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J. L. Williams
New British Union
Manifesto MMXVIII J. L. Williams

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New British Union
Manifesto MMXVIII J. L. Williams

1. What is Fascism?
2. What are our aims?
3. What distinguishes Fascism from other political ideologies?
4. What is the duty of the Government according to Fascism?
5. What do we identify as being the needs of the British people?
6. How do the New British Union aim to facilitate the fulfilment of the deficiency needs
of the British people?
7. How do the New British Union aim to facilitate the fulfilment of the growth needs of
the British people?
8. How do the New British Union intend to ensure that workers will have some avenue
through which their ideas may form part of Governmental policy?
9. Is the sole function of the national syndicate to elevate the workers’ good ideas into
positions of influence?
10. What is the Fascist opinion of the Crown?
11. What is the Fascist opinion of the British Democracy?
12. How do the New British Union intend to amend the flaws with the current
democratic system in Britain?
13. What is the Fascist opinion of the banks?
14. How do the New British Union intend to amend the flaws in the banking system?
15. What is to be the penalty for small- and medium-sized businesses who default on
their repayments to the Bank of England?
16. What do the New British Union identify as being the primary failings of the justice
system in Britain?
17. How do the New British Union aim to rectify the failings of the justice system in
18. What is the Fascist approach to foreign policy?
19. What is the Fascist opinion of the European Union?
20. What is the Fascist immigration policy?
21. What are the core values of Fascism?
22. Where do the Fascists place themselves on the political left-right axis?
23. What vision do the Fascists have for Britain?
24. What is Fascist opinion regarding marijuana?
25. What is the meaning behind the Fascist symbol?

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Manifesto MMXVIII J. L. Williams

1. What is Fascism?

Fascism is our proposed political system. As Fascists, we believe

that political power should belong in the hands of those with
outstanding ability and talent, and should be used exclusively for
the benefit of the British people. We have thus created the
framework for a great political machine that will achieve this

2. What are our aims?

We have many political aims. Our primary ambition is to rekindle

the non-materialistic spirit within Britain, which has animated the
British people for the overwhelming majority of their history.
Domestically: we seek to rejuvenate the failing public services in
Britain, including the National Health Service, via the introduction
of a new, efficient model, and reform our justice system to reflect
morals more in line with public opinion. We furthermore seek to
ensure that men and women of great ability have a chance to
influence governmental policy with their ideas, regardless of their
wealth or influence. Internationally: we aim to restore relations
with many leaderships that are receiving our Government’s
hostility unjustly, pledge to cease acting as the antagonist in global
conflict, and substantially reduce immigration into Britain.

3. What distinguishes Fascism from other political


The most significant difference between the Fascist ideology and

the failed ideologies of today’s Western political spectrum is our
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Manifesto MMXVIII J. L. Williams

un-waning desire to address issues beyond the scope of materialist

doctrine. Capitalism and socialism, in the modern world, have
their success evaluated by analysis of economic figures. Whilst we
recognise the necessity of a prosperous economy, Fascists are the
only political ideologues whose criteria for a successful political
ideology include the happiness and spiritual health of the nation’s
people. Our unique diagnosis of the failures within British politics
is a direct consequence of our dedication to understanding, truly,
what the needs of the British people are.

Another fundamental difference between our political model and

the current ones offered to the British people is our dedication to
ensuring that people with worthwhile ideas shall have a platform
on which to present them, where they may then be scrutinized and
thereafter potentially form part of Governmental policy. Any
Government that wishes to implement only the most supreme
ideas – and a Government certainly should, if it wishes to perform
at supreme efficiency – should acknowledge the fact that a greater
abundance of good policy proposals, relative to some field, come
from outstanding and experienced workers within that field, rather
than from the politicians, whose only noteworthy talent is selling
falsehoods to the masses.

4. What is the duty of the Government according to


We believe that the measure of a nation’s excellence is determined

by three factors: primarily, the extent to which it fulfils the needs
of its people and shields them from hardship. Beyond this, our
criteria are: the rate at which scientific and technological
advancements are made; and how successfully the nation
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Manifesto MMXVIII J. L. Williams

preserves its own traditions and culture. Thus, we believe the duty
of the Government is to excel in these three areas.

