Triangulated Surfaces: Naming Conventions
Triangulated Surfaces: Naming Conventions
Triangulated Surfaces: Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions
Gemcom Surpac
Triangulated Surfaces
Surpac supports two types of triangulated surfaces:
digital terrain model surfaces (DTMs): A DTM surface is a set of triangles which
represent a surface, such as topography or a pit design.
three-dimensional solid models (3DMs): A solid model is a set of triangles which
represents a three-dimensional shape, such as an ore zone or an underground mine design.
Naming Conventions
The objects you create in Surpac are numbered by a system similar to that of string and string
segment numbers. The hierarchy of triangles, trisolations, and objects of a .dtm file is
analogous to the points, segments, and strings of a string file.
When you define an object, you explicitly assign it both an object number and a trisolation
number. Surpac refers to the object by the object and trisolation number that you assigned.
The object number must be an integer within the range of 1 to 32000. The trisolation number
must be a positive integer.
DTM Conventions
DTMs cannot model overhangs or vertical surfaces.
When creating a DTM, strings identified as spot heights are interpreted differently to
strings identified as breaklines.
This chapter describes how to using use strings to act as break lines. A breakline string is a
string that represents physical features you can see in the real world, such as a crest of a pit, a
fault in a geological model, or a contour in a pit. Spot height strings contain random points
that, when connected by a string line, do not represent any physical feature. For example,
randomly surveyed points or borehole collars.
3. Click and drag the mouse to rotate the data and view it from different angles.
Creating a DTM Surface
It is important to understand how a string file relates to a DTM. In order for a DTM file to
remain valid, the string file from which it was created must remain unchanged from the time
when you created the DTM. Therefore, if you modify the string data, you must also recreate
the DTM.
The string file contours and the DTM of the topography are displayed.
You will now create a DTM from the string file pit_design1.str using the file-based DTM
creation option. This task demonstrates the impact of using strings as breaklines.
Progress is reported in the message window. When the DTM is created, a log file
opens in the default text editor. The log file is a report containing information about
the DTM.
Several triangles in the DTM do not reflect the desired results. Next, you repeat the
procedure, but using the Strings to act as breaklines option.
5. Click Reset graphics .
6. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file.
This time ensure that the Strings to act as break lines check box is selected.
Note: This time the Strings to act as break lines check box is selected.
Progress is reported in the message window. When the DTM is created, a log file
opens in the default text editor. The log file is a report containing information about
the DTM.
file-based method: In this method, you do not need to display the DTMs. Surpac
automatically saves the boundary string to the nominated file.
graphics-based method: In this method, you must display the DTMs in Graphics.
Surpac does not automatically save the boundary string. The boundary string is displayed in
its own Graphics layer. If you use the graphics-based method you must save the boundary
string to a file after it is generated.
Note: To help you understand the purpose, and result, of this task, you will open the DTMs
in Graphics. However, for the file-based method to work, you do not need to open any files in
The pit extends past the natural topography. To determine the volume of the pit, you
need to define the boundary where the topography cuts the pit design. You do this by
creating a boundary string of the intersection between both DTMs.
3. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Line of intersection between two DTMs.
4. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
5. Open intersection1.str in Graphics.
Note: When using the graphics-based method you must open the DTMs in Graphics. This is
because the function uses graphics layers to determine inputs and outputs.
One of the most common uses of DTMs is to calculate volumes. You can use DTM
VOLUMES to compute the volume between two DTM surfaces, contained within a
boundary string.
2. Choose Surfaces > Volumes > Cut and fill between DTMs.
3. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
4. Open cfill_volume.not.
2. Click and drag your mouse to rotate the solid and view the ore body from different
Note: Triangulation uses segment numbers. This means that segment 1 will
triangulate to segment 2, segment 2 will triangulate to segment 3, and so on.
11. Move your pointer near the end segment, and click to select one point.
12. Right-click in Graphics, and select Select segments.
14. Hold the ALT key, then click and drag in Graphics to rotate the data to expose the
other end of the object.
15. Move the pointer near the end segment, and click to select one point.
Tip: You can also validate your solid using the solids repair functions (Solids >
Validation > Solids repair).
The Solids Repair panel is displayed. The green check mark at the top of the
panel means that the solid is valid.
Calculating a Volume Using a Solid Model
Task: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
3. Choose View > Data view options > Long section view.
4. Choose Display > 2D Grid.
5. Enter the information as shown, and click Apply.
6. Choose View > Zoom > Out.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 04b_solid_volume.tcl. You need to
click Apply on any forms presented.