The Big Arm Guide
The Big Arm Guide
The Big Arm Guide
Table of contents
• Introduction to Anabolic Xtreme’s Big Arms Guide
Chapter 1
Add 1 Inch to Your Arms in 30 Days!
Here’s the Strategy:
1. You will be training your arms twice per week. For ex
ample, on Monday and Thursday.
2. You will be training your biceps and triceps together in
the same workout.
3. You will alternate between performing one exercise for
triceps, then one exercise for biceps, then one exercise for
triceps, then biceps, etc.
4. Each workout will last approximately 1 hour. No longer.
Your arms for the next 30 days will take priority. You
will need to choose two days each week that you will
be training arms. For example you can choose Monday/
Thursday or Tuesday/Friday. Whichever is easiest for your
schedule. You will be training your arms and only your
arms on that day. No abs, no cardio, nothing. These two
days are reserved solely for destroying your pipes, and
you’re going to need every ounce of energy for it!
The workout itself will last precisely one hour. The goal
during this one hour time frame is to pump the living hell
out of your arms to such a staggering degree that you can-
not bend your arms to wipe the sweat off your forehead!
You want to flush as much blood into your guns as you
can within this 1 hour time frame. To achieve such a pump
though, a 1 minute rest will be taken between sets as you
alternate from biceps to triceps, biceps to triceps. With
that said, if you don’t have a stop watch, keep an eye on the
timer on your iPod, CD player, or even the gym wall clock.
Don’t lose track of time, don’t slack between sets. Growth
comes from creating a novel stimulus your muscles aren’t
use to receiving. So watch the clock, allow one minute
between sets as your move from biceps to triceps, per-
form 10-16 reps per set, and remember, the goal is pump
as much blood into your arms as humanly possible in one
hour! The number of sets you perform doesn’t matter and
neither does the weight. Use a weight with which you can
always get between 10-16 reps.
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• 1 hour workout.
• Alternating bicep exercise with triceps exercise.
• 1 minute rest between sets.
• Reps in the 10-16 range.
• Always stop 1-2 reps shy of failure.
• Weight used does NOT matter. Growth occurs from accu-
mulated stimulus.
• The Goal is to keep your arms engorged with blood for
one whole hour.
• Monday: Back
• Tuesday: Biceps & Triceps Assault
• Wednesday: Off
• Thursday: Chest/Shoulders
• Friday: Biceps & Triceps Assault.
• Saturday: Legs
• Sunday: Off
For those who prefer a 4 days per week approach, you can
follow this program.
Chapter 2
Brutalize Your Biceps into New GROWTH!
“Everybody wants to get big, but ain’t nobody wanna lift
no heavy ass weight!” said one of bodybuilding’s most
iconic figures in history, Ronnie Coleman. And it’s true.
Let me ask you this? How long have you been curling the
same 40lb dumbbells, or 50lb dumbbells? Maybe on a
good day you’ve been able to hit those elusive 55’s. How-
ever, when is the last time you made a significant jump in
strength, and thus overall size in your arm development?
So strap up, gear up, and let’s get ready to throw up some
big plates! It’s time to force those biceps to do that one
things your genetics don’t want to happen, and that’s
grow….and grow BIG!!
Dumbbell Curls -
While strikingly similar to barbell curls, dumbbell curls of-
fer up a unique advantage over using barbell curls in your
routine. Simply, it requires more energy for your body to
move 140lbs in one movement than it does 70lbs in one move-
ment. Performing alternating dumbbell curls will allow you
to individually subject each biceps muscle to an overwhelm-
ingly brutal beating, as you approach each and every single
rep with more gas in your tank.
Preacher Curls -
By far one of the most effective exercises at recruiting and
igniting muscle fibers into overdrive, the preacher curl is
one of the most efficient exercises to include in your arsenal.
Whether you chose to use a barbell and add 2 1/2lb plates, or
you use a dumbbell and spot each arm with the other to bang
out two to three more reps beyond failure, this exercise, when
done properly, will ignite a massive cascade of intracellular
muscular responses, all simultaneously screaming at your
muscles to grow bigger!
Change it up.
While three of the most effective exercises at building
sheer power and size have been outlined above, not all
of these exercises must be incorporated into each work-
out. The traditional approach is to perform four sets of a
given exercise and to move on, typically utilizing three to
four different exercises per muscle group.
