Data Mine Tutorial
Data Mine Tutorial
Data Mine Tutorial
Geological Modeling
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Sheet control bar/ overlay tree/ double click on holes/ Format display/ format display dialog/
Drillholes tab/ Format/ Drillhole traces dialog/ Static drillhole tab/ Color tab/ On section: color using
legend, Off section: color using legend/ Legend group/ Column: NLith/ click button use default legend
for this column/ Apply/ OK
- Sheet control bar/ holes/ Format display dialog/ Drillholes tab/ Display downhole column group/
Insert/ select: Au/ OK/ Format for Au dialog/ Style template tab/ select: Filled histogram/ OK
- Design Window/ View control toolbar/ View setting/ section: North-South, Width: 25m, Apply
Clipping/ OK
- Design Window/ Query/ Point/ Snap (left click) on a portion of a hole/ check information in Data
Properties control bar or in Output Control bar
Compositing Static Drillholes (COMPDH)
- Drillhole Processing tollbar/ Composite Down Drillholes/ COMPDH dialog/ Files tab/ In: holes, Out:
holesc/Fields tab/ BHID, FROM, TO, ZONE: NLith/ Parameters tab/ Interval: 1000 (longest hole
length to be composited to), Mingap:0.05, Maxgap:0, Mincomp:0.001, Start:0, Mode:0, Print:0/ OK;
- Check output results and records number
- The combination of setting the ZONE: NLITH (rock type) and INTERVAL: 1000, will combine
adjacent sample intervals of same NLITH to generate composites of single rock type; can be done for
same grade values, zone, by assigning another field as ZONE
- Retrieval tab is to filter the data by special criteria like: CU>0.2 to composite holes at cut-off 0.2
Creating Dynamic Drillholes (Data Load Wizard):
- Data/ Load/ Wizard/ Data Load Wizard (Import Data Type) dialog/ select: Drillholes Tables, Hole,
Collar, Survey, Assay, Lithology, Interval log/ Next/ Import Hole Collar table/ Add/ Driver Category:
Text, Data Type: Tables/ Open Source File dialog/ browse to C:\ . . .\VBOP\Text\_vb_collars_space.txt/
Open/ Text Wizard dialog/ Data Type: Delimited/ Next/ Delimiters: Space/ Next/ Absent data:-; Repeat
the same procedure for other tables:/ Survey, Delimiters: comma, fields: BHID, AT, BRG, DIP, Positive
Dip: down, Angular values: Degree/ Assays, Delimiters: comma, fields: BHID, FROM, TO, AU, CU,
absent, . . . , DENSITY/ Lithology, Delimiters: comma, fields: BHID, FROM, TO, NLITH, LITH
(description)/ Zones, fields: BHID, FROM, TO, absent, . . . , Zone:ZONE/ Load Complete/ 3D hole
trace: yes, intersection table: yes/ Finish; check in loaded data control bar; File/ Save.
Validating Dynamic Drillholes:
- To check for missing, incomplete, gaps, overlaps, duplicate samples
- In Desurvey Report control bar, check errors and warnings
Visually Validating Dynamic Drillholes
- To see relative location of holes in topography, hole trace, stratigraphic sequence, mineralized zones
- Sheet Control bar/ Overlay branch/ show dynamic drillholes and stopo
- View Cntrol bar/ toggle off clipping/ zoom all data/ view setting/ plan view, Z:77.5m
- Sheet control bar/ Dynamic holes/ Format Display dialog/ Drillholes tab/ Format/ Drillhole trace
dialog/ label tab/ select collar:BHID/ OK/ back in Format display dialog/ Display downhole column/
select NLITH/ Format/ Style Template tab/ select Trace/ Apply/ Trace tab/ select color using legend/
select NLith for color column legend/ Apply/ OK/ Apply/ OK.
- Querying Drillholes: Compositor Control bar/ select (left click) below one collar of one hole.
Linked Plots/ Tables
- Plot Window/ Sheet control bar/ Plots/ Section 6012.50E/ Set of 2 Projections/ South North Projection
Section 6012.5E overlay branch/ show dynamic drillholes and stopo (string)
- Scale View toolbars/ Scale Fit/ Plot Scale: [1:2,500]
- Section toolbar/ Define Section/ Section orientation: North-South, Width:50m, use clipping, X:6100,
Y:5100, Z:75
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Dynamic Drillhole/ Format Display dialog/ Drillholes tab/ Format/ Drillhole trace dialog/ Labels tab/
select collar:BHID/ back in Format Display/ Display downhole column/ select NLith/ Format/ Format
for NLith dialog/ Style template tab/ select Trace/ Apply; Repeat all the same format display settings
for Rotated Plan Projection Section 6100E.
- View/ Window/ Tables/ select _vb_collars_tab (txt) tab
- Table Window/ select record BHID VB2675/select survey tab, check the highlighted records/ select
Plot window, check the highlighted drillhole;
- Plot Window/ select a part of a hole/ Table Window/ select various tabs, check highlighted records;
Loading CAD drawing (*.dgn: microstation file)
- Design Window/ Data/ Load/ Data Source Driver/ other . . ./ Data Import dialog/ Driver category:
CAD, Data type: DGN/ OK/ Open Source file dialog/ browse to C:\ . . .\VBOP\CAD\ _vb_ltopo.dgn/
Open/ Read drawing file dialog/ select all levels and all objects/ Unit Scale 1: 10000/ OK; check that
_vb_ltopodgn string object is listed in the Loaded Data Control bar; >>> File/ Save
- Load; View Control/ toggle off clipping/ zoom all data/ view setting/ Az:0, Dip:0/ update
visualizer; compare two contour string files.
