of a few meters.
• steel contains also more elements, shown in following table:
It is mandatory that the tube sizes be set out in such a way that
they define the tube completely from this point of view. In the
Limit value of elements for non alloyed and alloyed steel – col-
tubes with circular cross section, there are, except for the length,
umn Nr.1
three main dimensions: outside diameter, inside diameter and wall
Weldable fine grain structural alloyed steel. Limit value of chem-
thickness. In circular tubes two values out of those mentioned are
ical composition of qualitative and high-grade steel – column
given. According to tube types we can also assign to dimensions
Nr. 2
the appropriate dimensional tolerances.
Dimensions of individual tubes are not created by chance, but Element
Mass rate in %
they are arranged into the dimensional sequels under the specific 1 2
system. The tube sizes are in mm; in the USA and some other Al aluminium 0,30
B boron 0,0008
countries they use inches (“Zoll” in German). In this case tubes Bi bismuth 0,10
are also classified into two groups – “Tubes” are those used in Co cobalt 0,30
mechanical applications and in energy facilities, while inches are Cr chrome 0,30 0,50
used for the actual outside diameter. “Pipes” are those used in Cu copper 0,40 0,50
La lantanides (each) 0,10
pipelines for different matters. Pipe size is denoted as the nominal Mn manganese 1,65 1,80
pipe size, and up to 12 inches the denotation is given as an ap- Mo molybdenum 0,08 0,10
proximate value (clearance) of the inside pipe diameter (more Nb niobium 0,06 0,08
details can be found in the particular pipe types). Ni nickel 0,30 0,50
Pb lead 0,40
After converting the pipe dimensions to milimetres used in the SI Se selenium 0,10
system there is a first and preferred sequel of outside diameters of Si silicium 0,60
steel pipes created (the first series in EN 10220, DIN 2448, etc.). Te tellurium 0,10
However, this doesn’t mean that the pipes within Series 2 and 3 Ti titanium 0,05 0,12
V vanadium 0,10 0,12
are not used at all. The sizes in Series 2 and 3 (for use in Europe, W wolfram 0,30
and supplemented by rounded off dimensions in mm) constitute Zr zircon 0,05 0,12
the standards for Tubes, used in energy facilities design, and in Other elements (except: carbon, phosphorus,
tubes intended for mechanical usage. sulphur, nitrogen), (each)
Sequel of pipe wall thicknesses has its origin in the inch Unit sys- Index of defining of alloying elements content characteristic
tem, where in order to express a size uses fractions. The series number
“Schedule” forms pipe wall thickness (40, 60, 80, 120, etc.),
Element Index
and in some dimensions is interconnected with the mass class Cr, Co, Mn, Ni, Si, W 4
(STD, XS, XXS). These values, converted to milimeters, form a part Al, Be, Cu, Mo, Nb, Pb, Ta, Ti, V, Zr 10
of pipe wall thickness series. (Note: size – value Schedule, e.g. Ce, N, P, S 100
B 1000
40, is not constant, bud dependant upon the outside diameter of
a pipe). In the Tube category the wall thickness values are de- Note – Alloy steel:
rived either from “scales” BWG, SWG, or other ones. After con- 1. Steel is also given in EN.
version to milimetres, these values become a part of sequel in 2. Cast analysis is valid.
steel tube wall thicknesses. 3. Minimum element content – see table.
For precision tubes used in Europe and in countries using SI units 4. In the case when maximum element content is given, 70% of that
value (except Mn) is used for qualification.
are established the dimensional series with rounded off measures
of outside diameters and wall thicknesses.

Classification of steels according to EN 10020
Steel quality groups accord-
Classification of steel within the main quality groups
ing to chemical composition
Element contents beyond the For general requirements: Designed for quenching and tempering
tabulated values - impact energy + and surface hardening etc. Minimal val-
ue of impact energy guaranteed. Low con-
- grain size
- formability tents of non-metallic inclusions.
Max. contents C 1,2% Corrosion resisting steels
Min. contents Cr 10,5% Creep resisting steels
Ni contents less than 2,5% Heat resisting steels
or Ni contents over 2,5%
Non stainless steel, contents of, at fine-grain steels structural steels
least, a single element within the steels for rails and reinforcing for pressure vessels
tabulated values. steels for demanding use + for anti-friction bearings
alloy steels by Cu tool steels
steels for electronics high-speed steels
special physical characteristics
• Classification of steels see also ISO 4948-1 and ISO 4948-2

Designation system for steels according to EN a) number corresponding to the carbon contents centuplicate
EN 10027 – 1 Steel names b) chemical symbols of alloying elements arranged accord-
(ISO/TS 4949) Abbreviated designation system ing to the descending content of elements
Principal symbols c) numbers set out following the alloying elements content.
EN ECISS IC10 Additional symbols Mean element content, multiplied by index from table and
EN 10027 – 2 Numerical system approximated tu higher number (25CrMo4).
• alloy steel with alloying addition content (a minimum of
According to EN 10027 – 1 the steel names divide into the a single element over 5%) – designation:
two main groups: a) characteristic letter X (X11CrMo9-1)
• Group 1 – steel designated according to the usage and me- b) number – centuplicate of the mean carbon content
chanical properties c) chemical symbols of alloying elements
• Group 2 – steel designated according to the chemical com- d) numbers set out following the alloying elements content.
position. These further divide into the four subgroups. Mean element content approximated tu higher number.
• high-speed steel – designation
Group 1 a) characteristic letters HS (HS 6-5-2)
S – structural steel (for general usage) b) numbers set out following the alloying elements content
P – steel for pressure equipments
L – steel for pipelines Regulation EN ECISS IC10 sets out additiional symbols for
E – steel for machine parts (the subsequent number stands for steel (Group 1 and 2). These symbols form the suffixes to
the minimum yield value in v N/mm2) the steel mark end (e.g. S 275 J0). The supplementary sym-
B – concrete reinforcing steel bols for steel products are detailed in Table 1, 2 and 3,
Y – prestressed concrete reinforcing steel and plus (+) must separate them from the preceding sym-
R – steel for rails bols – e.g. S 275 J0+A.
H – high strenght steel for cold rolled flat products Symbols for steel tubes
D – sheet products from mild steel for cold forming – cold rolled G – other characteristics (according to the need 1 to 2 digits)
T – thin sheets and strips for packing H – hollow profile or steel for higher temperatures according
M – sheets and strips for electronic industry to steel type (S, P)
L – steel for low temperatures
The first four steel kinds are used for tubes. R – steel for room temperatures (ambient temperature)
M – thermo mechanically rolled
Group 2 – includes 4 subgroups N – normalized annealing or normalized rolled
• non-alloy carbon steel (with controlled C content) – desig- Q – quenched
nation: Letter C and the number corresponding to the centupli- T – steel for tubes
cate of the average range specified for carbon content (C22)
• Non-alloy carbon steel containing Mn > 1% and al- EN 10027 – 2 includes the numerical system. The first digit is
loyed steel with the contents of individual alloying elements 1 – steel, followed by two digit of the steel and the steel se-
less then 5% – designation: quence number (1.0402, 1.7218, 1.7386, 1.3339).

Technical delivery conditions (TDC) of tubes
• Types of inspection documents
(excludes inspection)
The summary of certificate types meets the requirements of
All tubes requirements are concentrated in the TDC Standards. EN 10204 in accordance with the type of inspection:
Specific data are included in standards for several groups of Non-specific inspection
tubes General TDC for steel production are EN 10021 (ISO 404). 2.1 Certificate of compliance with the order (manufacturer)
Symbols and definitions of terms for use in product standards are 2.2 Test Report (manufacturer)
in EN 10266. Important part is the tube testing.
Specific testing
Tube inspection 2.3 Specific Test Report (manufacturer) – manufacturer’s test
certificate, test results based on specific testing. This is
Tube testing proves that properties of tubes meet the require- only issued if the manufacturer has no independent test-
ments of an order and appropriate standards. ing station. If the testing station is independent, in lieu of
The process divide up into three parts: this certificate a Certificate 3.1.B has to be issued.
• setting out the test type (EN 10021, EN 10204, ISO 10474) 3.1.A Inspection Certificate 3.1.A (office inspector)
• setting out the type of a document inspection (EN 10204) 3.1.B Inspection Certificate 3.1.B (works inspector)
• selection of individual tests (particularly TDC) 3.1.C Inspection Certificate 3.1.C (purchase inspector)
The individual parts are connected without possibility of any com- 3.2 Inspection Report 3.2 (works and purchase inspector)
bination. Proper tests of particular tubes are speciefied in TDC.
EN 10204: 2004 Issue customizes following test certificates:
• Non-specific and specific inspection
2.1 Declaration of compliance with the order
Non-specific inspection
– contains only mandatory tests according to the particular 2.2 Test report
standard 2.3 Not considered
– test specimens do not have to be from their own delivery 3.1 Inspection certificate 3.1 (former 3.1.B)
– testing station does not have to be independent from the 3.2 Inspection certificate 3.2 (former 3.1.A, 3.1.C, 3.2)
tubes treatment plant In EN is the table – Relation between class qualification ac-
Specific inspection cording to Regulation 97/23 EU, supplement I., section 4.3 and
– except for mandatory tests it contains other free selected tests type of certificate.
– tube specimens are from the delivery, and their number is
set by standard The tests are divide into groups:
– testing station must be independent from the pipe treatment •value of steel chemical composition - cast
plant - product
•dimensional inspection
• Tests
•mechanical properties* - tensile test
– mandatory – as per individual TDC standards
- (hardness)
– optional – agreed upon while placing an order for the tubes
chosen from standard - impact test
•technological tests* - flattening
• Quality – TR 1, TR 2 depends on: - drift expanding
– chemical composition (Al contents) - flanging
– mechanical properties value (bending impact test) - bending
– type of tubes testing (specific and non-specific testing) - ring tensile test
•leak tightness test - hydrostatic test
• Test category – TC1 and TC2 depends on:
- non-destructive testing
– establishing of a standard
•non-destructive testing - longitudinal defects
– chemical composition (carbon or alloyed steel)
(eddy currents, leakage fluxes, - transverse defects
– possibility of choice in placing an order for pipes (in C steel)
ultrasonic) - laminar defects
The categories differ from each other mainly by the require-
•other tests (metallography, corrosion resistance, etc.)
ment for non-destructive testing of pipes, or selection of alter-
native tests.
* see page 110

Table below lists the overview of the leak tightness test and non-destructive testing:
Method STN, ČSN DIN (SEP) EN ASTM Dimensions ISO
Tightness test
Hydrostatic pressure 42 0415.8 Normy TDP D < 140 mm
NDT 01 5047 SEP 1925 10 246 - 1 viď NDT 9302
01 5049
01 5054
Non-destructive tests (NDT)
Eddy currents 01 5054 (PRP 02-74) 10 246 - 3 E 309 D > 4 mm, T > 0,5 mm 9304
Leakage fluxes 01 5047 SEP 1913 10 246 - 5 E 570 D > 32 mm, T > 2 mm** 9402
Ultrasonic – L longitudinal imperf. 01 5028 - 2 SEP 1915 10 246 - 7 E 213 D > 13 mm, T > 1(2) mm** 9303
Ultrasonic – Q transverse imperf. 01 5028 - 3 SEP 1918 10 246 - 6 9305
Ultrasonic – D laminar imperf. 01 5028 - 4 SEP 1919 10 246 - 14
Tube lengths - see List of standards given for each of tube groups
1)** Values for Podbrezová 2) SEP 1917 - Eddy currents testing for electric-resistance welded tubing

Leak tightness test and NDT of tubes for pressure purposes according to EN

EN 10216 – 1 EN 10216 – 2, 3, 4
Quality TR1 or TR2 Test category TC1 or TC2
C- steel, sort of quality is included in steel name C- steel – option TC1 or TC2
Alloy steel – TC2 only
1. Leak tightness test
Mandatory test for all tubes. Option from methods:
1.1 Hydrostatic test
Hydrostatic test shall be carried out at a test pressure of 70 bar or a test pressure P calculated using the following equation, whichever is
P = 20x (SxT)/D, where S = stress in MPa, corresponding to 70% of minimum yield strength.
1.2 NDT (electromagnetic test) according to EN 10246 – 1 (E)
Option from methods:
1.2.1 encircling coil – diameter of drilled hole in reference standard may be specific as percentage of wall thickness or diameter of tube
1.2.2 rotary probe coil – reference standard with depth of the notch of 12,5% of nominal wall thickness T (min. 0,5 mm, max 1,5 mm).
Width of notch is smaller as depth, length min. 50 mm.
2. Non-destructive testing – longitudinal imperfections
2.1 Quality TR2 - optional test 2.2 Test category TC2 – mandatory test
- option from methods: - option from methods:
2.1.1 EN 10246-3 (electromagnetic) 2.2.1 EN 10246-7 (ultrasonic) Level U2, sub-category C
2.1.2 EN 10246-5 (flux leak tightness) 2.2.2 EN 10246-5 (flux leak tightness) Level F2
2.1.3 EN 10246-7 (ultrasonic) Level 3, sub-category C 2.3 transverse imperfections (EN 10246-6, U2C) and
2.4 laminar imperfections (EN 10246-14, U2)
2.5 measurement of WT (EN 10246-13)
– only as optional test upon agreement.
EN 10216-1 – only C-steel is included in standard

The pressure tubes of category TC2 are usually tested with combination of two NDT: - electromagnetic (eddy current) test (leak tightnes)
- ultrasonic test (NDT)
Testing methods
E – Eddy Current (EN 10246-1 and 3). (Test 1.2 and 2.1.1 in the table above.) For tubes with D ≥ 4 mm.
Encircling coil – level of admitance E1H, E2H, E3H, E4H (diameter of drilled hole in reference standard may be specific as
a function of diameter D – see table in standard)
Rotary probe coil – level of admitance E2, E3, E4, E5
F – Flux Leakage (EN 10246-5). (Testing 2.1.2 and 2.2.2 in the table above.) For tubes with D ≥ 10 mm.
Level of admitance F2, F3, F4, F5, F6
U – Ultrasonic – longitudinal imperfections EN 10246-7
– transverse imperfections EN 10246-6
– laminar imperfections EN 10246-14 (WT over 5 mm)
– measurement of WT (EN 10246-13) (WT over 4,5–5 mm)
(Tests 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 in the table above). For tubes with D ≥ 10 mm and rate D/T > 5. For smaller rate agreement.
Level of admitance of EN 10246-7 – U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6
Semilevel A, B, C, D

Test level and depth of gauge notch in % of wall thickness: Subcategory – minimum depth of notch (mm)
1 3 A 0,1
2 5 B 0,2
3 10 C 0,3
4 12,5 D 0,5
5 15
6 20

Subcategories A, B, C, D are applied for cold formed and machined tubes. Subcategories C and D are applied for hot rolled tubes.
Other values of levels of admitance as in EN – upon agreement.
Transverse, laminar testing and measurement of WT imperfections – upon agreement only.

Testing according to ASTM A - see page 39

Quality management system, certification, legislation

The manual is, primarily, focused on providing an overview of technical parameters of steel tubes produced by Železiarne Podbre-
zová. The tubes themselves as well as products and facilities whose parts consist of the tubes must also meet requirements of respec-
tive state or professional regulations, rules and decrees aimed at safety of operation, health and environment protection.
Also the quality management system must be in accordance with respective regulations and is subject to certification issued by
authorised company.

Quality management Tubes intended for building

can consist of several stages: and construction purposes
• certification of the quality management system in accordance They are classified as final products. Procedure applied to com-
with international ISO standards 9001: 2000 pliance demonstration:
• certification of the quality management system in accordance • CPD Directive No. 1989/106 EU (Construction Products Direc-
with specific technical regulations tive), implemented to laws and related regulations (in Slova-
• certification of products. This part consist of three areas: kia, Act No. 90/1998 Coll., in the Czech Rep. Act No. 22/
1. Production certification – certification that products pro- 1997 Coll.) and subsequent regulations and decrees.
duced in accordance with standards meet the requirements • Technical standard (voluntary, harmonised, e.g. EN standard).
of the regulations (e.g. EU regulations) Standards specify technical requirements applied to products.
2. Products intended for construction purposes – compliance • Declaration of conformity – certificate that assessed products
demonstration are fully in conformity with safety requirements.
3. Certification of products – acknowledgement of compa- Conformity marking – Ü-Zeichen will be replaced with CE-Ze-
nies authorised to accept tubes that the products meet re- ichen. For the Slovak Republic, the designation CSK is applied at
quirements of the respective standards the present. CE is valid for EN 10210, EN 10219, EN 10224,
EN 10255.
Environmental Management System is certified according to Tubes intended for pressure equipments
standard EN ISO 14 001. They are classified as materials used for construction of pres-
sure equipment.
OHSAS 18001 • PED Directive No. 1997/23 EU (Pressure Equipment Direc-
OHSAS is an international Occupational Health and Safety tive) and its Annex 1 clause 4.3. (see page 25 too)
Management System specification. • The directive is transposed to EN standards, which apply for
example to construction of boilers and also specify the stan-
Legislation dards for particular materials (previously so called Regel-
werke). Example: EN – EN 12 952
Steel tubes are, depending on the purpose of their use, divided into
• EN standards for steel tubes for pressure use – EN 10216 –
particular groups which are subject to superior regulations of vari-
2 (standard for boiler tubes) – manufacturer’s certificate that
ous type and strength.
the standards correspond to the requirement of respective
In EU countries are valid for several groups of products Directive
and Standards.
Directive are the part of national legislation. Designation of
Tubes for mechanical purpose and machinery building
• year of edition / number / EU For machinery building – see Machinery Directive 98/37/EC.
Virtue acqiured past its edition in Official Journal EU (collection For deliveries of tubes for automotive industry it is necessary, so
of Laws). supplier is certified according to ISO/TS 16949 and (or) stan-
In OJ is directive marked: dard of VDA series 6. ISO/TS 16949 are supplementary require-
• OJ L number / date ments for use of standard ISO 9001: 2000 in automotive
Standards are valid for several groups of tubes and pipes. industry.VDA 6.1 is standard for audit of Quality – Management
With respect to the aforementioned there are three distinctive types First standard was published from IATF – International Automo-
of tubes: tive Task Force and JAMA – Japan Automobile Manufacturers
• tubes intended for building and construction purposes Asociation. VDA is Verband der Automobilindustie in Germany.
• tubes intended for pressure use
• tubes for machinery building

Continuously cast steel blooms

Steel blooms are the starting material for the production of seamless hot finished tubes and pipes. They are also used for the
production of other metallurgical semi products by hot forming (rolling, forging, pressing).

Dimensions and tolerances

Blooms of square cross-section
Square side Tolerances Sidelong max* Cross-section area Weight Edge of the bloom
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm2] [kg/m] [mm]
150 ±3 ±6 22 420 175,5 R = 5 mm ±1 mm
160 ±3 ±6 25 600 199,7 R = 10 mm ±1 mm
180 ±3 ±7 32 100 252,7 R = 10 mm ±1 mm
200 ±4 ±7 39 680 312,0 R = 10 mm ±1 mm
225 ±5 ±9 50 170 394,8 45°/15 mm
280 ±8 ±11 76 662 598,0 R = 45 mm ±1,5 mm
* Difference of diagonals of square

Blooms of circular cross-section

Diameter Tolerances Ovality Cross-section area Weight
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm2] [kg/m]
150 ±2 3 17 662 137,7
180 ±3 5 25 434 198,4
210 ±4 5 34 618 270,0
260 ±5 6 53 066 414,0
280 ±5 7 61 575 480,0

The blooms are delivered in lengths of 4000–9000 mm with length tolerance of +50 mm.
Straightness tolerance - 1% of length
Obliqueness of front side - 5°

Steel quality
The steel is produced by electric process and is fully killed. The chemical composition of the steel is determined by standards and steel
grades for individual groups of tubes. It is also possible to deliver blooms from other steel grades to meet specific customer require-

Element content in % of weight

C Mn Si Cr Mo Ni V S P Cu Sn Al Ti B Nb O N
min 0,05 0,3 0,1 0,05 0,05 max 0 max max max max 0,005
max 1,2 2,5 1,3 2,5 1,1 3,4 0,8 0,035 0,035 0,40 0,040 0,050 0,050 0,001 0,050 0,00035 0,010
Gases volume: O max. 0,00035% (3,5ppm), H max. 0,0050% (50ppm), N max 0,010% (100 ppm) - according agreement max. 0,008%.
Conversion: a (%) x 10 000 = b (ppm). (But the using of ppm is in system SI non-permissible).

Heat treatment, delivery condition and surface quality

After casting the blooms are not heat treated, nor is the surface treated. Blooms are delivered according to technical delivery

Blooms are tested according to appropriate standards.

Blooms are stamped on their face. Markings include: heat number, steel grade code, stream number. In special cases blooms are
marked with colour.

Laying of blooms
Square cross-section – in layers
Circular cross-section – in special wooden pads or bound with steel strip.

Test report certificate in accordance with the specification: DIN 50049, EN 10204 – 2.2 or others.

Steel tubes for building – Hollow structural sections (HSS)
Stan- Dimensions
dards Dimensional Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10210-2 Table 1/Page 26 • ±1 % • –10 % Informative values: Allowed 0,002.L • square cut ends
Hot finished • min ±0,5 mm –12,5 % for seamless profiles • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m of whole length • free from exces-
circular hollow • max ±10 mm • + tolerance is limited by al- • D ≥ 60,3 mm /T < 7,1 mm 5–6 m locally 3 mm/m sive burrs
sections • ovality 2 % lowed weight or 10–14 m
(HFCHS) • weight ±6 %, • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm 5–6 m
max 8 %
• random
• fixed ±500 mm
• exact L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
L > 6 m 0 + 15 mm
DIN 2448 • ±1 % D < 130 mm • exact L > 12 m – tolerances
• min ±0,5 mm • T ≤ 2Tn –10 % +15 % upon agreement
• weight –8 % +12 % • 2Tn < T < 4Tn –10 % +12,5 %
• T > 4Tn ±9 %
Tn - basic wall thickness accord-
ing to DIN 2448
D = 130–320 mm
• T ≤ 0,05D –12,5% +17,5%
• T > 0,05–0,11D ±12,5%
• T > 0,11D ± 10%

NFA 49-501 • D < 101,6 mm –12,5 % +15 %

• D = 101,6–406,4 mm
–12,5 % +17,5 %

STN 42 5715 See page 24-25

ČSN 42 5716

GOST 8732 See page 36-37

• C – carbon equivalent formula: CEV(IIW) = C + Mn/6 + (Cr + Mo + V)/5 + (Ni + Cu)/15 .
• steel are weldable, specific conditions see individual standards.
• rate cold workability isset by mechanical steel properties and is definite with regulations.
• tubes according to ASTM A500 (steel Grade A, B, C, D), ASTM A501 and JIS G3444 (steel STR290, STK400, STK540) upon agreement.
• possibility of hot dip zinc coating of tubes is necessary to discuss at inquiry (see page 15).

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10 025 Hot rolled products of structural steels. Part 1-6.
EN 10 210-1,2 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steel. Part 1: TDC. Part 2: Tolerances,
dimensions and sectional properties. See also ISO 630-2 (TDC) and ISO 657-14 (DS).
EN 10266 Steel tubes, fittings and structural hollow sections - Symbols and definitions of terms for use in product standards.
DIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements.TDC.
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
DIN 17100 Steel for general structural purposes. Quality standard.
DIN 17121 Seamless structural steel circular tubes for structural engineering purposes.
DIN 17124 Seamless circular tubes of fine grain steel for engineering purposes.
NFA 49-501 Steel tubes. Seamless or welded hot finished structural hollow sections. Dimensions. TDC.
STN 42 0250 ČSN 42 0250 Hot formed seamless tubes from steel class 10 to 16. TDC.
STN 42 5715 ČSN 42 5715 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 42 5716 ČSN 42 5716 Hot formed seamless steel tubes with smaller tolerances. Dimensions.
GOST 8731 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. TDC.
GOST 8732 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. Dimensions.
JIS G3444 Carbon steel tubes for general structural purposes.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10210-1 S235 JRH Hot finished adequate to option: (steels JRH, JOH) 10204 Bundle - label or • without bundle
(10025) S275 JOH • as rolled production • non-specific • 2.2 Tubes - possibilities: • oiled 300–
(10113) S355 JOH Cold finished mode • specific • series 3 • stenciling 3500 kg
S275 J2H • normalized Specific (steels J2H, NH, NLH) 10204 • stamping
S355 J2H tests (obligatory) only: • 3.1 • attached label
S275 NH Hot finished • cast analysis • 3.2 Data:
S275 NLH • normalising rolled • tensile test see also pg.10 • EN 10210 - Steel
S355 NH • normalized • impact test • manufacturer
S355 NLH Cold finished • tube surface (visual examination) • specific inspection:
S460 NH • normalized • dimensions - number
S460 NLH • NDT of weld - mark of the inspection
17 121 RSt 37-2 Hot finished option: 50049 representative
(17 100) St 44-2 • as rolled • 2.2 CE marking (in inspection
Cold finished • 3.1 B,C document)
St 37-3 • normalized • tensile test 50049 Label on bundle
St 44-3 • tube surface • 3.1 B,C Punching upon agreement
St 52-3 • dimensions Data:
• impact test (T > 5 mm) •producer logo
17 124 StE 255 Hot finished • cast analysis 50049 •steel grade
TStE 255 • normalising rolled • tensile test • 3.1 A,B,C •markSS
EStE 255 • normalized • impact test (T > 5 mm) •markoftestlaboratory
StE 285 Cold finished • tube surface
TStE 285 • normalized • dimensions
EStE 285
StE 355
TStE 355
EStE 355
StE 420
TStE 420
EStE 420
StE 460
TStE 460
EStE 460
49-501 TU E235 Hot finished
TU E275 • as rolled
TU E355 Cold finished
TU E450 • normalized
Grade 2,3,4
42 0250 11 353 Hot finished See page 25
11 453
11 503
11 523
8731 1050: 10, 20 See page 37
19281: 09G2S

Steel designation according to EN Possibility of hot dip zinc coating

S – structural steel All structural steels are possible to hot dip zinc, but quality,
235 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2 appearance and thickness of coating influences the chemical
Signs at the end of steel designation – additional symbols composition of steel (the content of Si + P).
for steel names For general structural steels is recommended to keep the con-
• non-alloy steel tent of Si + P in range 0,13 %–0,28 %.
J – impact test, min. average absorbed energy KV – 27J
CEV (IIW) - Carbon Equivalent Value (CEV) according to the
R – room temperature
0 – temperature 0°C International Institute of Welding (IIW).
2 – temperature -20°C
H – hollow section
• fine grain steel (ferritic grain size equal to or finer than 6)
basic series N – normalized structure
H – hollow section
low temperature series N – normalized structure
L – low temperature series
H – hollow section

Fine grain structural steel designation according to DIN 17124

StE – basic series (–20 °C)
TStE – deep-drawing series with minimum absorbed energy at temperature of –50 °C
EStE – deep-drawing series with minimum absorbed energy at temperature of –60 °C
255 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2

Steels for structural tubes – see page 19

Tubes for mechanical engineering and general use
Stan- Dimensions
dards Dimensional Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10294-1 • deliveries D ≤ 75 mm ±0,5 mm D ≤ 180 mm, T ≤ 15 mm • random • 0,001.L • square cut ends
(upon in agreement D = 75–180 mm ±12,5 % • exact upon agreement • locally • free from exces-
agreement) • tubes from mill are not ±0,75 % min ±0,4 mm (1 mm/m) sive burrs
** machining operated D > 180 mm ± 1% • upon agree-
• in preference as ment
precision tubes
10297-1 • dimension OD x ID D ≤ 219,1 mm D ≤ 219,1 mm • random D > 33,7 mm
(10220) (up to OD = 100mm) ±1 % ±12,5 % • exact 0,0015.L
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 See page 60–64 See page 60–64 L > 12 m upon agreement
(upon Table 17/Page 65 (Cold formed precise) (Cold formed precise)

DIN 2448 Table 1/Page 26 See page 22


BS 6323/3 ±1% ≤ 3% D ±15 % • random • square cut ends

min ±0,5 mm > 3% D –12,5 % +15 % • exact • free from exces-
L < 6 m 0 +10 mm sive burrs
L > 6 m 0 +15 mm

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10 083 Steels for quenching and tempering. Part 1: General TDC. Part 2: TDC for non-alloy steels. Part 3: TDC for alloy steels.
EN 10 084 Case hardening steel. TDC.
EN 10 216 - 1 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC.
Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specific room temperature properties.
EN 10 294 - 1 Hollow bars for machining. Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel.
EN 10 297 - 1 Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes.
DIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements.TDC.
DIN 1630 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with very high quality requirements. TDC.
DIN 2448 Seamless tubes. Dimensions.
DIN 17200 Steels for quenching and tempering. TDC.
DIN 17204 Seamless circular tubes of steel for quenching and tempering. TDC.
DIN 17210 Case hardening steels. TDC.
BS 6323 Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 1: General requirements. Part 3: Specific requirements for hot finished seamless steel tubes.
ISO 2937 Plain end seamless steel tubes for mechanical application.
ISO 2938 Hollow steel bars for machining.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10294-1 E355 + AR visually miss- • cast analysis Specific: Longitudinally on tube • without bundle
E355 J2 +N less adequate • tensile test EN 10204 • paint stenciling • upon agreement 300– 3500
E420 J2* +N to production • impact test 3.1 • die stamping kg
E 470* + AR mode. ((if possible)) • label on tube
*steel type Cold finished • dimensions Label on bundle
20MnV6 •+ N alebo + SR • visual (OD < 45 mm)
10297-1 E235 + AR, + N Mandatory: Non - specific: Data:
E275 + AR, + N • cast analysis EN 10204 • producer
E315 + AR, + N • tensile test 2.1 (2.2.) • steel grade
E355 + AR, + N • impact test ((if possible)) • condition
E470 + AR • dimensions Specific: • OD x ID
E275K2 +N • visual EN 10204 • standard EN
E355K2 +N • material identification 3.1 (3.2) • identif. number
E460K2 +N (for alloyed steel) • inspector
E420J2 +N (See also • +H and cast number
C22E +N Optional: page 10) (EN 10297-1)
C35E +N • upon agreement
C45E +N Table 17 of standard
C60E +N
38Mn6 +N
41Cr4 + QT (+ N)
25CrMo4 + QT (+ N)
30CrMo4 + QT (+ N)
34CrMo4 + QT (+ N)
42CrMo4 + QT (+ N)
C10E + N (+A)
C15E + N (+A)
C15R + N (+A)
20NiCrMo2-2 + N (+A)
16MnCr5 +N
EN 10083-2 - C steel C 22, 35, 40, 45, 55, 60; CxyE a CxyR - 22, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 a 28Mn6
EN 10083-3 - Alloy steels (see overview page 21 and comparison of steels)
EN 10084 - CxyE a CxyR - 10, 15, 16 and alloy steels
These standards are presented only informatory. Steel tubes produced from steels from these standards are included in EN 10297-1
1629 Údaje - viď str. 23
17200 ocele typu: Hot finished–U • visual • each tube
DIN 50049
17204 C22 • as rolled • dimensions • small diameter by label
2.2, 3.1.B
Ck22 Cold finished • other test upon agreement
Cm22 •+NBK, +BK
17210 C10*
6323/1,3 HFS 3 (360) Hot finished • tensile test • without
HFS 4 (410) • as rolled • flattening • upon agreement
with standard
HFS 5 (490) • impact test
HFS 8 (540) • drift expanding
• hydrotest or NDT upon agreement

Steel with boron content (kind 20MnB5) upon agreement.

* List of steel – see table of chemical composition at pages 20, 21. This group of tubes can be delivered also according to DS for exact tubes (cold drawn) – see page 60 and other.
** Tubes are not mechanically worked. D tolerance upon agreement.

Steel designation according to EN:

• steel for tubes for mechanical treatment:
steel E355 + AR, E 355 + N
E – steel for machine parts, 355 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2 , +AR – heat treatment is not required,
+N – normalising annealed or formed
steel 20MnV6
steel designated by chemical composition – guaranteed mean C content 0,20%, guaranteed content Mn and V
+AR – heat teratment is not required, +N – normalising annealed or formed
• steel for machine parts:
steel without heat treatment after mechanical treatment
non-alloy steel E 235, E275, E315, E355
Condition +AR or +N
steel with specific impact qualities (fine-grain) E275K2, E355K2
K2 – guaranteed characteristic of impact energy 40 J (K) by temperature –20 °C
steel with heat treatment after mechanical treatment
steel C22E
C – steel with carbon content 0,22%, E – reference to maximum checked content of S and P
steel 38Mn6
– guaranteed mean C content and guaranteed Mn content

Tubes for mechanical engineering and general use
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
NF A 49-311 Table 1/Page 26 ±1 % T < 20 mm • random • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm ±15 % • exact • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm burrs
Weight –8 % +10 %

UNI 4991 Hot finished: –15 % • random • square cut ends

(ISO 4200) D ≤ 51 mm ±0,5 mm + non-specific (limited by • exact • free from excessive
D = 51–419 mm ±1% weight) L < 6 m 0 +10 mm burrs
Weight ±10% L > 6 m 0 +15 mm
Cold finished:
D ≤ 25 mm ±0,25 mm T ≤ 7mm ±12%
D = 25–51 mm ±0,35 mm min ±0,10mm
D = 51–168,3 mm ±0,75 mm T > 7mm –10 +12 %
Weight –8 % +10 %
7729 ±1 % T/D ≤ 3 % ±15 % 1,5 mm/m
min ±0,5 mm T/D > 3 % ±12,5 %
Weight ±10 % (do D = 168,3 mm)
STN 42 5715 See page 24
ČSN 42 5716
GOST 8732 See page 36

PN-H 74219 See page 24

ASTM A53* Table 2/Page 28 NPS ≤ 11/2 ±1/64 inch (±0,4 mm) –12,5 % (Table X 2.4) • fixed 6 m ±500 mm visually straight •square cut ends
ASME SA-53* NPS ≥ 2 ±1 % • exact 6 m –0 +15 mm •plain, not threadet
Weight ±10 % •NPS ≤ 11/2
(DN 40/48,3 mm)
option of the manu-
•NPS ≥ 2
(DN 50/60,3 mm)
A519 Table 5/Page 31 Hot finished (table 6): WT=Std, XS, les than
Table 18/Page 66 D ≤ 76,17 mm ±0,51 mm Table 7 of standard 0,5 inch/12,7 mm
Table 19/Page 67 D = 76,2–114,2 mm ±0,64 mm beveled (s. 98)
D = 114,3–152,3 mm ±0,79 mm WT > 0,5 inch and
Cold finished: Table 9 of standard XXS – plain and
Table 8 and 9 of standard square cut
JIS G3445 Table 10/Page 52 See page 24

* Ends preparing is valid for ASTM A53, for A519 as NF A.

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

STN 42 0250 ČSN 42 0250 Hot formed seamless tubes from steel class 10 to 16. TDC.
STN 42 5715 ČSN 42 5715 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 42 5716 ČSN 42 5716 Hot formed seamless steel tubes with smaller tolerances. Dimensions.
ASTM A53 Pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded and seamless.
ASTM A519 Seamless carbon and alloy steel mechanical tubing.
ASTM A530 General requirements for specialized carbon and alloy steel pipe.
UNI ISO 4200 Plain end steel tubes, welded and seamless. General dimensions and masses per unit length.
UNI 663 Unalloyed seamless steel tubes. Plain end tubes for general purposes.
UNI 4991 Standard plain end seamles and welded tubes. Dimensions.
UNI 7729 Unalloyed seamless steel tubes - plain end tubes for mechanical application.
NFA 49-311 Seamless steel tubes for mechanical application. Dimensions. TDC.
NFA 49-312 Seamless steel tubes with improved mechinability for mechanical machined parts.
GOST 8731 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. TDC.
GOST 8732 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. Dimensions.
JIS G 3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes.
PN-H 74219 Hot rolled seamless steel tubes.
PN-H 84018 Low-alloy steel with higher properties.
PN-H 84019 Carbon steel for heat treatment.
PN-H 84023/7 Steel for higher purposes. Steel for tubes.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
49-311 TU 37-b Hot finished • tensile test Upon agree- Longitudinally on tube • without bundle
TU 52-b • as rolled • cast analysis ment Label on bundle • upon agreement 300–
TU 56-b • other tests upon agreement 3500 kg
49-312 S 470M Hot finished
• as rolled
S 450MG2 • normalized
663 Fe 35-1 Hot finished • hydrotest
Fe 45-1 • as rolled • other tests upon agreement
Fe 52-1 Cold finished
Fe 55-1 • normalized
Fe 35-2
Fe 45-2
Fe 52-2
Fe 55-2

7729 Fe 360 • visual • producer’s logo

Fe 510 • tensile test • steel grade
Fe 540 • dimensions • standard
42 0250 Data – see page 25

8731 Data – see page 37

steel 1050: 10, 20, 35, 45; 19281: 09G2S
74219 Data – see page 25

steel 84018: 18G2, 18G2A; 84019: 10, 20, 35, 45, 55; 84023/7: R35, R45, R55, R65 (chemical composition see also page 71)
A53/A530 Grade A Hot finished • adequate • product analysis Tube or bundle: at non insulated according
SA53/SA 530 Grade B • as rolled to produc- • tensile test Data: tubes upon agree- to A700
Dimensions tion mode • impact test (NPS ≤ 2 inch) • producer ment
1/8– 3/8 (DN 6 - 10) • upon • flattening • seamless
cold finished and agreement • leakage – optional: • steel grade
thereafter heat treated insulation - NDT (NDE) E213, E309, E570 • standard
- hydrostatic pressure, values in size
table X 2.2 • length
A519 Steel grade Hot finished (HF) • product analysis • cast number
according to Cold finished (CW) • tensile test (upon agreement) method of testing
table • A (annealed) • hardness (upon agreement) NPS < 11/2 – label
• N (normalized) • drift expanding (upon agreement)
• SR (stress relieved) • NDT (upon agreement)
• QT (quench. and temp.)
G3445 Steel grade Seamless tubes: S • product analysis Tube or bundle:
according to Hot finished: H • tensile test • steel
table Cold finished: C • impact test • method (SH, SC)
• condition according • flattening • dimension
to agreement • hydrotest or NDT upon agreement • producer

Steels for structural tubes (see on page 14–15, steels according ČSN and GOST see pages 20 and 21)
Chemical composition [%]  Mechanical properties
Standards Steel Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
17 121 RSt 37-2 max.0,17 – – 0,050 0,050 – – – – N 0,009 235 – 340 470 – 26
St 44-2 max.0,21 – – 0,050 0,050 – – – – N 0,009 275 – 410 540 – 22
St 44-3 max.0,20 – – 0,040 0,040 – – – – Al min.0,020 275 – 410 540 – 22
St 52-3 max.0,22 – – 0,040 0,040 – – – – Al min.0,020 355 – 490 630 – 22
17 124 StE 255 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 – 360 480 – 25
TStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 – 360 480 – 25
EStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 – 360 480 – 25
StE 285 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 – 390 510 – 24
TStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 – 390 510 – 24
EStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 – 390 510 – 24
StE 355 max.0,20 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 – 490 630 – 22
TStE 355 max.0,18 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 – 490 630 – 22
EStE 355 max.0,18 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 – 490 630 – 22
49-501 TU E235 max. 0,20 – – 0,040 0,040 – – – – – 235 – 340 480 – 25
TU E275 max. 0,22 – – 0,040 0,040 – – – – – 275 – 410 550 – 22
10210-1 S 235 JRH max.0,17 – max.1,40 0,045 0,045 – – – – N 0,009 235 – 340 470 – 26
S 275 JOH max.0,20 – max.1,50 0,040 0,040 – – – – N 0,009 275 – 410 560 – 22
S 275 J2H max.0,20 – max.1,50 0,035 0,035 – – – – – 275 – 410 560 – 22
S 355 JOH max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 – – – – N 0,009 355 –– 490 630 – 22
S 355 J2H max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 – – – – – 355 – 490 630 – 22
S 275 NH max.0,20 max.0,40 0,50–1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max. 0,35 V max.0,05 275 – 370 510 – 24
S 275 NLH max.0,20 max.0,40 0,50–1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max. 0,35 Nb max.0,05 275 – 370 510 – 24
S 355 NH max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,10 max. 0,35 V max.0,12 355 – 470 630 – 22
S 355 NLH max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90–1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,10 max. 0,35 Ti max.0,03 355 – 470 630 – 22
S 460 NH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 V max.0,20 460 550 720 17
S 460 NLH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Al min.0,020 460 – 550 720 – 17

Steels for tubes for mechanical and general engineering
Chemical composition [%]  Mechanical properties
Standards Steel Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
11 453 max.0,24 0,050 0,050 265 441 539 21
Al min.0,015
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30
Nb 0,015–0,08 355 490 630 22
11 523 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 Al min.0,015 353 510 628 23
11 550 max.0,40 0,050 0,050 315 540 640 17
11 650 max.0,55 0,050 0,050 365 640 735 12
12 040 0,32–0,40 0,15–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 295 530 18
12 050 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 325 590 17
12 060 0,52–0,60 0,15–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 375 640 13
A 53* GradeA 0,25 0,95 0,050 0,045 max.0,40 max.0,40 max.0,15 max.0,40 max.V 0,08 205 30 330 48
GradeB 0,30 1,20 0,050 0,045 max.0,40 max.0,40 max.0,15 max.0,40 max.V 0,08 240 35 415 60
A 519 MT 1010 0,05–0,15 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT 1015 0,10–0,20 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT X 1015 0,10–0,20 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
MT 1020 0,15–0,25 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT X 1020 0,15–0,25 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1008 max.0,10 0,30–0,50 0,040 0,050
1010 0,08–0,13 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1012 0,10–0,15 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1015 0,13–0,18 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1016 0,13–0,18 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1017 0,15–0,20 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1018 0,15–0,20 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1019 0,15–0,20 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1020 0,18–0,23 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050 221 32 345 50 25
1021 0,18–0,23 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1022 0,18–0,23 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1025 0,22–0,28 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050 241 35 379 55 25
1026 0,22–0,28 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1030 0,28–0,34 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1035 0,32–0,37 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 276 40 448 65 20
1040 0,37–0,44 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1045 0,43–0,50 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 310 45 517 75 15
1050 0,48–0,55 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 345 50 552 80 10
1518 0,15–0,21 1,10–1,40 0,040 0,050
1524 0,19–0,25 1,35–1,65 0,040 0,050
1541 0,36–0,44 1,35–1,65 0,040 0,050
1629 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.0 max.0,21 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.0 max.0,22 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
1630 St 37.4 max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,35 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 235 350 480 25
St 44.4 max.0,20 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 275 420 550 21
St 52.4 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
17204 C22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,045 0,045 260 420 550 21
Ck22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 260 420 550 21
Cm22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 260 420 550 21
C35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 300 520 670 17
Ck35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 300 520 670 17
Cm35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 300 520 670 17
C45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 350 610 760 16
Ck45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 350 610 760 16
Cm45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 350 610 760 16
C55 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,045 0,045 370 670 820 14
Ck55 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 370 670 820 14
Cm55 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 370 670 820 14
17210 C10 0,07–0,13 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,045 0,045
Ck10 0,07–0,13 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
C15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,045 0,045
Ck15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
Cm15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
16MnCr5 0,14–0,19 max.0,40 1,00–1,30 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,10
6323/3 HFS 3 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,90 0,050 0,050 215 360 24
HFS 4 max.0,25 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,050 0,050 235 410 22
HFS 5 max.0,23 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,050 0,050 340 490 20
HFS 8 0,40–0,55 max.0,35 0,50–0,90 0,050 0,050 340 540 18
663 Fe 35-1 max.0,18 – – 0,045 0,045 240 350 450 25
Fe 45-1 max.0,22 – – 0,045 0,045 260 450 550 21
Fe 55-1 max.0,36 – – 0,045 0,045 340 550 650 17
Fe 35-2 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 min.0,40 0,035 0,035 240 350 450 28
Fe 45-2 max.0,22 0,10–0,35 min.0,50 0,035 0,035 260 450 550 23
Fe 55-2 max.0,36 0,10–0,35 min.0,50 0,035 0,035 340 550 650 18
7729 Fe 360 max.0,17 max.0,36 0,40 - 0,80 0,045 0,045 215 360 480 24
Fe 510 max.0,20 max.0,50 min.1,50 0,040 0,040 355 510 660 20
Fe 540 0,32 - 0,38 0,15 - 0,40 0,50 - 0,80 0,035 0,035 275 540 660 20
49-311 TU 37-b max.0,20 max.0,40 max.0,85 0,045 0,045 220 360 20
TU 52-b max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,045 0,045 345 510 17
TU XC35 0,30–0,40 0,10–0,45 0,40–0,90 0,040 0,040 320 540 16
49-312 S470M 0,15–0,22 max.0,50 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,040 max. 0,30 V 0,08–0,15 470 620 18
S450MG2 0,15–0,22 max.0,50 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,040 max. 0,30 V 0,08–0,15 450 550 720 22
In steels of type Cm is content of S 0,020–0,035 %. In steels of type C 22R is content of S 0,020–0,040 %.
* The total composition for elements Cr, Ni, Mo, Cu, V shall not exceed 1,00%.

Chemical composition [%]  Mechanical properties
Standards Steel Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
10083–2 C22E 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 240 430 24
C22R 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 240 430 24
C25E 0,22–0,29 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 260 470 22
C25R 0,22–0,29 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 260 470 22
C30E 0,27–0,34 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 280 510 20
C30R 0,27–0,34 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 280 510 20
C35E 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 300 550 18
C35R 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 300 550 18
C40E 0,37–0,44 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 320 580 16
C40R 0,37–0,44 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 320 580 16
C45E 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 340 620 14
C45R 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 340 620 14
C50E 0,47–0,55 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 355 650 12
C50R 0,47–0,55 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 355 650 12
C55E 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 370 680 11
C55R 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,040 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 370 680 11
28Mn6 0,25 - 0,32 max.0,40 1,30 - 1,65 0,030 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10
C22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 240 430 24
C25 0,22–0,29 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 260 470 22
C30 0,27–0,34 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 280 510 20
C35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 300 550 18
C40 0,37–0,44 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 320 580 16
C45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 340 620 14
C50 0,47–0,55 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 355 650 12
C55 0,52–0,60 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,045 0,045 max. 0,40 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 370 680 11
10084 C10E 0,07–0,13 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
C10R 0,07–0,13 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,040
C15E 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
C15R 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,040
C16E 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035
C16R 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,040
16MnCr5 0,14–0,19 max.0,40 1,00–1,30 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,10
10294 -1 E355+AR max. 0,22 max. 0,50 max. 1,50 0,045 0,050 max. 0,30 max. 0,40 max. 0,08 max. 0,30 V max.0,10 355 490 18
E355+N max. 0,22 max. 0,50 max. 1,50 0,045 0,050 max. 0,30 max. 0,40 max. 0,08 max. 0,30 V max.0,10 355 490 20
20MnV6+AR 0,16–0,22 0,10–0,50 1,30–1,70 0,045 0,050 max. 0,30 max. 0,40 max. 0,08 max. 0,30 V 0,08–0,15 470 650 17
20MnV6+N 0,16–0,22 0,10–0,50 1,30–1,70 0,045 0,050 max. 0,30 max. 0,40 max. 0,08 max. 0,30 V 0,08–0,15 420 600 19
10297-1 E235 max. 0,17 max. 0,35 max. 1,20 0,030 0,035 235 360 25
E275 max. 0,21 max. 0,35 max. 1,40 0,030 0,035 275 410 22
E315 max. 0,21 max. 0,30 max. 1,50 0,030 0,035 315 450 21
E355 max. 0,22 max. 0,55 max. 1,60 0,030 0,035 355 490 20
V max.0,05
E275K2 max.0,20 max.0,40 0,50–1,40 0,030 0,030 max.0,30 0,30 max.0,10 max.0,35 Ti max.0,03 275 410 22
Al min.0,02
V max.0,12
E355K2 max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,65 0,030 0,030 max.0,30 0,50 max.0,10 max.0,35 Ti max.0,05 355 490 20
Al min.0,02
C60E 0,57 - 0,65 max. 0,40 0,60 - 0,90 0,035 0,035 390 710 10
38Mn6 0,34–0,42 0,15–0,30 1,40–1,65 0,035 0,035 400 670 14
25CrMo4 0,22 - 0,29 max. 0,40 0,60 - 0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90 - 1,20 0,15 - 0,30
34CrMo4 0,30 - 0,37 max. 0,40 0,60 - 0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90 - 1,20 0,15 - 0,30
42CrMo4 0,38 - 0,45 max. 0,40 0,60 - 0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90 - 1,20 0,15 - 0,30
20NiCrMo2-2 0,17 - 0,23 max. 0,40 0,65 - 0,95 0,035 0,035 0,35 - 0,70 0,40 - 0,70 0,15 - 0,25
1050 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 25
35 0,32–0,40 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 315 530 20
45 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 355 600 16
19281 09G2S max.0,12 0,50–0,80 1,30–1,70 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 345 490 21
G 3445 STKM 11A max.0,12 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 290 35
STKM 12A max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 175 340 35
STKM 12B max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 275 390 25
STKM 12C max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 355 470 20
STKM 13A max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 215 370 30
STKM 13B max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 305 440 20
STKM 13C max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 380 510 15
STKM 14A max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 245 410 25
STKM 14B max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 355 500 15
STKM 14C max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 410 550 15
STKM 15A 0,25–0,35 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 275 470 22
STKM 15C 0,25–0,35 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 430 580 12
STKM 16A 0,35–0,45 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 325 510 20
STKM 16C 0,35–0,45 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 460 620 12
STKM 17A 0,45–0,55 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 345 550 20
STKM 17C 0,45–0,55 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 480 650 10
STKM 18A max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 275 440 25
STKM 18B max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 315 490 23
STKM 18C max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 380 510 15
STKM 19A max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 315 490 23
STKM 19C max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 410 550 15
STKM 20A max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 V max.0,15 390 540 23
84019 10 0,07–0,14 0,15–0,40 0,35–0,65 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30
20 0,17–0,24 0,15–0,40 0,35–0,65 0,040 0,040
35 0,32–0,39 0,10–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040
45 0,42–0,50 0,10–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040
Steel 20MnV6+AR = E470, 20MnV6+N = E420J2, 20MnV6+QT = E590K2 (see also pages 114 and 115).
Alloy steel in EN 10083-3 see pages 120-121. Steel for tubes according PN-H see page 71.

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for room temperatures
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10216-1 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 219,1 mm D ≤ 219,1 mm Kinds: Alloved 0,0015.L • square cut ends
±1 % ±12,5 % • random for tube • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm • fixed ±500 mm calcualtion to 1 m burrs
10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 See page 60– 64 See page 60– 64 • exact max. 3 mm • option: with
(upon (Cold formed precise) (Cold formed precise) beveled ends
agreement) Informative values: (see page 98)
• D < 60,3 mm 5 - 6 m
• D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
5–6 m or 10–14 m
• D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
5–6 m
• longer upon agreement

Precise length tolerances:

• L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
• L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
• L > 12 m 0 +upon agreement
DIN 2448 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 100 mm D < 130 mm Visually straight • square cut ends
±1 % • T ≤ 2Tn –10 % +15 % • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm • 2Tn < T < 4Tn –10 % +12,5 % burrs
D = 100–200 mm • T > 4Tn ±9 % • option: with
±1 % Tn – basic wall thickness beveled ends
according to DIN 2448 (T ≥ 3,2 mm)

D = 130–320 mm
• T ≤ 0,05D –12,5 % +17,5 %
• T > 0,05–0,11D ±12,5 %
• T > 0,11D ±10 %
2391-1 Table 16/Page 64 See page 60– 64 See page 60–64
(upon (Cold finished precise) (Cold finished precise)

BS 3600 Table 1/Page 26 ±1 % ≤ 3 %D ±15 % • random Visually straight • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm > 3 %D –12,5 % +15 % • exact with tolerances: • free from excessive
L ≤ 6 m 0 +6 mm burrs
Cold finished tubes with less L > 6 m 1,5 mm/m,
tolerances max 12 mm

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10216-1 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room tempera-
ture properties.
DIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements. TDC.
DIN 1630 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with very high quality requirements. TDC.
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
BS 3600 Dimension and masses per unit lengt of welded and seamless steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes.
BS 3601 Carbon steel pipes and tubes with specified room temperature properties for pressure purposes. TDC.
ISO 9329-1 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature

Steel designation according to EN:

P – steel for pressure equipments
235 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2
T – steel for tubes
R – room temperature
1, 2 – group of quality
TR 1 - Fluid Transportation - General Purposes (see page 54)
TR 2 - Piping and Pressure Purposes (PED, AD 2000 Merkblatt W4)

Very often used steel St52 (according to DIN) in now produced as fine grain. For this reason the steel was moved to the part 3 of
EN 10216, containing fine grain steel (New name is P355N).