5. What do we identify as being the needs of the British


We feel that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs accurately reflects the

needs of individuals, and thus the needs of the British people.
These 8 categories of needs are further divided into two
subcategories: deficiency needs and growth needs. The deficiency
needs are, in order of importance: physiological; safety; love;
esteem. If an individual does not have any one these needs met,
they will endure some hardship. For example, a person who has
low self-worth will suffer mentally, as will someone who feels
unloved. A person without shelter and physical security will
endure a great magnitude of both physical and mental turmoil, and
those who have their basic physiological needs unmet – left unfed,
without clean water – will perish after a short time.
Growth needs, likewise in order of importance, are: cognitive;
aesthetic; self-actualisation; transcendence. For an individual to
flourish in life, they must first be educated and self-aware,
conscious of their manners and how they present to others. Then
their aesthetic needs must be met: they must feel pleased with how
they look, and be able to recognise beauty. Self-actualisation
involves the remainder of the person’s unique goals and
aspirations, and after the achievement of these, they feel wholly
fulfilled. Finally, a transcended person is someone who seeks to
help others attain self-actualisation.

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6. How do the New British Union aim to facilitate the

fulfilment of the deficiency needs of the British people?

Addressing the deficiency needs, we first consider the most

fundamental of the set – physiological needs. The group in Britain
that are most consistently having these needs unmet are the
homeless people of the nation – including those living in hostels
and temporary accommodation – and number in excess of 250,000
according to the charity Shelter. Such is the extent of the
homelessness crisis that in London, 1 in 50 people are homeless;
in Luton, the ratio is 1 in 60 people; in Brighton, it is 1 in every
70. Any Government that does not absolutely prioritise working to
correct this fundamental inadequacy with the British political
system cannot call themselves morally righteous. The solution to
the homeless problem is multi-faceted, and the argument for its
supreme effectiveness will become more thoroughly justified upon
reading the other economic mechanisms described later in this
text, pertaining namely to production, foreign markets, and the
Bank of England.

We must begin by acknowledging that the best path to

physiological fulfilment is employment, which will provide a
regular source of income. Thus, our aim is to identify and remove
any obstacles that stand between the homeless and employment.
Immediately, the issue of unemployment arises. If 4.6% of the
workforce are already without labour, where will the jobs come
from to employ an additional 250,000 people? The answer to the
problem requires several actions: firstly, the national retirement
age must be lowered to 63. This will immediately vacate 400,000
elderly workers from the labour market to a well-deserved
retirement, where their marginal propensity to consume will
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increase and thus the velocity of money in the economy will

hasten. Many of these jobs, however, will be consumed by the
1,530,000 people currently unemployed. The remaining
unemployed will find work with the many new local- and
medium-sized businesses that shall arise through incentives
offered by the Bank of England (described subsequently); many,
too, will find employment with enlarged British production and its
producers, which shall arise through new approaches to
economics, foreign aid and diplomacy (again, described

In order to motivate employers to give work to the homeless, who

are naturally disadvantaged because of their practical situation, a
‘bridging period’ wage must be introduced, whereby employers
hiring the currently-homeless may sign 6-month work contracts at
a wage rate of £5.50, thereafter being required to pay at least the
national minimum wage. Such a mechanism will allow homeless
people the opportunity to gain guaranteed 6-month employment,
experience and a wage – which will aid in the fulfilment of their
physiological needs. For the employer, this mechanism represents
a reduction in cost of production/service, and thus considered over
the nation, will represent a reduction in the inflation rate (“cost-
push”) whilst homelessness decreases.

Upon reading our economic model subsequently, it will become

clear that such an idea as the production of Britain equalling the
consumption of Britain, and simultaneously providing the nation
with full employment, is not mere fantasy but in fact an achievable
reality. The Fascist model guarantees a high purchasing power for
the British people, a purchasing power which will allow the

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physiological and safety needs of the greatest possible majority to

be met.

