Five Wrong Turns You Can Avoid With The Cosmic GPS
Five Wrong Turns You Can Avoid With The Cosmic GPS
Five Wrong Turns You Can Avoid With The Cosmic GPS
Tim Bost
Entire contents Copyright 2011 by Tim Bost.
All rights reserved.
Five Wrong Turns You Can Avoid
with the
Cosmic GPS
By Tim Bost
No matter who we are, we live lives that are full of opportunities and choices. Who we are
today is to a large extent determined by the choices that we made yesterday, and then all the other
yesterdays that preceded that one since the time of our birth.
Some of those choices are big ones, confronting us at times when we are in crisis or when
big life changes present themselves. But a lot of the really important choices in our lives seem to
be relatively minor at the time that we are making them—it is only after the full consequences
begin to manifest themselves that we realize how critical those choices have actually been. While
the important choices are confronting us, we often have very little idea about what’s really going
That’s why it’s so easy for us to make wrong turns. A slight deviation from an intended
course of action may be easy enough to correct if we deal with it in a timely way, but if we follow
along an incorrect path far enough, if way leads on to way while we remain oblivious to our loss
of true direction, then the ultimate results of our wrong turns can be absolutely devastating.
For most of us, the realization that we have made wrong turns comes far too late for us to
do anything constructive about it. Instead, we must face the consequences that we have incurred,
and do our best to create compromises or to develop creative strategies for making the best of es-
sentially unfavorable circumstances.
But if we enlist the power of the Cosmic GPS—the universally applicable knowledge of
cycles based on the seed power of unique beginnings—we can discover helpful alternatives to
the wrong turns we may otherwise encounter. At the very least, we can substantially reduce their
ultimate effects in our lives. Under the best circumstances, we can avoid making wrong turns
For more than four decades now I have refined my understanding of the Cosmic GPS and its
key components—traditional astrological methods, modern geocosmic research, cycle analysis,
neuroplasticity, Energetic Life Balancing and the workings of the universal Law of Vibration—to
help individuals and businesses get past the wrong turns that can stop them in their tracks.
Along the way, I’ve come to understand that there are five potentially ruinous wrong turns
that are completely avoidable—as long as you’re willing to use the incredible power of the Cos-
mic GPS proactively to realign your personal priorities and your way of doing business.
Without putting the Cosmic GPS to work, the outcomes in your life and business are sadly
quite predictable. You’ll find yourself increasingly isolated—from close personal relationships,
from opportunities for growth and creativity, and from profitable outcomes in business and in-
vestments. The long-term results can be pretty depressing.
But when you harness the power of the Cosmic GPS, all sorts of new horizons open up for
you. It’s as if you’ve been touched with a magic wand.
You can make better connections, express yourself more fully, and discover fresh possibili-
ties that you never previously dreamed were possible.
Perhaps even more importantly, you can avoid making the serious wrong turns that can
take you off track with your personal life and drive your business into extinction. And just as it’s
true in most other areas, if you can simply avoid heading in the wrong direction with key business
and personal decisions, you are far more likely to bring success and abundance into your enter-
prise and into your life. The rewards are there for you to enjoy.
So let’s take a brief look at those five big wrong turns. Remember that even though they’re
extremely dangerous, they are also all avoidable-- and sometimes just knowing about them ahead
of time can be enough to help you steer clear of them altogether!
Wrong Turn #1:
Your Job and Career Choices
The first wrong turn you can make is in your selection of a career path or a work environ-
ment. While wrong turns connected with your career can certainly have momentous effects, most
of them actually take place without our giving them very much attention.
We get a job offer and we accept it. Maybe we get a promotion. We disagree with a boss or
a coworker. We hear of a new job opportunity and move to the competitor across the street.
Each time one of these events takes place we have a chance for a new beginning, for a re-
alignment of our day-to-day activities with who we really are.
But unless we truly understand our unique potential as individuals, we can make wrong
turns in this part of our lives very easily. We may find ourselves in an active victim role, or simply
living lives of quiet desperation. In extreme cases our life circumstances may become completely
intolerable and we succumb to the overwhelming effects of stress, mentally and physically.