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10216-1 P195TR1 Hot finished: Visually without Quality TR1: 10204 D < 51 mm – label • without protection bundle
P235TR1 Quality TR1 defects, • non-specific • 2.2 D > 51 mm – data on • upon agreement 300–
P265TR1 • as rolled adequate to pro- • specific • 3.1 tube end 3500 kg
P195TR2 • normalising formed duction mode. Quality TR2: Data:
P235TR2 • normalized Surface treatment • specific • 3.1 • manufacturer
P265TR2 Quality TR2 possibility. • 3.2 • EN standard
• normalising formed Mandatory testing: (see also • steel
• normalized • cast analysis page 10) • specific inspection
• tensile test - cast number
Cold finished: • leak tightness (page 11) - mark of insp. represent.
Quality TR1 and TR2 • dimensions - identification number
• normalized • visual
• impact test (TR2) at room

1629 St 37.0 Hot finished: • tensile test 50049 Data:

St 44.0 • as rolled • ring • 2.2 • manufacturer
St 52.0 • condition N after • leak tightness (page 11) • 3.1.A • steel
normalizing only upon • dimensions • 3.1.B • letter S
agreement • visual • 3.1.C • mark of insp. represent.
Cold finished: • chemical composition • mark at 2470T1
• normalized – condition (scope of inspection - marking usually
NBK cetificate of series 3) die stamping or label
1630 St 37.4 • tensile test 50049 on the bundle
St 44.4 • ring • 3.1.A - marking NDT
St 52.4 • leak tightness (page 11) • 3.1.B at DIN 1630
• dimensions • 3.1.C
• visual
• chemical composition
(scope of inspection
cetificate of series 3)
Upon agreement:
• impact test (T > 10 mm)
3601 360 Hot finished: • tensile test • test certificate
430 • as rolled • flattening • test results
• normalized • impact test
• visual
Cold finished: • leak tightness (page 11)
• normalized • hydrotest or NDT

Leakage test
The values are valid for ASTM A 450, for ASTM A 1016 is valid
according to standards ASTM A (ASME SA)
value 1000 psi - 7 MPa
Within limits it is necessary to use in preference the methods of
NDE (NDT), especially for cold finished tubes. If hydrostatic test
Higher pressure according to agreement. The tube wall stress shall
is agreed, a minimum hydrostatic test pressure is determined by
be determined by the following equation:
the following equation:
S = PD / 2t (psi, MPa).
ASTM A450 and ASTM A 1016 (Tube)
ASTM A 530 and A999 (Pipe)
Inch - Pound units: P = 32000 t / D
Each length of pipe shall be tested to a hydrostatic pressure which
SI units: P = 220.6t / D
will produce in the pipe wall a stress not less that 60% of the minimum
specified yield strength for C-steel pipe:
The minimum hydrostatic test pressure need not exceed these
P = 2 St / D
S = PD / 2t
The minimum hydrostatic test pressure need not exceed
D (in., mm) Pressure P (psi, MPa)
2500 psi (17,0 MPa) for pipe 3,5in or
Under 1 (25,4) 1 000 (7)
2800 psi (19,0 MPa) for pipe over 3,5 in (88,9 mm)
1- under11/2 (25,4 - under38,1) 1 500 (10)
11/2 - under 2 (38,1- under 50,8) 2 000 (14)
2 - under 3 (50,8 - under 76,2) 2 500 (17)
3 - under 5 (76,2 - under 127) 3 500 (24)
5 and over (127 and over) 4 500 (31)

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for room temperatures
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
NF A 49-112 Table 1/Page 26 ±1% D ≤ 101,6 mm, T ≤ 10 mm • random 3 mm/m, total • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm ±12,5 % • exact with tolerances: 0,2 % of length • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm L ≤ 8 m 0 +10 mm burrs
D ≤ 101,6 mm, T > 10 mm L > 8 m 0 +15 mm • option: with
±10 % beveled ends
D > 101,6 mm see Tab. 4 of st. (D ≥ 42,4 mm)
49-210 D ≤ 38 mm ±0,25 mm ±10 %. min. ±0,20 mm • square cut ends
D > 38 mm ±0,75 % Weight –8 % +10 % • free from excessive
UNI 7287 D ≤ 50 mm ±0,5 mm –15 % • random burrs
D > 50 mm ±1 % • exact with tolerances:
Weight ±10 % L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm
L > 6 m 0 +15 mm
STN 42 5715 42 5715 D ≤ 219 mm • random • straightened • square cut ends
ČSN 42 5716 ±1,25 % –15 % +12,5 % • exact 0 +15 mm 3 mm/m • free from excessive
(42 6710) (Table 6/Page 32) min ±0,5 mm • multiple +5 mm on cut, • precise straight- burrs
(42 6711) 42 5716 D ≤ 219 mm max +50 mm ened 1,5 mm/m • option: with
±1 % ±12,5 % beveled ends
min ±0,5 mm
42 6710
±1 % T ≤ 3 mm –10 % +15 %
min ±0,4 mm T > 3 mm –10 % +12 %
42 6711
see precision tubes
GOST 8732 See page 36

PN-H 74219 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 50 mm ± 0,50 mm Class of precision D1= ± 15% • random 4 - 12,5 m • T up to 20 mm • square cut ends
Over50mm Class of precision D2 • exact up to 7 m: 1,5 mm / m • beveled ends
Class of precision D1= ± 1,25% D ≤ 130 mm ± 10% L ≤ 6 m 0 + 10 mm • T > 20 mm for
Class of precision D2 = ± 1,00% D = 130 - 320 mm ± 12,5% L > 6 m 0 + 15 mm 2,0 mm / m D > 101,6 mm
D > 320 mm ± 15% • multiple + 5 mm on cut and
Table 10/Page 52 • fixed ± 500 mm T up to 16 mm

ASTM A53 See page 18

JIS G3454 Hot finished: T ≤ 4 mm –0,5 mm +0,6 mm Visually straight • square cut ends
D Ł 40 mm ±0,5 mm T > 4 mm –12,5 % +15 % • free from excessive
D = 50–125 mm ±1 % burrs
D > 150 mm ±1,6 mm • option: with
Cold finished: T ≤ 3 mm ±0,3 mm beveled ends
D Ł 25 mm ±0,3 mm T > 3 mm ±10 %
D > 32 mm ±0,8 %
G3455 Hot finished:
D Ł 50 mm ±0,5 mm T ≤ 4 mm ±0,5 mm
D = 50–160 mm ±1 % T > 4 mm ±12,5 %
Cold finished:
D Ł 40 mm ±0,3 mm T ≤ 2 mm ±0,2 mm
D > 40 mm ±0,8 % T > 2 mm ±10 %

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

NFA 49-112 Steel tubes. Plain end seamless hot rolled tubes with specified room temperature properties and with special delivery
conditions. TDC.
NFA 49-210 Steel tubes – Seamless cold drawn tubes for fluids piping. Dimensions. TDC.
UNI 7287 Seamless plain end tubes made from basis non-alloy steel.
STN 42 0250 ČSN 42 0250 Hot formed seamless tubes from steel class 10 to 16. TDC.
STN 42 5715 ČSN 42 5715 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 42 5716 ČSN 42 5716 Hot formed seamless steel tubes with smaller tolerances. Dimensions.
GOST 8731 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. TDC.
GOST 8732 Seamless hot-formed steel pipes. Dimensions.
PN-H 84018 Low-alloy steel with higher properties.
PN-H 74219 Hot rolled seamless steel tubes for structural and distribution purposes.
PN-H 84023/07 Steel for higher purposes. Steel for tubes.
ASTM A53 Pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded and seamless.
ASTM A530 General requirements for specialized carbon and alloy steel pipe.
JIS G 3454 Carbon steel pipes for pressure service.
JIS G 3455 Carbon steel pipes for high pressure service.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
49-112 TU E220A Hot finished Visually without • product analysis 49-000 D < 26,9 mm label • without protection bundle
TU E235A • as rolled defects, • tensile test 49-001 D > 26,9 mm each tube • upon agreement 300–
Cold finished adequate to • flattening Type A or label 3500 kg
• normalized production mode. • drift expanding Type B •producer
Surface treatment • leak tightness (page 11) Type D • standard
possibility. • dimensions (CCPU) • steel grade
49-210 TU 37B Cold finished • visual D > 48,3 mm each tube
TU 42B • normalized • upon agreement NDT
7287 Fe 320 Hot finished
• as rolled
Cold finished
• normalized
42 0250 11 353* Hot finished .0+ scaled • tensile test 42 0250 • label
11 453 • as rolled .1+ pickled Upon agreement: .0+ acknowl- • colour stripes
(42 0260) 11 503 condition .1 .5+ asphalt • hardness edgement
11 523 behind steel designation .6+ zinc coated • flattening .1+ test certifi-
11 550 Cold finished Cold finished • drift expanding cate
11 650 • normalized .4+ metallic clean • leak tightness (page 11) .2+ customer
12 040 .9+ special agree- • NDT .9+ agreement
12 050 ment
12 060 (first number be-
hind DS)

8731 10 See page 37

(1050) 20
74219 R35, R45 Hot finished Visually without Pipeline - Groups of tests A1 - 3 • compliance D ≤ 31,8 mm, T ≤ 3,2 mm • black tubes (CZ)
(84023) • as rolled defects, Structural - Groups of tests B1 - 3 with PN - H label on bundle • according
(84018) 18G2A • other condition adequate to • dimensions - all groups • certificate D and T over - each tube to agreement
according to agreement production mode. • surface - all groups Data:
Cold finished Surface treatment • composition - all except A1 • producer
• normalized possibility. • leak tightness - A1 - 3 • steel
• mechanical - all except A1, B1 • cast number
• technological - A3, B3 (at alloy steels)
ASTM GradeA See page 19
A53/A530 GradeB
G3454 STPG 370 Hot finished • product analysis G0303 • steel
STPG 410 • as rolled • tensile test • prosess ( -S-H, -S-C)
Cold finished • flattening • dimensions
• normalized • impact test • manufacturer
• hydrotest or NDT - at JIS G3454
• dimensions • symbol Z3 or Z4
G3455 STS 370 Z3 - ultrasonic
STS 410 Z4 - eddy current
STS 480 - at JIS G 3455
• Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5
Z2 - yield elev. temperat.
Z5 - impact test

* Mainly the first four steels are used for pressure purposes and as steels for building. All steels are used for machine and common purposes (see pages 18 and 19).

Pressure equipment and legislation

Brief overview of European Directives for pressure equipment in respect to used materials (see also pages 3 and 12):

1. Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parlament and of the Council (PED 97/23 EC) valid for selected pressure equipment. Pressure
equipment in terms of this directive withstands the maximum allowable pressure (PS) that is greater than 0.5 bar, whereby here we are
talking about pressure above the normal atmospheric pressure i.e. overpressure.
2. Pursuant to Directive PED 97/23 EC, pressure equipments are divided into three types for which the harmonized EN standards are
valid. They are as follows:
2.1. Steam and hot-water tube boiler – EN 12952 and EN 12953
2.2. Pressure vessels (unfired) – EN 13445
2.3. Metallic industrial piping –EN 13480
3. Parts of two of these harmonized standards are prescribed by materials that are used for construction of equipment that is pressure
stressed. (In the case that other materials are used for construction than the two quoted standards, in order to use these materials it is
necessary to evaluate the utilization of these materials it and to use special procedure). The steel tubes must be delivered in accordance
with EN 10216-2, EN 10216-3, EN 10216-4, En 10217-2, EN 10217-3, EN 10217-4, EN 10217-5 and EN 10217-6 (applies to carbon
and low-alloy steel).

Comment: For pressure equipment the German Directives were used in the past and even internationally. They were: TRD, TRB, TRR and AD-
Merkblatt. For the transition period the AD 2000 – Merkblatt directives were prepared, where the steel is done according to the EN standards.

Seamless tube dimensions and weight according to standards EN, DIN, BS, UNI, NFA, STN, ČSN, GOST, PN-H Table 1
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,6 4 4,5
[mm] Tube weight [kg/m]
10,2 0,120 0,142 0,185 0,227 0,266 0,304 0,339 0,373 0,404 0,448 0,487
12,0 0,142 0,169 0,221 0,271 0,320 0,366 0,410 0,453 0,493 0,550 0,603 0,651 0,694
12,7 0,150 0,179 0,235 0,289 0,340 0,390 0,438 0,484 0,528 0,590 0,648 0,701 0,750
13,5 0,160 0,191 0,251 0,308 0,364 0,418 0,470 0,519 0,567 0,635 0,699 0,758 0,813 0,879
14,0 0,166 0,198 0,260 0,321 0,379 0,435 0,489 0,542 0,592 0,664 0,731 0,794 0,852 0,923
16,0 0,191 0,228 0,300 0,370 0,438 0,504 0,568 0,630 0,691 0,777 0,859 0,937 1,01 1,10 1,18
17,2 0,206 0,246 0,324 0,400 0,474 0,546 0,616 0,684 0,750 0,845 0,936 1,02 1,10 1,21 1,30 1,41
18,0 0,216 0,257 0,339 0,419 0,497 0,573 0,647 0,719 0,789 0,891 0,987 1,08 1,17 1,28 1,38 1,50
19,0 0,228 0,272 0,359 0,444 0,527 0,608 0,687 0,764 0,838 0,947 1,05 1,15 1,25 1,37 1,48 1,61
20,0 0,240 0,287 0,379 0,469 0,556 0,642 0,726 0,808 0,888 1,00 1,12 1,22 1,33 1,46 1,58 1,72
21,3 0,256 0,306 0,404 0,501 0,595 0,687 0,777 0,866 0,952 1,08 1,20 1,32 1,43 1,57 1,71 1,86
22,0 0,265 0,317 0,418 0,518 0,616 0,711 0,805 0,897 0,986 1,12 1,24 1,37 1,48 1,63 1,78 1,94
25,0 0,361 0,477 0,592 0,704 0,815 0,923 1,03 1,13 1,29 1,44 1,58 1,72 1,90 2,07 2,28
25,4 0,485 0,602 0,716 0,829 0,939 1,05 1,15 1,31 1,46 1,61 1,75 1,94 2,11 2,32
26,9 0,515 0,639 0,761 0,880 0,998 1,11 1,23 1,40 1,56 1,72 1,87 2,07 2,26 2,49
30,0 0,576 0,715 0,852 0,987 1,12 1,25 1,38 1,57 1,76 1,94 2,11 2,34 2,56 2,83
31,8 0,760 0,906 1,05 1,19 1,33 1,47 1,67 1,87 2,07 2,26 2,50 2,74 3,03
32,0 0,765 0,911 1,06 1,20 1,34 1,48 1,68 1,89 2,08 2,27 2,52 2,76 3,05
33,7 0,806 0,962 1,12 1,27 1,42 1,56 1,78 1,99 2,20 2,41 2,67 2,93 3,24
35,0 0,838 1,00 1,16 1,32 1,47 1,63 1,85 2,08 2,30 2,51 2,79 3,06 3,38
38,0 0,912 1,09 1,26 1,44 1,61 1,78 2,02 2,27 2,51 2,75 3,05 3,35 3,72
40,0 0,962 1,15 1,33 1,52 1,70 1,87 2,14 2,40 2,65 2,90 3,23 3,55 3,94
42,4 1,61 1,80 1,99 2,27 2,55 2,82 3,09 3,44 3,79 4,21
44,5 1,69 1,90 2,10 2,39 2,69 2,98 3,26 3,63 4,00 4,44
48,3 1,84 2,06 2,28 2,61 2,93 3,25 3,56 3,97 4,37 4,86
51,0 1,95 2,18 2,42 2,76 3,10 3,44 3,77 4,21 4,64 5,16
54,0 2,07 2,32 2,56 2,93 3,30 3,65 4,01 4,47 4,93 5,49
57,0 2,19 2,45 2,71 3,10 3,49 3,87 4,25 4,74 5,23 5,83
60,3 2,32 2,60 2,88 3,29 3,70 4,11 4,51 5,03 5,55 6,19
63,5 2,44 2,74 3,03 3,47 3,90 4,33 4,76 5,32 5,87 6,55
70,0 2,70 3,03 3,35 3,84 4,32 4,80 5,27 5,90 6,51 7,27
73,0 2,82 3,16 3,50 4,01 4,51 5,01 5,51 6,16 6,81 7,60
76,1 2,94 3,30 3,65 4,19 4,71 5,24 5,75 6,44 7,11 7,95
82,5 3,97 4,55 5,12 5,69 6,26 7,00 7,74 8,66
88,9 4,29 4,91 5,53 6,15 6,76 7,57 8,38 9,37
101,6 4,91 5,63 6,35 7,06 7,77 8,70 9,63 10,8
108,0 5,23 6,00 6,76 7,52 8,27 9,27 10,3 11,5
114,3 7,16 7,97 8,77 9,83 10,9 12,2
127,0 12,1 13,6
133,0 12,7 14,3
Dimensions 28, 32, 35, 40, 76, 89, 102, 114, 121 and 140 with wall thickness 2,5; 2,8; 3; 3,5; 5,4; 5,5; 6; 6,5; 7; 7,5; 8,5; 9; 9,5 and 12 mm according to
standards STN, ČSN and GOST are delivered upon agreement.
Dimensions according to standards JIS (Tubes and Pipes) are delivered upon agreement (see table 10 and 11 page 52).

Tolerances [mm]
Tolerance Tolerance
Outside diameter
of outside diameter of wall thickness
±1% or ±12,5 % or
— 219,1 ±0,5 mm* ±0,4 mm*
* bigger value is applied
see also values presented in national standards

ISO 4200 - Plain and steel tubes, welded and seamless - general tables of dimensions and masses per unit length
ISO 5252 - Tolerance systems

5 5,4 5,6 6,3 7,1 8 8,8 10 11 12,5

cold drawn
hot rolled
hot rolled upon agreement
standard wall thickness of specific outside diameter according
to DIN 2448
2,01 2,12
2,10 2,21
2,47 2,61 2,68
2,52 2,66 2,73
2,70 2,86 2,94
3,08 3,28 3,37 3,68
3,30 3,52 3,62 3,96
3,33 3,54 3,65 3,99
3,54 3,77 3,88 4,26 Ovality (out of roundness) and eccentricity
3,70 3,94 4,06 4,46
4,07 4,34 4,47 4,93 Ovality is the difference between max. and min. diameters
4,32 4,61 4,75 5,24 5,76 6,31 readings taken in the same given section. Ovality shall be
4,61 4,93 5,08 5,61 6,18 6,79 within D (O.D.) tolerance.
4,87 5,21 5,37 5,94 6,55 7,20 For precision tubes (see p. 60) are valid values in tables for
5,34 5,71 5,90 6,53 7,21 7,95 8,57 9,45 dimension:
5,67 6,07 6,27 6,94 7,69 8,48 9,16 10,1 – for tubes free of thermal treatment
6,04 6,47 6,68 7,41 8,21 9,08 9,81 10,9 – for inside diameter too
6,41 6,87 7,10 7,88 8,74 9,67 10,5 11,6
O = Dmax–Dmin (absolute value in mm)
6,82 7,31 7,55 8,39 9,32 10,3 11,2 12,4
O = 100.(Dmax–Dmin)/D (in %)
7,21 7,74 8,00 8,89 9,88 11,0 11,9 13,2
8,01 8,60 8,89 9,90 11,0 12,2 13,3 14,8 16,00 17,22
Eccentricity (mean deviation) is a measure of the distance
8,38 9,00 9,31 10,4 11,5 12,8 13,9 15,5 16,82 18,65
8,77 9,42 9,74 10,8 12,1 13,4 14,6 16,3 17,66 19,60
between centers of the outside and inside diameters. Eccen-
9,56 10,3 10,6 11,8 13,2 14,7 16,0 17,9 19,40 21,58 tricity shall be within WT tolerances and is calculated from
10,3 11,1 11,5 12,8 14,3 16,0 17,4 19,5 21,13 23,55 the WT in one cross section using formula:
11,9 12,8 13,3 14,8 16,5 18,5 20,1 22,6 24,6 27,5 (Tmax–Tmin)/2 (absolute value in mm)
12,7 13,7 14,1 15,8 17,7 19,7 21,5 24,2 26,3 29,4 (Tmax–Tmin)/(Tmax+Tmin).100 (in %)
13,5 14,5 15,0 16,8 18,8 21,0 22,9 25,7 28,0 31,4
15,0 16,2 16,8 18,8 21,0 23,5 25,7 28,9 31,5 35,3 Tolerances for D, d and WT are valid for two ordered values
15,8 17,0 17,6 19,7 22,0 24,7 27,0 30,3 33,1 37,2 only.Tolerances of threeth dimensions it is possible to agree at
23,2 26,0 28,4 32,0 34,9 39,2 precision tubes only.

Dimension tolerances according to ISO 1129

Outside diameter Wall thickness
D2= ±1 %, min ±0,50mm T2= ±12,5 %, min ±0,40 mm
D3= ±0,75 %, min ±0,30mm T3= ±10 %, min ±0,20 mm
D4= ±0,50 %, min ±0,10mm T4= ±7,5 %, min ±0,15 mm
T5= ±5 %, min ±0,10 mm
Tolerances depend on method of manufacture, steel grade and heat
treatment. (Name of the Standard see page 36.)

Dimensions and weight of seamless tubes according to standard ANSI / ASME B36.10M (API 5L) Table 2
NPS Outside diameter Wall thickness Schedule Weight DN Weight
[inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] No class [lbs/ft] [kg/m]
1/8* 0.405 10,3 0.068 1,73 40 STD 6 0.24 0,37
1/8* 0.405 10,3 0.095 2,41 80 XS 6 0.31 0,47
1/4* 0.540 13,7 0.088 2,24 40 STD 8 0.43 0,63
1/4* 0.540 13,7 0.119 3,02 80 XS 8 0.54 0,80
3/8* 0.675 17,1 0.091 2,31 40 STD 10 0.57 0,84
3/8* 0.675 17,1 0.126 3,20 80 XS 10 0.74 1,10
1/2 0.840 21,3 0.109 2,77 40 STD 15 0.85 1,27
1/2 0.840 21,3 0.147 3,73 80 XS 15 1.09 1,62
1/2* 0.840 21,3 0.188 4,78 160 ... 15 1.31 1,95
3/4 1.050 26,7 0.113 2,87 40 STD 20 1.13 1,69
3/4 1.050 26,7 0.154 3,91 80 XS 20 1.48 2,20
3/4* 1.050 26,7 0.219 5,56 160 ... 20 1.95 2,90
1 1.315 33,4 0.133 3,38 40 STD 25 1.68 2,50
1 1.315 33,4 0.179 4,55 80 XS 25 2.17 3,24
1* 1.315 33,4 0.250 6,35 160 ... 25 2.85 4,24
1 1/4 1.660 42,2 0.140 3,56 40 STD 32 2.27 3,39
1 1/4 1.660 42,2 0.191 4,85 80 XS 32 3.00 4,47
1 1/4* 1.660 42,2 0.250 6,35 160 ... 32 3.77 5,61
1 1/2 1.900 48,3 0.145 3,68 40 STD 40 2.72 4,05
1 1/2 1.900 48,3 0.200 5,08 80 XS 40 3.63 5,41
1 1/2* 1.900 48,3 0.281 7,14 160 ... 40 4.86 7,25
2* 2.375 60,3 0.083 2,11 ... ... 50 2.03 3,03
2 2.375 60,3 0.109 2,77 ... ... 50 2.64 3,93
2 2.375 60,3 0.125 3,18 ... ... 50 3.01 4,48
2 2.375 60,3 0.141 3,58 ... ... 50 3.37 5,01
2 2.375 60,3 0.154 3,91 40 STD 50 3.66 5,44
2 2.375 60,3 0.172 4,37 ... ... 50 4.05 6,03
2 2.375 60,3 0.188 4,78 ... ... 50 4.40 6,54
2 2.375 60,3 0.218 5,54 80 XS 50 5.03 7,48
2 2.375 60,3 0.250 6,35 ... ... 50 5.68 8,45
2** 2.375 60,3 0.281 7,14 ... ... 50 6.29 9,36
2** 2.375 60,3 0.344 8,74 160 ... 50 7.47 11,11
2 1/2* 2.875 73,0 0.083 2,11 ... ... 65 2.48 3,69
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.109 2,77 ... ... 65 3.22 4,80
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.125 3,18 ... ... 65 3.67 5,48
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.141 3,58 ... ... 65 4.12 6,13
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.156 3,96 ... ... 65 4.53 6,74
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.172 4,37 ... ... 65 4.97 7,40
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.188 4,78 ... ... 65 5.40 8,04
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.203 5,16 40 STD 65 5.80 8,63
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.216 5,49 ... ... 65 6.14 9,14
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.250 6,35 ... ... 65 7.02 10,44
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.276 7,01 80 XS 65 7.67 11,41
2 1/2* 2.875 73,0 0.375 9,53 160 ... 65 10.02 14,92
* Delivered as cold drawn.
** Delivered upon agreement.
*** Upon agreement also further dimensions according to standard ASME B 36,10M, not included in API 5L:
outside diameter 10,3 wall thickness 1,24 / 1,45
13,7 1,65 / 1,85
17,1 1,65 / 1,85
21,3 1,65 / 2,11 / 2,41
26,7 1,65 / 2,11 / 2,41
33,4 1,65 / 2,77 / 2,90
42,2 1,65 / 2,77 / 2,97
48,3 1,65 / 2,77 / 3,18
60,3 1,65
73 2,11 / 3,05
88,9 3,05
101,6 2,11 / 3,05
114,3 2,11 / 3,05

NPS Outside diameter Wall thickness Schedule Weight DN Weight
[inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] No class [lbs/ft] [kg/m]
3* 3.500 88,9 0.083 2,11 ... ... 80 3.03 4,52
3* 3.500 88,9 0.109 2,77 ... ... 80 3.95 5,88
3 3.500 88,9 0.125 3,18 ... ... 80 4.51 6,72
3 3.500 88,9 0.141 3,58 ... ... 80 5.06 7,53
3 3.500 88,9 0.156 3,96 ... ... 80 5.58 8,30
3 3.500 88,9 0.172 4,37 ... ... 80 6.12 9,11
3 3.500 88,9 0.188 4,78 ... ... 80 6.66 9,92
3 3.500 88,9 0.216 5,49 40 STD 80 7.58 11,29
3 3.500 88,9 0.250 6,35 ... ... 80 8.69 12,93
3 3.500 88,9 0.281 7,14 ... ... 80 9.67 14,40
3 3.500 88,9 0.300 7,62 80 XS 80 10.26 15,27
3** 3.500 88,9 0.438 11,13 160 ... 80 14.34 21,35
3 1/2* 4.000 101,6 0.109 2,77 ... ... 90 4.53 6,75
3 1/2* 4.000 101,6 0.125 3,18 ... ... 90 5.18 7,72
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.141 3,58 ... ... 90 5.82 8,65
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.156 3,96 ... ... 90 6.41 9,54
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.172 4,37 ... ... 90 7.04 10,48
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.188 4,78 ... ... 90 7.66 11,41
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.226 5,74 40 STD 90 9.12 13,57
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.250 6,35 ... ... 90 10.02 14,92
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.281 7,14 ... ... 90 11.17 16,63
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.318 8,08 80 XS 90 12.52 18,64
4* 4.500 114,3 0.109 2,77 ... ... 100 5.12 7,62
4* 4.500 114,3 0.125 3,18 ... ... 100 5.85 8,71
4 4.500 114,3 0.141 3,58 ... ... 100 6.57 9,78
4 4.500 114,3 0.156 3,96 ... ... 100 7.24 10,78
4 4.500 114,3 0.172 4,37 ... ... 100 7.96 11,85
4 4.500 114,3 0.188 4,78 ... ... 100 8.67 12,91
4 4.500 114,3 0.203 5,16 ... ... 100 9.32 13,89
4 4.500 114,3 0.219 5,56 ... ... 100 10.02 14,91
4 4.500 114,3 0.237 6,02 40 STD 100 10.80 16,08
4 4.500 114,3 0.250 6,35 ... ... 100 11.36 16,91
4 4.500 114,3 0.281 7,14 ... ... 100 12.67 18,87
4 4.500 114,3 0.312 7,92 ... ... 100 13.97 20,78
4 4.500 114,3 0.337 8,56 80 XS 100 15.00 22,32
4** 4.500 114,3 0.438 11,13 120 ... 100 19.02 28,32
4** 4.500 114,3 0.531 13,49 160 ... 100 22.53 33,54
* Delivered as cold drawn.
** Delivered upon agreement.

Tolerances according to standards ASTM A530/A530M, ASTM A999/A999M (ASME SA)

Weight Outside diameter Wall thickness
1 1
All standards: /8 –1 /2" (10,3–48,3 mm), incl. All standards:
NPS 12 and under –1/32 (0.031) +1/64 (0.015) –12,5 %
–3,5 % +10 % –0,8 +0,4 mm + limited by weight1)
over NPS 12 over11/2 –4" (48,3–114,3 mm), incl.
–5 % +10 % –1/32 (0.031) +1/32 (0.031) ASTM A999:
ASTM A999: –0,8 +0,8 mm Minimum wall thickness
With minimum wall thickness over 4–8 (114,3–219,1 mm), incl. (upon agreement only)
max +16 % –1/32 (0.031) +1/16 (0.062) there shall be no variation
(upon agreement) –0,8 +1,6 mm under the specified WT

1)According ASTM A 530 is plus tolerance of WT (latest edition): NPS 1/8 –21/2", all t/D ratios +20%
NPS 3 –18", up to t/D 5 % +22,5 %
NPS 3 –18, t/D over 5 % +15 %
2) Ovality for thin-wall pipes (WT≤3% OD) under 1,5% of specified OD

Mechanical tubes and tubes delivered according to standard ASTM A450/A450M
Tube dimensions: Outside diameter – absolute value
Wall thickness – in B.W.G., S.W.G. or another units

Conversion table of inch and decimal values (1 inch = 25,4 mm) Table 3
Adjusted Decimal MM Adjusted Decimal MM
x/64 x/64
value value [mm] value value [mm]
1/64 .016 0,406 33/64 .516 13,10
2/64 1/32 .031 0,787 34/64 17/32 .531 13,49
3/64 .047 1,19 35/64 .547 13,89
4/64 1/16 .063 1,60 36/64 9/16 .563 14,29
5/64 .078 1,98 37/64 .578 14,68
6/64 3/32 .094 2,38 38/64 19/32 .594 15,08
7/64 .109 2,77 39/64 .609 15,48
8/64 1/8 .125 3,18 40/64 5/8 .625 15,88
9/64 .141 3,58 41/64 .641 16,28
10/64 5/32 .156 3,96 42/64 21/32 .656 16,66
11/64 .172 4,37 43/64 .672 17,07
12/64 3/16 .188 4,77 44/64 11/16 .688 17,47
13/64 .203 5,16 45/64 .703 17,86
14/64 7/32 .219 5,56 46/64 23/32 .719 18,26
15/64 .234 5,94 47/64 .734 18,65
16/64 1/4 .250 6,35 48/64 3/4 .750 19,05
17/64 .266 6,76 49/64 .766 19,45
18/64 9/32 .281 7,14 50/64 25/32 .781 19,84
19/64 .297 7,54 51/64 .797 20,24
20/64 5/16 .313 7,95 52/64 13/16 .813 20,65
21/64 .328 8,33 53/64 .828 21,03
22/64 11/32 .344 8,73 54/64 27/32 .844 21,43
23/64 .359 9,12 55/64 .859 21,82
24/64 3/8 .375 9,52 56/64 7/8 .875 22,22
25/64 .391 9,92 57/64 .891 22,62
26/64 13/32 .406 10,32 58/64 29/32 .906 23,02
27/64 .422 10,72 59/64 .922 23,42
28/64 7/16 .438 11,11 60/64 15/16 .938 23,82
29/64 .453 11,51 61//64 .953 24,21
30/64 15/32 .469 11,91 62/64 31/32 .969 24,61
31/64 .484 12,30 63/64 .984 25,00
32/64 1/2 .500 12,70 64/64 1/1 1.000 25,40

Standard wire gauge for wall thickness Table 4

Nr B.W.G. S.W.G. Nearest Nr B.W.G. S.W.G. Nearest
gauge inch mm inch mm 1/64 inch (BWG) gauge inch mm inch mm 1/64 inch (BWG)
36 0.004 0,102 0.0076 0,193 – 14 0.083 2,108 0.080 2,032 5/64
35 0.005 0,127 0.0084 0,213 – 13 0.095 2,413 0.092 2,337 3/32
34 0.007 0,178 0.0092 0,234 – 12 0.109 2,769 0.104 2,642 7/64
33 0.008 0,203 0.0100 0,254 – 11 0.120 3,048 0.116 2,946 1/8
32 0.009 0,229 0.0108 0,274 – 10 0.134 3,404 0.128 3,251 9/64
31 0.010 0,254 0.0116 0,295 – 9 0.148 3,759 0.144 3,658 9/64
30 0.012 0,305 0.0124 0,315 – 8 0.165 4,191 0.160 4,064 11/64
29 0.013 0,330 0.0136 0,345 – 7 0.180 4,572 0.176 4,470 3/16
28 0.014 0,356 0.0148 0,376 – 6 0.203 5,156 0.192 4,877 13/64
27 0.016 0,406 0.0164 0,417 1/64 5 0.220 5,588 0.212 5,385 7/32
26 0.018 0,457 0.018 0,457 1/64 4 0.238 6,045 0.232 5,893 15/64
25 0.020 0,508 0.020 0,508 1/64 3 0.259 6,579 0.252 6,401 17/64
24 0.022 0,559 0.022 0,559 1/64 2 0.284 7,214 0.276 7,010 9/32
23 0.025 0,635 0.024 0,610 1/32 1 0.300 7,620 0.300 7,620 19/64
22 0.028 0,711 0.028 0,711 1/32 0 0.340 8,636 0.324 8,230 11/32
21 0.032 0,813 0.032 0,813 1/32 2/0 0.380 9,652 0.348 8,839 3/8
20 0.035 0,889 0.036 0,914 1/32 3/0 0.425 10,80 0.372 9,449 27/64
19 0.042 1,067 0.040 1,016 3/64 4/0 0.454 11,53 0.400 10,16 29/64
18 0.049 1,245 0.048 1,219 3/64 5/0 – – 0.432 10,97 –
17 0.058 1,473 0.056 1,422 1/16 6/0 – – 0.464 11,78 –
16 0.065 1,651 0.064 1,626 1/16 7/0 – – 0.500 12,70 –
15 0.072 1,829 0.072 1,829 5/64

Dimensions and weight of seamless tubes according to standard ASTM A450/A450M Table 5
Wall thickness Outside diameter
in BWG inch 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2
Gauge inch mm mm 25,40 31,75 38,10 44,45 50,80 54,00 57,00 63,50 76,20 88,90 101,60 114,30 127,00 139,70
12 2,77 kg/m 1,55 1,98 2,41 2,85 3,28 3,50 3,70 4,15 5,02
0,109 lbs/ft 1,04 1,33 1,62 1,91 2,20 2,35 2,49 2,79 3,37
11 3,05 kg/m 1,68 2,16 2,64 3,11 3,59 3,83 4,06 4,55 5,50
0,120 lbs/ft 1,13 1,45 1,77 2,09 2,41 2,58 2,73 3,06 3,70
10 3,40 kg/m 1,84 2,38 2,91 3,44 3,97 4,24 4,49 5,04 6,10 7,17 8,23 9,30
0,134 lbs/ft 1,24 1,60 1,96 2,31 2,67 2,85 3,02 3,39 4,10 4,82 5,53 6,25
9 3,76 kg/m 2,01 2,60 3,18 3,77 4,36 4,66 4,94 5,54 6,72 7,89 9,07 10,25 11,43
0,148 lbs/ft 1,35 1,74 2,14 2,54 2,93 3,13 3,31 3,72 4,51 5,31 6,10 6,89 7,68
8 4,19 kg/m 2,85 3,50 4,16 4,82 5,15 5,46 6,13 7,44 8,75 10,07 11,38 12,69
0,165 lbs/ft 1,91 2,35 2,80 3,24 3,46 3,67 4,12 5,00 5,88 6,76 7,65 8,53
7 4,57 kg/m 3,78 4,49 5,21 5,57 5,91 6,64 8,07 9,50 10,94 12,37 13,80
0,180 lbs/ft 2,53 3,02 3,50 3,74 3,97 4,46 5,42 6,38 7,35 8,31 9,27
6 5,16 kg/m 5,81 6,22 6,60 7,42 9,04 10,66 12,27 13,89 15,50
0,203 lbs/ft 3,90 4,18 4,43 4,99 6,07 7,16 8,25 9,33 10,42
5 5,59 kg/m 6,23 6,67 7,09 7,98 9,73 11,48 13,24 14,99 16,74
0,220 lbs/ft 4,19 4,48 4,76 5,36 6,54 7,72 8,89 10,07 11,25
4 6,05 kg/m 6,68 7,15 7,60 8,57 10,47 12,36 14,26 16,15 18,05
0,238 lbs/ft 4,49 4,80 5,10 5,76 7,03 8,31 9,58 10,85 12,13
3 6,58 kg/m 9,24 11,30 13,36 15,42 17,48 19,54
0,259 lbs/ft 6,21 7,59 8,98 10,36 11,75 13,13
2 7,21 kg/m 10,01 12,27 14,53 16,78 19,04 21,30 23,56
0,284 lbs/ft 6,73 8,24 9,76 11,28 12,80 14,31 15,83
1 7,62 kg/m 15,27 17,66 20,05 22,43 24,82
0,300 lbs/ft 10,26 11,87 13,47 15,07 16,68

Wall thickness Outside diameter

in SWG inch 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/8 2 1/4 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2
Gauge inch mm mm 25,40 31,75 38,10 44,45 50,80 54,00 57,00 63,50 76,20 88,90 101,60 114,30 127,00 139,70
12 2,64 kg/m 1,48 1,90 2,31 2,72 3,14 3,34 3,54 3,96 4,79
0,104 lbs/ft 1,00 1,27 1,55 1,83 2,11 2,24 2,38 2,66 3,22
11 2,95 kg/m 1,63 2,10 2,56 3,02 3,48 3,71 3,93 4,41 5,33
0,116 lbs/ft 1,10 1,41 1,72 2,03 2,34 2,50 2,64 2,96 3,58
10 3,25 kg/m 1,78 2,28 2,79 3,30 3,81 4,07 4,31 4,83 5,85
0,128 lbs/ft 1,19 1,53 1,88 2,22 2,56 2,73 2,90 3,24 3,93
9 3,66 kg/m 1,96 2,54 3,11 3,68 4,25 4,54 4,81 5,40 6,55 7,69 8,84 9,99 11,13
0,144 lbs/ft 1,32 1,70 2,09 2,47 2,86 3,05 3,23 3,63 4,40 5,17 5,94 6,71 7,48
8 4,06 kg/m 2,77 3,41 4,04 4,68 5,00 5,30 5,95 7,22 8,49 9,77 11,04 12,31
0,160 lbs/ft 1,86 2,29 2,72 3,14 3,36 3,56 4,00 4,85 5,71 6,56 7,42 8,27
7 4,47 kg/m 3,71 4,41 5,11 5,46 5,79 6,51 7,91 9,31 10,71 12,11 13,51
0,176 lbs/ft 2,49 2,96 3,43 3,67 3,89 4,37 5,31 6,25 7,19 8,14 9,08
6 4,88 kg/m 5,53 5,91 6,27 7,05 8,58 10,11 11,64 13,17 14,70
0,192 lbs/ft 3,71 3,97 4,21 4,74 5,77 6,79 7,82 8,85 9,88
5 5,39 kg/m 6,04 6,46 6,86 7,72 9,41 11,10 12,79 14,48 16,17
0,212 lbs/ft 4,06 4,34 4,61 5,19 6,32 7,46 8,59 9,73 10,86
4 5,89 kg/m 6,52 6,99 7,42 8,37 10,21 12,06 13,90 15,75 17,59
0,232 lbs/ft 4,38 4,70 5,00 5,62 6,86 8,10 9,34 10,58 11,82
3 6,40 kg/m 8,93 11,01 13,02 15,02 17,03 19,03
0,252 lbs/ft 6,00 7,40 8,75 10,09 11,44 12,78
2 7,01 kg/m 9,77 11,96 14,16 16,35 18,55 20,74 22,94
0,276 lbs/ft 6,56 8,04 9,51 10,99 12,46 13,94 15,41
1 7,62 kg/m 15,27 17,66 20,05 22,43 24,82
0,300 lbs/ft 10,26 11,87 13,47 15,07 16,68

BWG – Birmingham Wire Gauge

SWG – Standard Wire Gauge
Tube tolerances – see page 33 (minimum wall thickness).
With those tolerances tube deliveries upon agreement.
Hot rolled tubes are usually delivered with average wall thickness.
Weight is calculated with given wall thickness.
Smaller diameter tubes (from 1/4 inch = 6,35 mm) upon agreement (see pages 51 and 66–67).
Method of manufacture and delivery conditions – hot formed or cold drawn – depend on tube dimension or upon agreement.

Dimesions and weight of seamless cold drawn tubes according
to standards EN, DIN, BS, UNI, NF, GOST, STN, ČSN Table 6
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
[mm] Tube weight [kg/m]
4 0,043 0,074
5 0,055 0,099
6 0,068 0,123 0,166 0,197
8 0,093 0,173 0,240 0,296 0,339 0,370
10 0,117 0,222 0,314 0,395 0,462 0,518
12 0,142 0,271 0,388 0,493 0,586 0,666 0,734 0,789
14 0,166 0,321 0,462 0,592 0,709 0,814 0,906 0,986 1,054
15 0,179 0,345 0,499 0,641 0,771 0,888 0,993 1,085 1,165
16 0,191 0,370 0,536 0,691 0,832 0,962 1,079 1,184 1,276
18 0,216 0,419 0,610 0,789 0,956 1,110 1,252 1,381 1,498
20 0,240 0,469 0,684 0,888 1,079 1,258 1,424 1,578 1,720 1,850 2,071
22 0,518 0,758 0,986 1,202 1,406 1,597 1,777 1,942 2,096 2,367
24 0,567 0,832 1,085 1,326 1,554 1,769 1,973 2,164 2,343 2,663
25 0,592 0,869 1,134 1,387 1,628 1,856 2,072 2,275 2,446 2,811
28 0,666 0,980 1,282 1,572 1,850 2,115 2,368 2,608 2,836 3,255
30 0,715 1,054 1,381 1,695 1,988 2,287 2,565 2,830 3,083 3,551
32 0,764 1,128 1,480 1,819 2,146 2,460 2,762 3,052 3,329 3,847 4,316
35 0,838 1,239 1,628 2,004 2,367 2,719 3,058 3,385 3,699 4,291 4,834
36 0,863 1,276 1,677 2,065 2,441 2,805 3,157 3,496 3,822 4,439
38 0,912 1,350 1,766 2,189 2,589 2,978 3,354 3,718 4,069 4,735 5,352 5,919
40 0,962 1,424 1,874 2,312 2,737 3,150 3,551 3,940 4,316 5,031 5,697 6,313
42 1,498 1,973 2,435 2,885 3,323 3,749 4,162 4,562 5,327 6,042 6,708
46 1,646 2,170 2,682 3,181 3,668 4,143 4,605 5,055 5,919 6,733 7,497
48 1,720 2,269 2,805 3,329 3,841 4,340 4,827 5,302 6,215 7,078 7,892 8,656 9,371
50 1,794 2,368 2,929 3,477 4,014 4,538 5,049 5,549 6,511 7,423 8,286 9,100 9,865
52 1,868 2,466 3,052 3,625 4,188 4,735 5,271 5,795 6,807 7,768 8,681 9,544 10,36
55 1,979 2,614 3,237 3,847 4,445 5,031 5,604 6,165 7,250 8,286 9,273 10,21 11,10
58 2,090 2,762 3,422 4,069 4,704 5,327 5,937 6,535 7,694 8,804 9,865 10,88 11,84
60 2,164 2,861 3,545 4,217 4,877 5,524 6,159 6,782 7,990 9,149 10,26 11,32 12,33
62 2,238 2,959 3,668 4,365 5,049 5,721 6,381 7,028 8,286 9,495 10,65 11,76 12,82
65 2,349 3,107 3,853 4,587 5,308 6,017 6,714 7,398 8,730 10,01 11,25 12,43 13,56
70 2,534 3,354 4,162 4,957 5,740 6,511 7,269 8,015 9,470 10,88 12,23 13,54 14,80
75 3,601 4,470 5,327 6,172 7,004 7,824 8,632 10,21 11,74 13,22 14,65 16,03
80 3,874 4,778 5,697 6,603 7,497 8,379 9,248 10,95 12,60 14,21 15,76 17,26
85 4,094 5,086 6,067 7,035 7,990 8,934 9,865 11,69 13,47 15,19 16,87 18,50
90 4,340 5,395 6,437 7,466 8,484 9,489 10,48 12,43 14,33 16,18 17,98 19,73
100 4,834 6,011 7,176 8,329 9,470 10,60 11,71 13,91 16,06 18,15 20,20 22,20
110 6,628 7,916 9,193 10,46 11,71 12,95 15,39 17,78 20,12 22,42 24,66
120 8,656 10,06 11,44 12,82 14,18 16,87 19,51 22,10 24,64 27,13
Exact tolerance value depending on:
– ordering mean of precision tubes (Dxd, DxT, dxT)
– tube delivery condition (cold finished/hard or heat treated)
– custom tolerance qualification
Actual values are given in appropriate standards (usually D < ±0,5 %, T = ±10 %).

Permissible tolerances of weight according to ASTM A450 and ASTM A1016

Seamless Seamless cold finished Welded
hot finished OD ≤ 1 1/2" (38,1 mm) over OD > 1 1/2" (38,1 mm)
0 +16 % 0 +12 % 0 +13 % 0 +10 %

Permissible tolerances of outside diameter according to ASTM A450/A450M, ASTM A1016/A1016M (ASME SA)
Outside diameter
Hot finished 4” (101,6 mm) and under –1/32 (0,8 mm) +1/64 (0,4 mm)
over 4”–7 1/2” (101,6–190,5 mm) incl. –3/64 (1,2 mm) +1/64 (0,4 mm)
Cold finished under 1” (25,4 mm) –0.004 (0,1 mm) +0.004 (0,1 mm)
1”–11/2” (25,4–38,1 mm) incl. –0.006 (0,15 mm) +0.006 (0,15 mm)
over 11/2”–2” (38,1–50,8 mm) excl. –0.008 (0,2 mm) +0.008 (0,2 mm)
2”–21/2” (50,8–63,5 mm) excl. –0.010 (0,25 mm) +0.010 (0,25 mm)
21/2”–3” (63,5–76,2 mm) excl. –0.012 (0,3 mm) +0.012 (0,3 mm)
3”–4” (76,2–101,6 mm) incl. –0.015 (0,38 mm) +0.015 (0,38 mm)
over 4”–71/2” (101,6–190,5 mm) –0.015 (0,38 mm) +0.025 (0,64 mm)
Ovality for thin-wall tubes [WT≤0,020in (0,5mm) / WT≤2% of OD, up to OD=2in (50,8mm) / WT≤3% of OD for OD over 2in]:
Tubes with OD≤1in (25,4mm) = 0,020in (0,5mm), tubes with OD>1in = up to 2% of OD (difference of maximum values)

Permissible tolerances of wall thickness according to ASTM A450/A450M, ASTM A1016/A1016M (ASME SA)
Wall thickness
Hot finished under 0,095" (2,4 mm) 0,095" - 0,15" (2,4 - 3,8 mm) 0,15" - 0,18" (3,8 - 4,6 mm) over 0,18" (4,6 mm)
0 +40 % 0 +35 % 0 +33 % 0 +28 %
Cold finished by outside diamter
1 1/2" (38,1 mm) and under 0 +20% over 1 1/2" (38,1 mm) 0 +22%
Welded 0 +18 %
For tubes with OD≥2in a WT≥0,220in (5,6mm) are permitted divergences from average WT: ±10% for seamless tubes, ±5% for welded tubes.
Steels for room temperature pressure purpose tubes
Chemical composition [%]  Mechanical properties
Standards Steel Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
11 453 max.0,24 0,050 0,050 265 441 539 21
Al min.0,015
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30
Nb 0,015–0,08 355 490 630 22
11 523 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 Al min.0,015 353 510 628 23
A 53 GradeA 0,25 0,95 0,050 0,045 205 30 330 48
GradeB 0,30 1,20 0,050 0,045 240 35 415 60
1629 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.0 max.0,21 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.0 max.0,22 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
1630 St 37.4 max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,35 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 235 350 480 25
St 44.4 max.0,20 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 275 420 550 21
St 52.4 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
3601 360 max.0,17 max.0,35 0,40–0,80 0,040 0,040 Al max.0,06 235 360 500 25
430 max.0,21 max.0,35 0,40–1,20 0,040 0,040 Al max.0,06 275 430 570 22
49-112 TU E 220A max.0,20 max.0,40 max.0,85 0,045 0,045 220 360 500 23
TU E 235A max.0,24 max.0,40 max.1,05 0,045 0,045 235 410 550 21
10216-1 V max.0,02
P 195 TR1 max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 195 320 440 27
P 195 TR2 max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02
P 195 TR2 max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 195 320 440 27
Al max.0,02
V max.0,02 235
P 235 TR1 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 360 500 25
P 235 TR2 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02
P 235 TR2 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 235 360 500 25
Al max.0,02
V max.0,02
P 265 TR1 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 265 410 570 21
V max.0,02
P 265 TR2 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 265 410 570 21
Al max.0,02
1050 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 25
35 0,32–0,40 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 315 530 20
45 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 355 600 16
G3454 STPG 370 max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 215 370 30
STPG 410 max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 245 410 25
G3455 STS 370 max.0,25 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,10 0,035 0,035 215 370 30
STS 410 max.0,30 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,40 0,035 0,035 245 410 25
STS 480 max.0,33 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,50 0,035 0,035 275 480 25
84023/07 R35 0,07–0,16 0,12–0,35 0,40–0,75 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 215 360 24
R45 0,16–0,22 0,12–0,35 0,60–1,2 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 255 430 22
R55 0,32–0,40 0,20–0,35 0,60–0,85 0,045 0,045 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 295 540 17

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for elevated temperature
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10216-2 Table 1/Page 26 Outside diameter D ±1 % ±12,5 % (D ≤ 219,1 mm) Kinds: alloved 0,0015.L • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm • random on tube • free from exces-
Outside diameter D ±1 % Tmin +28 % (D ≤ 219,1 mm) • exact calculated to 1 m sive burrs
min ±0,5 mm min +0,8 mm max. 3 mm • option: with
Inside diameter d or dmin Wall thickness T Informative values: beveled ends
• see article of standard • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m (see page 98)
• delivery upon agreement only • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
Inside diameter d or dmin Wall thickness Tmin 5–6 m or 10–14 m
• see article of standard • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
• delivery upon agreement only 5–6 m
Cold finished: • longer (22–24 m) upon
±0,5 % ±10 % agreement
min ±0,3 mm min ±0,2 mm
10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold finished – precision Cold formed – precision Exact length tolerances:
(upon See page 60 and 64 See page 60 and 64 • L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
agreement) • L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
• L > 12 m + upon agree-

DIN 2448 Table 1/Page 26 D < 100 mm ±0,75 % D < 130 mm Kinds: Visually straight • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm • T ≤ 2Tn –10 % +15 % • random • free from exces-
D = 100–320 mm ±0,90 % • 2Tn < T < 4Tn –10 % +12,5 % • fixed ±500 mm sive burrs
• T > 4Tn ±9 % • exact
Tn - basic wall thickness Informative values:
according to DIN 2448 • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m
Cold finished: according to DIN 2391-1 • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
D < 120 mm ±0,6 % 5–6 m or 10–14 m
min ±0,25 mm • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
D > 120 mm ±0,75 % 5–6 m
• longer upon agreement

2391-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold formed – precision Exact length tolerances:

(upon agreement) See page 60 and 64 like EN
BS 3059-1 Table 1/Page 26 Hot finished (HFS): • random Visually straight • square cut ends
±1 % ±12,5 % • exact with tolerances: • free from exces-
min ±0,5 mm L ≤ 6 m 0 +3 mm sive burrs
Cold finished (CFS): L > 6 m 1,5 mm/m,
±0,5 % ±7,5 % max 12,5 mm
min ±0,10 mm
3059-2 Class S1:
±0,5 % ±7,5 %
min ±0,10 mm
Class S2:
±0,75 % ±10 %
min ±0,30 mm
(Cold finished)
3602-1 Hot finished(HFS):
3604-1 ±1 % T/D = 3 % ±15 %
min ±0,5 mm T/D = 3–10% ±12,5 %
T/D > 10 % ±12,5 %
(D < 168,3 mm)

Cold finished (CFS):

±0,75 % ±7,5 %
min ±0,50 mm

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10216-2 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. BS 3059-2 Specification for carbon, alloy and austenitic steel
Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with spe- tubes with specified elevated temperature proper-
cified elevated temperature properties. ties.
DIN 2391-1 Seamless precision steel tubes. Part 1: Dimensi- BS 3600 Dimensions and masses per unit lenght of se-
ons. amless and welded steel pipes and tubes for pres-
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions. sure purposes.
DIN 17175 Seamless steel tubes for elevated temperatures. BS 3602-1 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: car-
BS 3059-1 Steel boiler and superheater tubes. Specification bon and carbon manganese steel with specified
for low tensile carbon steel tubes without speci- elevated temperature properties. Part 1: Specifi-
fied elevated temperature properties. cation for seamless and electric resistance wel-
ded including induction welded tubes.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10216-2 P195GH +N Adequate to pro- Specific testing EN 10204 Indelibly marking • without
P235GH +N duction mode of Non-alloy special steel TC1 Inspection D < 51 mm on label • upon agreement
P265GH +N tubes and heat or TC2 certificate D > 51 mm at end
16Mo3 +N treatment. Alloy special steel - TC2 • 3.1 Data
14MoV6-3 + NT Visually without Mandatory testing: • 3.2 •producer
10CrMo5-5 + NT defects, to remove • product analysis • standard
13CrMo4-5 + NT defects surface can • tensile test See also • steel grade
10CrMo9-10 + NT be worked • flattening or ring expanding page 10 • TC (C - in steel)
11CrMo9-10 + QT according to ap- • drift expanding • cast (code)
25CrMo4 +QT propriate standard • leak tightness (Page 11) • inspector’s mark
Other steels Conditions for: articles. • dimensions • identification number
according to Hot finished Specific working • visual Optionally:
agreement Cold finished upon agreement. • NDT (at TC2) (Page 11) • additional marking
+ N - normalized • material identification (at upon agreement
+ NT - normalized + tempered alloy steel)
+ QT - quenching and tempered • impact test according to
+ I - izotermical annealed steel grade and dimensions
Normalising formed Optional testing upon agreement
includes normalizing
17175 St 35.8 Hot finished Quality class I. or III. DIN 50049 Usually die stamping
St 45.8 • as rolled Kinds of protocol or agreement
17Mn4 • normalized like EN At both ends
19Mn5 Cold finished Data:
15Mo3 • normalized • steel
13CrMo4 4 Hot finished Quality class III. • grade of quality (C-steel)
10CrMo9 10 • tempered Testing like EN • manufactuter
• normalized and tempered • inspector
Cold finished • color strap
• normalized and tempered At one end for OD≥ 159 mm
14MoV6 3 Hot finished • cast number
Cold finished • tube number (III. grade)
• normalized and tempered
(both methods)
3059-1 320 Hot finished • visual Standard Indelibly marking • without
• as rolled (HF) • tensile test requirements Usually die stamping • upon agreement
• normalized (N) • flattening execution At one end or
Cold formed • drift expanding Label on the bundle
• normalized • leak tightness (hydrotest or Data:
NDT) • manufacturer
3059-2 360 Cold finished • testing category 1 with • standard
440 •normalized NDT • steel
• testing category 2 with • identification number
243 N hydrotest • cast ( at 3604-1)
620 N (N + T) Other tests like BS 3059-1
622 - 490 N + T or
Ann (tempered)
3602-1 360 Hot finished • visual
430 • as rolled (HF) • tensile test
• normalized (N) • flattening
Cold formed • testing category 1 with
• normalized NDT - ultrasonic
• testing category 2 with
3604-1 620 - 440 N + T* NDT - eddy current
621 N+T
660 N+T
622 N+T
* Condition N+T is valid for method HFS and CFS

BS 3604-1 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: Boiler steel designation according to EN:
ferritic alloy steel with specific elevated tem- • base non-alloy steel
perature properties. Part 1: Specification for P – steel for pressure equipments
seamless and electric resistance welded tubes. 235 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2
BS 3606 Steel tubes for heat exchangers. G – general charakteristic, devise to second symbol
ISO 9329-2 See EN 10216-2 H – high temperature
• alloy steel
Testing comparison steel designated according to chemical composition
DIN 17175 EN 10216-2
Quality class Testing category
I TC 1

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for elevated temperature
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
NF A 49-211 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 48,3 mm –0,8 +0,4 mm T ≤ 3,2 mm –0,15T +0,5 mm Exact lengths tolerances: max. 3 mm/m • square cut ends
D = 60,3–114,3 mm ±0,8 mm T = 3,2–20 mm –0,125T • L ≤ 8 m 0 +10 mm total 0,15% of tol. 0,5 %D
D = 139,7–219,1 mm –0,8 +0,15T • L > 8 m 0 +15 mm tube length (min. 0,5 mm,
+1,6 mm max. 1,6 mm)
Tube weight –3,5 +10 % • beveled D > 60,3
49-213 Hot finished: Exact lengths tolerances: max. 3 mm/m • square cut ends
D ≤ 63,5 mm ±0,50 mm ±12,5 % • D ≤ 88,9 mm a L ≤ 7,5 m total by length • free from excessive
D = 63,5–114,3 mm ±0,75 % min ±0,4 mm 0 +5 mm 6 m = 8 mm burrs
D > 114,3 mm ±1 % • D > 88,9 mm 0 +10 mm
Cold finished: • L > 7,5 m +1 mm/1 m
D ≤ 33,7 mm ±0,25 mm ±10 %
D > 33,7 mm ±0,5 %
min ±0,25 mm
UNI (ISO 1129) Hot finished: Exact lengths tolerances: • square cut ends
Pipe line D ≤ 51 mm ±0,5 mm D ≤ 139,7 mm ±12,5 % • L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm • free from excessive
4991 D = 51–419 mm ±1 % • L > 6 m 0 +15 mm burrs
Boiler 5463 Cold finished:
D ≤ 139,7 mm ±0,75 % ±10 %
min ±0,3 mm

Tube weight –8 +10%

STN 42 5715 42 5715 D ≤ 219 mm D < 219 mm, T < 20 mm Exact lengths tolerances: Straightened – • square cut ends
ČSN 42 5716 ±1,25 % –15 % +12,5 % 0 +15 mm 3 mm/m • free from excessive
(42 6710) (Table 6/Page 32) min ±0,5 mm Multiple: +5 mm for cut, Exact straight- burrs
(42 6711) 42 5716 D ≤ 219 mm D < 219 mm, T < 20 mm max. +50 mm ened–1,5 mm/m • option: with
±1 % ±12,5 % beveled ends
min ±0,5 mm
42 6710
±1 % T ≤ 3 mm –10 % +15 %
min ±0,4 mm T > 3 mm –10 % +12 %
42 6711
see precision tubes
GOST 8732 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 50 mm ±0,50 mm D ≤ 219 mm, T ≤ 15 mm Exact lengths tolerances: 1,5 mm/m • square cut ends
D = 50–219 mm usually –15% +12,5% • L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm • option: beveled for
usually ±1 % increased ±12,5% • L > 6 m 0 +15 mm WT 5–20 mm
increased ±0,8 %

TU 14-3-190
TU 14-3-460

PN-H 74252 D ≤ 50 mm ±0,50 mm D ≤ 219 mm, T ≤ 15 mm Exact lengths tolerances: 1,5 mm/m • square cut ends
D = 50–219 mm usually –15% +12,5% • L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm • option: beveled for
usually ±1 % increased ±12,5% • L > 6 m 0 +15 mm WT 5–20 mm
increased ±0,8 %

ANSI B36.10 Table 2/Page 28 See table 2, page 28,29 Depending on Visually straight •square cut ends
ASME Except 1. row tube dimension •plain ends
tolerance ±0,4 (not –0,8 mm) length upon agreement. •NPS ≤ 11/2
See EN (DN 40/48,3 mm)
•NPS ≥ 2
(DN 50/60,3 mm)
WT ≤ XS – beveled
WT > XS – plain
and square cut

Note: At NFA 49-213 – also steel TU 15CD2-05.

