BNP Uk Manifesto
BNP Uk Manifesto
BNP Uk Manifesto
British National Party
General Election 2005
"Rebuilding British Democracy" is the title of our general election manifesto for a very
good reason. As British voters , we are repeatedly told that we live in an elective
democracy; whereas in truth what exists is a sham and an illusion. Genuine
democracy, where the population's will is given expression by the elected
representatives, is starkly absent from Britain.
Decisions are made by institutions over which the electorate has little or no control.
National parliaments and assemblies in Westminster, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast
are little more than rubber-stamping closed shops for rule by diktat from Brussels and
Strasbourg. In addition, decisions are rarely made by those representatives with the
interests of the majority of British voters in mind. Vociferous lobbyists and pressure
groups blackmail and cajole to get their way; the corporate industrial and commercial
giants have the money to buy and influence individual representatives and entire
political parties.
A whole raft of repressive legislation has been enacted in the past thirty years to stop
the social experiment of multi-culturalism from falling apart. Even more repressive
legislation is planned as the reality that multi-culturalism cannot work, sinks in to even
the most ideologically blinkered politician.
It is the "average" man and woman who suffers from the failings of our politicians to
grasp the issue and restore genuine democracy. It is the taxpayer who funds the vast
State instruments of repression and the wasteful paperwork that keeps unproductive
bureaucrats in their positions.
It is the pensioner who suffers by living isolated, behind bolted doors, fearful of being
a victim of crime. It is the schoolchildren who suffer from obesity and ailments
associated with a poor diet. It is the hourly paid worker who suffers when he or she is
sacked as their job is exported to a call-centre in India.
The British National Party exists to put an end to this injustice. We will return power to
the men and women of Britain, the taxpayers, pensioners, mums and dads and
workers, and remove it from the unelected commissioners in Europe. We will provide
a safe environment for all, where there is freedom from fear of crime, freedom from
repression of the State, freedom of association and freedom of speech.
The British National Party believes that security means the well being of life, limb and
property. This means safe neighbourhoods with vibrant communities, working
towards a common goal; it means security and safety while using our transport
systems. It means security of long term employment after a decent education without
the fear that factories, offices and shops will be closed and jobs exported to the third
The British National Party believes in genuine ethnic and cultural diversity and the
right of ALL peoples to self-determination and that must include the indigenous
peoples of these islands. The British peoples are embroiled in a long term cultural war
being waged by a ruling regime which has abandoned the concept of " Britain " in
pursuit of globalisation. We are determined to win that cultural war, and to that end,
we must take control of our national borders. We must also stop further attempts to
The wishes of the British electorate cannot be made manifest until we have the
powers restored to our national parliaments and assemblies and put an end to the
blackmail and underhanded tactics to buy influence. Honesty, integrity and
transparency will be restored to civic and public institutions.
This is the largest and most comprehensive election manifesto the British National
Party has compiled. It clearly illustrates that we are neither a single issue party, nor an
ephemeral protest group. The BNP is serious about winning our nation back and this
manifesto sets out our plan to achieve this goal.
The EU is spectacularly corrupt, as is only natural in an unaccountable institution.
According to Marta Adreasen, former Chief Accounting Officer of the EU, 95% of EU
funds are not properly accounted for and there has not been a proper audit in 14
years. (Source: Ashley Mote press release , 21 October 2004).
The ‘justification’ offered by Labour peers as they struggled in 2004 to persuade even
the crony-packed House of Lords to introduce all-postal voting across the whole of
the north of England was even worse: In this case it was openly admitted that the
main reason for the change was that the higher turnout would help to “stop the BNP.”
Making artificial changes to electoral boundaries or procedures carried out in order to
disadvantage one particular party is known as ‘gerrymandering’. Resentment over the
practice when carried out against the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland in the
1960s is widely regarded as having been a key factor fuelling the growth of the IRA
and thirty years of terrorism there.
It is utterly unacceptable that law-abiding majority communities on the mainland are
now being subjected to the same denial of their democratic rights. And while the
British National Party has no intention of being provoked or driven into any kind of
illegality, the fact remains that by showing such contempt for democracy in England –
while simultaneously giving way at every turn to terrorists in Ulster - New Labour are
inviting angry young men in multi-cultural cities to conclude that violence pays.
The role of a House of Lords stripped of its Blair cronies as a revising chamber is still
in need of assessment. At this stage, however, we can state that we see an
opportunity to bring in not a simple elected duplicate of the Lower House, but a body
which gives more weight to experience in certain fields, involvement in charities and
community groups and such like. This offers the opportunity to bring to bear on
government the objectivity of non-party political experts and individuals chosen on the
grounds of talent and service. Clearly further work is needed on this concept in order
to make the most of this opportunity for better government at the expense of the
present bastard offspring of ancient and modern patronage and cronyism.
There would be a permanent standing invitation for Eire to join the pan-British
parliament as an equal partner. It would be a matter for the citizens of each of the
British nations to decide for themselves if they wished for the reigning head of the
House of Windsor to be their Head of State, but he or she would not be head of the
pan-British parliament, thereby making it realistic to hope that the Irish would find it
possible to rejoin the British Family of Nations, taking their rightful place side-by-side
with the representatives of England, Scotland, Wales and Ulster, and ending for ever
the Brothers’ War which has been our Achilles Heel, tragedy and shame since our
Masters set us at each others’ throats generations ago.
repression that past dictatorships could not even have managed, it is more important
than ever that the citizens of a modern Britain have at their disposal the means, in
extremis, to resist any totalitarian government that has managed to get control of
those powers.
This would be all the more necessary once we have re-established the once taken-
for-granted fact of significant government direction (albeit through a non-party political
Ministry of Finance) of the commanding heights and overall direction of the economy.
Such an increase in the power of the State is clearly necessary if we are to compete
against Far Eastern economies whose use of similar organisational techniques gives
them a long-term edge over old-fashioned Western capitalism. But if we are not to
drift towards an over-mighty State which could all too easily lose sight of its own
limitations and role as facilitator rather than master, then such an increase must be
balanced by a corresponding decrease in the authority of the State elsewhere.
