Review On Behavior of Foot Over Bridge
Review On Behavior of Foot Over Bridge
Review On Behavior of Foot Over Bridge
A. General
The bridge is a structure that provides passage over obstacles such as valleys, rough terrain by crossing those obstacles
with artificial materials. They first began being used in ancient times when first modern civilizations started rising in Mesopotamia.
From that point on, knowledge, engineering, and manufacture of new bridge-building materials spread beyond their borders,
enabling slow but steady adoption of bridges all across the world.
A foot over bridge is a bridge designed for the pedestrian. The bridge is a structure that links “two distinct areas at a
height above the earth”. The easy type of bridge is steppingstones, so this may have been one of the premature types of a
footbridge. Foot overbridges are used to change platform at a railway station, skywalk in metro cities. Different types of design
foot over bridges include timber foot over bridges, steel foot over bridges, and concrete foot over bridges. The steel truss is
generally used for the construction of foot over bridges of different sizes. It is a useful material that provides provable solutions.
Steel has long been recognized as the economic option for a range of foot over bridges. Steel foot overbridges are used because
easy to assemble, less cost, low maintenance, flexibility in design.
Foot overbridges have different designs, here are some of them:
1. Simple suspension Bridge:
A “simple suspension bridge” is supported by anchors at ends. Its cables are free-hanging while holding deck they follow a
hyperbolic curve. This type of design is considered in developing countries.
2. Clapper Bridge:
“Clapper Bridge” was built across the rivers. This type of bridge consists of flat slab schist and it’s supported on stone piers.
Clapper bridge name comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ’cleaca’.The meaning of ‘cleaca’ is “bridging the stepping stones”
V. Chandrikka et al. (2019) have investigated the performance of the Analysis and design of cold-formed steel foot over bridge
at kondalampaaty bye-pass, salem. The main purpose of this paper is to design a harmless, economical and simple to assemble
foot over bridges for walkers. In this paper analysis of cold-formed steel box section using STAAD Pro. Software. The thickness
of the steel sheet is 2 to 3 mm and yield strength of the steel sheet is 280 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 . The cold-formed steel box section of the
foot over bridge is constructed because of bending operation simple and low cost. Design of cold-formed steel box-section
columns and beams are used EUROCODES EN 1993 and done manually. The authors conclude that the cold-formed box section
will reduce the dead weight of the structure and provides high strength and durability.
M. Limje et al. (2019) examined the detailed Appraisal and Design of Foot over Bridge. The main purpose of this paper is to
analysis and design of foot over the bridge between the stretch surat railway station and surat bus station with high hourly volume
traffic. In this paper analysis of foot over bridge using STAAD Pro. In this paper Foot over bridges specially design for
pedestrians and cyclists. The total length of the foot over bridge is 171m and the height of the foot over bridge is 12m and the
width of the foot over bridge is 4m. The design of foot over the bridge has done by using IS 800:2007. The main purpose of this
paper is to design economical and provided economical sections. The foot over bridges design considering future changes and
R. Wakte et al. (2019) have worked on Comparative Seismic Analysis of Steel Foot Bridge for Human Resource Safety. Steel
is generally used materials for footbridges construction in the world. The strength, durability and high ductility of steel are
appearances that are perfect for seismic design. In this paper analysis for various load cases that are for load case-I, II, III,
considering Dead Load, Live Load & Earthquake Load whereas in load case-I the footbridge is analyzed for Dead Load and
Live Load only, while other remaining load cases are analyzed including Earthquake Load also. In this paper bridge is located
in the zone- IV and used IS 1893-2002 and IS 800-2007. In this paper, the seismic coefficient method and response spectrum
method are used. The aim of this paper is to compare the results of static and dynamic analysis thoroughly. This paper concluded
that positive results of static analysis are high as compared to dynamic analysis. This paper indicates that the static method is
safe but the uneconomical and dynamic method will be stable as well as economical.