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards
NFA 49-211 Steel tubes. Seamless plain-end unalloyed steel tubes for fluid piping at elevated temperatures.. Dimensions. TDC.
NFA 49-213 Steel tubes. Seamless unalloyed and Mo and Cr-Mo alloyed steel tubes for use at high temperatures. Dimensions
(with standard tolerances). TDC.
ISO 1129 Steel tubes for boilers, superheaters and heat exchangers. Dimensions, tolerances and weight per unit lengths.
UNI 4991 Seamless and welded steel tubes with plain ends. Dimensions.
UNI 5462 Seamless steel tubes - tubes for elevated temperatures and pressures.
UNI 5463 ...............................
STN 42 0251 ČSN 42 0251 Seamless steel tubes with guaranteed properties of elevated temperatures.
STN 42 5715 ČSN 42 5715 Hot formed seamless steel tubes.
STN 42 5716 ČSN 42 5716 Hot formed seamless steel tubes with smaller tolerances.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
49-211 TUE 220 Hot finished Adequate to pro- Testing as in EN NFA 49-001 Indelibly marking • without • D < 60,3
TUE 250 • as rolled duction mode of • leak tightness by hydrotest – 3.1.B 26,9 mm and under - label • upon agreement mm - bun-
TUE 275 • normalized tubes and heat pressure according to formula 26,9 - 48,3 mm - tube or dles
Cold finished treatment. label • tubes of
• normalized Visually without Over 48,3 mm at tube larger diam-
49-213 TU 37C Hot finished defects, to remove • hot finished tubes of grade: NFA 49-001 Data eter can be
TU 42C • as rolled defects surface can L1, L2, L3 company • manufacturer free laid
• normalized
TU 48C Cold finished be worked • cold finished tubes of grade: F1, certificate • steel, condition
TU 52C • normalized according to ap- F2, F3 C.C.P.V • standard
TU 15D3 N propriate standard • NDT ultrasonic of grade: (3.1.B) or in- • dimensions
TU 13CD4-04 N+T articles. L2, L3, F2, F3 spection test • presure at test
TU 10CD5-05 N+T Specific working 3.2.C •identification number
TU 10CD9-10 N+T upon agreement. • inspector
5462 C14 Hot finished • dimensions Marking according
C18 • as rolled • hydrostatic test to agreement
• normalized • drift expanding
Cold finished • flattening
• normalized • tensile test
16Mo5 N • NDT upon agreement
14CrMo3 N+T
12CrMo9 10 N+T
42 0251 11 368 Hot finished .0+ scaled • surface • 6+ test certifi- Colour according to • without • bundles
• as rolled
11 418 • normalized .1+ pickled • dimensions cate ČSN 42 0010 • upon agreement 300–3500
12 021 Cold finished Cold finished • leak tightness • 7+ customer Tested NDT – colour strip kg, bound-
12 022 • normalized .2+ free of csale • tensile test inspection D < 70 mm label on bundle ed with
12 025 condition .1 behind steel mark .4+ metallic clean • flattening • 9+ special Marking of tubes steel stripes
15 020 .9+ special agree- • drift expanding arrangement according to TDC • other
15 121 Hot finished ment • impact test upon
15 128 • normalized and tempered (first number • ring-expanding + = tube class agreement
15 313 Cold finished behind DS) • material identification
• normalized and tempered • NDT (Tube class 3)
condition .5 behind steel mark (Tube class 1 and 3)*
8731 10 Hot finished • product analysis According to According to GOST 10692 According to GOST 10692 According to
20 • as rolled, • normalized • hardnes GOST 10692 D over 159 (114) mm and GOST
4543 10G2 Hot finished • visual WT over 3,5 mm 10692
15ChM • normalized and tempered • tensile test at tube
20072 12Ch1MF Cold finished • impact test Smaller tubes label
TU14-3-190 • normalized and tempered • grain size Data:
TU 14-3-460 • inclusions • dimensions
• leak tightness • steel
• NDT • manufacturer
• alloy steel - cast and tube
74252 K10 Hot finished
(84024) K18 • as rolled, • normalized
16M, 10H2M Hot finished, Cold finished
15HM • normalized and tempered
ASTM A106 GradeA Hot finished • product analysis A530 A530 + A700 + article 24 A530 + A700 + article A530 +
(A530) GradeB • hardness of standard 24 of standard A700 +
• as rolled • tensile test
ASME GradeC Cold finished Under 2 in (60,3 mm) data article 24
SA-106 • impact test ( up to NPS 2") on a label. of standard
• normalized • flattening
(SA-530) • impact test Data:
• hydrostatic or NDT • manufacturer
– E 213, E 309, E 570 • standard
• dimensions • steel grade
• weight
• drift expanding
• flanging
• (upon agreement equivalent C)
*Option of class of tubes according to working conditions (temperature, pressure) in compliance with standards ČSN 13 0020, ČSN 42 0090 and ČSN 69 0010

STN 42 6710 ČSN 42 6710 Cold drawn seamless tubes with standard tolerances.
STN 42 6711 ČSN 42 6711 Precision seamless steel tubes.
GOST 4543 Alloy structural steel.
GOST 20072 Heat resistant steel.
GOST 8731 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. TDC.
GOST 8732 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
GOST 8733 Seamless cold or hot formed steel tubes.
GOST 8734 Cold formed seamless steel tubes.
TU 14-3-190 Seamless steel tubes for boilers and pipelines.
TU 14-3-460 Seamless steel tubes for steam boilers and pipelines.
ANSI/ASME B 36.10M Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe. Dimensions.

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for elevated temperature
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
ASTM A192 Table 5/Page 31 See page 33 See page 33 Depending on tube dimension Visually straight • square cut ends
ASME SA-192 length upon agreement. • free from excessive
Informative - like EN. burrs
Tolerance: • beveled ends ac-
A 450 a A 1016 cording agreement
A209 only
SA-209 Seamless, hot finished :
All dimensions 0+3/16 in.
(0+ 5mm)
Seamless, cold finished:
A210 D under 2 in. (50,8 mm)
SA-210 0 + 1/8 in. (0+3mm)
D 2 in.(50,8 mm) and over
0 + 3/16 in. (0+ 5mm)
Welded :
As seamless, cold finished
Toler. for L under 24 ft. (7,3 m)
L over 24 ft :
0 + 1/8 in. (+3 mm)
A335 Table 2/Page 28 Ordering of Pipe or Tube See tolerances table for each 10 ft (3 m) or
SA-335 or See tolerances table on page 29 0 + 1/2 in. (0+13 mm)
Table 5/Page 31 on page 29 smaller vallue is valid
Nominal T –12,5 %
Minimum T to + only A 530 a A 999
Seamless and welded
A556 Table 5/Page 31 See table page 33 See table page 33 (electric. resistant)
SA-556 interval 5/8 - 1 1/4 in For L under 24ft. (7,3 m) incl.
(15,9 - 31,8 mm) 0 + 1/4 in. (0+ 6 mm)
For larger lengths under agreement
(Valid for A 999)
Tolerances of random lengths upon
JIS G3456 Table 11/Page 52 D ≤ 50 mm ±0,50 mm T ≤ 4 mm ±0,5 mm • square cut ends
D = 50–160 mm ±1 % T > 4 mm ±12,5 % • free from excessive
G3458 • beveled ends ac-
cording agreement

G3461 Table 10/Page 52 Hot finished

Cold finished D ≤ 50 mm, L ≤ 7 m 0 +7 mm
(Tolerances see standards) D ≤ 50 mm, L > 7 m +3 mm/m,
G3462 max 15 mm
D > 50 mm, L ≤ 7 m 0 +10 mm
D > 50 mm, L > 7 m +3 mm/m,
max 15 mm

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

ASTM A106 Seamless carbon steel pipe for high-temperature service.
ASTM A192 Seamless carbon steel boiler tubes for high-pressure service.
ASTM A209 Seamless carbon-molybdenum alloy-steel boiler and superheater tubes.
ASTM A210 Seamless medium-carbon steel boiler and superheater tubes.
ASTM A213 Seamless ferritic and austenitic alloy-steel boiler, superheater and heat-exchanger tubes.
ASTM 335 Seamless ferritic alloy-steel pipe for high-temperature service.
ASTM A450 General requirements for carbon, ferritic alloy and austenitic alloy steel tubes.
ASTM A530 General requirements for specialized carbon and alloy steel pipe.
ASTM A556 Seamless cold drawn carbon steel feedwater heater tubes.
ASTM A692 Seamless medium-strength carbon-molybdenum alloy steel boiler and superheater tubes.
ASTM A999 General requirements for alloy and stainless steel pipe.
ASTM A1016 General requirements for ferritic alloy steel, austenitic alloy steel and stainless steel tubes.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
A192 (A450) A192 Hot finished Adequate to pro- • product analysis A450 A450, A700, A1016 A450 + A700 A450 +
SA-192 • as rolled duction mode of • hardness Under OD 11/4 in (31,8 mm) A700
(SA-450) Cold finished tubes and heat • flattening data on the label
• normalized treatment. • drift expanding Data:
Visually without • hydrostatic or NDT • manufacturer
A209 Grade T1 Hot finished defects, to remove • product analysis A1016 A1016
• + A700
standard A1016 + A700 A450 +
(A1016) Grade T1a • normalized defects surface can • hardness • steel grade A700
SA-209 Grade T1b Cold finished be worked • flattening
(SA-1016) • normalized according to ap- • tensile test
• normalized + tempered propriate standard • drift expanding
articles. • hydrostatic or NDT
A210 Grade A-1 Hot finished Specific working • product analysis A450 A450 + A700 A450 + A700 A450 +
(A450) Grade C • as rolled upon agreement. • hardness A700
SA-210 Cold finished • flattening
(SA-450) • normalized • tensile test
• drift expanding
• hydrostatic or NDT
A213 T2 Hot finished • product analysis A1016 A1016 + A700
(A1016) T11 • normalized + tempered • tensile test
SA-213 T12 Cold finished • hardness
• flattening
(SA-1016) T21 • normalized + tempered • drift expanding
T22 • hydrostatic or NDT
T24 - E 213, E 309
A335 P1 Hot finished • product analysis A999 Under OD 2 in (60,3 mm)
(A999) P2 • normalized + tempered • tensile test data on the label
SA-335 P11 Cold finished • hardness Data:
(SA-999) P12 • normalized + tempered • dimensions • manufacturer
P21 • hydrostatic and NDT • standard
P22 – E 213, E 309, EN 570 • steel grade
P24 • impact test
A556 Grade A2 Cold finished • product analysis A450 Under OD 11/4 in (31,8 mm)
(A450) Grade B2 • normalized • tensile test data on the label
SA-556 Grade C2 • hardness Data:
(SA-450) • dimensions • manufacturer
• flattening • standard
• drift expanding • steel grade
G3456 STPT 370 Hot finished • product analysis Small diameters - label
STPT 410 • as rolled • tensile test Data:
STPT 480 Cold finished • flattening • steel grade
G3458 STPA 12 • normalized • impact test • method of manufact.
STPA 20 Hot finished • hydrostatic or NDT ac- (-S-H), (-S-C)
STPA 22 • normalized + tempered cording to JIS G0582 or • ND x NWT / OD x WT
STPA 23 Cold finished JIS G0583 • manufacturer
STPA 24 • normalized + tempered • supplem. requirements Z
G3461 STB 340 Hot finished • product analysis JIS G0303 Small diameters - label
STB 410 • as rolled (340,410) • tensile test Data:
STB 510 • normalized (510) • flattening • class (steel)
G3462 STBA 12 Cold finished • drift expanding • method of manufact.
STBA 13 • normalized • hydrostatic or NDT ac- (-S-H), (-S-C)
STBA 20 Hot finished cording to JIS G0582 or • dimensions
STBA 22 • normalized + tempered JIS G0583 • manufacturer
STBA 23 Cold finished • supplem. requirements Z
STBA 24 • normalized + tempered
Tube and pipe from steels T5 (A213) and P5 (A335) according agreement.

JIS G 3456 Carbon steel pipes for high temperature service. Reference standards:
JIS G 3458 Alloyed steel pipes. ASTM E213 (ultrasonic) - the depth of the notches shall not exceed
JIS G 3461 Carbon steel boiler and heat exchanger tubes. 12 1/2 % of WT. (According to agreement 10% or 5%)
JIS G 3462 Alloy steel boiler and heat exchanger tubes.
PN-H 74 252 Seamless boiler steel tubes ASTM E309 (eddy curent) - max. diameter of drilled hole:
for tube: 0,031 in (0,8 mm)
Note: for pipe: see Table in Standards A999
Alloy steel tube and pipe according to standard ASTM (ASME) -
it is recommended to test the tube with combination of two NDT ASTM E570 (flux leakage) - values as in Standard ASTM 213
methods - usually according to ASTM E309 and ASTM E213.
* The boiler tubes belong into pressure tube group. Except the
standards for own tube the requirements of superior regulations
for pressure vessels are valid. The manufacturer have to own the
respective certificates.

Steel grade of boiler tubesgrade

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties

Standards Steel Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Ostatné min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 368 max.0,15 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 245 350 440 26
11 418 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,50 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 255 400 490 24
12 021 0,07–0,15 0,17–0,35 0,35–0,60 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 235 340 470 25
12 022 0,15–0,22 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 255 410 570 21
12 025 0,14–0,20 0,17–0,37 0,60–1,00 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 V 0,05–0,09 320 440 600 23
15 020 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 0,25–0,35 Al min.0,015 270 450 600 22
15 121 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,70–1,30 0,40–0,60 295 440 590 22
15 128 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,40 0,45–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,50–0,75 0,40–0,60 V 0,22–0,35 365 490 690 18
15 313 0,08 - 0,15 0,15 - 0,40 0,40 - 0,80 0,035 0,035 2,00 - 2,50 0,90–1,10 265 480 630 20
3059/1 320 max.0,16 0,10–0,35 0,30–0,70 0,040 0,040 195 320 480 25
3059/2 360 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,035 0,035 235 360 500 24
440 0,12–0,18 0,10–0,35 0,90–1,20 0,035 0,035 245 440 580 21
243 0,12–0,20 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,25–0,35 Al max.0,012 275 480 630 22
620-460 0,10–0,15 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,035 0,70–1,10 0,45–0,65 Al max.0,020 180 460 610 22
A 106 GradeA 0,25 min.0,10 0,27–0,93 0,035 0,035 205 30 330 48 35
A 556 GradeB 0,30 min.0,10 0,29–1,06 0,035 0,035 240 35 415 60 30
( Grade A2) GradeC 0,35 min.0,10 0,29–1,06 0,035 0,035 275 40 485 70 30
A 192 0,06–0,18 max. 0,25 0,27–0,63 0,035 0,035 137HB/77HRB 180 26 325 47 35
A 209 Grade T1 0,10–0,20 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,025 0,025 0,44–0,65 205 30 380 55 30
Grade T1a 0,15– 0,25 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,025 0,025 0,44–0,65 195 28 365 53 30
Grade T1b max.0,14 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,025 0,025 0,44–0,65 220 32 415 60 30
A 210 Grade A-1 max.0,27 min. 0,10 max. 0,93 0,035 0,035 255 37 415 60 30
Grade C max.0,35 min. 0,10 0,29–1,06 0,035 0,035 275 40 485 70 30
A 213 Grade T11 0,05–0,15 0,50–1,00 0,30–0,60 0,025 0,025 1,00–1,50 max. 0,40 0,44–0,65 205 30 415 60 30
A 335 Grade T12 0,05–0,15 max. 0,50 0,30 - 0,61 0,025 0,025 0,80 - 1,25 0,44 - 0,65 220 32 415 60 30
(Grade P) Grade T22 0,05–0,15 max.0,50 0,30–0,60 0,025 0,025 1,90–2,60 0,87–1,13 205 30 415 60 30
Grade T24 0,05–0,10 0,15 - 0,45 0,30–0,70 0,020 0,010 2,20–2,60 0,90–1,10 V, Ti, B 415 60 585 85 20
Grade T2 0,10 – 0,20 0,10 – 0,30 0,30–0,61 0,025 0,025 0,50–0,81 0,44–0,65 205 30 380 55 30
Grade T21 0,05 – 0,15 max. 0,50 0,30–0,60 0,025 0,025 2,65–3,35 0,80–1,06 205 30 415 60 30
Grade T5 max.0,15 max. 0,50 0,30–0,60 0,025 0,025 4,00–6,00 0,45–0,65 205 30 415 60 30
Grade T91 0,08–0,12 0,20–0,50 0,30–0,60 0,020 0,010 8,00–9,50 0,85–1,05 V, Nb 415 60 585 85 20
17175 St 35.8 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,040 0,040 235 360 480 25
St 45.8 max.0,21 0,10–0,35 0,40–1,20 0,040 0,040 255 410 530 21
17Mn4 0,14–0,20 0,20–0,40 0,90–1,20 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 270 460 580 23
19Mn5 0,17–0,22 0,30–0,60 1,00–1,30 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 310 510 610 19
15Mo3 0,12–0,20 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,25–0,35 270 450 600 22
13CrMo44 0,10–0,18 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,035 0,035 0,70–1,10 0,45–0,65 290 440 590 22
10CrMo9 10 0,08 - 0,15 max. 0,50 0,40 - 0,70 0,035 0,035 2,00 - 2,50 0,90 - 1,20 280 450 600 20
14MoV 6 3 0,10 - 0,18 0,10 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,70 0,035 0,035 0,30 - 0,60 0,50 - 0,70 V 0,22 - 0,32 320 460 610 20
5462 C14 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 max.0,40 0,035 0,035 240 350 450 28
C18 max.0,21 0,10–0,35 max.0,50 0,035 0,035 260 450 550 23
16Mo5 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,35 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,45–0,65 290 450 550 22
Informative comparison of steel grade for boiler tubes
450 – 475 – 500 (by test category) 500 – 530 550 – 560
EN 10216-2 P235GH P265GH (P295GH) (P310GH) 16Mo3 13CrMo4-5
(W.Nr.) 1.0345 1.0425 1.5415 1.7335
DIN 17175 St 35.8 St 45.8 17Mn4 19Mn5 15Mo3 13CrMo4 4
(W.Nr.) 1.0305 1.0405 1.0481 1.0482 1.5415 1.7335
DIN 17176 16Mo5 13CrMo4 4
(W.Nr.) 1.5423 1.7335
BS 3059-1 320
BS 3059-2 360 440 243 620 - 460
BS 3602-1 360 430 500Nb
BS 3604 620 - 440
NFA 49-211 TUE220B TUE250B TUE275B
NFA 49-213 TU37C TU42C TU48C TU52C TU15D3 TU15CD2-05 TU13CD4-04
UNI 5462 C14 C18 16Mo5 14CrMo3
STN 42 0251 12 021 12 022 15 020 15 121
GOST 1050 10 20
GOST 4543 15ChM
GOST 20072
PN-H 84024 K10 K18 16M 15HM
ASTM A106 Grade A Grade B Grade C
ASTM A192 A192
ASTM A209 T1
ASTM A210 Grade A-1 Grade C
ASTM A213 T2 T12

ASTM A335 P1 P2 P12

ASTM A556 Grade A2 Grade B2 Grade C2

ASTM A692 A692
JIS G 3456 STPT370 STPT410 STPT480
JIS G 3461 STB340 STB410 STB510

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
49-211 TU E220 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.0,85 0,030 0,030 220 370 490 26
TU E250 max.0,23 max.0,40 max.1,05 0,030 0,030 250 410 530 23
TU E275 max.0,25 max.0,45 max.1,40 0,030 0,030 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 275 470 590 20
49-213 TU 37C max.0,18 0,05–0,35 0,30–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 220 360 460
TU 42C max.0,22 0,07–0,40 0,40–1,05 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 235 410 510
TU 48C max.0,24 0,09–0,40 0,60–1,30 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 275 470 570
TU 52C max.0,22 0,13–0,55 0,95–1,60 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 350 510 630
TU 15D3 0,10–0,22 0,10–0,40 0,40–0,90 0,040 0,040 max.0,40 max.0,30 0,21–0,39 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 265 430 550 22
TU 13CD4-04 0,08–0,20 0,05–0,40 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,65–1,15 max.0,30 0,41–0,69 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 290 440 590 22
TU 15CD2-05 0,08 - 0,20 0,05 - 0,40 0,40 - 1,00 0,035 0,035 0,30 - 0,75 max.0,30 0,41 - 0,64 max.0,25 Sn max.0,03 275 440 570 22
10216-2 V max.0,02
P 195 GH max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 195 320 440 27
Al min.0,020
V max.0,02
P 235 GH max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 235 360 500 25
Al min.0,020
V max.0,02
P 265 GH max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 265 410 570 21
Al min.0,020
14MoV 6-3 0,10 - 0,18 0,10 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,70 0,025 0,020 0,30 - 0,60 0,50 - 0,70 V 0,22 - 0,32 320 460 610 20
16Mo3 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,90 0,025 0,020 0,25–0,35 Al max.0,040 280 450 600 22
13CrMo4-5 0,10–0,17 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,025 0,020 0,70–1,15 0,40–0,60 Al max.0,040 290 440 590 22
1050 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 25
35 0,32–0,40 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 315 530 20
45 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 355 600 16
4543 10G2 0,07–0,15 0,17–0,37 1,20–1,60 245 420 22
15ChM 0,11–0,18 0,17–0,37 0,40–0,70 0,80–1,10 0,40–0,65 275 440 21
20072 12Ch1MF 0,10–0,15 0,17–0,37 0,40–0,70 0,030 0,025 0,90–1,20 max.0,30 0,25–0,35 V 0,15–0,30 235 410 21
G3456 STPT 370 max.0,25 0,10–0,35 0,30–0,90 0,035 0,035 215 370 30
STPT 410 max.0,30 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,00 0,035 0,035 245 410 25
STPT 480 max.0,33 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,00 0,035 0,035 275 480 25
G3458 STPA 12 0,10–0,20 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,45–0,65 205 380 30
STPA 22 max.0,15 max.0,50 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,25 0,45–0,65 205 410 30
G3461 STB 340 max.0,18 max.0,35 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 175 340 35
STB 410 max.0,32 max.0,35 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 255 410 25
STB 510 max.0,25 max.0,35 1,00–1,50 0,035 0,035 295 510 25
G3462 STBA 12 0,10–0,20 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,45–0,65 205 380 30
STBA 22 max.0,15 max.0,50 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,25 0,45–0,65 205 410 30
84024 K10 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 min. 0,40 0,045 0,045 max. 0,20 max. 0,35 max. 0,25 235 340 440 25
K18 0,16–0,22 0,10–0,35 min. 0,60 0,045 0,045 max. 0,20 max. 0,35 max. 0,25 255 440 540 21
16M 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,35 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max. 0,30 max. 0,35 0,25–0,35 max. 0,25 Al max 0,020 285 440 540 22
15HM 0,11–0,18 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,70–1,10 max. 0,35 0,40–0,55 max. 0,25 Al max 0,020 295 440 570 22

temperature [°C]
575 – 580 600 625 650 675
14MoV6-3 10CrMo5-5 10CrMo9-10 X11CrMo5+I X11CrMo9-1+I X20CrMoV11-1 X10CrMoVNb9-1
1.7715 1.7338 1.7380 1.7362 1.7386 1.4922 1.4903
14MoV6 3 10CrMo9 10 X20CrMoV12-1 X10CrMoVNb9-1
1.7715 1.7380 1.4922 1.4903
12CrMo19-5 X12CrMo9-1
1.7362 1.7386
622 - 490 629 - 470 762

660 621 622 625 629 - 470 762

TU10CD5-05 TU10CD9-10 TUZ12CD05-05 TUZ10CD9 TUZ10CDVNb09-01
15 128 15 313


T11 T22 T5 T9 T91 T92

P11 P22 P5 P9 P91 P92



Alloy fine grain steel tubes for pressure equipments
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10216-3 Table 1/Page 26 Hot finished: Kinds: Permissible • square cut ends
D ≤ 219,1 mm D ≤ 219,1 mm • random 0,0015.L for tube • free from excessive
±1 % ±12,5 % • exact conversion to 1 m burrs
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm max. 3 mm • option: with
Informative values: beveled ends
Cold finished: • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m (see page 98)
±0,5 % ±10 % • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
min ±0,3 mm min ±0,2 mm 5–6 m or 10–14 m
Delivery by dmin a Tmin upon agreement (page 34) • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
5–6 m
10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold finished - precision • longer upon agreement
(upon See page 60 a 64
agreement) Exact length tolerances:
• L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
• L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
• L > 12 m + upon agreement
DIN 2448 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 100 mm D < 130 mm Kinds: • visually straight • square cut ends
±1% • T ≤ 2Tn –10 % +15 % • random • upon agree- • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm • 2Tn < T < 4Tn –10 % +12,5 % • fixed ±500 mm ment burrs
D = 100–200 mm • T > 4Tn ±9 % • exact • option: with
±1% D > 130 mm beveled ends
See page 22 Informative values: (T ≥ 3,2 mm)
• D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m
Tn – basic wall thickness • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
according to DIN 2448 5–6 m or 10–14 m
2391-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold finished - precision • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
(upon See page 60 a 64 5–6 m
agreement) • longer upon agreement

Exact length tolerances:

• L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm
• L ≥ 3 m +1,5 mm/m
max 15 mm

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

DIN 2391-1 Seamless precision steel tubes. Part 1: Dimensions.
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
DIN 17179 Seamless circular tubes of fine grain steel for special requirements. TDC.
EN 10 216-3 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 3: Non-alloy and alloy fine grain steel tubes.

Steel types
Comparison of steel according to DIN and EN standards: Fine grain steel are delivered in 4 series (steel grades):
DIN 17179 EN 10216 - 3
Identification Grade Identification Grade
Basic StE 255, 285, 355, 420, 460 P-N 355, 460
High temperature WStE 255, 285, 355, 420, 460 P-NH 355, 460
Low temperature TStE 255, 285, 355, 420, 460 P-NL1 275, 355, 460
Low temperature special EStE 255, 285, 355, 420, 460 P-NL2 275, 355, 460
Note: Steel grade condition Q are not given in comparison.

Designation of steel according to EN:

P – steel for pressure equipments
355 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2
N – normalized or normalising formed
NH – high temperature steel
NL1 – low temperature steel
NL2 – special low temperature steel

Note: Fine grain steel – ferritic grain size 6 or finer according to ASTM E112.

Tests on page 43:

TC1 or TC2 upon specification in order. Steels P620 and P690 with TC2 only.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10216-3 P355N Hot finished • visually free from Category 1 and 2 10204: Indelibly marking • without protection
P460N • at P355N and P 355NH surface defects (TC1 and TC2) see page 42: • 3.1 D < 51 mm on label • upon agreement
P355NH normalising formed • adequate to pro- • cast analysis • 3.2 D > 51 mm at end
P460NH is enough duction mode • tensile test Data
P275NL1 • other steels normalized • flattening See also • producer
P355NL1 designation +N • drift expanding or page 10 • standard
P460NL1 Cold finished • ring expanding • steel grade
P275NL2 • normalized • impact test • TC (C - in steel)
P355NL2 designation +N • leak tightness (page 11) • cast (code)
P460NL2 • dimesions • inspector’s mark
• visual • identification number
• NDT Optionally:
• material identification • additional marking
• optional tests upon agreement
upon agreement

17179 See table Hot finished • cast analysis 50049 Usually die stamping
on the page • normalising formed • tensile test 3.1.A Small diameter - label
42 • normalized • impact test 3.1.B Data:
Cold finished • drift expanding 3.1.C • manufacturer
• normalized • NDT - upon agreement • steel
• leak tightness • symbol S
• visual • inspector’s mark
• dimesions • cast
• other upon agreement • number of tube
(D over 159mm)
• symbol for NDT

Steel grade of fine grain steel

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
17179 StE 255 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,30 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
WStE 255 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,30 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
TStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,30 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
EStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,30 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
StE 285 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
WStE 285 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
TStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
EStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
StE 355 max.0,20 0,10 - 0,50 0,90 - 1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
WStE 355 max.0,20 0,10 - 0,50 0,90 - 1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
TStE 355 max.0,18 0,10 - 0,50 0,90 - 1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
EStE 355 max.0,18 0,10 - 0,50 0,90 - 1,65 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
10216-3 V max.0,05
P275NL1 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,50 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 275 390 530 24
Al min.0,020
Ti max.0,04
P275NL2 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50 - 1,50 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,05 275 390 530 24
Al min.0,020
V max.0,10
P355N max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 355 490 650 22
Al min.0,020
V max.0,10
P355NH max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 355 490 650 22
Al min.0,020
V max.0,10
P355NL1 max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 355 490 650 22
Al min.0,020
V max.0,10
P355NL2 max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 355 490 650 22
Al min.0,020
V max.0,20
P460N max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Ti max.0,04 460 560 730 19
Al min.0,020
V max.0,20
P460NH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Ti max.0,04 460 560 730 19
Al min.0,020
V max.0,20
P460NL1 max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Ti max.0,04 460 560 730 19
Al min.0,020
V max.0,20
P460NL2 max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00 - 1,70 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Ti max.0,04 460 560 730 19
Al min.0,020

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for low temperature
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10216-4 Table 1/Page 26 Hot finished: Kinds: Permissible 0,0015.L • square cut ends
D ≤ 219,1 mm ±1 % D ≤ 219,1 mm ±12,5 % • random for tube • free from excessive
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm • exact conversion to 1 m burrs
max. 3 mm • option: with
Cold finished: Informative values: beveled ends
±0,5 % ±10 % • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m (see page 98)
min ±0,3 mm min ±0,2 mm • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
5–6 m or 10–14 m
10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold finished - precision • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
(upon See page 60 a 64 5–6 m
agreement) • longer upon agreement

Exact length tolerances:

• L < 6 m 0 +10 mm
• L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
• L > 12 m + upon agreement
DIN 2448 Table 1/Page 26 D ≤ 100 mm ±1 % D < 130 mm Kinds: • visually straight
min ±0,5 mm • T ≤ 2Tn –10 % +15 % • random • upon agreement
D = 100–200 mm ±1 % • 2Tn < T < 4Tn –10 % +12,5 % • fixed ±500 mm
• T > 4Tn ±9 % • exact
Informative values:
Tn – basic wall thickness • D < 60,3 mm 5–6 m
according to DIN 2448 • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T < 7,1 mm
5–6 m or 10–14 m
2391-1 Table 16/Page 64 Cold finished - precision • D ≥ 60,3 mm / T ≥ 7,1 mm
upon See page 60 a 64 5–6 m
agreement • longer upon agreement

Precise length tolerances:

like EN

BS 3600 Table 1/Page 26 Hot finished: • random

±1 % ≤ 3 %D ±15 % • exact with tolerances:
min ±0,5 mm 3–10 %D ±12,5 % L ≤ 6 m 0 +6 mm
L > 6 m 1,5 mm/m,
Cold finished: max 12 mm
±0,75 % ±7,5 %
min ±0,5 mm

NF A 49-215 D ≤ 20 mm ±0,10 mm ±9 % min Exact with tolerances: • locally 3 mm/m • square cut ends
D = 20–38 mm ±0,15 mm ±0,20 mm L ≤ 6 m 0 +3 mm • total: • free from excessive
D = 38–50 mm ±0,25 mm upon agreement 0 +18% L = 6–9 m 0 +4,5 mm L < 4 m 2 mm/m burrs
D > 50 mm ±0,30 mm L = 9–12 m 0 +6 mm L = 4–6 m 8 mm/m
L = 12–15 m 0 +7,5 mm L > 6 m 8 mm
L = 15–18 m 0 +9 mm +1 mm/m

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10 216 - 4 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low tempe-
rature properties.
DIN 2391-1 Seamless precision steel tubes. Part 1: Dimensions.
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
DIN 17173 Seamless circular steel tubes for low temperatures. TDC.
DIN 28180 Seamless steel tubes for tubular heat exchangers. Dimensions, tolerances, materials.
BS 3600 Dimension and masses per unit lengt of welded and seamless steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes.
BS 3603 Carbon and alloy steel pipes and tubes with specified low temperature properties for pressure purposes.
NFA 49-215 Seamless tubes for ferritic non alloy and alloy steel heat exchangers. Dimensions. TDC.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10216-4 P215NL +N • visually free from Category TC1 and TC2 10204: Indelibly marking • without protection
P265NL +N surface defects • cast analysis • 3.1 D < 51 mm on label • upon agreement
12Ni14 +NT • adequate to pro- • tensile test • 3.2 D > 51 mm at end
Conditions valid for both duction mode • flattening Data
methods: • drift expanding or See also •producer
Hot finished • ring expanding page 10 • standard
Cold finished • impact test (by dimension) • steel grade
• leak tightness (page 11) • TC (C - in steel)
• dimensions • cast (code)
• visual • inspector’s mark
• NDT - to TC2 (page 11) • identification number
• material identification Optionally:
• optional tests upon agreement • additional marking
upon agreement
See note

17173 TTSt35N N Tests like EN 50049

10Ni14 V(N) 3.1.A
N– normalized 3.1.B
V – quenched and tempered 3.1.C
Conditions valid for both
Hot finished
Cold finished

3603 430LT Hot finished • cast analysis • test certifica-

•normalising formed HF • visual tion
• normalized N • tensile test • test results
Cold finished • flattening
• normalized N • impact test
503LT Hot finished • Cat.1 - ultrasonic
(HFS,CFS) Cold finished • Cat.2 - leak tightness
• normalized N • hydraulic test
• normalized and temp. N+T • eddy current
49-215 TU 42BT Cold finished • product analysis 49-001
• normalized N • tensile test Typ A
• flattening Typ B
TU 10N9 Cold finished • drift expanding Typ C
TU 10N14 • normalized N • visual
• normalized and temp. N+T • dimensions
• leak tightness

Designation of steel for low temperature according to EN:

P – steel for pressure equipments
215 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2
N – normalized or normalising formed
L – low temperature steel
Alloy steel - see page 9

Test category:
Non alloy steels - TC1 or TC2 upon agreement in order
Alloy steels - TC2 only

Seamless steel tubes for pressure equipments for low temperature
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
UNI 4991 Table 1/Page 26 Hot finished: • random Straightened - 3 mm/m • square cut ends
D ≤ 51 mm ±0,5 mm D ≤ 323,9 mm • exact with tolerances: Flat straightened • free from exces-
D > 51 mm ±1 % ±12,5 % (–17,5 %) L ≤ 6 m 0 +10 mm - 1,5 mm/m sive burrs
L > 6 m 0 +15 mm • option: with
Cold finished: Cold finished: beveled ends
D ≤ 25 mm ±0,25 mm Di ≤ 7 mm (see page 98)
D = 25–51 mm ±0,35 mm ±12 % (–14 %)
D > 51 mm ±0,75 % min ±0,10 mm
Weight –8 % +10 % Di > 7 mm
±10 % (–12 %)

STN 42 5715 42 5715 D ≤ 219 mm D ≤ 219 mm, T ≤ 20 mm Eexact length tolerances:

ČSN 42 5716 ±1,25 % –15 % +12,5 % 0 +15 mm
42 6710 Table 6/Page 32 min ±0,5 mm Multiple: +5 mm on cut,
42 6711 42 5716 D ≤ 219 mm max. +50 mm
±1% ±12,5 %
min ±0,5 mm
42 6710
±1% T ≤ 3 mm –10 % +15 %
min ±0,4 mm T > 3 mm –10 % +12 %
42 6711
see precision tubes
ANSI B 36.10 Table 2/Page 28 See page 29 See page 38 Reasonably straight • square cut ends
ASME • free from excessive

ASTM A334 Table 5/Page 31 See page 33 See page 38


ANSI B 36.10 Table 2/Page 28 See page 29 See page 36

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

UNI 4991 Seamless and welded steel tubes with plain ends. Dimensions.
UNI 5949 Special unalloyed and alloyed steel seamless tubes with low temperature impact test.
STN 42 0165 ČSN 42 0165 Sheets and pipes of ferritic – perlitic steel with guaranteed impact properties at low temperatu-
res. TDC.
STN 42 5715 ČSN 42 5715 Hot formed seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 425716 ČSN 42 5716 Hot formed seamless steel tubes with smaller tolerances. Dimensions.
STN 42 6710 ČSN 42 6710 Cold drawn seamless tubes with normal tolerances from steel class 11 – 16. Dimensions.
STN 42 6711 ČSN 42 6711 Precision seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
ANSI/ASME B 36.10 Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe. Dimensions.
ASTM A333 Seamless and welded steel pipe for low-temperature service. TDC.
ASTM A334 Seamless and welded carbon and alloy-steel tubes for low-temperature service. TDC.
ASTM A450 General requirements for carbon, ferritic alloy and austenitic alloy steel tubes.TDC.
ASTM A524 Seamless carbon steel pipe for atmospheric and lower temperatures. TDC.
ASTM A530 General requirements for specialized carbon and alloy steel pipe. TDC.
ASTM A999 General requirements for alloy and stainless steel pipe.
ASTM A1016 General requirements for ferritic alloy steel, austenitic alloy steel and and stainless steel tubes.
ISO 9329-3 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 3: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low tempera-
ture properties.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
5949 C15 Hot finished • visually free from • without • bundles
C20 • normalized surface defects • upon agreement 300 –
Cold finished • adequate to pro- 3500 kg,
• normalized duction mode bundled
with steel
• other

42 0165 11 369 Hot finished • visual • 6+ certificate • colored according to

11 419 • normalized • dimensions • 7+ customer 42 0010
11 448 Cold finished • tensile test inspection • tested NDT D < 70
11 449 • normalized • impact test • 9+ special mm – label on bundle
11 503 • flattening arrange-
• drift expanding ment
• leak tightness + = group
• NDT (kind) of test
• product analysis

A333 (A999) Grade 1 Hot finished • product analysis A999 see page 39 for A999
SA-333 Grade 3 • normalized • tensile test
SA-999 Grade 6 Cold finished • (grain size)
Grade 7 • normalized • impact test
A334 (A1016) Grade 1 Hot finished • flattening, • flaring A1016 see page 39 for A 1016
SA-334 Grade 3 • normalized • leak tightness - hydrostatic
Grade 6 Cold finished pressure or NDT according to
Grade 7 • normalized E 213 or E309 A530
A524 (A530) Grade I and II • visual see page 39 for A 1016
SA-524 • hardness (A334)

Steel grades for pressure tubes for low temperature

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 369 max.0,14 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 226 353 441
11 419 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 255 400 490
11 448 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,30 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,20 max.0,30 275 430 580 22
11 449 max.0,15 max.0,40 max.1,50 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,20 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 295 430 530 22
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,015 355 490 630 22
A 333 Grade 1 max.0,30 0,40 - 1,06 0,025 0,025 205 30 380 55 35
Grade 3 max.0,19 0,18 - 0,37 0,31 - 0,64 0,025 0,025 3,18 - 3,82 240 35 450 65 30
Grade 6 max.0,30 min. 0,10 0,29 - 1,06 0,025 0,025 240 35 415 60 30
A 334 Grade 1 max.0,30 0,40 - 1,06 0,025 0,025 205 30 380 55 35
Grade 3 max.0,19 0,18 - 0,37 0,31 - 0,64 0,025 0,025 3,18 - 3,82 240 35 450 65 30
Grade 6 max.0,30 min. 0,10 0,29 - 1,06 0,025 0,025 240 35 415 60 30
Grade 7 max.0,19 0,13 - 0,32 max.0,90 0,025 0,025 2,03 - 2,57 240 35 450 65 30
A 524 max.0,21 0,10 - 0,40 0,90 - 1,35 0,035 0,035 240 35 414 586 60 30
17173 TT St 35N max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,030 0,025 Al min.0,020 225 340 460 25
10Ni14 max.0,15 max.0,35 0,30 - 0,80 0,025 0,020 3,25 - 3,75 V max.0,05 335 470 640 20
3603 430 LT max.0,20 max.0,35 0,60 - 1,20 0,035 0,035 Al min.0,020 275 430 570 22
503LT max.0,15 0,15 - 0,35 0,30 - 0,80 0,025 0,020 3,25 - 3,75 Al min.0,020 245 440 590 16
49-215 TU 42BT max0,22 max.0,40 max.1,15 0,040 0,040 235 410 510 23
TU 10N9 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.1,00 0,035 0,035 2,00 - 2,60 245 450 20
TU 10N14 max.0,17 max.0,40 max.0,75 0,035 0,035 3,20 - 3,80 245 450 20
10216-4 V max.0,02
P 215 NL max.0,15 max.0,35 0,40 - 1,20 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,03 215 360 480 25
Al min.0,020
V max.0,02
P 265 NL max.0,20 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,03 265 410 570 24
Al min.0,020
12Ni14 max.0,15 0,15 - 0,35 0,30 - 0,80 0,025 0,010 3,25 - 3,75 max.0,30 V max.0,05 345 440 620 20
5949 C15 max.0,15 0,15 - 0,35 max.1,00 0,035 0,035 220 350 500 28
C20 max.0,20 0,15 - 0,35 max.1,00 0,035 0,035 250 450 600 24

Tubes for heat exchangers (seamless and welded)
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10216-2 Table 1/Page 26 See boiler tubes page 34, production method as cold drawn
(Tubes for low temperature see EN 10216-4, Page 44)
DIN 28180 Table 9/Page 51 Tolerance class 1: Exact lengths: • visually straight • square cut ends
(2391-1) D = 16–30 mm ±0,08 mm T ≤ 2 mm ±0,2 mm L ≤ 5 m 0 +5 mm • upon agreement • free from exces-
D > 38 mm ±0,15 mm T > 2 mm ±10 % L 5–10 m 0 +10 mm sive burrs
L > 10 m upon agreement
Tolerance class 3: (seamless max. 18,3 m)
D = 16–38 mm ±0,50 mm T ≤ 2 mm ±0,2 mm
T > 2 mm –10 % +15 %
BS 3606 Table 6/Page 32 D ≤ 25 mm ±0,10 mm • ±10 % Exact lengths: visually straight
D = 25–38 mm ±0,15 mm • upon agreement: L ≤ 6 m 0 +3 mm
D 38–50 mm ±0,20 mm D ≤ 38 mm 0 +20 % L > 6 m +1,5 mm/m,
D > 38 mm 0 +22 % max +12,5 mm

NF A 49-215 Table 6/Page 32 See page 44

UNI ISO 1129 Table 6/Page 32 See page 36

STN 42 6710 Table 6/Page 32 See page 36
ČSN 42 6711

GOST 8734 Table 6/Page 32 Cold finished: D = 5–8 mm 3 mm/m • square cut ends
(8732) D = 5–10 mm ±0,15 mm T ≤ 1 mm ±0,12 mm • random D = 8–10 mm 2 mm/m • free from exces-
D = 10–30 mm ±0,30 mm T = 1–5 mm ±10 % • exact 0 +10 mm D > 10 m 1,5 mm/m sive burrs
D = 30–50 mm ±0,40 mm • beveled for WT
D > 50 mm ±0,8 % over 5 mm
1060 D ≤ 29 mm ±0,2 mm • Trieda 1 –10 % +8 % 1,5 mm/m
D = 29–51 mm ±0,30 mm • Trieda 2 ±8 %
D > 51 mm –0,8% + 0,6%
ASTM A179 Table 7/Page 51 According to ASTM A450 See page 33 • upon agreement • square cut ends
ASME SA-179 See page 33 • max 18,3 m • free from exces-
sive burrs

JIS G3461 Table 10/Page 52 See page 38 See page 38 • square cut ends
• free from exces-
sive burrs
DIN 28181 Table 9/Page 51 Tolerance class 1: T ≤ 2 mm ±0,20 mm Exact lengths: • visually straight • square cut ends
(2394-1) D = 16–30 mm ±0,08 mm T > 2 mm ±10 % L ≤ 5 m 0 +5 mm • upon agreement • free from exces-
D > 38 mm ±0,15 mm L 5–10 m 0 +10 mm sive burrs
Tolerance class 2: L > 10 m upon agreement
D ≤ 16 mm ±0,12 mm (welded max. 15 m)
D = 20–30 mm ±0,15 mm
D > 38 mm ±0,20 mm
Tolerance class 3:
D = 16–38 mm ±0,50 mm
ASTM A214 Table 7/Page 51 See page 33 0 + 18 % • square cut ends
A178 • free from exces-
A334 sive burrs

NF A 49-243 Table 1/Page 26 Quality F QualityF Exact lengths: D ≤ 88,9 mm: 3 mm/m • square cut ends
±0,5 % ±9 % L ≤ 6,5 m 0 +5 mm max 8 mm • free from exces-
min ±0,2 mm min ±0,25 mm sive burrs

49-245 Table 7–9/Page 51 D ≤ 20 mm ±0,10 mm ±9 % Exact lengths:

D = 20–38 mm ±0,15 mm min ±0,20 mm L ≤ 6 m 0 +3 mm
D = 38–50 mm ±0,25 mm 0+18% upon agreement L = 6–9 0 +4,5 mm
D > 50 mm ±0,30 mm L = 9–12 0 +6 mm
Notes: 1. Delivery of tubes according to other standards for seamless and welded tubes (EN 10217-2, ISO 9330-1,2,3) upon agreement. 2. See also standards for heat appliances
(pages 34–39, 44–47). 3. Tubes according to 49-243 in quality F2 and F3 (page 37). 4. For low temperatures tubes according to STN, ČSN 42 0165 (page 46)

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing

10216-2 P235GH See boiler tubes page 35

1629 St37.0 Cold finished See page 23
17175 St35.8 • normalized (NBK) See page 35
17173 TTSt35N See page 45

3606 320 N • product analysis • test certifi-

440 N • dimensions cate
243 N, N + T • visual • test result
620 N, N + T • tensile test
622 • flattening
Cold finished • drift expanding
• condition upon steel • hydrostatic test
or agreement • NDT - ultrasonic
- eddy current
49-215 TU37C N See pages 37 and 45
TU15D3 N
TU13CD4-04 N+T
5462 16Mo5 See page 37
42 0251 12 021 Cold finished See page 37
12 022 • normalized
12 025 number .1 behind steel
15 020
15 121 Cold finished
15 128 • normalized and temper.
15 313 number .5 behind steel
550 1050: 10 Cold finished • product analysis 10692
20 • normalized • dimensions
4543: 10G2 • tensile test
• impact test
• flattening
1060 1050: 10 • drift expanding
• hardness

A179 A179 Cold finished • product analysis • each tube marked Upon
(A450) • normalized • hardness according to A 450 and agreement
SA-179 • flattening • name and order of the
• drift expanding purchaser
• flanging
• NDT according to E309
(HF upon agreement)
G3461 STB340 Cold finished See page 39
STB410 • normalized
G3462 STBA12

1626 St37.0 As DIN 1629 page 23

17174 TTSt35N As DIN 17173 page 45
17177 St37.8 As DIN 17175 page 35

A214 A214 Cold finished See A179

A178 Grade A, B, C • normalized
A334 Grade 1 (Calibrated) See page 47
(A1016) Grade 6
49-243 TS37C N See pages 37 and 45
TS15D3 N+T
49-245 TS34C N
ISO 6758 Welded steel tubes for heat exchangers , ISO 6759 Seamless steel tubes for heat exchangers
TEMA Standards - Tubular Exchangers Manufacturers Association

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards
EN 10216-2 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC. Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated
temperature properties.
DIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements. TDC.
DIN 2391-1 Seamless precision steel tubes. Part 1: Dimensions.
DIN 17175 Seamless steel tubes for elevated temperatures. TDC.
DIN 28180 Seamless steel tubes for tubular heat exchangers. Dimensions, tolerances, materials.
BS 3606 Steel tubes for heat exchangers.
NFA 49-215 Seamless tubes for ferritic non alloy and alloy steel heat exchangers.
NFA 49-243 Longitudinally pressure welded tubes D ≤ 168,3 mm of non-alloy and ferritic alloy steel used at elevated tempera-
tures. Dimensions. TDC.
NFA 49-245 Longitudinally pressure welded tubes of non-alloy and ferritic alloy steel for heat exchangers of diameter 15,9 –
76,1 mmm inclusive. Dimensions. TDC.
STN 42 0251 ČSN 42 0251 Seamless steel tubes with guaranteed properties at elevated temperatures. TDC.
STN 42 6710 ČSN 42 6710 Cold drawn seamless tubes with normal tolerances from steel class 11–16. Dimensions.
STN 42 6711 ČSN 42 6711 Precision seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
GOST 550 Seamless steel tubes for petroleum processing and petrochemical industry.
GOST 8734 Seamless steel tubes cold deformed.
ANSI/ASME B 36.10M Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe. Dimensions.
ASTM A178 Electric resistance welded carbon steel and carbon manganese steel boiler and superheater tubes.
ASTM A179 Seamless cold drawn low-carbon steel heat exchanger and condenser tubes. TDC.
ASTM A199 Seamless cold drawn intermediate alloy steel heat exchanger and condenser tubes. TDC.
ASTM A214 Electric resistance welded carbon steel heat exchanger and condenser tubes.
ASTM A334 Seamless and welded carbon and alloy-steel tubes for low-temperature service. TDC.
ASTM A450 General requirements for carbon, ferritic alloy and austenitic alloy steel tubes. TDC.
JIS G 3461 Carbon steel boiler and heat exchanger tubes.
JIS G 3462 Alloy steel boiler and heat exchanger tubes.

Steel grade for heat-exchanger tubes

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 368 max.0,15 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 245 350 440 26
11 418 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,50 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 255 400 490 24
12 021 0,07–0,15 0,17–0,35 0,35–0,60 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 235 340 470 25
12 022 0,15–0,22 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 255 410 570 21
12 025 0,14–0,20 0,17–0,37 0,60–1,00 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 V 0,05–0,09 320 440 600 23
15 020 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 0,25–0,35 Al min.0,015 270 450 600 22
15 121 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,70–1,30 0,40–0,60 295 440 590 22
15 128 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,40 0,45–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,50–0,75 0,40–0,60 V 0,22–0,35 365 490 690 18
A 161 GradeC 0,10–0,20 max. 0,25 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 179 26 324 47 35
GradeT-1 0,10–0,20 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,025 0,025 0,44–0,65 207 30 379 55 30
A 179 0,06–0,18 0,27–0,63 0,035 0,035 max.72 HRB 180 26 325 47 35
A 199 Grade T4 0,05–0,15 0,50–1,00 0,30–0,60 0,025 0,025 2,15–2,85 max. 0,40 0,44–0,65 V 0,18–0,25 170 25 415 60 30
max.0, 04
Grade T11 0,05 - 0,15 0,50 - 1,00 0,30 - 0,60 0,025 0,025 1,00 - 1,50 0,44 - 0,65 170 25 415 60 30
A 335 Grade P12 0,05–0,15 max.0,50 0,30–0,61 0,025 0,025 0,80–1,25 0,44–0,65 220 32 415 60 30
1629 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
17175 St 35.8 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,040 0,040 235 360 480 25
15Mo3 0,12–0,20 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,25–0,35 270 450 600 22
3606 320 max.0,16 – 0,30–0,70 0,050 0,050 195 – 21
440 0,12–0,18 0,10–0,35 0,90–1,20 0,040 0,035 265 440 21
243 0,12–0,20 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,80 0,040 0,040 0,25–0,35 Al max.0,12 250 450 22
620 0,10–0,15 0,10–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,70–1,10 0,45–0,65 Al max.0,20 180 460 22
5462 16Mo5 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,35 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,45–0,65 290 450 550 22
49-215 TU 37c max.0,18 0,05–0,27 0,30–0,80 0,045 0,045 max.0,25 Sn 0,03 220 360 450
TU 42c max.0,22 0,07–0,40 0,40–1,05 0,045 0,045 max.0,25 Sn 0,03 235 410 510
TU 48c max.0,24 0,09–0,40 0,60–1,30 0,045 0,045 max.0,25 Sn 0,03 275 470 570
TU 15D3 0,10–0,22 0,10–0,40 0,40–0,90 0,040 0,040 max.0,40 max.0,30 0,21–0,39 max.0,25 Sn 0,03 265 430 530 22
TU 13CD4-04 0,08–0,20 0,05–0,40 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,65–1,15 max.0,30 0,61–0,69 max.0,25 Sn 0,03 290 440 590 22
10216-2 V max.0,02
P 235 GH max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Ti max.0,04 235 360 500 25
Al min.0,020
16Mo3 0,12 - 0,20 0,15 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,80 0,030 0,025 0,25 - 0,35 Al max.0,040 280 450 600 22
1050 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 25
4543 10G2 0,07–0,15 0,17–0,37 1,20–1,60 245 420 22
G3461 STB 340 max.0,18 max.0,35 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 175 340 35
STB 410 max.0,32 max.0,35 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 255 410 25
STB 510 max.0,25 max.0,35 1,00–1,50 0,035 0,035 295 510 25
G3462 STBA 12 0,10–0,20 0,10–0,50 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 0,45–0,65 205 380 30
STBA 22 max.0,15 max.0,50 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,25 0,45–0,65 205 410 30

Cold drawn heat exchanger tubes with mminimum wall thickness (sizes in inch) Table 7
Outside Minimum wall thickness
diameter BWG (inch) 20 (.035) 18 (.049) 16 (.065) 14 (.083) 13 (.095) 12 (.109) 11 (.120) 10 (.134) 9 (.148) 8 (.165) 7 (.180) 6 (.203) 5 (.220)
[mm] [inch] [mm] 0,89 1,24 1,65 2,11 2,41 2,77 3,05 3,40 3,76 4,19 4,57 5,16 5,59
1/2 lb/ft 0,190 0,256 0.327 0.399 0,441 0.487 0,519 0.555 0.586
12,70 .500 kg/m 0,283 0,351 0,487 0,594 0,657 0,725 0,773 0,826 0,873
5/8 lb/ft 0,242 0,328 0,423 0,521 0,581 0,647 0,696 0,752 0,804
15,88 .625 kg/m 0,360 0,488 0,630 0,776 0,865 0,964 1,036 1,120 1,198
3/4 lb/ft 0,290 0,400 0,518 0,643 0,720 0,807 0,872 0,948 1,021
19,05 .750 kg/m 0,431 0,595 0,771 0,957 1,072 1,202 1,299 1,412 1,521
7/8 lb/ft 0.472 0,614 0,767 0,864 0,973 1,056 1,158
22,23 .875 kg/m 0,702 0,913 1,141 1,285 1,448 1,571 1,722
1 lb/ft 0,543 0,709 0,887 0,998 1,128 1,225 1,342 1,456 1,587 1,696
25,40 1.000 kg/m 0,808 1,056 1,321 1,487 1,680 1,824 1,998 2,169 2,363 2,526
1 1/4 lb/ft 0,686 0,900 1,131 1,277 1,448 1,577 1,734 1,891 2,071 2,225 2,451 2,607
31,75 1.250 kg/m 1,022 1,340 1,684 1,902 2,157 2,349 2,583 2,816 3,085 3,313 3,650 3,882
1 1/2 lb/ft 0,830 1,090 1,375 1,556 1,769 1,930 2,128 2,326 2,556 2,753 3,047 3,253
38,10 1.500 kg/m 1,236 1,624 2,048 2,317 2,634 2,875 3,169 3,464 3,807 4,100 4,538 4,845
2 lb/ft 1,472 1,863 2,114 2,409 2,636 2,914 3,196 3,525 3,810 4,241 4,547
50,80 2.000 kg/m 2,192 2,775 3,148 3,588 3,925 4,340 4,759 5,250 5,674 6,316 6,771
2 1/2 lb/ft 1,854 2,351 2,671 3,050 3,341 3,701 4,066 4,494 4,867 5,435 5,839
63,50 2.500 kg/m 2,761 3,502 3,978 4,542 4,976 5,512 6,055 6,693 7,249 8,094 8,696
3 lb/ft 2,840 3,228 3,691 4,047 4,487 4,935 5,464 5,924 6,628 7,132
76,20 3.000 kg/m 4,229 4,808 5,497 6,027 6,683 7,350 8,137 8,823 9,871 10,622

Cold drawn heat exchanger tubes with medium wall thickness (sizes in inch) Table 8
Outside Medium wall thickness
diameter BWG (inch) 20 (.035) 18 (.049) 16 (.065) 14 (.083) 13 (.095) 12 (.109) 11 (.120) 10 (.134) 9 (.148) 8 (.165) 7 (.180) 6 (.203) 5 (.220)
[mm] [inch] [mm] 0,89 1,24 1,65 2,11 2,41 2,77 3,05 3,40 3,76 4,19 4,57 5,16 5,59
1/2 lb/ft 0.173 0.236 0.302 0.369 0.410 0.445 0.487 0.523 0.557
12,70 .500 kg/m 0,259 0,351 0,450 0,551 0,612 0,678 0,726 0,780 0,829
5/8 lb/ft 0.220 0.301 0.388 0.480 0.537 0.600 0.647 0.703 0.754
15,88 .625 kg/m 0,328 0,447 0,579 0,716 0,801 0,897 0,965 1,046 1,124
3/4 lb/ft 0.267 0.366 0.475 0.591 0.664 0.745 0.807 0.881 0.952
19,05 .750 kg/m 0,398 0,547 0,708 0,881 0,989 1,110 1,203 1,312 1,418
7/8 lb/ft 0.432 0.562 0.702 0.791 0.891 0.967 1.060
22,23 .875 kg/m 0,643 0,836 1,045 1,177 1,326 1,439 1,577
1 lb/ft 0.497 0.649 0.812 0.918 1.037 1.128 1.239 1.346 1.471 1.575
25,40 1.000 kg/m 0,740 0,966 1,212 1,366 1,550 1,681 1,845 2,006 2,192 2,347
1 1/4 lb/ft 0.628 0.822 1.034 1.172 1.328 1.448 1.597 1.741 1.912 2.056 2.272 2.417
31,75 1.250 kg/m 0,933 1,225 1,542 1,744 1,980 2,159 2,377 2,595 2,848 3,063 3,383 3,606
1 1/2 lb/ft 0.759 0.996 1.256 1.426 1.619 1.769 1.955 2.137 2.353 2.537 2.814 3.009
38,10 1.500 kg/m 1,127 1,483 1,870 2,121 2,413 2,636 2,909 3,184 3,504 3,779 4,191 4,481
2 lb/ft 1.343 1.699 1.933 2.201 2.409 2.670 2.929 3.246 3.499 3.896 4.185
50,80 2.000 kg/m 2,000 2,533 2,876 3,281 3,591 3,974 4,362 4,816 5,210 5,807 6,232
2 1/2 lb/ft 1.690 2.143 2.440 2.783 3.050 3.385 3.717 4.126 4.460 4.980 5.360
63,50 2.500 kg/m 2,517 3,194 3,631 4,148 4,547 5,039 5,539 6,128 6,641 7,424 7,983
3 lb/ft 2.586 2.947 3.365 3.691 4.102 4.508 5.006 5.421 6.064 6.536
76,20 3.000 kg/m 3,855 4,385 5,016 5,502 6,104 6,717 7,440 8,072 9,040 9,734
Note: Other OD and WT (according SWG) – see table 4, 5, 6 page 30–31 and tables 18 and 19 on pages 66 and 67.

