TSF GRIP Tasks Jan'2021 Onwards

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Tasks List

Graduate Rotational Internship Program

The Sparks Foundation

Task List
The tasklist contains tasks in the following categories:

❖ LinkedIn Profile Improvement (Mandatory for all)

❖ Technology (only for Tech functions)-

Web & Mobile Development,
Data Science & Business Analytics
Computer vision & IoT

❖ Non-Tech (only for Non-tech functions)-

Content Development & Digital Marketing, and
Human Resources & Campus Ambassador
How many tasks to do?
Minimum requirements to be eligible to get an internship completion

❖ LinkedIn Profile Improvement - Improve your professional profile on


❖ Technology (only Tech interns)- Complete AT LEAST ONE TASK from

the list of tasks given under your internship function. After that, you can
do as many tasks as you want for learning & LoR.

❖ Non-Tech (only non-tech interns)- Complete AT LEAST ONE TASK

from the list of tasks given under your internship function. You can do
as many tasks as you want for learning & LoR.

❖ Peer-evaluation (mandatory for all): Watch and comment on the at

least 5 task videos on LinkedIn posted by fellow interns. Refer to FAQs
for the steps of peer evaluation: https://lnkd.in/gnGiBbb

❖ Additional tasks for LoR (optional)- This will be shared via email. You
can also refer to FAQs for this: https://lnkd.in/gnGiBbb
Instructions for all Tasks
◇ Due to similar nature of skills, some tasks are combined. Example,
tasks of Web Development and Mobile App Development are
merged into one category - Web & Mobile Development.

◇ You can do as many tasks you can do from your domain category

for your learning & skills development.

◇ In case of any query related to tasks, you can ask in TSF Network.
Please refer to section ‘Internship Period & Tasks’ in the FAQs
document: https://lnkd.in/gnGiBbb

◇ Your posts in TSF Network needs approval. We may not approve a

query which has recently been answered. You are suggested to
scroll down or use ‘Search’ to make sure your query is unique in
last few days.

◇ For peer-evaluation (mandatory), please refer to FAQs document.

How to submit the tasks?
◇You need to submit links for content and video of your tasks in the Task Submission
Form, except for the LinkedIn task. Form will be shared later.

◇For tech tasks you need to submit code using github/gitlab (public repository). For
non-tech tasks, submit links of your work such as Medium or posted poster link.

◇For each task a video needs to be created to showcase your work, demo of your

effort (running application and code for tech tasks, and summary and explanation
of other non-tech tasks). The video should start with your name on top or first
page. Prefer to include your audio explaining your work. Please read the FAQs.

◇The video can be hosted on any public place such as Youtube or LinkedIn.

◇And the video can afterwards be shared on YOUR LinkedIn, Facebook etc, for a
proof of your work and build credibility among your peers. You can tag The Sparks
Foundation in such posts. Do not post task videos in TSF Network group.

◇Examples of task videos: http://bit.ly/3pFyyrs or http://bit.ly/3hAudmx (with audio)

◇To know how to submit peer-evaluation (mandatory) link, please read FAQs
document: https://lnkd.in/gnGiBbb
LinkedIn Profile Improvement
(Mandatory Task)
◇ Watch videos and read online articles to see the best
practices about improving your LinkedIn Profile

◇ Read: link1, link2, link3

#0 ◇ Complete your LinkedIn Profile with all details from your

resume, e.g. Objective, Education, Projects, Experience, etc..

◇ Add your professors, friends, seniors, industry leaders, etc. to

your connections. Send invitation request to many. This will
help you get job later on.

◇ Look at the connections of your existing network and add

others who have reputed profile.

◇ Optionally, join and connect with: link4, link5, and all other
existing members of The Sparks Foundation.
Web & Mobile
Basic Banking System
◇ Create a simple dynamic website which has the following specs.

◇ Start with creating a dummy data in database for upto 10

customers. Database options: Mysql, Mongo, Postgres, etc.
Customers table will have basic fields such as name, email,

#1 current balance etc. Transfers table will record all transfers


◇ Flow: Home Page > View all Customers > Select and View one
Customer > Transfer Money > Select customer to transfer to >
View all Customers .

◇ No Login Page. No User Creation. Only transfer of money

between multiple users.

◇ Host the website at 000webhost, github.io, heroku app or any

other free hosting provider. Check in code in gitlab.
Basic Banking App

◇ Create a simple mobile app which has the following specs.