However, when was the last time you did six solid sets of
barbell curls? When was the last time you did twelve
sets of preacher curls? It is far more challenging to per-
form eight sets of barbell curls than it is to split those
eight sets up into two different exercises.
Throw in a high rep pump-up set for biceps a few days after train-
ing them. It could be at the end of your leg workout, or at the end of
your chest routine. Try incorporating 1-2 light, yet high rep sets of
cable curls to really pump up your biceps and flush them with blood
and nutrients. Don’t go to failure. In fact, stop 1-2 reps shy of hit-
ting failure. Performing high rep sets will surprisingly create a nice
little shock to your system, increase the blood flow to your biceps
muscles, and will add a spark of new growth to your arms.
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Chapter 3
Amassing Titanic Triceps
The triceps make up 3/5th of the entire upper arm. Being
the larger of the two muscle groups when compared to the
biceps, it is critical to develop thick and meaty triceps if
you want to stretch your shirt sleeves to the point of rip-
The triceps are largely made up of thick, powerful, fast
twitch muscle fibers. Therefore, if you want to properly
stimulate the biggest growth response from them, you’ll
need to train heavy. But to get maximum development of
the triceps muscles, we need to slaughter the triceps fibers
from 3 strategic vantage points.
Power movements are movements that you can lift the
most amount of weight with. These are compound move-
ments that recruit support and assistance from surround
muscle groups, such as the chest, shoulders, and back mus-
cles. These compound movements for triceps include
Stretch position exercises for any muscle group are very
traumatic to the fibers involved. By stretching the tri-
ceps muscle fibers completely, those fibers will need to
generate greater force to reverse the motion, thereby
tearing the muscle fibers deeply. This is a fantastic way
to really maximize triceps potential for development
and sweeping shape. Below are three of the most effec-
tive stretch position movements for triceps.
The pump is one of the greatest tools to utilize for build-
ing greater muscle mass. Not only does a wicked pump
flood the muscle with blood, oxygen, and nutrients for
repair, but the burning sensation that accompanies the
pump also triggers the release of growth hormone. And,
growth hormone does exactly what its’ name implies…it
makes you grow! But the pump is also beneficial in that
it can aid in stretching out the fascia that surrounds
your muscle tissue and maintains the integrity of the
muscle shape. Stretching out the fascia allows for mus-
cle cells to grow bigger and with greater ease. Below
you will find 3 of the most effective exercises for fully
saturating the triceps muscle with blood.
Find the exercises that work best for you. I was con-
stantly told to go heavy on dips and close grip bench
presses to thicken up my triceps. I tried multiple
variations of these for years with very slow results.
But when I switched over to doing Overhead Barbell
Extensions and Rope pressdowns with a strong empha-
sis on spreading the rope completely at the bottom and
holding the contraction, my triceps BLEW UP like crazy.
Lesson to learn: What works great for most, won’t
work great for all.
Chapter 4
Forging Massive Forearms!
Well-developed forearms are a true sign of grip crush-
ing power. Whether you go to shake someone’s hand, or
you’re wearing a shirt that hides your upper arms, hav-
ing massive and vascular slabs of meat hanging off your
forearms is a sure fire method of communicating your
status of being the Alpha Male
The Routine -
• *Loaded Barbell Static Holds Superset w/ Reverse Bar-
bell Curls (15-20 reps): 4X
• Seated Barbell Wrist Curls Superset w/ Reverse Bar-
bell Preacher Curls (15-20 reps): 4X
1. HEAVY Loaded Barbell Static Holds. 2 sets, each held for 15-20
2. Loaded Barbell Static Holds. 2 sets, each held for 45-60 seconds
3. HEAVY One Arm DB Wrist Curls. 1 set, 6-8 reps
4. One Arm DB Wrist Curls. 1 set, 15-20 reps
5. HEAVY Reverse Barbell Curls. 2 sets, 6-8 reps
6. Reverse Barbell Curls. 2 sets, 15-20 reps.
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Chapter 5 Page 21
Let’sface it.
When your arms start to take on new propor-
tions, you will have a lot more women taking
notice of your Alpha status amongst men. And
with this will come greater opportunities for
YOU to date gorgeous girls!
And, when you sign up for the Score Sheet Newsletter today, you will…