Cold drawn heat exchanger tubes (sizes in mm) Table 9

Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 1,2 1,6 2 2,6 3,2 4 4,5 5
[mm] Tube weight [kg/m]
16 0,438 0,568 0,691
20 0,726 0,888 1,12
25 0,923 1,13 1,44 1,72
30 1,12 1,38 1,76 2,11 2,56
38 1,78 2,27 2,75 3,35
51 (50) 2,42 3,1 3,77 4,64 5,16 5,67

Dimesions and weight of tubes according to standards JIS (Tubes) Table 10
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 1,2 1,6 2,0 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0 6,5 7,0 8,0 9,5
[mm] Tube weight [kg/m]
15,9 0,435 0,564 0,686 0,771 0,853 0,930
19,0 0,687 0,838 0,947 1,05 1,15
21,7 0,972 1,10 1,22 1,34 1,46
25,4 1,15 1,31 1,46 1,61 1,75 1,89
27,2 1,24 1,41 1,58 1,74 1,89 2,05 2,29
31,8 1,67 1,87 2,07 2,26 2,44 2,74 3,03
34,0 2,01 2,22 2,43 2,63 2,96 3,27 3,58
38,1 2,28 2,52 2,75 2,99 3,36 3,73 4,08 4,42
42,7 2,57 2,85 3,12 3,38 3,82 4,24 4,65 5,05 5,43
45,0 2,72 3,01 3,30 3,58 4,04 4,49 4,93 5,36 5,77 6,17
48,6 2,95 3,27 3,58 3,89 4,40 4,89 5,38 5,85 6,30 6,75 7,18
50,8 3,09 3,43 3,76 4,08 4,62 5,14 5,65 6,14 6,63 7,10 7,56 8,44
54,0 3,30 3,65 4,01 4,36 4,93 5,49 6,04 6,58 7,10 7,61 8,11 9,07
57,1 3,88 4,25 4,63 5,24 5,84 6,42 7,00 7,56 8,11 8,65 9,69
60,3 4,10 4,51 4,90 5,55 6,19 6,82 7,43 8,03 8,62 9,20 10,3
63,5 4,33 4,76 5,18 5,87 6,55 7,21 7,87 8,51 9,14 9,75 10,9 12,7
65,0 4,44 4,88 5,31 6,02 6,71 7,40 8,07 8,73 9,38 10,00 11,2 13,0
70,0 4,80 5,27 5,74 6,51 7,27 8,01 8,75 9,47 10,20 10,90 12,2 14,2
76,2 5,76 6,27 7,12 7,96 8,78 9,59 10,40 11,20 11,90 13,5 15,6
82,6 6,27 6,83 7,75 8,67 9,57 10,50 11,30 12,20 13,10 14,7 17,1
88,9 6,76 7,37 8,37 9,37 10,30 11,30 12,30 13,20 14,10 16,0 18,6
101,6 8,47 9,63 10,80 11,90 13,00 14,10 15,20 16,30 18,5 21,6
114,3 10,90 12,20 13,50 14,80 16,00 17,30 18,50 21,0 24,6

Dimensions and weight of pipes according to standards JIS (Pipes) Table 11

Nominal Outside Nominal wall thickness
diameter diameter Schedule 40 Schedule 80 Schedule 160
[mm] Thickness Weight Thickness Weight Thickness Weight
A B [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [mm] [kg/m] [mm] [kg/m]
6 1/8 10,5 1,70 0,369 2,40 0,479
8 1/4 13,8 2,20 0,629 3,00 0,799
10 3/8 17,3 2,30 0,851 3,20 1,11
15 1/2 21,7 2,80 1,31 3,70 1,64
20 3/4 27,2 2,90 1,74 3,90 2,24
25 1 34,0 3,40 2,57 4,50 3,27
32 1 1/4 42,7 3,60 3,47 4,90 4,57 6,40 5,73
40 1 1/2 48,6 3,70 4,10 5,10 5,47 7,10 7,27
50 2 60,5 3,90 5,44 5,50 7,46 8,70 11,10
65 2 1/2 76,3 5,20 9,12 7,00 12,00 9,50 15,60
80 3 89,1 5,50 11,30 7,60 15,30 11,10 21,40
90 3 1/2 101,6 5,70 13,50 8,10 18,70
100 4 114,3 6,00 16,00 8,60 22,40 13,50 33,60
Note: The tube and pipe are hot formed or cold formed (according technical possibilities or agreement).

Tubes with internal riffling
This type of precision tube is used as boiler or exchanger tubes. Contrary to the tubes with smooth inside surface, the advantages of
tubes with internal riflings include:
• optimum turbulence stage inside heat - transfering medium
• permanent contact of medium with inside surface tube, whereby the heat - transfer coefficient is increased by 40 - 60 %
• braking action of internal riflings against rigid particle sedimentation in transported medium
• a very effective corrosion resistance and a large increase in the service life of the piping.
Tubes with internal riflings are furnished according to the given parameters. In the table there is a dimensional range. Required
parameters are a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

Symbol Parameter [mm] [inch]
D Outside diameter 18–72 .750–3.000
T Wall thickness 1–6,5 .047–.250
Number of riflings 6–8
h Height of rifling 0,3–1,0 .016–.047
s Width of rifling (cross section) 3–8 .125–.313
ß Angle of rifling flank 30°
r Radius of rifling 0,1–0,15 .004–.006
a Lead angle of rifling 25°–35°
Lead length of rifling (360°) depending on outside diameter
Center-to-center spacing of riflings in the longitudinal direction upon agreement
Top width of rifling (longitudinal section) upon agreement
Top width of span between riflings (longitudinal section) upon agreement
Inside circumference of tube upon agreement
Cross diameter of tube upon agreement
Weight of tube kg/m lb/ft
Length of tube upon agreement

Dimensions of tubes with internal riffling Table 12

Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5
[mm] Maximum rib height [mm]
25 0,5 mm
40 0,7 mm
55 1 mm

Pipes suitable for welding and threading
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10224 Table 1/Page 26 ±1 % ±12,5 % (D ≤ 219,1 mm) • random Alloved deviation • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm min ±0,4 mm • fixed max 0,2% L • free from excessive
is valid for welded pipe too is valid for welded pipe too • exact: burrs
at D = 219,1 mm (method EW and BW) L = 2–6 m 0 +10 mm • beveled for
(method EW and BW) T ≥ 3,2 mm, unless
L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm otherwise ordered
10255 L > 12 m 0 + upon agree- • square cut ends
Table 13/Page 54 See table 13 Seamless ±12,5 %
(valid for series H and M) Welded ment • free from excessive
For Type L, L1, L2 see standard • series H, M Type L ±10 % burrs
• Type L1, L2 –8 % • plain ends (no
DIN 2440 –12,5 % Visually straight
2441 + delimted by weight

Weight ±10 %

BS 1387 –8 % (light series)

–10 % (medium and heavy se-

NF A 49-115 –12,5 %
(49-145) Weight ±10%
UNI 8863 ± 1%, min ± 0,5 mm –12,5 %
6363 + undetermined
Weight ±10 %
STN 42 5710 See table 13 –12,5 % • random 3 mm/m, max 20 mm
ČSN 42 5711 + undetermined • exact: +5 mm to section
Weight ±10 % max + 100 mm
GOST 3262 Usual accuracy: • random D ≤ 20 mm 2 mm/m
D ≤ 40 mm –0,5/+0,4 mm –15 % • exact: + 5 mm to section D > 20 mm 1,5 mm/m
D > 40 mm –1,0/+0,8 mm + 10 mm to length
PN-H 74220 See table 13 • random
• fixed
• exact:
L = 2–6 m 0 +10 mm
74200 L = 6–12 m 0 +15 mm
ASTM A53 Table 2/Page 28 See page 18
List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards
EN 10224 Steel pipes, joints and fittings for the conveyance of BS 1387 Screwed and socketed steel tubes.ČSN 425710
aqueous liqiuds including potable water. ČSN 425710 Steel tubes suitable for threading. Medium.
EN 10255 Non-alloy steel tubes suitable for welding or threading. ČSN 425711 Steel tubes suitable for threading. Heavy.
DIN 2440 Steel tubes; medium-weight suitable for screwing. GOST 3262 Water and gas supply steel pipes.
DIN 2441 Steel tubes; heavy-weight suitable for screwing. ASTM A53 Pipe, steel, black and hot-dipped, zinc-coated, welded
DIN 2442 Threaded tubes made to quality specifications. and seamless. TDC.
DIN 2460 Steel tubes for waterworks services. ASTM A795 Black and hot-dipped zinc-coated (galvanized) welded
NFA 49-115 Hot finished seamless tubes suitable for threading. Di- and seamless steel pipe for fire protection use.
mensions. TDC. PN-H 74200 Steel tubes for gas list threading.
UNI 6363 Seamless and welded steel tubes for waterworks services. JIS G 3452 Carbon steel pipes for ordinary piping.
UNI 8863 Seamless non-alloy steel tubes suitable for threading ISO 65 Tubes for screwing
in accordance with UNI ISO 7/1. ISO 559 Tubes for water and sewage
Dimensions of pipe suitable for threading Table 13
Nominal Light series II Light series I Medium series – M Heavy series – H
Size outside Outside diameter Wall Weight Outside diameter Wall Weight Outside diameter Wall Weight Outside diameter Wall Weight
diameter (mm) thickness (mm) thickness (mm) thickness (mm) thickness
Nominal DN (mm) max. min. (mm) (kg/m) max. min. (mm) (kg/m) max. min. (mm) (kg/m) max. min. (mm) (kg/m)
1/8 6 10,2 10,6 9,8 2,00 0,404 10,6 9,8 2,60 0,487
1/4 8 13,5 14,0 13,2 2,30 0,641 14,0 13,2 2,90 0,765
3/8 10 17,2 17,5 16,7 2,30 0,839 17,5 16,7 2,90 1,02
1/2 15 21,3 21,7 21,0 2,35 1,10 21,8 21,0 2,65 1,22 21,8 21,0 3,25 1,45
3/4 20 26,9 26,9 26,4 2,35 1,41 27,1 26,4 2,35 1,41 27,3 26,5 2,65 1,58 27,3 26,5 3,25 1,90
1 25 33,7 33,8 33,2 2,65 2,01 34,0 33,2 2,90 2,21 34,2 33,3 3,25 2,44 34,2 33,3 4,05 2,97
1 1/4 32 42,4 42,6 41,9 2,65 2,58 42,7 41,9 2,90 2,84 42,9 42,0 3,25 3,14 42,9 42,0 4,05 3,84
1 1/2 40 48,3 48,4 47,8 2,90 3,25 48,6 47,8 2,90 3,26 48,8 47,9 3,25 3,61 48,8 47,9 4,05 4,43
2 50 60,3 60,2 59,6 2,90 4,11 60,7 59,6 3,25 4,56 60,8 59,7 3,65 5,1 60,8 59,7 4,50 6,17
2 1/2 65 76,1 76,0 75,2 3,25 5,80 76,3 75,2 3,25 5,81 76,6 75,3 3,65 6,51 76,6 75,3 4,50 7,90
3 80 88,9 88,7 87,9 3,25 6,81 89,4 87,9 3,65 7,65 89,5 88,0 4,05 8,47 89,5 88,0 4,85 10,10
4 100 114,3 113,9 113,0 3,65 9,89 114,9 113,0 4,05 11,00 115,0 113,1 4,50 12,10 115,0 113,1 5,40 14,40
Note: Dimensions 1/8, 1/4, 3/8 are delivered as cold drawn also in medium (M) and heavy (H) series.

(Fluid-, Water Trasportation and House Instalation)
TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10224 L235 Hot finished • visually errorless • cast analysis 10204 • producer Upon agreement
L275 • as rolled • adequate to • tensile test • non-specific • standard
L355 production mode • flattening 2.2 • steel
• leak • specific 3.1 • testing- number
• visual • agreement • symbol S
• dimensions Alt. – label to the bundle
10255 S 195T Hot finished • leak 10204 Label to the bundle
• as rolled • visual non-specific 2.1 Data:
Cold finished • tensile test •producer
• normalized • bend test • series H, M or type L, L1,
(for small diameters) • flattening (D > 60,3 mm) L2
2440 DIN 17100 • leak 50049 • symbol S
2441 St33-2 • visual 2.1 (2.2) Alt. – colour strip
• tensile test • heavy series – red
• flattening (D > 60,3 mm) • medium series – blue
1629 St37.0 See page 23 • type L – green
1629 St37.0 • type L1 – white
St52.0 • type L2 – brown
1387 1387 Hot finished • leak tightness - - NDT Test result
• as rolled • visual certificate
Cold finished • tensile test
• normalized • flattening (D > 60,3 mm)
49-115 TU34-1 (for small diameters) Mill certificate Producer's mark
8863 Fe330 • producer
6363 Fe360 • steel grade
Fe410, Fe510 • standard
42 0250 11 353 Hot finished See page 25
• as rolled
Cold finished
3262 1050: 10 • normalized • leak tightness - hydrost. pressure 10692
(for small diameters) - NDT
• visual
74220 • tensile test
(84023/7) R35 • flattening (D > 60,3 mm)

74 200 12X, 12AL

A53 Grade A
Grade B See page 19
Documents for products delivered according to EN 10 224 and EN 10 255 are marked with a mandatory conformity mark (symbol) CE.
Dimensions with wall thickness of types L, L1, L2 upon agreement (cold drawn and normalized – in EN 10255). In EN standards is wall thickness round down
to one decimal number, value 4,85 to 5,0. Pipes according PN-H 74200 and JIS G 3452 from steel SGP according agreement.
Steel grade of pipe for threading
Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
A 53* GradeA 0,25 0,95 0,050 0,045 0,40 0,40 0,15 0,40 V 0,08 205 30 330 48
GradeB 0,30 1,20 0,050 0,045 0,40 0,40 0,15 0,40 V 0,08 240 35 415 60
A 795 Grade A max.0,25 max.0,95 0,035 0,035
Grade B max.0,30 max.1,20 0,035 0,035
2440 St 33-2
1629 St 37.0 ma.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
1387 max.0,20 max.1,20 0,045 0,045 195 320 460 20
8863 Fe 330 max.0,17 max.0,65 0,040 0,040 210 330 520 22
49-115 TU 34-1 0,060 0,050 185 320 18
10224 L 235 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 235 360 500 25
L 275 max.0,21 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,040 0,040 275 430 570 21
L 355 max.0,22 max.0,35 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 355 500 650 21
10255 S 195T max.0,20 max.1,40 0,035 0,030 195 320 520 20
380 St0 max.0,23
1050 10 0,07 - 0,14 0,17 - 0,37 0,35 - 0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
84023/7 R35 0,07 - 0,16 0,12 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,75 0,040 0,040
R45 0,16 - 0,22 0,12 - 0,35 0,60 - 1,2 0,040 0,040
* The total composition for elements Cr, Ni, Mo, Cu, V shall not exceed 1,00%.

Line pipe
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10208-1 Table 1/Page 26 Tubes: T < 4 mm –0,5 +0,6 mm Class r1 (6 –11 m): • deviation max 0,2% L • square cut ends
(Type S) ±0,75 % min ±0,5 mm T = 4–25 mm –12,5 % +15 % min 4 m, average 8 m • locally 4 mm/m • free from excessive
Ovality 2% (D > 60 mm) Class r2 (9–14 m): burrs
min 6 m, average 11 m • beveled for
Tube ends: upon agreement (in dependance on diameter T ≥ 3,2 mm, unless
±0,50 % of pipe and upon agreement) otherwise ordered
min ±0,5 mm, max ±1,6 mm • deviation max.
10208-2 Ovality 1,5 % (D > 60 mm) 1 mm (D ≤ 220 mm)
(Part 2)

Weight -3,5 % +10 %

DIN 2448 See page 22

2448 D ≤ 200 mm ±1 % D ≤ 130 mm ±10 % • random Flexion max 2 mm/m • square cut ends
min ±0,5 mm D > 130 mm ±12,5 % average 6 m (3–8 m) • free from excessive
average 8 m (4–11 m) burrs
Weight –8% +10% average 11 m (5,5–14 m) • beveled according
• fixed (±500 mm) agreement
• exact

UNI 7088 See table in standard –12,5 % + non-specific

Weight ±10 %

API 5L Table 14/Page 57 D < 60,3 mm (2,375 in) Seamless pipes: In dependance on diameter Visually straight, • square cut ends
ISO 3183 –0,80 +0,40 mm (-0,031 + 0,016in) T ≤ 4mm (0,157 in) • (SRL) – nom. 20 ft (6 m) max flexion 0,2% L • free from excessive
ASME B36.10M D≥60,3≤168,3 mm(2,375 - 6,625in) –0,5 +0,6 mm (–0,020 +0,024 in) min – midle – max burrs
±0,0075 D T ≥ 4mm (0,157 in)≤ 25mm (0,984in) ft: 9,0 – 17,5 – 22,5 • deviation for D≥ 23/8”
m: 2,74 – 5,33 – 6,86 max.1/16” (1,6 mm)
Tube ends –0,40 +1,60mm – 0,125T +0,150T • beveled for
• (DRL) – nom. 40 ft (12 m)
Ovality - tube / tube end Pipe wieght - 3,5% +10% ft: 14,0 – 35,0 – 45,0 T ≥ 3,2 mm, unless
0,020D / 0,015 D m: 4,27 – 10,67 – 13,72 otherwise ordered

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards (Product specification PSL1 according to API)
API 5L Specification for line pipe. ISO 3183-1 Steel tubes for line pipe, Class A, Part 1.
DIN 2448 Plain end seamless steel tubes. Dimensions. ISO 3183-2 Steel tubes for line pipe, Class B, Part 2.
DIN 2460 Steel tubes for waterworks services. UNI 7088 Unalloyed steel seamless tubes - Plain gas tu-
DIN 2470-1 Steel gas pipelines - pressure up to 16 bar. bes for high pressure.
DIN 2470-2 Steel gas pipelines - pressure exceeding 16 bar. EN 10 208-1 Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids.
DIN 17172 Steel pipes for pipelines for the transport of TDC. Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A.
combustible fluides and gases. EN 10 208-2 Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids.
TDC. Part 2: Pipes of requirement class B.

Steel grade for line pipe Steel designation according to EN: see page 58

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties

Standards Steel
Re Rm A5
grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
Grade A max.0,22 max.0,90 0,030 0,030 207 30 331 48
Grade B max.0,27 max.1,15 0,030 0,030 241 35 413 60
Grade X42 max.0,29 max.1,25 0,030 0,030 289 42 413 60
Gr. X46, X52 max.0,31 max.1,35 0,030 0,030 317 46 434 63
1629 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
17172 StE 210.7 max.0,17 max.0,45 min. 0,35 0,040 0,035 210 320 440 26
StE 240.7 max.0,17 max.0,45 min. 0,40 0,040 0,035 240 370 490 24
StE 290.7 max.0,22 max.0,45 0,50–1,10 0,040 0,035 290 420 540 23
StE 320.7 max.0,22 max.0,45 0,70–1,30 0,040 0,035 320 460 580 21
StE 360.7 max.0,22 max.0,55 0,90–1,50 0,040 0,035 360 510 630 20
7088 Fe 35-1 max.0,18 – – 0,045 0,045 240 350 450 25
Fe 45-1 max.0,22 – – 0,045 0,045 260 450 550 21
7287 Fe 320 – – – 0,060 0,060 320 530 15
10208-1 L 210 GA max.0,21 max.0,40 max.0,90 0,030 0,030 Al 0,015–0,060 210 335 475 25
L 235 GA max.0,16 max.0,40 max.1,20 0,030 0,030 Al 0,015–0,060 235 370 510 23
L 245 GA max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,15 0,030 0,030 Al 0,015–0,060 245 415 555 22
L 290 GA max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,030 Al 0,015–0,060 290 415 555 21
L 360 GA max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,45 0,030 0,030 Al 0,015–0,060 360 460 620 20
10208-2 L 245 NB max.0,16 max.0,40 max.1,10 0,025 0,020 245–440 415 22
L 290 NB max.0,17 max.0,40 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 V/Ti max.0,05/0,04 290–440 415 21
L 360 NB max.0,20 max.0,45 max.1,60 0,025 0,020 V/Ti max.0,10/0,04 360–510 460 20
L 415 NB max.0,21 max.0,45 max.1,60 0,025 0,020 V/Ti max.0,15/0,04 415–565 520 18

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10208-1 L210GA Hot finished • visually free from Part 1: Option: 10204 2.2/serie 3 D ≤ 48,3 mm (1.900) Upon agreement:
L235GA • as rolled surface defects Part 2: Specific: • 3.1 label with information • temporary
L245GA • normalising formed • adequate to • cast analysis • 3.2 D > 48,3 mm (1.900) • permanent
L290GA • normalized production mode • tensile test – information at tube:
L360GA Cold finished • technological tests See also • paint stencil
• normalized • hydrostatic test* page 10 • die stamping
• visual
• dimensions Data:
10208-2 L245NB Hot finished • NDT* (p. 59) • manufacturer
L290NB • normalising formed (N) EN 10246-7 U3/C (U2/C) • specification
L360NB • normalized (N) (EN 10246-5 F3 (F2)) • compatible standards
L415NB Cold finished • impact test • dimension
• normalized • tube weight • steel (grade and class)
2470-1/1629 St37.0 see DIN 1629 - page 23 50049: • PSL (API)
3.1.B • process (S or E or F)
3.1.C • treatment (API)
2470-2/17172 StE210.7 Hot finished • cast analysis 50049: • test pressure (API)
StE240.7 • as rolled • tensile test 3.1.B • certificate (EN)
StE290.7 Cold finished • impact test 3.1.A • inspector’s mark (EN)
StE320.7 • normalized • hydrostatic pressure 3.1.C Supplementary
StE360.7 • visual requirements (API):
StE415.7 • dimensions • color identification
• NDT upon agreement API licensees:
7088 Fe35-1 • cast analysis • APImonogram
Fe45-1 • tensile test • date
• impact test • length
• hydrostatic pressure
• visual
• dimensions
• NDT upon agreement
5L GradeA Hot finished • cast analysis API 5L
GradeB see page 113 • tensile test
GradeX42 Cold finished • impact test
Grade X46 • normalized • flattening
• hydrotest, • NDT (p. 59)
Grade X52 • dimensions
Grade X60 • visual
see page 113 • compliance NACE MR0175

Dimensions of pipe line according to API 5L Table 14 NSD – Nominal Size Designation
NSD Outside diameter Schedule Wall thickness Weight NSD Outside diameter Schedule Wall thickness Weight
SD [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [lbs/ft] [kg/m] SD [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [lbs/ft] [kg/m]
0.405 0.405 10,3 STD 0.068 1,7 0.24 0,36 31/2 3.500 88,9 ... 0.172 4,4 6.12 9,17
(1/8) XS 0.095 2,4 0.31 0,43 (3) ... 0.188 4,8 6.66 9,95
0.540 0.540 13,7 STD 0.088 2,2 0.43 0,62 STD 0.216 5,5 7.58 11,31
(1/4) XS 0.119 3,0 0.54 0,79 ... 0.250 6,4 8.69 13,02
0.675 0.675 17,1 STD 0.091 2,3 0.57 0,84 ... 0.281 7,1 9.67 14,32
(3/8) XS 0.126 3,2 0.74 1,10 XS 0.300 7,6 10.26 15,24
0.840 0.840 21,3 STD 0.109 2,8 0.85 1,28 4 4.000 101,6 ... 0.156 4,0 6.41 9,63
(1/2) XS 0.147 3,7 1.09 1,61 (31/2) ... 0.172 4,4 7.04 10,55
1.050 1.050 26,7 STD 0.113 2,9 1.13 1,70 ... 0.188 4,8 7.66 11,46
(3/4) XS 0.154 3,9 1.48 2,19 STD 0.226 5,7 9.12 13,48
1.315 1.315 33,4 STD 0.133 3,4 1.68 2,52 ... 0.250 6,4 10.02 15,02
(1) XS 0.179 4,6 2.17 3,21 ... 0.281 7,1 11.17 16,55
1.660 1.660 42,2 STD 0.140 3,6 2.27 3,43 XS 0.318 8,1 12.52 18,68
(11/4) XS 0.191 4,9 3.00 4,51 4 1/2 4.500 114,3 ... 0.156 4,0 7.24 10,88
1.900 1.900 48,3 STD 0.145 3,7 2.72 4,07 (4) ... 0.172 4,4 7.96 11,92
(11/2) XS 0.200 5,1 3.63 5,43 ... 0.188 4,8 8.67 12,96
2 3/8 2.375 60,3 STD 0.154 3,9 3.66 5,42 ... 0.203 5,2 9.32 13,99
(2) ... 0.172 4,4 4.05 6,07 ... 0.219 5,6 10.02 15,01
... 0.188 4,8 4.40 6,57 STD 0.237 6,0 10.80 16,02
XS 0.218 5,5 5.03 7,43 ... 0.250 6,4 11.36 17,03
... 0.250 6,4 5.68 8,51 ... 0.281 7,1 12.67 18,77
... 0.281 7,1 6.29 9,31 ... 0.312 7,9 13.97 20,73
2 7/8 2.875 73,0 ... 0.156 4,0 4.53 6,81 XS 0.337 8,6 15.00 22,42
(21/2) ... 0.172 4,4 4.97 7,44 ... 0.438 11,1 19.02 28,25
... 0.188 4,8 5.40 8,07 ... 0.531 13,5 22.53 33,56
STD 0.203 5,2 5.80 8,69
Notes: Dimensions 1/8 , 1/4 , 3/8 are delivered as cold drawn.
... 0.216 5,5 6.14 9,16
Table is valid for tubes for threading and plain end tubes. Values in brackets
... 0.250 6,4 7.02 10,51
were valid until 1995. From 2000 in the range 10,3–48,3 mm designation of
XS 0.276 7,0 7.67 11,39 tube scale Size and outside diameter D is equal. From diameter 60,3 mm are
31/2 3.500 88,9 ... 0.125 3,2 4.51 6,76 valid values of the designation of Size and D without brackets below the line.
(3) ... 0.141 3,6 5.06 7,57 Pipe with WT of STD and XS are also designed for threading.
... 0.156 4,0 5.58 8,37 See also table 2 page 28 and note 3 at page 113.

Casing and tubing (upon agreement)
The tubes are used in oil and gas industry.

List of standards for casing and tubing

Standard Dimensional standard Dimensions TDC Steel grade

API API 5CT Table15/Page 59 API 5CT H40, J55, K55, N80

Dimensional standard and technickal delivery condition standard

API 5CT Specification for casing and tubing

Dimensions a tolerances Final supply conditions and surface condition

Dimensions are given in Table 15. Tubes are delivered mainly Hot finished tubes are not heat treated. Surface of tubes
as hot rolled. corresponded to the method of tube manufacturing.

Tube lengths (Tubing) Pipe and bundle marking

Group 1: 6,10–7,32 m (20–24 ft) • stamp marking
Group 2: 8,53–9,75 m (28–32 ft) • stencil marking (Ink Jet)
Group 3: 11,58–12,80 m (38–42 ft) • colour bands
Tube lengths Casing Bundles are marked with one or more metal tags with required
Group 1: 4,88–7,62 m (16–25 ft) information.
Group 2: 7,62–10,36 m (25–34 ft)
Group 3: 10,36–14,64 m (34–48 ft) Surface protection
The pipes are supplied either uncoated or with manufacturer’s
Straightness standard mill coating. Upon request the tube ends could be
Tubes are visually straight. plugged with plastic caps.

Tube ends Packaging

Plain tube ends without threading and flanges. Pipes are packed in round bundles with weight 1000–3500 kg.
Each bundle is bounded with 4 steel strips.
Steel grade
Steel grades are given in survey table. Testing
Tubes are tested according to requirements of standard API 5CT,
eventually additional agreed tests.

Certified test report

Informative steel comparison according API 5CT
to DIN, EN and API 5L DIN 50049 – 3.1.B
DIN EN API EN 10204 – 3.1
1629 10208-1 5L
(St 33) L 210GA A
St 37.0 L 235GA
(St 37.0) L 245GA B Steel designation according to EN:
St 44.0 L 290GA X42 • EN 10208-1 (Steel pipes for pipelines for combustile fluids.
St 52.0 L360GA X52 Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A)
17172 10208-2 L – steel for pipeline
StE 210.7 A 210 – minimum yield strength in N/mm2
StE 240.7 L 245NB B GA – pipes of requirement class A
StE 290.7 L 290NB X42 • EN 10208-2 (Steel pipes for pipelines for combustile fluids.
StE 320.7 X46 Part 1: Pipes of requirement class B)
StE 360.7 L 360NB X52
L 415NB, L 415QB, L 415MB
N – normalised or normalising formed
StE 385.7 X56
Q – quenched
StE 415.7 L 415NB X60 M – thermomechanically formed
StE 445.7 L 450NB X65 B – pipes of requirement class B
StE 480.7 L 485NB X70
L 555NB X80

Dimensions of oil tubes Table 15
Outside diameter Wall thickness Weight
Size [inch] [mm] Weight [inch] [mm] [lbs/ft] [kg/m]
1,050 1,050 26,7 1,14 0,113 2,87 1,13 1,68
(26,67) 1,48 0,154 3,91 1,48 2,19
1,315 1,315 33,4 1,70 0,133 3,38 1,68 2,50
(33,40) 2,19 0,179 4,55 2,17 3,24
1,660 1,660 42,2 2,09 0,125 3,18 2,05 3,06
(42,16) 2,30 0,140 3,56 2,27 3,39
3,03 0,191 4,85 3,00 4,46
1,900 1,900 48,3 2,40 0,125 3,18 2,37 3,54
(48,26) 2,75 0,145 3,68 2,72 4,05
3,65 0,200 5,08 3,63 5,41
2 3/8 2,375 60,3 4,00 0,167 4,24 3,94 5,86
(60,32) 4,60 0,190 4,83 4,44 6,61
5,80 0,254 6,45 5,76 8,57
2 7/8 2,875 73,0 6,40 0,217 5,51 6,17 9,17
(73,02) 7,80 0,276 7,01 7,67 11,41
8,60 0,308 7,82 8,45 12,57
3 1/2 3,500 88,9 7,70 0,216 5,49 7,58 11,29
(88,90) 9,20 0,254 6,45 8,81 13,12
10,20 0,289 7,34 9,92 14,76
4 4,000 101,6 9,50 0,226 5,74 9,12 13,57
(101,60) 10,70 0,262 6,65 10,47 15,57
13,20 0,330 8,38 12,95 19,27
4 1/2 4,500 114,3 12,60 0,271 6,88 12,25 18,23
(114,30) 15,20 0,337 8,56 15,00 22,32
17,00 0,380 9,65 16,77 24,90
4 4,500 114,3 9,50 0,205 5,21 9,41 14,02
(114,30) 10,50 0,224 5,69 10,24 15,24
11,60 0,250 6,35 11,36 16,91
13,50 0,290 7,37 13,05 19,44
15,10 0,337 8,56 15,00 22,32
Tubes of OD 2.063 in (52,4 mm), 5 inch (127 mm) and 5 1/2 inch (139,7 mm) upon agreement.
Dimensions in brackets are from edition API 5CT – 2005.

Tolerance of dimensions:
Tolerance D < 4 1/2 inch = ±0,79 mm (±0,031 inch)
D ≥ 4 1/2 inch = –0,5 % +1,0 % D
T = –12,5 % (+ limited by weight)
weight (1 tube) = –3,5 % +6,5 %
Steel grade of Casing and tubing (Group 1 and Type 1 according API 5CT)
Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
Grade H40 – – – 0,030 0,030 276 40 414 60
Grade J55 – – – 0,030 0,030 379 55 517 75
Grade K55 – – – 0,030 0,030 379 55 655 95
Grade N80 0,030 0,030 552 80 689 100
Tubing is delivered according of requirements PSL 1. Level PSL 2 and PSL 3 (Annex H of API 5 CT) according agreement.

Note to page 57:

*HT – mandatory test for all pipes, in EN 10208-1 is possibility to replace of HT with NDT
NDT – mandatory at EN 10208-2 and API 5L – PSL 2. At PSL 1 according agreement only.

Precision cold drawn seamless standard steel tubes
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10305-1 Table 16/Page 64 See dimensional tables ±10 % • random 3–7 (9) m D > 15 mm • square cut ends
Table 17/Page 65 (Inside diameter tolerance is also min ±0,1 mm • fixed with tolerance ±500 • total deviation: • free from excessive
Table 20/Page 68 shown in table) (Applied for ordering by: mm ReH < 500 MPa burrs
(Other dimensions • other tolerances upon agreement • OD x T • exact with tolerance 0,0015 L • plain ends
upon agreement) • possibility to shift tolerance • ID x T) 0 +upon agreement ReH > 500 MPa • possibility – tol. of
• by heat treated tubes increas- • max length 18 m – upon 0,002 L O.D. outside val-
ing of tolerance range agreement • local deviation max ues in table (cut-
• ovality included in D tolerances 3mm/m ting method)
• eccentricity included in T tolerances Value for exact lengths: D≤15 mm upon agreement • specified end
DIN 2391-1 L ≤ 0,5 m 0 +2 mm finishing
See notes at page 62 L = 0,5–2 m 0 +3 mm • D > 15 mm 0,25% L
L = 2–5 m 0 +5 mm • locally 3 mm/m
L = 5–7 (8) m 0 +10 mm
L ≥ 7 (8) m agreement
(0 +15 mm)
Value in brackets valid for NF A

BS 6323/4

NF A 49-310 Quality range: D ≤ 5 mm ±20 %

A - usual tolerances D = 5–8 mm ±15 %
B - reduced tolerances D > 8 mm ±10 % min
C - cylinder tubes ±0,12 mm
49-312 D - special requirements

UNI 7945 See dimensional tables ±10 %

(Inside diameter tolerance is also min ±0,1 mm
shown in table) (Applied for ordering by:
• other tolerances upon agreement • OD x T
• possibility to shift tolerance • ID x T)
• by heat treated tubes increas-
ing of tolerance range
• ovality included in D tolerances
• eccentricity included in T tolerances

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

EN 10305-1 Steel tubes for precision applications. Part 1: Seamless cold drawn tubes.
DIN 2391 Seamless precision steel tubes.
Part 1: Dimensions. Part 2: TDC.
BS 6323 Seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 1: General requirements.
Part 4: Specific requirements for cold finished seamless steel tubes.
NFA 49-310 Seamless precision tubes for mechanical application.
UNI 7945 Plain end seamless precision steel tubes.
ISO 3304 Plain end seamless precision steel tubes - TDC.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10305-1 E215 Cold finished Outside and inside Non-specific 10204: Label with data on bundle Termporary upon Bundle with
(Other TDC E235 Symbol for steel condition: surface smooth 2.2 Upon agreement letter agreement section:
upon agree- E355 +C Roughness ≤ 4 µm Specific: 3.1 spraying on tube: • round
ment) (Other steel + LC Tubes in condition • product analysis • producer • hexago-
upon agree- + SR +C and +LC with • tensile test • dimension nal
ment) +A layers of lubricant • dimensions See also • standard
+N and lubricant • visual page 10 • steel grade Max weight
carrier • optional - upon agreement • cast 2000 kg
(See page 63) (including NDT) • test style
2391-2 St35 Cold finished Grade A of quality 50049/2.2 • identification number
(Other TDC St45 Symbol for steel condition: Grade C of quality 3.1.B by specific testing
upon agree- St52 BK • dimensions
ment) (Other steel BKW • visual
upon agree- BKS • tensile test
ment) GBK • flattening*
NBK • drift expanding*
• optional - upon agreement
6323/ 1,4 CFS 3 Cold finished • product analysis Test results
CFS 4 Symbol for steel condition: • tensile test
CFS 5 BK • flattening
CFS 6 BKW • leak tightness - upon agree-
CFS 7 GBK ment
49-310 TU37b Symbol for steel condition: • tensile test 49-001
TU52b BK • flattening* non-specific
TU20MV6 BKW • drift expanding* • 2.2
BK + S • dimensions specific
49-312 S 470M GBK • visual • 3.1.B
S 450MG2 NBK • other tests - upon agreement • 3.1.C
7945 Fe280 Cold finished Non-specific 10204/2.2
Fe320 Symbol for steel condition:
Fe360 BK Specific: 3.1
Fe410 BKW • product analysis
Fe490 GBK • tensile test
NBK • dimensions
• visual
• optional - upon agreement
(including NDT)

Note: * technological test for heat-treated tubes only

Designation of steels for precision tubes according to EN:

• machining steel tubes:
– steel E355 + AR, E 355 + N
E – steel for machine part
355 – minimum yield strenght
+ AR – heat treatment not applied, + N – normalized or normalising formed
– steel 20MnV6
steel designated by chemical composition – guaranteed mean C content 0,20%
guaranteed content of Mn and V
+ AR – heat treatment not applied, + N – normalized or normalising formed
• steels for machine parts
– steels for working without next heat treatment
non-alloy steel E 235, E275, E315, E355
condition +AR or +N
– steels with specified impact properties (fine grain) E275K2, E355K2
K2 – minimum average absorbed energy 40J (K) at a test temperature of –20 °C
– steels for heat and chemical-heat treatment of parts after working
steel C22E
C – steel with C content 0,22%, E – assigantion on controlled mean of S and P
steel 38Mn6
guaranteed mean C content and guaranteed Mn content

Precision cold drawn seamless standard steel tubes
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
STN (42 6710) Delivery upon agreement see page 36 • square cut ends
ČSN 42 6711 Table 16/Page 64 D ≤ 30 mm ±0,20 mm D ≤ 10 mm ±0,20 mm • random 3–7 (9) m D ≤ 15 mm • free from exces-
Table 17/Page 65 D = 30–50 mm ±0,30 mm D > 10 mm, T ≤ 1 mm ±0,12 mm • fixed with tolerance ±500 Straightened 3 mm/m sive burrs
Table 20/Page 68 D = 50–200 mm ±0,8 % D > 10 mm, T = 1–3 mm –10% mm .+1 • plain ends
(Other dimensions +12% • exact with tolerance 0 Precise straightened
upon agreement) D > 10 mm, T > 3 mm ±10 % + upon agreement 1,5 mm/m .+2
42 6712 D ≤ 30 mm ±0,10 mm D ≤ 10 mm ±0,20 mm • max length 18 m - upon (second number
D = 30–40 mm ±0,15 mm D > 10 mm, T ≤ 1 mm ±0,10 mm agreement behind RN)
D = 40–50 mm ±0,20 mm D > 10 mm, T > 1 mm ±10 % L ≤ 3 m 0 +5 mm
D = 50–200 mm ±0,5 % L > 3 m 0 +10 mm
(From ID = 18 mm possible to
order by ID)
GOST 8734 D = 5–10 mm ±0,15 mm T ≤ 1 mm ±0,12 mm Flexion max 1,5 mm/m
D = 10–30 mm ±0,30 mm T = 1–5 mm ±10 %
D = 30–50 mm ±0,4 mm T > 5 mm ±8 %
D > 50 mm ±0,8 %
9567 See dimensional tables D = 5–108 mm
(Inside diameter tolerance is also T = 0,2–0,8 mm ±0,05 mm
shown in table) T = 0,8–5 mm ±7,5 %
• other tolerances upon agreement T > 5 mm ±6 %
• possibility to shift tolerance
• by heat treated tubes increas-
ing of tolerance range
• ovality included in D tolerances
• eccentricity included in T tolerances
12132 Quality range:
• usual
• increased
• high
see article 1.10 of standard
PN-H 74240 See dimensional tables ±10 % • fixed with tolerance ±500 • total deviation:
(74220) (Inside diameter tolerance is also min ±0,1 mm mm ReH < 500 MPa
shown in table) (Applied for ordering by: • exact with tolerance 0 0,0015 L
• other tolerances upon agreement • OD x T + upon agreement ReH > 500 MPa
• possibility to shift tolerance • ID x T) • max length 18 m - upon 0,002 L
• by heat treated tubes increas- agreement • local deviation max
ing of tolerance range 3 mm/m
• ovality included in D tolerances
• eccentricity included in T tolerances

ASTM A519 See page 18

JIS G3445 See page 18
1. Tolerances of outside or inside diameter are not given like % of diameter as with rolled tubes, but they are usually a part of dimensional tables. Values in Table 16 are taken from
EN 10305-1. Exact tolerance values of tubes according to other standards are given in appropriete standards.
2. Tubes shall be ordered: D x ID, D x T, ID x T (ID = inside diameter). The tolerances are valid for these two ordered values.
3. Tubes for mechanical and pressure purposes (page 16–49) upon agreement can be delivered as precision according to dimensional standards for precision tubes.
4. Precision tubes can be delivered also upon bilaterally agreed TDC and technical specifications.
5. Ovality and eccentricity see p. 27.

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

STN 42 0260 ČSN 42 0260 Cold drawn precision seamless steel tubes from steel class 10 to 16.
STN 42 6710 ČSN 42 6710 Cold drawn seamless tubes with normal tolerances. Dimensions.
STN 42 6711 ČSN 42 6711 Precision seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 42 6712 ČSN 42 6712 Precision seamless steel tubes with increased accuracy. Dimensions.
GOST 8733 Seamless steel tubes cold and hot deformed. TDC.
GOST 8734 Seamless steel tubes cold deformed. Dimensions.
GOST 12132 Electrowelded and seamless steel tubes for automotive and bicycle industries.
GOST 21729 Cold deformed and hot deformed structural carbon and alloyed steel tubes.
PN-H 74220 Seamless steel cold drawn or rolled tubes for general purposes.
PN-H 74240 Seamless cold drawn precision steel tubes. (Titles of standards for steels see page 90)
ASTM A519 Seamless carbon and alloy steel mechanical tubing.
JIS G 3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
Bundle with
42 0260 11 353 Cold finished • 0+ - scaled • dimensions .1+ - certificate Label with data on bundle Termporary upon section:
11 453 Symbol for steel • 1+ - pickled • tensile test .1, .2, .4 .2+ - inspection Upon agreement agreement • round
11 503 condition: • 2+ - free of scale • hardness .3 .9+ - agree- Data: • hexago-
11 523 .0 No heat treatment • 3+ - bright • flattening .4 ment • manufacturer nal
11 550 .1 Normalized • 4+ - metallic • drift expanding .4 • order
11 650 clean • leak tightness .2, .4 • dimension Max weight
12 040 Other conditions upon • 9+ - special • NDT - upon agreement • steel 2000 kg
12 050 agreement agreement • condition
12 060 (first number • quantity
behind DS) • colour strap on tube

8733 1050: Cold finished • product analysis GOST 10692

21729 10 Symbol for steel • dimensions
20 condition: • visual
35 No heat treatment • hardness
45 Normalized • leak tightness
10G2 Other conditions upon
15ChM agreement

74240 84018: Cold finished

(74220) 18G2A Symbol for
18G2 steel condition:
84019: BK
10 BKW
20 GBK
35 NBK
A519 See page 19
G3445 See page 19

Condition and heat treatment terminology – STN Material condition designation depending on heat
42 0002, STN 42 0004, EN 10052, DIN 2391-2 and treatment according to ČSN and STN (first supple-
EN 10305-1, ISO 4885 mentary number behind steel grade):
0 –without heat treatment
Delivery conditions and heat treatment according 1 –normalized
to DIN and EN 2 –annealed (kind stated)
Precision tubes are delivered in following conditions (first symbol lists 3 –soft annealed
previous designation, the new one according to EN is in brackets): 4 –quenched and tempered
BK (+C) Cold finished/hard (cold finished as drawn). 5 –normalised and tempered
No heat treatment after last cold forming process. 6 –heat treatment with the object of achieving a minimum ten-
BKW (+LC) Cold finished/soft (lightly cold worked). sile within a specified range
After last heat treatment there is a light finishing 7 –heat treatment with the object of achieving a average ten-
pass (cold drawing). sile within a specified range
8 –heat treatment with the object of achieving a maximum ten-
BKS (+SR) Cold finished/stress relieve annealed.
sile within a specified range
After the final cold forming process the tubes are
9 –specific (upon agreement)
stress relieve annealed.
GBK (+A) Annealed. After the final cold forming process Steel condition designation according to ASTM A519:
the tubes are annealed in a controlled atmosphere. CW – Cold Worked
NBK (+N) Normalized. After the final cold forming pro- A – Annealed
cess the tubes are annealed above the upper N – Normalized
transformation point in a controlled atmosphere. SR – Stress Relieved or Finished Annealed
QT – Quenched and Tempered

Dimensions of precision seamless cold drawn steel tubes according to standards EN, DIN, UNI, NFA, PN-H Table 16
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 1,8 2 2,2 2,5 2,8 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 7 8 9 10
[mm] Inside diameter and tolerances
4 3±0,15 2,4±0,15 2±0,15 1,6±0,15
5 4±0,15 3,4±0,15 3±0,15 2,6±0,15
6 5±0,15 4,4±0,15 4±0,15 3,6±0,15 3±0,15 2,4±0,15 2±0,15
7 6±0,15 5,4±0,15 5±0,15 4,6±0,15 4±0,15 3,4±0,15 3±0,15
8 7±0,15 6,4±0,15 6±0,15 5,6±0,15 5±0,15 4,4±0,15 4±0,15 3,6±0,15 3±0,25
9 8±0,15 7,4±0,15 7±0,15 6,6±0,15 6±0,15 5,4±0,15 5±0,15 4,6±0,15 4±0,25 3,4±0,25
10 ±0,08 9±0,15 8,4±0,15 8±0,15 7,6±0,15 7±0,15 6,4±0,15 6±0,15 5,6±0,15 5±0,15 4,4±0,25 4±0,25
12 11±0,15 10,4±0,15 10±0,15 9,6±0,15 9±0,15 8,4±0,15 8±0,15 7,6±0,15 7±0,15 6,4±0,15 6±0,25 5±0,25 4±0,25
14 13±0,08 12,4±0,08 12±0,08 11,6±0,15 11±0,15 10,40±0,15 10±0,15 9,6±0,15 9±0,15 8,4±0,15 8±0,15 7±0,15 6±0,25 5±0,25
15 14±0,08 13,4±0,08 13±0,08 12,6±0,08 12±0,15 11,4±0,15 11±0,15 1,60±0,15 10±0,15 9,4±0,15 9±0,15 8±0,15 7±0,15 6±0,25
16 15±0,08 14,4±0,08 14±0,08 13,6±0,08 13±0,08 12,4±0,15 12±0,15 11,6±0,15 11±0,15 10,4±0,15 10±0,15 9±0,15 8±0,15 7±0,15
18 17±0,08 16,4±0,08 16±0,08 15,6±0,08 15±0,08 14,4±0,08 14±0,08 13,6±0,15 13±0,15 12,4±0,15 12±0,15 11±0,15 10±0,15 9±0,15
20 19±0,08 18,4±0,08 18±0,08 17,6±0,08 17±0,08 16,4±0,08 16±0,08 15,6±0,15 15±0,15 14,4±0,15 14±0,15 13±0,15 12±0,15 11±0,15 10±0,15 9±0,15 8±0,25
22 21±0,08 20,4±0,08 20±0,08 19,6±0,08 19±0,08 18,4±0,08 18±0,08 17,6±0,08 17±0,15 16,4±0,15 16±0,15 15±0,15 14±0,15 13±0,075 12±0,15 11±0,15 10±0,15
25 23,4±0,08 23±0,08 22,6±0,08 22±0,08 21,4±0,08 21±0,08 20,6±0,08 20±0,08 19,4±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15 17±0,15 16±0,15 15±0,15 14±0,15 13±0,15
26 24,4±0,08 24±0,08 23,6±0,08 23±0,08 22,4±0,08 22±0,08 21,6±0,08 21±0,08 20,4±0,15 20±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15 17±0,15 16±0,15 15±0,15 14±0,15
28 26,4±0,08 26±0,08 25,6±0,08 25±0,08 24,4±0,08 24±0,08 23,6±0,08 23±0,08 22,4±0,08 22±0,15 21±0,15 20±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15 17±0,15 16±0,15
30 28,4±0,08 28±0,08 27,6±0,08 27±0,08 26,4±0,08 26±0,08 25,6±0,08 25±0,08 24,4±0,08 24±0,15 23±0,15 22±0,15 21±0,15 20±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15
32 30,4±0,15 30±0,15 29,6±0,15 29±0,15 28,4±0,15 28±0,15 27,6±0,15 27±0,15 26,4±0,15 26±0,15 25±0,15 24±0,15 23±0,15 22±0,15 21±0,15 20±0,15 18±0,15
35 33,4±0,15 33±0,15 32,6±0,15 32±0,15 31,4±0,15 31±0,15 30,6±0,15 30±0,15 29,4±0,15 29±0,15 28±0,15 27±0,15 26±0,15 25±0,15 24±0,15 23±0,15 21±0,15 19±0,15
38 36,4±0,15 36±0,15 35,6±0,15 35±0,15 34,4±0,15 34±0,15 33,6±0,15 33±0,15 32,4±0,15 32±0,15 31±0,15 30±0,15 29±0,15 28±0,15 27±0,15 26±0,15 24±0,15 22±0,15
40 38,4±0,15 38±0,15 37,6±0,15 37±0,15 36,4±0,15 36±0,15 35,6±0,15 35±0,15 34,4±0,15 34±0,15 33±0,15 32±0,15 31±0,15 30±0,15 29±0,15 28±0,15 26±0,15 24±0,15
42 39,6±0,20 39±0,20 38,4±0,20 38±0,20 37,6±0,20 37±0,20 36,4±0,20 36±0,20 35±0,20 34±0,20 33±0,20 32±0,20 31±0,20 30±0,20 28±0,20 26±0,20
45 42,6±0,20 42±0,20 41,4±0,20 41±0,20 40,6±0,20 40±0,20 39,4±0,20 39±0,20 38±0,20 37±0,20 36±0,20 35±0,20 34±0,20 33±0,20 31±0,20 29±0,20
48 45,6±0,20 45±0,20 44,4±0,20 44±0,20 43,6±0,20 43±0,20 42,4±0,20 42±0,20 41±0,20 40±0,20 39±0,20 38±0,20 37±0,20 36±0,20 34±0,20 32±0,20 30±0,20 28±0,20
50 47,6±0,20 47±0,20 46,4±0,20 46±0,20 45,6±0,20 45±0,20 44,4±0,20 44±0,20 43±0,20 42±0,20 41±0,20 40±0,20 39±0,20 38±0,20 36±0,20 34±0,20 32±0,20 30±0,20
55 52,6±0,25 52±0,25 51,4±0,25 51±0,25 50,6±0,25 50±0,25 49,4±0,25 49±0,25 48±0,25 47±0,25 46±0,25 45±0,25 44±0,25 43±0,25 41±0,25 39±0,25 37±0,25 35±0,25
60 57,6±0,25 57±0,25 56,4±0,25 56±0,25 55,6±0,25 55±0,25 54,4±0,25 54±0,25 53±0,25 52±0,25 51±0,25 50±0,25 49±0,25 48±0,25 46±0,25 44±0,25 42±0,25 40±0,25
65 62,6±0,30 62±0,30 61,4±0,30 61±0,30 60,6±0,30 60±0,30 59,4±0,30 59±0,30 58±0,30 57±0,30 56±0,30 55±0,30 54±0,30 53±0,30 51±0,30 49±0,30 47±0,30 45±0,30
70 67,6±0,30 67±0,30 66,4±0,30 66±0,30 65,6±0,30 65±0,30 64,4±0,30 64±0,30 63±0,30 62±0,30 61±0,30 60±0,30 59±0,30 58±0,30 56±0,30 54±0,30 52±0,30 50±0,30
75 71±0,35 70,6±0,35 70±0,35 69,4±0,35 69±0,35 68±0,35 67±0,35 66±0,35 65±0,35 64±0,35 63±0,35 61±0,35 59±0,35 57±0,35 55±0,35
80 76±0,35 75,6±0,35 75±0,35 74,4±0,35 74±0,35 73±0,35 72±0,35 71±0,35 70±0,35 69±0,35 68±0,35 66±0,35 64±0,35 62±0,35 60±0,35
85 81±0,40 80,6±0,40 80±0,40 79,4±0,40 79±0,40 78±0,40 77±0,40 76±0,40 75±0,40 74±0,40 73±0,40 71±0,40 69±0,40 67±0,40 65±0,40
90 86±0,40 85,6±0,40 85±0,40 84,4±0,40 84±0,40 83±0,40 82±0,40 81±0,40 80±0,40 79±0,40 78±0,40 76±0,40 74±0,40 72±0,40 70±0,40
95 91±0,45 90,6±0,45 90±0,45 89,4±0,45 89±0,45 88±0,45 87±0,45 86±0,45 85±0,45 84±0,45 83±0,45 81±0,45 79±0,45 77±0,45 75±0,45
100 96±0,46 95,6±0,45 95±0,45 94,4±0,45 94±0,45 93±0,45 92±0,45 91±0,45 90±0,45 89±0,45 88±0,45 86±0,45 84±0,45 82±0,45 80±0,45
110 105,6±0,50 105±0,50 104,4±0,50 104±0,50 103±0,50 102±0,50 101±0,50 100±0,50 99±0,50 98±0,50 96±0,50 94±0,50 92±0,50 90±0,50
120 114±0,50 113±0,50 112±0,50 111±0,50 110±0,50 109±0,50 108±0,50 106±0,50 104±0,50 102±0,50 100±0,50

Other dimensions (up to diameter 162) and tolerances upon agreement.

Tolerances D are valid for conditions BK and BKW according to DIN standards and for conditions +C a +LC according to EN standards. At heat
treated tubes (conditions NBK, GBK, BKS according to DIN standards and conditions +N, +A, +SR according to EN standards) can be
tolerances enlarged, as is shown in the table on page 65.
This is valid also in other standards.