Start with creating dummy data in mobile (sqlite) database


for upto 10 users. User table will have basic fields such as
name, email, current balance etc. Transfers table will record
all transfers happened.
◇ Flow: Home Screen > View all Customers> Select and View
one Customer> Transfer Money> Select customer to transfer
to > View all Customers.
◇ No Login Page. No Customer Creation. Only transfer of money
between multiple customers .
◇ Upload video demo of your application on youtube and
submit the url.
Payment Gateway
◇ Create a simple website where payment gateway is integrated.
◇ There will be a simple donate button on homepage. On clicking
the donate button, the user will land on the payment page where

#3 user can select the amount to be paid and the payment type, e.g.
credit card, Paypal, etc.
◇ Once the payment is done and invoice will be generated and
email will be sent to the user for the payment received. The
invoice will contain the amount.
◇ On any page / email, only basic information is needed.
◇ Create your own temporary / sandbox / testing accounts with 3rd
party for integrations.
◇ Host the website at 000webhost, github.io, heroku app or any
other free hosting provider. Check in code in gitlab.
CI/CD: Cloud Computing
◇ Read up about AWS or Azure.
◇ Write up about the steps of setup and essentials of AWS EC2
or Azure VM (one page step by step).

#4 ◇ Create an EC2 or azure VM instance and access it through

ssh from your pc over internet.
◇ In the EC2, deploy and run any application (a website with
tomcat/spring boot) or python based project.
◇ Use at least one service apart from EC2 or VM, i.e. Database
service, or MQ, ML, Mobile or any other services provided by
AWS or Azure.
◇ Submit the URL of the application which is running on EC2.
◇ Your video should show that you are able to run applications
on cloud.
Social Media Integration
◇ Create a mobile app, where user can login through at least
two social media from such as Facebook and Google.

#5 ◇

After login, display all the details (e.g. Name, profile photo,
email, etc.) on the second page.
Take help of online tutorials and Youtube videos.
◇ No backend / server side programming required.
◇ Very good looking UI and responsive UI, which should work
for mobiles as well as tablets.
◇ Clean code is a must.
◇ Upload video demo of your application on youtube and
submit the url.
Testing (Automated)

◇ Read up about Testing.

◇ Learn selenium and basic selenium automation scripting.
◇ Start with Google Search and read tutorials. Watch videos to
learn about various aspects of testing using selenium.
◇ Use selenium to create a test case to test the website
◇ The test script should check of at least 5 pages and 10
elements in total.
◇ Each element could be e.g. if the Logo exists, the navigation
bar appears, the name on about us page is correct, etc.
Data Science
& Business
Prediction using Supervised ML
(Level - Beginner)
● Predict the percentage of an student based on the no. of study hours.

● This is a simple linear regression task as it involves just 2 variables.

● You can use R, Python, SAS Enterprise Miner or any other tool

#1 ●

Data can be found at http://bit.ly/w-data

What will be predicted score if a student studies for 9.25 hrs/ day?

● Sample Solution : https://bit.ly/2HxiGGJ

● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on
YOUR LinkedIn profile, not TSF Network.
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared.
Prediction using Unsupervised ML
(Level - Beginner)
● From the given ‘Iris’ dataset, predict the optimum number of clusters
and represent it visually.

● Use R or Python or perform this task

Dataset : https://bit.ly/3kXTdox


● Sample Solution : https://bit.ly/3cGyP8j

● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on
YOUR LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared.
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Exploratory Data Analysis - Retail
(Level - Beginner)
● Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘SampleSuperstore’

● As a business manager, try to find out the weak areas where you can
work to make more profit.

● What all business problems you can derive by exploring the data?

#3 ● You can choose any of the tool of your choice


● Dataset: https://bit.ly/3i4rbWl

● Beginner Level - Create dashboards. Screen-record along with your

audio explaining the charts and interpretations.

● Task submission:
1. Create the dashboards and/or storyboard and record it
2. Upload the recording either on YouTube or LinkedIn
3. Create a LinkedIn post as suggested in FAQs
Exploratory Data Analysis - Terrorism
(Level - Intermediate)
● Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Global Terrorism’

● As a security/defense analyst, try to find out the hot zone of terrorism.

● What all security issues and insights you can derive by EDA?

● You can choose any of the tool of your choice

● Dataset: https://bit.ly/2TK5Xn5

● Intermediate Level - Create storyboards. Screen-record along with

your audio explaining the charts and interpretations. Use images.

● Task submission:
1. Create the dashboards and/or storyboard and record it
2. Upload the recording on Youtube, share the link on LinkedIn
3. Submit LinkedIn post link in Task Submission Form when shared
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Exploratory Data Analysis - Sports
(Level - Advanced)
● Perform ‘Exploratory Data Analysis’ on dataset ‘Indian Premier League’

● As a security/defense analyst, try to find out the hot zone of terrorism.

● What all security issues and insights you can derive by EDA?