In order to meet the individual’s needs of love and self-worth, the

Government must ensure that the people are treated with the
consideration that they are each a fundamental component of the
greatness of Britain, and that their needs are truly considered. To
this end, members of the executive must leave the confines of
Whitehall frequently, traversing the nation and listening to the
people’s opinions; they must also propagate the absolute truth that
the strength of the nation, and the power behind all its
advancements and glories, is the people. They must be unashamed
in spreading this truth, that the unwavering efforts of each
individual in the nation are the sole contributor to the national
effort as a whole; Britain is its people, and its people are Britain.

7. How do the New British Union aim to facilitate the

fulfilment of the growth needs of the British people?

Let us now consider the growth needs: cognitive; aesthetic; self-

actualisation; transcendence. Considering the cognitive needs of
the nation: we must ensure that all children receive optimum
education, and the Fascists will actualise this through the creation
of the Educators’ Syndicate (whose mechanism is described in the
answer to question eight).

The aesthetic and cognitive needs of adults may be given the

greatest opportunity of fulfilment by a new moral approach to
entertainment and the media. Music, television and film are all
rapidly losing their quality in the modern world; content once
imbued with noble values and talent now replaced by mass-
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produced cliché, propagated through perverse and immoral

imagery, pumped as aggressive stimuli into the masses –
including, increasingly, the nation’s children. The same hand –
controlling all these three industries – has seen it fit to poison the
waters from which the masses have ever-imbibed their relief from
life (entertainment) for the dual intention of both poisoning the
drinker and making the most profit in charging for the drink. The
Fascists pledge to clear the pollution from these waters.

Our aims are myriad: to reduce, as much as is possible, the

objectification and sexualisation of women through television,
film and music; end the promotion of violence on such a wide
scale to younger audiences; cease the media promotion of
subcultures that inherently contradict the national interest, such as
gangster culture; to promote the nuclear family model, and clarify
the utmost importance of those who choose to raise a family; to
provide the masses a source from which they may obtain unbiased
fact, from which they may then form their opinions and world-
views; to halt the spread and encouragement of vanity by special
business interests; and to more vigilantly shield children from
inappropriate material.

This will be achieved by creating stricter guidelines for the content

of material conveyed through television, film and music. The
regulations would not censor these mediums on grounds of, for
example, violence or sexual content directly, but rather on context
– the message being conveyed to the masses. Violence and sexual
content shall, however, be banned from public broadcasting that
may be seen or heard by children, including daytime radio and
television. The British Broadcasting Corporation shall, at last, put
the taxpayers’ money to good use, creating entertainment that
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empowers fundamental roles in society – mothers, families,

workers, and so on. Furthermore, as explained in the answer to
question twelve, the people of the nation will regulate media
companies through the national syndicates, and thus the nation
(not the Government) will remove media bias in any way it sees

8. How do the New British Union intend to ensure that

workers will have some avenue through which their ideas
may form part of Governmental policy?

We shall seek to replace trade unions with national syndicates.

Currently, if some worker feels their own opinions and the
opinions of their employer are discrepant, trade unions will seize
the opportunity to exacerbate tension between the employer and
the worker, promoting behaviours (such as strikes) that are
unconducive to the national interest, and seldom resolve the initial
differences in opinion. To contrast the form of these trade unions,
national syndicates comprise of both worker and employer, who
are given equal magnitude of voting power on any issue passed
through the syndicate. These syndicates will be specific to certain
fields, occupations and roles – for example, a syndicate would be
created for farmers; scientists; doctors; housewives and mothers;
teachers; and so on – with branched regional administrative teams
operating within the ceremonial counties of Britain.

Should either the worker, or the employer, create some mechanism

or policy which they feel has significant value, then a facile
system shall allow them to submit this idea for scrutiny by the
syndicate’s council via the council’s local representative. This
council must be comprised of workers within the syndicate’s field,
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who display exceptional ability, and who are democratically

elected to the council by the syndicate’s membership. Once the
idea has been approved by the council, it will then be put to a vote
by the membership of the syndicate; upon approval, and provided
it poses no conflict to the national interest, it must be introduced
into Governmental policy. This mechanism, as well as allowing
the regulation of certain fields to be determined by experienced
workers within that field, is also more in line with the true
meaning of democracy (“government by the people of the
nation”), as opposed to our current warped variant (“government
by people acting on the behalf of the people of the nation”).

