Howto Get Abs
Howto Get Abs
Howto Get Abs
John Mayo
© 2015
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Fit Tip # 1
Explanation of Key Exercises
Fit Tip # 2
Beginner Workouts
Fit Tip # 3
Intermediate Workouts
Fit Tip # 4
Advanced Workouts
Fit Tip # 5
Fit Tip # 6
Welcome back for some more grueling ab workouts that will have
you sweating, groaning and loving the end results. This is book number 2 of
my, “How to Get Abs” series. Hopefully you got some great results after
following the 6-week program that I offered in book number 1. This book is
designed to provide you with even more fantastic ab exercises and workouts
that will give you the flat stomach and toned abs that you’ve always
wanted. First we will discuss some of the key exercises that will be used
throughout this book, some of these will be repeated from book number one
for those of you that haven’t yet read it.
There will be plenty of new exercises and most of them are very
challenging and effective. Next we will go over 40 detailed workouts; the
first 15 workouts will be for beginners and the workouts will take about 10-
15 minutes each. The next 15 workouts will be at the intermediate level and
they will last between 20 and 30 minutes. The final 10 workouts will be
advanced and they will all likely take you longer than 30 minutes. I advise
you to try some of the workouts in every category so that you can see what
level you’re at.
You will not need a fancy gym to do the workouts in this book, the
most you will need will be a skipping rope, kettle bell and a chin-up bar.
*Fit tip # 1:
3 Sets of 6 exercises:
6 pull ups
25 mountain climbers
10 lunge walks
15 kettle bell swings
20 reverse crunches
15 squats
7) The workout has been neatly written down and we now need to
determine what our rest will be. Since we want to make this
workout short and intense, we want to minimize the rest. Let’s do
15 seconds rest in between exercises and 1:30 rest between sets.
8) It’s time to determine what we will do for warm up. Since
we’re crunched for time, let’s do 50 jumping jacks, 5 burpees and
30 high knees.
9) Determine what areas of your body you want to stretch during
cool down. Sometimes it’s best to wait until the end of your
workout so that you can target the muscles that have become sore.
Stretching is very important for injury prevention and muscle
mobility and it should never be neglected.
10) Get down to business and get that workout going!
This is a basic workout, but it shows you just how simple workout
creation can be. Depending on what areas of your body you wanted to
target, the exercises could have been drastically different. The key is
choosing what you want the focus of the workout to be, creating a game
plan and sticking to it.
They always say that you should never go grocery shopping on an
empty stomach, because you may be tempted to buy more than you
normally would. I always say that you should never create workouts when
you are tired, because you are more likely to make an easy workout that you
will not struggle at all to complete. Workouts are meant to be challenging, if
you do not push your body it will never get stronger, it’s really that simple.
Challenge your body often and it will thank you
Explanation of Key Exercises:
Here I will be explaining all of the exercises that you will have to
do in the 6-week program. I will do my best to explain them all but if any of
them seem unclear there are certainly YouTube videos out there that can
give you a more in-depth idea on how to do particular exercises.
The Pushup:
Your stomach should be flat on the ground. Keep your arms at shoulder
width apart, keep your back straight and make sure your chest touches the
ground at the bottom and that your arms are straight at the end of every
The Burpee:
Start in the standing position, jump down until your chest is on the ground,
do a pushup keeping your back flat, jump your legs up into a squatted
position and spring yourself up into the air with your arms reaching to the
sky. With practice this movement will become fluid, but it remains a very
challenging exercise.
The Squat:
Squats should be performed with your feet at shoulder width apart. Put your
arms straight out in front of you and keep your back straight as you lower
your bum to your ankles, keeping your legs parallel to one-another. Keep
your back straight and keep your weight on your heels. Once you get as low
as you can, use your legs to push yourself back up to the standing position,
all the while keeping your back straight and your core tight
The Pull-Up
Strict pull-ups are done straight up and down with your palms facing away
from you. Do not swing or kip, you want to minimize the momentum and
maximize the difficulty. I want you to only do strict pull-ups from now on.
Get assistance if necessary when you’re starting off, either from another
person or by utilizing a weighted assistance mechanism found on certain
pull-up machines.
