Nirvana Trader
Nirvana Trader
Nirvana Trader
Powerful New
Trading Methods
by Australia’s Daryl Guppy
•Count Back Line:
Adapts to Volatility in Any Chart
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Harnessing the Trading Brilliance
of Daryl Guppy
Daryl Guppy is one of the most
innovative Technical Analysts I have
had the pleasure to work with. About
7 years ago, we teamed up with Guppy
to build a special product for OmniTrader
called GMMA, based on his proprietary
Guppy Multiple Moving Average
Ed Downs concept.
CEO and Founder
Nirvana Systems, Inc. On its initial release in 2003, GMMA
was a great success among our customers,
and many swear by the visual power of GMMA in their
charts. Many have also found the original Systems we built
around the GMMA concept to be powerful prospecting
tools for their trading. GMMA 2.0 represents not only an
improvement on the original plug-in, but it also includes two
of Guppy’s latest discoveries.
Count Back Lines Concept GMMA on the DJIA. The strongest expansion and contraction
points confirmed trend changes from January to August 2010.
The Count Back Line (CBL) is closely related to the GMMA
concept because it is designed to adapt to changing volatility The GMMA concept is based on 12 different Moving Averages.
of a market. The CBL concept is one of the key Trade Entry It is the composite picture of these averages that provides a
and Stop Management techniques Guppy teaches in his powerful view of trend. As Daryl teaches in his seminars and book,
seminars and writings. See his article on page 4. the expansion and contraction of the lines gives clues as to what
stage a new trend is in, and also the stability of the trend.
The TVL Breakthrough
The Guppy Multiple Moving Average indicator is designed to
Since the original introduction of GMMA, Guppy has understand the behavior of traders vs. investors. This behavior
developed an exciting new technique based on GMMA is independent from the price behavior, but it is derived from price
called the Trend Volatility Line. He explains the concept in behavior. The structure of the GMMA captures the fractal behavior
his article on page 6. By generating lines based on the slower in the market and the way this behavior repeats. The GMMA
group of Moving Averages, and adjusting these lines when the analysis method rests on the relationships between each group of
upper average crosses the prior line, a step-wise trailing stop is Moving Averages and also between the groups.
created that does a much better job than a traditional trailing Compression shows agreement. Expansion shows disagreement.
stop. The TVL method has not been released and is currently When the long term group is widely separated it shows strong
not available to anyone outside of this offering! investor commitment to the trend. When the two groups of
averages are consistently separated it shows trend consistency
Powerful Additions for OmniTrader or VisualTrader because traders are not prepared to let prices retreat too far before
they become buyers again.
This year, we once again worked with Guppy to create
Indicators, Systems, and Strategies based on these two The relationship in each group of averages, and the relationships
powerful concepts. Daryl mostly teaches how to visually between the groups provide the primary analysis for the application
confirm trades using these methods, but we were able of the GMMA. And this analysis is independent of price.
to combine them to create our profitable Guppy Power
The original GMMA is a powerful concept that has helped many
Strategy—a free bonus that comes with GMMA 2.0 if you
OmniTrader users over the years. The new TVL method builds on
order by the deadline (see page 10). We are very proud to the GMMA to provide a powerful, systematic way to trade with the
bring this powerful GMMA collection to our customers. trend and stay with it.
Guppy Power!
A Fabulous
New Tool for
Trading Any
Daryl Guppy is famous world-
wide for his Guppy Multiple
Moving Average approach to
trading. Guppy’s Count Back
Line (CBL), offers a method for
triggering entries, calculating
maximum risk, and establishing
profit-protection conditions—a
complete approach to trading
the markets!
Triggering Entries
The Count Back Line System
offers a precise method for
triggering entries, and is easily
customizable for both Real Time
and End-of-Day trading. The
concept is based on “counting
back” from an established low
or Pivot Point to establish an Guppy Power Strategy: Signals are based on the Count Back Line concept developed
entry level. by Daryl Guppy. The CBL Trailing Profit Stop adjusts dynamically to price, providing an
optimal exit point.
After the Pivot has been
identified, the system counts
back 3 highs (for Longs) or 3
your profits—the Guppy Trailing CBL the best dynamic, volatility-adjusted
lows (for Shorts) to identify the
Stop. This stop uses the Count Back stop methods we’ve ever seen.
level at which an entry will be
Line as a trailing profit stop. The stop
triggered. An entry is signaled when After implementing Guppy’s CBL
uses a “running CBL” that automatically
price closes beyond the CBL, as indicator, we combined the entry
updates as the trade progresses.
defined in Guppy’s article on pages technique with the trailing stop to
4-5. It’s a great way to identify an In the case of a short trade, when a new produce the amazing Guppy Power
entry level for a trade, because it low is reached, the trailing stop counts Strategy described on page 10. Of
adapts to the volatility of the market. back three highs and sets the stop at course, the Plug-in includes Guppy’s
the CBL. original work as well. There is
Maximizing Profits You can customize the CBL stop for
nothing like GMMA 2.0 anywhere.