Creating Legend for Geological Modeling:
- Load holes by dragging and dropping from project files list into design window;
- Format/ Format legend/ legend manager dialog/ New Legend/ Legend Wizard/ select Use object field
option/ select holes in object list/ select NLith from field list/ Next/ select current project file/ Next/
define legend name holes-Nlith1/select unique value/ Next/ Data range dialog/ Next/ Rainbow
blue>Red/ Preview/ Finish;
- Legend manager dialog/ select holes-Nlith1/ select legend item [0]/ Edit/ Description: soil, Fill color:
yellow/ [1]:sandstone, red/ [2]:siltstone, Bgreen/ [3]:breccia, magneta/ [4]:basalt, bright blue/ right click
on holes-Nlith1 legend/ Save Legend/ browse to project folder/ save; >>> File/ Save
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Creating Section String From Topography Wireframe: Wireframe/ Plane Operation/ Section/ Section
dialog/ Use view plane/ OK; check that new string file Section 0: . . . is listed in Loaded data control
- Sheet control bar/ turn off display of wireframe and show only section string in red color using format
display dialog
- Current object toolbar/ Object type: string/ create new object applying default templates
- Snapping toolbar/ Snap mode lines
- Point and string editing standard toolbar/ New String/ Color palette/ orange:3/ snap (right click) to the
topography section string at top left/ move down to bottom of the fault/ left click for second point/ New
String command again/ snap (right click) to top section string at top right/ move down to bottom of the
fault/ left click for second point/ cancel
- Digitize First Ore Body String: New String command/ Color palette/ green:5/ move to top left end of
ore body (thick, dark red, black reflectors)/ left click for first point at left side of fault string/ digitize the
top contact toward right using left click/ left click for last point just at right side of fault line/ cancel
string command/ repeat for second and third ore string with cyan (6) and magenta (7) colors
- Point and string standard toolbar/ trim to string/ select (left click) left fault string/ select (left click)
each of the 3 ore strings in turn at their start point to left/ cancel the command/ repeat for right side
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on new string object/ Data/ save as/ single precision file/ browse
to project folder/ define name: seisinterp_NS5985
- To unload image file: Format/ Background/ close Image file
Digitizing Vertical Section String
- Load faulttr, holesc, stopotr, viewdefs
- Sheet control bar/ format display dialog/ display both wireframes as intersection
- Format Display dialog/ holesc/ Drillholes tab/ format/ color tab/ select legend: holesc-Zone, column:
Zone/ label tab/ Collar: BHID/ Apply/ OK
- View control bar/ get view/ 3/ enter/ primary clipping: 10m (front and behind)
- Upper Ore zone (blue): Zone 1, lower ore zone (red): Zone 2
- Current Object toolbar/ Object type: string/ Create new object applying default template
- Snapping toolbar/ snap mode point/ toggle on snap to drillhole data
- Digitizing upper zone ore body: Point and string standard toolbar/ New String/ color: green (5)/ move
to first point at top left corner of ore body and left click/ move to top contact of ore in drillholes and
right click (snap)/ move to next point using arrow keys/ at top right corner, extrapolate and left click
then move down to bottom contact of upper ore zone and and go on/ close string
- Smoothing string: select the string inside design window/ point and string toolbar/ smooth string;
check that one point between each points is added now/ click delete points/ select points which are not
- Digitizing lower zone ore body: snapping toolbar/ toggle on snap to drillhole data and string data/ click
snap mode
- Point and string toolbar/ new string command/ color: cyan (6)/ snap to existing upper zone string
points without gap or overlap
- Point and string toolbar/ insert point/ left click to insert 4 points along bottom contact of lower ore
corresponding to upper contact
- Saving the ore body string: Loaded data control bar/ right click on New String/ Data/ save as/ single
precision (.dm) file/ project folder/ name: min1st
- Repeat the same for other sections using the same file (
Translation Both Ending Strings (Extension)
- View control bar/ Inclined view: Az:340, Dip:-40/ select one side ending string inside design window
- Point and string toolbar/ Translate string/ Translate String dialog/ X Translation distance:25m, Y TD:0,
Z TD:0, Keep original string: Y/ OK; repeat for other side ending string; be noticed that +: increasing
values (eastward or northward), -: decreasing values (westward or southward)
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Point and string toolbar/ delete points/ select a few points at both ends of the new strings to minimize
the area;
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on save
Adding Tag Strings
- Wireframe linking toolbar/ Tag String color/ color:2 (red)/ OK
- Snapping toolbar/ toggle on snap mode point/ snap to string data
- Wireframes/ linking/ Create tag string/ snap (right click) to first set of points wish to connect in
modeling/ cancel/ repeat for other set of consequence points by running Create tag string command
for each run
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on save; check in table editor window to see new
field TAG(N) has been added to data table including values for these tag strings
Conditioning Section Strings
- Select string (s) inside design window/ point and string toolbar/ remove crossovers; can be done
through: Design/ condition/ Trim crossovers
- Select string (s) inside design window/ point and string advanced toolbar/ condition string; can be done
through: Design/ condition/ condition string/ max chord length:100, min chord length:0, min angle:45/
Adding Zone Attribute Field to String Model (Design Window Tools)
- Zone 1 for upper green strings and Zone 2 for lower cyan strings
- Point and string advanced toolbar/ Add attribute; or Format/ Add new attribute/ Add Column dialog/ (string), Name: ZONE, Type: Numeric/ OK