It is primarily for this reason – although defence against violent criminals and some at
present unforeseen potential foreign aggression are also important considerations –
that we advocate the adoption of the modern Swiss model for a responsibly armed
citizenry. Under this all law-abiding adults who have successfully completed their
period of military service are required to keep in a safe locker in their homes a
standard-issue military assault rifle and ammunition.
It is clear that this system contributes to Switzerland ‘s very low rate of burglary and
violent crime, as well as having helped make that tiny country extremely unappetising
to foreign aggressors throughout the last century. The people of Switzerland have not
had occasion to use their arms to bring to heel any home-grown tyrants either, and
the fact that the State does not possess a monopoly on the potential use of force in a
struggle between slavery and freedom means that they are unlikely to have to do so.
This state of affairs has a great deal to commend it.
A Bill of Rights
The rights of British citizens as they are confirmed emerge from the details above
must be set down in a formal Bill of Rights, the starting point for which should be
those parts of Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights of 1689 which are still relevant to
modern times.
We propose this not because we believe that a written document necessarily
prevents future governments from seeking to undermine or distort the guarantees.
The point is that, by setting everything down in readily accessible print in a document
of universally-known importance, it provides a tripwire to alert a future generation to
the fact that, as is the way of the world, a ruling class has arisen that has once again
come to think of itself as more important than those in whose name it governs.
Our programme:
1. In any society claiming to be based on the rule of law, it must be beyond serious
controversy that all illegal immigrants must be deported as soon as they are
discovered. We will increase the funding and political will behind such operations
by the police and the courts.
The present regime propagates the myth that such deportation could only be
accomplished by authoritarian police tactics, alien to British values. This is
obviously false, as even under the present unacceptably lax deportation policies,
tens of thousands of people are deported from the UK annually without incident.
2. Every nation, no matter how open or closed its immigration policy may be, has
the right and duty to maintain sovereign physical control of its borders. We will
begin by increasing the funding of existing border controls by 500% and shall
continue to increase budget and personnel until our borders are secure against
significant intrusion. In particular, the first company of British troops to be
withdrawn from Iraq on the day a BNP government assumes office would be
redeployed to secure the Channel Tunnel and Kent ports against illegal
The regime propagates the myth that Britain cannot, in the face of modern
international travel and trade, secure its borders at reasonable cost and
convenience. This is also obviously untrue, as the border control example of
other advanced nations (the most relevant being that other great island state,
Japan) proves.
3. Under present circumstances we would abide by our obligations under the 1951
United Nations Convention on Refugees. We recognise the existence of
legitimate international refugees from persecution and war, but point to the fact
that international law provides that such persons must be given – and must seek
– refuge in the nearest safe country. So, unless a flood of refugees from a civil
war in France or Denmark shows up on our shores, these refugees are simply
not Britain’s responsibility and have no right to refuge here.
This is not a position of callousness: it is a principled stand that all the problems
of the world are neither Britain’s fault nor our responsibility – or even in our
capacity - to solve. In order to further the proper handling of refugees in the
appropriate place (not in the advanced Western societies to which they gravitate
out of economic self-interest) we will be prepared to contribute funds to refugee
relief programmes which respect these principles.
4. We will reform the laws and law enforcement of the UK so that, with respect to
refugees and illegal immigrants, there are no blind eyes turned to violations, no
amnesties to reward law-breaking, and no extensive appeals against legal
decisions. We will place the burden of proof upon the claimant to prove his or
her legitimate presence in this country. We will require persons whose cases are
pending to be held in refugee centres, not at large in the community.
5. We will impose a permanent lifetime ban on re-entry into Britain for any reason
on any person found guilty of having violated British entry or immigration laws,
enforced by instant deportation.
We are the only political party that is pledged to take action on illegal immigration. We
do not dodge the issue by using vacuous sound bites and shallow headlines, as the
old parties do with their ‘promises to do something’ but intentions of doing next to
nothing. We will do what it is required and we have firm plans as regards our policy
on ending illegal immigration immediately, and reversing the tide of immigration in the
longer term:
1. Our first step will be to shut the door. A BNP government would accept no
further immigration from any of the parts of the world which present the prospect
of an almost limitless flow of immigration: Africa, Asia, China, Eastern and South
Eastern Europe, the Middle East and South America would all be placed on an
immediate ‘stop’ list. This would later be subject to review in the case of genuine
students accepted for training as part of our long-term policy of helping to build
up Third World economies in order to facilitate the voluntary return of their
nationals or their descendants under our long-tern resettlement programme.
2. Inform the general public of a BNP government’s immigration policy. This Primary
Information Phase will consist of a full year of information and education publicity
campaigns to explain to all sections of the British public exactly what the policy is
going to be, and why it is needed. These high-profile information campaigns will
be community-based and will use the languages of all the ethnic communities
resident in the country, as well as English. This will also create the time to
prepare the necessary state structures and resources that will be used to actively
enact the policy once it is in operation.
The intention of the BNP Immigration Policy is to remove all illegal immigrants present
within the United Kingdom in an orderly, lawful and humane manner through a
planned Two Phase procedure. The First Phase will be dealt with by the Civil Courts
and regarded as a civil matter, whilst the Second Phase will be dealt with by the
Criminal Courts and regarded as a matter of National Security.
declare their illegal status when the First Phase of the policy ends, will be dealt with
solely by the Ministry for National Border Security and the Criminal Courts.
Registration will be an issue of National Security as regards those who, for whatever
reason, do not declare their illegal entrant status to the authorities before the First
Phase deadline expires. Those assisting illegal immigrants to stay in the UK will also
be dealt with under the criminal law. Those who have failed to declare their illegal
status will be immediately arrested and held in police custody until they are deported.
Those illegal immigrants arrested with children born in the UK will be able to apply to
be tagged in their own homes until a hearing in court as to the citizenship status of
the children. No appeals on decisions of the Courts on matters of national security
will be allowed.