National syndicates must be in public ownership to ensure that no

material factor (or any bias from private interests) affects how an
individual’s idea is considered. There shall be one syndicate per
occupational field nationally, and their creation shall herald the
end of the era of trade unions.

9. Is the sole function of the national syndicate to elevate the

workers’ good ideas into positions of influence?

No. Syndicates shall also perform the duty of the trade unions in
resolving disputes between employer and employee. The
fundamental difference between the two entities and their
mechanisms is that under syndicalism employers, whose
membership of the syndicates must be compulsory, shall no longer
face the antagonistic negotiations that occur between themselves
and the workers, which in itself fuels class tension and quells
productivity and worker motivation. Instead, the state shall
oversee the constructive negotiations between the worker and
employer, who, belonging to the same discrete entity, and with
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equal voice, will each face no greater obstacle to their wishes than
the strength of the other’s argument. The state must ultimately
decide upon an outcome if the negotiations are fruitless. This way,
absolute consideration may be given to both the national interest
and also the rights and needs of the worker.

10. What is the Fascist opinion of the Crown?

We support the existence of the monarchy, with all its modern

conventions, as both a noble moral entity and as a great symbol of
British tradition.

11. What is the Fascist opinion of British democracy?

To answer this question, we must consider democracy in terms of

its ends (what it aims to achieve) and its means (the system
through which it hopes to actualise those aims). It seems to us
perfectly clear that the aim of our democracy is to implement the
wishes of the British people into the nation’s political model. We
wholeheartedly support this desire, deeming opposition to this aim
to be an act of treason against the British people, and thus a great
deal of our efforts have been directed into defining mechanisms
that may facilitate this goal. However, the current means of our
democracy – the system through which the voice of Britain is
supposed to be heard, and thereafter acted upon – is woefully
inadequate, and fails to realise its own goals. There are two
primary reasons for this failing: firstly, the necessity of political
parties to secure a great magnitude of funding in order to finance
the propagation of their ideologies. The result of this is the
obligation of political powers to prioritise fulfilling the needs of
their financiers above fulfilling the needs of the masses who
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issued their mandate to govern. If Governmental attention is

diverted towards some such sectional interest, instead of its own
people, then this is an absolute injustice that must certainly be
rectified if true democracy is to exist.

The second significant contributive factor to the failings of our

current democratic system is the role of the press. The function of
Britain’s news companies should be, in the ideal, to provide the
masses with a source of unbiased, objective facts regarding world
affairs from which the masses may then form their world-views.
Instead, the current British press serves as nothing more than a
vehicle through which the political agendas of a small group of
multi-millionaires are propagated. Rather than enabling the British
people to forge their own opinions by presenting them with a solid
base of facts, the press in Britain today prefer to dictate to the
masses the opinions they should hold dear, and the opinions they
should abhor, often relying on a tirade of bias and falsehood to
secure their success in this pursuit. The result of this is that the
nature political discourse is determined by a small number of rich
individuals, rather than by the nation as a whole.

12. How do the New British Union intend to amend the

flaws with the current democratic system in Britain?

On the first flaw: we shall not oblige ourselves to the will of any
special interest in return for their financial support. We are only
obliged to the British people, and no financial power shall be
allowed to successfully deter our aims. Because of this, we require
the aid of the people who believe in our message in spreading it
further, so that the Fascist ideology may enter mainstream political
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On the second flaw: we would grant political parties, as well as

the Government (as a discrete entity), the same right as a citizen to
sue media companies for propagation of false libel, judged in
equal manner as a citizen’s trial would be. In addition to this, an
entity – entirely independent from the Government – would be
created comprising of a variety of ideologues (selected from the
British people, elected by the British people) who would discuss
media regulation, and implement it upon a majority vote. This
entity, wholly independent of any Governmental actors (who
would be barred from the entity’s membership), would not be
subject to any Governmental bias and would solely reflect the will
of the people in the field of media regulation.