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on Data object manager/ Filter: COLOUR=5/ Apply;
inside design window right click/ select all strings
- Point and string editing advanced toolbar/ Edit attributes/ type in 1 for ZONE field/ Enter/
Confirmation dialog/ Yes/ deselect all strings; repeat for other ore strings with Filter: COLOUR=6 and
ZONE:2; at end remover filter in Data object manager dialog
- Loaded data control bar/ save; check the file in Data table tab in data object manager
Adding Zone Attribute Field to String Model (EXTRA)
- copy string file: Application/ file manipulation process/ copy/ COPY dialog/ files tab/ In:min1st,
Out:min2st/ OK; in retrieval tab can set a criteria for output file like a filter
- Edit/ transform/ general/ EXTRA dialog/ files tab/, OK/ Expression
translator dialog/ Expression: ZONE=absent() if(COLOUR==5) ZONE=1 elseif(COLOUR==6)
ZONE=2 end/ Test/ if OK/ Execute
- EXTRA, SETVAL, DECODE, COPYNR, GENTRA can be used to add/ edit fields
Adding Zone Attribute Field to String Model (Table Editor)
- Table Editor Window/ open add/ column/ Add Column dialog/ name: ZONE, type:
numeric, default value: -, implicit: No- different value for each record/ OK
- Select field ZONE(N)/ Tools/ Run formula/ column: ZONE/ formula wizard button/ Edit Formula
dialog/ formula: if(COLOUR==5,1,if(COLOUR==6,2,#absent))/ Test/ if OK/ OK
Extracting Parts of the String Model
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on Data object manager dialog/ Extract from object/
Extract using filter/ filter wizard/ Expression builder dialog/ Expression: COLOUR=5/ check validity/
if OK/ OK
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on new file minst-split(colour=5).dm/ Data object manager
dialog/ data table tab/ field COLOUR contains only 5 values
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Filtering lower ore strings plus tag strings: Format/ filter all objects/ strings/ object expression builder/
expression: COLOUR=2 OR COLOUR=6/ OK; check that only lower ore and tag strings are visible
- Wireframe/ linking/ toggle on End Link when multiple linking and use tags options/ click and drag
inside design window to select all 10 section strings (not tag strings)
- Wireframe/ linking/ link multiple by attribute/ Auto Linking dialog/ Attribute to define sequence:
SECTION/ OK/ number of strings: 10/ OK
- Removing filters: Format/ filter all objects/ erase all filters
- save New Wireframe in project folder as
Verifying DTM Wireframe Model
- Unload all data/ Load (DTM surface)
- Boolean operation toolbar/ verify wireframe/ verify wireframe dialog/ name: stopotr/pt(wireframe),
key field: none, uncheck all store, remove, and write options and check (tick) all check options
including check for open edges, shared edges, and crossovers/ OK; check the reported results; the
verified open edges define the outer rim of the DTM and do not indicate any potential problems
Verifying Closed Wireframe Model
- Unload all data/ Load (ore wireframe)
- Loaded data control bar/ right click on Verify/ verify wireframe dialog/ name: minetr/pt,
key field: ZONE, uncheck all store, remove, and write options and check (tick) all check
options including check for open edges, shared edges, and crossovers/ OK;
- The 1 Intersections Found message indicates that wireframe triangle faces intersect. The string
objects are generated and added in loaded data list; these objects can be used to indicate areas in the
source string objects that may need editing and subsequent regeneration of the wireframe object. The
crossover is an overlap between the upper and lower mineralization zone wireframes - this is an
unwanted effect and would typically be corrected before using the wireframe for further volume
calculations or block modeling commands.
Calculating Wireframe Model Volume
- Wireframe/ calculate volume/ calculate volume dialog/ Object: mintr/pt (wireframe), object type:
closed volume, uncheck verify option, density:1/ OK; TRIVOL command (wireframe/ wireframe
process/ calculate wireframe volume) also performs the same process
- To calculate volume of upper ore body (Zone 1): Wireframe/ wireframe setting/ selection method:
select by filter ZONE=1 >>> wireframe/ calculate volume/ toggle on select object button/ select
(left click) on the upper ore body object/ object is changed to mintr/pt - Split (ZONE=1)/ OK
Defining Block Model limits
- Prototype volume must contain both ore body and surrounding waste materials; the extents of the
volume to be modeled must be adequately covered and model cell sizes must be large enough for the job
at hand but not too small i.e. very small blocks = very large file size!
- Load (wireframe), (DTM) and (ore body closed wireframe);
display in plan view
- Design/ query/ points/ select (left click) a point to the southwest (down-left) of ore body limit; check in
output window: this is minimum X,Y coordinates >>> select a point to the northeast (up-right) of ore
body limit; this is maximum X,Y coordinates
- To find out minimum and maximum Z values display in section view without clipping and do the same
using query/ points
Creating Block Model Prototype (Table Editor)
- Tools/ Datamine products/ Table Editor/ File/ New Table/ Block Model/ Block model parameters
dialog/ XYZMORIG: minimum xyz, XYZINC: parent cell dimension along xyz axes, NXYZ: number
of parent cells along xyz axes/ OK; save this table as in project folder; this file can be
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Model/ Manipulation processes/ Add two block models/ ADDMOD dialog/ Files tab/ In1: modwst
(first block model or host), In2: modore, Out: modwo/ Parameters tab/ Tolerance: 0.01 (0.01x10m
cell size= 0.1m, it means output model will contain cells with dimensions less than 0.1m)/ OK; check
that output file modwo contains 147,423 records
- Load display in section view/ display as intersection style/ color by ZONE field
- Design/ Query/ points/ select points in defferent zones to check corresponding data in output bar or in
Data properties control bar
Optimizing Combined Block Model (PROMOD)
- To reduce the number of sub-cells in block model controlled by ZONE field; the optimization will