The lack of registration status also involves the withdrawal of access to all civil legal
remedies and procedures available to those with Registered Status and also
withdrawal of the right to use State welfare provisions and institutions. All persons
resident in UK territory from the expiry date of the First Phase who cannot provide a
legitimate and verified National Insurance number on demand and provide full
citizenship status or registered status documentation will be liable for immediate
arrest and to be held in custody until proof of citizenship is proved.
Those who have been arrested will not be allowed to remove any assets from the
country when they are deported.
formed and were formed by our island home, have one overriding demand: We want
our country back!
The proposals outlined below represent the only practical way to move towards that
long-term goal. We recognise that a reversal of the tide of immigration can only be
secured by negotiation and consent, and that it is probably now too late to anticipate
a return to the status quo ante 1948.
On account of that, and also in the understanding that genocide through integration
is a threat to all peoples across the world, we also intend to develop a model of
‘multi-culturalism’ which combines peaceful co-existence with the maintenance of
cultural and biological separation. In parts of the world where mass immigration is
irreversible, the only thing that can prevent human diversity vanishing into an antheap
of rootless coffee-coloured consumerism is the celebration of difference.
Simply put, relationships between different ethnic and cultural groups sharing the
same places need to settle down on lines closer to those practiced for centuries in
Persia or India, than to those preached in Hollywood and on MTV. Different groups
can live side-by-side and at peace for generations. They can even enjoy each other’s
cultures, but they must stick to their own, or ‘diversity’ will be but a short-lived
stepping stone to nothingness.
Our proposals:
1. We would repeal the Race Relations Acts and all other restrictions on free
speech in Britain.
2. We would abolish all targets and quotas for ethnic representation in all areas of
employment, public and private.
3. We would abolish all politically-correct indoctrination of the police, teachers, and
other public employees.
4. We would abolish all government-sponsored ethnicity-specific professional
bodies, housing associations, and other organisations.
5. We would abolish all departments, agencies, or other units of government whose
sole and specific purpose is to deal with ethnic issues, grievances, or crimes.
Such organisations deliberately seek out the maximum quantity of "racism" in
order to justify their own existence and expand their power and budgets. The law
is the law and must be enforced equally upon all without being politicised over
ethnic differences.
6. We would abolish all laws against racial discrimination in employment and the
government bodies associated with enforcing them.
7. Except for purposes of teaching foreign languages to native speakers of English,
the only languages permitted in official documents, government business, and
schools will be English, Scots, and Welsh. The use of other languages by ethnic
minorities in their own homes, school and institutions will also be encouraged.
8. A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration in
schools and the media would be introduced.
9. In order to make it clear that the “celebration of diversity” is something in which
the native peoples of our islands can share, each of our traditional Saints Days
would be made Public Holidays in the nations in question, with Trafalgar Day
being an additional Public Holiday throughout the entire UK.
10. A massively-funded and permanent programme, using and doubling Britain ‘s
current foreign aid budget, will aim to reduce, by voluntary resettlement to their
lands of ethnic origin, the proportion of ethnic minorities living in Britain , for as
long as the majority of the electorate are willing to fund such expenditure. Since
the chief impact of such a programme would be the assistance it would render
to Developing Countries in the Third World, this is described further in Section 16
– Britain and the World.
11. While accepting the right of law-abiding minorities, in our country because they
or their ancestors came here legally, to remain here and to enjoy the full
protection of the law against any form of harassment or hostility, we will also
seek to emphasise the importance of the prior status of the aboriginal people.
This would be a national extension of the ‘Sons and Daughters’ policy in priority
on housing and school places lists which BNP councils seek to implement at
local level.
We will publish a list of these British nationals preference proposals before the next
major election.
Such changes will range from accepting that adults in a community may, on rare
occasions, clip badly behaved kids around the ear (subject, of course, as they
always were, to commonsense interpretations of Common Law restrictions and
obligations) through to the introduction of a ‘Tony Martin’ law permitting
householders to use any force they deem necessary to deal with a burglar in
their own homes.
10. Criminals should be made to serve their full sentences, with time added for bad
behaviour. The only way out of prison ‘early’ should be a maximum 20%
reduction in return for a clear demonstration of the acquisition of genuinely useful
skills, or full rehabilitation in the case of drug addicts, whereupon Parole Boards
should have the power to release such model prisoners, tagged and under tight
restrictions doing restorative work within the community.
11. Given the role of drugs and addiction involved in so much crime, the present
pitiful provision of a mere 2,500 drug rehabilitation places nationwide is a false
economy, as well as a national shame. We would oversee a one hundred-fold
increase in this figure, to be in place within six months of coming to office. The
staff and money for this vital social service and anti-crime measure will be
provided from cuts made in various of the parasitic and useless public sector
jobs identified later in this Manifesto.
12. While every effort will be made to help addicts to recover, individuals convicted of
the importation and large-scale dealing of hard drugs will face the death penalty.
We are wholly committed to a free, fully funded National Health Service for all British
citizens. Contrary to popular political and ‘right-wing’ myth, the British NHS is actually
very good value for money – the problem is that we do not put enough money into
‘front-end’ staff. The key reason that our health service is in many ways inferior to
those of other leading industrial nations is that we spend less on it that they do.
In 2001, for example, we spent 7.6% of GDP on health. The figure in France was
9.5%, in Germany 10.7% and in the ‘privatised’ USA a mind-boggling 13.9%.
( )
It is clear that the American system of privatised health care is extremely wasteful in
terms of the cost of fragmented administration and paying for a vast system of private
health insurance companies.
The figures above give the lie to the efforts of assorted old party politicians and
monetarist ideologues to ‘talk-down’ the NHS and push us towards a national switch
to private health care. The real reason for such efforts is that such people have
already made their minds up to be opposed to the NHS in principle.
This position is also widely spread within both the Labour and Conservative parties.
Since they know, however, that open talk of dismantling the NHS would lead to
catastrophic election defeat, they dare not advocate it openly. Instead, the plan is to
run down the existing health service until it is in such a state that the public
themselves demand radical change – at which the privatisation ‘option’ will be
brought out into the open.