In the more general sense, the Fascist system of syndicates is a

mechanism more akin to the real definition of democracy
(government by the people) than the representative system,
because the people that determine the course of action and policies
of some field or sector are the people who work within that field
or sector. If Britain was truly democratic, it would not be far-
fetched to imagine some scenario in which a Frenchman asked a
Briton: “which individuals comprise the executive of your
nation?” and was returned the reply: “why, the population of
Britain!” Surely such an exchange seems more fundamentally
truthful under the syndicalist system than the system of dictatorial
cronyism currently forced upon the British people?

13. What is the Fascist opinion of the banks?

(n.b. - ‘usury’ is defined here by its religious definition, adjusted

for modern economic principles, to mean “any interest rate above
the inflation rate of the nation”.)
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We identify the banking system in Britain as being fundamentally

flawed, and one of the primary contributors to the ever-decreasing
purchasing power of the British people. In the current model,
banks invest saved monies in other ventures, in order to deliver on
their promise of return-on-savings-with-interest. A failure of these
investments to produce a return results in the loss of private
individuals’ saved monies, and en masse produces banking
crashes, as the banks are unable to produce all the saved money in
their trust upon request. To combat this complete failing on the
part of the banks, the Bank of England prints more money in a
scheme of “quantitative easing”. The only lasting result of this is
the inflation of money, as each discrete amount of Sterling is
thereafter worth less than before – and thus, people can buy less
with their money. Increasing inflation (at such a rate, higher than
the increase in wage growth) also decreases the national aggregate
demand, thus shrinking British markets.

Usury rates imposed upon the people by the banks – be it in the

form of loans, credit card repayments, mortgages, and so on – are
designed so as to extract the most possible value from the peoples’
hands and place it into the hands of the bank owners, as per the
very nature of any capitalist business. The result of such steep,
immoral rates, however, is the universal reduction in quality of life
across all socio-economic classes in Britain, and ever-increasing
inflation. Such inflation has, across only three generations, taken
the British people from being a nation of home-owners outright, to
being a nation of mortgage-repayers, and now in this age to being
a nation of rent-payers. If no action is taken to halt the inflation
caused by the banks, then within only two generations all private
property ownership will be but a fantasy, and the British people

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will be eternal slaves to the banks for every product they own or

14. How do the New British Union intend to amend the

flaws in the banking system?

We would immediately terminate the independence of the Bank of

England, instead allowing the government to determine monetary
policy. Upon doing so, we would then write law giving the
Government the ability to set maximum lending rates from
commercial banks to the people. By nature of the fact that the
government would set the rates at which these commercial banks
borrowed from the Bank of England, the government could thus
control the width of the bracket for the profits of commercial
banks – which represent value being taken from the hands of all
socio-economic classes.

In addition to this, we would require commercial banks to be

capitalized to a minimum of 50% of their liabilities. Because an
immediate implementation of this law would cause chaos in the
banking system, it would be implemented over six years in
increasing increments: in the first year, banks must be capitalized
up to 25%; in the second, 30%; in the third, 35%; in the fourth,
40%; in the fifth, 45%; in the sixth, 50%. This will substantially
reduce the chances of a banking crisis occurring, and even in the
event it should, the Bank of England will have to print less money
to rectify the crisis than in the current model, resulting in less
inflationary increase, and thus reducing the purchasing power loss
experienced by the nation.

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As a result of this, the banks will inevitably have less money to

invest in the private sector within Britain. To combat this, the
Bank of England must set aside £25bn per year (from its reserves)
to offer as loans to small- and medium-sized businesses in Britain
– at such a rate as not to return a profit. That is, the rate of return
on these loans must be exactly equal to the inflation rate of the
Pound – primarily, because the Bank of England must not impose
usury on its citizens, but also because such a rate is optimal for
increasing aggregate demand, which thus creates larger British
markets. The end result of this mechanism is higher employment,
due to the creation of more businesses, and a higher purchasing
power of the average Briton, due to both higher employment and
also the enlargement of the middle-class with more small- and
medium sized business owners.