average out numeric field values when adjacent sub-cells are combined; this is not suitable for numeric
rock type field like NLITH which contain discrete values; if required these averaged numeric field in
the optimized block model can be processed after optimization using EXTRA to correct this
- Models/ Manipulation Processes/ Optimize Block Model/ PROMOD dialog/ Files tab/ In: modwo,
Out: modopt/ Fields tab/ Key1: ZONE (adjacent sub-cells within same parent cell and with same
Zone value will be combined)/ Parameters tab/ Density: 1, Overlap: 2, Optimize: 2 (0: no
combination of sub-cells; 1: combination of sub-cells only if they form a complete parent cell and if the
values of the key field(s) in each are consistent; 2: combine sub-cells to form a minimum number of subcells), Tol: 0.001, Accuracy: 0.001, Print: 0 (no summary list of process)/ OK; check that the
output file modopt contains 67,278 records
- Load both files modwo and modopt and display in section view, as intersection style and color by
ZONE field; zoom in to see where sub-cells have been combined to create new cells; these new cells fall
within the limits defined by parent cells
- Design/ Query/ Points/ select points within cells to see data
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
Grade Estimation
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- First Record:
EDesc: Au-NN/
Value-In: AU (input grade field name)/
Value-Out: Au_NN (output grade field name)/
NumSam-F: - (output field name to contain number of samples used, optional)/
SVol-F: - (output field name to contain search volume number, optional)/
Var-F: VAR_NN (output field name to contain estimation variance, optional)/
MinDist-F: - (output field name to contain transformed distance to nearest, optional)/
SRefNum: 1 (search volume reference number)/
IMethod: 1 (estimation method: 1=NN, 2=IPD, 3=OK, 4=SK, 5=ST)/
Power: 2 (power of distance for IPD method)/
AddCon: 0 (constant added to distance in IPD method or additive constant for lognormal in ST
VRefNum: 0 (variogram reference number for kriging methods)/
KrigNegW: 0 (Treatment of negative kriging weights: 0=keep & use, 1=ignore negative weighted
KrigVars: 0 (Treatment of negative kriging variance >sill: 0=keep KV>sill, 1=set KV equal to sill;
only applicable if LOG=0)
- Second Record:
EDesc: Au-IPD/ Value-In: AU/ Value-Out: Au_IPD/ NumSam-F: -/ SVol-F: -/ Var-F:
VAR_IPD/ MinDist-F: -/ SRefNum: 1/ IMethod: 2/ Power: 2/ AddCon: 0/ VRefNum: 0/
KrigNegW: 0/ KrigVars: 0
- Third Record:
EDesc: Au-OK/ Value-In: AU/ Value-Out: Au_OK/ NumSam-F: -/ SVol-F: -/ Var-F:
VAR_OK/ MinDist-F: -/ SRefNum: 1/ IMethod: 3/ Power: 2/ AddCon: 0/ VRefNum: 1/
KrigNegW: 0/ KrigVars: 1
- Table Editor Window/ File/ Save/ Name:
Defining 3D Search Parameters (ESTIMATE)
- Elliptical search is used; first search ellipse axes lengths and orientations is based on variogram model
(i.e. variogram model ranges as ellipse search distances; variogram rotation angles as search ellipse
rotation angles); no octant search is used; second search volume with a multiplying factor 2 is used;
separate search volume is defined for each grade field for each zone;
- Models/ Interpolation processes/ Interpolate grades from menu/ ESTIMATE dialog/ Next/ Search
volume tab/ Index group/ Add/ search volume list/ select search volume 1/ Shape sub-tab/ shape:
ellipsoidal, X,Y,Z axis: 150,90,30, Rotation angle first,second,third: 123,42,0, Axis for rotation
first,second,third: Z,X,Z/ Category sub-tab/ primary search volume: min 5, max 20, second search
volume: expansion factor 2, min 5, max 20, third search volume: expansion factor 0 (not used)/
Decluster sub-tab/ uncheck use octant
- Repeat for two more search volumes with following parameters:
- Search volume 2: X,Y,Z axis: 120,115,15, Rotation angle first,second,third: 45,40,0, Axis for
rotation first,second,third: Z,X,Z/ Category sub-tab/ primary search volume: min 1, max 20,
second search volume: expansion factor 2, min 1, max 20, third search volume: expansion factor
0 (not used)/ Decluster sub-tab/ uncheck use octant
- Search volume 3: X,Y,Z axis: 60,50,15, Rotation angle first,second,third: 123,42,0, Axis for
rotation first,second,third: Z,X,Z/ Category sub-tab/ primary search volume: min 1, max 20,
second search volume: expansion factor 2, min 1, max 20, third search volume: expansion factor
0 (not used)/ Decluster sub-tab/ uncheck use octant
- Index group/ Export/ Name: 3dspar1/ OK
- The SDIST1, SDIST2 and SDIST3 parameters need to be set; the search ellipsoid typically has a dip
direction and a dip defined by rotations about two axes; First rotation SANGLE1 about SAXIS1
(typically 3=Z), Second rotation SANGLE2 about SAXIS2 (typically 1=X), a 3D search ellipsoid may
require a third rotation SANGLE3 about another axis.
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- Define axes and rotations as dip direction, dip, cross dip: use SDIST1, SANGLE1 about SAXIS1 (=3)
to define the Dip Direction/Plunge axis; use SDIST2, SANGLE2 about SAXIS2 (=2) to define the
Strike axis; if required, then use SDIST3, SANGLE3 about SAXIS3 to define the rotation for a more
complex orientation
Defining 3D Variogram Parameters (ESTIMATE)
- 12 set of variogram model parameters (one for each grade fields Cu, Au, Ag, Co and each zones 1, 2,
3) have been output from VARFIT with 1 or 2 structure spherical models (models are based on
experimental semi-variograms generated from VGRAM process using sample/drillhole data); all are
omni-directional (same in all direction); record 5 (Cu zone 2) contains a set of dummy parameters;
parameters include Variogram axes and angles of rotation, ranges, Nugget (C0), Sill, and Spatial
Variance (=Sill - Nugget)
- Models/ Interpolation processes/ Interpolate grades from menu/ ESTIMATE dialog/ Next (twice)/
Variogram model tab/ Index group/ Import/ browse to uepv/ 12 models are listed now/ check all
models individually in all sub-tab/ close the dialog
Defining 3D Estimation Parameters (ESTIMATE)
- 2 sets of estimation parameters for Cu and Au in Zone 1; search volume 1 is used; ordinary kriging
method is used; variogram 1 for Cu and 2 for Au are used