Fortunately, however, the Cosmic GPS can help us get past all that. When you access this
unique perspective, you’ll not only discover fresh perspectives on your career path—you’ll also
get a richer understanding of your true life purpose!
While this is obviously important at a personal level, it’s even more critical when you’re
in business for yourself or when you’re the responsible party at some other business enterprise.
Some of my most successful clients are business owners and CEOs who use the extraordinary
power of Cosmic GPS tools to create bigger and better opportunities for their companies on a
consistent basis. The results show up in the bottom line and in their personal fulfillment, too.
But no matter where you are in your career path, or what your current employment strug-
gles may be, the Cosmic GPS offers you unique tools and individualized guidance that you can
use to discover who you are and what you are meant to be doing. That’s an important step in mak-
ing your career an integral part of a happy and successful life!
Wrong Turn #2:
Your Relationships
Making wrong turns in relationships is one of the most common, yet the most devastating,
challenges that most of us face in our lives.
After all, the process of living is primarily a process of being in a relationship. Whether we
are connecting at an early age with our parents and our siblings, whether we are making friends
in the schoolyard, whether we are exploring romantic connections, or whether we are establishing
lifelong partnerships, the choices are obvious ones—if we pick the best people to connect with,
our lives can be incredibly fulfilling and richly rewarding. But if we make wrong turns in relation-
ships we may find ourselves experiencing years or even decades of absolute misery.
That’s where the Cosmic GPS comes in. Through the tools of traditional astrology and our
contemporary understanding of mind/body systems and neurolinguistic processing, we can reach
a rich and deep understanding of the potentials and pitfalls in any particular relationship. This is
especially important when we are considering a business partnership or are making a marriage
commitment. But it can be significant in any type of relationship.
Even the best relationships take a lot of conscious attention and creative interaction in or-
der to succeed, but when we begin the important relationships in our lives with the assurance that
we have a good match with our prospective partners, the process of perfecting the dynamics in
our shared experiences is something we can welcome and enjoy.
Again, this is a vital process at a personal level, but it can also make a huge difference in
your business or career path. Make the right personal connections and you’re almost certain to
succeed, but if you don’t have them, your path to achievement will be much more difficult.
Correcting your course in relationships can be remarkably easy when you get competent
astrological advice. But the key word here is “competent”—don’t expect a Sun-sign horoscope
column to give you everything you need to know about compatibility. Relationships are complex
arrangements with a life of their own, and an experienced professional astrologer can help you
make sense of those peculiar dynamics. Better yet, make sure you get the full benefit of the Cos-
mic GPS approach to turn your relationships into totally rewarding experiences!
Wrong Turn #3
Your Investments
What kinds of investments are you making?
That’s an important question at an extremely basic level. Are you investing your time and
energy as well as your money in something worthwhile, or are you inadvertently squandering
your greatest resources?
This is an area in which it’s particularly easy to make wrong turns. If you’re not making
investments that improve your opportunities for personal and financial growth, you’re probably
doing more than just missing out on chances for big positive changes in your life—you’re also
running the risk of financial devastation and a severe narrowing of the future alternatives that are
available to you. You’ll find yourself painted into a corner before you know it.
If your investments take you into the stock or commodities markets, you’re in an especially
vulnerable spot. In fact, unless you’re a trading professional, you’re likely to make some pretty
big wrong turns. And when that happens, you’re also likely to get sideswiped by the current stam-
pede of the market herd, no matter where the herd happens to be headed right now.
Intelligent investing requires some very sophisticated personal skills and aptitudes. But it’s
an area that becomes especially rewarding when you use the Cosmic GPS to fine-tune your ap-
proach to investment, trading, and speculation.
The tools that astrology provides can help you understand the ups and down in the markets
more precisely, give you more accurate timing for your investment and trading decisions, and
warn you of potential financial dangers that lie ahead.
But even more importantly, the Cosmic GPS tools that are used in astro-trading can also
help you understand yourself as a trader and investor. Your ability to make money, the ways you
approach risk, and the best personal strategies for you to pursue are all illuminated with this
unique set of high-level methodologies. If you want to invest wisely, use the Cosmic GPS.
