Tugas Akuntansi Keuangan II E10.1, E 10.25
Tugas Akuntansi Keuangan II E10.1, E 10.25
Tugas Akuntansi Keuangan II E10.1, E 10.25
Identify each item by letter and list the items in columnar form, using the headings shown below. All
receipt amounts should be reported in parentheses. For any amounts entered in the Other Accounts
column, also indicate the account title.
a) Capitalised Improvement
b) Expenses Replacement of a minor broken part on a machine
c) Capitalised Expenditure that increases the useful life of an existing asset
d) Capitalised Expenditure that increases the efficiency and effectiveness of a productive asset but
does not increase its salvage value
e) Capitalised Expenditure that increases the efficiency and effectiveness of a prodictive asset and
increases the asset’s salvage value
f) Capitalised Expenditure that increases the quality of the output of the productive asset
g) Capitalised Improvement to a machine that increased its fair market value and its production
capacity by 30% without extending the machine’s useful life
h) Expenses Ordinary repairs