B. Herbudiman (March 2017) has carried out their research work on the Design of pedestrian truss bridge with Sengon-Rubber
laminated veneer lumber. The wood material is used to make light vehicles or foot over bridges. Timber type bridges design for
a medium span of the bridge. The applications of this type of bridge are low cost, lightweight and have aesthetic value. Timber
supply decreases so its alternative laminated veneer lumber consists of thin layers that glued together with sengon wood (density
of 0.35 kg/m3) and rubberwood (density of 0.61 kg/m3) as base materials. The design of timber foot over bridge consists of
pedestrian and light vehicle. Structural analysis using SAP2000. In this paper, the Response spectrum method is used. The main
benefit of this research is to make laminated veneer lumber as an alternative material for foot over bridge.
D. Bacinsksa et al. (2017) have worked on the Structural analysis of the GRFP truss bridge model. An experimental study of
the structural behavior of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) foot over the truss bridge model using static loading is discussed
in this paper. The bridge was assembled using steel bolts, brackets, glass fiber reinforced polymer. The length of the structure is
6m, width 0.75m, height 0.53m. The bridge was constructed in a research laboratory at Vilnius Gediminas technical university.
The bottom chord of the bridge with four bearing measure the deflection of the bottom chord of the structure used by
linear variable displacement transducers. The uniformly distributed load applied using steel bricks 20-30 kg on wooden deck
panel. The behavior Numerical model of the foot over bridge using Solid works software. The obtained results show that tested
and designed glass fiber reinforced polymer foot over the truss bridge model has a structural rigidity. The authors concluded that
Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer is suitable for foot over bridge Structures.
S. Rajesh (2017) has carried out research work on the Design of steel foot over bridge at the railway station. The site was
chosen for foot over bridge at the Chennai railway station. The total length of the foot over the bridge span is 28m over 3 track.
As per the Indian railway code width of the gangway taken 3m. The foot over bridge various components like the main truss,
column, footings analyzed by STAAD Pro. Structural software. The use of steel material is compared to a reinforced concrete
structure in the overall economy. The design of the column, bracing, top cord, bottom cord members according to IS 800:2007.
The design of footing according to IS 456:2000. The main purpose to design lightweight foot over bridge with safe and
economical, maximum strength. The authors concluded that the foot over bridge components are design for maximum safety
and adopted economical sections.
S. Gupta et al. (2017) have worked on Comparative analysis of different truss type railway steel bridges considering railway
loadings. In this paper study analysis and design of steel truss railway foot over bridge of span 50m. In this paper railway bridge
50m with railway loading, 32.5 tons has assigned in different types of truss-like Pratt truss, Howe type truss, warren type truss,
and k-type truss Sections and find out stable and optimized sections. The design and analysis using STAAD Pro. The design of
structural all members of steel truss railway foot over bridge is done in accordance with Indian railway standard and Indian road
congress code. In this paper results of shear force for warren type truss is more as compare to Pratt, Howe, and k-type truss but
axial force results of Pratt truss are more as compare to others. The results of deflection are maximum in Howe truss bridge
whereas minimum in warren steel truss bridge which indicates Howe truss bridge requires more supports as compare Pratt,
warren and k-type truss bridge. The result of steel structure weight for warren type truss steel structure is more costly than others
whereas the Howe truss structure is more economical than others. The authors concluded that Howe type truss bridge shows
minimum values, Howe truss bridge takes less weight of construction material which makes it more economical than others.
V. A. Saluja et al. (2016) have carried out research work on the Seismic Analysis of Foot over Bridge for Different Soil
Conditions. Modeling and seismic analysis of foot over the bridge for a different span of FOB. The analysis and design of foot
over the bridge by using STAAD Pro. Structural software. The effective span of the foot over bridge is taken 20m and 30m span.