Wrong Turn #4
Your Location
Location, location, location. It’s the most important factor in real estate decisions, but it’s
also one of the best tools we have for expanding our personal levels of fulfillment, for discover-
ing new capabilities within ourselves, and for creating an entirely new way of interacting with the
world around us.
In past centuries, location was not often a matter of personal choice. Most people were
limited by their culture, by their family or social context, or by their economic circumstances in
ways that kept them close to their place of birth. Opportunities for recreational travel were practi-
cally nonexistent, and relocations were typically the result of forced migration, slavery, warfare,
plague, or famine.
The adventurers who dared to sail past the ocean’s horizon were venerated as heroes—if
they actually survived the perils of their journeys and returned to their home ports. The mere act
of setting sail took extraordinary courage, but those who successfully explored unknown lands
and then came back to tell their tales did so as individuals who had been profoundly changed.
Today, of course, we live in very different times. If we have the means we can get from one
part of the globe to another in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. We can relocate to seek
better employment, to participate in cultural or educational events, or just to have a good time.
What may not be so obvious, however, is the degree to which we are changed when we
change our location. Like the seafaring adventurers of previous centuries, we become a product
of our new experiences as we are exposed to new people, new places, new foods, and new lan-
guages. Sometimes the changes we experience are obvious because of the contrast with our for-
mer selves, but at other times the effects are far more subtle. Even so, they have a big effect.
That’s why it’s so important to avoid making wrong turns when we choose locations. Just
like a conventional GPS device, the tools and technologies of the Cosmic GPS can help us get
where we need to go. But unlike the GPS in an automobile, the Cosmic GPS can also guide us in
seeking the locations that are best for reaching our personal and financial goals.
One of the powerful but little-known features of modern astrology is its ability to determine
the potential influences and benefits that we can gain when we move to different locations. If you
have ever traveled to a place where you expected to have a good time or outstanding opportuni-
ties, but wound up feeling ripped off, depressed, or extremely disappointed, then you know how
demoralizing it can be to make wrong turns in choosing travel destinations. Locational astrology
can also be used if you’re looking for a more fulfilling place to live, so your Cosmic GPS can
literally tell you where in the world you should be!
Wrong Turn #5
Your Sources of Information
Your experience of the world, and of the opportunities that are available to you, depends
upon the information you have at your disposal. If you’re getting good information, you can make
wise choices and take actions that are truly helpful. But if your information source is faulty, dis-
torted, or misleading, the wrong turns you make in information gathering can lead to even bigger
wrong turns with much more serious and lasting consequences in your life.
Where are you currently getting the information that guides your actions day by day?
Are you relying on the news media, on rumor and innuendo, or on the gossip around the
water cooler at work?
There’s an old saying among veteran computer programmers: “Garbage in; garbage out”.
In other words, the results and experiences that we have in our lives depend just as much on the
attitudes and information that we carry around inside our skulls as they do upon the external ac-
tions and events in the world around us.
No matter what source you’re turning to, you need to be aware of the potentially damaging
effects of the built-in bias and prejudice that colors the information you’re receiving. That bias
can impact your basic belief system, and when you change your beliefs about what is possible in
your life, you inevitably get different results.
That’s why it’s so important for you to add the insights and information that come from the
cosmic GPS. When you align yourself with the natural rhythm of the universe, you will not only
make better decisions and take more effective actions. You will also gain a broader awareness of
the real way that the world works and with it a richer, more profound experience of your connec-
tions with other people and with the opportunities that can change your life in positive ways.
Avoiding Wrong Turns
When you are ready to put the Cosmic GPS to work for you, please take a moment to con-
tact me. Send an e-mail to [email protected] with the words “COSMIC GPS” in the subject line,
or go directly to the “Consultations” section at and register for a personal
No matter where you are in your life and career, the Cosmic GPS process offers you a
unique advantage that can bring out the best in you, help you discover your true purpose, and
awaken you to the incredible inner resources that you have available for enriching your life’s
My work in providing you with custom consultations using the Cosmic GPS brings you
the best of a time-honored tool which combines cycle analysis and a precise system of symbols.