It is a winner!
Once you begin to ride a winning trade, different markets, as described in
the CBL provides a great way to protect Guppy’s article on CBL. It’s one of
The Master of Multiple Moving Averages
Explains the CBL Concepts
The following is an excerpt
published by John Wiley.
CBL Entries
The following discussion will center on a Long trading
example, but the same method, in reverse, works for going
Short. When the trend is up and we want to get long, we first
Figure 2 – Entering the Trade
wait for a short-term decline. Whenever prices make a new
low, we draw a horizontal line from the high of that bar to
the left until we hit a bar with a higher high. Ignore any price
gaps and move to the next bar in the current trend.
Trade Management
Figure 4 shows a continuation of the breakout. As soon as there
is a close above the CBL line used as an entry then the CBL
calculation is reversed—the day of the confirmed breakout is
counted as the first new high in a new uptrend. This breakout
high is used as a reference point to calculate the CBL stop loss.
To construct the stop loss, we start with the new high, move to
the bottom of the candle and across to the left to the next lower
candle. Then, move down to the bottom of the second candle,
and then to the left to the next lowest candle. At the bottom of
the third significant candle draw a line to the right. This is the
Figure 4 – CBL Trailing Stop (uptrend) Count Back Stop Loss line.
As the market moves, the Count Back Line moves with it and
keeps us out of trades that would be out of line with the market
sentiment. Temporary up-ticks or down-ticks that masquerade
as breakouts are ignored because they do not close across
the Count Back Line. The buffer created by the support or
resistance lines helps to affirm the potential for a serious long-
term price move, rather than a temporary flutter.
Figure 5 – CBL Protective Stop (down trend)
Markets often narrow down before taking off in a new
If the market closes above this line tomorrow, it will give us direction. This consolidation pattern is recognized and charted
a buy signal. We repeat this process each day that the market by many indicators. The Count Back Line recognizes it also and
makes a new low, creating a moving support/resistance line that tightens its support or resistance line in tune with the market, so
follows the market on the way down, its placement determined that when the breakout comes we can catch it early.
by the recent highs. (Figure 1)
The objective is to locate the pivot point low of the down trend
Works in Any Market
as quickly as possible. This is rarely going to be the next day The CBL method is an effective measure of price volatility.
following the pivot point low. However this does provide a Originally applied to stocks, we find this volatility method is
very early warning signal of a trend line trend break and more suitable for indexes, currencies and derivatives. It can be applied
importantly, a sustainable trend break. (Figure 2) to End-of-Day charts and to Intraday charts.
Usually the CBL is used to verify an existing trend breakout The OmniTrader CBL System allows users to optimize the
signal. In the chart example we use a down trend line, but this CBL for any trading instrument. I am quite pleased with the
could be generated by a Moving Average Crossover or any other way Nirvana successfully combined it with the TVL (see article
analysis methods. These early signals are not acted upon until on page 6) to help with the initial entry into a trend.
they are verified by a close above the Count Back Line. Highs
equal to the value of the Count Back Line, or closes equal to the Author’s note: The Count Back Line builds on work done by Joe
Count Back Line are ignored. Stowell with his 3 bar net line. The CBL includes some modifications
so the name was changed to avoid confusion with Stowell’s work.
The Trader and the Trend
By Daryl Guppy
The GMMA chart allows traders to develop effective analysis The objective is to enter the trend in such a way that the
about the strength of the trend based on the degree of separation probability of a price volatility retreat is substantially reduced.
in the long term GMMA. This observation is the foundation The exit signal is the first Close below the break even line. The
of the GMMA Trend Volatility Line. This trend trade break even line is used as a the stop loss until the next set of
management technique is built on a change in the way we view conditions are met. Any price volatility exit signals generated in
the relationship between the trader and the trend. this period are ignored. In this chart example we show a CBL
exit signal generated early in the trade development.
In the past, traders have accepted that there is an objective
measurement of the trend and that this is used by all traders.
The position of a Count Back Line or a trend line does not
change depending on trader, or on the point where the trader
enters the trend.