Dimensions of precision seamless cold drawn steel tubes with reduced tolerances Table 17
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 7 8 9 10
[mm] Inside diameter and tolerances
5 4±0,12 3±0,12
6 5±0,12 4±0,10 3±0,12 2±0,12
7 6±0,12 5±0,10 4±0,12 3±0,12
8 7±0,10 6±0,10 5±0,10 4±0,12 3±0,15 2±0,15
9 8±0,10 7±0,10 6±0,10 5±0,12 4±0,15 3±0,15
10 ±0,05 9±0,08 8±0,07 7±0,08 6±0,12 5±0,15 4±0,15 3±0,15
12 11±0,08 10±0,07 9±0,08 8±0,10 7±0,15 6±0,15 5±0,15 4±0,20
14 13±0,08 12±0,07 11±0,07 10±0,10 9±0,12 8±0,15 7±0,15 6±0,20 5±0,20 4±0,20
15 14±0,08 13±0,07 12±0,07 11±0,10 10±0,12 9±0,15 8±0,15 7±0,15 6±0,20 5±0,20
16 15±0,08 14±0,07 13±0,07 12±0,10 11±0,12 10±0,15 9±0,15 8±0,15 7±0,15 6±0,20
18 17±0,08 16±0,06 15±0,05 14±0,05 13±0,05 12±0,05 11±0,05 10±0,05 9±0,15 8±0,15
20 19±0,08 18±0,06 17±0,05 16±0,05 15±0,05 14±0,05 13±0,05 12±0,05 11±0,15 10±0,15 9±0,15 8±0,15
22 21±0,08 20±0,06 19±0,05 18±0,05 17±0,05 16±0,05 15±0,05 14±0,05 13±0,10 12±0,15 11±0,15 10±0,15
25 24±0,08 23±0,08 22±0,08 21±0,08 20±0,08 19±0,08 18±0,08 17±0,06 16±0,06 15±0,06 14±0,06 13±0,06
26 25±0,08 24±0,08 23±0,08 22±0,08 21±0,08 20±0,08 19±0,08 18±0,06 17±0,06 16±0,06 15±0,06 14±0,06
28 26±0,08 25±0,08 24±0,08 23±0,08 22±0,08 21±0,08 20±0,08 19±0,08 18±0,06 17±0,06 16±0,06
30 28±0,08 27±0,08 26±0,08 25±0,08 24±0,08 23±0,08 22±0,08 21±0,08 20±0,08 19±0,06 18±0,06 16±0,06
32 30±0,12 29±0,12 28±0,12 27±0,10 26±0,10 25±0,10 24±0,10 23±0,08 22±0,08 21±0,08 20±0,08 18±0,08 16±0,08
35 33±0,12 32±0,12 31±0,12 30±0,10 29±0,10 28±0,10 27±0,10 26±0,08 25±0,08 24±0,08 23±0,08 21±0,08 19±0,08
38 36±0,014 35±0,14 34±0,14 33±0,10 32±0,010 31±0,10 30±0,10 29±0,10 28±0,08 27±0,08 26±0,08 24±0,08 22±0,08
40 38±0,14 37±0,14 36±0,14 35±0,10 34±0,10 33±0,10 32±0,10 31±0,10 30±0,08 29±0,08 28±0,08 26±0,08 24±0,08 22±0,10 20±0,10
42 40±0,18 39±0,18 38±0,18 37±0,18 36±0,15 35±0,15 34±0,15 33±0,15 32±0,10 31±0,10 30±0,10 28±0,10 26±0,10 24±0,10 22±0,10
45 43±0,18 42±0,18 41±0,18 40±0,18 39±0,15 38±0,15 37±0,15 36±0,15 35±0,10 34±0,10 33±0,10 31±0,10 29±0,10 27±0,10 25±0,10
48 46±0,18 45±0,18 44±0,18 43±0,18 42±0,15 41±0,15 40±0,15 39±0,15 38±0,10 37±0,10 36±0,10 34±0,10 32±0,10 30±0,10 28±0,10
50 48±0,18 47±0,18 46±0,18 45±0,18 44±0,15 43±0,15 42±0,15 41±0,15 40±0,12 39±0,10 38±0,10 36±0,10 34±0,10 32±0,10 30±0,10
55 52±0,18 51±0,18 50±0,18 49±0,15 48±0,15 47±0,15 46±0,15 45±0,12 44±0,10 43±0,10 41±0,10 39±0,10 37±0,15 35±0,15
60 57±0,18 56±0,18 55±0,18 54±0,15 53±0,15 52±0,15 51±0,15 50±0,12 49±0,10 48±0,10 46±0,10 44±0,10 42±0,15 40±0,15
65 62±0,20 61±0,20 60±0,20 59±0,20 58±0,20 57±0,20 56±0,15 55±0,15 54±0,15 53±0,15 51±0,15 49±0,15 47±0,15 45±0,15
70 67±0,25 66±0,25 65±0,25 64±0,20 63±0,20 62±0,20 61±0,15 60±0,15 59±0,15 58±0,15 56±0,15 54±0,15 52±0,15 50±0,15
75 72±0,30 71±0,30 70±0,30 69±0,25 68±0,25 67±0,25 66±0,20 65±0,20 64±0,20 63±0,20 61±0,20 59±0,20 57±0,20 55±0,20
80 77±0,30 76±0,30 75±0,30 74±0,25 73±0,25 72±0,25 71±0,20 70±0,20 69±0,20 68±0,20 66±0,20 64±0,20 62±0,20 60±0,20
85 82±0,32 81±0,32 80±0,32 79±0,30 78±0,30 77±0,30 76±0,25 75±0,20 74±0,20 73±0,20 71±0,20 69±0,20 67±0,20 65±0,20
90 87±0,32 86±0,32 85±0,32 84±0,30 83±0,30 82±0,30 81±0,25 80±0,25 79±0,25 78±0,20 76±0,20 74±0,20 72±0,20 70±0,20
95 91±0,35 90±0,35 89±0,35 88±0,30 87±0,30 86±0,30 85±0,25 84±0,25 83±0,22 81±0,22 79±0,20 77±0,20 75±0,20
100 96±0,35 95±0,35 94±0,35 93±0,30 92±0,30 91±0,30 90±0,25 89±0,25 88±0,22 86±0,22 84±0,20 82±0,20 80±0,20
110 106±0,40 105±0,40 104±0,40 103±0,35 102±0,35 101±0,35 100±0,30 99±0,30 98±0,25 96±0,25 94±0,25 92±0,25 90±0,25
120 116±0,40 115±0,40 114±0,40 113±0,35 112±0,35 111±0,35 110±0,30 109±0,30 108±0,25 106±0,25 104±0,25 102±0,25 100±0,25

Tolerance of wall thickness ±7,5 %.

Possible values of outside diameter for heat treated tubes

DIN, EN NFA, UNI STN, ČSN Coefficient
Ratio T/D Ratio T/D Ratio D/T value
> 0,05 > 1/20 ≤ 20 1
0,05–0,025 1/20–1/40 20–40 1,5
< 0,025 1/40–1/60 40–60 2
< 1/60 ≥ 60 2,5

Dimensions and weight of cold drawn steel tubes according to standards ASTM A450 and A1016 - weight in lb/ft Table 18

Outside Tube weight in lb/ft with wall thickness (gauge/inches/mm)

diameter 25g 20g 18g 16g 14g 13g 12g 11g 10g 9g 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 3/8
.020 .035 .049 .065 .083 .095 .109 .120 .134 .148 .156 .188 .219 .250 .281 .313 .375
mm inch 0,51 0,89 1,24 1,65 2,11 2,41 2,77 3,05 3,40 3,76 3,96 4,78 5,56 6,35 7,14 7,95 9,53
6,35 1/4" (.250) .049 .080 .105 .128
9,53 3/8" (.375) .075 .127 .170 .215 .258 .284
12,70 1/2" (.500) .102 .173 .236 .302 .369 .410 .445 .487
15,88 5/8" (.625) .301 .388 .480 .537 .600 .647
19,05 3/4" (.750) .366 .475 .591 .664 .746 .807
22,23 7/8" (.875) .432 .562 .702 .791 .891 .967 1.060
25,40 1" (1.000) .497 .649 .812 .918 1.037 1.128 1.239 1.346 1.406
28,58 1 1/8" (1.125) .563 .735 .923 1.045 1.183 1.288 1.418 1.544 1.614
31,75 1 1/4" (1.250) .628 .822 1.034 1.172 1.328 1.448 1.597 1.741 1.832 2.132
34,93 1 3/8" (1.375) .693 .909 1.145 1.299 1.437 1.608 1.776 1.939 2.031 2.383 2.704 3.004
38,10 1 1/2" (1.500) .759 .996 1.256 1.426 1.619 1.769 1.955 2.137 2.239 2.634 2.996 3.338 3.658
41,28 1 5/8" (1.625) 1.083 1.369 1.552 1.764 1.929 2.133 2.334 2.447 2.885 3.289 3.671 4.033
44,45 1 3/4" (1.750) 1.170 1.478 1.679 1.910 2.089 2.313 2.532 2.656 3.136 3.581 4.005 4.409 4.804
47,63 1 7/8" (1.875) 1.257 1.589 1.806 2.055 2.249 2.491 2.729 2.864 3.387 3.873 4.339 4.784 5.222
50,80 2" (2.000) 1.343 1.699 1.933 2.201 2.409 2.670 2.927 3.072 3.638 4.166 4.673 5.159 5.639 6.508
53,98 2 1/8" (2.125) 1.430 1.809 2.060 2.346 2.569 2.849 3.125 3.281 3.889 4.458 5.006 5.534 6.057 7.009
57,15 2 1/4" (2.250) 1.517 1.921 2.186 2.492 2.730 3.027 3.322 3.489 4.140 4.750 5.340 5.909 6.475 7.509
60,33 2 3/8" (2.375) 1.604 2.031 2.313 2.638 2.890 3.207 3.520 3.697 4.391 5.043 5.674 6.284 6.893 8.010
63,50 2 1/2" (2.500) 1.690 2.143 2.440 2.783 3.050 3.385 3.717 3.905 4.642 5.335 6.008 6.659 7.311 8.511
66,68 2 5/8" (2.625) 1.777 2.253 2.567 2.928 3.210 3.565 3.915 4.114 4.893 5.627 6.341 7.035 7.729 9.011
69,85 2 3/4" (2.750) 1.864 2.364 2.699 3.074 3.371 3.743 4.112 4.322 5.144 5.920 6.675 7.409 8.147 9.512
73,03 2 7/8" (2.875) 1.951 2.474 2.820 3.220 3.671 3.922 4.310 4.530 5.395 6.212 7.009 7.785 8.564 10.01
76,20 3" (3.000) 2.037 2.586 2.947 3.365 3.691 4.102 4.508 4.739 5.646 6.505 7.342 8.160 8.982 10.51
79,38 3 1/8" (3.125) 2.124 2.696 3.074 3.510 3.851 4.208 4.705 4.947 5.897 6.797 7.676 8.535 9.400 11.01
82,55 3 1/4" (3.250) 2.211 2.807 3.200 3.656 4.011 4.458 4.903 5.155 6.148 7.089 8.010 8.910 9.818 11.51
88,90 3 1/2" (3.500) 3.029 3.455 3.947 4.332 4.817 5.298 5.571 6.650 7.674 8.678 9.660 10.65 12.52
92,08 3 5/8" (3.625) 3.139 3.582 4.092 4.492 4.996 5.495 5.780 6.901 7.966 9.011 10.04 11.07 13.02
95,25 3 3/4" (3.750) 3.251 3.708 4.238 4.652 5.174 5.693 5.988 7.152 8.258 9.345 10.41 11.49 13.52
101,60 4" (4.000) 3.472 3.962 4.529 4.972 5.532 6.088 6.404 7.344 8.843 10.01 11.16 12.33 14.52
104,78 4 1/8" (4.125) 6.613 7.905 9.135 10.69 11.53 12.74 15.02
107,95 4 1/4" (4.250) 9.428 10.86 11.91 13.16 15.52
114,30 4 1/2" (4.500) 10.01 11.35 12.66 14.00 16.52
120,65 4 3/4" (4.750) 10.60 12.01 13.41 14.83 17.52

Permissible tolerances of outside diameter according to ASTM A450/A450M and ASTM A1016/A1016M
Outside diameter
Hot formed under 4” (101,6 mm) –1/32 (0,8 mm) +1/64 (0,4 mm)
4”–7 1/2” (101,6–190,5 mm) –3/64 (1,2 mm) +1/64 (0,4 mm)
Cold drawn under 1” (25,4 mm) –0.004 (0,1 mm) +0.004 (0,1 mm)
1”–11/2” (25,4–38,1 mm) –0.006 (0,15 mm) +0.006 (0,15 mm)
over 11/2”–2” (38,1–50,8 mm) –0.008 (0,2 mm) +0.008 (0,2 mm)
2”–21/2” (50,8–63,5 mm) –0.010 (0,25 mm) +0.010 (0,25 mm)
21/2”–3” (63,5–76,2 mm) –0.012 (0,3 mm) +0.012 (0,3 mm)
3”–4” (76,2–101,6 mm) –0.015 (0,38 mm) +0.015 (0,38 mm)
4”–71/2” (101,6–190,5 mm) –0.015 (0,38 mm) +0.025 (0,64 mm)

Dimensions and weight of cold drawn steel tubes according to standards ASTM A450 and A1016 - weight in kg/m Table 19

Outside Tube weight in kg/m with wall thickness (gauge/inches/mm)

diameter 25g 20g 18g 16g 14g 13g 12g 11g 10g 9g 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 9/32 5/16 3/8
.020 .035 .049 .065 .083 .095 .109 .120 .134 .148 .156 .188 .219 .250 .281 .313 .375
mm inch 0,51 0,89 1,24 1,65 2,11 2,41 2,77 3,05 3,40 3,76 3,96 4,78 5,56 6,35 7,14 7,95 9,53
6,35 1/4" (.250) 0,073 0,119 0,156 0,190
9,53 3/8" (.375) 0,112 0,189 0,253 0,320 0,384 0,423
12,70 1/2" (.500) 0,152 0,257 0,351 0,449 0,549 0,610 0,662 0,725
15,88 5/8" (.625) 0,448 0,577 0,714 0,799 0,893 0,963
19,05 3/4" (.750) 0,545 0,707 0,880 0,988 1,110 1,201
22,23 7/8" (.875) 0,643 0,836 1,045 1,177 1,326 1,439 1,577
25,40 1" (1.000) 0,740 0,966 1,208 1,366 1,543 1,679 1,844 2,003 2,092
28,58 1 1/8" (1.125) 0,838 1,094 1,374 1,555 1,760 1,917 2,110 2,298 2,402
31,75 1 1/4" (1.250) 0,935 1,223 1,539 1,744 1,976 2,155 2,377 2,591 2,726 3,173
34,93 1 3/8" (1.375) 1,031 1,353 1,704 1,933 2,138 2,393 2,643 2,886 3,022 3,546 4,024 4,470
38,10 1 1/2" (1.500) 1,130 1,482 1,869 2,122 2,409 2,633 2,909 3,180 3,332 3,920 4,459 4,967 5,444
41,28 1 5/8" (1.625) 1,612 2,037 2,310 2,625 2,871 3,174 3,473 3,642 4,293 4,895 5,463 6,002
44,45 1 3/4" (1.750) 1,741 2,200 2,499 2,842 3,109 3,442 3,768 3,953 4,667 5,329 5,960 6,561 7,149
47,63 1 7/8" (1.875) 1,871 2,365 2,688 3,058 3,347 3,707 4,061 4,262 5,040 5,764 6,457 7,119 7,771
50,80 2" (2.000) 1,999 2,528 2,877 3,275 3,585 3,973 4,356 4,572 5,414 6,200 6,954 7,677 8,392 9,685
53,98 2 1/8" (2.125) 2,128 2,692 3,066 3,491 3,823 4,240 4,651 4,883 5,787 6,634 7,450 8,235 9,014 10,431
57,15 2 1/4" (2.250) 2,258 2,859 3,253 3,708 4,063 4,505 4,944 5,192 6,161 7,069 7,947 8,794 9,636 11,175
60,33 2 3/8" (2.375) 2,387 3,022 3,442 3,926 4,301 4,773 5,238 5,502 6,535 7,505 8,444 9,352 10,258 11,920
63,50 2 1/2" (2.500) 2,515 3,189 3,631 4,142 4,539 5,037 5,531 5,811 6,908 7,939 8,941 9,910 10,880 12,666
66,68 2 5/8" (2.625) 2,644 3,353 3,820 4,357 4,777 5,305 5,826 6,122 7,282 8,374 9,436 10,469 11,502 13,410
69,85 2 3/4" (2.750) 2,774 3,518 4,017 4,575 5,017 5,570 6,119 6,432 7,655 8,810 9,933 11,026 12,124 14,155
73,03 2 7/8" (2.875) 2,903 3,682 4,197 4,792 5,463 5,837 6,414 6,741 8,029 9,244 10,431 11,585 12,745 14,896
76,20 3" (3.000) 3,031 3,848 4,386 5,008 5,493 6,104 6,709 7,052 8,402 9,680 10,926 12,143 13,367 15,641
79,38 3 1/8" (3.125) 3,161 4,012 4,575 5,223 5,731 6,262 7,002 7,362 8,776 10,115 11,423 12,701 13,989 16,385
82,55 3 1/4" (3.250) 3,290 4,177 4,762 5,441 5,969 6,634 7,296 7,671 9,149 10,550 11,920 13,260 14,611 17,129
88,90 3 1/2" (3.500) 4,508 5,142 5,874 6,447 7,168 7,884 8,291 9,896 11,420 12,914 14,376 15,849 18,632
92,08 3 5/8" (3.625) 4,671 5,331 6,090 6,685 7,435 8,177 8,602 10,270 11,855 13,410 14,941 16,474 19,376
95,25 3 3/4" (3.750) 4,838 5,518 6,307 6,923 7,700 8,472 8,911 10,643 12,289 13,907 15,492 17,099 20,120
101,60 4" (4.000) 5,167 5,896 6,740 7,399 8,233 9,060 9,530 10,929 13,160 14,896 16,608 18,349 21,608
104,78 4 1/8" (4.125) 9,841 11,764 13,594 15,908 17,158 18,959 22,352
107,95 4 1/4" (4.250) 14,030 16,161 17,724 19,584 23,096
114,30 4 1/2" (4.500) 14,896 16,891 18,840 20,834 24,584
120,65 4 3/4" (4.750) 15,774 17,873 19,956 22,069 26,073

1. Weights are valid for average (nominal) wall thickness.
2. Other dimensions upon agreement. Wall thickness according BWG and SWG (see table 4 on page 30) within range 25–2/0 (BWG) and 25–3/0 (SWG).

Permissible tolerances of wall thickness according to ASTM A450/A450M

Wall thickness
Hot formed ≤ 0,095" (2,4 mm) 0,095"– 0,15" (2,4–3,8 mm) 0,15"– 0,18" (3,8–4,6 mm) ≥ 0,18" (4,6 mm)
0 +40% 0 +35% 0 +33% 0 +28%
Cold formed With outside diameter
≤ 1 1/2" (38,1 mm) 0 +20% ≥ 1 1/2" (38,1 mm) 0 +22%
Welded 0 +18%

Dimensions and weight of precision seamless cold drawn steel tubes according
to standards STN, ČSN, BS, GOST (dimensions are valid also for other standards) Table 20
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
[mm] Tube weight [kg/m]
4 0,043 0,074
5 0,055 0,099
6 0,068 0,123 0,166 0,197
8 0,093 0,173 0,240 0,296 0,339 0,370
10 0,117 0,222 0,314 0,395 0,462 0,518
12 0,142 0,271 0,388 0,493 0,586 0,666 0,734 0,789
14 0,166 0,321 0,462 0,592 0,709 0,814 0,906 0,986 1,054
15 0,179 0,345 0,499 0,641 0,771 0,888 0,993 1,085 1,165
16 0,191 0,370 0,536 0,691 0,832 0,962 1,079 1,184 1,276
18 0,216 0,419 0,610 0,789 0,956 1,110 1,252 1,381 1,498
20 0,240 0,469 0,684 0,888 1,079 1,258 1,424 1,578 1,720 1,850 2,071
22 0,518 0,758 0,986 1,202 1,406 1,597 1,777 1,942 2,096 2,367
24 0,567 0,832 1,085 1,326 1,554 1,769 1,973 2,164 2,343 2,663
25 0,592 0,869 1,134 1,387 1,628 1,856 2,072 2,275 2,446 2,811
28 0,666 0,980 1,282 1,572 1,850 2,115 2,368 2,608 2,836 3,255
30 0,715 1,054 1,381 1,695 1,988 2,287 2,565 2,830 3,083 3,551
32 0,764 1,128 1,480 1,819 2,146 2,460 2,762 3,052 3,329 3,847 4,316
35 0,838 1,239 1,628 2,004 2,367 2,719 3,058 3,385 3,699 4,291 4,834
36 0,863 1,276 1,677 2,065 2,441 2,805 3,157 3,496 3,822 4,439
38 0,912 1,350 1,766 2,189 2,589 2,978 3,354 3,718 4,069 4,735 5,352 5,919
40 0,962 1,424 1,874 2,312 2,737 3,150 3,551 3,940 4,316 5,031 5,697 6,313
42 1,498 1,973 2,435 2,885 3,323 3,749 4,162 4,562 5,327 6,042 6,708
46 1,646 2,170 2,682 3,181 3,668 4,143 4,605 5,055 5,919 6,733 7,497
48 1,720 2,269 2,805 3,329 3,841 4,340 4,827 5,302 6,215 7,078 7,892 8,656 9,371
50 1,794 2,368 2,929 3,477 4,014 4,538 5,049 5,549 6,511 7,423 8,286 9,100 9,865
52 1,868 2,466 3,052 3,625 4,188 4,735 5,271 5,795 6,807 7,768 8,681 9,544 10,36
55 1,979 2,614 3,237 3,847 4,445 5,031 5,604 6,165 7,250 8,286 9,273 10,21 11,10
58 2,090 2,762 3,422 4,069 4,704 5,327 5,937 6,535 7,694 8,804 9,865 10,88 11,84
60 2,164 2,861 3,545 4,217 4,877 5,524 6,159 6,782 7,990 9,149 10,26 11,32 12,33
62 2,238 2,959 3,668 4,365 5,049 5,721 6,381 7,028 8,286 9,495 10,65 11,76 12,82
65 2,349 3,107 3,853 4,587 5,308 6,017 6,714 7,398 8,730 10,01 11,25 12,43 13,56
70 2,534 3,354 4,162 4,957 5,740 6,511 7,269 8,015 9,470 10,88 12,23 13,54 14,80
75 3,601 4,470 5,327 6,172 7,004 7,824 8,632 10,21 11,74 13,22 14,65 16,03
80 3,874 4,778 5,697 6,603 7,497 8,379 9,248 10,95 12,60 14,21 15,76 17,26
85 4,094 5,086 6,067 7,035 7,990 8,934 9,865 11,69 13,47 15,19 16,87 18,50
90 4,340 5,395 6,437 7,466 8,484 9,489 10,48 12,43 14,33 16,18 17,98 19,73
100 4,834 6,011 7,176 8,329 9,470 10,60 11,71 13,91 16,06 18,15 20,20 22,20
110 6,628 7,916 9,193 10,46 11,71 12,95 15,39 17,78 20,12 22,42 24,66
120 8,656 10,06 11,44 12,82 14,18 16,87 19,51 22,10 24,64 27,13

Exact value of tolerances depends on:

– the method of ordering of precision tubes (Dxd, DxT, dxT),
– tube delivery condition (drawn hard or heat treated),
– optional tolerance requirements.
Specific figures are given in appropriate standards (generally D < ±0,5 %, T = ±10 %).
Dimensions according to JIS see Table 10 p. 52.

Standard wire gauge for wall thickness
Nr B.W.G. S.W.G. Nearest Nr B.W.G. S.W.G. Nearest
gaude inch mm inch mm 1/64 inch (BWG) gaude inch mm inch mm 1/64 inch (BWG)
36 0.004 0,102 0.0076 0,193 – 14 0.083 2,108 0.080 2,032 5/64
35 0.005 0,127 0.0084 0,213 – 13 0.095 2,413 0.092 2,337 3/32
34 0.007 0,178 0.0092 0,234 – 12 0.109 2,769 0.104 2,642 7/64
33 0.008 0,203 0.0100 0,254 – 11 0.120 3,048 0.116 2,946 1/8
32 0.009 0,229 0.0108 0,274 – 10 0.134 3,404 0.128 3,251 9/64
31 0.010 0,254 0.0116 0,295 – 9 0.148 3,759 0.144 3,658 9/64
30 0.012 0,305 0.0124 0,315 – 8 0.165 4,191 0.160 4,064 11/64
29 0.013 0,330 0.0136 0,345 – 7 0.180 4,572 0.176 4,470 3/16
28 0.014 0,356 0.0148 0,376 – 6 0.203 5,156 0.192 4,877 13/64
27 0.016 0,406 0.0164 0,417 1/64 5 0.220 5,588 0.212 5,385 7/32
26 0.018 0,457 0.018 0,457 1/64 4 0.238 6,045 0.232 5,893 15/64
25 0.020 0,508 0.020 0,508 1/64 3 0.259 6,579 0.252 6,401 17/64
24 0.022 0,559 0.022 0,559 1/64 2 0.284 7,214 0.276 7,010 9/32
23 0.025 0,635 0.024 0,610 1/32 1 0.300 7,620 0.300 7,620 19/64
22 0.028 0,711 0.028 0,711 1/32 0 0.340 8,636 0.324 8,230 11/32
21 0.032 0,813 0.032 0,813 1/32 2/0 0.380 9,652 0.348 8,839 3/8
20 0.035 0,889 0.036 0,914 1/32 3/0 0.425 10,80 0.372 9,449 27/64
19 0.042 1,067 0.040 1,016 3/64 4/0 0.454 11,53 0.400 10,16 29/64
18 0.049 1,245 0.048 1,219 3/64 5/0 – – 0.432 10,97 –
17 0.058 1,473 0.056 1,422 1/16 6/0 – – 0.464 11,78 –
16 0.065 1,651 0.064 1,626 1/16 7/0 – – 0.500 12,70 –
15 0.072 1,829 0.072 1,829 5/64

Conversion table
US units SI SI US units
1 inch 25,4 mm 1 mm 0.03937 inch
12 inches = 1 foot 304,8 mm 1m 3.2808 feet
1 sq inch 645 mm2 1 mm2 0.00155 sq inch
1 sq foot 0,093 m2 1 m2 10.753 sq feet
1 cubic foot 0,02831685 m3 1 m3 35.31 cubic feet
1 lb 0,453592 kg 1 kg 2.20462 lbs
1 short ton (US) 0,907185 metric t 1 metric t 1,10231 short ton
1 long ton (UK) 1,01605 metric t 1 metric t 0,9842 long ton
1 ksi 6,894757 Mpa 1 Mpa 0,145038 ksi

Units: inch
lb - libra
Temperature: °C = 5/9 (°F – 32)
°F = 9/5 °C + 32
Conversion of weight to length – C-steel:
Dimensions in mm: 0,0246615 (D – T).T (kg/m)
Dimensions in inch: 10,68142 (D – T).T (lbs/ft)
Weight conversion: kg/m = 1,48816 lb/ft
lb/ft = 0,67197 kg/m
Pressure conversion: 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
1 MPa = 1 N/mm2
1 MPa = 10,1972 Atm
1 MPa = 106 Pa = 10 bar
1 Atm = 0,09806 MPa
1 Atm = 0,98066 bar
1 bar = 1,01972 Atm (tech)
1 bar = 100 000 Pa (100 kPa)
1 bar = 14,504 psi
1 psi = 0,006894757 MPa (6 895 kPa)
1 psi = 0,06894 bar
1 ksi = 1 000 psi = 6,895 (6,9) MPa

Steels for precision cold drawn seamless standard tubes
Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
11 453 max.0,24 0,050 0,050 265 441 539 21
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Nb 0,015–0,08 355 490 630 22
11 523 max.0,20 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,050 0,045 Al min.0,015 353 510 628 23
11 550 max.0,40 0,050 0,050 314 539 637 17
11 650 max.0,55 0,050 0,050 363 637 735 12
12 040 0,32–0,40 0,15–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 295 530 530 18
12 050 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 325 590 590 17
12 060 0,52–0,60 0,15–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,30 max.0,30 375 640 640 13
A 53 GradeA 0,25 0,95 0,050 0,045 205 30 330 48
GradeB 0,30 1,20 0,050 0,045 240 35 415 60
A 519 MT 1010 0,05–0,15 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT 1015 0,10–0,20 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT X 1015 0,10–0,20 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
MT 1020 0,15–0,25 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
MT X 1020 0,15–0,25 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1008 max.0,10 0,30–0,50 0,040 0,050
1010 0,08–0,13 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1012 0,10–0,15 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1015 0,13–0,18 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1016 0,13–0,18 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1017 0,15–0,20 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050
1018 0,15–0,20 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1019 0,15–0,20 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1020 0,18–0,23 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050 221 32 345 50 25
1021 0,18–0,23 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1022 0,18–0,23 0,70–1,00 0,040 0,050
1025 0,22–0,28 0,30–0,60 0,040 0,050 241 35 379 55 25
1026 0,22–0,28 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1030 0,28–0,34 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1035 0,32–0,38 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 276 40 448 65 20
1040 0,38–0,44 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050
1045 0,43–0,50 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 310 45 517 75 15
1050 0,48–0,55 0,60–0,90 0,040 0,050 345 50 552 80 10
1518 0,15–0,21 1,10–1,40 0,040 0,050
1524 0,19–0,25 1,35–1,65 0,040 0,050
1541 0,36–0,44 1,35–1,65 0,040 0,050
1629 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.0 max.0,21 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.0 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
1630 St 37.4 max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,35 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 235 350 480 25
St 44.4 max.0,20 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 Al min.0,020 275 420 550 21
St 52.4 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,020 355 500 650 21
2391-2 St 35 max. 0,17 max. 0,35 min.0,40 0,025 0,025 235 340 470 25
St 45 max. 0,21 max. 0,35 min.0,40 0,025 0,025 255 440 570 21
St 52 max. 0,22 max. 0,35 max. 1,60 0,025 0,025 355 490 630 22
17204 C22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,045 0,045 260 420 550 21
Ck22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 260 420 550 21
Cm22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 260 420 550 21
C35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 300 520 670 17
Ck35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 300 520 670 17
Cm35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 300 520 670 17
C45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 350 610 760 16
Ck45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 350 610 760 16
Cm45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 350 610 760 16
34CrMo4 0,30–0,37 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90–1,20 0,15–0,30
17210 C15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,045 0,045
Ck15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
Cm15 0,12–0,18 max.0,40 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035
16MnCr5 0,14–0,19 max.0,40 1,00–1,30 0,035 0,035 0,80–1,10
6323 CFS 3 max.0,20 max.0,35 0,60–1,00 0,050 0,050 215 360 24
CFS 4 max.0,25 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,050 0,050 235 410 22
CFS 5 max.0,23 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,050 0,050 340 490 20
CFS 6 0,30–0,40 max.0,35 0,50–0,90 0,050 0,050 280 460 21
CFS 7 0,20–0,30 max.0,35 1,20–1,50 0,050 0,050 – – –
CFS 8 0,40–0,55 max.0,35 0,50–0,90 0,050 0,050 340 540 18
663 Fe 35-1 max.0,18 – – 0,045 0,045 240 350 450 25
Fe 45-1 max.0,22 – – 0,045 0,045 260 450 550 21
Fe 55-1 max.0,36 – – 0,045 0,045 340 550 650 17
Fe 35-2 max.0,17 0,10–0,35 min.0,40 0,035 0,035 240 350 450 28
Fe 45-2 max.0,22 0,10–0,35 min.0,50 0,035 0,035 260 450 550 23
Fe 55-2 max.0,36 0,10–0,35 min.0,50 0,035 0,035 340 550 650 18
7945 Fe 280 max. 0,13 max. 0,60 0,050 0,050 155 280 25
Fe 320 max. 0,16 max. 0,70 0,050 0,050 195 320 25
Fe 360 max. 0,17 max. 0,35 max. 0,80 0,050 0,050 215 360 24
Fe 410 max. 0,21 max. 0,35 max. 1,20 0,050 0,050 235 410 22
Fe 490 max. 0,23 max. 0,35 max. 1,50 0,050 0,050 285 490 21
49-310 TU 37-b max.0,18 max.0,35 max. 0,80 0,040 0,040 240 360 500 25
TU 52-b max.0,20 max.0,50 max. 1,50 0,040 0,040 350 510 650 22
49-312 S470M 0,15–0,22 max.0,50 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,040 max.0,30 V 0,08–0,15 470 620 620 18
S450MG2 0,15–0,22 max.0,50 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,040 max.0,30 V 0,08–0,15 450 550 720 22

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
10216-1 P 195 TR1 max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 195 320 440 27
Ti max.0,03
P 195 TR2 max.0,13 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 195 320 440 27
Ti max.0,03
Al min.0,02
P 235 TR1 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 235 360 500 23
Ti max.0,03
P 235 TR2 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 235 360 500 23
Ti max.0,03
Al min.0,02
P 265 TR1 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 265 410 570 22
Ti max.0,03
P 265 TR2 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,02 265 410 570 22
Ti max.0,03
Al min.0,02
10216-3 P 355 N max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 V max.0,10 355 490 650 22
Ti max.0,03
Al min.0,02
10294-1 E235 max.0,18 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,045 0,045 235 360 25
10297-1 E275 max.0,21 max.0,35 max.1,40 0,045 0,045 275 410 22
E315 max.0,21 max.0,30 max.1,50 0,045 0,045 315 450 21
E355 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,045 0,045 355 490 20
E275K2 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 0,30 max.0,10 max.0,35 V max.0,05 275 410
E355K2 max.0,20 max.0,50 max.1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 0,50 max.0,10 max.0,35 V max.0,12 355 490 20
C22 0,17–0,24 max.0,40 0,40–0,70 0,045 0,045 260 420 21
C35 0,32–0,39 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 300 520 17
C45 0,42–0,50 max.0,40 0,50–0,80 0,045 0,045 350 610 16
C60 0,57–0,65 max.0,40 0,60–0,90 0,045 0,045 390 720 13
38Mn6 0,34–0,42 max.0,35 1,40–1,65 0,035 0,035 400 670 14
20MnV6 0,16–0,22 0,10–0,50 1,30–1,70 0,035 0,040 V max.0,15 420 600 19
10305-1 E 215 max.0,10 max. 0,05 max.0,70 0,025 0,025 Al min.0,025 215 290 430 30
E 235 max. 0,17 max. 0,35 max. 1,20 0,025 0,025 235 340 480 25
E 355 max. 0,22 max. 0,55 max. 1,60 0,025 0,025 355 490 630 22
E 255 max.0,21 max.0,35 0,40 - 1,10 0,025 0,025 255 440 570 21
26Mn5 0,20–0,30 max. 0,40 1,20–1,50 0,035 0,035
C 35E 0,32–0,39 max. 0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 280 460 21
C 45E 0,42–0,55 max. 0,40 0,50–0,80 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 max. 0,10 340 540 18
20V1 (E 410) 0,16–0,22 0,10–0,50 1,30–1,70 0,030 0,035 V 0,08–0,15 410 550 700 22
26Mo2 0,22–0,29 max. 0,40 max. 1,50 0,035 0,035 max. 0,40 0,15–0,25
25CrMo4 0,22–0,29 max. 0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90–1,20 max. 0,40 0,15–0,30
42CrMo4 0,38–0,45 max. 0,40 0,60–0,90 0,035 0,035 0,90–1,20 0,15–0,30
1050 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 31
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 25
35 0,32–0,40 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 315 530 20
45 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 355 600 16
19281 09G2S max.0,12 0,50–0,80 1,30–1,70 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 345 490 21
G 3445 STKM 11A max.0,12 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 290 35
STKM 12A max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 175 340 35
STKM 12B max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 275 390 25
STKM 12C max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,040 0,040 355 470 20
STKM 13A max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 215 370 30
STKM 13B max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 305 440 20
STKM 13C max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 380 510 15
STKM 14A max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 245 410 25
STKM 14B max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 355 500 15
STKM 14C max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 410 550 15
STKM 15A 0,25–0,35 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 275 470 22
STKM 15C 0,25–0,35 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 430 580 12
STKM 16A 0,35–0,45 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 325 510 20
STKM 16C 0,35–0,45 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 460 620 12
STKM 17A 0,45–0,55 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 345 550 20
STKM 17C 0,45–0,55 max.0,40 0,40–1,00 0,040 0,040 480 650 10
STKM 18A max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 275 440 25
STKM 18B max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 315 490 23
STKM 18C max.0,18 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 380 510 15
STKM 19A max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 315 490 23
STKM 19C max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 410 550 15
STKM 20A max.0,25 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 V max.0,15 390 540 23
G3454 STPG 370 max.0,25 max.0,35 0,30–0,90 0,040 0,040 215 370 30
STPG 410 max.0,30 max.0,35 0,30–1,00 0,040 0,040 245 410 25
G3455 STS 370 max.0,25 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,10 0,035 0,035 215 370 30
STS 410 max.0,30 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,40 0,035 0,035 245 410 25
STS 480 max.0,33 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,50 0,035 0,035 275 480 25
G3456 STPT 370 max. 0,25 0,10–0,35 0,30–0,90 0,035 0,035 215 370 30
STPT 410 max. 0,30 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,00 0,035 0,035 245 410 25
STPT 480 max. 0,33 0,10–0,35 0,30–1,00 0,035 0,035 275 480 25
84018 18G2A max.0,20 0,20–0,55 1,0–1,6 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 365 510 22
18G2 max.0,22 0,20–0,55 1,0–1,6 0,050 0,040
84019 10 0,07–0,14 0,15–0,40 0,35–0,65 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 195 345 25
20 0,17–0,24 0,15–0,40 0,35–0,65 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 225 440 21
35 0,32–0,39 0,10–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 255 540 17
45 0,42–0,50 0,10–0,40 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 295 640 14
55 0,52 - 0,60 0,10 - 0,40 0,60 - 0,90 0,040 0,040 max. 0,30 max. 0,30 max. 0,10 max. 0,30 max. 0,050 380 680 11
84023/07 R35 0,07–0,16 0,12–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 215 360 24
R45 0,16–0,22 0,12–0,35 0,60–1,20 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 255 430 22
R55 0,32–0,40 0,20–0,35 0,60–0,85 0,045 0,045 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,30 295 540 17
R65 0,45 - 0,52 0,20 - 0,35 0,60 - 0,85 0,045 0,045 380 640 16

Cylinder tubes

Precision tubes for mechanical treatment – HPZ

Dimensions of HPZ tubes are given in Table 21.

• outside diameter according to standards DIN 2391-1, EN 10305-1, ČSN/STN 42 6712
• inside diameter – Table 21
• wall thickness ±7,5%
• eccentricity is included in the tolerances of wall thickness

• random lengths 3–6 m
• fixed lengths max. 6 m

1 mm/m (1 : 1 000) – measured on outside surface.

Tube ends
Plain, upon request ends could be plugged with plastic caps.

Steel grade
• 11 523 according to STN, ČSN
• St 52 (1.0580) according to DIN 2391, St 52-3 (1.0570) according to DIN 17100
• E 355 (1.0580) according to EN 10305-1
• 20 Mn V 6 according to EN 10294-1 (see page 21, 114, 115)
• another steel upon agreement

Delivery condition
BKS (+SR) – cold finished / stress relieve annealed.
Other conditions upon agreement.

Outside diameter
Smooth after cold drawing (DIN 2391).

• cast analysis
• tensile test
• visual test
• dimensional test
• NDT (eddy current test)
• other tests upon agreement

Colour stencilling along whole tube length:
• producer‘s logo
• size (O.D. – I.D.)
• steel
• heat No.
• standard number (or according to customer’s specification)

Surface protection
Tubes are oiled.

Tubes are packed in round or hexagonal bundles with weight max. 2000 kg, fastened with steel strips.

Certified test report

According to DIN 50049 (EN 10204) - 3.1.B. , (3.1)

Dimensions and weight of HPZ tubes for mechanical treatment Table 21
Inside Tolerance Inside Tolerance
Dxt Weight Dxt Weight
diameter of insidediameter diameter of insidediameter
[mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m]
50 x 5 5,55 85 x 5 9,86
52 x 6 6,80 87 x 6 11,99
40 75
55 x 7,5 8,78 90 x 7,5 15,26
60 x 10 12,33 95 x 10 20,96
55 x 5 6,16 90 x 5 10,48
–0,20 57 x 6 7,55 –0,20 92 x 6 12,72
45 80
–0,40 60 x 7,5 9,71 –0,55 95 x 7,5 16,18
65 x 10 13,56 100 x 10 22,20
60 x 5 6,78 95 x 5 11,10
62 x 6 8,28 97 x 6 13,46
50 85
65 x 7,5 10,64 100 x 7,5 17,11
70 x 10 14,80 105 x 10 23,43
65 x 5 7,40
100 x 5 11,71
67 x 6 9,03
55 102 x 6 14,20
70 x 7,5 11,56 90
105 x 7,5 18,03
75 x 10 16,03
–0,25 110 x 10 24,66
70 x 5 8,01
–0,70 110 x 5 12,95
72 x 6 9,77
60 112 x 6 15,68
75 x 7,5 12,48 100
115 x 7,5 19,88
80 x 10 17,26
73 x 5 8,38 120 x 10 27,13
–0,20 75 x 6 10,21 115 x 5 13,56
63 117 x 6 16,42
–0,50 78 x 7,5 13,04 105
83 x 10 18,00 120 x 7,5 20,81
75 x 5 8,64 125 x 10 28,36
77 x 6 10,51 120 x 5 14,18
65 –0,25 122 x 6 17,16
80 x 7,5 13,41 110
85 x 10 18,50 –0,75 125 x 7,5 21,73
80 x 5 9,25 130 x 10 29,59
82 x 6 11,25 125 x 5 14,80
85 x 7,5 14,33 115 127 x 6 17,90
90 x 10 19,73 130 x 7,5 22,66

Upon agreement also tubes with inside diameter 30 mm with WT 5 / 6 / 7,5 / 10 mm. Tolerances ID acording to agreement. The tube
weight according to the formula (see page 8).

Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel for HPZ tubes

Delivery condition BKS (+SR)
C Mn Si P S Al ReH Rm A
max % max % max % max % max % min % (N/mm2) (N/mm2) %
St 52 0,22 1,60 0,55 0,025 0,025 0,020 min. 420 min. 580 min. 10
E 355 0,22 1,60 0,55 0,025 0,025 0,020 min. 450 min. 580 min. 10

Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel 11 523 and St 52-3 are approximately identic to steel grades in table.
Steel 20 Mn V 6 includes V (0,08 - 0,15%), or a part of V is possible to replace with Nb providing that Vmin is 0,05% and contents
V + Nb is under 0,15%.

Cylinder tubes

Precision hydraulic tubes – HP – „ready to use“

Dimensions and HP tube weight are given in Table 22.

• outside diameter according to standards DIN 2391-1, EN 10305-1, ČSN/STN 42 6712
• inside diameter – ISO H8, H9 – Table 22
• wall thickness ±7,5 % or ±10 %
• eccentricity is included in the tolerances of wall thickness

• random lengths 2 – 6 m
• fixed lengths max. 6 m

1 mm / m (1 : 1000) – measured on outside surface.

Tube ends
Plain, upon request ends could be plugged with plastic caps.

Steel grade
• 11 523 according to STN, ČSN
• St 52 (1.0580) according to DIN 2391, St 52-3 (1.0570) according to DIN 17100
• E 355 (1.0580) according to EN 10305-1
• 20 Mn V 6 according to EN 10294-1 (see page 21, 114, 115)
• another steel upon agreement

Delivery condition
BKS (+SR) - cold finished / stress relieve annealed. Other upon agreement (NBK, +N, BK, +C).

Outside surface
Smooth after cold drawing (DIN 2391).

Inside surface
Roughness Ra ≤ 0,4 µm, Rz ≤ 1,5 µm.

• cast analysis
• tensile test
• visual test
• dimensional test
• NDT (eddy current test) according to SEP 1925, EN 10246-1 or another agreed method
• other tests upon agreement

Colour stencilling along whole tube length:
• producer‘s logo
• size (inside diameter x wall thickness)
• steel
• heat No.
• standard number (or according to customer’s specification)
bundle with label with supplementary informations

Surface protection
Tubes are oiled.

Tubes are packed in round or hexagonal bundles with weight max. 2 000 kg, fastened with steel strips.

Certified test report

According to DIN 50049 (EN 10204) - 3.1.B. (3.1)

Dimensions, tolerances and weight of HP tubes Table 22
Inside Tolerance Maximum
Dxt Weight
diameter of inside diameter [mm] length
[mm] H8 H9 [mm] [kg/m] [mm]
48 x 4 4,34
40 50 x 5 5,55
3 000
52 x 6 6,81
+0,039 +0,062
55 x 7,5 8,79
60 x 5 6,78
50 62 x 6 8,29 4 000
65 x 7,5 10,64
70 x 5 8,01
60 72 x 6 9,77
75 x 7,5 12,48
5 000
73 x 5 8,38
63 75 x 6 10,21
78 x 7,5 13,04
80 x 5 9,24
+0,046 +0,074 82 x 6 11,25
85 x 7,5 14,33
90 x 10 19,73
6 000
90 x 5 10,48
92 x 6 12,73
95 x 7,5 16,18
100 x 10 22,20
100 x 5 11,71
102 x 6 14,21
105 x 7,5 18,03
110 x 10 24,66
+0,054 +0,087 6 000
115 x 7,5 19,88
120 x 10 27,13
125 x 7,5 21,73
130 x 10 29,59

The diameters 80 x 10 mm (17,26 kg/m) and 126 x 8 mm (23,28kg/m) upon agreement

Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel for HP tubes

Delivery condition BKS (+SR)
C Mn Si P S Al ReH Rm A
max % max % max % max % max % min % (N/mm2) (N/mm2) %
St 52 0,22 1,60 0,55 0,025 0,025 0,020 min. 420 min. 580 min. 10
E 355 0,22 1,60 0,55 0,025 0,025 0,020 min. 450 min. 580 min. 10
Chemical composition and mechanical propertiesof steel 11 523 and St 52-3 are approximately identic to steel grades in table.
Steel 20 Mn V 6 includes V (0,08 - 0,15%), or a part of V is possible to replace with Nb providing that Vmin is 0,05% and contents
V + Nb is under 0,15%.

Tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic lines – HPL
Tubes are used in hydraulic and pneumatic power systems.

A list of standards according to which HPL tubes are delivered:

Standards standards Dimensions Technical delivery conditions Steel grade

STN 42 6711 Table 23/Page 78 42 0260 11 353, 11 523

ČSN 42 6712
ASTM A 822 Tab. 18,19/Pg. 66, 67 A 822/A 450 A 822
DIN 2391-1 Table 23/Page 78 2391-2C St 35
2445-2 2445-2
1630 St 37.4, St 44.4, St 52.4
BS 7416 7416 CFS 360, CFS 430
UNI 7945 7945 Fe 280, Fe 320,
Fe 360, Fe 410, Fe 490
NFA 49-330 49-330 TU 37B, TU 42BT, TU 52B
EN 10305-4 10305-4 E 215, E 235, E 355
JIS JOHS-102 Table 11/Page 52 JOHS-102 OST 1–JIS G3454 – STPG370
OST 2–JIS G3455 – STS370
PN-H 74245 Tab. 23/Strana 78 74245 10, 20, 18G2A

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

STN 42 0260 ČSN 42 0260 Cold drawn precision seamless steel tubes from steel class 10 to 16. TDC.
STN 42 6711 ČSN 42 6711 Precision seamless steel tubes. Dimensions.
STN 42 6712 ČSN 42 6712 Precision seamless steel tubes with increased accuracy. Dimensions.
ASTM A450 General requirements for carbon, ferritic alloy and austenitic alloy steel tubes.
ASTM A822 Seamless cold drawn carbon steel tubing for hydraulic system service.
DIN 1630 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with very high quality requirements. TDC.
DIN 2391 Seamless precision steel tubes.
DIN 2413/1 Steel tubes, calculation of wall thickness of steel tubes subjected to internal pressure.
DIN 2445 Seamless steel tubes for dynamic loads.
Part 1: Hot finished tubes in fluid systems, PN 100 to PN 500.
Part 2: Steel tubes for precision application in fluid systems, PN 100 to PN 500.
Supplement: Design rules.
BS 7416 Precision finished seamless cold drawn low carbon steel tubes for use in hydraulic fluid power systems.
UNI 7945 Plain end seamless precision steel tubes.
NFA 49-330 Seamless cold drawn tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power systems.
EN 10305-4 Steel tubes for precision applications. Part 4: Seamless cold drawn tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power
EN 10305-6 Steel tubes for precision applications. Part 6: Welded cold drawn tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic power
JOHS-102 Carbon steel precision tubes for hydraulic line service.
PN-H 74245 Cold drawn or rolled seamless steel tubes of specified application.

Dimensions are given in Table 23.

According to standards, special tolerances could by agreed on request.

• exact lenghts 6 000 mm (tolerances - standard lengths 0+50 mm, exact lengths 0+10 mm)
• on request other fixed lengths in the range 3 000 – 9 000 mm

3 mm/m, totally max 0,0015% of tube length.

Tube ends
Plain ends, plugged with plastic caps.

Steel grade
Steel is shown in the table of chemical composition and mechanical properties (see page 79).

Delivery condition
.1 – STN, ČSN
+N – EN
Roughness (OD and ID), ID over 15 mmm, Ra ≤ 4 µm.

Micropurity (data upon agreement)

According to NFA 04-106 or ASTM E45 (ranking JK) max. A4 - B2 - C2 - D2. Also according to ISO 4967 or EN 10 247 upon agreement.
A - sulphide, B - Aluminia, C- Silicate, D - Oxides, DS - Oxides)

Grain size (data upon agreement)

According to EN ISO 643 - 5 and finer.

Non specific inspection or specific inspection. In both cases leak tightness test will be carried out in accordance with EN 10246-1
(electromagnetic test). Other tests according to standards.

Each tube shall be marked with Ink-Jet system along whole tube length according to standard or customer’s specification. The bundle
of tubes shall be marked with a label attached to the bundle.

Surface protection
• oiled
• phosphated and oiled
• outside surface of tube as chromating – upon agreement only

Tubes are packed in round or hexagonal bundles of maximum 2000 kg each, fastened with steel strips. On request – paper below
the stripes and plastic bags at the bundle ends.

Certified test report

According to DIN 50049 - EN 10204
non specific inspection - 2.2
specific inspection - 3.1.B.
upon agreement - 3.1.C.
See also page 10.

Pressure chart for hydraulic tubes – see page 80–83. (Calculation according to DIN 2413)

Dimensions, flow cross section and weight of HPL tubes Table 23
Tolerance Flow Tolerance Flow
Outside Wall Inside Outside Wall Inside
of inside cross Weight of inside cross Weight
diameter thickness diameter diameter thickness diameter
diameter section diameter section
[mm] [mm] [mm] [cm2] [kg/m] [mm] [mm] [mm] [cm2] [kg/m]
6 1 4 ± 0,12 0,13 0,123 28 1,5 25 ± 0,08 4,91 0,980
6 1,5 3 ± 0,15 0,071 0,166 28 2 24 ± 0,08 4,52 1,28
6 2 2 ± 0,15 0,031 0,197 28 3 22 ± 0,15 3,80 1,85
8 1 6 ± 0,10 0,28 0,173 28 4 20 ± 0,15 3,14 2,37
8 1,5 5 ± 0,10 0,20 0,240 28 5 18 ± 0,15 2,55 2,84
8 2 4 ± 0,15 0,13 0,296 30 2 26 ± 0,08 5,31 1,38
10 1 8 ± 0,08 0,50 0,222 30 2,5 25 ± 0,08 4,91 1,70
10 1,5 7 ± 0,12 0,38 0,314 30 3 24 ± 0,15 4,52 2,00
10 2 6 ± 0,15 0,28 0,395 30 4 22 ± 0,15 3,80 2,57
10 2,5 5 ± 0,15 0,20 0,462 30 5 20 ± 0,15 3,14 3,08
12 1 10 ± 0,08 0,79 0,271 30 6 18 ± 0,15 2,55 3,55
12 1,5 9 ± 0,10 0,64 0,389 35 2 31 ± 0,15 7,55 1,63
12 2 8 ± 0,12 0,50 0,493 35 3 29 ± 0,15 6,61 2,37
12 2,5 7 ± 0,15 0,38 0,586 35 4 27 ± 0,15 5,73 3,06
12 3 6 ± 0,15 0,28 0,666 35 5 25 ± 0,15 4,91 3,70
14 1 12 ± 0,08 1,13 0,321 35 6 23 ± 0,15 4,16 4,29
14 1,5 11 ± 0,08 0,95 0,462 38 2,5 33 ± 0,15 8,55 2,19
14 2 10 ± 0,12 0,79 0,592 38 3 32 ± 0,15 8,04 2,59
14 3 8 ± 0,15 0,50 0,814 38 4 30 ± 0,15 7,07 3,35
15 1 13 ± 0,08 1,33 0,345 38 5 28 ± 0,15 6,16 4,07
15 1,5 12 ± 0,08 1,13 0,499 38 6 26 ± 0,15 5,31 4,74
15 2 11 ± 0,10 0,95 0,641 42 2 38 ± 0,20 11,34 1,97
15 3 9 ± 0,15 0,64 0,888 42 3 36 ± 0,20 10,18 2,89
16 1,5 13 ± 0,08 1,33 0,536 42 4 34 ± 0,20 9,08 3,75
16 2 12 ± 0,15 1,13 0,691 50 4 42 ± 0,20 13,85 4,54
16 2,5 11 ± 0,12 0,95 0,832 50 5 40 ± 0,20 12,57 5,55
16 3 10 ± 0,15 0,79 0,962 50 6 38 ± 0,20 11,34 6,51
18 1,5 15 ± 0,08 1,77 0,610 50 8 34 ± 0,20 9,08 8,29
18 2 14 ± 0,08 1,54 0,789 55 4 47 ± 0,25 17,34 5,03
18 2,5 13 ± 0,15 1,33 0,956 55 6 43 ± 0,25 14,51 7,25
18 3 12 ± 0,15 1,13 1,11 55 8 39 ± 0,25 11,95 9,27
20 1,5 17 ± 0,08 2,27 0,684 55 10 35 ± 0,25 9,62 11,10
20 2 16 ± 0,08 2,01 0,888 60 5 50 ± 0,25 19,63 6,78
20 2,5 15 ± 0,15 1,77 1,08 60 8 44 ± 0,25 15,20 10,26
20 3 14 ± 0,15 1,54 1,26 60 10 40 ± 0,25 12,57 12,33
20 4 12 ± 0,15 1,13 1,58 60 12,5 35 ± 0,25 9,62 14,64
22 1,5 19 ± 0,08 2,84 0,758 70 5 60 ± 0,30 28,26 8,02
22 2 18 ± 0,08 2,55 0,986 70 8 54 ± 0,30 22,89 12,23
22 3 16 ± 0,15 2,01 1,41 70 10 50 ± 0,30 19,63 14,80
25 2 21 ± 0,08 3,46 1,13 70 12,5 45 ± 0,30 15,90 17,72
25 2,5 20 ± 0,08 3,14 1,39 80 6 68 ± 0,35 36,30 10,95
25 3 19 ± 0,15 2,84 1,63 80 8 64 ± 0,35 32,15 14,21
25 4 17 ± 0,15 2,27 2,07 80 10 60 ± 0,35 28,26 17,26
25 5 15 ± 0,15 1,77 2,47 80 12,5 55 ± 0,35 23,75 20,81

Tolerances of outside diameter:

D: 6–30 mm ±0,08 mm
D: 35–38 mm ±0,15 mm
D: 42–50 mm ±0,20 mm
D: 55–60 mm ±0,25 mm
D: 70 mm ±0,30 mm
D: 80 mm ±0,35 mm
Other dimensions upon agreement.

Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel for HPL tubes

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties

Standards Steel
grade Re Rm A5
C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
11 523 max.0,20 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,050 0,045 Al min.0,015 353 510 628 23
A 822 max.0,18 0,27–0,63 0,048 0,058 170 25 310 45 35
1630 St 37.4 max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,35 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.4 max.0,20 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.4 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 355 500 650 21
3602/1 CFS 360 max.0,17 max.0,35 0,30–0,80 0,035 0,035 Al max.0,06 235 360 500 25
CFS 430 max.0,21 max.0,35 0,40–1,20 0,035 0,035 Al max.0,06 275 430 570 22
3603 430 LT max.0,20 max.0,35 0,60–1,20 0,035 0,035 Al min.0,020 275 430 570 22
7945 Fe 280 max.0,13 max.0,60 0,050 0,050 155 280 25
Fe 320 max.0,16 max.0,70 0,050 0,050 195 320 25
Fe 360 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,050 0,050 215 360 24
Fe 410 max.0,21 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,050 0,050 235 410 22
Fe 490 max.0,23 max.0,35 max.1,50 0,050 0,050 285 490 21
49-330 TU 37B max.0,20 max.0,40 max.0,85 0,045 0,045 220 360 480 23
TU 52B max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,045 0,045 350 510 630 19
10305-4 E215 max.0,10 max.0,05 max.0,70 0,025 0,015 Al min.0,025 215 290 30
E235 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,025 0,015 235 350 25
E355 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,025 0,015 355 500 22
JOHS-102 OST 1 max.0,20 max.0,55 0,25–0,60 0,040 0,040 180 450
OST 2 0,08–0,18 0,10–0,35 0,30–0,60 0,035 0,035 max.0,20 200 450

Steels according to Standard PN - H see page 71

Pressure table for hydraulic tubes (MPa)
Steel 37.4 (E235) without specific testing according to 3.1.B (3.1) Table A
Outside Wall thickness
[mm] 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
5 25,0 49,9
6 20,8 41,6
7 17,8 35,7
8 15,6 31,2 46,8
9 13,9 27,7 41,6
10 12,5 25,0 37,4 49,9
12 10,4 20,8 31,2 41,6
14 8,9 17,8 26,7 35,7 44,6
15 8,3 16,6 25,0 33,3 41,6 49,9
16 7,8 15,6 23,4 31,2 39,0 46,8
18 6,9 13,9 20,8 27,7 34,7 41,6 48,5
20 6,2 12,5 18,7 25,0 31,2 37,4 43,7 49,9
22 11,3 17,0 22,7 28,4 34,0 39,7 45,4 51,0
24 10,4 15,6 20,8 26,0 31,2 36,4 41,6 46,8
25 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 29,9 34,9 39,9 44,9 49,9
28 8,9 13,4 17,8 22,3 26,7 31,2 35,7 40,1 44,6
30 8,3 12,5 16,6 20,8 25,0 29,1 33,3 37,4 41,6 49,9
32 7,8 11,7 15,6 19,5 23,4 27,3 31,2 35,1 39,0 46,8
35 7,1 10,7 14,3 17,8 21,4 25,0 28,5 32,1 35,7 42,8
36 6,9 10,4 13,9 17,3 20,8 24,3 27,7 31,2 34,7 41,6
38 6,6 9,9 13,1 16,4 19,7 23,0 26,3 29,6 32,8 39,4 46,0
40 6,2 9,4 12,5 15,6 18,7 21,8 25,0 28,1 31,2 37,4 43,7 49,9
42 8,9 11,9 14,9 17,8 20,8 23,8 26,7 29,7 35,7 41,6 47,5
45 8,3 11,1 13,9 16,6 19,4 22,2 25,0 27,7 33,3 38,8 44,4
48 7,8 10,4 13,0 15,6 18,2 20,8 23,4 26,0 31,2 36,4 41,6 46,8
50 7,5 10,0 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 25,0 29,9 34,9 39,9 44,9 49,9
52 7,2 9,6 12,0 14,4 16,8 19,2 21,6 24,0 28,8 33,6 38,4 43,2 48,0
55 6,8 9,1 11,3 13,6 15,9 18,2 20,4 22,7 27,2 31,8 36,3 40,8 45,4
58 6,5 8,6 10,8 12,9 15,1 17,2 19,4 21,5 25,8 30,1 34,4 38,7 43,0
60 6,2 8,3 10,4 12,5 14,6 16,6 18,7 20,8 25,0 29,1 33,3 37,4 41,6
62 6,0 8,1 10,1 12,1 14,1 16,1 18,1 20,1 24,2 28,2 32,2 36,2 40,3
65 5,8 7,7 9,6 11,5 13,4 15,4 17,3 19,2 23,0 26,9 30,7 34,6 38,4
70 5,3 7,1 8,9 10,7 12,5 14,3 16,0 17,8 21,4 25,0 28,5 32,1 35,7
75 5,0 6,7 8,3 10,0 11,6 13,3 15,0 16,6 20,0 23,3 26,6 29,9 33,3
80 4,7 6,2 7,8 9,4 10,9 12,5 14,0 15,6 18,7 21,8 25,0 28,1 31,2
85 5,9 7,3 8,8 10,3 11,7 13,2 14,7 17,6 20,6 23,5 26,4 29,4
90 5,5 6,9 8,3 9,7 11,1 12,5 13,9 16,6 19,4 22,2 25,0 27,7
100 5,0 6,2 7,5 8,7 10,0 11,2 12,5 15,0 17,5 20,0 22,5 25,0
110 4,5 5,7 6,8 7,9 9,1 10,2 11,3 13,6 15,9 18,2 20,4 22,7
120 5,2 6,2 7,3 8,3 9,4 10,4 12,5 14,6 16,6 18,7 20,8
Theoretical alloved operating pressure without test certificate [MPa] is calculated according to DIN 2413-93 by 20°C (1 MPa = 10 bar)

Pressure table for hydraulic tubes (MPa)
Steel 37.4 (E235) with specific testing 3.1.B (3.1) Table B
Outside Wall thickness
[mm] 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
5 28,3 56,7
6 23,6 47,2
7 20,2 40,5
8 17,7 35,4 53,1
9 15,7 31,5 47,2
10 14,2 28,3 42,5 56,7
12 11,8 23,6 35,4 47,2
14 10,1 20,2 30,4 40,5 50,6
15 9,4 18,9 28,3 37,8 47,2 56,7
16 8,9 17,7 26,6 35,4 44,3 53,1
18 7,9 15,7 23,6 31,5 39,4 47,2 55,1
20 7,1 14,2 21,3 28,3 35,4 42,5 49,6 56,7
22 12,9 19,3 25,8 32,2 38,6 45,1 51,5 58,0
24 11,8 17,7 23,6 29,5 35,4 41,3 47,2 53,1
25 11,3 17,0 22,7 28,3 34,0 39,7 45,3 51,0 56,7
28 10,1 15,2 20,2 25,3 30,4 35,4 40,5 45,5 50,6
30 9,4 14,2 18,9 23,6 28,3 33,1 37,8 42,5 47,2 56,7
32 8,9 13,3 17,7 22,1 26,6 31,0 35,4 39,9 44,3 53,1
35 8,1 12,1 16,2 20,2 24,3 28,3 32,4 36,4 40,5 48,6
36 7,9 11,8 15,7 19,7 23,6 27,6 31,5 35,4 39,4 47,2
38 7,5 11,2 14,9 18,6 22,4 26,1 29,8 33,6 37,3 44,7 52,2
40 7,1 10,6 14,2 17,7 21,3 24,8 28,3 31,9 35,4 42,5 49,6 56,7
42 10,1 13,5 16,9 20,2 23,6 27,0 30,4 33,7 40,5 47,2 54,0
45 9,4 12,6 15,7 18,9 22,0 25,2 28,3 31,5 37,8 44,1 50,4
48 8,9 11,8 14,8 17,7 20,7 23,6 26,6 29,5 35,4 41,3 47,2 53,1
50 8,5 11,3 14,2 17,0 19,8 22,7 25,5 28,3 34,0 39,7 45,3 51,0 56,7
52 8,2 10,9 13,6 16,4 19,1 21,8 24,5 27,3 32,7 38,2 43,6 49,1 54,5
55 7,7 10,3 12,9 15,5 18,0 20,6 23,2 25,8 30,9 36,1 41,2 46,4 51,5
58 7,3 9,8 12,2 14,7 17,1 19,5 22,0 24,4 29,3 34,2 39,1 44,0 48,9
60 7,1 9,4 11,8 14,2 16,5 18,9 21,3 23,6 28,3 33,1 37,8 42,5 47,2
62 6,9 9,1 11,4 13,7 16,0 18,3 20,6 22,9 27,4 32,0 36,6 41,1 45,7
65 6,5 8,7 10,9 13,1 15,3 17,4 19,6 21,8 26,2 30,5 34,9 39,2 43,6
70 6,1 8,1 10,1 12,1 14,2 16,2 18,2 20,2 24,3 28,3 32,4 36,4 40,5
75 5,7 7,6 9,4 11,3 13,2 15,1 17,0 18,9 22,7 26,5 30,2 34,0 37,8
80 5,3 7,1 8,9 10,6 12,4 14,2 15,9 17,7 21,3 24,8 28,3 31,9 35,4
85 6,7 8,3 10,0 11,7 13,3 15,0 16,7 20,0 23,3 26,7 30,0 33,3
90 6,3 7,9 9,4 11,0 12,6 14,2 15,7 18,9 22,0 25,2 28,3 31,5
100 5,7 7,1 8,5 9,9 11,3 12,8 14,2 17,0 19,8 22,7 25,5 28,3
110 5,2 6,4 7,7 9,0 10,3 11,6 12,9 15,5 18,0 20,6 23,2 25,8
120 5,9 7,1 8,3 9,4 10,6 11,8 14,2 16,5 18,9 21,3 23,6
Theoretical alloved operating pressure without test certificate [MPa] is calculated according to DIN 2413-93 by 20°C (1 MPa = 10 bar)

Pressure table for hydraulic tubes (MPa)
Steel St 52.4 (E355) without specific testing according to 3.1.B (3.1) Table C
Outside Wall thickness
[mm] 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
5 36,4 72,8
6 30,4 60,7
7 26,0 52,0
8 22,8 45,5 68,3
9 20,2 40,5 60,7
10 18,2 36,4 54,6 72,8
12 15,2 30,4 45,5 60,7
14 13,0 26,0 39,0 52,0 65,0
15 12,1 24,3 36,4 48,6 60,7 72,8
16 11,4 22,8 34,1 45,5 56,9 68,3
18 10,1 20,2 30,4 40,5 50,6 60,7 70,8
20 9,1 18,2 27,3 36,4 45,5 54,6 63,7 72,8
22 16,6 24,8 33,1 41,4 49,7 57,9 66,2 74,5
24 15,2 22,8 30,4 37,9 45,5 53,1 60,7 68,3
25 14,6 21,9 29,1 36,4 43,7 51,0 58,3 65,6 72,8
28 13,0 19,5 26,0 32,5 39,0 45,5 52,0 58,5 65,0
30 12,1 18,2 24,3 30,4 36,4 42,5 48,6 54,6 60,7 72,8
32 11,4 17,1 22,8 28,5 34,1 39,8 45,5 51,2 56,9 68,3
35 10,4 15,6 20,8 26,0 31,2 36,4 41,6 46,8 52,0 62,4
36 10,1 15,2 20,2 25,3 30,4 35,4 40,5 45,5 50,6 60,7
38 9,6 14,4 19,2 24,0 28,8 33,5 38,3 43,1 47,9 57,5 67,1
40 9,1 13,7 18,2 22,8 27,3 31,9 36,4 41,0 45,5 54,6 63,7 72,8
42 13,0 17,3 21,7 26,0 30,4 34,7 39,0 43,4 52,0 60,7 69,4
45 12,1 16,2 20,2 24,3 28,3 32,4 36,4 40,5 48,6 56,7 64,8
48 11,4 15,2 19,0 22,8 26,6 30,4 34,1 37,9 45,5 53,1 60,7 68,3
50 10,9 14,6 18,2 21,9 25,5 29,1 32,8 36,4 43,7 51,0 58,3 65,6 72,8
52 10,5 14,0 17,5 21,0 24,5 28,0 31,5 35,0 42,0 49,0 56,0 63,0 70,0
55 9,9 13,2 16,6 19,9 23,2 26,5 29,8 33,1 39,7 46,4 53,0 59,6 66,2
58 9,4 12,6 15,7 18,8 22,0 25,1 28,3 31,4 37,7 44,0 50,2 56,5 62,8
60 9,1 12,1 15,2 18,2 21,2 24,3 27,3 30,4 36,4 42,5 48,6 54,6 60,7
62 8,8 11,7 14,7 17,6 20,6 23,5 26,4 29,4 35,2 41,1 47,0 52,9 58,7
65 8,4 11,2 14,0 16,8 19,6 22,4 25,2 28,0 33,6 39,2 44,8 50,4 56,0
70 7,8 10,4 13,0 15,6 18,2 20,8 23,4 26,0 31,2 36,4 41,6 46,8 52,0
75 7,3 9,7 12,1 14,6 17,0 19,4 21,9 24,3 29,1 34,0 38,9 43,7 48,6
80 6,8 9,1 11,4 13,7 15,9 18,2 20,5 22,8 27,3 31,9 36,4 41,0 45,5
85 8,6 10,7 12,9 15,0 17,1 19,3 21,4 25,7 30,0 34,3 38,6 42,9
90 8,1 10,1 12,1 14,2 16,2 18,2 20,2 24,3 28,3 32,4 36,4 40,5
100 7,3 9,1 10,9 12,7 14,6 16,4 18,2 21,9 25,5 29,1 32,8 36,4
110 6,6 8,3 9,9 11,6 13,2 14,9 16,6 19,9 23,2 26,5 29,8 33,1
120 7,6 9,1 10,6 12,1 13,7 15,2 18,2 21,2 24,3 27,3 30,4
Theoretical alloved operating pressure without test certificate [MPa] is calculated according to DIN 2413-93 by 20°C (1 MPa = 10 bar)

Pressure table for hydraulic tubes (MPa)
Steel St 52.4 (E355) with specific testing 3.1.B (3.1) Table D
Outside Wall thickness
[mm] 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 9,0 10,0
5 40,3 80,5
6 33,5 67,1
7 28,8 57,5
8 25,2 50,3 75,5
9 22,4 44,7 67,1
10 20,1 40,3 60,4 80,5
12 16,8 33,5 50,3 67,1
14 14,4 28,8 43,1 57,5 71,9
15 13,4 26,8 40,3 53,7 67,1 80,5
16 12,6 25,2 37,7 50,3 62,9 75,5
18 11,2 22,4 33,5 44,7 55,9 67,1 78,3
20 10,1 20,1 30,2 40,3 50,3 60,4 70,4 80,5
22 18,3 27,4 36,6 45,7 54,9 64,0 73,2 82,3
24 16,8 25,2 33,5 41,9 50,3 58,7 67,1 75,5
25 16,1 24,2 32,2 40,3 48,3 56,4 64,4 72,5 80,5
28 14,4 21,6 28,8 35,9 43,1 50,3 57,5 64,7 71,9
30 13,4 20,1 26,8 33,5 40,3 47,0 53,7 60,4 67,1 80,5
32 12,6 18,9 25,2 31,5 37,7 44,0 50,3 56,6 62,9 75,5
35 11,5 17,3 23,0 28,8 34,5 40,3 46,0 51,8 57,5 69,0
36 11,2 16,8 22,4 28,0 33,5 39,1 44,7 50,3 55,9 67,1
38 10,6 15,9 21,2 26,5 31,8 37,1 42,4 47,7 53,0 63,6 74,2
40 10,1 15,1 20,1 25,2 30,2 35,2 40,3 45,3 50,3 60,4 70,4 80,5
42 14,4 19,2 24,0 28,8 33,5 38,3 43,1 47,9 57,5 67,1 76,7
45 13,4 17,9 22,4 26,8 31,3 35,8 40,3 44,7 53,7 62,6 71,6
48 12,6 16,8 21,0 25,2 29,4 33,5 37,7 41,9 50,3 58,7 67,1 75,5
50 12,1 16,1 20,1 24,2 28,2 32,2 36,2 40,3 48,3 56,4 64,4 72,5 80,5
52 11,6 15,5 19,4 23,2 27,1 31,0 34,8 38,7 46,5 54,2 61,9 69,7 77,4
55 11,0 14,6 18,3 22,0 25,6 29,3 32,9 36,6 43,9 51,2 58,6 65,9 73,2
58 10,4 13,9 17,4 20,8 24,3 27,8 31,2 34,7 41,6 48,6 55,5 62,5 69,4
60 10,1 13,4 16,8 20,1 23,5 26,8 30,2 33,5 40,3 47,0 53,7 60,4 67,1
62 9,7 13,0 16,2 19,5 22,7 26,0 29,2 32,5 39,0 45,5 51,9 58,4 64,9
65 9,3 12,4 15,5 18,6 21,7 24,8 27,9 31,0 37,2 43,4 49,5 55,7 61,9
70 8,6 11,5 14,4 17,3 20,1 23,0 25,9 28,8 34,5 40,3 46,0 51,8 57,5
75 8,1 10,7 13,4 16,1 18,8 21,5 24,2 26,8 32,2 37,6 42,9 48,3 53,7
80 7,5 10,1 12,6 15,1 17,6 20,1 22,6 25,2 30,2 35,2 40,3 45,3 50,3
85 9,5 11,8 14,2 16,6 18,9 21,3 23,7 28,4 33,2 37,9 42,6 47,4
90 8,9 11,2 13,4 15,7 17,9 20,1 22,4 26,8 31,3 35,8 40,3 44,7
100 8,1 10,1 12,1 14,1 16,1 18,1 20,1 24,2 28,2 32,2 36,2 40,3
110 7,3 9,1 11,0 12,8 14,6 16,5 18,3 22,0 25,6 29,3 32,9 36,6
120 8,4 10,1 11,7 13,4 15,1 16,8 20,1 23,5 26,8 30,2 33,5
Theoretical alloved operating pressure without test certificate [MPa] is calculated according to DIN 2413-93 by 20°C (1 MPa = 10 bar)

Tubes for automotive industry
Production programm – see Tables 16–20 p. 64–68 and Tables 24 and 25 p. 90 and 91.

Production process
Precision steel tubes: seamless or welded as cold sized or welded as cold drawn.
Standards Steel grade
ASTM A519 Table 1 and 2 of standard
DIN 2391 St 35, St 45, St 52
BS 6323 Part 4 CFS 3, CFS 4, CFS 5, CFS 8, CFS 10, CFS 11
NF A49-310 TU 37-b, TU 52-b, TU 20MV6
Other standards and steel grades upon agreement (EN 10305-1, EN 10305-2, EN 10305-3 and analogous standards).
Deliveries according to TDC of customer upon agreement.

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

ASTM A519 Seamless carbon and alloy steel mechanical tubing.
DIN 2391 Seamless precision steel tubes.
BS 6323-4 Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 4: Specific requirements for cold finished seamless steel tubes.
NF A49-310 Steel tubes – Seamless precision tubes for mechanical application.

• random 3–9 m
• exact cut lengths
• cutting of tubes (tubes can be also worked by other technologies – see page 92)

Steel grade
Steel is shown in the table of chemical composition and mechanical properties.

Delivery conditions (see pages 63 and 88)

• BK (+C) – cold finished/hard (without heat treatment)
• BKW (+LC) – cold finished/soft
• BKS (+SR) – cold drawnn and stress relieve annealed
• NBK (+N) – normalized

Tubes are tested according to the production standards. Eddy current test upon request according to PRP 02-74.

According to the production standards or, on request, colour stencilling along whole tube length according to customer specification.

Surface protection
Without protection or oiled.

In round bundles of maximum weight 2 tons each, fastened with steel strips.

Certified test report

According to DIN 50049 (EN 10204)2.2, 3.1.B., 3.1.C. (See also page 10).

Injection tubes
Tubes for injection system of Diesel engines are produced upon agreement.
(ČSN 42 6718, DIN 73000, ISO 8353-1, steel grades 12015, St 30Al, St 30Si).

Bearings tubes

Dimensions of precision bearings tubes:

Outside diameter Wall thickness
[mm] [mm]
22–25 3–4,1
25,01–29 3–5
29,01–32 3–6,7
32,01–40 3–7,8
40,01–70 3–8 Lengths
3 000 ±500 mm
0 Straightness
outside diameter D < 50 mm:
+ 0,15 mm 1 mm/1000 mm, max 2,5 mm/3000 mm
D ≥ 50 mm: 0
+ 0,25 mm Steel grade
wall thickness ±7,5 % (upon agreement ±5 %) DIN 17 230 – 100Cr6 (or 14 109 according STN, ČSN).

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Cu Sn
0,90 0,30 0,15 max max 1,30 max max max
1,10 0,50 0,30 0,017 0,015 1,65 0,10 0,15 0,010

Delivery condition (heat treatment) Testing

GKZ + K + G – annealed for globular carbide + cold finished Testing according to DIN 17 230. NDT upon agreement
+ soft annealed. according to EN 10246-3 E2H and EN 10246-7 U2/B and
test of material identification of alloy steel.
After soft annealing is 174 – 220 HB. Dispersion of hardness
along the tube length max 15 HB. Hardness by quenching test Bundles are marked with label.
is min 61 HRc.
Surface protection
Surface condition Oiled.
The tubes are delivered with surface after soft annealing. Max
depth of defects is 0,25 mm inclusive decarbonizing. Packaging
Tubes are packed in bundles of weight of 1 000–3 000 kg.
Tested according to SEP 1520: Certified test report
• size of carbide 2.1 – 2.3 According to DIN 50049 - EN 10204 - 3.1.B. (3.1).
• lamellar pearlite 3.0
• carbide net 5.2
• carbide line spacing max 6.3 – continuous Notes:
max 7.3 – released 1. Possible to deliver also in condition Hot finished.
2. Deliveries according standard EN ISO 683-17 too:
Micropurity • Dimensions and tolerances upon agreement.
• Surface condition and designation:
Tested according to DIN 50602. Total value (oxide + Hot formed – without or HW
sulphide) K3 —< 10. Cold drawn – CD
• Heat treatment and delivery condition:
Demagnetizing Without heat treatment – without or +U
Heat treatment for sferoidization and cold drawn +AC+C
Residual magnetism max 10 Oe.
Heat treatment for sferoidization +AC

Tube ends
Plain square cut ends, one end bevelled 0,5–4 mm x 45°.

Cold sized precision welded tubes
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10305-3 Table 24/Page 90 See table 24 T ≤ 1,5 mm ±0,15 mm • standard 6 m/6,4 m, D > 15 m 3 mm/m • square cut ends
T > 1,5 mm ±0,1.T tol. 0 +100 mm • free from exces-
max ±0,35 mm • exact - tolerances: sive burrs
• Values for tubes without heat 0,5–2 m 0 +3 mm • plain ends
treatment in conditons +CR1, 2–5 m 0 +5 mm
+CR2 5–8 m 0 +10 mm
• For heat treated tubes possi- > 8 m – upon agreement
bilty to increase tolerances • max L = 15 m – upon
• Ovality in D tolerances agreement
• Other tolerances upon agreement

DIN 2394-1 ±10% • random Visually straight

max ±0,35 mm • fixed tol ±500 mm
• exact - tolerances:
0,5–2 m 0 +3 mm
2–5 m 0 +5 mm
5–8 m 0 +10 mm
> 8 m – upon agreement
BS 6323-5 see Table 2 of standard T ≤ 3 mm ±10 % • random D > 16 mm 2 mm/m
T > 3 mm ±8 % (weld except) • fixed Total max 0,2%L
• exact - tolerances:
0,5–2 m 0 +3 mm
2–5 m 0 +5 mm
5–8 m 0 +10 mm
> 8 m – upon agreement
XPA 49-646 Without heat treatment: T ≤ 1,5 mm ±7,5% • standard 6 m 0 +100 mm D > 16 mm 2 mm/m
(NF A) (replaces ±0,5% min ±0,10 mm • specific 0 +50 mm Total max 0,2%L
NF A: min ±0,15 mm T > 1,5 mm • exact L < 4 m 0 +3 mm
49 - 542 min ±0,13 mm
49 - 643 Normalized tubes:
49 - 645) • T/D > 1/20 ±0,5%/±0,15*
• T/D > 1/40 ±0,6%/±0,20*
• T/D > 1/48 ±0,8%/±0,25*
• T/D < 1/48 – upon agreement
* minimum value in mm
UNI 7947

STN 42 6713 See table 24 T ≤ 2 mm ±6 % • random 3 mm/m

ČSN T > 2 mm ±8 % • fixed ±500 mm Total alloved flexion =
• exact 0 +50 mm conjunction of toler-
(Note - upon agreement, stan- • multiplies of precise 5 mm, ance and lenght
dard from 1976) cut +50 mm
GOST 10704

PN-H 74241

ASTM A513 Table 5/Page 31 Tolerances are depend on method of production Standard over 5 ft (1,5m) D under 8 in (203mm)
• table of seamless and OD (definition of type see page 89): Tolerances of lengths 0,030in/3ft
tubes is valid Table 10 and 11 of Standard (0,76mm/1m)
Type1 (AWHR) - Tab. 4 of St. Tab. 6 of Standard
• interval in range of tab.
Type 3, 4, 5, 6 - Tab. 5 of St. Tab. 7 of Standard
24/Page 90
• delivers Type 2 (AWCR) - Tab. 8 of St. Tab. 9 of Standard
upon agreement

JIS G 3445 Table 10/Page 52 See page 24

* Technological tests at heat treated tubes only
** Condition .1 tied with surface .2 (number behind DS)
Summary of precision welded mechanical tubes is shown in this part. Welded tubes for heat appliances (exchangers etc.) see page 48.
Upon agreement also tubes according to EN 10296-1. Mode of production EW. Steel grades E155, E195, E235, E275, E355, E460. Condition +U, +CR, +A, +N.
Tolerance D ± 1%, min. ± 0,5 mm, tolerance T ± 10% (weld except).

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10305-3 E155 Welded cold sized Strip condition: 10204: Label on bundle • without Bundle with
E195 Possible conditons: • S1 – raw black Non-specific 2.2 Upon agreement • upon agreement steel strips
E235 + CR1 • S2 – pickled Specific: • 3.1.B Data:
E275 +A • S3 – cold rolled• product analysis • 3.1.A • manufacturer
E355 +N • S4 – coated • tensile test • 3.1.C • dimension
E190 Welded cold sized • dimensions • standard
E220 Delivery condition: Outside weld seam • visual See also • steel
E260 + CR2 removing. • optional - upon agreement page 10 • cast number
E320 Roughness • condition
E370 Ra ≤ 4 µm • identification number
2394-2 RSt 34-2 Welded cold sized Roughness Grade A 50049/2.2
RSt 37-2 Possible conditons: Ra ≤ 6,3 µm Grade C: 3.1.B
St 44-2 BKM (beyond weld • visual
St 52-3 GBK area) • tensile test
NBK • flattening*
• drift expanding*
Optional upon agreement
6323/ 1,5 ERW1 Welded cold sized • product analysis Test results
ERW2 Possible conditons: • tensile test
ERW3 KM • flattening
ERW4 GKM • drift expanding
ERW5 NKM • leak tightness

49-646 ED 03 Welded cold sized Strip condition: Non-specific 10204/2.1

ES 200 No heat treated • A1 – raw black
ES 250 • A2 – pickled Specific: 3.1.B
ES 300 Ra ≤ 3 µm • product analysis (upon agree-
ES 380 • A3 – cold rolled • tensile test ment)
ED 420 • A4 – suitable for • dimensions
ES 185 Welded cold sized chromating
ES 235 Normalized Ra ≤ 0,4 µm
ES 275 • A5 – coated
ES 355
7947 Fe 280
Fe 320
Fe 360
Fe 410
Fe 460
42 0142 11 320 Welded cold sized .0 – raw black • dimensions .1+ test certifi-
11 343 Not heat treated = .0 steel .1 – matte • visual cate
11 373 grade behind .2 – free of scale • straightness .2+ inspection
11 523 Normalized = .1 steel grade .3 – cold finished • tensile test .+1 .9+ upon
behind** as drawn • other upon agreement agreement
10707 1050:
74241 84023: Welded cold sized
08XA Possible conditons:
84020: BKS
84018: NBK
A513 MT1010 Welded cold sized Type 1 A.W.H.R • product analysis Tube or bundle
MT1015 • no final thermal treatment Welded from hot • tensile test Data:
MT1020 • annealed rolled steel (upon • dimensions • manufacturer
MTX1015 • normalized agreement) • hardness • dimension
MTX1020 Type 2 A.W.C.R • NDT upon agreement • type
1008 (Tube types and their numbers Welded from cold •order
1010 - see Surface) rolled steel • standard
G3445 See page 21

Deliveries also according standards: EN 10 219-1, EN 10 217-1, 2, 3, 4, EN 10 224, EN 10 208-1, 2, DIN 2458, DIN 1626, DIN 1628, ČSN 42 5723, ČSN 42 0152. Upon
agreement also tubes of steel grades according standards: EN 10 130, EN 10 139, EN 10 149 and EN 10 268.
Strips for production of tubes which are delivered in condition +CR 2 (steel type of E190) are thermomechanically rolled and therefore the tubes are not annealed. The tubes in
condition +CR 1 are not annealed too,but the tubes (steel) are suitable for final annealing (of product).
Cold sized welded square and rectangular tubes according to the standard EN 10 305 - 5, DIN 2395 -1,2, ČSN 42 6935, ČSN 42 6936, ČSN 42 0121 upon agreement only.

Cold drawn precision welded tubes
Stan- Dimensions
dards standards Dimensional range Tolerance D Tolerance T Lengths Straightness Tube ends
EN 10305-2 Table 25/Page 91 See table 25 At ordering D x T: • random 4–7 m D > 15 mm, • square cut ends
• Data for no heat treated tubes ±7,5% • fixed 4–7 m ±500 mm Reh ≤ 500 MPa • free from excessive
in condition +CR1, +CR2 min ±0,05 mm • exact – tolerance: 0,0015.L burrs
• possibility to shift tolerance for max ±0,35 mm 4–5 m 0 +5 mm D > 15 mm, • plain ends
heat treated tubes 5–7 m 0 +10 mm Reh > 500 MPa
• ovality included in D tolerances > 7 m – upon agreement 0,002.L
• other tolerances upon agreement locally max 3 mm/m

DIN 2393-1 See table 25 ±7,5% • random D > 15 mm 0,25%L

max ±0,35 mm • fixed Reh > 500 MPa
• exact – tolerance: 0,3%L
4–5 m 0 +5 mm locally max 3 mm/m
5–7 m 0 +10 mm
> 7 m – upon agreement

BS 6323-6 Ratio D/T max 33:1: ±7,5%

• ≤ 30 mm ±0,10 mm min ±0,1 mm
• 30–50 mm ±0,15 mm
• 50–70 mm ±0,20 mm
• 70–90 mm ±0,25 mm
Ratio D/T > 33:1 - upon agreement
UNI 7946

STN 42 6714 See table 25 T ≤ 1 mm ±0,1 mm • random

ČSN T > 1 mm ±7,5 % • fixed
• exact – tolerance:
2–5 m 0 +7 mm
> 5 m 0 +15 mm
ASTM A513 See page 86 See page 86 Standard over 5 ft (1,5m) D under 8 in (203mm)
Tolerances of lengths 0,030in/3ft
Table 10 and 11 of Standard (0,76mm/1m)

A512 Table 18/Page 66 Drawing without mandrel: Drawing without mandrel: According to the possibilities 0,8 mm/m - upon agree-
(upon • table of seamless D ≤ 12,7 mm 0 +0,10 mm ±15 % of producer and agreement ment
agreement) tubes is valid D = 12,7–38,1 mm 0 +0,13 mm ±10 % It does not pay for
• interval in range of tab. D = 38,1–76,2 mm 0 +0,25 mm ±10 % annealed and small-
25/Page 91 Mandrel drawn: diameter tubes.
• delivers See table 4 of Standard
upon agreement

Valid for conditions: MD, SD, MDSR, SDSR

* Technological tests at heat treated tubes only
Upon agreement also tubes according to PN-H 74243, steel grade according to PN-H 84023 and NFA 49-341, steels TS 30-a, TS 34-a, TS 37-a, TS 42-a, TS 47-a.

Summary of delivery conditions and heat treatment of precision tubes according to DIN and EN (see also page 63):
Cold finished Cold finished Cold finished
Tube kind Standards Annealed Normalized
hard soft stress relieved
Seamless 2391-2 BK BKW BKS GBK NBK
drawn 10305-1 +C +LC +SR +A +N
Welded 2393-2 BK BKW BKS GBK NBK
drawn 10305-2 +C +LC +SR +A +N
Welded 2394-2 BKM GBK NBK
calibrated 10305-3 +CR1, +CR2 +A +N
Welded 2395-2 BKM, M NBK
rectangular 10305-5 +CR1, +CR2 +A +N
BKM – cold calibrated; M – cold calibrated, hot strip; CR1 – not heat treated, suitable for final (product) annealing; CR2 – not heat
treated, without final annealing (see page 86).
HPL tubes standards are in EN standards – Part 4 for seamless tubes, Part 6 for welded tubes. These are delivered in condition +N.

TDC Steel grade Testing and certificates Other TDC
standards Name Condition Surface Testing Certificate Marking Surface protection Packing
10305-2 E155 Welded cold drawn Typical of the pro- 10204: Label on bundle • without protection Bundle with
E195 Possible steel condition: duction process Non-specific 2.2 Upon agreement • upon agreement steel strips
E235 +C and tube delivery Specific: • 3.1.B
E275 +LC condition. • product analysis • 3.1.A
E355 +SR Roughness Ra ≤ 4 • tensile test • 3.1.C
+A µm (except seam • dimensions
+N section) • visual See also
Optional upon agreement page 10
2393-2 RSt34-2 Welded cold drawn Ra ≤ 6,3 µm GradeA 50049/2.2
RSt37-2 Possible steel condition: GradeC: 3.1.B
St44-2 BK • dimensions
St52-3 BKW • visual
BKS • tensile test
GBK • flattening*
NBK • drift expanding*
Optional upon agreement
BS6323/1,6 CEW1 Welded cold drawn • product analysis Test results
CEW2 Possible steel condition: • tensile test
CEW3 BK • flattening
CEW4 BKW • drift expanding
CEW5 GBK • leak tightness – upon agreement
7946 Fe280
42 0142 See page 87

A513 Steel grade – Type 2 – A.W.C.R • product analysis Tube or bundle

see page 87 Type 4 – S.D.C.R • tensile test Data:
Type 5 – M.D • dimensions • manufacturer
Type 6 – S.S.I.D • hardness • dimension
A512 Possible steel condition: Typical of the pro- • NDT upon agreement • type
MD - mandrel drawn, duction process •order
no final thermal treatment • standard
SD - sink drawn,
no final thermal treatment

Mechanical Tubing according to ASTM A –sizing methods and thermal treatments

ASTM A512 (buttweld and cold drawn Carbon steel) ASTM A513 (resistance welded, Carbon and Alloy steel)
Condition Condition (sizing methods)
MD – mandrel drawn, no final thermal treatment Type Code letters Description
SD – sink drawn, no final thermal treatment 1 A.W.H.R. as welded from hot rolled steel
MDSR – mandrel drawn and stress relieved 2 A.W.C.R. as welded from cold rolled steel
SDSR – sink drawn and stress relieved 3 S.D.H.R. sink drawn hot rolled steel
MDSA – mandrel drawn and soft annealed or normalized 4 S.D.C.R. sink drawn cold rolled steel
SDSA – sink drawn and soft annealed or normalized 5 M.D. mandrel drawn
NORM-MD-SR –normalized,mandrel drawn and stress relieved 6 S.S.I.D. special smooth inside diameter
NORM-SD-SR – normalized,sink drawn and stress relieved
Thermal conditions : no final thermal treatment,stress relieved,annealed, normalized

ASTM A519 (seamless, Carbon and Alloy steel)

Sizing methods Thermal treatments
HF – hot finished A – annealed
CW – cold worked N – normalized
RT – rough turned QT – quenched and tempered
G – ground SR – stress relieved or finish anneal

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards of cold sized tubes
STN 42 0142 ČSN 42 0142 Welded steel tubes precision or threaded. TDC.
STN 42 0152 ČSN 42 0152 Longitudinally welded smooth tubes made of steel groups 11 and 12. External diameter up to
152 mm. TDC
STN 42 5723 ČSN 42 5723 Longitudinally welded smooth tubes made of steel groups 11 and 12. External diameter up to
152 mm. Dimensions
STN 42 6713 ČSN 42 6713 Precision welded steel tubes. Dimensions.
ASTM A513 Standard specification for electric-resistance-welded carbon and alloy steel mechanical tubing.
DIN 2394 As-welded and sized precision steel tubes. Part 1: Dimensions. Part 2: TDC.
BS 6323 Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 5: Specific requirements for electric resistance welded and induction welded steel tubes.
XP A49-646 Precision tubes of round, square and rectangular section longitudinally induction welded. Dimensions. TDC.
UNI 7947 Precision plain end welded steel tubes.
EN 10296-1 Welded steel tubes for mechanical and engineering purposes. Part 1: Non alloy and alloy steel tubes.
EN 10305-3 Steel tubes for precision applications. Part 3: Welded cold sized tubes.
GOST 10 704 Steel tubes electrically welded. Dimensions.
GOST 10 707 Cold deformed steel tubes electrically welded. TDC.
PN-H-74 241 Welded cold calibrated steel tubes.
PN-H-84 018 High strength low alloy steel.
PN-H- 84019 Unalloyed wrought steel for case hardening and for quenching and tempering.
PN-H-84 020 Structural unalloyed steel for general purposes.
PN-H-84 023/7 Steel for determined purposes. Pipe steel. Grades.
PN-H-84024 Steels for elevated temperature service. Grades.
JIS G3445 Carbon steel tubes for machine structural purposes.
ISO 3306 Plain end as-welded and sized precision steel tubes. TDC.
Dimensions and weight of precision welded cold sized tubes according to European standards Table 24
Outside diameter D Wall thickness [mm]
[mm] 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0
DN Tolerance Tube weight [kg/m]
(19) 0,444 0,527 0,647 0,764 0,838 0,911 1,02 1,18
20 0,469 0,556 0,684 0,808 0,888 0,966 1,08 1,26
22 ± 0,15 0,518 0,616 0,758 0,897 0,986 1,07 1,20 1,41
25 0,592 0,704 0,869 1,03 1,13 1,24 1,39 1,63
30 0,715 0,852 1,05 1,25 1,38 1,51 1,70 2,00 2,29
32 0,765 0,911 1,13 1,34 1,48 1,62 1,82 2,15 2,46
35 ± 0,20 0,838 1,00 1,24 1,47 1,63 1,78 2,00 2,37 2,72
38 0,912 1,09 1,35 1,61 1,78 1,94 2,19 2,59 2,98 3,35
40 0,962 1,15 1,42 1,70 1,87 2,05 2,31 2,74 3,15 3,55
45 1,09 1,30 1,61 1,92 2,12 2,32 2,62 3,11 3,58 4,04
± 0,25
50 1,21 1,44 1,79 2,14 2,37 2,59 2,93 3,48 4,01 4,54 5,05
55 1,59 1,98 2,36 2,61 2,86 3,24 3,85 4,45 5,03 5,60
± 0,30
60 1,74 2,16 2,58 2,86 3,14 3,55 4,22 4,88 5,52 6,16 6,78
70 ± 0,35 2,04 2,53 3,03 3,35 3,68 4,16 4,96 5,74 6,51 7,27 8,01
80 2,33 2,90 3,47 3,85 4,22 4,78 5,70 6,60 7,50 8,38 9,25
± 0,40
90 3,27 3,92 4,34 4,76 5,39 6,44 7,47 8,48 9,49 10,48
Dimesions upon agreement: Outside diameter – 24; 25,4; 26; 27; 28; 31,75; 38,1; 42; 42,4; 48; 48,3; 50,8; 51; 82
Wall thickness – 2,3; 2,6; 3,2; 3,25; 3,8

Tolerances of outside diameter of heat treated tubes (see also page 88)
Ratio T/D Tolerances from Table 24 are multiplied by:
> 0,05 1
0,05 > T/D —
> 0,025 1,5
< 0,025 2

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards of cold drawn tubes
STN 42 0142 ČSN 42 0142 Welded steel tubes precision or threaded. TDC.
STN 42 6714 ČSN 42 6714 Precision welded steel tubes with increased accuracy. Dimensions.
ASTM A512 Cold drawn buttweld carbon steel mechanical tubing.
ASTM A513 Standard specification for electric-resistance-welded carbon and alloy steel mechanical tubing.
DIN 2393 Precision welded steel tubes of specific accuracy. Part 1: Dimensions. Part 2: TDC.
BS 6323 Specification for seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 6: Specific requirements for cold finished electric resistence welded and induction welded steel tubes.
NF A 49-341 Precision welded tubes for mechanical application. Dimensions. TDC.
UNI 7946 Precision welded tubes.
EN 10 305-2 Steel tubes for precision applications Part 2: Welded cold drawn tubes.
ISO 3305 Plain end welded precision steel tubes. TDC.
Dimensions of precision welded cold drawn tubes according to European standards Table 25
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 0,5 0,8 1 1,2 1,5 1,8 2 2,2 2,5 2,8 3 3,5 4 4,5
[mm] Inside diameter and tolerances [mm]
4 3±0,15 2,4±0,15 2±0,15
5 4±0,15 3,4±0,15 3±0,15
6 5±0,15 4,4±0,15 4±0,15
7 6±0,15 5,4±0,15 5±0,15 4,6±0,15 4±0,15
8 7±0,15 6,4±0,15 6±0,15 5,6±0,15 5±0,15
9 8±0,15 7,4±0,15 7±0,15 6,6±0,15 6±0,15
10 9±0,15 8,4±0,15 8±0,15 7,6±0,15 7±0,15 6,4±0,15 6±0,15
12 11±0,15 10,4±0,15 10±0,15 9,6±0,15 9±0,15 8,4±0,15 8±0,15
14 13±0,08 12,4±0,08 12±0,08 11,6±0,15 11±0,15 10,4±0,15 10±0,15 9,6±0,15 9±0,15
± 0,08
15 14±0,08 13,4±0,08 13±0,08 12,6±0,08 12±0,15 11,4±0,15 11±0,15 10,6±0,15 10±0,15
16 15±0,08 14,4±0,08 14±0,08 13,6±0,08 13±0,08 12,4±0,15 12±0,15 11,6±0,15 11±0,15
18 17±0,08 16,4±0,08 16±0,08 15,6±0,08 15±0,08 14,4±0,08 14±0,08 13,6±0,15 13±0,15 12,4±0,15 12±0,15 11±0,15
20 19±0,08 18,4±0,08 18±0,08 17,6±0,08 17±0,08 16,4±0,08 16±0,08 15,6±0,15 15±0,15 14,4±0,15 14±0,15 13±0,15 12±0,15
22 21±0,08 20,4±0,08 20±0,08 19,6±0,08 19±0,08 18,4±0,08 18±0,08 17,6±0,08 17±0,15 16,4±0,15 16±0,15 15±0,15 14±0,15
25 23,4±0,08 23±0,08 22,6±0,08 22±0,08 21,4±0,08 21±0,08 20,6±0,08 20±0,08 19,4±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15 17±0,15 16±0,15
26 24,4±0,08 24±0,08 23,6±0,08 23±0,08 22,4±0,08 22±0,08 21,6±0,08 21±0,08 20,4±0,15 20±0,15 19±0,15 18±0,15 17±0,15
28 26,4±0,08 26±0,08 25,6±0,08 25±0,08 24,4±0,08 24±0,08 23,6±0,08 23±0,08 22,4±0,08 22±0,15 21±0,15 20±0,15 19±0,15
30 28,4±0,08 28±0,08 27,6±0,08 27±0,08 26,4±0,08 26±0,08 25,6±0,08 25±0,08 24,4±0,08 24±0,15 23±0,15 22±0,15 21±0,15
32 30,4±0,15 30±0,15 29,6±0,15 29±0,15 28,4±0,15 28±0,15 27,6±0,15 27±0,15 26,4±0,15 26±0,15 25±0,15 24±0,15 23±0,15
35 33,4±0,15 33±0,15 32,6±0,15 32±0,15 31,4±0,15 31±0,15 30,6±0,15 30±0,15 29,4±0,15 29±0,15 28±0,15 27±0,15 26±0,15
± 0,15
38 36,4±0,15 36±0,15 35,6±0,15 35±0,15 34,4±0,15 34±0,15 33,6±0,15 33±0,15 32,4±0,15 32±0,15 31±0,15 30±0,15 29±0,15
40 38,4±0,15 38±0,15 37,6±0,15 37±0,15 36,4±0,15 36±0,15 35,6±0,15 35±0,15 34,4±0,15 34±0,15 33±0,15 32±0,15 31±0,15
42 39±0,20 38,4±0,20 38±0,20 37,6±0,20 37±0,20 36,4±0,20 36±0,20 35±0,20 34±0,20 33±0,20
45 42±0,20 41,4±0,20 41±0,20 40,6±0,20 40±0,20 39,4±0,20 39±0,20 38±0,20 37±0,20 36±0,20
± 0,20
48 45±0,20 44,4±0,20 44±0,20 43,6±0,20 43±0,20 42,4±0,20 42±0,20 41±0,20 40±0,20 39±0,20
50 47±0,20 46,4±0,20 46±0,20 45,6±0,20 45±0,20 44,4±0,20 44±0,20 43±0,20 42±0,20 41±0,20
55 52±0,25 51,4±0,25 51±0,25 50,6±0,25 50±0,25 49,4±0,25 49±0,25 48±0,25 47±0,25 46±0,25
± 0,25
60 57±0,25 56,4±0,25 56±0,25 55,6±0,25 55±0,25 54,4±0,25 54±0,25 53±0,25 52±0,25 51±0,25
65 62±0,30 61,4±0,30 61±0,30 60,6±0,30 60±0,30 59,4±0,30 59±0,30 58±0,30 57±0,30 56±0,30
± 0,30
70 67±0,30 66,4±0,30 66±0,30 65,6±0,30 65±0,30 64,4±0,30 64±0,30 63±0,30 62±0,30 61±0,30
75 71±0,35 70,6±0,35 70±0,35 69,4±0,35 69±0,35 68±0,35 67±0,35 66±0,35
± 0,35
80 76±0,35 75,6±0,35 75±0,35 74,4±0,35 74±0,35 73±0,35 72±0,35 71±0,35

Cold sized welded square and rectangular tubes – see page 87

Precision welded tubes for automotive industry – see pages 86 – 91

Precision welded tubes for hydraulic and pneumatic lines

– deliveries upon agreement according to EN 10305-6

Tube semiproducts

Specially designed tube semi-finished products, tailored to customer’s needs are available upon request. Cold drawn precise tubes
are machined, but when requested, hot finished tubes are furnished as various forms of semi finished products.

• Tube cut in short exact lengths by:
– sawing
– shearing
– rotary cut-off head with slides
• Tube with bevelled ends
• Tube bending

Tube bending
Bend angle Rm
20 25 32 40 50 60 80 100 125 160 200 250
D = 10
D = 12
D = 14
D = 15
D = 16
D = 18
D = 20
D = 22
D = 24 t = D/20
t≥1 Ri = 2D
D = 25
t≥1 t = D/30
D = 28 Ri = 3D
t≥1 t = D/50
D = 30 Ri = 4,5D
t ≥ 1,5
D = 32
t ≥ 1,5
D = 35
t ≥ 1,5
D = 38
t ≥ 1,5
D = 40
t ≥ 1,5
D = 42
t ≥ 1,5

It is possible to bend the tubes in three planes without destroying the tube at the bend point (see table) by CNC tube bender.
Bend parameters:
• max. size of bent tube – 42 x 2,5 mm
• bend radius – 12–260 mm
• max. bend angle – 187 °
• tolerance on bend angle – ±0,1°
• tube length under the final bend – max 3 000 mm
• tolerance of length – ±0,1 mm

Semi-finished products are delivered according to customer specifications in mettalic box pallets, collapsible pallets, cardboard
cartons placed on wooden europallets or bundled.

Certified test report

According to DIN 50049 - EN 10204 - 2.2 or 3.1.B.

Devices and method of production Table 26
Parameter Sawing 1 Sawing 2 Shearing Rotary cutt-off
Outside diameter 12–102 mm 10–81 mm 15–152 mm 20–90 mm
Wall thickness 1–3 mm 0,5–7 (12) mm max. 7 % D 0,7–12 mm
Lenghts 20 (130)–3250 mm 15–600 mm 25–780 mm 150–2000 mm
Tolerances ±0,25 mm ±0,025 mm ±0,25 mm ±0,11– ±0,19 mm
Stabilization of CpK > 1,67 CpK > 1,67
production process
Tube ends Brushing Tube ends bevelling
L = 100–4500 mm D = 10–81 mm D = 15–70 mm D = 20–90 mm
L = 15–340 mm L = 30–690 mm L = 150–2 000 mm
5°–85° 5°– 85°
(min. d = 12 mm) (min. d = 18 mm)
Surface protection Washing and passivating at Without protection
L = 100–3000 mm or oiled

Tube ends bevelling

Shearing of tubes
Wall thickness [mm]

Outside diameter [mm]

Butt-welding steel pipe fittings

List of standards of buttwelding elbows

Dimensional Standards for elbows Standards for pipe
Standards Dimensions
standards TDC Steel Grade TDC Steel Grade
Elbows for steel construction, machine parts and common use – standard steel
STN, ČSN 42 5760 ŽP-05-04 11 353 42 0250 11 353
DIN 2605 - 1, 2 2609 (A) St 37.0 1629 St 37.0
Table 27 2609 (B) St 44.0 St 44.0
Page 96 2609 (C) St 52.0 St 52.0
EN 10 253 - 1 10 253 - 1 S 235 10 210 - 1 S 235 JRH
S 265 S 275 JOH
Elbows for pressure purposes – room temperature
STN, ČSN 42 5760 ŽP-05-04 11 353 42 0250 11 353
DIN 2605 - 1, 2 2609 (A) St 37.0 1629 St 37.0
2609 (B) St 44.0 St 44.0
2609 (C) St 52.0 St 52.0
NF A 49 - 186 Table 27 49 - 186 AE 220 A 49 112 TU E 220A
49 - 281 Page 96 49 - 281 AE 220, 250, 275 TU E 235A
EN 10 253 - 2 10 253 - 2 P 235 TR2 10 216 - 1 P 235 TR1
P 265 TR2 P 265 TR1
P 235 TR2 P 235 TR2
P 265 TR2 P 265 TR2
Elbows for pressure purposes – elevated temperature
STN, ČSN 42 5760 ŽP-05-05 12 021 42 0251 12 021
Table 27
12 022 12 022
Page 96
15 020 15 020
ASTM ANSI B 16.9 Table 28 A 234 / A 960 WPB A 106 Grade B
ASME Page 97 WPC Grade C
DIN 2605 - 1, 2 2609 (F, G) St 35.8 I, III 17 175 St 35.8 I, III
2609 (H) 15Mo3 15Mo3
BS 1965 - 1 Table 27 1965 - 1 Grade 410 3602 - 1 HFS 360
EN 10 253 - 2 Page 96 10 253 - 2 P 235 GH 10 216 - 2 P 235 GH
P 265 GH P 265 GH
16Mo3 16Mo3
Elbows for pressure purposes from fine grain steel
DIN 2605 - 1, 2 2609 (R) WStE 355 17 179 WStE 355
2609 (S) TStE 355 TStE 355
Table 27 2609 (T) TStE 285 TStE 285
EN 10 253 - 2 Page 96 10 253 - 2 P 355 N 10 216 - 3 P 355 N
P 355 NH P 355 NH
P 355 NL1 P355 NL1
Elbows for pressure purposes – low temperature
PN ŽP 42 5760 ŽP-05-04 11 369 42 0165 11 369
Table 27
11 419 11 419
Page 96
11 503 11 503
ASME ASME B 16.9 Tab. 28 Pg. 97 A 420 / A 960 WPL 6 A 333 Grade 6
EN 10 253 - 2 Table 27 10 253 - 2 P 215 NL 10 216 - 4 P 215 NL
Page 96 P 265 NL P 265 NL
Elbows for water and gas pipe line
PN ŽP 42 5760 Table 27 ŽP-05-04 11 353 42 0250 11 353
DIN 2605 - 1 Page 96 2609 (A) St 37.0 2440, 2441 St 33-2, St 37.0
Elbows for pipe line
DIN 2605 - 1, 2 2609 (D) StE 290.7 17 172 StE 290.7
Table 27
2609 (E) StE 360.7 StE 360.7
Page 96
EN 10 523 - 2 10 253 - 2 L 415NB 10 208 - 2 L 415NB
Notes: Deliveries of welding neck flanges upon agreement.
Standards: DIN 2631, DIN 2632, DIN 2633, DIN 2635
ANSI B16,5
STN 13 1229, STN 13 1231, STN 13 1233
EN 1092-1
Dimensions: DN 15–150, ANSI 1/2”–6”
Steel grades: 11 375, 11 416, RSt 37-2, C22.8, A105/C4

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards for fittings
ŽP-05-04 Buttwelding elbows. TDC.
ŽP-05-05 Buttwelding elbows with specified elevated temperature properties
STN 42 0165 ČSN 42 0165 Sheets and pipes of feritic-perlitic steel with guaranteed impact properties at low temperatures.
STN 42 0250 ČSN 42 0250 Hot formed seamless tubes from steel grade 10 to 16.
STN 42 0251 ČSN 42 0251 Seamless steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.
ŽP 42 5760 Buttwelding elbows. Dimensions.
STN 13 220 ČSN 13 220 Steel buttwelding fittings. Building dimensions.
ASME B16.9 Factory-made wrought steel buttwelding fittings.
ASTM A106 Seamless carbon steel pipe for high temperature service.
ASTM A234 Piping fittings of wrought carbon steel and alloy steel for moderate and high temperature service.
ASTM A333 Seamless and welded steel pipe for low temperature service (Pipe).
ASTM A420 Piping fittings of wrought carbon steel and alloy steel for low temperature service.
ASTM A860/MSS-SP-75 (MSS sor dimession NPS over 14) Wrought high strength low alloy steel butt welding fittings. (Steel grade
WPHY 42, 46, 52, 60, 65, 70). Deliveries upon agreement.
ASTM A960 Common requirements for wrought steel piping fittings.
ASTM A999 General requirements for alloy and stainless steel pipe.
ASTM A1016 General requirements for ferritic alloy steel, austenitic alloy steel and stainless steel tubes.
DIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements.
DIN 2440 Steel tubes, medium weight suitable for screwing.
DIN 2441 Steel tubes, heavy weight suitable for screwing.
DIN 2519 Steel flanges. TDC.
DIN 2605-1 Elbows. Reduced correlation of utilization.
DIN 2605-2 Elbows. Full correlation of utilization.
DIN 2609 Buttwelding fittings.
DIN 2631, 2632, 2633, 2634, 2635 Steel flanges. Nominal pressure 6, 10, 16, 25, 40.
DIN 17 172 Steel pipes for long-distance pipelines for combustible liquids and gases.
DIN 17 175 Seamless tubes of heat resistant steel.
DIN 17 179 Seamless circular fine grain steel tubes to special requirements.
BS 1965-1 Buttwelding pipe fittings for pressure purposes. Carbon steel.
BS 3602-1 Steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: carbon and carbon manganese steel with specified elevated tempe-
rature properties.
NF A49-112 Plain ends seamless steel hot rolled tubes with specified room temperature properties and with special delivery
NF A49-186 Tubular accesories – bends – reduction for welding, made from seamless tubes for general use. Dimensions.
NFA 49-281 Steel tubes, tubular accesories, bends, tee, reduction for welding, made from seamless tube with quality specifi-
cations. Dimensions. TDC.
EN 1092-1 Flanges and their joints – circular flanges for pipes,valves, fittings and accessories.
Part 1: Steel flanges, PN designated.
EN 10208-2 Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids. TDC.
Part 2: Pipes of requirement calss B.
EN 10210-1 Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steel.
EN 10216-1, 2, 3, 4 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC.
Part 1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.
Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.
Part 3: Non-alloy and alloy fine grain steel tubes .
Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties.
EN 10253-1 Buttwelding pipe fittings.
Part 1: Wrought carbon steel for general use and without specific inspection requirements.
EN 10253-2 Buttwelding pipe fittings.
Part 2: Wrought carbon and ferritic alloy steel with specific inspection requirements.
EN 10297-1 Seamless steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes. TDC. Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel
EN 764-5 Pressure equipment. Compliance and inspection document of metal materials.
ISO 3419 Non-alloy and alloy steel buttwelding fittings.
RToD M0803 Dutch rules for pressure vessels. Seamless fittings.