Leg Lifts:
For leg lifts you want to lie flat on your back with your legs completely
straight. Bring your legs up from the ground until they are at 90 degrees
relative to your torso and then lower them until they hover above the
ground. During the exercise you can either have your hands on the floor, or
under your bum if you’re finding the exercise difficult.
Squat Jumps:
Squat jumps are performed just like a regular squat, but you jump into the
air about 1 foot upon extension of the legs.
For a Russian twist, sit down, lean back and let your legs hover above the
ground. Rotate your core around side to side with your hands in front of you
and your chest up. Let your hands touch the ground on either side of you to
complete one full rep.
The Plank:
For a plank you want your stomach facing the ground. Put your elbows
underneath your shoulders and lift yourself off the ground. Your weight
should be on your elbows and your toes. Try to keep your back perfectly
flat (don’t sag your hips down to the ground or lift your bum really high
into the air). Keep your abs tight and ensure that you have a comfortable
base on your elbows/ forearms.
Leg Ins:
Leg ins are done from the plank position. Once in position, bring your right
knee to your right elbow, and then back. Do the same with your left side
and that equates to two reps.
Pikes are also done from the plank position. Simply arch your back and
stick your bum into the air, returning to the plank position to complete one
Flutter Kicks:
For flutter kicks you must lie on your back. Hover your legs above the
ground and move them up and down as if you were kicking in the water. Up
and down on each leg is one repetition.
Sit on your bum with your knees bent and your feet hovering about one foot
off the ground. The starting position for this exercise requires your legs to
be straight (feet still hovering) and your arms should be straight, but off to
the side as if you were trying to stop the walls from crushing in against you.
To complete one repetition you must bend your knees up into your chest
and clap your hands (arms remaining straight) in front of your knees.
Leg Ups: While holding onto a pull-up bar with your arms straight, bring
your knees up to your chest and flex your abs.
Jumping Jacks: Hop your legs in towards each other and then hop them out
until they are past shoulder width. While jumping your straight arms should
be simultaneously following the motion of your legs. Essentially when your
legs come together, your arms are at your side, when you jump your legs
apart your arms swing up towards the sky so that your whole body looks
like a star.
Seal Jacks: This is just like a jumping jack but instead of raising your arms
above your head, you clap your hands in front of your face while keeping
your arms straight. Your legs should be jumping in and out exactly like they
would in a jumping jack.
Tick Tocks: Grab onto a chin up bar with your arms slightly bent. Lean
back and lift your legs up and point your toes to the sky. Rotate your legs
back and fourth.
Roll Back Burpee: Jump straight up into the air, upon landing let yourself
fall back onto your bum and roll onto your upper back like you’re doing a
reverse crunch. Roll back up onto your feet (using your arms to push of the
ground if you need to) and then jump straight back up into he air.
Kettle Bell Thrusters: Hold the kettle bell with both hands, squat with the
kettle bell and upon extension of the legs press the kettle bell up over your
head. Use the momentum of your squat to force the kettle bell upwards in
one fluid motion.
Kettle Bell Squats: Perform a squat while holding a kettle bell. Hold it
however you feel comfortable, I prefer to hold it by the handle while
keeping my arms straight, but you can also hold it by the horns and keep it
close to your chest. If you really want a challenge you can hold it above
your head with one hand.
High Knees:
Run on the spot with your knees coming up to your chest. Each time both
legs go up and down you’ve done 1 rep
Lie on your back with your legs bent, knees pointing towards the sky. Your
arms should be straight by your side. Touch your left foot with your left
hand and your right foot with your right hand to complete one rep. Tighten
your abs and try to engage them as much as possible.
Speed Skaters:
Swing your left leg behind you (in a sort of sideways lunge) and touch your
right foot with your right hand, then swing your right leg behind you and
touch your left foot with your left hand to complete one rep.
Straight Arm Plank Shoulder Taps:
Get into a plank position but instead of being on your elbows/ forearms you
will have your arms straight and put your weight on your hands/toes.
Alternately touch your left shoulder with your right hand and your right
shoulder with your left hand to complete one rep.
