EmpTech - Q1 - Mod8 - Design Principles and Elements

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Quarter 1 – Module 8
Design Principles and Elements

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ma. Fortunata C. De Guzman

Editor: Rolylyn H. Dado
Reviewer: Ann Marjorie V. Pico
Illustrator: Nestor C. Gonzales
Layout Artist: Froilan G. Isip

Management Team Zenia G. Mostoles EdD, CESO V, SDS

Leonardo C. Canlas EdD CESE, ASDS
Rowena T. Quiambao CESE, ASDS
Celia R. Lacanlale PhD, CID Chief
Arceli S. Lopez PhD, SGOD Chief
June D. Cunanan EPS- English
Ruby M. Jimenez PhD, EPS-LRMDS

Published by the Department of Education, Schools Division of Pampanga

Office Address: High School Boulevard, Brgy. Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Telephone No: (045) 435-2728
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Introductory Message
For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Empowerment Technologies Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Design Principles and Elements.

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators from public
institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set
by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent learning
activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners acquire the
needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You also need
to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks
included in the module.

For the Learner:

Welcome to the Empowerment Technologies Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Design Principles and Elements.

Creativity is an artistic work based from an original imagination. Being creative is a skill. It can
be developed nor honed. The existence of technology made an individual expressed their sense
of creativity. There is accessible application software on line that can be used in creating an
original visual message that can effectively communicate to people. Different professional tracks
can be catered by this software in all aspects of their business endeavor. In our educational
system nowadays, learners can easily adopt on how to be an artist on their own unique way.
There are software application tools that are user friendly and can motivate learners to explore
and maximize their skills in image processing. Following the basic essential techniques in
successful photo manipulation, learners can produce quality and original image content that can
be used for effective communication.

What I Need to Know

In this module, the different basic principles of graphics and layout will be recapped and
different image processing software will be tackled. How the text, graphics and images were
created with ICT content that will be intended for an online environment. Accessing different
application software to be used in creating an original ICT content visual message that can be
an effective source of communication in different professional tracks.

For the learner

Creating an original or derivative ICT content to effectively communicate a visual message in an

online environment related to specific professional tracks.
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
1. identify image processing application software where the basic principles and techniques
of graphics and layout can be applied
2. analyze how the different image processing application tools can be used in creating an
original visual message
3. create visual message (applicable to your specific professional track) which can be an
effective communication tool in an online environment.
What I Know

Read and answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which technique shows how realistic the look of your image is?
A. Proportion
B. Rendering
C. Shadows
D. Texture
2. Which define original image?
A. Copied
B. Duplicated
C. Real image
D. Shadowed
3. What is photo manipulation?
A. Copying picture from google
B. Draw, Cut and Paste picture in a piece of paper
C. Sketching arts from its original image
D. Transforming a photo using various techniques to achieve desired results.
4. Which software is NOT used for photo manipulation?
A. Inkscape
B. Krita
C. Photoshop
D. Powerpoint
5. Which technique catches the viewer’s eyes to the focus of your image?
A. Combining multiple images
B. Emphasis on details
C. Enhancing a stock Image
D. Rendering your images

Lesson Creating an original or derivative ICT content

to effectively communicate a visual message
8 in an online environment related to specific
professional tracks.
Creative and unique image is not impossible nowadays. Photo manipulation techniques are
used by many designers to create extremely creative works of art. It is enormously popular
amongst most graphic designers who choose to use manipulative photo software like
Photoshop. The wildest imagery to the simplest idea can be conveyed and the desired results
can be achieved.
What’s In

Identify the essential techniques used in photo manipulation. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.



Artist: pkw - Artwork: Eternal Inferno

What’s New

The different essential techniques in image manipulation will be recapped and discussed how
an image processing application software will be used in text, image and graphics layout.

This module will also discuss about image processing software that is used in creating an ICT
content visual message which can be an effective communication tool in an online environment.
What is It

Discussion of Activity 1
Image manipulation is composed of the following techniques: Rendering your images, Shadows,
Proportion, Texture Use, Picking stock Images, Color Blending, Emphasis on Detail, Combining
Multiple Images, C4D Uses, and Enhancing a Stock Image. This module will also allow learners
to use paid and open source image processing software for manipulation such as GIMP,
Paint.net, KRITA, Pixen, InkScape and Photoshop.

Evaluate the given picture. Identify the techniques used in image manipulation. Answer the
questions given. Write your answer in your notebook.