Such an increase in purchasing power amongst those who do not

have a high marginal propensity to consume income (i.e. the
working- and lower-middle classes) will in turn create larger
markets in Britain. This increase in aggregate demand creates the
need for greater supply. If managed correctly by the Government
(by use of the aforementioned mechanism and further protectionist
incentives, discussed in answers to subsequent questions), this will
expand the private sector in Britain, further increasing the
purchasing power of the average Briton – and thus the cycle
repeats: growing the markets of Britain, growing the private sector
of Britain, increasing the purchasing power of Britain, until the
real Gross Domestic Product of the nation reaches its natural
output level (as suggested by Keynesian theory) and an optimum
economic equilibrium is achieved. At this point, the Bank of
England’s spending into business would be reduced to a level such
that average spending into the private sector (i.e. the sum of state
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and private investment) would equal natural losses within the

private sector, so as to ensure that neither of the following
outcomes occur: a) Gross Domestic Product rapidly decreases (in
the case where investment < losses); b) Price levels increase
dramatically with no significant increase in Gross Domestic
Product (in the case where investment > losses).

(see graph below for justification of above assertions)

15. What is to be the penalty for small- and medium-sized

businesses who default on their repayments to the Bank of

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Incorporated businesses will face asset seizure in order to cover

the value of the loan, as any entity would currently. However,
unincorporated businesses and sole traders would not face such
consequences; instead, the debt will be reorganised into a long-
term repayment plan for the involved individual(s). Within the
banks coffers, the defaulted debt will be immediately covered
from the profits made by loans to commercial banks, which in any
realistic model will easily cover, with surplus, all defaulted loan

16. What do the New British Union identify as being the

primary failings of the justice system in Britain?

Too frequently does the justice system allow absolute injustices to

occur, and too seldom does it offer adequate consequence to those
who act against the rule of law. Again and again, and with ever-
greater frequency in recent years, we have witnessed fundamental
inadequacy on the part of the nation’s police force. Whilst child
grooming gangs operate en masse, unabated, all along the length
and breadth of Britain, and whilst drug-dealing cliques infect the
nation with addictions to chemicals, our police prioritise
persecuting those who seek to defend themselves, and those who
exercise their legal right to free speech.

It seems that in the modern era, paedophiles operating for years in

organised abuse rings have little to fear; such a fear is reserved for
those that dare to criticise Islam on social media, or object to
current immigration laws. The police have become spirited with
cowardice, such that they care more about defending their
‘politically-correct’ status than defending the law-abiding citizens
of this nation.
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The laws of the land are, too, fundamentally flawed. Imprisoning

an individual requires spending the fruits of workers’ labour
(taxation) on sheltering, feeding, and maintaining said individual.
Whilst this is the most adequate solution for some criminals, there
are hordes of individuals cluttering our prisons for who such
treatment is far too good, considering the nature of their crimes.
They are a drain on our national resources, and their quality of life
is an injustice considering the wrongs they have perpetrated –
reference is made here to murderers, paedophiles and rapists:
individuals who have permanently and irreparably damaged the
quality of life of innocents.

Furthermore, there are crimes whose heinous nature is wholly

understated in legal legislature. People who abuse animals, people
who financially take advantage of the elderly, and people who
mentally damage children are but some of the individuals who
escape true justice in this nation. We must acknowledge the
absolute fact that the worst crimes are perpetrated against sentient
life – human or otherwise – and of these, the most wicked of them
all are crimes against dependents (life that is dependent on other
independent life for its survival). Dependants include children, the
elderly, the physically and mentally handicapped, and
domesticated animals; current laws do not sufficiently protect their
rights. The Fascist stance is that these dependants are the only
ones deserving of any special privilege in society; in the current
model, they are afforded lesser consideration than all others.

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17. How do the New British Union aim to rectify the failings
of the justice system in Britain?

We believe wholeheartedly in the eternal adage: “with great power

comes great responsibility”. At present, our police force is
afforded great power to halt criminal activity in the nation, yet
they are not responsible for their actions proportional to this
power. For example, recent child-grooming scandals have
revealed that members of the police force – for example, in
relation to the Rochdale case – were fully aware of criminal
activity occurring, yet did nothing to trigger its cessation. The
Fascists would enforce legal legislature incurring equal penalties
for those police officers exercising such negligent behaviour as the
perpetrators of the crime itself. Police officers have a duty to
prevent crime – and thus, we reason, any officer with knowledge
of a crime who fails to act upon it is complicit in the facilitation of
said crime, and is thus as guilty of criminal wrongdoing as the
perpetrator(s). Such a law will substantially motivate the police
force to further act on knowledge of wrongdoing, because turning
a blind eye for the sake of ease will now incur severe penalties.