- Parameters in 2 sets include: EDesc: est.para.1, est.para.2/ ERefNum: 1, 2/ ValueIn: Cu, Au/
ValuOut: Cu, Au/ SRefNum: 1, 1/ Zone: 1, 1/ NumSam: NCU, NAU/ SVol: SCU, SAU/ VarF: VCU, VAU/ IMethod: 3, 3/ Aniso: 1, 1/ VRefNum: 1, 2/ Tol: 0.01, 0.01/ KrigNeg: 0, 0/
KrigVar: 1, 1
- Models/ Interpolation processes/ Interpolate grades from menu/ ESTIMATE dialog/ Input tab/ Input
model: ubmz, Sample file: udhz, coordinate fields: x,y,z, Zone1: ZONE, uncheck sample key
field option/ Output sub-tab/ clear the checkbox of use default, search volume file: ueps, estimation
parameters: 3depar1, variogram model file: uepv/ Next/ search volume tab/ check that 3 search
volumes are listed/ Next/ variogram model tab/ check that 12 models are listed/ Next/ Estimation type
tab/ Index group/ Add/ select Estimation Par.1/ Attributes sub-tab/ method: O.Kriging, Data field:
CU, CU, model fields: NCU, VCU, SCU, search volume: 1, variogram model: 1 (Cu, Zone 1),
Zone: 1/ Option sub-tab/ uncheck negative kriging weights and macro kriging group options/
Indicator estimation sub-tab/ leave all options grayed out/ Repeat all for Est.par.2 for Au field/ Index
group/ Export/ name: 3depar1/OK/ Cancel
Checking Search Parameters Using a Wireframe Ellipsoid (ELLIPSE)
- To check orientation and distances of the axes and sample coverage of search volume
- Models/ Interpolation Processes/ Create Wireframe ellipse/ ELLIPSE dialog/ Files tab/ Input files:
2dspar1, output wiretr: 2delp1tr, wirept: 2delp1pt/ Parameters tab/ SRefNum: 1 (set no. 1),
x,y,z centre: 6250,5350,280.1 (optional point inside sample data)/ OK
- Load and 2delp1tr/ view in plan and section views/ color the sample (point) data by
field Au (0.2~1.5g/t)/ define symbol as fixed: filled circle, 2.0mm/ Apply/ display ellipse as
intersection/ OK; change x,y,z centre parameters in ELLIPSE process to place the wireframe in
different location
- Check orientation of major axis of ellipse and orientation of high value zones; number of samples
falling within ellipse, min and max samples to be met in search ellipse; potential octant search
Optimizing Estimation parameters, Cross Validation (XVALID)
- To compare different variogram and search volumes; compare a single vs. a double spherical model;
non-octant vs. octant search
- It removes each sample point in turn from data file and estimates its value from remaining data; a table
of actual and estimated values is created; statistic analysis runs comparing the actual and estimates;
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
estimation parameters can then be changed and process rerun to see if it improves; several run is
required to establish the best set of parameters
- Design Window/ Application/ variogram/ cross validation/ XVALID dialog/ files tab/ In: srfsamp,
SrcParm: 2dspar1, EstParm: 2depar1, VModParm: 2dvpar1, XVStats: 2dxvs1, leave other two
output blank/ fields tab/ x,y,z: xpt,ypt,zpt, leave other blank/ parameters tab/ SMinFac: 0.0001,
print: 0/ OK
- Output Window/ record the key parameters of input (estimation, search and variogram parameters) and
output data in a table including: no. of samples, mean difference (% of actual), mean absolute difference,
correlation coefficient, kriging variance (mean of squared difference), kriging variance (ratio),
regression equation slope
- Output Window/ displayed cross validation menu options/ there are 9 options (0~8)/ type in 2 in
command toolbar (edit estimation parameters)/ Enter/ Screen Window/ datamine editor dialog (AED)/
use arrow keys to move to record 3 and VRefNum field/ type in 2 (variogram model is changed)/
Enter/ in command toolbar type in 8 (re-run validation)/ Enter/ the results are saved in 2dxvs1
- The following guidelines should be used when using Cross-Validation statistics to compare different
runs. The statistics are listed in order of decreasing importance:
means of the Estimates and Actuals should ideally be equal
mean difference (as % of actual): aim is to make the statistic as close as possible to 0. It should be <
5% and hopefully < 2%.
kriging variance ratio: it should lie in the range between 0.8 and 1.2, and be as close as possible to 1.
correlation coefficient: always lies between -1 and +1 (a value of +1 shows perfect positive
correlation). Aim to make the correlation coefficient as large as possible.
mean absolute difference: aim to make it as close as possible to 0
regression line slope (constant b): slope of the line should ideally be equal to 1
A change in one of the input parameters (variogram, estimation, or search parameters) will often result
in some of the statistics improving and others getting worse. The end result is likely to be a compromise.
- Command toolbar/ type in 0 (exit cross validation)/ Enter
Estimation Using GRADE
- GRADE process is used for single grade field, single search volume with NN, IPD or OK methods
- To estimate Au grades into 2D block model using IPD method; no zonal control; no octant
- Modeling/ Basic grade interpolation/ GRADE dialog/ files tab/ Proto: 2dpmod1, In: srfsamp,
Model: 2dgmod1/ fields tab/ x,y,z: xpt,ypt,zpt, Value: AU, leave the rest unchecked/ parameters
tab/ SDist1,2,3: 240,100,10, SAngle1,2,3: -10,0,0, SAxis1,2,3: 3,1,3, Min: 1, Max: 20,
IMethod: 2, Power: 2, x,y,zPoints: 3,3,3 (number of discretisation points in the x,y,z direction)/
OK; in command control bar check that process is complete and 780 records in 2dgmod1
Estimation Using ESTIMATE
- ESTIMATE process is used for multiple grade fields, estimation methods (NN, IPD, OK, SK, IK),
dynamic search volume with advanced estimation options
- To estimate Au grades into 2D block model using IPD, ID, and OK methods; search volume 1 and
variogram model 2 and zonal control Anom field are used; no octant
- Models/ Interpolation Processes/ Interpolate grade from menu/ ESTIMATE dialog/ Input model:
2dzmod1, Sample file: srfsamp, coordinate fields x,y,z: xpt,ypt,zpt, Zone1: Anom (Zone field
need to be present in both model and sample files for zonal control)/ Output sub-tab/ Grade model:
2dgmod2, clear use default checkbox, search volume: 2dspar1, estimation para.:2depar1, var.