“How hard is it to keep a hospital clean?” Very hard, when the last Tory government
replaced ward-based staff cleaners with contract cleaning staff as part of their
disastrous ‘marketisation’ policy, and the Blair regime continued with the same
dangerous system in order to keep down costs.
Once again, however, it is necessary to remind ourselves that the driving force behind
such partial privatization and cynical exploitation of problems to impose desired
solutions, is not any actual financial need, but the complete commitment of the entire
Westminster political Establishment to globalisation in general, and the World Trade
Organisation rules in particular. Under these, all signatories (including Britain) agree to
ensure a ‘level economic playing field’ between different countries by removing all
‘subsidies’ on labour in their own countries. Many of the social welfare provisions won
for the working class by social democratic parties in the last century – council
housing and state-funded healthcare in particular – fall foul of this agreement.
In addition, of course, the giant for-profit corporations which are poised to move into
such potentially lucrative ‘markets’ have their own ways of persuading previously
‘principled’ politicians and media pundits to come round to their way of thinking and
start to promote the bogus case for such services.
Our belief is that dealing with sickness is not something that can either morally or
economically be done for a profit. As the only serious party in Britain to oppose
globalisation, the BNP utterly rejects such chicanery, and gives the British people a
real choice by putting the case for a fully-funded NHS, while dealing with the genuine
problems that will otherwise give the globalist politicians the opportunity they are
looking for to do away with it. We will ensure that Britain has an effective, sustainable
and free National Health Service by enacting legislation to ensure that
1. There is an immediate end to the counter-productive ‘culture’ of targets in
healthcare. All these achieve is to push staff and administrators to cut corners,
find ways to fiddle the statistics and to deal with insignificant but easily dealt with
health problems while leaving the smaller numbers of the chronically sick to wait
for even longer. All health care should revert to being assessed on the grounds of
patient need, not bureaucratic targets.
2. Staff numbers are boosted, slashing unnecessary bureaucracy and by
addressing the root cause of low recruitment and retention - low pay. There is no
shortage of beds in the NHS, only of staff to look after the patients who should
be in them.
3. Doctors and nurses are given interest free mortgages from the government to
buy houses in areas where their services are needed.
4. The hospital crÅches which were done away with under the last Conservative
government are re-established, making it much easier for nurses to return to
work after taking time off to have children.
5. Experiments are carried out into the opening of ‘term-time’ wards, run mainly by
staff with school-age children. This would be used to clear backlogs of minor
6. The asset stripping of the doctors and nurses of the developing world ends, and
all future British doctors and nurses – except for rare experts required to teach
new skills and techniques - are recruited and trained within Britain.
7. Abolish the bursary system for student nurses and pay them a decent wage
during their training.
8. More emphasis is placed on healthy living with greater understanding of sickness
prevention through physical exercise, a healthier environment and improved
diets. All multi-choice school canteens should be closed down as soon as
enough catering staff have been trained to return to traditional school meals
eaten in properly supervised dining halls. Hospitals should wherever possible buy
locally produced food, which will be fresher and healthier as well as supporting
local businesses and strengthening the links between hospitals and their
9. Introduce a programme whereby sophisticated new equipment comes
automatically with proper training for sufficient operators to make the best use of
it. At present it is common for items such as MRI Scanners, often bought thanks
to great efforts by League of Friends groups, lie unused because there are no
staff available to them.
10. We extend the ‘polluter pays’ principle from environmental damage to the impact
of processed foods as well. The link between highly processed products such as
white sugar and flour and a wide variety of degenerative diseases is so well
proven as to make it entirely reasonable to insist that the producers and vendors
of such junk should pay extra tax to help society as a whole cover the cost of
the damage that goes hand in hand with their profits.
11. An effective fight against MRSA by the immediate replacement of contract
cleaners with ward-based auxiliaries. Also a return to in-hospital laundries for all
staff uniforms, which are rarely washed at a sufficiently hot temperature now that
staff are forced to take their dirty uniforms home and wash them themselves as
part of yet another short-sighted cost-cutting exercise which typifies what
happens when health services are run by bureaucrats rather than experienced
medical staff.
12. The burden imposed on our NHS by treating imported diseases such as TB and
the new wave of heterosexual AIDS is removed forthwith. In addition to refusing
to allow their carriers entry into Britain , or deporting those already here, we
would also introduce a massive public health awareness campaign on the
danger of choosing high-risk groups as sexual partners. This may be Politically
Incorrect, but it would save many innocent lives and save huge amounts of
money which are needed for other patients.
13. We support wholeheartedly the nursing unions’ campaign for Zero Tolerance for
violence directed against NHS staff. Such incidents should carry an automatic
prison sentence, and the withdrawal of all medical care from the culprits for a
period which should vary according to the severity of their attack on NHS staff.
14. Medical research facilities researching the potential for global pandemics of
deadly viruses, and ways in which to combat them, must receive immediate and
massive increases in funding.
Finally, there clearly is a problem building up in the long-term as a result of new
medical technologies making it possible to keep people alive well beyond previously
realistic expectations – albeit at huge cost and often with very limited quality of life. To
state that this issue needs to be debated and addressed is not to propose
euthanasia in any way, but merely to recognise that death is a natural and
unavoidable end for us all, and that there comes a point at which fighting it is neither
humane nor affordable for society as a whole. This, however, is not a matter for
political manifestos or parties, but for a full and informed national debate and decision
by referendum.
3. We would ensure that no-one has to sell their home to pay for nursing care. This
would also remove a source of discontent among those pensioners who have
saved during their working life to look after themselves in old age and feel that
under the present system “they need not have bothered”. To be forced to sell the
family home is yet another disincentive to work hard and save for the future.