This powerful combination can provide incredible insights into the potentials of individuals and
organizations, and it can offer you an extraordinary advantage you won’t find anywhere else.
The Cosmic GPS uses real astrology that goes far beyond what you’ll read in the news-
paper horoscope column, or in the Sun-Sign forecast of a pop astrology web site. Because of its
symbolic basis, real astrology offers unique benefits in understanding psychological processes,
emotional dynamics, and the spiritual foundations of human behavior. With its foundation in the
study of cyclic repetitions, the real astrology used in the Cosmic GPS also provides a basis for
forecasting trends and tendencies for yourself and for your business enterprise.
This kind of real astrology should be never be considered fortune telling, no more than TV
weather forecasts should be considered fortune telling. After careful observation and systematic
analysis, a competent astrologer may discuss probable future trends revealed through horoscopes,
and when real astrology is used as a part of the Cosmic GPS approach, you can expect concrete
guidance that will give you valuable directions for your life and work.
If you aren’t getting the full benefit of the Cosmic GPS, you may be dealing with a well-
intentioned astrologer, but you may also be getting directions that can potentially lead you astray.
If you are an astrological client, be cautious if your astrologer starts to make “doom and gloom”
statements. Ethical western astrology is not fatalistic. All individuals have free will, and your
“fortune” is determined by your attitudes and by the choices you make and the actions you take
in responding to long-range cycles and to the trends of the times.
That’s why the best way to avoid wrong turns is by using the Cosmic GPS!
Tim Bost Answers Frequent Questions
about Cosmic GPS Consultations
Tim’s Background
Q: What are your qualifications as an astrologer?
A: I began astrological studies in 1968. Since then I’ve gained a working knowledge and ex-
perience in virtually all the major modern and historical astrological methods used in Europe
and America. My research has been enhanced by special studies of financial astrology with the
world’s leading experts and of classical horary astrology with the late Olivia Barclay of Kent,
England. More importantly, I’ve worked personally with hundreds of clients around the world,
providing them with insights and guidance and at the same time expanding my real-world experi-
ence in applying the tools of traditional astrology and the Cosmic GPS to life-changing circum-
stances and opportunities.
I hold the highest levels of professional certification from the National Council for Geo-
cosmic Research, the American Federation of Astrologers, and the International Society for As-
trological Research.
My educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree from Lenoir-Rhyne University
and studies at Union Theological Seminary, the Energetic Life Balancing Institute, and the Lib-
eral Catholic Institute of Studies. I’ve had considerable experience as a consultant to businesses,
non-profit groups, educational institutions, and professional practices. I have been active in the
Theosophical Society in America and the International Meditation Society, and am an ordained
clergyman in the Liberal Catholic Church.
I maintain active professional membership in all of the major professional organizations
for astrologers. My astrological writings have been published in a variety of magazines and pro-
fessional journals and I’m the author of numerous books and e-books as well. Since 1988 I’ve
been the editor and publisher of Financial Cycles Weekly newsletter, a publication which tracks
stock market performance with astrology.
Second Opinions
Q: Another astrologer has already done my chart. Is it okay for me to consult with you, too?
A: Of course. You are free to work with as many astrologers as you like, although it is a matter of
courtesy to let each of them know that you are consulting another professional in the field. Since
each astrologer interprets a horoscope a little bit differently, I encourage my clients to consult oth-
ers for a “second opinion” if they wish. However, I ask all my new clients to go through a basic
natal horoscope session with me, even if other astrologers have already done their natal charts.
That way I’m sure that you and I are dealing with accurate information and have established a
comfortable working relationship as we begin to discuss the more advanced dimensions of your
horoscope and explore the potential that the Cosmic GPS reveals for you.
A complete analysis of your natal horoscope involves the coordination, synthesis and inter-
pretation of dozens of different factors. Sun Signs are included, but they are just one piece of the
puzzle. That’s why your personal astrological consultation gives you a much more comprehen-
sive, in-depth look at the dynamic cosmic patterns making you a unique individual.