Guide questions:

1. Identify the image

manipulation techniques
2. Do you agree that this will
served as a communication
3. What image processing
software can be used?
4. How was the image

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Evaluation of Image based on how it was manipulated. The learner’s will identify the image
manipulation technique used and how it served as an effective communication tool in an online

Take a look at these pictures carefully.

Answer the following questions accurately. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Which among the pictures was manipulated?
2. Why?
3. What essential technique was used in image manipulation?
4. What image processing software can be used?

Independent Assessment 1
The use of the different image manipulation techniques can make you change or
enhance a graphics/image on your intended results. This would be the way on how you
can create an original ICT content visual message which will be an effective
communication tool in an online environment.

Through the use of a paid or open source image processing software, You are task to
answer the following questions with regards to the picture that you have chosen in
Independent Activity #1.

1. Which picture was manipulated?

2. How do you find the image manipulation technique used?
3. How the after image delivered its message?
4. How it was produced?
5. What image processing software was used?

Independent Activity 2
One way of presenting visual message in a more understandable and easier way is the use of
image processing software like PhotoShop, and applies all the essential manipulation
techniques in changing and enhancing original image.

Create your own organization logo identifying the different manipulation techniques used. The
logo should show a visual message which is an effective communication tool in an online
environment. It should show how the Logo described your organization or association. Label it
with your own tag line.

Example: “Basta Taga Emigdio, Disiplinado at Mabuting Tao.”

At the bottom part of the Logo, include an explanation (150-200 words) about the tag line.

Apply the different manipulation techniques in enhancing your Logo. Use PhotoShop software
then print or use a short bond paper to draw your Logo.

Independent Assessment 2
From the Independent Activity 2, identify the different manipulation techniques used in
the logo. Explain your answer in 1 to 2 sentences and write it in your notebook.

Image / Manipulation Technique Explanation

Open Book – Emphasis on Detail *I want the viewers to see on the spot the concept of
the logo
1. __________________________ _____________________________________
2. __________________________ _____________________________________
3. __________________________ _____________________________________
4. __________________________ _____________________________________
5. __________________________ _____________________________________
Independent Activity 3
Choose one picture from the Google image. Enhance or change the image using the
different techniques in image manipulation. Use PhotoShop or any open source image
processing software.

Follow the format below in editing an image.

A. Name: _____________________________________________________
Picture of the Chosen Image

B. Manipulation Techniques Used


C. Procedure

D. Picture of the Finished Product

Independent Assessment 3
From the Independent Activity 3, answer the questions. Explanation should be at least 1
to 2 sentences. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. What are the different manipulation techniques that you used in changing and
enhancing your chosen image?
2. How it was changed and enhanced?
3. How does this final image convey as an effective visual message for
communication in an online environment?

Write your thoughts and questions on a sheet of paper.

What I Have Learned

Identify the different manipulation techniques used in each image given. Write the correct
answer in your notebook.

Manipulation Technique Images

1. Rendering your image A.

2. Shadows

3. Proportion

4. Texture Use

5. Picking Stock Images


6. Color Blending
7. Emphasis on Detail

8. Combining multiple Images


9. C4D Uses

10. Enhancing a Stock Image J.

Before After
Artist: pkw - Artwork: Eternal Inferno

What I Can Do

Name at least 3 essential image manipulation techniques and draw an image. You can draw in
a bond paper or use PhotoShop or any open-source image processing software then print.
Follow the format below:

Image Manipulation Technique Drawing




Read each item carefully and identify whether each statement is true or false.

1. Photo manipulation techniques is extremely used by artist in order to change or enhance

an original image according to his desired results.
2. Image processing software can blend, combine and merge images.
3. C4D or 3D images are normal images.
4. KRITA is an image processing software.
5. Color blending is a combination of black and white colors.

Additional Activities

Do the following task:

⮚ Search for any open source image processing software or PhotoShop
⮚ Download any environmental photos from Google image
⮚ Change and enhance the image according to your desired result
⮚ Identify the essential manipulation techniques that you used after finalizing the output
Assessment What's In / What’s New / What What I Know
T is it / What’s More / What I A
T Have Learned / What I Can Do
/ Additional Activities
Answer Key
1. Commission on Higher Education. K to 12 Transition Program Management Unit – Senior High School
Support Team. Media and Information Literacy
2. https://design.tutsplus.com/tutorials/10-techniques-that-are-essential-for-successful-photo-manipulation-
3. https://www.google.com/search?q=image+manipulation+technique&rlz=1C1CHBD_enPH734PH734&oq=im
4. https://issuu.com/rhasel/docs/c3-b.pptx
5. Artist: pkw - Artwork: Eternal Inferno

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