In 2004, £4.26 billion was spent by Social Services for residential/nursing home
provision. However, £1.63 billion was recovered from pensioners who had to pay
all or part of the charges. Therefore, this is the very maximum amount that it
would cost to implement the BNP policy of eliminating the requirement that
pensioners are liable to sell their home for residential care. It is expected that
those pensioners with adequate private pensions would be expected to make a
contribution to residential care or nursing home costs. The extra cost to Social
Services that ensuring the continuity of the family home would entail could well
come out of the £8 billion Britain would save annually by withdrawing from the
4. In implementing the above new deal for pensioners we would eliminate the
present means-tested Pensions Credit system. This involves an expensive
bureaucracy to implement and is felt to be degrading by many proud elderly
people. Means testing also hits medium income people the hardest, as the rich
do not need pensions and benefits such as winter fuel allowance – which the
BNP would continue.
5. In order to help to alleviate the alleged labour and skills shortage which is used
by Establishment politicians as a propaganda excuse for continued mass
immigration, we would allow active pensioners to continue working beyond
retirement age without paying any income tax on their earnings, while that tax is
being phased out.
Once the reduced burden of taxation on ordinary people has been shifted from
falling on their income to their expenditure, it will obviously be necessary to
compensate pensioners by giving them very substantial increases in their
pensions. These will be financed with some of the savings made by not having to
operate the massively expensive system required to collect income tax.
3. We will restore all of the old exams that have been abolished, starting with the
"A" and "O" Levels, and will reverse the dumbing down of those that have not
been dumbed down.
4. We will reverse the dumbing down of school curricula and teaching aids, and
raise expectations back to the levels of the past.
5. We will replace the study of world history and cultures with a predominant
emphasis on the history of the British Isles, English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish
culture, and their relation to Western Civilization as a whole. We will prohibit all
curricular pandering to the cultures of immigrants.
6. PSE lessons, which are nothing more than left-liberal indoctrination sessions, will
be scrapped. When it comes to decisions about civic matters, children should be
taught how to think, rather than what to think.
7. We will systematically eliminate bureaucratic positions in the schools and
reallocate their salaries to hiring actual teachers, buying textbooks, and other
direct needs.
8. We will eliminate nonsense subjects and reallocate funding and the time of pupils
to traditional subjects like reading, writing, and maths.
9. We will inculcate a meritocratic attitude in the education system so that pupils of
all class backgrounds can rise as far as their abilities will take them. We will
prohibit the promotion of an expectation of failure for working-class pupils.
10. We recognise that the Labour policy of closing special needs schools and forcing
their pupils through the mainstream education system is a policy imposed for
reasons of egalitarian dogma and short-sighted cost-cutting. It is harmful both to
the special needs children who are unable to cope in conventional schools, and
to normal children whose education is disrupted or held back by the extra strain
imposed on teachers by having to cope with such mixed abilities. We would
therefore reverse the closure of special needs schools.
11. We recognise that especially gifted children also have special needs, and would
make extra resources available to enable them to reach their outstanding
12. We will end the dumping of anti-social expelled students on other districts.
Exclusion policies should be in the hands of head teachers and governors, not
13. Council education authorities should be abolished and the money swallowed up
by their bureaucracies given instead to each individual school. Co-ordination
between schools should be organized on a county basis by the head teachers.
14. Competitive sport must be reintroduced and encouraged at all levels of the
education system.
15. In order to combat unhealthy eating, including eating disorders and the
consumption of over-processed junk food, all schools will be required to provide
proper traditional meals, using locally-sourced ingredients wherever possible.
This is an ideal use for the less than aesthetically perfect fruit and vegetables
produced by organic farmers which supermarkets claim are unsaleable.
16. We will aim to make a good high-school education sufficient for many
professions, eliminating the need for expensive university degrees where they are
not called for.
17. We will re-introduce assemblies based on traditional Christian values and
Axiom 1: Economic policy is not a matter of inevitabilities; there is room for choices
and the right choices can be effective.
The reigning myth of economics – which goes under names like
"Thatcherism," "neo-liberalism ," "the Washington Consensus," and
"laissez-faire," is that there is very little a government can do about its
economy other than submit to the dictates of the international
marketplace and its one-size-fits-all model. We observe, however, that in
truth many nations around the world have thrived economically while
defying this model, the most brilliant examples being the tiger states of
East Asia like Japan , South Korea , and Singapore. No sane nation
simply accepts the hand dealt to it by the forces of international
capitalism, but rather seeks to play the game of the world economy to its
own advantage.
Axiom 2: The fundamental concern of the government’s economic policy-making
must be the material well-being of the British people.
This sounds obvious, but recent governments have not believed this. The
Tories have simply surrendered to an international free market that
doesn’t care a whit about Britain over Timbuktu, and Labour is primarily
interested in preparing Britain ‘s economy to be soldered into a European
super state.
Axiom 3: The material well-being of the British people is similar to, but not identical
with, Britain ‘s economic well-being.
The key point here is that not all aspects of material well-being are part of
the economy. For example, a home-cooked meal may be superior to one
eaten out, but the economic statistics record the labour of preparing this
meal in a café but not at home. The same is true of a child cared for at
home rather than in a day-care center. This creates the illusion that we
have a higher material standard of living when we purchase things that
used to be produced within the traditional family, which illusion has been
a key part of the attack on the traditional family.
There are other examples of how the fetish for GNP misrepresents our
material well-being. The fact that environmental degradation doesn’t show
up in the figures is one. Another is the fact that a safe neighborhood that
needs no private security guards shows a lower level of economic output
than a dangerous neighborhood where every business has to hire them.
Hordes of lawyers settling disputes by expensive litigation are another.
We reject the mistake the current economic establishment makes of
confusing economic output with material well-being.
Axiom 4: The economic well-being of Britain is more-or-less a function of per-capita
GNP, not aggregate GNP.
This little point undoes a huge amount of sophistry that is currently being
put about in economic policy, principally with regards to immigration.