Dimensions of elbows

Elbow dimensions of type K (90°) and DK (180°) sort 3D, made according to European standards Table 27

Size Outside Wall Hight Elbow weight

diameter thickness r b 2b 90° 180°
NPS DN [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kg]
1/2 15 21,3 2,00 28 38 76 0,04 0,08
3/4 20 26,9 2,30 29 43 86 0,06 0,13
31,8 2,60 35 51 102 0,10 0,20
1 25 33,7 2,60 38 56 112 0,12 0,24
1 25 33,7 3,20 38 56 112 0,14 0,28
38,0 2,60 45 64 128 0,16 0,32
1 1/4 32 42,4 2,60 48 69 138 0,19 0,38
1 1/4 32 42,4 3,60 48 69 138 0,26 0,52
1 1/4 32 42,4 4,00 48 69 138 0,28 0,56
44,5 2,60 51 73 146 0,22 0,44
1 1/2 40 48,3 2,60 57 82 164 0,26 0,52
1 1/2 40 48,3 4,00 57 82 164 0,39 0,78
51,0 2,60 63,5 88 176 0,31 0,62
57,0 2,90 72 100 200 0,44 0,88
2 50 60,3 2,90 76 106 212 0,49 0,98
2 50 60,3 4,50 76 106 212 0,74 1,48
63,5 2,90 82,5 114 228 0,56 1,12
70,0 2,90 92 127 254 0,69 1,38
2 1/2 65 76,1 2,90 95 133 266 0,78 1,56
2 1/2 65 76,1 5,00 95 133 266 1,46 2,90
82,5 3,20 107,5 149 298 1,06 2,12
3 80 88,9 3,20 114 159 318 1,22 2,44
3 80 88,9 5,60 114 159 318 2,06 4,18
3 1/2 101,6 3,60 133,5 184 368 1,82 3,64
108,0 3,60 142,5 196 392 2,07 4,14
4 100 114,3 3,60 152 210 420 2,37 4,74
4 100 114,3 6,30 152 210 420 4,00 8,00
127,0 4,00 175 238 476 3,34 6,68
133,0 4,00 181 247 494 3,62 7,24
5 125 139,7 4,00 190 260 520 4,01 8,02
152,4 4,50 215 291 582 5,54 11,08
159,0 4,50 216 294 588 5,82 11,64
6 150 168,3 4,50 229 313 626 6,54 13,08
7 175 193,7 5,60 270 367 734 10,60 21,20
8 200 219,1 6,30 305 414 828 15,80 31,60
10 250 273,0 6,30 381 518 1036 24,80 49,60
10 250 273,0 7,10 381 518 1036 27,90 55,80
12 300 323,9 7,10 457 619 1238 39,80 79,60
14 350 355,6 8,00 533 711 1422 57,50 115,00
16 400 406,4 8,80 610 813 1626 82,60 165,20
18 450 457,0 10,00 686 914 1828 119,00 237,00
20 500 508,0 11,00 762 1016 2032 162,00 323,00
24 600 610,0 12,50 914 1219 2438 266,00 531,00
Upon agreement also dimensions: 26,9 x 3,20
33,7 x 3,60
48,3 x 3,60
76,1 x 4,00
88,9 x 4,50
Other dimensions up to diameter of 610 mm upon agreement.
Upon agreement it is also possible to deliver elbows up to 914 mm, made from welded segments (outside diameters 711, 813 and 914
mm, i.e. 28", 32" and 36") and elbows of type 45°/30°, 60°.

Dimensions of long radius elbows and returns according to standard ASME/ANSI B16.9 Table 28
Outside Wall Schedule Inside 90° elbow 180° elbow
NPS diameter thickness Identification No. diameter A (r) O K
[inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm] [inch] [mm]
1 1.315 33,4 0.133 3,38 STD 40 1.049 26,64 1.50 38 3.00 76 2.19 56
1 1/4 1.660 42,2 0.140 3,56 STD 40 1.380 35,08 1.88 48 3.75 95 2.75 70
1 1/2 1.900 48,3 0.145 3,68 STD 40 1.610 40,94 2.25 57 4.50 114 3.25 83
2 2.375 60,3 0.109 2,77 – – 2.157 54,76 3.00 76 6.00 152 4.19 106
2 2.375 60,3 0.154 3,91 STD 40 2.067 52,48 3.00 76 6.00 152 4.19 106
2 1/2 2.875 73,0 0.203 5,16 STD 40 2.469 62,68 3.75 95 7.50 191 5.19 132
3 3.500 88,9 0.125 3,18 – – 3.250 82,54 4.50 114 9.00 229 6.25 159
3 3.500 88,9 0.216 5,49 STD 40 3.068 77,92 4.50 114 9.00 229 6.25 159
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.141 3,58 – – 3.718 94,44 5.25 133 10.50 267 7.25 184
3 1/2 4.000 101,6 0.226 5,74 STD 40 3.548 90,12 5.25 133 10.50 267 7.25 184
4 4.500 114,3 0.141 3,58 – – 4.218 107,14 6.00 152 12.00 305 8.25 210
4 4.500 114,3 0.237 6,02 STD 40 4.026 102,26 6.00 152 12.00 305 8.25 210
6 6.625 168,3 0.172 4,37 – – 6.281 159,56 9.00 229 18.00 457 12.31 313

Upon agreement it is possible to deliver elbows up to 914 mm (36"), made from welded segments.

Standard Symbols
PN ŽP 42 5760 DN d s r b 2b b
DIN 2605 DN da s r b 2b b
NF A 49 186 DN D T (R) F C B
EN 10 253 DN D T (R) F C B
BS 1965 NPS (OD) (WT) A O K

Dimensional tolerances
Exact values are listed in corresponding standards. Approximate data are shown in the Table of tolerances (page 101).

Elbows are made from steel shown in survey table. At standard DIN 2609 there is shown also steel qualification according to this
standard. As a supplement of the survey there is listed also standard and steel grade of tube which is a part of pipeline together with
Elbow verify according to requirements of standard NACE MR 0103, NACE MR 0175. C-equivalent calculating formula see page 14.

Heat treatment, delivery condition and surface quality

The elbows are made by hot forming process and they are delivered without heat treatment. Normalising includes normalising forming.
Surface quality is corresponding to manufacturing process.

End preparation
Elbows are delivered with plain ends. Preparation of ends for welding (beveling) according to standards:
– STN, ČSN 13 1075
– ASME (ANSI) B16.9
– DIN 2559
– EN 10 253 and other EN standards
– NFA 29-032 and standards for pipes
– ISO 6761 2

Preparation of ends:

DIN T < 3 mm (Form 1) DIN T = 3–16 mm (Form 22)

EN T < 3 mm 2α = 40°–60°, c = to 2 mm
ANSI (ASME) T < 3 (5) mm EN T = 3–20 mm 1)
ČSN, STN T < 2,6 (3–4) mm α = 30° 0° +5°
(according method of welding) c = 1,6 ±0,8 mm
ANSI T < 22 mm 2)
(ASME) α = 37,5° ±2,5°
c = 1,6 ±0,8 mm
(c = 1/16 ±1/32 inch)
Testing ČSN, STN T = 3–20 mm
Pipes as a raw material and finished elbows 2α = 70° ±2°
are tested according to corresponding standards. c = 1,5 +0,5 mm
(T = 2,9–11 mm)
The elbows are deliverd with marking:
– without marking
– colour marking – steel grade according to corresponding standard
– stamping of data according to standard, customer‘s requirements or equipment possibilities (size of elbow).

Surface protection
The elbows are delivered without surface protection. Temporary protection with oil upon agreement.

Fittings are packed in cartons, placed on wooden pallets, or in matalic box pallets.

Certification in accordance with the following standards:
STN, ČSN 42 0165, 42 0250, 42 0251
ASTM A234/A234, A420/A420M
DIN 50049 – 2.2, 3.1.A, 3.1.B, 3.1.C
EN 10 204 – for EN 10253-1 – 2.2 (non-specific testing)
– for EN 10253-2 – 3.1.B (specific testing) eventually 3.1.A, 3.1.C, 3.2 (see also page 10)

Chemical composition and mechanical properties of steel for elbows production (informative values)
Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Steel Re Rm A5
Standards grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 353 max.0,18 0,050 0,050 235 340 440 25
11 369 max.0,14 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 226 353 441
11 419 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 255 400 490
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,035 0,035 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Nb min.0,015 355 490 630 22
12 021 0,07 - 0,15 0,17 - 0,35 0,35 - 0,60 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 235 340 470 25
12 022 0,15 - 0,22 0,17 - 0,37 0,50 - 0,60 0,040 0,040 max.0,25 max.0,25 max.0,25 255 410 570 21
15 020 0,12 - 0,20 0,15 - 0,37 0,50 - 0,80 0,040 0,040 0,25 - 0,35 Al min.0,015 270 450 600 22
A 234 WPB max.0,30 min.0,10 0,29 - 1,06 0,035 0,035 max.0,40 max.0,40 max.0,15 max.0,40 V min.0,08 240 35 415 585 60 30
WPC max.0,35 min.0,10 0,29 - 1,06 0,035 0,035 max.0,40 max.0,40 max.0,15 max.0,40 V min.0,08 275 40 485 655 70 30
A 420 WPL 6 max.0,30 0,15 - 0,30 0,60 - 1,35 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,40 max.0,12 max.0,40 V min.0,05 240 35 415 585 60 30
2609 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.0 max.0,21 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.0 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 Al min.0,20 355 500 650 21
St 35.8 max.0,17 0,10 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,80 0,040 0,040 235 360 480 25
15Mo3 0,12 - 0,20 0,10 - 0,35 0,40 - 0,80 0,035 0,035 0,25 - 0,35 270 450 600 22
TStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60 - 1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
TStE 355 max.0,18 0,10 - 0,50 0,60 - 1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
WStE 355 max.0,20 0,10 - 0,50 0,90 - 1,65 0,030 0,030 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
StE 290.7 max.0,22 max.0,45 0,50 - 1,10 0,040 0,035 290 420 540 23
StE 360.7 max.0,22 max.0,55 0,90 - 1,50 0,040 0,035 360 510 630 20
1965-1 360 max.0,17 0,10 - 0,35 0,30 - 0,80 0,035 0,035 Al max.0,06 235 360 500 25
49-186 AE 220A max.0,20 max.0,40 max.0,85 0,045 0,045 220 360 500 23
10253-1 S 235 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 235 360 500 26
10253-2 P235TR2 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 235 360 500 25
P265TR2 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 265 410 570 21
P355N max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Nb min.0,05 355 490 650 22
P235 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 235 360 500 25
P265 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 265 410 570 21
16Mo3 0,12 - 0,20 max.0,35 0,40 - 0,90 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 0,25 - 0,35 max.0,30 280 450 600 22
P355NH max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Nb min.0,05 355 490 650 22
P215 max.0,15 max.0,35 0,40 - 1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Nb min.0,10 215 360 480 23
P355NL1 max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90 - 1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 min.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Nb min.0,05 355 490 650 22
L415NB max.0,21 max.0,45 max.1,60 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 min.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,25 Nb min.0,05 415 520 18
10025 S355J2G3 max.0,20 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 355 490 630

Notes to page 98:

1. In standard EN 10253 (fittings) there is possibility to complete preparation of ends for welding also by beveling of outside edge on 30° and inside edge on 18° to
axle of fitting (upon agreement only).
2. • Values are valid for products, where beveling is according standard ANSI B 16-25.
• The values for beveling of ends according standard API 5L and for pipes according to ASTM A (ASME SA) are identic with standard EN. In case of preparation
of inside edge angle can not exceed 7° to longitudinaly axle (T ≤ 10,5 mm) and 9,5° to WT 10,5–14 mm. (upon agreement only).
• Pipe according to API 5 CT are delivered with square cut plain ends.

Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) Resistant Metallic Materials - Requirements

NACE STANDARD MR 0103 - Materials Resistant To Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments.
NACE STANDARD MR 0175 - Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials for Oilfield Equipment.
ISO 15156-2 - Petroleum and natural gas industries - Materials for use in H2S - containing enviroments in oil and gas production.
Part 2 - Cracking resistant carbon and low alloy steels and the use of cast irons.

Note: acronym “NACE” Has more meanings than one. “NACE” code means “Classification of Economic activities” which in Slovakia was known
until now as “OKEC”. In our case “NACE International” is the leading international organization focusing on corrosion of materials. Current name
is derived from the acronym of this organization “National Association of Corrosion Engineers”, which was founded in USA to address corrosion
protection of tubings and pipes. Specifications of this American organization NACE International THE CORROSION SOCIETY labeled as NACE
Standard MR (Standard Material Requirements) are establishing materials suitable to use in environment where there is Hydrogen Sulphide

Tube reducers
List of standards for tube reducers
Dimensional Steel
Standards Dimensions TDC
standards grade
STN, ČSN 13 2200 Tab. 29 13 2370 11 353
13 2380 (13 2385) 12 021
DIN 2616 - 2 2609 (A) St 37.0
2609 (F, G) St 35.8
ISO 3419 3419
EN 10 253 - 1 10 253 - 1 S 235, S 265
Upon agreement it is possible to deliver reducers made also from other steel (see survey table of buttwelding elbows).

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards

STN, ČSN 13 2200 Steel pipe fittings for buttwelding. Con- GOST 17378 Reducers. Dimensions.
struction dimensions. GOST 17380 Reducers. TDC.
STN, ČSN 13 2370 Reducers. TDC.
STN, ČSN 13 2380 Reducers Js 20 – Js 350, Jt 40 – Jt 100.
STN, ČSN 13 2385 Reducers DN 20 – DN 500, PN 40 –
PN 100.
DIN 2609 Buttwelding fittings. TDC.
DIN 2616-2 Reducers. Full correlation of utilization.
EN 10 253-1 Butt-welding pipe fittings.
Part 1: Wrought carbon steel for general
use and without specific inspection re-
ISO 3419 Buttwelding fittings wrought carbon and
alloy steel.

Tube reducers dimensions – Type 1 Table 29

Side D Side D1 Length Teoret.
NPS DN D T NPS1 DN1 D1 T1 L weight
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg]
3/4 20 26,9 2,3 1/2 15 21,3 2,0 38 0,06
1 25 33,7 2,6 3/4 20 26,9 2,3 50 0,10
1/2 15 21,3 2,0 50 0,10
1 1/4 32 42,4 2,6 1 25 33,7 2,6 50 0,13
3/4 20 26,9 2,3 50 0,13
1/2 15 21,3 2,0 50 0,13
1 1/2 40 48,3 2,6 1 1/4 32 42,4 2,6 64 0,19
1 25 33,7 2,6 64 0,19
3/4 20 26,9 2,3 64 0,19
57,0 2,9 1 25 33,7 2,6 76 0,29
2 50 60,3 2,9 1 1/2 40 48,3 2,6 76 0,31
1 1/4 32 42,4 2,6 76 0,31
1 25 33,7 2,6 76 0,31
2 1/2 65 76,1 2,9 2 50 60,3 2,9 90 0,48
57,0 2,9 90 0,48
1 1/2 40 48,3 2,6 90 0,48
32 42,4 2,6 90 0,48
3 80 88,9 3,2 2 1/2 65 76,1 2,9 90 0,61
2 50 60,3 2,9 90 0,61
57,0 2,9 90 0,61
1 1/2 40 48,3 2,6 90 0,61
108,0 3,6 3 80 88,9 3,2 100 0,93
2 1/2 65 76,1 2,9 100 0,93
2 50 60,3 2,9 100 0,93
57,0 2,9 100 0,93
4 100 114,3 3,6 3 80 88,9 3,2 100 1,00
2 1/2 65 76,1 2,9 100 1,00
2 50 60,3 2,9 100 1,00
Reducers up to D 406,4 mm (16") or large diameter welded recucers can by delivered upon agreement.

Dimesion and form tolerances of fittings
Parameter PN ŽP 42 5760 DIN 2605, DIN 2609 EN 10 253–2 ASME (ANSI) B 16.9
in mm
Outside ±1,25 % ±1 % ±1 % 1/2–2 1/2 21,3–73,0
diameter min. ±0,5 mm alloved ±0,5 mm min. ±0,5 mm –0,03 +0,06 ±1
3–3 1/2 88,9–101,6
±0,06 ±1
4 114,3
±0,06 –1 +2
5–8 141,3–219,1
–0,06 +0,09 –1 +3
10–18 273–457
–0,12 +0,16 –3 +4
20–24 508–610
–0,19 +0,25 –5 +6
26–30 660–762
–0,19 +0,25 –5 +7
Inside min. 80 % of theoretical inside diameter (= D – 2T) 1/2–2 1/2 21,3–73,0
diameter ±0,03 ±0,8
3–3 1/2 88,9–101,6
±0,06 ±1,6
4 114,3
±0,06 ±1,6
5 –8 141,3–219,1
±0,06 ±1,6
10 –18 273–457
±0,12 ±3,2
20 –30 508 –762
±0,19 ±4,8
Ovality D > 200 2% (4%) 1,5%
Wall –15 % –12,50 % D ≤ 610 mm Wall thickness > 87,5 %
thickness +12,5 % +15 % T ≤ 4 mm of nominal wall thickness
(±17,5 %) –12,5 % +20 % (–12,5%)
T > 4 mm
–12,5% +15%
b (K) 31,8–76,1 DN 15 – 65 1/2–24 21,3–600
±2,5 mm ±2,5 mm ±0,25 ±7
82,5–114,3 DN 80–100
±3,0 mm ±3,0 mm ±7 mm
133,0–219,1 DN 125–200
±3,5 mm ±3,5 mm
D > 220 DN > 250
±4,0 mm ±4,0 mm
2b 31,8–76,1 DN 15–65
±8 mm ±8 mm
82,5–114,3 DN 80–100 1/2–8 21,3–200
±9 mm ±9 mm ±14 mm ±0,25 ±7
133,0 –219,1 DN 125–200
±10 mm ±10 mm
D > 220 DN > 250–450 10–24 273–610
±14 mm ±14 mm ±0,38 ±10
Q/P ±4° ±1 % of outside ±1 % of outside 1/2–4 21,3–114,3
diameter diameter 0,03/0,06 1/ 2
or min ±1 mm or min ±1 mm 5–8 141,3–219,1
For EN 10224 0,06/0,12 2/4
Q max 1,6 mm 10–12 273–323,8
0,09/0,19 3/5
14–16 335,6–406,4
0,09/0,25 3/7
18–24 457–610
0,12/0,38 4/10
26–30 660–762
0,19/0,38 5/10

Submerged arc longitudinally welded steel tubes and pipes
Dimensional Steel
Standards standards Dimensions TDC grade
Structural tubes – standards steel grade
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154 11 373, 11 375, 11 425, 11 523
ŽP-06-14/98 C – steel
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 1615 St 33 (St 37.2)
17120 USt 37-2, RSt 37-2, St 37-3
St 44-2, St 44-3, St 52-3
EN 10219 - 2 Table 33/Page 105 10219 - 1 S 235 JRH, S 275 JOH
S 275 J2H, S 355 JOH, S 355 J2H
Structural tubes – fine-grain steel
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154, ŽP-06-14/98 11 369, 11 503
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 17123 StE, TStE, EStE
255, 285, 355, 420, 460
EN 10219 - 2 Table 33/Page 105 10219 - 1 S 275 NH, S 275 NLH
S 355 NH, S 355 NLH
S 460 NH, S 460 NLH
S 275 MH, S 275 MLH
S 355 MH, S 355 MLH
S 460 MH, S 460 MLH
Tubes for mechanical and common use
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154 11 523
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 1626 St 37.0, St 44.0, St 52.0
BS 3600 Table 31/Page 104 6323 - 7 SAW4, SAW 5
EN 10296 - 1 Table 33/Page 105 10296 - 1 E155, E185, E235, E275, E355
Tubes for pressure piping – room temperature
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154, ŽP-06-14/98 11 375, 11 523
ASTM, ASME ANSI B36.10 Table 32/Page 105 A 671 / A530 Pipe Grade CA 55
(API 5L) Type of Steel A 285 - Grade C
Class 10, 11, 12, 13
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 1626 St 37.0, St 44.0, St 52.0
1628 St 37.4, St 44.4, St 52.4
BS 3600 Table 31/Page 104 3601 Grade 430
EN 10217 - 1 Table 33/Page 105 10217 - 1 P195, P235, P265 (TR1, TR2)
Tubes for pressure piping – elevated temperature
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154 11 416, 11 523
15 020, 15 121, 15 128
ASTM, ASME ANSI B36.10 Table 32/Page 105 A 672 / A 530 Pipe Grade A 45, A 50, A 55
(API 5L) Type of Steel A 285 - Grade A, B, C
Class 10, 11, 12, 13
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 17155 H I, H II
BS 3600 Table 31/Page 104 3602 - 2 Grade 430, 490
EN 10217 - 5 Table 33/Page 105 10217 - 5 P 235 GH, P 265 GH, 16Mo3
Tubes for pressure piping – fine-grain steel
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 17178 StE, WStE, TStE, EStE
255, 285, 355, 460
EN 10217 - 3 Table 33/Page 105 10217 - 3 P 275 NL1, P 275 NL2,
P 355 N, P 355 NH, P 355 NL1, P 355 NL2
P 460 N, P 460 NH, P 460 NL1, P 460 NL2
Tubes for pressure piping – low temperature
STN, ČSN ŽP 42 5717 Table 30/Page 104 ŽP 42 0154 11 369, 11 503
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 17174 TT St 35 N
17178 TStE 255, 285, 355, 460
EN 10217 - 6 Table 33/Page 105 10217 - 6 P 215 NL, P 265 NL
Pipe for conveyance of aqueous liquids
DIN 2460 Table 31/Page 104 1626 St 37.0, St 52.0
EN 10224 Table 33/Page 105 10224 L 235, L 275, L 355
Pipe for gas and combustible liquids
API API 5L Table 32/Page 105 API 5L Grade A, B, X42, X 46, X 52
DIN 2458 Table 31/Page 104 2470 - 1 1626 - St 37.0
2470 - 2 according to DIN 17 172
17172 StE 210.7, StE 240.7, StE 290.7,
StE 320.7, StE 360.7
17178 StE, WStE, TStE, EStE
255, 285, 355, 460
EN 10208 - 1 Table 33/Page 105 10208 - 1 L210GA, L235GA, L245GA, L290GA, L360GA
10208 - 2 10208 - 2 L245NB, L290NB, L360NB, L245MB, L360MB
GOST 20295 Table 30/Page 104 20295 1050: 10, 20
Notes: 1. Tube according to another standards upon agreement.
2. Pipe for potable water upon agreement.
3. Steel according to GOST 20295 with hardness class K34, K38, K42, K50, K52, K55, K60.
4. Steel according to GOST 20295 are delivered as type 3.
5. Deliveries according to EN 10219 with CE marking.

List of dimensional standards and technical delivery conditions standards
ŽP 42 0154 Longitudinally welded steel pipes. TDC.
ŽP 42 5717 Longitudinally welded steel pipes. Dimensions.
ŽP-06-14/98 Steel pipes determined for protective pipes.
ANSI B36.10 Welded and seamless wrought steel pipe. Dimension and weight (Pipe).
API 5L Specification for line pipe.
ASTM A530 General requirements for spezialized carbon and alloy steel pipe.
ASTM A671 Electric-fusion-welded steel pipe for atmospheric and lower temperatures.
ASTM A672 Electric-fusion-welded steel pipe for high-pressure service at moderate temperatures.
DIN 1615 Welded circular tubes of non-alloy steel without special quality requirements.
DIN 1626 Welded circular tubes of non-alloy steel with special quality requirements.
DIN 1628 Welded circular tubes of non-alloy steel with very high quality requirements.
DIN 2458 Plain end welded steel tubes, dimensions and conventional masses per unit length.
DIN 2460 Steel tubes for waterworks services.
DIN 2470-1 Steel gas pipelines for permissible service pressures up to 16 bar.
DIN 2470-2 Steel gas pipelines for permissible service pressures exceeding 16 bar.
DIN 17120 Welded structural steel circular tubes for structural engineering purposes.
DIN 17123 Welded structural fine grain steel circular tubes.
DIN 17155 Sheet metal and strip from steel with specified elevated temperature properties.
DIN 17172 Steel pipes for pipelines for the transport of combustable fluids and gases.
DIN 17174 Welded circular steel tubes for low temperatures.
DIN 17178 Welded circular fine grain steel tubes for specified properties.
BS 3600 Dimensions and masses per unit legth of welded and seamless steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes.
BS 3601 Carbon steel pipes and tubes with specified room temperature properties for pressure purposes.
BS 3602-2 Specification for steel pipes and tubes for pressure purposes: carbon and carbon manganese steel with
specified elevated temperature properties.
Part 2: Submerged arc welded tubes.
BS 6323 Seamless and welded steel tubes for automobile, mechanical and general engineering purposes.
Part 1: General requirements.
Part 7: Specific requirements for submerged arc welded steel tube.
EN 10208-1, 2 Steel pipes for pipelines for combustible fluids.
Part 1: Pipes of requirement class A.
Part 2: Pipes of requirement class B.
EN 10217-1, 3, 6 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC.
Part 1: Non alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.
Part 3: Non alloy and alloy fine grain steel tubes.
Part 5: Submerged arc welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.
Part 6: Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties.
EN 10219-1, 2 Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steel.
Part 1: TDC.
Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional properties.
EN 10220 Seamless and welded steel tubes. Dimension and masses per unit lenght.
EN 10224 Steel pipes, joints and fittings for the conveyance of aqueouns liquids including potable water.
EN 10296-1 Welded steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes. TDC.
Part 1: Non alloy and alloy steel tubes.
GOST 20295 Steel welded pipes for main gas and oil pipelines.
ISO 4019 Structural steels. Cold-formed, welded, structural hollow sections. Dimensions and sectional properties.
ISO 10 799 Structural steels. Cold-formed, welded, structural hollow sections. TDR.
ISO 9330-1 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. TDC.
Part 1: Non alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties.
ISO 9330-4 Part 4: Submerged arc welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties.
ISO 9330-5 Part 5: Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties.

Pipe are delivered with OD, WT and weight according to tables 30, 31, 32 and 33.

Tube dimensions and weight according to standards ŽP and GOST 20295 Table 30
Outside Wall thickness [mm]
diameter 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
[mm] Theoretical tube weight [kg/m]
324 39,3 47,1 62,3
355,6 43,2 51,7 68,6
377 45,9 54,9 72,8
406 49,4 59,2 78,5 97,7
426 51,9 62,1 82,5 102,6 122,5
530 64,7 77,5 103,0 128,2 153,3 178,2 202,8
630 77,1 92,3 122,7 152,9 182,9 212,7 242,3
720 140,5 175,1 209,5 243,8 277,8 311,6
820 160,2 199,8 239,1 278,3 317,2 356,0
920 179,9 224,4 268,7 312,8 356,7 400,4 443,9
1 020 199,7 249,1 298,3 347,3 396,2 444,8 493,2
1 220 239,1 298,4 357,5 416,4 475,1 533,6 591,9
1 420 347,7 416,7 485,4 554,0 622,4 690,5 758,5
1 620 397,1 475,9 554,5 632,9 711,1 789,2 867,0
1 820 446,4 535,1 623,5 711,8 799,9 887,8 975,5
2 020 495,7 594,2 692,6 790,7 888,7 986,5 1 084,0
2 220 545,0 653,4 761,6 869,7 977,5 1 085,1 1 192,5

Tube dimensions and weight according to standard DIN 2458 Table 31

Outside Wall thickness [mm]

diameter 5 5,6 6,3 7,1 8 8,8 10 11 12,5 14,2 16 17,5 20 22,2
[mm] Theoretical tube weight [kg/m]
323,9 39,3 44,0 49,3 55,5 62,3
355,6 43,2 48,3 54,3 61,0 68,6
406,4 49,5 55,4 62,2 69,9 78,6 86,3 97,8
457 55,7 62,3 70,0 78,8 88,6 97,3 110,2
508 62,0 69,4 77,9 87,7 98,6 108,3 122,8 134,8 152,7
559 68,3 76,4 85,9 96,6 108,7 119,4 135,4 148,7 168,5 190,8 214,3
610 74,6 83,5 93,8 105,6 118,8 130,5 148,0 162,5 184,2 208,6 234,4
660 80,8 90,4 101,6 114,3 128,6 141,3 160,3 176,1 199,6 226,2 254,1
711 123,3 138,7 152,4 172,9 189,9 215,3 244,0 274,2 299,3
762 148,8 163,5 185,5 203,7 231,0 261,9 294,4 321,3
813 158,8 174,5 198,0 217,6 246,8 279,7 314,5 343,3
864 168,9 185,6 210,6 231,4 262,5 297,6 334,6 365,3
914 178,7 196,4 222,9 245,0 277,9 315,1 354,3 386,9 440,9
1 016 198,9 218,6 248,1 272,6 309,3 350,8 394,6 430,9 491,3
1 220 239,1 262,9 298,4 328,0 372,2 422,3 475,1 519,0 591,9
1 420 347,7 382,2 433,9 492,3 554,0 605,3 690,5 765,3
1 620 397,1 436,5 495,5 562,3 632,9 691,6 789,2 874,8
1 820 446,4 490,7 557,2 632,4 711,8 777,9 887,8 984,3
2 020 495,7 545,0 618,8 702,4 790,7 864,2 986,5 1 093,8
2 220 545,0 599,2 680,5 772,5 869,7 950,5 1 085,1 1 203,3

Notes: 1. Other tube dimensions upon agreement.

2. Maximum outside diameter D = 3 400 mm, maximum wall thickness t = 30 mm.
3. This is actual for tables 30, 31, 32 a 33.

Theoretical inside diameter = outside diameter – (2 x wall thickness).

Weight calculation and reduction to length unit (C-steel):
dimension in mm: 0,0246615 (D – t).t [kg/m] 1 kg/m = 1,48816 lb/ft
dimension in inch: 10,68142 (D – t).t [lbs/ft] 1 lb/ft = 0,67197 kg/m

Tube dimensions and weight according to standards API 5L (delivery upon agreement) Table 32
Wall thickness [mm / inch]
Outside 5,6 6,4 7,1 7,9 8,7 9,5 10,3 11,1 11,9 12,7 14,3 15,9 17,5 19,1 20,6 22,2 23,8 25,4
DN diameter 0,219 0,250 0,281 0,312 0,344 0,375 0,406 0,438 0,469 0,500 0,562 0,625 0,688 0,750 0,812 0,875 0,938 1
[mm] [inch] Theoretical tube weight [kg/m]
400 406,4 16 55,4 63,1 69,9 77,6 85,3 93,0 100,6 108,2 115,8
450 457 18 62,3 71,1 78,8 87,5 96,2 104,8 113,5 122,1 130,6
500 508 20 69,4 79,2 87,7 97,4 107,1 116,8 126,4 136,0 145,6 155,1 174,1
550 559 22 76,4 87,2 96,6 107,4 118,1 128,7 139,4 150,0 160,6 171,1 192,1
600 610 24 95,3 105,6 117,3 129,0 140,7 152,3 163,9 175,5 187,1 210,1 233,0
650 660 26 103,2 114,3 127,0 139,7 152,4 165,0 177,6 190,2 202,7 227,7 252,6
700 711 28 111,2 123,3 137,0 150,7 164,4 178,0 191,6 205,2 218,7 245,7 272,6 299,3
750 762 30 119,3 132,2 146,9 161,6 176,3 190,9 205,6 220,1 234,7 263,7 292,6 321,3
800 813 32 141,1 156,9 172,6 188,2 203,9 219,5 235,1 250,7 281,7 312,6 343,3 374,0 402,6
850 864 34 150,0 166,8 183,5 200,2 216,9 233,5 250,1 266,6 299,7 332,6 365,3 398,0 428,5
900 914 36 176,5 194,2 211,9 229,6 247,2 264,7 282,3 317,3 352,2 386,9 421,5 453,9 488,2 522,5 556,6
965 38 186,5 205,2 223,9 242,5 261,1 279,7 298,3 335,3 372,2 408,9 445,6 479,8 516,2 552,4 588,6
1 000 1 016 40 196,4 216,1 235,8 255,5 275,1 294,7 314,2 353,3 392,2 430,9 469,6 505,7 544,1 582,4 620,5
1 067 42 227,1 247,8 268,4 289,0 309,6 330,2 371,2 412,2 452,9 493,6 531,6 572,0 612,3 652,5
1 100 1 118 44 238,0 259,7 281,4 303,0 324,6 346,2 389,2 432,2 474,9 517,6 557,5 599,9 642,2 684,4
1 168 46 248,7 271,4 294,1 316,7 339,3 361,8 406,9 451,8 496,5 541,2 582,9 627,3 671,6 715,7
1 200 1 219 48 259,7 283,4 307,0 330,7 354,2 377,8 424,8 471,8 518,5 565,2 608,8 655,2 701,5 747,7
1 300 1 321 52 307,3 332,9 358,6 384,2 409,8 460,8 511,8 562,6 613,2 660,6 711,1 761,4 811,6
1 400 1 422 56 330,9 358,6 386,2 413,8 441,4 496,4 551,4 606,1 660,8 711,9 766,4 820,7 874,8
1 500 1 524 60 354,8 384,5 414,1 443,8 473,3 532,4 591,4 650,2 708,9 763,8 822,2 880,5 938,7
1 600 1 626 64 378,7 410,4 442,1 473,7 505,3 568,4 631,3 694,2 756,9 815,6 878,1 940,4 1 002,6
1 700 1 727 68 503,3 536,9 604,0 671,0 737,8 804,5 866,9 933,4 999,7 1 065,9
1 800 1 829 72 568,9 640,0 710,9 781,8 852,5 918,7 989,2 1 059,6 1 129,8
1 930 76 600,5 675,6 750,6 825,4 900,1 970,0 1 044,5 1 118,8 1 193,0

Tube dimensions and weight according to standard EN 10220 Table 33

Outside diameter [mm] Wall thickness [mm]
Series 5 5,4 5,6 6,3 7,1 8 8,8 10 11 12,5 14,2 16 17,5 20 22,2
1 2 3 Theoretical tube weight [kg/m]
323,9 39,3 42,4 44,0 49,3 55,5 62,3
355,6 43,2 46,6 48,3 54,3 61,0 68,6
406,4 49,5 53,4 55,4 62,2 69,9 78,6 86,3 97,8
457 55,7 60,1 62,3 70,0 78,8 88,6 97,3 110
508 62,0 66,9 69,4 77,9 87,7 98,6 108 123 135 153
559 68,3 73,7 76,4 85,9 96,6 109 119 135 149 168 191 214
610 74,6 80,5 83,5 93,8 106 119 130 148 162 184 209 234
660 80,8 87,2 90,4 102 114 129 141 160 176 200 226 254
711 123 139 152 173 190 215 244 274 299
762 149 163 185 204 231 262 294 321
813 159 175 198 218 247 280 314 343
864 169 186 211 231 262 298 335 365
914 179 196 223 245 278 315 354 387 441
1 016 199 219 248 273 309 351 395 431 491
1 067 209 230 261 286 325 369 415 453 516
1 118 219 241 273 300 341 387 435 475 542
1 168 229 252 286 314 356 404 455 497 566
1 219 239 263 298 328 372 422 475 519 591
1 321 323 355 403 458 515 563 642
1 422 348 383 435 493 555 606 692 766
1 524 373 410 466 529 595 650 742 822
1 626 399 438 497 564 635 694 792 878
1 727 423 466 529 600 675 738 842 933
1 829 449 493 560 636 715 782 892 989
1 930 474 521 591 671 755 825 942 1 044
2 032 499 548 623 707 795 869 992 1 100
2 134 524 576 654 742 836 913 1 043 1 156
2 235 549 604 685 778 876 957 1 093 1 211

Tolerances of dimension and form (informative values)
Outside diameter Square cut
Outside diameter (mm) Maximal variation of diameter (mm) Outside diameter (mm) Variation of square cut (mm)
324–1 020 (1 000) ±(0,5 %D + 1) 324–630 2
1 220–2 220 ±6 (5) 720–1020 3
Smaller values upon agreement 1 220–1 620 4
1 820–2 220 5
Ovality of tube ends
Ratio D/t Ovality
D/t < 50 max 1,4 % Wall thickness (mm) Variation (mm)
50 ≤ D/t ≤ 100 1,4–2 % t≤8 ≤ 2,5
D/t > 100 ovality is not guaranteed 8 < t ≤ 14 ≤ 3,0
14 < t ≤ 40 ≤ 4,0
Wall thickness
Wall thickness Maximal variation Lengths and tolerances of length
t ≤ 5 mm –0,25/+0,30 mm
The pipes with outside diameter 324–1220 mm – max. length 12 m
5 mm < t ≤ 10 mm –0,35/+0,45 mm
t > 10 mm –0,50 mm/upper limit The pipes with outside diameter over 1220 mm – length upn agreemet
terminated by alloved variation Kinds of lengths: a) production
of theoretical weight b) fixed - ± 500 mm
c) exact – tolerances upon agreement
Straightness (To achieve required lengths, tubes are cross welded. Max. length of
Tubes are visually straight. Tolerance of straightness is 2 mm on 1 m one part is 3 m).
(0,002 x l). Whole tolerance presents conjunction of permissible value
and tube length, but result must not exceed: Steel quality
– 10 mm with length up to 6 m As shown in List of standards table and table of chemical composition
– 15 mm with length 6– 9 m and mechanical properties. The pipes are made without heat treatment.
– 20 mm with length 9–12 mm The pipes are produced from sheets, those condition is in accordance
with corresponding standards.
Pipe weight Steel marking according to EN see page 9.
Permissible tolerances: –8 %/+12 % (+10 %) of theoretical weight.

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties

Steel Re Rm A5
Standards grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
11 369 max.0,14 max.0,35 max.0,800,040 0,040 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 226 353 441
11 373 max.0,20 0,050 0,050 235 360 470 24
11 375 max.0,17 0,045 0,045 225 360 470 24
11 416 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.0,50 0,040 0,040 245 400 490 22
11 425 max.0,22 0,050 0,000 255 412 510 22
11 503 max.0,18 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,035 0,050 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,30 Al min.0,010 355 490 630 22
11 523 max.0,20 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,050 0,045 Al min.0,015 353 510 628 23
15 020 0,12–0,20 0,15–0,37 0,50–0,80 0,040 0,040 0,25–0,35 Al min.0,015 270 450 600 22
15 121 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,35 0,40–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,70–1,30 0,40–0,60 295 440 590 22
15 128 0,10–0,18 0,15–0,40 0,45–0,70 0,040 0,040 0,50–0,75 0,40–0,60 V 0,22–0,35 365 490 690 18
Grade A max.0,22 max.0,90 0,030 0,030 207 30 331 48
Grade B max.0,27 max.1,15 0,030 0,030 241 35 413 60
Grade X42 max.0,29 max.1,25 0,030 0,030 289 42 413 60
Grade X46 max.0,31 max.1,35 0,030 0,030 317 46 434 63
Grade X52 max.0,31 max.1,35 0,030 0,030 358 52 455 66
A 285 Grade A max.0,17 max.0,90 0,035 0,045
Grade B max.0,22 max.0,90 0,035 0,045
Grade C max.0,28 max.0,90 0,035 0,045
3601 Grade 430 max.0,25 max.0,50 max.1,20 0,040 0,040 275 430 570 22
3602–2 Grade 430 max.0,25 0,10–0,35 0,61–1,40 0,030 0,030 250 430 550 23
Grade 490 max.0,22 0,10–0,40 0,91–1,60 0,030 0,030 325 490 610 21
6323–7 SAW 4 max.0,25 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,050 0,050 235 410 22
SAW 5 max.0,23 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,050 0,050 340 490 20
20 295 10 0,07–0,14 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,15 205 330 24
20 0,17–0,24 0,17–0,37 0,35–0,65 max.0,25 245 410 21
35 0,32–0,40 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 315 530 20
45 0,42–0,50 0,17–0,37 0,50–0,80 max.0,25 355 600 16
1615 St 33 175 290 540 17
1626 St 37.0 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.0 max.0,21 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.0 max.022 0,040 0,035 355 500 650 21

Chemical composition [%] Mechanical properties
Steel Re Rm A5
Standards grade C Si Mn Pmax Smax Cr Ni Mo Cu Other min min min max min min
MPa ksi MPa MPa ksi %
1628 St 37.4 max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,35 0,040 0,040 235 350 480 25
St 44.4 max.0,20 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,040 0,040 275 420 550 21
St 52.4 max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,035 355 500 650 21
17120 USt 37.2 max.0,17 0,050 0,050 235 340 470 26
RSt 37-2 max.0,17 0,050 0,050 235 340 470 26
St 37-3 max.0,17 0,040 0,040 235 340 470 26
St 44-2 max.0,21 0,050 0,050 275 410 540 22
St 44-3 max.0,20 0,040 0,040 275 410 540 22
St 52-3 max.0,22 0,040 0,040 355 490 630 22
17 123 StE 255 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
17 178 TStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
EStE 255 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,30 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 255 360 480 25
StE 285 max.0,18 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
TStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
EStE 285 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 285 390 510 24
StE 355 max.0,20 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
TStE 355 max.0,18 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
EStE 355 max.0,18 0,10–0,50 0,90–1,65 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 490 630 22
StE 420 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 420 530 680 21
TStE 420 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 420 530 680 21
EStE 420 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,025 0,020 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 420 530 680 21
StE 460 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
TStE 460 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
EStE 460 max.0,20 0,10–0,60 1,00–1,70 0,025 0,030 max.0,30 max.1,00 max.0,10 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
17155 H I. max.0,16 max.0,35 0,40–1,20 0,035 0,0,35 235 360 480 24
H II. max.0,20 max.0,35 0,50–1,30 0,035 0,0,35 265 410 530 22
17172 StE 210.7 max.0,17 max.0,45 min. 0,35 0,040 0,035 210 320 440 26
StE 240.7 max.0,17 max.0,45 min. 0,40 0,040 0,035 240 370 490 24
StE 290.7 max.0,22 max.0,45 0,50–1,10 0,040 0,035 290 420 540 23
StE 320.7 max.0,22 max.0,45 0,70–1,30 0,040 0,035 320 460 580 21
StE 360.7 max.0,22 max.0,55 0,90–1,50 0,040 0,035 360 510 630 20
17174 TT St 35N max.0,17 max.0,35 min.0,40 0,030 0,025 Al min.0,020 225 340 460 25
10025 S 355 J2G3 max.0,20 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 355 490 630
10208-1 L 210 GA max.0,21 max.0,40 max.0,90 0,030 0,030 210 335 475 25
L 235 GA max.0,16 max.0,40 max.1,20 0,030 0,030 235 370 510 23
L 245 GA max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,15 0,030 0,030 245 415 555 22
L 290 GA max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,030 290 415 555 21
L 360 GA max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,45 0,030 0,030 360 460 620 20
10208-2 L 245 NB max.0,16 max.0,40 max.1,10 0,025 0,020 245–440 415 22
L 290 NB max.0,17 max.0,40 max.1,20 0,025 0,020 V max.0,05 292–440 415 21
Ti max.0,04
L 360 NB max.0,20 max.0,45 max.1,60 0,025 0,020 V max.0,10 360–510 460 20
Ti max.0,04
10217-1 P 195 TR1 max.013 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 195 320 440 27
P 235 TR1 max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 235 360 500 25
P 265 TR1 max.0,20 max.0,40 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 pre TR2 265 410 570 22
10217-3 P 275 NL1 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,50 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 275 390 530 24
P 275 NL2 max.0,16 max.0,40 0,50–1,50 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 275 390 530 24
P 355 N max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 355 490 650 22
P 355 NH max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 355 490 650 22
P 355 NL1 max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90–1,70 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 355 490 650 22
P 355 NL 2 max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90–1,70 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 355 490 650 22
P 460 N max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
P 460 NH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
P 460 NL 1 max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
P 460 NL 2 max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,025 0,015 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,70 Al min.0,020 460 560 730 19
10217-5 P 235 GH max.0,16 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 235 360 500 25
P 265 GH max.0,20 max.0,35 max.1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 265 410 570 23
16Mo3 0,12–0,20 max.0,35 0,40–0,90 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 0,25–0,35 max.0,30 Al max.0,040 280 450 600 22
10217-6 P 215 NL max.0,15 max.0,35 0,40–1,20 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 215 360 480 25
P 265 NL max.0,20 max.0,40 0,60–1,40 0,030 0,020 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,08 max.0,30 Al min.0,020 265 410 570 24
10219-1 S 235 JRH max.0,17 max.1,40 0,045 0,045 235 340 470 26
S 275 JOH max.0,20 max.1,50 0,040 0,040 275 410 560 22
S 275 J2H max.0,20 max.1,50 0,035 0,035 275 410 560 22
S 355 JOH max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 355 490 630 20
S 355 J2H max.0,22 max.0,55 max.1,60 0,035 0,035 355 490 630 20
S 275 NH max.0,20 max.0,40 0,50–1,40 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 275 370 540 24
S 275 NLH max.0,20 max.0,40 0,50–1,40 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,30 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 275 370 540 24
S 355 NH max.0,20 max.0,50 0,90–1,65 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 355 470 630 22
S 355 NLH max.0,18 max.0,50 0,90–1,65 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,50 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 355 470 630 22
S 460 NH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 460 550 720 17
S 460 NLH max.0,20 max.0,60 1,00–1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,80 max.0,10 max.0,35 Al min.0,020 460 550 720 17
S 275 MH max.0,13 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 275 360 510 24
S 275 MLH max.0,13 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 275 360 510 24
S 355 MH max.0,14 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 450 610 22
S 355 MLH max.0,14 max.0,50 max.1,50 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 355 450 610 22
S 420 MH max.0,16 max.0,50 max.1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 420 500 660 19
S 420 MLH max.0,16 max.0,50 max.1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 420 500 660 19
S 460 MH max.0,16 max.0,50 max.1,70 0,035 0,030 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 460 530 720 17
S 460 MLH max.0,16 max.0,50 max.1,70 0,030 0,025 max.0,30 max.0,20 Al min.0,020 460 530 720 17
10224 L 235 max.0,17 max.0,35 max.0,80 0,040 0,040 235 360 500 25
L 275 max.0,21 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,040 0,040 275 430 570 21
L 355 max.0,22 max.0,35 max.1,60 0,040 0,040 355 500 650 21
10296-1 E 155 max.0,10 max.0,35 max.0,60 0,045 0,045 155 260
E 185 max.0,15 max.0,35 max.0,70 0,045 0,045 185 320
E 235 max.0,20 max.0,35 max.1,40 0,045 0,045 235 360
E 275 max.0,25 max.0,35 max.1,20 0,045 0,045 275 410
E 355 max.0,25 max.0,35 max.1,40 0,045 0,045 355 490

The weld
The pipes are by double submerged-arc-welding process produced (longitudinal seam). Value of seam is v = 0,75 – 1.

Pipe ends
Pipe shall be furnished with ends according to standards:
DIN 2559 – 22
EN 10 208-1, 2
ČSN, STN 13 1075 (T < 10 mm without beveling or according agreement)

Anti-corrosion coatings
The pipes are delivered:
• without anti-corrosion coatings
• with anti-corrosion coatings:
– standard bituminous coating
– bitumen + fiberglass (20 kV)
– bitumen + double fiberglass (25 kV)
– bitumen + impregnated paper + fiberglass (25 kV)
– bitumen + PVC + fiberglass (35 kV)
– according to standard DIN 30672
– painting
– polyethylen coating (in cooperation)

Testing is performed in accordance with corresponding standards. Following tests are performed: visual control of weld and surface
condition, control of dimensions, mechanical testing of steel plate material and weld joint (tension test, Charpy V – notch test, bend
test), hydrostatic test, nondestructive examination of weld joint, testing of isolation. Other tests by agreement.

There are following information stamped on the pipe:
• producer
• dimension: outside diameter x wall thickness
• steel grade
• heat number
• production pipe number
• sign of technical control
• sign of welder

Test report certificate in accordance with the specification: DIN 50049, EN 10204, ASTM A 530, API 5L.

Other products of the mill

Besides longitudinally welded large diameter pipes, the mill provides following services and products:
• parts of stable pressure vessels
• welded elbows, reducers and other fitings
• pipeline with flanges
• irrigation pipes (zinc coated, with demountable joints)
• isolation of another pipes and fitings

Packaging of tubes and pipes
On request or according to standard tubes and pipes are delivered with ends closed with plastic plugs or caps.

Hot finished tubes and pipes

The tubes are shipped in round bundles with diameter max. 800 mm, max. mass is 3 500 kg.
On request hexagonal bundles.
Standard methods:
The bundle binded by wire
The bundle binded by steel strap
Steel strap underlayed by paper tape (tapaten)
Non – standard methods:
The ends of bundle are wrapped in PE-foil or tapaten and foil

Precision cold drawn tubes

The tubes are shipped in round bundles with diameter max. 800 mm, max. mass is 2 000 – 2 500 kg.
On request hexagonal bundles.
Standard methods:
The bundle binded by steel strap
Steel strap underlayed by tapaten
Non-standard methods:
The bundle is wrapped in PE-foil
The ends of bundle are wrapped in PE-foil or other material
Wooden mats round the bundle as a mechanical protection
Wooden box- tubes are in box lose or in bundle
Combinations of various types of packaging

Pipe fittings

Metal boxes
Cardboard boxes on wooden palette

Tube semiproducts

Standard methods:
Metal boxes (840 x 1 240 x 860 mm)
Hexagonal bundles
Hydraulic tubes are shipped in round bundles with mass max. 2 000 kg
and length of 6 m binded by steel strap
Packaging according to customer requirements :
Cardboard boxes on wooden palette
Wooden boxes (mass max. 1 000 kg)
Large-volume baga BIG-BAGS
Palettes of wooden prismos

Mechanical and technological testing of tubes and pipes
The tubes and pipes shall be subjected to the tests specified in individual standards.

Mechanical testing
Tensile test at room temperature(Zugversuch bei Raumtemperatur)
Determined values:
The upper yield strength ReH or the 0,2% proof strength Rp0,2 (MPa)
The tensile strength Rm (MPa)
Elongation Amin.(%)
EN 10002/1, DIN 50 145,ČSN 42 0310,ASTM A370 (ASME SA 370)

Tensile test at elevated temperature(Zugversuch bei erhohter Temperatur)

Determined values:
The proof strength at the agreed temperature Rp0,2 (MPa)
EN 10002-5, DIN 50 145,ČSN 42 0312

Hardness test(Härteprufung) (according to agreement and possibilities)

Brinell: EN 10003, EN ISO 6506,DIN 50 351,ČSN 42 0371,ASTM E 10
Rockwell: EN 10004,EN ISO 6508, DIN 50 103, ASTM E 18
Vickers: EN ISO 6507,DIN 50 133,ASTM E 92, ASTM E 384
Conversion table hardness to Rm : DIN 50 150

Impact test at 20°C ( Kerbschlagbiegeversuch bei 20°C)

Impact test at low temperatures (Kerb. bei niedrigen Temperaturen)
Determined values:
Minimum average absorbed energy KV (impact energy) (J)
EN 10045-1, DIN 50 115, ČSN 42 0381

Creep testing (Langzeitwarmfestigkeit)

The creep rupture properties shall not be subject to verification
Determined values:
The creep proof strength (Zeitdehngrenze) –Rp or (Rt) (MPa) at ( t/A/T) –
e.g. XYZ (MPa) at 1% elongation, t= 100 000 h, T= 500°C

The creep rupture strength (Zeitstandfestigkeit) –RmT (MPa) at (t/T) –

e.g. XYZ (MPa) rupture at t= 100 000 h, T= 500°C (value for practice).
EN 10291, ČSN 42 0351, ASTM E 319

Fatique testing – test is not included in standards for tubes and pipes

Technological testing (Manipulating tests)

When tested in accordance with related standards the test piece shall withstand
being tested without cracking.
The following tests are made to prove ductility of tubular products :

Bend test (Biegeversuch) – (in full size tubular sections).

Test is used for pipe in sizes 2 in. or 65 mm and under. In this test a sufficient length of full size pipe is bent cold through (90°)
around a cylindrical mandrel having a diameter e.g. 12 times the nominal diameter of the pipe.
EN 10232 is replaced by EN ISO 8491, ASTM A 370 (A 2,A 2.5), ČSN 420415.3

Flattening test (Ringfaltversuch)

The test piece shall be flattened at room temperature between parallel flat platens until the distance between the platens H (in mm)
measured under load reaches the value given by the equation in standard.
Tested are tubes - O.D. shall by 600 mm and under and with W.T. shall by 15% of O.D. and under.
EN 10233 is replaced by EN ISO 8492, DIN 50 136,ASTM A 370 and standards for tubes and pipes, ČSN 42 0415.4.

Flaring test (Drift expanding test)/ (Aufweitversuch)

The test piece shall be expanded by a tapered mandrel,having an included angle of 30°, 45°or 60°
at the option of the manufacturer until the percentage increase in outside diameter shown in tables in standards is reached.
O.D. shall be 150 mm and under and W.T. shall be max. 10 mm.
EN 10234 is replaced by EN ISO 8493, DIN 50 135, ASTM A 370, ČSN 42 0415.5

Flanging (Flange) test (Bordelversuch)

The test piece shall have a flange turned over at right angles to the body of the tube to the width required by the applicable material
O.D. max 150 mm, W.T. max. 10 mm.
EN 10235 is replaced by EN ISO 8494,DIN 50 139, ASTM A 370, ČSN 42 0415.6

Ring-expanding test (Ringaufdornversuch)

The test piece shall be expanded with a conical tool until it breaks. The surface outside the fracture zone shall be free from cracks
or breaks.
O.D. 18-150 mm (114,3 mm), W:t. 2-16 mm (12,5 mm)
EN 10236 is replaced by EN ISO 8495, DIN 50 137, ČSN 42 0415.7

Ring tensile test (Ringzugversuch)

The test piece shall be subjected to strain in the circumferential direction until fracture occurs. After fracture the test pieces
shall not show any visible cracks without the use of magnifying aids (excluding the fracture point).
O.D. above 150 mm, I.D. above 100 mm and W.T. 40 mm and under.
EN 10237 is replaced by EN ISO 8496, DIN 50 138

Others additional technological tests

Crush test (upsetting test) (Anstauchen test)

The test piece is placed on end and crushed endwise by hammer or press to the distance prescribed by the applicable material

Reverse flattening test (Reversionringfaltversuch)

For testing of welds of electric welded tubing

(Transverse guided) Bend test of welds (Biegeprufungen von Schweissnahten)

This bend test is used to determine the ductility of fusion welds.