*Fit tip # 2:
1) 2 Sets of 6 exercises:
4 pull ups
15 mountain climbers
10 lunge walks
10 kettle bell swings
15 reverse crunches
10 squats
* Rest 20 seconds between exercises and 3 minutes between sets.
NOTE: Anytime there is a kettle bell exercise, choose the weight that you
feel is appropriate. For short workouts you can use a heavier weight and
vice versa.
30 jumping jacks
20 kettle bell swings
20 pushups
30 jumping jacks
20 mountain climbers
20 burpees
30 jumping jacks
20 squats
30 reverse crunches
30 jumping jacks
*Rest 20 seconds between exercises.
Pull ups
Mountain Climbers
Sit-Ups With Twist
*Rest 2:00 between exercises.
NOTE: You should write down how many repetitions of each exercise your
Flexed Arm Hang
Wall Sits
* Rest 1 minute between exercises and 2 minutes between sets.
NOTE: If you cant hold the exercises for 45 seconds at a time, take breaks
as you need but try to resume to exercise as quickly as you can.
30 jump rope
30 leg ups
20 jump rope
20 pikes
10 jump rope
10 leg ins
2:00 plank
*Rest 20 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between sets
11) 4 X 15 reps of
kettle bell squats
kettle bell swings
kettle bell thrusters
* rest 10 seconds between exercises and 1 minute between sets.
12) 1 set of:
50 jumping jacks
50 jump rope
40 jumping jacks
40 jump rope
30 jumping jacks
30 jump rope
25 mountains climbers
20 reverse crunches
20 u-sits
10 burpees
10 leg overs
10 lunge walks
50 high knees
40 sit ups with twist
30 push ups
20 squat jumps
10 sushi roll burpees
5 burpee pull-ups
*Rest 20 seconds between exercises and 2 minutes between sets.
3) 2 sets of:
30 double unders (jump rope)
30 burpees
20 double unders
20 burpees
10 double unders
10 burpees
* Try not to rest at all between exercises, make your transition quick and
fluid. Rest 4 minutes between sets.
4) 4 X 4:00 jog, 1:00 sprint, 1:00 walk
12) 6 X jog for 3:00, sprint for 1:00, perform burpees for 1:00
*Rest for 1:00 between sets. On the rest you should be walking, not
13) 5 sets of the following exercises:
Just like we discussed the importance of creating your own workouts, you
should be able to create your own personal warm-ups that work for you as
well. When writing down your workout, always ensure that you write your
warm-up down first, that way you don’t forget and you’ll do exactly what
you need to do to warm your body up properly before tackling an intense
Advanced Workouts:
5) For each exercise you have 1:00 to complete the designated repetitions.
The time you have leftover is the time that you have to rest before moving
onto the next exercise. Perform as many sets as possible of:
10 burpees
20 squats
10 pull-ups
30 u-sits
20 Russian twists
30 kneeling superman’s
*No rest, except for the rest you have during your leftover time for the one-
minute exercises.
6) Perform 6 sets of the following. You have 5:00 to complete each set so
you can rest as you want, but you must complete all reps within the 5:00
time period.
10 burpee pull-ups
30 kettle bell swings
15 speed skaters
10 leg ups
20 reverse crunches
10 leg ins
*Rest 1:00 between sets
Sometimes you will be about to start a workout and you will feel
like garbage. This happens to the best of us, the key is to know your body
well enough to make a good decision on what to do next. There is
absolutely no shame in canceling a workout from time to time if you do not
feel prepared to physically exert yourself. But if you do cancel a workout
you need to make good use of the free time that you now have available.
The best thing to do if you cancel a workout is to take a good 15- 30
minutes and give your entire body a thorough stretching.
Start and your ankles and work your way right up to your neck. Try
to create a stretching program that hits every muscle possible. Go online
and find out the best stretches for every muscle in your body, write down a
stretching schedule just like you do for your workouts and stick to that
schedule! Yoga is great way to stretch your entire body. There are tons of
free yoga tutorials on Youtube and I encourage you to follow along with a
few of them and take notice of how awesome your body feels afterwards.
*Fit tip # 6:
- John Mayo