The current Establishment keeps yapping about how immigration is
supposedly good for the economy. All this means is that immigration
increases Britain ‘s aggregate GNP, a natural consequence of increasing
the number of persons working here. It does not mean that immigration
increases per-capita GNP. In fact, because immigrants tend to be cheap
laborers who are less productive than the average Briton, immigration
actually decreases per-capita GNP. Furthermore, because productivity is a
function of capitalisation-per-worker, immigration dilutes productivity by
increasing the number of workers dependent on the given capital stock.
We will not try to expand our economy by dumping foreign labor into it.
Axiom 5: The economic well-being of Britain is more precisely a function of the
income of the average British family.
It is no secret that since Thatcher, economic growth in this country has
tended to flow to the top of the income scale. While this does increase
per-capita income, it means that the beneficiaries of this income do not
include a large portion of this country. Britain has a much higher level of
economic inequality than comparable countries, and this is inexcusable.
Of course, it is no secret that the old-style socialist methods of
redistributing income down the scale turned out to have harmful effects,
so unfortunately it is not just a matter of taxing income away from the rich
and towards the working class. But there are other policy tools that can
be used to reduce income inequality. The BNP will use all non-destructive
means to reduce income inequality.
Axiom 6: Economic well-being must take inflation accurately into account.
Rising incomes mean nothing if the cost of living is rising just as fast. The
present government is lying about inflation by excluding housing costs,
which are a significant part of the average family’s budget, from the
inflation rate. House prices in Britain , particularly in the southeast, have
been allowed to skyrocket in recent years to the point where many
ordinary people who don’t own houses cannot afford to acquire them and
those who pay rent must spend an excessive portion of their income. Can
this possibly have something to do with the fact that over 300,000
foreigners have moved into the southeast since 1990? Of course it can.
Immigration also drives up the cost of everything else in the economy that
has a real-estate component -- everything from shop rents to car prices -
- as our supply of land is finite. The BNP will fight these immigration-
driven rises in the cost of living and report a truthful inflation figure.
Axiom 7: The income of British workers is a function of how big the “profit pie” is at
the companies where they work and how big a “slice of the pie” workers
get compared with management and owners.
This sounds obvious, but the major parties have tended to forget this.
Tories and New Labour only care about the first, and old-fashioned
socialists care about the second and take the first for granted. Unions, for
example, can fight to extract a bigger share of the pie for their members
at the expense of management, but they generally don’t do much to
make the pie itself larger. The BNP supports strong unions and strong
industries, and the kind of unions that work for the health of their
Axiom 8: Sustainable income is what counts.
Unlike the old parties, the BNP wants Britain to still be here for our
children and grandchildren. Economic “quick fixes” abound, but they all
exact a price in the long run. For example, unions that exact wage
increases which their employers can’t afford, just produce corporate
bankruptcies and redundancies. Governments that spend borrowed
money just saddle future taxpayers with the need to pay interest. The
BNP will not pursue quick fixes, unlike Labour leftists like Gordon Brown,
who wants to borrow his way to better public services.
Axiom 9: Wages are set by the supply and demand for labour, so immigration
drives down wages by increasing supply.
Establishment economists have this odd quirk: they teach all day that the
price of any given commodity is determined by its supply and demand,
and then they conveniently forget this when it comes to labour. Why?
Because obviously the establishment wants labour to be as cheap as
possible. It is in the interest of the average British worker to minimize the
supply and maximize the demand for his labor. The BNP will not allow
immigration to Britain and will implement the orderly repatriation of past
Axiom 10: Sustainable income is a product of the investment in British industry
What makes Britain a first-world country, rather than an economic
basket-case, is the fact that British workers have hundreds of years of
accumulated capital equipment to work with. This means the long-term
prosperity of this country is a matter of having the highest possible level
of capitalisation. Unless the capital flows in from abroad, which just
means that the profits must flow out again, the capitalisation of British
industry is a function of how much money Britons save. Furthermore, a
high savings rate is a good thing because it helps provide for people in
their retirement. The BNP will support policies designed to raise the
national savings rate, like the replacement of income tax with a
progressive consumption tax.
Axiom 11: Owners should work, and workers should own.
If ordinary Britons increase their savings rate and invest the money in
British industry, it will over time transpire that they are the owners of
British industry. This has been called “pension-fund socialism,” and it
combines the efficiency of capitalist private ownership with socialism’s
ideal of worker ownership of the means of production. It also gives
workers an incentive to care about the long-term health of the companies
they work for, as they are part owners. It is also a pro-nationalist policy, as
it tends to bring the ownership of British industry into British hands. The
BNP supports the gradual assumption of worker ownership through their
pension funds.
Axiom 12: Well-educated workers get better paid.
No serious person disputes this, but Britain’s education system still
doesn’t reflect this insight very well. Britain suffers from a class-based
bias in favor of impractical education and against technology education
that is absent in more prosperous nations like Germany, Japan, and the
United States. The BNP supports better education, particularly in those
disciplines and institutions most relevant to the bulk of British industry, like
the polytechnics. We support the systematic rebuilding of the pure and
applied scientific prowess that supports industrial research.
There is a great deal for us to learn in the way in which the Japanese Ministry of
Finance has overseen and helped to create the conditions which enabled the tiny,
over-crowded and almost resource-free island of Japan to recover from being utterly
crushed in 1945 to being the global economic super-power which she is today.
Obviously there are many differences between our situations, our peoples and our
cultures, so we do not envisage a direct carbon copy of the Japanese system, rather
the creation of a Westernised version of it. As nationalists we expect to “do things our
way”, but we are not too proud to learn from others who have enjoyed success in
areas where our Masters have delivered us only demoralizing failure.
In keeping with our commitment to parliamentary democracy, it will of course be
necessary for the British National Bank (based on the Bank of England) to be directly
responsible to the pan-British parliament. Further details of how this system will work
will be published before the next major election, once our Economic Strategy Group
has had the time to research this crucial matter much more thoroughly.
Apart from the many health, long-term economic and environmental arguments in
favour of such moves to expand the ranks of the owners of productive property, there
is one very important political reason: This is the fact that the assumption by the
government of the responsibility of directing (though not running) the commanding
heights of the economy will inevitably lead to a very significant growth in the power of
the State.
