Tugas Pertemuan 4

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Tugas Akuntansi Keuangan Menengah 1

Nisrina Chairunnisa

Soal 1

Income Statement
Ended June 30, 2015

Sales revenue $1,578,500
Less: Sales discounts $31,150
Sales returns and allowances 62,300 93,450
Net sales 1,485,050
Cost of goods sold 896,770
Gross profit 588,280

Operating Expenses
Selling expenses
Sales commissions\ 97,600
Salaries and wages expense 56,260
Travel expense 28,930
Delivery expense 21,400
Entertainment expense 14,820
Telephone and Internet expense 9,030
Maintenance and repairs expense 6,200
Depreciation expense 4,980
Bad debt expense 4,850
Miscellaneous selling expenses 4,715 248,785

Administrative Expenses
Maintenance and repairs expense 9,130
Property tax expense 7,320
Depreciation expense 7,250
Supplies expense 3,450
Telephone and Internet expense 2,820
Office expenses 6,000 35,970
Income from operations 303,525

Other Revenues and Gains

Dividend revenue 38,000

Other Expenses and Losses

Interest expense 18,000

Income before income tax 323,525

Income tax 102,000
Net income $221,525
Earnings per common share ($221,525 – $9,000) ÷ 80,000] $2.66*

Retained Earnings Statement
Ended June 30, 2014

Retained earnings, July 1, 2013, as reported $337,000

Correction of depreciation understatement, net of tax
Retained earnings, July 1, 2013, as adjusted 319,300
Add: Net income 221,525
Dividends declared on preferred stock $ 9,000
Dividends declared on common stock 37,000 46,000
Retained earnings, June 30, 2014 $494,825

Soal 2

Tidak Diungkapkan adalah kesalahan yang telah hilang berupa laporan laba rugi. Untuk

menyelesaikan kesalahan ini maka bisa dengan melampirkan laporan laba rugi.

Soal 3



Laporan Laba Rugi
Untuk Periode berakhir 31 Des
(SAK ETAP tanpa operasi dihentikan)

Penjualan 65.000.000
Potongan penjualan (1.200.000)
Retur penjualan (980.000)
Penjualan bersih 62.820.000
Beban pokok penjualan (49.000.000)
Laba Kotor 13.820.000

Beban / Pendapatan Operasi

Beban Penjualan
Beban gaji bagian penjualan 4.500.000
Beban depresiasi kendaraan (truk) 876.000
Beban penjualan lainnya 2.340.000
Beban perlengkapan toko 800.000
Total Beban Penjualan - 8.516.000

Beban Umum dan Administrasi

Beban depresiasi bangunan kantor 450.000
Beban gaji karyawan kantor 6.000.000
Beban umum dan administrasi lainnya 630.000
Total Beban Umum dan Administrasi - 7.080.000

Pendapatan Operasi Lainnya

Pendapatan sewa 800.000
Pendapatan deviden 5.000.000
Keuntungan penjualan kendaraan 3.000.000
Kerugian penjualan tanah (40.000)
Laba Operasi 6.984.000

Pendapatan / Beban Keuangan

Pendapatan keuangan 300.000
Beban Keuangan (678.000)
Laba sebelum pajak penghasilan 6.606.000
Beban PPH (25%) (1.651.500)

Laba Tahun Berjalan 4.954.500

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