A: People come to see me as an astrologer for two basic reasons: they either want help in solving
problems or they want to explore ways of expanding their potential. In both cases, the application
of astrology with the Cosmic GPS can be a powerful aid.
As your astrologer and trusted advisor, I’ll help you take a fresh look at yourself and at the
situation you’re confronting. You’ll get valuable insights into who you are and what your strengths
and weaknesses may be. You’ll learn about your personality traits, your talents, and your ability
to relate to others. And you’ll come away with specific strategies you can put to work.
Although you will get a great deal of information during the time we spend together, I try
to make my sessions with clients more than just “readings” of astrological charts. I welcome your
questions, comments, and ideas at any time during our sessions. You will get the most benefit
from your astrological consultations if you approach them as opportunities for dialogue.
When we talk I’ll discuss alternatives and offer advice as we examine your horoscope
together. Ultimately, however, your horoscope is like a mirror – it reveals your challenges and
potentials, but it leaves the responsibility for attitudes and actions up to you. The power to change
your life always rests with you, and not in the planets or in their symbolic representation in your
horoscope. In our work together, we’ll help you connect with that power and use it wisely.
Q: When I become your client for personal or business astrological concerns, what will my first
consultation be like?
A: Your first session as my astrological client will have a broad scope, but it will be exclusively
about you. During this initial session, I will examine your natal horoscope – a chart which pro-
vides a symbolic representation of the planetary positions at the exact time and place of your
birth. During an extended private interview I will personally explain your natal chart to you, giv-
ing you an overview of what it reveals about your potential as a human being and about how you
can fulfill that potential.
Since our sessions together are entirely for your personal benefit, I encourage you to take
notes; you may also want to make a tape recording of our session. Plan for a two-way conversa-
tion – I’ll do plenty of talking, but I invite you to ask specific questions.
Our first Cosmic GPS session will be about 90 minutes long. This is a rich and rewarding
experience, well worth the time and money you invest in getting this unique guidance. There is no
obligation to continue our working relationship after your initial session, but you and I will have
an opportunity to discuss your personal goals and the possible areas we can cover in additional
Privacy Issues
Q: Will our consultations be kept confidential?
A: Absolutely. The information you share with me as your trusted advisor is privileged com-
munication, just like your conversations with your doctor, clergyman, or attorney. Because of my
professional and ethical commitment to you as a client, I will not reveal to others anything we
have discussed in our private sessions unless I have your specific permission to do so. However,
I do reserve the right to use material from our sessions in my professional presentations and pub-
lications – while carefully preserving your anonymity.
You, of course, are free to share what you have learned from our sessions with anyone you
like. Our sessions together are designed to provide the greatest possible benefit for you, and I
encourage you to use the results of our time together in creative and productive ways.
A: My clients consistently tell me that the money they invest in astrological services is a very
small amount when it is compared to the actual value of the information and insights they receive
during our sessions together. After all, making wrong turns can be very costly!
If it’s time for you to take a step forward with your life and to break out of old patterns, I
am completely confident that a Cosmic GPS consultation will give you much more value than
you may have imagined possible.
But in order to make Cosmic GPS consultations more workable for restricted budgets, I
do have an interest-free payment plan available—instead of paying the $1,497 fee for your initial
session in one lump sum, you can make three monthly payments of $499 each if you wish.
Beginning the Consultation Process
Q: How can I get started as your astrological client for the Cosmic GPS?
A: I meet with astrological clients by appointment only. We can begin working together as soon
as you contact me, either online, by mail, by phone, via e-mail, or in person. In each case I will
need to know the date, location, and exact time of day of your birth, as recorded on a birth certifi-
cate or other official document. I will also need your name, address, e-mail address, and day and
evening phone numbers, along with your Skype name if you live outside the U.S.
As soon as I have your birth data in hand, we will schedule your appointment. Most per-
sonal appointments are in my office in Sarasota, Florida, but I occasionally travel to a variety of
locations throughout the U.S. and overseas, so some out-of-town appointments are also possible.
If you have an urgent need or are unable to come to my office for a face-to-face session, we can
also do our consultation by telephone or via Skype.
To get started with your consultation process now, please visit and
click on the “Consultations” tab.