In order to keep under control the State’s inherent tendency to add more power to
existing power (yes, even our State, for it is the nature of the beast), it is necessary to
look for ways to balance an increase in the power of central government with an
increase in some other area in the power of ordinary people.
Turning growing numbers of ‘hands’, ‘wage slaves’, ‘workers by hand or brain’ or
middle class contract workers – call them what you will – into the personal owners of
their own tiny share of our national productive capacity, is one such way to increase
the average level of independence and hence freedom among our people.
A return of pride and purpose
In deciding where to locate new industries, the Ministry of Finance and the other
government agencies and private investors with which it will work will do their best to
‘match’ the new developments to the traditional industrial roles of specific areas.
Thus, for example, a plant to build the structure of off-shore wind and ocean current
power rigs would be set up in a community once known for its shipbuilding yards,
while the turbines for the same system would be built in one of the cities which used
to turn out engines when British cars, bikes and planes were the best in the world.
Such developments must of course be economically viable, but there is much more
to our vision that simple economics. As ordinary people, not members of the left-
liberal elite or the tired remnants of the old ruling class, we know all too well the
terrible damage done by the old parties’ decision to allow British industry to wither
and die. We see it in the health problems of redundant workers, in the divorce and
crime rate in their communities, in the hurt and bitter eyes of hopeless young men
who turn to crime and drugs in a desperate attempt to give their lives meaning, and
in communities where old ladies once scrubbed their doorsteps sinking into decay
and dereliction in their own squalor.
In our burning passion to undo that wrong, our greatest motivation is not to see
Britain climbing back up the world tables for GDP or balance of payments’ surpluses
or for harnessing genius to productivity. More than anything, we want to see men and
women who can hold their heads up high and say to the highest and mightiest
people it is their misfortune to meet: “Well, I’ve got a proper job.”
risk of running away and hoping not to be caught within the year and a day in which
he could be dragged back to his Lord’s village, whipped and mutilated, and set back
to work. The modern wage slave simply slips into the black economy. Of course, the
risk of fines and possibly a term in prison is not as much of a deterrent as used to
exist, but that does not excuse breaking the law.
Tax evasion is not a victimless crime. If Person A dodges paying tax, then Persons B
& C have to pay more tax. Tax evasion robs our neighbours and undermines the
national cohesion that underpins our democracy. Perhaps most corrosive of all, it
inculcates a contempt for the law and a resentment against legitimate authority.
If income tax evasion was a minor problem, none of this would matter too much. But
Britain now has one of the largest black economies in Western Europe. It is estimated
to involved between 5% and 13% of our total GDP (Professional Oversight Board for
Accountancy, Feb 2005).
According to the Construction Confederation, citing the last available figures (2001)
black economy work in the building industry alone cost the Exchequer – and hence
other taxpayers - £500m in lost tax revenue. By its very nature the true figure is
impossible to obtain, but Prof Colin Talbot of Nottingham University suggests
(February 2004) that the black economy is worth between £53 billion and £137 billion
a year. That involves somewhere between 1.4 and 3.6 million workers evading £27
billion in taxes.
In addition to this staggering cost, the collection, and legitimate avoidance, of income
tax is also a huge burden on the productive economy and the opportunity to do
something better with our time and money. The Inland Revenue employs 82,180
people. Of course, some of these spend their time collecting other taxes, such as
Corporation Tax, with which we do not take issue, but a huge number are employed
to collect income tax.
On the other side of the line there are 252,000 chartered accountants, plus a further
140,000 student members of professional accountancy bodies. There are even more
ancillary office staff and book-keepers working for them, and on top of all that there
are the untold millions of man-hours wasted by individual small businessmen
struggling with the accountancy records. A massive proportion of all this work is
generated by the need to pay – and efforts to avoid paying – income tax.
Finally, there is the problem that to tax peoples’ work and productivity is the biggest
disincentive possible to hard work and economic efficiency. To allow workers of all
levels to keep the fruits of their own labour would in itself spark an unprecedented
productivity upsurge which would dovetail with and help to finance the massive
economic rebuilding programme which our overall plan for the reconstruction of
Britain requires.
The reforms we propose are:
1. We will introduce, phased in over five years, a consumption tax on non-essential
goods in place of the income tax. The purpose of this is to raise Britain ‘s
savings rate, which is the basis of our capital formation and thus investment in
economic growth. This consumption tax would be very similar to the present
income tax, except that the basis for taxation would be income spent, not
income earned, during the year. It would be collected by the present VAT
authorities, who could do the relatively limited extra work with only a small
proportion of the workforce currently employed one way or another by the
income tax monster.
2. We are aware that a consumption tax, unless adjusted to compensate for this
fact, favors the rich because they save a higher percentage of their incomes.
Therefore we will alter the tax code to maintain present levels of progressivism in
taxation by income bracket. In essence, this means that the spendthrift rich (who
spend most of their income) will pay more tax than they do today, the thrifty rich
(who save most of their income) will pay less, but that the rich as a group will pay
the same as today, and similarly for other income brackets.
3. A relatively small number of the bureaucrats freed from shuffling tax forms would
be redeployed as Customs Officers to guard all points of entry into the UK.
These would primarily prevent attempts to evade consumption tax through
smuggling, but they would incidentally provide us – at no extra cost – with the
proper security on our borders to protect us from illegal immigration and
international terrorists.
4. The hundreds of thousands of professionals and office workers released by this
reform from essentially unproductive income tax-related jobs would be
systematically redeployed to more productive areas of the economy.
We are aware of the theoretical and practical complexities of the consumption
tax, but given the complexity of the present tax system, we believe they are no
greater and we will address them in a forthcoming document on our tax policies.
This begs the question as to why at least one of the thousands of old party local
councilors, who must have had advance notice of this outrageous scheme, have not
explained what is going on to their constituents and begun a campaign to stop it. The
British National Party is different, and we will expose and lead the popular fight
against such attempts to turn public services into corporate milch-cows whenever we
find them.