Trend Volatility
The concept of using trend volatility to manage the trade starts
with the trader’s selected entry point. In this example we show
the entry point at $50.00. The entry point at $50.00 is used as
the initial stop loss calculation. Based on the entry point we
project a line to the right. We call this the break even line. Later
we explain the detail of this line. For the moment we concentrate The relationship between the value of the break even line and
in the way it is used to manage and define the trend in relation the development of the GMMA is the important feature of the
to the trade. TVL method. When the lower edge of the long term GMMA
crosses the value of the break even line then the trader has
confirmation of trend sustainability.
TVL defines how you will manage the volatility risk
based on the price and time of your entry.
The time to recalculate the stop loss is signaled when the value
of the horizontal line intersects the 60 EMA. The value of the
stop loss is adjusted to match the value of the 30 EMA and a
new line is projected to the right to define the duration of the
stop loss.
This combination creates the Trend Volatility Line or TVL. The charts shown are 1 minute charts. It is very important
Another way to say this is “amplitude plus duration equals to understand that the GMMA is built of fractal repetition.
trend volatility.” It is used to follow the developing trend. The Therefore, the TVL method can be very successfully applied
exit signal is delivered when the price closes below the trend across multiple timeframes.
volatility line. The exit is taken in the next candle period.
This indicator is used as a trend management tool. It is not TVL Trading Conclusion
used as an objective definition of the trend. Traders looking The TVL is a trade management method designed to reduce
for objective end of trend signals will be disappointed. Traders the incidence of false exits triggered by irrelevant changes
looking for effective methods to manage their trend exposure in in price volatility. It is applied to Intraday and End-of-Day
a trade will find this a very useful tool. trading. It is used in trading long and trading short. It is a
It is important to note that: solution to the increase in volatility seen in modern markets.
It is an effective trading solution for indexes, commodities,
• TVL does not define the start or end of the trend currencies and also ordinary stocks. The TVL is a trade
• TVL is not an objective trend definition tool management method applied by measuring trend volatility.
• TVL is a trade definition tool
Included in GMMA 2.0:
The GMMA 2.0 Plug-in includes all the original
Guppy tools plus new Indicators, Systems, Stops,
and Strategies based on the techniques discussed
in Guppy’s articles.
GMMA Indicator Plots the 12 Exponential Moving
Averages based on the methods of Daryl Guppy (see
chart, right).
GMMA Oscillator Plots the difference between the
sums of the two groups of Moving Averages. A signal
line is also generated, similar to MACD.
GAMS Oscillator Calculates the standard score of the
GMMA oscillator against historical values and plots
the values with scale lines for -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 standard
GMMAD Indicator Plots the sums of the differences of
a group of EMAs. An increasing GMMAD indicates GMMA with the GAMS Oscillator: The GMMA shows changes in trend
an increasingly positive (bullish) trend. by illustrating the sentiment of investors (red) and traders (blue). Note
how well it identifies the changes in trend!
GA Separation Calculates the sum of the separation
of three EMAs—a valuable indicator to identify
trends and reversals.
Guppy CBL Indicator NEW The Guppy CBL
Indicator plots price levels based on Daryl Guppy’s
Count Back Line concept as discussed in his book
Trend Trading.
GAMS System
GMMAB System
Guppy CBL System NEW
Guppy Fixed CBL Loss Stop NEW
Guppy Trailing CBL Stop NEW
Guppy TVL Stop NEW
GAMS Separation Oscillator: Calculates the standard deviation between
three Moving Averages. In this case, we used 3, 8, and 15 periods to
identify new trends as quickly as possible.
GMMA Optimized
The GMMA Strategy was released in the first
version of the GMMA Plug-in, and it utilizes the
classic OmniTrader voting method between 35
different trading systems. Once a consensus signal
is found, various filters based on the GMMA
concept are used to qualify the signal as a good
trading candidate. This strategy uses optimization
in order to find good trading opportunities, and
it is widely regarded as one of Nirvana’s most
popular prospecting strategies.
TVL Trailing Stop
NEW! GMMA Reversal
The GMMA Reversal Strategy is a Long Only
strategy that uses tools from our original GMMA
Plug-in (GAMS and GA Separation), PLUS
Guppy’s new Trend Volatility Line (TVL) GMMA Reversal on AAPL.
Trailing Stop.
BONUS! The Guppy Power Strategy
Never before released to the public, the Guppy
Power Strategy uses several tools from our new
GMMA 2.0 Plug-in. This Mechanical Strategy
uses the CBL to identify entries and maximum
risk. It also uses the TVL trailing stop to ride
winning trades.
This performance report was generated on the Guppy Power Strategy trades on CMI and ADS.
S&P 100 since January of 2008.
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