The structural analysis is to determine stress, deformations, and forces of different load effects. The main purpose of this paper
is to check the seismic effects of the foot over bridge of different soil conditions in a different earthquake zone. In this paper
seismic analysis of foot over the bridge by using the response spectrum method for different soil conditions in different
earthquake zones. The authors concluded that the moment and reactions increasing at nodes with different soil conditions with
different earthquake zones.
A. Kulkarni et al. (2015) has a study on material properties for the foot over bridges to improve the durability and strength. Last
three decades various types of good quality materials are introduces in the market. It is proven that good quality material increases
the strength of the bridge. For this article prime focus is to provide good quality of material and cost-efficient bridge structure
with no compromise with main structural properties. The author considers two types of bridges such as steel foot over and cable
foot over for the case study. For the analysis of these two bridges, STADD pro software is used. The design loads are taken as per
IS 800:2007 code and all loads conditions are safely carried by the bridges but by comparison of the design and drawing it is
concluded that the cable foot over bridge is more durable and economical as compare to steel foot over bridge.
R. and Kaushik Kumar et al. (2014) has a study of the design and optimization of a portable footbridge. The portable footbridge
is most convenient to install and dismantle as compare to another conventional type of bridge. The prime focus of this paper is to
minimize the total deformation of the structural member by improving the cross-section, material properties and structural weight.
The author considers the six different shapes such as circular, rectangular and square with a solid and hollow section of the beam
and three different materials namely structural steel, titanium alloy and aluminum alloy for the experiment. The whole modeling
is done by using SolidWorks. For the analysis, finite elements software ANSYS is used with loading and support conditions are
the same for all models. The analysis is done in three phases namely pre-processing, solution and post-processing by using FEA
software ANSYS. It concludes that by analysis and comparison of six different shapes and three different materials in ANSYS
software. The rectangular hollow aluminum alloy section is considered for the portable footbridge. Because the aluminum alloy
is much lighter and cheaper than other materials.
1. The researchers concluded that cold-formed box sections will reduce the dead weight of the structure and provides
high strength and durability.
2. The researchers concluded that the analysis of foot over bridge using railway loading for Howe truss bridge is more
economical than k-type truss, Pratt type truss, and warren truss.
3. The analysis and design of foot over the bridge by using STAAD Pro. Software and adopted economical sections.
4. The researchers concluded that the glass fiber reinforced polymer is suitable for foot over bridge structure.
Based on the literature review investigated with reference to the behavior of foot over bridge, there is a certain absence of
research work which is not studied earlier, as mentioned below:
1. Comparative study of seismic analysis of different types of foot over the bridge for different span in different earthquake
2. Analysis and design of foot over the bridge by using ETABS software.
3. Analysis and design of foot over the bridge by changing bay spacing by different span with channel sections using by
STAAD Pro. Software.
[1] V. Chandrikka, B. S. Lakshmi et al., “Analysis and design of cold-formed steel foot over bridge,” IRJET, vol. 06, Issue
03, March 2019.
[2] M. Limje, D. Solanki et al., “Appraisal and Design of Foot over Bridge,” IRJET, Vol. 06, Issue. 4, Apr 2019.
[3] R. Wakte, V. Jeughale et al., “Comparative Seismic Analysis of Steel Foot Bridge for Human Resource Safety,”
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[4] B Herbudiman1, Y A. Pranata et al., “Design of pedestrian truss bridge with Sengon-Rubber laminated veneer lumber,”
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[5] D. Bacinsksa et al., “Structural analysis of GRFP truss bridge model,” Elsevier, June 2017.
[6] S. Rajesh, “Design of steel foot over bridge at the railway station,” IJCIET, Vol. 08, Issue.8, August 2017.
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[8] V. A. Saluja S.R. Satone et at., “Seismic Analysis of Foot Over Bridge for Different Soil Conditions,” IJEDR, Vol.04,
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[9] A. Kulkarni et al., “material properties for the foot over bridges,” IRJET, Vol. 3, Issue. 04, April 2015.
[10] Rahul and K. Kumar, “Design and optimization of the portable foot over bridge,” Elsevier, 2014.