Uranus in NAtal Chart

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In the natal chart, Uranus is at 28 deg in Scorpio.

Today (5/3/2018) Transit Mars is touching the natal Uranus

at 28 degree.

Whenever Mars & Uranus are combined, it will create a war like tension.

From the beginning of the day, native faced problems

1. Internet Problem
2. Software updation Problem
3. Power Problem

Native was not able to concentrate on the work throughout the day. Today Moon is also in the constellation
of Mars, which is adding to the woes.

Neptune/Pluto spiritual transformation self sacrifice. involving death non clarity in all matters of judgement.

Uranus /Jupiter windfall, good opportunities travel, good use of technology, upward movement in life.

Pluto/Jupiter: expansion of power,money, travel foreign travels, new cultural experiences, understanding
occult sciences.

Neptune/Jupiter : it is like Moon/jupiter psychic ability, totally mad, dreams illness undiagnosed health
Uranus/Saturn breaking of old ties, hardships, explosive way things will develop suddenly.changable control
er in authority.

Pluto/Saturn : restrictions, death, take charge of new power power able to control, sudden accident and near

Neptune/Saturn: Unhappiness in the family, divorce, great depression,hardships in real estate business,
isolation, emotional problems etc., will dominate.

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