● You can choose any of the tool of your choice

#5 ●

Dataset: https://bit.ly/34SRn3b

● Advanced Level - Create storyboards. Screen-record along with your audio

explaining the charts and interpretations. Use annotations, animation and

● Task submission:
1. Create the dashboards and/or storyboard and record it
2. Upload the recording on Youtube, share the link on LinkedIn
3. Submit LinkedIn post link in Task Submission Form when shared
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Prediction using Decision Tree
(Level - Intermediate)
● Create the Decision Tree classifier and visualize it graphically.

● The purpose is if we feed any new data to this classifier, it would be able to

predict the right class accordingly.

● Dataset : https://bit.ly/3kXTdox

● Sample Solution : https://bit.ly/2G6sYx9

● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and output
in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on YOUR
LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared.
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Stock Market Prediction using
Numerical and Textual Analysis
(Level - Advanced)
● Objective: Create a hybrid model for stock price/performance
prediction using numerical analysis of historical stock prices, and

#7 ●
sentimental analysis of news headlines

Stock to analyze and predict - SENSEX (S&P BSE SENSEX)

● Download historical stock prices from finance.yahoo.com

● Download textual (news) data from https://bit.ly/36fFPI6

● Use either R or Python, or both for separate analysis and then

combine the findings to create a hybrid model

● You are free to select a different stock to analyze and news dataset
as well while not changing the objective of the task.
Timeline Analysis : Covid-19
(Level - Advanced)
● Create a storyboard showing spread of Covid-19 cases in your country or
any region (Asia, Europe, BRICS etc) using Tableau, Power BI or SAP

● Use animation, timeline and annotations to create attractive and interactive

dashboards and story

● Identify interesting patterns and possible reasons helping Covid-19 spread
with basic as well as advanced charts

● Screen-record the completed storyboard along with your audio explaining the
charts and giving recommendations.

● Dataset: Daily updated .csv file on https://bit.ly/30d2gdi

● Task submission:
1. Create the dashboards and/or storyboard and record it
2. Upload the recording on Youtube, share the link on LinkedIn
3. Submit LinkedIn post link in Task Submission Form when shared
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Vision &
Internet of
Object Detection / Optical Character
Recognition (ORC)
(Level - Beginner)
● Implement an object detector which identifies the classes of the objects in
an image or video. OR
● Character detector which extracts printed or handwritten text from an
image or video.
● Below resources are just for references you can use any library/approach

to achieve the goal.
● Resources: link1 link2
● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on YOUR
LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared with
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Color Identification in Images
(Level - Beginner)
● Implement an image color detector which identifies all the colors in an
image or video.

● Below resources are just for references you can use any library/approach
to achieve the goal.

#2 ●

Resources: link1

Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on YOUR
LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared with
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Social Distancing detector
(Level - Intermediate)
❖ Implement a real time Social Distancing detector which can identify the
distance between two individuals in a crowd.

❖ Below resources are just for references you can use any library/approach
to achieve the goal.

#3 ❖

Resources: link1 link2

Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on YOUR
LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared with
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Detection of face mask
(Level - Intermediate)
● Implement a real time face mask detector.

● Below resources are just for references you can use any
library/approach to achieve the goal.

● Resources: link1 link2

#4 ● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on
YOUR LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared
with you.
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Traffic sign classification/Recognition
(Level - Intermediate)
● Implement a real time traffic sign classifier which identifies the traffic sign
and gives an alert.

● Below resources are just for references you can use any library/approach

#5 ●
to achieve the goal.

Resources: link1 link2

● Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on YOUR
LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared with
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Fault detection system
(Level - Advanced)
● Implement a Fault Detection System which, detects and eliminates
the faulty products based on the shape/colour.

● Please go through the below link for more understanding

#6 ●

Resources: link1

Task submission:
1. Host the code on GitHub Repository (public). Record the code and
output in a video. Post the video on YouTube
2. Share links of code (GitHub) and video (YouTube) as a post on
YOUR LinkedIn profile
3. Submit the LinkedIn link in Task Submission Form when shared
with you.
4. Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
& Digital
Marketing Plan: Social Media
◇ Create a Marketing Plan for The Sparks Foundation. The plan could include
any social media, e.g. LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc.
◇ Read and Understand the various programs at The Sparks Foundation via
the website. Explain how the plan should be executed for maximum

◇ Write up brief plan (about 5 pages) on how marketing can be done,
including how to make it successful. You can use medium.com to write the
◇ Design a few posts to summarize your plan, and create a slideshow (nice
looking) and upload on slideshare or any other public slide sharing website.
◇ Create an explanatory video to showcase your effort. You could use voice
over or typed text to explain your effort.
◇ Share the job postings of TSF on relevant social media groups
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Content Writing: Small Articles
◇ Articles on any of the 3 themes: inspire, innovate, integrate
◇ Read up on internet about your themes and understand the
problem people are facing and proposed solutions.
◇ Write articles with minimum 2-3 pages, including catchy pictures,
which is well formatted and mistake-free in your own words.