ISO 377
Steel and steel products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing

Comparison of steels for tube and pipe (Not all the steels are delivered by ŽP a. s.)
Steels for hollow structural sections, Type S according to EN
Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard
S185 1.0035 10025-2 St33-2 1.0035 17100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S195T 1.0026 10255 - - - BS1387 1387 TU34-1 49-115 Fe330 - - - - - Gr.A A53 STK 290 G 3444
S235 - 10253-1 St37.0 1.0254 2609 - - - - - 11353 - - - - - - -
S235JRH 1.0039 10210-1 RSt37-2 1.0038 17119 - - - - - 11373 - - - - - - - -
S235JRH 1.0039 10219-1 RSt37-2 1.0038 17120 - - - - - 11373 - - - - A795 A795 - -
S235JR 1.0038 10025-2 RSt37-2 1.0038 17121 HFS 3 6323-3 TUE235/Q2 49-501 Fe35-1 11353 10 1050 R 35 84023/7 Gr.A A53 - -
- - - St37-3 1.0116 17119 - - - - - 11373 - - - - - - - -
S235JRG2 - - St37-3 1.0116 17120 - - - - - 11375 - - - - - - - -
- - - St37-3 1.0116 17121 - - - - - 11353 - - - - - - - -
S265 - 10253-1 St44.0 1.0256 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275JOH 1.0149 10210-1 St44-2 1.0044 17119 - - - - - 11443 - - - - - - - -
S275JOH 1.0149 10219-1 St44-2 1.0044 17120 - - - - - 11425 - - - - - - - -
S275JO 1.0143 10025-2 St44-2 1.0044 17121 - - - - - 11453 - - - - - - STK 400 G 3444
S275J2H 1.0138 10210-1 St44-3 1.0144 17119 - - - - - 11448 - - - - - - - -
S275J2H 1.0138 10219-1 St44-3 1.0144 17120 SAW 4 6323-7 TUE275/Q4 49-501 - 11448 - - - - - - - -
S275J2 1.0145 10025-2 St44-3 1.0144 17121 HFS 4 6323-3 TUE275/Q3 49-501 Fe45-1 11453 20 1050 R 45 84023/7 Gr.B A53 - -
- - - StE255 1.0461 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE255 1.0461 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE255 1.0461 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE255 1.0463 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE255 1.0463 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE255 1.0463 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE255 1.1103 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE255 1.1103 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE255 1.1103 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275NH 1.0493 10210-1 StE285 1.0486 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275NH 1.0493 10219-1 StE285 1.0486 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275N 1.0490 10025-3 StE285 1.0486 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275NLH 1.0497 10210-1 TStE285 1.0488 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275NLH 1.0497 10219-1 TStE285 1.0488 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275NL 1.0491 10025-3 TStE285 1.0488 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE285 1.1104 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE285 1.1104 17124 - - - - - - 09G2S 19281 09G2 84018 - - STK 490 G 3444
- - - EStE285 1.1104 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275MH 1.8843 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S275MLH 1.8844 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355JOH 1.0547 10210-1 St52-3 1.0570 17119 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355JOH 1.0547 10219-1 St52-3 1.0570 17120 SAW 5 6323-7 - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355JO 1.0553 10025-2 St52-3 1.0570 17121 HFS 5 6323-3 TUE355/Q3 49-501 Fe 52-1 11523 18G2 19281 18G2A 84018 - - STK500 G 3444
S355J2H 1.0576 10210-1 St52-3 1.0570 17119 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355J2H 1.0576 10219-1 St52-3 1.0570 17120 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355J2G3 - - St52-3 1.0570 17121 - - - - - 11523 - - - - - - - -
S355NH 1.0539 10210-1 StE355 1.0562 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355NH 1.0539 10219-1 StE355 1.0562 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355N 1.0545 10025-3 StE355 1.0562 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355NLH 1.0549 10210-1 TStE355 1.0566 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355NLH 1.0549 10219-1 TStE355 1.0566 17124 - - - - - 11503 - - - - - - - -
S355NL 1.0546 10025-3 TStE355 1.0566 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE355 1.1106 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE355 1.1106 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE355 1.1106 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355MH 1.8845 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S355MLH 1.8846 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE420 1.8902 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - STK 540 G 3444
- - - StE420 1.8902 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE420 1.8902 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE420 1.8912 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE420 1.8912 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - TStE420 1.8912 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE420 1.8913 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE420 1.8913 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE420 1.8913 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S420MH 1.8847 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S420MLH 1.8848 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460NH 1.8953 10210-1 StE460 1.8905 17123 - - TUE450/Q4 49-501 - - - - - - - - - -
S460NH 1.8953 10219-1 StE460 1.8905 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460N 1.8901 10025-3 StE460 1.8905 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460NLH 1.8956 10210-1 TStE460 1.8915 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460NLH 1.8956 10219-1 TStE460 1.8915 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460NL 1.8903 10025-3 TStE460 1.8915 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE460 1.8918 17123 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE460 1.8918 17124 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - EStE460 1.8918 17125 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460MH 1.8849 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
S460MLH 1.8850 10219-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steels for Line Pipe, Type L according to EN


Steel W.Nr Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel St. Steel Standard Steel Stan. Steel St. Steel Standard Steel Stan. Steel Standard Steel Standard
L235 1.0252 10224 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L275 1.0260 10224 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L355 1.0419 10224 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A25 API5L L175 3183-1
L210GA 1.0319 10208-1 StE210.7 1.0307 17172 - - TSE220 49-400 - - - - K34 20295 - - A API5L L210 3183-1
L235GA 1.0458 10208-1 St37.0 1.0254 1629 - - - - Fe35-1 7088 - - - - - - - - - -
L245GA 1.0459 10208-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B API5L L245 3183-1
L290GA 1.0483 10208-1 St44.0 1.0256 1629 - - - - Fe45-1 7088 - - - - - - X42 API5L L290 3183-1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X46 API5L L320 3183-1
L360GA 1.0499 10208-1 St52.0 1.0421 1629 - - - - - - - - - - - - X52 API5L L360 3183-1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X56 API5L L390 3183-1
L245NB 1.0457 10208-2 StE240.7 1.0457 17172 - - TSE250 49-400 - - - - K38 20295 - - BN API5L L245N 3183-2
L290NB 1.0484 10208-2 StE290.7 1.0484 17172 - - - - - - - - K42 20295 - - X42N API5L L290N 3183-2
- - - StE290.7 1.0484 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE320.7 1.0409 17172 - - TSE320 49-400 - - - - K50 20295 - - X46N API5L L320N -
L360NB 1.0582 10208-2 StE360.7 1.0582 17172 - - TSE360 49-400 - - - - K52 20295 - - X52N API5L L360N 3183-2
- - - StE360.7 1.0582 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE385.7 1.8970 17172 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - K55 20295 - - X56N API5L L390N -
L415NB 1.8972 10208-2 StE415.7 1.8972 17172 - - TSE415 49-400 - - - - K60 20295 - - X60N API5L L415N 3183-2
L415NB 1.8972 10253-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - StE445.7TM 1.8975 17172 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L450.B - 10208-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X65 API5L L450x 3183-2
- - - StE480.7TM 1.8977 17172 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
L485.B - 10208-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X70 API5L L485x 3183-2
L555.B 10208-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X80 API5L L555x 3183-2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - H40 API5CT - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J55 API5CT - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K55 API5CT - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N80 API5CT - -

1. The steels according to the EN 10208-2 standard are possible to PSL 2 L245R or BR As-rolled
deliver in the following delivery conditions: L290R or X42R

NB Seamless pipes - normalizing rolled or normalized L245N or BN Normalizing rolled, normalized,

Welded pipes - normalizig rolled strips or sheets and normalizing L290N or X42N normalized and tempered
of weld seam or pipe L320N or X46N
Steel of type LxyzNB with minimum tensile strength 245, 290, L360N or X52N
360, 415 MPa L390N or X56N
L415N or X60N
QB Seamless pipes - quenched and tempered
Steel of type LxyzQB with minimum tensile strength 360, 415, 450, Quenched and tempered
485, 555 MPa L245Q, L290Q, L320Q, L360Q, L390Q, L415Q, L450Q,
L485Q, L555Q
MB Welded pipes - normalizing rolled or normalized or (BQ, X42Q, X46Q, X52Q, X56Q, X60Q, X65Q, X70Q, X80Q)
thermomechanical rolled strips or sheets
Steel of type LxyzMB with minimum tensile strength 245, 290, 360, Thermomechanical rolled
415, 450, 485, 555 MPa L245M, L290M, L320M, L360M, L390M, L415M, L450M,
L485M, L555M, L625M, L690M, L830M
Delivery conditions QB and MB upon agreement only. (BM, X42M, X46M, X52M, X56M, X60M, X65M, X70M,
X80M, X90M, X100M, X120M)
2. The steels in the API 5L standard (forty-fourth edition, October 1, 2007)
are also designated according to the ISO 3183-1,2 standard. Possible combinations of acceptable processes of manufacture (type of pipe
Relationship between PSL, steels (according to ISO and API 5L) and seamless or welded), PSL and steelgrade are given in Table 2 of the API 5L
delivery conditions is the following: standard, 44. Edition.

PSL 1 L175 or A25 As-rolled, normalizing rolled or normalized Deliveries from Podbrezova - PSL 1 and steels inclusive X56. Other steels are
L210 or A given for information only or deliveries upon agreement only.

L245 or B As-rolled, normalizing rolled, normalized or 3. The calculated table weight (kg/m, tables 2 and 14) of a line pipe may
L290 or X42 normalized and tempered differ depending on the wall thickness figure (mm) used in the calculation.
L320 or X46 The figure may be rounded off to one decimal place (dimensions according
L360 or X52 to The API 5L Standard, editions up to 2004), or it may be rounded off to
L390 or X56 two decimal places (dimensions according to The ASME B 36.10M Standard
L415 or X60 are valid currently for line pipes according to API5L standard as well).
L450 or X65
L485 or X70 4. In GOST standards the data indicate the class of strength of the steel.

5. The table of L - type steels according to the EN standard also contains the
steels according to the API 5CT standard.

C-steels for mechanical engineering, Type E according to EN
Oceľ W.Nr. Standard Oceľ W.Nr. Standard Oceľ Standard Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard
E155 1.0033 10296-1 - Fe280 7945
E155 1.0033 10305-2 - - CEW1 6323-6 - - Fe280 7946 - - - - 08XA 84023 - - STKM11A G 3445
E155 1.0033 10305-3 - - ERW1 6323-5 - - Fe280 7947 - - - - - - - - - -
E155 1.0033 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E155 1.0033 10305-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E190 1.0031 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E190 1.0031 10305-3 - - - - - - - - 11320 42 0142 - - - - - - - -
E190 1.0031 10305-5 St33 1.0035 2395-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E195 1.0034 10296-1 - - - - - - Fe320 7945 - - - - - - - - - -
E195 1.0034 10305-2 RSt34-2 1.0034 2393-2 CEW2 6323-6 ES185 49-646 Fe320 7946 11343 42 0142 - - 12X 84023 - - - -
E195 1.0034 10305-3 RSt34-2 1.0034 2394-2 ERW2 6323-5 ES185 49-646 Fe320 7947 11343 42 0142 - - 12X 84023 - - - -
E195 1.0034 10305-5 - - - - - - Fe320 7287 - - - - - - - - - -
E195 1.0034 10305-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E215 1.0212 10305-1 St30Al 1.0212 2391-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E215 1.0212 10305-4 St30Al 1.0212 2391-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E220 1.0215 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E220 1.0215 10305-3 - - - - ES200 49-646 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E220 1.0215 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E235 1.0308 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E235 1.0308 10297-1 - - HFS3 6323-3 TU37-b 49-311 Fe360 7729 - - - - - - - - STKM12A G 3445
E235 1.0308 10305-1 St35 1.0308 2391-2 CFS3 6323-4 TU37-b 49-310 Fe360 7945 11353 42 0250 10 1050 10 84019 Gr.A A53 - -
E235 1.0308 10305-2 RSt37-2 1.0038 2393-2 CEW3 6323-6 ES235 49-646 Fe360 7946 - - - - R35 84023 - - - -
E235 1.0308 10305-3 RSt37-2 1.0038 2394-2 ERW3 6323-5 - - Fe360 7947 11373 42 0142 10 10707 St3x 84020 - - - -
E235 1.0308 10305-4 - - - - TU37-b 49-330 - - - - - - - - A822 A822
E235 1.0308 10305-5 RSt37-2 1.0038 2395-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E235 1.0308 10305-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe35-1 663 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe35-2 663 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe360 6363 - - - - - - - - - -
E255 10305-1 - - CFS4 6323-4 TU42-b 49-310 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E255 10305-1 - - CFS4 6323-4 TU42BT 49-330 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E255 10305-1 - - HFS4 6323-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E260 1.0220 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E260 1.0220 10305-3 - - - - ES250 49-646 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E260 1.0220 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E275 1.0225 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E275 1.0225 10297-1 - - - - - - Fe430 7729 - - - - - - - - - -
- - St45 1.0408 2391-2 CFS4 6323-4 TU42-b 49-310 Fe410 7945 11453 42 0260 20 1050 20 84019 Gr.B A53 STKM18A G 3445
E275 1.0225 10305-2 St44-2 1.0044 2393-2 CEW4 6323-6 ES275 49-646 Fe410 7946 - - - - - - - - - -
E275 1.0225 10305-3 St44-2 1.0044 2394-2 ERW4 6323-5 ES275 49-646 Fe410 7947 - - 20 10707 R45 84023 - - - -
E275 1.0225 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E275 1.0225 10305-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe45-1 663 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe45-2 663 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe410 6363 - - - - - - - - - -
E275K2 1.0456 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E275K2 1.0456 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E295 1.0050 10025-2
E315 1.0236 10297-1 - - - - ES300 49-646 Fe460 7946 - - - - - - - - STKM19A G 3445
E315 1.0236 10297-1 - - - - ES300 49-646 Fe460 7947 - - - - - - - - STKM19A G 3445
E320 1.0237 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E320 1.0237 10305-3 - - - - ES320 49-646 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E320 1.0237 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E335 1.0060 10025-2
E355 1.0580 10294-1 - - - - - - Fe52-1 663 - - - - - - - - - -
E355 1.0580 10296-1 - - - - - - Fe52-2 663 - - - - - - - - - -
E355 1.0580 10297-1 - - HFS5 6323-3 TU52-b 49-311 Fe510 7729 11523 42 0250 - - - - - - - -
E355 1.0580 10305-1 St52 1.0580 2391-2 CFS5 6323-4 TU52-b 49-310 Fe490 7945 11523 42 0260 - - - - 1524 A519 - -
E355 1.0580 10305-2 St52-3 1.0570 2393-2 CEW5 6323-6 ES355 49-646 Fe510 7946 - - 18G2A 19281 18G2A 84018 - - - -
E355 1.0580 10305-3 St52-3 1.0570 2394-2 ERW5 6323-5 ES355 49-646 Fe510 7947 - - - - - - 1518 A519 - -
E355 1.0580 10305-4 St52.0 1.0421 1629 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E355 1.0580 10305-5 St52.3 1.0570 2395-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E355 1.0580 10305-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - Fe510 6363 - - - - - - - - - -
E355K2 1.0920 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E355K2 1.0920 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E360 1.0070 10025-2
E370 1.0261 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E370 1.0261 10305-3 - - - - ES380 49-646 - - - - - - - - - - - -
E370 1.0261 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E410 10305-1 - - - - TU20MV6 49-310 - - - - - - - - - - - -

From point of view of chemical composition are identifical following steels:

E155 = E190, E195 = E220, E235 = E260, E275 = E320, E355 = E370 in standard EN 10305-3.
The strips for production of welded tubes are differed with method of production and with mechanical properties (see p. 87).

Oceľ W.Nr. Standard Oceľ W.Nr. Standard Oceľ Standard Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard Oceľ Stand. Oceľ Standard

E420 1.0575 10305-3 - - - - ES420 49-646 - - - - - - - - - - - -

E420 1.0575 10305-5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E420J2 1.0599 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E460K2 18891 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E460K2 1.8891 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E470 1.0536 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - TU56-b 49-311 Fe55-1 663 11550 42 0250 - - R 55 84 023/7 1541 A519 - -
- - - - - - TU56-b 49-311 Fe55-2 663 11550 42 0250 - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - TU56-b 49-311 Fe540 7729 11550 42 0250 - - - - - - - -
- - - - HFS8 6323-3 - - - - 11650 42 0250 - - - - - - - -
E590K2* 1.0644 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E730K2* 1.8893 10297-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E275M* 1.8895 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E355M* 1.8896 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
E460M* 1.8898 10296-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* for information only

C-steels for quenching and tempering and case hardening steels, Type C according to EN
Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Standard Steel Stan. Steel Standard Steel Standard
- - St30Si 1.0211 2391-2 - - - - - - - - - - 1008 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1008 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1008 A512 - -
- - C10 1.0301 17210 045M10 970 XC10 35-551 C10 - 10 1050 - - 1010 A519 STKM11A G3445
- - C10 1.0301 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A513 STKM11A G3445
- - C10 1.0301 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A512 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10084 Ck10 1.1121 17210 040A10 970 XC10 35-551 C10 12010 10 1050 10 84019 1010 A519 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10084 Ck10 1.1121 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A513 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10084 Ck10 1.1121 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A512 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10297-1 Ck10 1.1121 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A519 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10297-1 Ck10 1.1121 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A513 STKM11A G3445
C10E 1.1121 10297-1 Ck10 1.1121 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A512 STKM11A G3445
C10R 1.1207 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A519 STKM11A G3445
C10R 1.1207 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A513 STKM11A G3445
C10R 1.1207 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1010 A512 STKM11A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1010 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1010 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1010 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1012 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1012 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1012 A512 - -
- - C15 1.0401 17210 080M15 970 XC15 35-551 C15 - - - - - 1015 A519 - -
- - C15 1.0401 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A513 - -
- - C15 1.0401 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A512 - -
C15E 1.1141 10084 Ck15 1.1141 17210 080M15 970 XC15 35-551 C15 12023 15 1050 - 1015 A519 S15CK G4051
C15E 1.1141 10084 Ck15 1.1141 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A513 - -
C15E 1.1141 10084 Ck15 1.1141 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A512 - -
C15E 1.1141 10297-1 Ck15 1.1141 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A519 - -
C15E 1.1141 10297-1 Ck15 1.1141 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A513 - -
C15E 1.1141 10297-1 Ck15 1.1141 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A512 - -
C15R 1.1140 10084 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A519 - -
C15R 1.1140 10084 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A513 - -
C15R 1.1140 10084 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A512 - -
C15R 1.1140 10297-1 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A519 - -
C15R 1.1140 10297-1 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A513 - -
C15R 1.1140 10297-1 Cm15 1.1140 17210 - - - - - - - - - - 1015 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1015 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1015 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1015 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1015 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1015 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1015 A512 - -
C16E 1.1148 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A519 - -
C16E 1.1148 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A513 - -
C16E 1.1148 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A512 - -
C16R 1.1208 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A519 - -
C16R 1.1208 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A513 - -
C16R 1.1208 10084 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1016 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1017 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1017 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1018 A519 STKM12A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1018 A513 STKM12A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1018 A512 STKM12A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1019 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1019 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1019 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1020 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1020 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1020 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1021 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1021 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1021 A512 - -
C22 1.0402 17200 040A20 970 1C22 35-552 C20 12024 20 1050 - 1022 A519 S22C G4051
C22 1.0402 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A513 - -
C22E 1.1151 10297-1 Ck22 1.1151 17200 070M20 970 XC18 35-552 C20 12024 20 1050 20 84019 - 1022 A519 S20C
C22E 1.1151 10297-1 Ck22 1.1151 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A519 - -
C22E 1.1151 10083-2 Ck22 1.1151 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A513 - -
C22E 1.1151 10297-1 Ck22 1.1151 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A519 - -
C22E 1.1151 10083-2 Ck22 1.1151 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A513 - -
C22E 1.1151 10083-2 Ck22 1.1151 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A513 - -
C22R 1.1149 10083-2 Cm22 1.1149 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A519 - -
C22R 1.1149 10083-2 Cm22 1.1149 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1022 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1020 A519 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1020 A513 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MT1020 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1020 A519 STKM13A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1020 A513 STKM13A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - MTX1020 A512 STKM13A G3445

Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Standard Steel Stan. Steel Standard Steel Standard
C25 1.0406 17200 070M26 970 1C25 35-552 C25 12030 - - - - 1025 A519 - -
C25 1.0406 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A513 - -
C25 1.0406 10083-2 C25 1.0406 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A512 - -
C25E 1.1158 10083-2 Ck25 1.1158 17200 070M26 970 XC25 35-552 C25 12030 25 1050 - - 1025 A519 S25C G4051
C25E 1.1158 10083-2 Ck25 1.1158 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A513 - -
C25E 1.1158 10083-2 Ck25 1.1158 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A512 - -
C25R 1.1163 10083-2 Cm25 1.1163 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A519 - -
C25R 1.1163 10083-2 Cm25 1.1163 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A513 - -
C25R 1.1163 10083-2 Cm25 1.1163 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1025 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1026 A519 STKM14A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1026 A513 STKM14A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1026 A512 STKM14A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1027 A513 - -
C30 1.0528 17200 - - - - - 12031 - - - - 1030 A519 - -
C30 1.0528 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A513 - -
C30 1.0528 10083-2 C30 1.0528 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A512 - -
C30E 1.1178 10083-2 Ck30 1.1178 17200 080M30 970 XC32 35-552 C30 12031 - - - - 1030 A519 S30CM G4051
C30E 1.1178 10083-2 Ck30 1.1178 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A513 - -
C30E 1.1178 10083-2 Ck30 1.1178 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A512 - -
C30R 1.1179 10083-2 Cm30 1.1179 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A519 - -
C30R 1.1179 10083-2 Cm30 1.1179 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A513 - -
C30R 1.1179 10083-2 Cm30 1.1179 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1030 A512 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1033 A513 - -
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17200 080M36 970 1C35 35-552 C35 12040 35 1050 - - 1035 A519 STKM15A G3445
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1035 A519 STKM15A G3445
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1035 A513 STKM15A G3445
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1035 A513 STKM15A G3445
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1035 A512 STKM15A G3445
C35 1.0501 10083-2 C35 1.0501 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1035 A512 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10297-1 Ck35 1.1181 17204 CFS6 6323-4 XC38H1 35-552 C35 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A519 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10297-1 Ck35 1.1181 17204 CFS6 6323-4 - - - 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A513 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10297-1 Ck35 1.1181 17204 CFS6 6323-4 - - - 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A512 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10083-2 Ck35 1.1181 17200 CFS6 6323-4 - - - 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A519 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10083-2 Ck35 1.1181 17200 CFS6 6323-4 - - - 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A513 STKM15A G3445
C35E 1.1181 10083-2 Ck35 1.1181 17200 CFS6 6323-4 - - - 12040 35 1050 35 84019 1035 A512 STKM15A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17200 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A519 STKM16A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17204 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A519 STKM16A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17200 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A513 STKM16A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17204 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A513 STKM16A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17200 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A512 STKM16A G3445
C35R 1.1180 10083-2 Cm35 1.1180 17204 - - - - - - - - R55 84023 1035 A512 STKM16A G3445
C40 1.0511 10083-2 C40 1.0511 17200 080M40 970 1C40 35-552 C40 12041 - - - - 1040 A519 - -
C40 1.0511 10083-2 C40 1.0511 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1040 A513 - -
C40E 1.1186 10083-2 Ck40 1.1186 17200 080M40 970 XC42H1 35-552 C40 12041 40 1050 - - 1040 A519 S40C G4051
C40E 1.1186 10083-2 Ck40 1.1186 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1040 A513 - -
C40R 1.1189 10083-2 Cm40 1.1189 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1040 A519 - -
C40R 1.1189 10083-2 Cm40 1.1189 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1040 A513 - -
C45 1.0503 10083-2 C45 1.0503 17200 080M46 970 1C45 35-552 C45 12050 45 1050 - - 1045 A519 S45C G4051
C45 1.0503 10083-2 C45 1.0503 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1045 A519 - -
C45E 1.1191 10297-1 Ck45 1.1191 17200 CFS8 6323-4 XC48H1 35-552 C45 12050 45 1050 45 84019 1045 A519 S45C G4051
C45E 1.1191 10297-1 Ck45 1.1191 17204 CFS8 6323-4 - - - 12050 45 1050 45 84019 1045 A519 - -
C45E 1.1191 10083-2 Ck45 1.1191 17200 CFS8 6323-4 - - - 12050 45 1050 45 84019 1045 A519 - -
C45E 1.1191 10083-2 Ck45 1.1191 17204 CFS8 6323-4 - - - 12050 45 1050 45 84019 1045 A519 - -
C45R 1.1201 10083-2 Cm45 1.1201 17200 - - - - - - - - R65 84023 1045 A519 STKM17A G3445
C45R 1.1201 10083-2 Cm45 1.1201 17204 - - - - - - - - R65 84023 1045 A519 STKM17A G3445
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1545 A519 - -
C50 1.0540 17200 - - 1C50 35-552 C50 12051 - - - - 1050 A519 - -
C50 1.0540 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1050 A513 - -
C50E 1.1206 10083-2 Ck50 1.1206 17200 080M50 970 XC50H1 35-552 C50 12050 50 1050 - - 1050 A519 - -
C50E 1.1206 10083-2 Ck50 1.1206 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1050 A513 - -
C50R 1.1241 10083-2 Cm50 1.1241 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1050 A519 - -
C50R 1.1241 10083-2 Cm50 1.1241 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1050 A513 - -
C55 1.0535 10083-2 C55 1.0535 17200 070M55 970 1C55 35-552 C55 12060 55 1050 - - 1055 A519 S55C G4051
C55 1.0535 10083-2 C55 1.0535 17204 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C55E 1.1203 10083-2 Ck55 1.1203 17200 070M55 970 XC55H1 35-552 C55 12060 55 1050 55 84019 1055 A519 S55C G4051
C55E 1.1203 10083-2 Ck55 1.1203 17204 - - - - - 12060 - - 55 84019 - - - -
C55R 1.1209 10083-2 Cm55 1.1209 17200 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C55R 1.1209 10083-2 Cm55 1.1209 17204 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C60 1.0601 10083-2 C60 1.0601 17200 - - 1C60 35-552 C60 12061 60 1050 - - 1060 A513 S58C G4051
C60 1.0601 10083-2 C60 1.0601 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1060 A513 - -
C60E 1.1221 10297-1 Ck60 1.1221 17204 070M62 970 XC60H1 35-552 C60 12061 60 1050 - - 1060 A513 S58C G4051
C60E 1.1221 10083-2 Ck60 1.1221 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1060 A513 - -
C60R 1.1223 10083-2 Cm60 1.1223 17200 - - - - - - - - - - 1060 A513 - -
C60R 1.1223 10083-2 Cm60 1.1223 17204 - - - - - - - - - - 1060 A513 - -

C-steels for tubes for pressure purposes, Type P according to EN
Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard
P195TR1 1.0107 10216-1 - - - - - - Fe320 - - - - - - - - -
P195TR1 1.0107 10217-1 - - - - - - Fe320 - - - - - - - - -
P195TR2 1.0108 10216-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - A822 A822 - -
P195TR2 1.0108 10217-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - A822 A822 - -
P195GH 1.0348 10216-2 - - 320 3059-1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
P195GH 1.0348 10217-2 - - 320 3606 TS34-C 49-245 - - - - - - - - - -
P215NL 1.0451 10216-4 TTSt35N 1.0356 17173 430LT 3603 - - C15 11369 - - - - Gr.1 A333 STPL380 G3460
P215NL 1.0451 10217-4 TTSt35N 1.0356 17174 - - - - - - - - - - Gr.1 A334 STBL380 G3464
P215NL 1.0451 10217-6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P215NL 1.0451 10253-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P235 10253-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR1 1.0254 10216-1 St37.0 1.0254 1629 - - - - Fe320 11353 - - - - - - - -
P235TR1 1.0254 10216-1 St37.0 1.0254 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR1 1.0254 10217-1 St37.0 1.0254 1626 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR2 1.0255 10216-1 St37.4 1.0255 1630 360 3601 - - - - - - R35 84023 - - STPG370 G3454
P235TR2 1.0255 10217-1 St37.4 1.0255 1628 - - - - - - - - - - - - STS370 G3455
P235TR2 1.0255 10216-1 - - CFS360 7416 TUE220A 49-112 - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR2 1.0255 10216-1 - - - - AE220A 49-186 - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR2 1.0255 10216-1 - - - - AE220 49-281 - - - - - - - - - -
P235TR2 1.0255 10253-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 17175 360 3059-2 TU37c 49-213 C14 12021 10 1050 K10 74252 Gr.A A106 STPT370 G3456
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 17175 360 3602-1 TU37c 49-215 C14 12021 10 1050 K10 74252 A179 A179 STPT370 G3456
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 17175 360 3602-1 TU37c 49-215 C14 12021 10 1050 K10 74252 A192 A192 STPT370 G3456
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 17175 360 3602-1 TU37c 49-215 C14 12021 10 1050 K10 74252 Gr.A-2 A556 STPT370 G3456
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 2609 - - TUE220 49-211 - - - - - - Gr.A A178 STB340 G3461
P235GH 1.0345 10216-2 St35.8 1.0305 2609 - - TUE220 49-211 - - - - - - A214 A214 STB340 G3461
P235GH 1.0345 10217-2 St37.8 1.0315 17177 - - TS37C 49-243 - - - - - - - - - -
P235GH 1.0345 10217-5 St37.8 1.0315 17177 - - TS37C 49-245 - - - - - - - - - -
- - StE255 1.0461 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - StE255 1.0461 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - WStE255 1.0462 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - WStE255 1.0462 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - TStE255 1.0463 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - TStE255 1.0463 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - EStE255 1.1103 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - EStE255 1.1103 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P255QL 1.0452 10216-4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P265 10253-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P265TR1 1.0258 10216-1 St44.0 1.0256 1629 - - - - - 11453 - - - - - - - -
P265TR1 1.0258 10216-1 St44.0 1.0256 2609 - - - - - 11453 - - - - - - - -
P265TR1 1.0258 10217-1 St44.0 1.0256 1626 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - 430 3601 - - - - - - - - - - - -
P265TR2 1.0259 10216-1 St44.4 1.0257 1630 CFS430 7416 TUE235A 49-112 - - - - R45 84023 - - STPG410 G3454
P265TR2 1.0259 10217-1 St44.4 1.0257 1628 - - - - - - - - R45 84023 - - STS410 G3455
P265TR2 1.0259 10253-2 St44.4 1.0257 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P265GH 1.0425 10216-2 St45.8 1.0405 17175 430 3602-1 TU42c 49-213 C18 12022 20 1050 K18 74252 Gr.B A106 STPT410 G3456
P265GH 1.0425 10216-2 St45.8 1.0405 17175 430 3059-2 TU42c 49-215 C18 12022 20 1050 K18 74252 Gr.A-1 A210 STPT410 G3456
P265GH 1.0425 10216-2 St45.8 1.0405 17175 430 3602-1 TUE250 49-211 - - - - - - Gr.B-2 A556 - -
P265GH 1.0425 10216-2 St45.8 1.0405 17175 430 3602-1 TUE250 49-281 - - - - - - WPB A234 - -
P265GH 1.0425 10217-2 St42.8 1.0498 17177 440 3606 TS42c 49-243 - - - - - - Gr.B A178 STB410 G3461
P265GH 1.0425 10217-5 St42.8 1.0498 17177 440 3606 TS42c 49-245 - - - - - - Gr.B A178 STB410 G3461
P265NL 1.0453 10216-4 TTSt35V 1.0356 17173 430LT 3603 TU42BT 49-215 C20 11419 - - - - Gr.6 A333 - -
P265NL 1.0453 10217-4 TTSt35V 1.0356 17174 430LT 3603 TU42BT 49-215 C20 11448 - - - - Gr.6 A334 - -
P265NL 1.0453 10217-6 TTSt35V 1.0356 17173 430LT 3603 TU42BT 49-215 C20 11419 - - - - WPL6 A420 - -
P265NL 1.0453 10253-2 - - - - TU48c 49-213 - - - - - - - - STS480 G3455
- - - - - - TU48c 49-215 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - TS48c 49-243 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - TS48c 49-245 - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - AE275 49-281 - - - - - - - - - -
- - StE285 1.0486 17179 - - TUE290B2 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
- - StE285 1.0486 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - WStE285 1.0487 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - WStE285 1.0487 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P275NL1 1.0488 10216-3 TStE285 1.0488 17179 - - TUE290B3 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
P275NL1 1.0488 10216-3 TStE285 1.0488 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P275NL1 1.0488 10217-3 TStE285 1.0488 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P275NL2 1.1104 10216-3 EStE285 1.1104 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P275NL2 1.1104 10217-3 EStE285 1.1104 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St52.0 1.0421 1629 - - - - - 11523 - - - - - - - -
St52.0 1.0421 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St52.0 1.0421 1626 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St52.4 1.0581 1630 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
St52.4 1.0581 1628 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355N 1.0562 10216-3 StE355 1.0562 17179 - - TUE360B2 49-411 - - - - - - - - -
P355N 1.0562 10253-2 StE355 1.0562 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355N 1.0562 10217-3 StE355 1.0562 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355NH 1.0565 10216-3 WStE355 1.0565 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355NH 1.0565 10253-2 WStE355 1.0565 2609 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel W.Nr. Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Standard Steel Standard
P355NH 1.0565 10217-3 WStE355 1.0565 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355NL1 1.0566 10216-3 TStE355 1.0566 17179 - - TUE360B3 49-411 - 11503 - - - - - - - -
P355NL1 1.0566 10217-3 TStE355 1.0566 17178 - - - - - 11503 - - - - - - - -
P355NL1 1.0566 10253-2 TStE355 1.0566 2609 - - - - - 11503 - - - - - - - -
P355NL2 1.1106 10216-3 EStE355 1.1106 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P355NL2 1.1106 10217-3 EStE355 1.1106 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
StE420 1.8902 17179 - - TUE420B2 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
StE420 1.8902 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WStE420 1.8932 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WStE420 1.8932 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
TStE420 1.8912 17179 - - TUE420B3 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
TStE420 1.8912 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EStE420 1.8913 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
EStE420 1.8913 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460N 1.8905 10216-3 StE460 1.8905 17179 - - TUE485B2 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
P460N 1.8905 10217-3 StE460 1.8905 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460NH 1.8935 10216-3 WStE460 1.8935 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460NH 1.8935 10217-3 WStE460 1.8935 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460NL1 1.8915 10216-3 TStE460 1.8915 17179 - - TUE485B3 49-411 - - - - - - - - - -
P460NL1 1.8915 10217-3 TStE460 1.8915 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460NL2 1.8918 10216-3 EStE460 1.8918 17179 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
P460NL2 1.8918 10217-3 EStE460 1.8918 17178 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P620Q 1.8876 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P620QH 1.8877 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P620QL 1.8890 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P690Q 1.8879 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P690QH 1.8880 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P690QL1 1.8881 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
*P690QL2 1.8888 10216-3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* for information only

Alloy steels for tubes for mechanical purposes and heat treatment, Type 26Mn5 according to EN
Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Stand. Steel Standard
Mn steel
21Mn4 1.0469 17115 20Mn4 20G 4543 20G 84019
26Mn5 1.1161 10305-1 CFS7 6323-4 25G2 4543
28Mn6 1.1170 10083-2 28Mn6 1.1170 17200 150M28 970 28Mn6 35-552 C28Mn 13141 30G2 4543 30G2 84030/04 1330 A519 SCMn1 G 4051
16Mn9 13320 1527
36Mn4 1.0561 17204 35G 4543
36Mn5 1.1167 17204 150M36 970-3 35M5 35-552 35G2 4543 - - 1335 A519 SMn438 G4052
(36Mn7) 14240 35G2 4543
38Mn6 1.1127 10297-1 36Mn6 40G2 4543
46Mn5 1.1128
46Mn7 1.0912 13250 45G2 4543
Mn-B steel
20MnB5 1.5530 10083-3 20MB5 35-552
30MnB5 1.5531 10083-3
38MnB5 1.5532 10083-3 38MB5 35-552
Mn-Cr steel
16MnCr5 1.7131 10084 16MnCr5 1.7131 17210 590M17 970 16MC5 35-551 16MnCr5 14220 18ChG 4543 5115 A519 SCr415 G 4051
16MnCr5 1.7131 10297-1 14220
20MnCr5 1.7147 10084 20MnCr5 1.7147 17210 20MC5 35-551 20MnCr5 14221 18ChG 4543 - - (5120) A519
Mn-Cr-B steel
16MnCrB5 1.7160 10084 14224 20ChGR 4543
27MnCrB5-2 1.7182 10083-3
33MnCrB5-2 1.7185 10083-3
39MnCrB6-2 1.7189 10083-3
Mn-Cr-Si steel
(30MnCrSi4) 1.71XY 14331 30ChGSA 4543
12MnCrSirMoTi 1.51XY POD2001
Mn-Cr-V steel
27MnCrV4 1.8162 15231
Mn-Si steel
10MnSi6 3 1.5125 09G2S 19281 - - - - - -
(18MnSi6-3) 18G2S 5781
(25MnSi6-3) 25G2S 5781
37MnSi5 1.5122 38MS5 13240 35GS 5781
(20MnSi7) 1.51XY Pre Trip
Mn-V steel
20MnV6 1.5217 10294-1 20MnV6 1.5217 Gr.55 4360 20MV6 49-310 20MnV5 13220 18G2AV 84018 K 01907 STKM20A G 3445
(E410) 1.0509 10305-1 (StE460) 1.8905 17124 S470M 49-312 - - - - K 12202 STKM20A G 3445
Mo steel
26Mo2 1.5417 10305-1 CFS 9 6323-4
20MoCr3 1.7320 10084
20MoCr4 1.7321 10084 20MoCr4 1.7321 17210
Cr-Ni steel
16NiCr4 1.5714 10084 16CrNi4 3115 SAE
15NiCr13 1.5752 10084 14NiCr14 1.5752 655M13 970 12NC15 16 420 SNC815 G 4052
31NiCr14 1.5755 (30NC12) 16 440 30ChN3A 4543 3435 SAE
10NiCr5-4 1.5805 10084 (10NiCr6)
35NiCr6 1.5815 10083-3
17CrNi6-6 1.5918 10084 15CrNi6 1.5919 17210 (815M17) 970 16NC6 35-551 16CrNi4 16 321 (12ChN2)
Cr-Ni-Mo steel
36CrNiMo4 1.6511 10083-3 36CrNiMo4 1.6511 17200 817M37 970-1 38NiCrMo4 40ChGNM 4543 9840 SAE
36CrNiMo4 1.6511 10297-1
34CrNiMo6 1.6582 10083-3 34CrNiMo6 1.6582 17200 817M40 970 35NiCrMo6 16 343 36Ch2N2MA 4543
30CrNiMo8 1.6580 10083-3 30CrNiMo8 1.6580 17200 823M30 970 30CND8 35-556 30NiCrMo8 16 430
30CrNiMo8 1.6580 10297-1
SNCM431 G 4103
18CrNiMo7-6 1.6587 10084 17CrNiMo6 1.6587 17210 18NCD6 35-551 16 326
Ni-Cr-Mo steel
16NiCrMo2 16NiCrMo2 8617 A519
20NiCrMo2-2 1.6523 10084 21NiCrMo2 1.6523 17210 805M20 970 20NCD2 35-551 20NiCrMo2 16 125 20ChGNM 4543 8620 A519 SNCM220 G 4103
20NiCrMo2-2 1.6523 10297-1
41NiCrMo7-3-2 1.6563 10297-1 40NiCrMo73 40NiCrMo7
17NiCrMo6-4 1.6566 10084 17NiCrMo5 17NiCrMo5
14NiCrMo13-4 1.6657 10084 14NiCrMo134 1.6657 832M13 970 16NCD13 9310 A519
36NiCrMo16 1.6773 10083-3 35NiCrMo16 835M30 970 38NCD16 35-571 34NiCrMo16
39NiCrMo3 1.6510 10083-3
26NICrMo8-5 1.6931 26NiCrMo85 1.6931 16 431
18NiCrMo14-6 17NiCrMo14 1.3533 17230
Cr steel
38Cr2 1.7003 10083-3 38Cr2 1.7003 17200 38C2 35-552 38Cr2
46Cr2 1.7006 10083-3 46Cr2 1.7006 17200 42C2 35-552 45Cr2 5045 A519
17Cr3 1.7016 10084 17Cr3 1.7016 17210 523M15 970-1 18C3 14120 15Ch 4543 (5015) A519 SCr415 G 4104
20Cr4 1.7027 17210
28Cr4 1.7030 10084 28Cr4 1.7030 17200 530A30 970 30Ch 4543 5130 A519

Steel 25CrMo4 is steel for machinery parts (see p. 21 and 111).

In EN 10216-2 is as boiler steel with reduced contents of P and S and guaranted contents of Al.

Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Standard Steel Stand. Steel Standard
34Cr4 1.7033 10083-3 34Cr4 1.7033 17200 530A32 970-1 32C4 35-552 34Cr4 14141 35Ch 4543 - - 5132 A519 SCr430 G 4052
37Cr4 1.7034 10083-3 37Cr4 1.7034 17200 530M36 970-1 38C4 35-553 38Cr4 14140 38Ch 4543 5135 A519 SCr435 G 4052
41Cr4 1.7035 10083-3 41Cr4 1.7035 17200 530A40 970-1 42C4 35-552 41Cr4 14 148 40Ch 4543 40H 84030 (5140) A519 SCr440 G 4051
41Cr4 1.7035 10297-1 41Cr4 1.7035 17204 - (14 151) 40Ch 4543 40H 84030 (5140) A519 SCr440 G 4051
100Cr6 1.3505 683-17 100Cr6 1.3505 17230 535A99 970-1 100C6 35-565 100Cr6 14 109 ‘Ch15 801 LH 15 84041 52100 SUJ 2 G 4805
Cr-Mo steel
18CrMo4 1.7243 10084 18CD4 35-551 18CrMo4 15 124 20ChM 4543 - SCM418 G 4052
25CrMo4 1.7218 10083-3 25CrMo4 1.7218 17200 708A25 970-1 25CD4 35-552 25CrMo4 15 130 30ChM 4543 4130 A519 SCM420 G 4105
25CrMo4 1.7218 10297-1 25CrMo4 1.7218 17204 CFS 10 6323-4 (27CD4) 15 130 30ChM 4543 4130 A519 SCM420 G 4105
30CrMo4 1.7216 10297-1 30CrMo4 30ChM 4543
34CrMo4 1.7220 10083-3 34CrMo4 1.7220 17200 708A37 970-1 34CD4 35-552 34CrMo4 15 141 35ChM 4543 4135 A519 SCM435 G 4052
34CrMo4 1.7220 10297-1 34CrMo4 1.7220 17204
42CrMo4 1.7225 10083-3 42CrMo4 1.7225 17200 708A40 970-1 42CD4 35-552 42CrMo4 15 142 38ChM 4543 4140 A519 SCM440 G 4052
42CrMo4 1.7225 10297-1 42CrMo4 1.7225 17204 CFS 11 6323-4 4142 A519 (SCM4) G 4052
50CrMo4 1.7228 10083-3 50CrMo4 1.7228 17200 50CD4 35-552 50CrMo4 4150 A519 SCM445 G 4052
100CrMo7-3 1.3536 683-17 100CrMo7 1.3537 17230 100CD7 35-565 100CrMo7
Cr-Mn-Mo steel
12CrMnMoV8-6 1.79XY (POD 90)
16CrMnMoV8-7 1.79XY ( BTR 110) POD2000
15CrMnMo9 1.79XY 15CMD9
Cr-V steel
42CrV6 1.7561 15 241
(30CrV9) 1.76XY 15 230
51CrV4 1.8159 10083-3 50CrV4 1.8159 17200 735A50 970-1 50CV4 35-552 50CrV4 15 260 50ChGFA 14959 6150H A519 SUP 10 G 4801
Cr-Mo-V steel
15CrMoV5-9 1.8521 17211
15CrMoV5-10 1.7745
15CrMoV6 1.7734 15CDV6 15CrMoV6
21CrMoV5-7 1.7709 10269 21CrMoV5 7 1.7709 17240 20CDV6 35-559 24CrMoV55 15 320 25Ch1M1F 20072
30CrMoV9 1.7707 10250-3 30CrMoV9 1.7707 17200 15 330 30Ch3MF 4543
31CrMoV9 1.8519 10085 31CrMoV9 15 330 30Ch3MF 4543
32CrMoV12-9 10085 32CrMoV1210 1.7765 32CDV12
40CrMoV13-9 1.8523 10085 39CrMoV139 1.8523 17211 897M39 970-1 40CDV13 35-590
Cr-Al-Mo steel
34CrAl6 1.8504 14 340 (38Ch2Ju) 4543
32CrAlMo7-10 1.8505 10085
34CrAlMo5-10 1.8507 10085 34CrAlMo5 1.8507 17211 30CAD6.12 34CrAlMo7 K23510 A355
41CrAlMo7-10 1.8509 10085 41CrAlMo7 1.8509 17211 905M39 970 40CAD6.12 35-552 41CrAlMo7 15 340 38Ch2MJuA 4543 K24065 A355 SACM645 G 4202
31CrMo12 1.8515 10085 31CrMo12 1.8515 17211 722M24 970 30CD12 32CrMo12
34CrAlNi7-10 1.8550 10085 34CrAlNi7 1.8550 17211 (16 347)
Cr-Si steel
(38 CrSi 6-5) (1.71XY) 14 341 38ChS

Alloy steels for pressure purposes, Type 16Mo3 according to EN
Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel W.Nr. Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Steel Steel Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Stand. Steel Standard
Mn steel
(P295 GH) 1.0481 - 17Mn4 1.0481 17175 440 3059-2 TUE275 49-211 11481 14G2 4543 - - Gr.C A106 STPT480 G3456
- - 17Mn4 1.0481 17175 - - TUE275 49-211 - 13030 - - - - Gr.C A178 - -
- - 17Mn4 1.0481 17175 - - TUE275 49-211 - - - - - - Gr.C A210 - -
- - 17Mn4 1.0481 17175 - - TUE275 49-211 - - - - - - WPC A234 - -
Gr.C2 A556
(P310 GH) 1.0482 - 19Mn5 1.0482 17175 - - TU52c 49-213 - - - - - - Gr.D A178 STB510 G3461
(P355 GH) 1.0473 - 19Mn6 1.0473 17155 - - TS52C 49-243 - - - - - - - - - -
Mn + Nb,V steel
20MnNb6 1.0471 10216-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
17MnV4 17MnV4 12025
Mo steel
16Mo3 1.5415 10216-2 15Mo3 1.5415 17175 243 3059-2 TU15D3 49-213 16Mo3 15020 - - 16M 74252 - - - -
16Mo3 1.5415 10217-2 15Mo3 1.5415 17177 243 3606 TU15D3 49-215 - 15020 - - 16M 74252 - - - -
16Mo3 1.5415 10217-5 15Mo3 1.5415 17177 - - - - - - -
16Mo3 1.5415 10253-2 15Mo3 1.5415 2609 - - - - - - -
- - - TS15D3 49-243 - - - - - - - - - -
- - 16Mo5 1.5423 - - - 16Mo5 - - - - - T1, T1a, T1b A209 STBA12 G3462
- - - - - - 16Mo5 - - - - - P1 A335 STPA12 G3458
20Mo5 1.5419 10213-2 - - 245 3606 - - - - - - - - A692 A692 STBA13 G3462
8Mo B 5 - 4 1.5450 10216-2 261 3606
Cr - Mo steel
25CrMo4 1.7218 10216-2
26CrMo4-2 1.7219 10216-4 26CrMo4 1.7219 17173
(15CrMo2-5) - - - - - TU15CD2-05 49-213 - - - - - - T2 A213 STBA20 G3462
- - - - - - TU15CD2-05 49-213 - - - - - - P2 A335 STPA20 G3458
13CrMo4-5 1.7335 10216 - 2 13CrMo4 4 1.7335 17175 620 3059-2 TU13CD4-04 49-213 14CrMo3 15 121 15ChM 4543 15HM 74252 T12 A213 STBA22 G3462
13CrMo4-5 1.7335 10253 - 2 13CrMo4 4 1.7335 2609 620-440 3604-1 TU13CD4-04 49-215 P12 A335 STPA22 G3458
- - - - 620 3606 - - - - - - - - -
10CrMo5-5 1.7338 10216 - 2 - - 621 3604-1 TU10CD05-05 49-213 - - - - - T11 A213 STBA23 G3462
10CrMo5-5 1.7338 10253 - 2 - - 621 3604-2 - - - - - - - - P11 A335 STPA23 G3458
- - 621 3606 - - - - - - - - - - - -
10CrMo9-10 1.7380 10216 - 2 10CrMo9 10 1.7380 17175 622-490 3059-2 TU10CD09-10 49-21312CrMo9 10 15313 10Ch2M 5520 - - T22 A213 STBA24 G3462
10CrMo9-10 1.7380 10253 - 2 10CrMo9 10 1.7380 2609 622 3604-1 - - - - - - P22 A335 STPA24 G3458
11CrMo9-10 1.7383 10216 - 2 - - 622 3606 - - - - - -
12CrMo12-10 1.7381 17176 - - - - - - T21 A213
12CrMo12-10 1.7381 P21 A335
X11CrMo5 1.7362 10216 - 2 12CrMo19 5 1.7362 17176 625 3604-1 TUZ10CD5-05 49-213 17102 15Ch5M 550 T5,T5b,T5c A213 STBA25 G3462
X11CrMo5 1.7362 10253 - 2 12CrMo19 5 1.7362 17176 625 3606 TUZ12CD5-05 49-215 17102 15Ch5M 20072 P5,P5b,P5c A335 STPA25 G3458
(X12CrMo7) (1.7368) - - (T7) A213
(X12CrMo7) (1.7368) - - - - - - - - - - - (P7) A335 - -
X11CrMo9-1 1.7386 10216 - 2 X12CrMo9 1 1.7386 17176 629 3059-2 TUZ10CD9 49-213 - 17116 - - - - T9 A213 STBA26 G3462
X11CrMo9-1 1.7386 10253 - 2 629 3604-1 - - - - - - - - P9 A335 STPA26 G3458
Cr-Mo-V steel, alloyed also with B, Cu, Nb, Ni, Ti, W
17CrMoV 10 1.7766 590 15323
7CrMoVTiB10-10 1.7378 T24 A213
7CrMoVTiB10-10 1.7378 P24 A335
8CrMoNiNb9 10 1.6770 640 15418
(12CrV2-2) (1.75XY) 15110 - -
14 MoV 6 - 3 1.7715 10216-2 14MoV6 3 1.7715 17175 660 3604-1 14DCV 6 49-213 15128 - -
(16CrMoV3-5-5) (1.77XY) - - - - - - 15229 - - - - - - - -
(12CrMoV4-3-2) (1.77XY) - - - - - - - 12Ch1MF 20072 - - - - - -
20CrMoV13-5-5 1.7779 10216-2 20CrMoV13 5 1.7779 17176 - - - - - 15423 - - - - - - - -
X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903 10216-2 629-590 3059-2 TUZ10CDVNb09-01 49-213 - 17119 - - - - T91 A213 STBA28 G3462
X10CrMoVNb9-1 1.4903 10253-2 TUZ10CDVNb09-01 49-213 - 17119 - - P91 A335 STPA28 G3458
X20CrMoV11-1 1.4922 10216-2 X20CrMoV12 1 1.4922 17175 762 3059-2 - 17134 - - - -
X20CrMoV11-1 1.4922 10216-2 X20CrMoV12 1 1.4922 17175 762 3604-1 - 17134 - - - -
7CrWVMoNb9-6 T23 A213 HCM 2S
X11CrMoWVNb9-1-1 T / P 911 A213
X10CrWMoVNb 9-2 T / P 92 A213 STBA 29
11CrWCuMoVNbNB T / P 122 A213 HCM 12A
Ni steel
(10Ni9) (1.56XY) - - - - TU10N9 49-215 18Ni9 - - - - - Gr.7 A333
- - - - TU10N9 49-215 18Ni9 - - - - - Gr.7 A334
12Ni14 1.5637 10216-4 10Ni14 1.5637 17173 503LT 3603 TU10N14 49-215 18Ni14 16222 - - - - Gr.3 A333 STPL450 G3460
12Ni14 1.5637 10253-2 10Ni14 1.5637 17173 503LT 3603 TU10N14 49-215 18Ni14 16222 - - - - Gr.3 A334 STBL450 G3464
X12Ni5 1.5680 10216-4 12Ni19 1.5680 17173 16527
X10Ni9 1.5682 10216-4 X8Ni9 1.5662 17173 509LT 3603 TUZ6N9 49-215 X12Ni09 17501 Gr.8 A333
X10Ni9 1.5682 1.5662 17173 509LT 3603 TUZ6N9 49-215 X12Ni09 17501 - - - - Gr.8 A334
Ni-Mn steel
11MnNi5-3 1.6212 10216-4 11MnNi5 3 1.6212 17173
13MnNi6-3 1.6217 10216-4 13MnNi6 3 1.6217 17173
15 NiCuMoNb5-6-4 1.6368 10216-2 (WB36) T / P 36

Conversion table
of Vickers hardness, Brinell hardness, Rockwell hardness and Tensile strength

Tensile Hardness Tensile Hardness

strength Vickers Brinell Rockwell Rockwell strength Vickers Brinell Rockwell Rockwell
N/mm2 HV 10 HB HRB HRC N/mm2 HV 10 HB HRB HRC
255 80 76,0 1095 340 323 34,4
270 85 80,7 41,0 1125 350 333 35,5
285 90 85,5 48,0 1155 360 342 36,6
305 95 90,2 52,0 1190 370 352 37,7
320 100 95,0 56,2 1220 380 361 38,8
335 105 99,8 1255 390 371 39,8
350 110 105 62,3 1290 400 380 40,8
370 115 109 1320 410 390 41,8
385 120 114 66,7 1350 420 399 42,7
400 125 119 1385 430 409 43,6
415 130 124 71,2 1420 440 418 44,5
430 135 128 1455 450 428 45,3
450 140 133 75,0 1485 460 437 46,1
465 145 138 1520 470 447 46,9
480 150 143 78,7 1555 480 (456) 47,7
495 155 147 1595 490 (466) 48,4
510 160 152 81,7 1630 500 (475) 49,1
530 165 156 1665 510 (485) 49,8
545 170 162 85,0 1700 520 (494) 50,5
560 175 166 1740 530 (504) 51,1
575 180 171 87,1 1775 540 (513) 51,7
595 185 176 1810 550 (523) 52,3
610 190 181 89,5 1845 560 (532) 53,0
625 195 185 1880 570 (542) 53,6
640 200 190 91,5 1920 580 (551) 54,1
660 205 195 92,5 1955 590 (561) 54,7
675 210 199 93,5 1995 600 (570) 55,2
690 215 204 94,0 2030 610 (580) 55,7
705 220 209 95,0 2070 620 (589) 56,3
720 225 214 96,0 2105 630 (599) 56,8
740 230 219 96,7 2145 640 (608) 57,3
755 235 223 2180 650 (618) 57,8
770 240 228 98,1 20,3 660 58,3
785 245 233 21,3 670 58,8
800 250 238 99,5 22,2 680 59,2
820 255 242 23,1 690 59,7
835 260 247 (101) 24,0 700 60,1
850 265 252 24,8 720 61,0
865 270 257 (102) 25,6 740 61,8
880 275 261 26,4 760 62,5
900 280 266 (104) 27,1 780 63,3
915 285 271 27,8 800 64,0
930 290 276 (105) 28,5 820 64,7
950 295 280 29,2 840 65,3
965 300 285 29,8 860 65,9
995 310 295 31,0 880 66,4
1030 320 304 32,2 900 67,0
1060 330 314 33,3 920 67,5
940 68,0

Values from standards DIN 50150, EN ISO 18265, ISO/TR 10108, ASTM E 140

Summary of TDC for tube groups according to application
Hollow structural sections 10210-1 17121, 17124 49-501 42 0250 8731 A 500 G 3444 630-2
(10025) (17100) (1050, 19281) A 501
For machine parts 10294-1 1629, 1630 6323/1,2 49-311 663 42 0250 8731 74219 A 53 G 3445 2937
and general use 10297-1 17200 49-312 7729 (84018) A 519 2938
10083-1-3 17204 (84019)
10084 17210 (84023/7)
For room temperatures 10216-1 1629, 1630 3601 49-112 7287 42 0250 8731, (1050) 74219 A 53 G 3454 9329-1
P 49-210 (84023/7) G 3455
r For elevated temperatures 10216-2 17175 3059/1,2 49-211 5462 42 0251 8731 74252 A 106, A 192 G 3456 9329-2
e (boiler) 3602-1 49-213 TU14-3-190 (84024) A 209, A 210 G 3458
3604-1 TU14-3-460 A 213, A 335 G 3461
4543,20072 A 556 G 3462
s Alloy fine grain steels 10216-3 17179
u For low temperatures 10216-4 17173 3603 49-215 5949 42 0165 A333, A 334 9329-3
r For heat exchangers 10216-2 17173 (17174) 3606 49-215 5462 42 0165 550 A 179, A 178 G 3461 6758
10216-4 17175 (17177) 49-243 5949 42 0251 1060 A214 G 3462 6759
e (28180, 28181) 49-245 A333. A 334
For welding and threading 10224 2440, 2441 1387 49-115 8863 42 0250 3262 74220 A 53 G 3452 65
10255 (2442), 2460 6363 74200 A 795 559
Line pipe 10208-1 2470-1/1629 7088 API 5L 3183
10208-2 2470-2/17172 ISO 3183-1,2
Casing and Tubing API 5 CT 11960
ISO 11 960
Precision seamless 10305-1 2391-2 6323/1,4 49-310 7945 42 0260 8733 74240 A 519 G 3445 3304
cold drawn standard tubes 49-312 12132, 21729 (74220)
Cylinder tubes Precision tubes from steel St 52, E 355
HPZ and HP Type HPZ for mechanical treatment, Type HP – “ready to use”
For hydraulic lines 10305-4 2391-2c/2445-2 7416 49-330 7945 42 0260 74245 A 822 JOHS-102
Injection tubes Deliveries upon agreement only (ČSN 42 6718,DIN 73000,ISO 8535-1)
Bearing tubes ISO 683-17 17230 Deliveries according to agreed TDC
Cold sized welded tubes 10305-3 2394-2 6323/1,5 49-646 7947 42 0142 10707 74241 A 513 G 3445 3306
(10305-5) (2395-2) (42 6713)
Cold drawn precision 10305-2 2393-2 6323/1,6 7946 42 0142 A 513 3305
welded tubes 10305-6 42 6714 A 512
Buttwelding fittings 10253-1,2 2609 1965-1 49-186 ŽP-05-05 A 234, A 420 3419
Submerged arc welded steel tubes and pipes TDC Standards – see survey table on page 102


Železiarne Podbrezová a.s.

Kolkáreň 35, 976 81 Podbrezová, Slovakia

Exchange tel: +421/48/6451111

http: //,
e-mail: [email protected]

• Sales of cold-drawn tubes:
inland +421/48/645 3085, 645 3086, 645 3077
+421/48/645 3050
export +421/48/645 3041, 645 3045, 645 3046
• Sales of hot-finished tubes:
inland +421/48/645 3081, 645 3074
export +421/48/645 3041, 645 3034, 645 3046, 645 3037
• Sales of elbows and welded tubes:
inland +421/48/645 3083, 645 3075
export +421/48/645 3034, 645 3037
• Sales of tube semiproducts:
inland +421/48/645 3076
export +421/48/645 3045, 645 3046
• Sales of steel blooms:
inland +421/48/645 3083
export +421/48/645 3034, 645 3037

• fax: +421/48/645 3032, 645 3042, 645 3072

Commercial representatives:

PIPEX Italia S.p.A.

Via Paleocapa 10, 28041 Arona (Novara), Italy
tel.: +39/0322/235511
fax: +39/0322/44688
e-mail: [email protected]

ŽP TRADE Bohemia a.s.

Ztracená 272, 161 00 Praha 6, Czech Republic
tel.: +420/235 301190, 235 300 731
fax: +420/235 300 760
e-mail: [email protected]

SLOVRUR Sp. z o.o.

ul. Brandwicka 138, 37-464 Stalowa Wola, Poland
tel.: +48/15/844 80 45-6, 844 80 51, 844 80 95
fax: +48/15/842 02 34
e-mail: [email protected]

Published by: Železiarne Podbrezová, a.s.
Marketing Department
November 2008 (5th edition)
Design: ENTERPRISE, spol. s r.o.
Banská Bystrica

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