model: 2dvpar1/ Next/ search volume tab/ summary sub-tab/ check single set of parameters/ Next/
variogram model tab/ summary sub-tab/ check two sets AU1st, AU2st/ Next/ estimation type tab/
summary sub-tab/ check that 6 sets are listed (3 methods, 2 zones), AU-OK use 2nd variogram model
(VRefNum: 2)/ Next/ control tab/ parameters sub-tab/ parent cell estimation: seb-cells estimation,
cell discretisation: number of points, number of points in x,y,z: 3,3,3/ Next/ Preview tab/ summary
sub-tab/ check files, fields, parameters groups/ Run; check the output model in project files list
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
set of indicators (per Zonal Control zone) can be defined in a set of estimation parameters in the
Datamine estimation parameter file
- Indicator Kriging is typically used for: automatically defining boundaries between different zones in a
block model e.g. low/high grade ore zones or rock types; estimating grades for complex (and
inseparable) mixed data populations; estimating grades for highly skewed grade distributions; as an
alternative to log normal kriging
- ESTIMATE dialog/ Input model: 2dzmod1, sample file: srfsamp, Zone1: Anom/ output sub-tab/
grade model: 2dgmod4, search: 2dspar1, estimation: 2depar4, variogram: 2dvpar2/ search
volumes tab/ there is a single sets of parameters (when using multiple indicator kriging, a single search
volume must be used for the set of multiple indicators)/ variogram model tab/ there are two sets, one for
each zone: VRefNum: 1-2, VAngle1,2,3: 0,0,0-0,0,0, nugget: 0.1-0.1, St1Par1,2,3,4:
estimation type tab/ index group/ reset/ yes/ remove all parameters/ add/ select estim.para.1/ method:
OK, check indicator estimation option, grade: AU, model grade: same as sample, search
volume: 1, variogram: 1, Anom: 1/ option sub-tab/ uncheck reset negative w to 0 option/
indicator estimation sub-tab/ mean grade method: average from sample file, median value for samples,
order relation correction: average of downwards and upwards, upper cutoff: 104/ repeat all from
adding new Estima Param in index group for all other cutoffs in Anom1 and Anom2 separately (total
of 8 IK runs for Au grade), use variogram 2 for Anom 2/ Export/ name: 2depar4/ Run
- Selecting cutoffs for multiple indicator kriging: use the maximum quartile (25%, 50%, 75%) and the
maximum 95% quantile grade values; use the maximum decile (10%, 20%, ... 90%) and the maximum
95% quantile grade values; base cutoffs on values related to mineralization zones or grade control
categories; the 95% quantile (or another more suitable top end quantile) is typically used, in addition to
the quartiles or deciles, to cater for the 'upper tails' i.e. the high grade values in high positively skewed
data distributions.
- Statistical parameters: 1) Median is middle value in a ascending sorted list (50% value); if there is an
even number of values, so there is no single middle value then the mean of two middle values is defined
as median; 2) Arithmetic mean (average): adding the numbers and dividing the sum by the number of
numbers in the list; 3) Geometric mean: multiplying all values in a list and taking root of that product
equal to the number of values; 4) Mode: most frequently occurring value in a list
Estimation Using Drillhole Data and ESTIMATE Process (3D)
- Use Drillhole sample data when: estimating grades into a 3D block model; estimating grades into a
pseudo 3D block model i.e. Z coordinate has been set to a constant reference elevation e.g. flat dipping
tabular ore bodies; using sample length as a weighting factor for estimation
- The block model cells are colored according to the three separate mineralization zones (cyan: zone1,
green: zone2, red: zone3); the fold axis of the ore body plunges at 35 degrees towards the east, the
tabular to massive shaped limbs have a dip of 40 degrees, a maximum down dip length of 240m and a
thickness (perpendicular to the bottom contact) of 5~45m; the drillholes are set in fans which are parallel
with the dip direction of each limb and are spaced 50m apart.
- To estimate a variety of grades (and Density) into a 3D block model using drillhole sample data and
the following parameters: input block model is 5m regular celled (no sub-cells) and zone flagged;
sample data file is drillholes; input Grade fields include AU(g/t), CU(%), AG(g/t), CO(%); output Grade
fields are same as input field names; estimation methods are Inverse Power Distance, Ordinary Kriging;
three search Volumes, one for each of the three mineralization zones ueps; 12 variogram models, one
for each of the 4 grades for each of the three mineralization zones uepv; zonal control (field
ZONE:1,2,3); set negative kriging weights to zero
- ESTIMATE dialog/ files tab/ input model: ubm5z, sample file: udhz, Zone1: ZONE/ output subtab/ grade model: 3dbm5g, search volume file: ueps, estimation parameter file: uepe, variogram
model file: uepv/ Next/ search volume tab/ there are 3 sets, one for each zone (based on the orientation
of the axes and the ranges of the Au grade variograms)/ Next/ variogram model tab/ there are 12 sets,
one for each grade and each zone (each model consists of two spherical structures, models 1-3 and 5-8
are anisotropic, models 4 and 9-12 are isotropic)/ estimation type tab/ there are 15 sets/ check all of them
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
individually, additional output model fields NCU, VCU and SCU are used to record the number of
samples, estimation variance and search volume respectively (the other grade fields have corresponding
field names), resetting negative kriging weights to zero prevents the calculation of negative grade
estimates/ Next/ Run; check the output model in project file list
Panel Estimation (PANELEST)
- Use PANELEST to estimate grades when estimating: panel grades directly without first creating a
block model; a single grade field at a time; into 2D or 3D panels; using the estimation method NN, IPD,
OK, IK or Sichel's T estimation
- Panel: 2D or 3D open or closed strings can be used to define panels; panel strings must be coplanar and
orthogonal to the X, Y or Z axis; panels can also be defined by sets of 2D or 3D discretisation points;
drillholes or suitable point data can be used as Sample Data files.
- Parameters: input grade field: AU; estimation method: Ordinary Kriging; search volume: all samples
within the panel are used for the estimate; variogram model: variogram model 2 (VREFNUM=2);
vertical thickness for volume calculation: 10m (DIST=5, DIST=5); the panel string is a closed area of
1.248 km2
- Models/ Interpolation processes/ estimate grade of panels/ PANELEST dialog/ files tab/ In: srfsamp,
VModParm: 2dvpar1, Perim: srflim, Out: 2dpanel/ fields tab/ x,y,z: xpt,ypt,zpt, Value: AU,
Panel: PValue (panel identifier)/ parameters tab/ Min: 1, Max: 480 (greater than total number of
samples), Inside: 1 (sample lie inside panel), x,y,zDSpace: 10,10,0 (distance between discretisation
points, typically set to half the sample spacing), MinDisc: 50 (minimum number of discretisation
points), DPlus,DMinus: 5,5 (panel projection distance in direction of the perpendicular axis),
IMethod: 3 (OK), VModNum: 1 (variogram model reference number)/ OK; check that the file
2dpanel is created with 1 record
Visual Validation of the Block Model (comparing model cell grades to the drillhole grades)
- To check that the wireframe or string boundary is filled with block cells; block cells are zone flagged;
grade estimates in cells are according to grades in drillholes
- Load udhz5c (5m composite drillhole) and ubm5g (5m celled block) in design window/ display in
WE section view with 5m clipping distances/ display BHID labels in end of holes/ color drillhole by
AU field/ display block model as intersection/ color block model by AU field (same as drillhole);
check the grades in block model cells and drillhole samples
- Design/ query/ points/ select (left click) on a model cell/ check the information in output control bar/
right click on a drillhole segment near that cell to compare the data in output control bar/ repeat for more
Statistical Validation of the Block Model Cell Grades (STATS)
- To check presence of missing grade values; summary statistics for each grade field per zone; for
regular celled block model; for composited or declustered sample data
- Application/ statistical processes/ compute statistics/ STATS dialog/ files tab/ In: ubm5g, out: ???