The death penalty shall be reintroduced for paedophiles, rapists

and murderers. We deem it so that any individual who perpetrates
such acts is of no value whatsoever in a civilised society, and it is
a great injustice to spend the taxpayers’ money on their shelter.
Furthermore, the threat of death will act as a deterrent to future
potential murderers, rapists and paedophiles, thus preventing
irreparable damage to innocent lives. Unlike the American system,
where convicts await death in prison cells for years on end, we
recommend that the guilty draw their final breaths within one
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week of their convictions. Finally, we recommend hanging as the

method to be employed.

We would further create tougher punishments for a variety of

crimes. People who abuse domesticated animals – be it through
violence or neglect – would incur the same punishment as those
who abuse children, given that both are equally incapable of
reason, but equally dependent on their guardians and capable of
feeling pain; those who killed domesticated animals (excluding
euthanasia by a veterinarian on grounds of compassion) could face
a maximum prison sentence of 10 years. Abattoir workers found to
be enacting excessive cruelty to the animals under their
supervision would be permanently banned from working in
slaughterhouses, and fined an amount up to £50,000.

Those individuals who financially abuse the elderly – be it

salesmen who extort unwitting pensioners, family members who
thieve money via their power of attorney, and so on – would be
responsible for compensating the victim for double the amount
taken, as well as facing a criminal charge for theft. Parents and
guardians deemed to have permanently and substantially reduced
the quality of life of their dependents would face prison sentences
between 10 years and life imprisonment – this includes being the
primary cause of mental or physical illness in a child, being
excessively neglectful, or being dishonest to social services or
some equivalent body to the extent where harm prevention was
unable to adequately occur for a child.

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18. What is the Fascist approach to foreign policy?

Fascism firmly believes co-operation between nations is in the

interest of world peace. Britain, at the time of writing, is engaged
in antagonistic action and dialogue with other nations – namely,
Iran, Syria, Russia, and North Korea. Despite the perceived
failings of any of these leaderships, the 2000s showed the world
through Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya that British/American
“interventionism” (neo-liberal imperialism) was a catastrophic
failure. Saddam crushed terrorism in his country – his elimination
directly resulted in the creation of the Islamic State, a force many
magnitudes deadlier and more destructive than Saddam’s regime.
The Taliban banned opium production in Afghanistan and the
world’s heroin supply dropped by ¾. Now the world is in the grip
of the worst opioid epidemic it has ever seen. Gaddafi turned
Libya into a wall between Europe and Africa. His death allowed
the flood of millions of third-world migrants into Europe,
destroying entire cultural centres of the West within years.

Thus, we cannot accept the consequentialist’s view, because

Britain’s future has always been predicted incorrectly – or
correctly, and still pursued by those in control, depending on one’s
outlook. Instead, we should remain neutral towards all non-
aggressor nations and seek to establish stronger diplomatic
relations in the interest of trade and world peace.

19. What is the Fascist opinion of the European Union?

The Fascist system of syndicalism, one of our core ideals, is

designed so as to afford greater power to the workers over the
policy pertaining to their occupational fields. The European
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Union’s C.J.E.U. supersedes the authority of any legal entity

within a member nation, and is thus in direct contradiction of
Fascist principles. In addition, the European Union has had a
general disregard for culture, pursuing policy largely ignorant of
the unique traditions and histories of each member nation and
further turning several European nations into world capitals of
crime, with enclaves of lawlessness scattered throughout, through
a scandalous and ill-conceived attitude towards immigration. For
this reason, we agree wholeheartedly with the European
referendum result, and would seek to entirely detach ourselves
legally from the E.U. whilst maintaining trade with European
nations themselves.