1. A BNP administration would abolish the road fund tax on all private and
commercial vehicles. We view this as an over-bureaucratic and unnecessary
method of tax collection, inherently expensive to collect and easy for the lawless
to evade. In addition, it provides a spurious justification for the maintenance and
extension of the surveillance state. We would replace the funding acquired from
the road tax with an element built into taxation of the purchase of non-renewable
2. Congestion of our towns and cities must be eased by the provision of greater
incentives to use rail, bus, tram and Urban Light Transport (ULTRA) scheme
transport instead of private cars. The first step is to end the crime and squalor
that puts so many people off public transport.
3. Our building plans for human-sized cities will also see a general ban on out-of
town retail/leisure developments. They encourage car dependence and socially
disadvantage pensioners, single mothers and non-car (poorer) families. Such
projects need to make use of brownfield sites within towns, linked by public
transport networks.
4. Motorists will be freed from repressive and restrictive legislation; we want to see
overall motorway speed limits raised, and made subject to variable speed limits
depending on surface/weather conditions and volume of traffic. A motorway may,
for example, have a 40mph limit during heavy rain, but a 90 mph limit during a
summer’s night.
5. We are committed to the maintenance of toll free motorways.
6. Speeding and careless driving kills and injures but we seek to save lives by
making drivers more responsible. A tougher driving test is needed as well as the
introduction of refresher driving tests for those drivers who have held a licence
for 25 years and again after holding a licence for 50 years.
7. Hidden speed cameras will be prohibited. Speed cameras in places other than
documented accident black spots will be made illegal, in order to prevent
motorists being used as cash cows. Local authorities and highway agencies will
be encouraged to engineer solutions to deal with accident black spots.
8. Far more must be done to encourage the development and use of cleaner fuels.
An integrated transport system and the creation of new transport technologies
such as hydrogen fuel cells are essential to the development of our
environmental transport policy.
9. Our education system must be reconstructed with the emphasis on
mathematics, science and hands-on experience to prepare the new generation
of engineers and technicians needed to design, build and maintain new breeds
of environmentally friendly, safe and efficient transport.
10. As a maritime nation we are pledged to keep our busy waterways moving, safe
and environmentally sound. We are pledged to bring the RNLI into public
sponsorship. The generous and courageous efforts of those lifeboat volunteers
perform a valuable service for marine safety and should not be left to the
vagaries of charity giving.
3. We will end all intrusions of new development into Greenbelt areas, except in
clear cases of genuine local need.
4. We will support inner-city and suburban infill development to supply the needs
for new housing and commercial space.
5. We will maintain, though not increase, current high taxes on petrol to encourage
conservation of energy. We will, however, compensate the traveling public by
ensuring that this money is spent specifically on improving our transport network,
and does not vanish into a taxation black hole.
6. We will implement a "feebate" system in which low-mileage cars are taxed at
purchase and the resulting revenue applied as a subsidy to high-mileage cars.
7. We will fund research into renewable and quasi-renewable energy sources and
transmission systems, such wind power, solar power, wave power, hydrogen
fuel, and the pebble-bed nuclear reactor.
8. We will end the current government’s policy of meeting Britain’s Kyoto Protocol
obligations by building gas-fired power stations, which are dangerously
dependent on a non-renewable fuel imported from unstable and hostile nations,
and will promote genuinely-renewable power sources instead, insofar as feasible.
9. We will properly fund and upgrade Britain’s public-transport facilities to get
people out of their cars.
10. We will not permit the growing of GM crops.
government will have every incentive to cooperate with a future BNP regime. If Britain
threw them out, they would have every incentive to try to overthrow such a
government to get back in.
Such a policy would, of course, be subject to immediate review if it was felt that
aggressive action or threatened intervention by the USA anywhere else in the world
was turning us into a target at risk of becoming collateral damage in other peoples’
Returning to our relationship with our former EU partners, we do envisage certain
areas, such as the development of massively expensive technologies such nuclear
fusion and space exploitation, in which we would engage in joint ventures with other
European nations. This however, would be as sovereign partners on specific projects,
and would involve no diminution of our political, economic or military sovereignty.
National Defence
We would have no quarrel with any nation that does not threaten British interests.
We will not act as the world’s policeman either for the UN, the EU or the US. We will
maintain an independent foreign policy of our own, and not a spineless subservience
to the USA , the ‘international community’, or any other country. We will restore the
county regimental system and also withdraw from the European Union plans for an
European Army. We will invest in creating an integrated defence structure that can
respond to all 21st Century threats.
Successive cuts in defence spending have left Britain ‘s armed forces perilously
weak. We will boost Britain ‘s armed forces to ensure that they are able to deal with
any emergency, and defend our homeland and our independence.
1. We will bring our troops back from Germany and withdraw from NATO, since
recent political developments make both commitments obsolete.
2. We will also withdraw all British troops with immediate effect from Iraq. We will
never again involve British troops in any more American ‘ wars for oil’ or neo-con
adventures on behalf of the Zionist government of Israel.
3. We will refuse to risk British lives in meddling ‘peace-keeping’ missions in parts
of the world where no British interests are at stake - a position of armed
4. We will restore the county regimental system and withdraw from the European
Union plans for an European Army.
5. We will invest in creating an integrated defence structure that can respond to all
21st Century threats.
6. If Britain is attacked by rogue states or terrorists then we will respond with
maximum force until the threat is eradicated.
7. The compulsory National Service system discussed elsewhere in this Manifesto
would begin at the age of 18 with a period of basic training in the army. This
would include full training with the citizens’ assault rifle. Conscientious objectors
who refuse to undertake military service would be allocated other constructive
work for the community, but would not receive the citizen’s right to be armed, or
the right to vote.
8. Individuals would be free to refuse to undertake any form of National Service, but
such a refusal to serve the community for the common good would result in their
not being entitled to free places at university, on training courses or self-
employment schemes. Whereas some other politicians mouth platitudes about
there being “no rights without responsibilities”, we mean it.
Published by the British National Party, PO Box 14, Welshpool, Powys, SY21 0WE