(optional name)/ fields tab/ F1,2,3,4,5: Cu,Ag,Au,Co,Density/ retrieval tab/ click new button/ type in:
ZONE=1/ OK/ press Enter 5 times for 5 input fields; check summary in command control bar or in
output file
- STATS dialog/ repeat all for Input file udhz5c (composite drillhole) with same fields and retrieval
definition; check summary in command control bar or in output file
- Compare the mean value and shape of the distributions of the model cells and drillhole samples (better
to generate histograms by CHART)
Graphical validation (Q-Q Plots)
- QQ plot is to check for bias in the estimates; it is a plot of the quantiles (of a particular grade field) of
one data set against the quantiles of another data set; if the two sets come from a population with the
same distribution, the points should fall approximately along the 45 degree reference line. A quantile is
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
defined as the fraction or percent of the number of data points below the given value; for example, the
20% quantile is the point at which 20% percent of the data fall below and 80% fall above that value.
- PP plot is a cumulative probability plot of two data sets from same distribution
- Design Window/ Command toolbar/ type in ppqqplot/ Enter/ PPQQPLOT dialog/ files tab/ In1:
udhz5c, In2: ubm5g, QQout: qqAu, QQplot: qqplAu/ fields tab/ Value1: AU, Value2: AU,
Key: ZONE/ parameters tab/ PlotType: 1 (scatter plot), Diagonal: 1 (include diagonal line, 45o
line), Display: 1 (to display plot file)/ OK
- Graphic Window/ Y axis: model cells, X axis: drillhole quantiles, [+]: zone1, []: zone2, [^]: zone3/
points should not deviate much from 1:1 line; deviation away indicates bias in distribution/estimation
- Project files control bar/ plot files folder/ right click on qqplAu/ display; file is displayed in graphic
- Design Window/ Format/ view plots/ superimpose plots/ select qqplAu/ zoom all data
Informal Classification of Block Model into Confidence Categories (Using Kriging Variance)
- To calculate a category field in the block model using EXTRA, based on a set of kriging variance
ranges for the Au grade estimates; kriging variance field: VAU; category ranges: CAT=1 (VAU3),
CAT=2 (3<VAU6), CAT=3 (6<VAU)
- The informal classification of a block model's grade estimates using quantitative methods (e.g.
dynamic search volume number, number of samples, estimate variance) can be used to identify areas
within the project that need further information or investigation (i.e. sampling, mapping or drilling); to
provide the basis for formal resource/reserve classification and reporting methods used in association
with internationally recognized codes (e.g. the JORC Code).
- Design Window/ Edit/ transform/ general/ ESTRA dialog/ files tab/ In: ubm5g, Out: ubm5cat/
OK/ expression translator dialog/ type in CAT; n=1 IF(VAU>3 and VAU<=6) CAT=2
ELSEIF(VAU>6) CAT=3 END/ Test/ if OK/ execute; check that output contains 28924 records
- Load ubm5cat/ display in plan view as intersection/ color by CAT field with three items (Cat1:
cyan, Cat2: green, Cat3: red)/ CAT field legend also can be used as an evaluation legend
Creating Evaluation Legend
- Load block model ubm5g/ plan view/ zoom all data
- Format/ legends/ legend manager dialog/ new legend/ legend wizard dialog/ data table: use explicit
ranges/ Next/ legend storage: current project file/ Next/ name: Au Evaluation, type: numeric,
ranges/ Next/ number of items: 9, min: 0, max: 18/ Next/ distribution: linear, equal width/
Next/ type of color range: rainbow blue-red, anti clockwise transition/ click preview legend to
check 10 items legend/ finish
- Format display dialog/ color the block model using Au Evaluation legend and AU column
Defining Evaluation Setting
- To define to evaluate block model (not drillhole); partial cell evaluation (not full cell) which is more
accurate but slower; using Au Evaluation legend
- In a full cell evaluation, cells, whose centers fall within the string or wireframe boundary, are included
in the evaluation (the entire cell volume is used); in a partial cell evaluation, only the portion of the cell
falling within the boundary is included in the evaluation. This is generally relevant to cells straddling the
string or wireframe defining the evaluation boundary. A partial cell evaluation will typically yield more
accurate volume calculation results but takes longer to run.
- Use Full Cell Evaluation when performing quick evaluations, approximate volume estimates, global
estimates on equi-dimensional ore body volumes; use Partial Cell Evaluation when performing accurate
evaluations of complex or thinly shaped volumes
- File/ setting/ project setting dialog/ Mine design/ evaluation control/ check evaluate block model
option, uncheck all other options including fast evaluation, full cell evaluation and use display
legend options, select Au Evaluation from legend drop-down list/ OK
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
- save updated string file caf5so to caf6so in project folder; it contains an extra field BLOCKID
which can be used to link or join with result table
- Table Editor Window/ open geres2/ it contains 90 records,10 records for each BlockID, listing ore
tonnage in 10 category ranges
Interactive Tonnes and Grades Evaluation (Wireframe)
- Use wireframe evaluation when wireframe represents the geological or ore body models, open pit
mining volumes, underground mining and development volume
- To evaluate the block model ubm5g within the ore body wireframe vsoretr/pt generate a tonnes
and grade table for the intervals defined in the evaluation legend.
- Load ubm5g and uoretr (ore model)/ display in plan view/ verify the wireframe
- Mine design toolbar/ evaluate wireframe/ wireframe object: uoretr/pt, type: closed volume/ OK/
block identifier dialog/ identifier: 1.01/ OK/ check the results/ Yes; the results are saved to results
table object/ save as geres3
- Table Editor Window/ open geres3/ check that the tonnes and average grades fields have been
calculated per grade category; each evaluated grade field has its own tonnes field which contains the
summed tonnage for all blocks containing a grade value for example, the tonnage field TONNESB
corresponds to the average grade field CU. The results shown above are for a Partial Cell evaluation;
evaluation using the Full Cell option will produce different results.