#2 ◇
Choose a catchy title, include quotes, references of other articles
and stories.
Post all of the articles online and share us the link. You can use
Medium.com as publishing platform.
◇ Share those articles via LinkedIn
◇ Summarize your articles in small posts and create a slideshow
(nice looking) and upload on slideshare.
◇ Create an explanatory video to showcase your effort. You could
use voice over or typed text to explain your effort.
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Animations / Explanatory Videos

◇ Read up various programs run by The Sparks Foundation on

the website or LinkedIn, or you can just choose GRIP to create
an explanatory video of GRIP.
◇ Signup at Biteable.com, Animaker.com, Powtoons.com or any

#3 ◇
similar website.
Create small animations (30 seconds – 1 minute) to explain
about the process and/or benefits of the program.
◇ The explanatory animation could be small but show show
that you can create nice looking videos.
◇ Upload the video on youtube and share the videos on your
LinkedIn profile.
◇ Submit the urls in the Task Submission Form, when shared.
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Poster Design
◇ Sign-up on Canva.com or any other similar design portal
◇ Design 3 to 5 Posters of following:
◇ Poster/Infographics on Education Sector Reforms on any of

following themes: inspire, innovate, integrate.
◇ Poster to highlight the GRIP at The Sparks Foundation and
showcase benefits and achievements.
◇ Be creative and showcase different aspects of the program.
Include relevant information to help students signup.
◇ Post them on various educational and students groups on
LinkedIn and Facebook.
◇ Submit the urls in the end.
◇ Create a small video of all the posters and publish the video
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Resources &
Recruitment Article and Posts
◇ Different and effective ways of recruiting

◇ How to get referrals from people on LinkedIn (Please list the steps).

◇ Write an article with your steps and plan for recruitment using

#1 ◇
Social Media on Medium.

Design a few posts to summarize your plan, and share your posts
to see response of users.

◇ Create a slideshow (nice looking) with your posts and upload your
slides on slideshare or any other public slide sharing website.

◇ After a few days, see how was the response to your call for
recruiting, and create an explanatory video to showcase your
effort. You could use voice over or typed text to explain your effort.

◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.

Job Readiness Article and Posts

◇ Read online about various things needed for getting hired.

◇ Read about how to create nice resume, what to include and

#2 ◇
what not to include.
Write an article and 5 small posts consisting of your
understanding and knowledge of how to be job ready.
◇ Publish your articles on Medium and share the posts on
LinkedIn, along with the link of longer medium article.
◇ Upload your posts in the slide format to slideshare.
◇ Create a video to show the responses you have received for
your posts on Job Readiness and to show how many people
have benefitted from your articles / posts.
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Job Advertisement for GRIP
◇ Look at the GRIP advertisements done on various platforms.
◇ Re-write those advertisements creatively based on what
others are looking for, in different styles.

◇ Appeal to different sections based on their interests and write
why GRIP would be helpful for them.
◇ Share your advertisements for GRIP at various places
wherever you can reach them and invite people to respond.
◇ Always include the link of the “Interest Form” and “TSF
Network” in your posts.
◇ After a few days, see how was the response to your ads, and
create an explanatory video to showcase your effort. You
could use voice over or typed text to explain your effort.
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
Expanding TSF Reach
◇ Help expand TSF by introducing TSF to other entities such as
college, training placement cells and other students.
◇ Find contact person and email of 5 to 10 college placement cells

#4 ◇
and write emails to introduce TSF to them.
Find other sources from where your friends can be reached, or
other people in your network who would be looking for similar
◇ Refer all such students and your contacts to TSF and GRIP.
◇ Create a post by tagging all such people who would be interested
and tag The Sparks Foundation (company) also in the same post.
◇ Create a video of your effort to show who you have contacted and
what was the response.
◇ Please read FAQs on how to submit the tasks.
After all, a job isn't worth doing

unless you enjoy it. 

Dinah Sheridan
Ask us for help!
◇ The purpose of the internship is to learn.

◇ Please ask for help as much as you need.

◇ We don’t want to dictate you. So it is up to you to seek


◇ The tasks given may seem very easy or very difficult. We

expect that you give professional due regard to the tasks.

◇ Best of luck!!
Support the Cause
Please Join Us and Spread the Word about what we are doing. With
your help we can reach out to more students…
◇ FB: https://www.facebook.com/thesparksfoundation.info

◇ TSF @ LinkedIn:

◇ TSF Network: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/10379184/

◇ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsfsingapore

◇ Instagram: https://instagram.com/thesparksfoundation.info

◇ Medium: https://medium.com/thesparksfoundation

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