20. What is the Fascist immigration policy?

We firmly believe every ethnic group on the planet deserves a

geographical area, appropriate for their size, in which their
traditions and culture (defining criteria of each ethnicity) are
preserved. Britain is no different in this regard, and so our aim is
to prevent cultural pockets emerging in the United Kingdom that
are antithetical to the British way of life. In light of the recent
events in Europe – namely Germany, France and Sweden – we
believe it to be wholly unwise to pursue an immigration policy
with a blanket accepting of refugees. Whilst their plight is tragic,
the concerns of a British government must be the citizens of
Britain, not the citizens of the world. Instead, Fascist foreign
policy would serve as a preventative measure for future refugee
crises, which is far better than a post-crisis ‘cure’.

We must furthermore ensure that only skilled, employable and

non-criminal foreign individuals are eligible for citizenship. These
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individuals must belong to a culture compatible with the British

way of life, and their citizenship must be conditional on
geographic location as allocated by the government, in order to
prevent subcultural pockets forming in Britain.

We would furthermore deport all foreign-born individuals

convicted for terror offences in Britain, all those on the terror
watch list, and preachers of extremist ideologies such as

21. What are the core values of Fascism?

Our core values are our moral guide when forming policy. As
such, there is one core value more fundamental to Fascism than
any other: in modern-day Britain, all the needs of all the people
must be met. Other core values include honesty to the electorate –
a quality seldom observed in politicians; loyalty to the nation and
the people over any other interest; a desire to amend, with urgent
necessity, the myriad ills of British politics.

22. Where do the Fascists place themselves on the left-

right political axis?

We define the axis as a scale whose domain, going from left to

right, is the belief in absolute equality of outcome to the belief in
absolute equality of opportunity. That is, communists on the far-
left believe the same rewards must be afforded to each man and
women irrespectively of the toils they have made in life; ultra-free
market capitalists on the right believe that the state must only
provide the people the means to fulfil their needs, and that it is

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therefore not the concern of the state if peoples’ needs remain


Fascism cannot be placed on such an axis; our ideology awards all

people the opportunity the prosper, whilst catching those who
metaphorically ‘fall through the net’, and does so without
disincentivising hard work through redistribution of the products
of the toils of others. Fascism does not tend towards one ‘wing’ of
the axis more than the other, and moreover, our key policies are
not derived from any existing ideologies and thus have no fixed
position on the axis.

23. What vision do the Fascists have for Britain?

Our vision of Britain’s future is one we believe all Britons shall

cohesively and willingly work towards: a Britain in which every
individual’s needs are met, and a Britain in which every individual
possesses the power they rightfully deserve.

We have already defined the needs of the people, and expressed

with supreme clarity how we wish to facilitate the fulfilment of
these. We have explained our system of syndicalism, and how it
shall empower each individual with respect to their skill and
expertise in some field. Thus, we present a vision of the future that
can and must be achieved. This is in stark contrast to the two
parties: the Labour party present an unachievable Utopic vision
whose foundations are laid in policies repeatedly shown to fail; the
Conservative party present no vision of Britain’s future at all,
beyond empty rhetoric and uninspired cliché.

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24. What is Fascist opinion regarding marijuana?

We believe marijuana should be legalised and regulated. For

industry, marijuana produces hemp-based bioplastics – less
environmentally-harmful and less finite polymers. As most
plastics are currently derived from crude oil, developing the
efficiency of bioplastic production would both reduce our national
dependence on foreign produce – including ending a large portion
of British financial contribution to the terror-supporting Gulf oil
states – and reduce the harm we make as a nation to the
environment via landfill sites and ocean dumping. Furthermore,
cannabis contains many cannabinoids that have been scientifically
proven to effectively combat cancer cells. On a recreational level,
cannabis consumption causes less injuries per capita and kills
fewer brain cells than alcohol consumption.

25. What are the meanings behind the Fascist symbols?

The fasces (an axe, with rods bound around it) are the main
symbol associated with Fascism – indeed, they are the root of the
ideology’s name – and represent the state (the axe) bound together
with the sectional interests of the nation (the rods) to become
something greater than the sum of its parts: more sustainable;
more strong; more powerful.

The flash and circle logo represents unity (the circle around the
logo) and action (the lightning bolt symbol in the centre).

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