Grade Tonnage Reports, Cutoff Grade Results (TONGRAD)
- Tonnage Grade Report: is a table containing tonnes and average grades that have been calculated
above a series of cut-off grades (typically for equally sized grade intervals); this cut-off grades results
table can be used to directly generate a grade-tonnage curve i.e. typically a combined plot of Tonnage
(Y axis 1) vs Cut-off Grade and Average Grade Above Cutoff (Y axis 2) vs Cut-off Grade
- Use TONGRAD for evaluating when generating: an evaluation for a specific cut-off grade(s);
generating Grade-Tonnage tables or charts
- To use the grade block model ubm5g and TONGRAD process to generate a cut-off grades results
table for 10 cut-off intervals, each 2 g/t in size.
- Command toolbar/ find command/ tongrad/ Run/ TONGRAD dialog/ Files tab/ In: ubm5g, Out:
geres4, csvout: ??? (optional *.csv output)/ fields tab/ F1,2,3,4: AU,CU,AG,CO, Density:
DENSITY/ parameters tab/ COGStep: 2 (Cut Off Grade step for first field i.e. AU)/ OK; check that
the process is complete and there are 7 records in output file geres4
- The results shown above are for a Full Cell evaluation; TONGRAD does not run an evaluation using a
Partial Cell option. Differences in the evaluation results from the different methods i.e. using
Wireframes, Strings and Studio 3 processes, are to be expected.
- SMUHIS process can also be used to generate cut-off grade results tables. It includes the ability to
generate results for different SMU sizes; the input to this process is typically a grade block model and a
variogram model file.
Grade - Tonnage Curve (Mining Power Pack)
- Grade-Tonnage curves are plots of average grades and tonnes for a range of cut-offs. These plots can
have a variety of formats e.g.: average grade above cutoff (Y axis) vs tonnes (X axis), for the range of
cutoffs at a specific block size: a combined plot of tonnage (Y axis 1) vs cut-off grade (X axis) and
average grade above cutoff (Y axis 2) vs cut-off Grade. This grade-tonnage curve can either be
generated from a standard results table or a cut-off grades results table. The former is output when
strings or wireframes are evaluated against a grade block model, while the latter is output from the
Studio 3 processes TONGRAD or SMUHIS.
- Mining Power Pack is an Add-In for MS Excel, primarily focused on providing utilities for working
with geological and mining-related data within Excel. Most of the utilities enable the rapid processing
and manipulation of mining evaluation data. In particular, the facilities in Mining Power Pack enable
automatic weighting of mineral grade values, which otherwise are only obtained in Excel by a tedious
and time-consuming entry of functions cell-by-cell. These capabilities complement the existing facilities
DataMine Studio v.3 Tutorial By: Seyed Masoud Ahmadi Rouein, Islamic Republic of Iran
in Excel. Use Mining Power Pack for: Tabulation, combination and calculations with mining and
geological data; grade-tonnage curve generation and analysis; color-coding of mining and geological
data; mining and geological unit conversion; analysis of graphs depicting mining and geological data.
- To use Mining Power Pack and the cut-off grade results table geres4 to generate a set of gradetonnage curves.
- Tools/ Datamine products/ mining power pack (MPP)/ Microsoft excel macros warning dialog/ enable
macros/ Microsoft excel window/ mining power pack menu bar is displayed
- Excel/ file/ new/ mining power pack/ data import/export/ datamine file import dialog/ select use file
system, browse for geres4, open file, To XLS/ OK/ Exit; check that 8 rows and 8 columns data
have been imported/ select all data range A1:H8/ mining power pack/ utilities/ chart analysis/ chart
analyzer dialog/ input range:'!$A$1:$H$8, no of header rows: 1, main header row: 1,
main X field: COGSTEP, main Y field: AU, reference: none, 2nd Y field: TONNES/ Apply/
chart is now displayed/ Exit
Creating Plot Sheet
- Load srfsamp, ostopo, 2dgmod4, 2dres1/ display in plan view at Z:280/ zoom in to high
grade anomaly
- Plot Window/ sheet control bar/ plots folder/ there are 4 standard sheets: plan, section E, section N,
3D/ menu bar; >>> Insert/ sheet/ plot/ plan/ select the new plan sheet tab; >>> sheet control bar/
open plan folder to see all items in overlay group; >>> section toolbar/ define section/ Z: 280, clear
apply clipping/ OK; >>> sheet control bar/ right click on the new plan folder/ plan properties/ plan
dialog/ page size tab/ paper size and orientation group/ select portrait/ OK/ yes/ check that the new
plan sheet tab has a portrait orientation; >>> scale view toolbar/ plot scale drop down/ select 1:10000;
>>> color the block model by AU field and default legend AU/ color the contour lines by fixed
color black/ label contour lines by z-coord field, points to label: specific points (start point),
rotation angle: 315, offset position: hor=5mm, ver=-5mm, position relative to point: centre[5]/
format to z-coord dialog/ bold, font:12, color: black/ apply/ ok >>> Insert/ plot item/ title box/
content tab/ row: 1, cell: 1/ contents/ cell content dialog/ category group: static from the list, value
group: type in Au(g/t) Grade Model - 40x40m blocks/ OK/ back in title box/ format/ cell format
dialog/ font: 12-bold/ OK/ OK/ click and drag the title box to top left location; >>> Inser/ plot item/
scale bar/ finish/ click and drag it to up right position; >>> Insert/ plot item/ table/ table dialog/ select
2dres1/ OK/ click and drag it to down/ increase the horizontal size of the table/ right click on table/
table properties/ content tab/ clear the title row checkbox/ headings group, click format/ cell format
dialog/ font: 8-bold/ apply/ OK/ columns group/ delet all columns except CATEGORY,
format/ format for CATEGORY dialog/ text tab/ font: 8-bold, color: black, decimal places: 2/
apply/ OK/ repeat for all columns but use integer for VOLUME and TONNES columns