Bachelor of Business Administration: No. Matriculation: Identification Card Number: Fone No: E-Mel
Bachelor of Business Administration: No. Matriculation: Identification Card Number: Fone No: E-Mel
Bachelor of Business Administration: No. Matriculation: Identification Card Number: Fone No: E-Mel
At the beginning while accepting the assignment I was very surprised and worried
because I felt that the assignment was not easy for me to complete. Then I tried to contact my
colleague where I found out he was an expert in the field of making this recording. I asked
for the opinions and views of my friends on how to complete the assignment. After getting
my views, I start by planning on how and what to do first to complete my task. At first, I
conducted some studies on the problems faced in the current learning system. I have seen the
shortcomings and advantages of the current learning system and I am intrigued by the topics
that discuss the issues of the learning system in the old era.
Then I look for some materials that can help me in understanding the title of my
speech. I am looking for materials in the online medium, including using the online library
services provided by Open University Malaysia.
After doing research on the topic of my speech, I feel it is easier to complete the
assignment given. I also feel excited to complete this assignment. It took me a week to
complete the study. After a week I tried to draft the text of my speech and plan how my video
recording will be carried out. I also did research on how to do a speech in a good way
because honestly, I have never been through the experience of giving a speech to the public.
During my research, I was very interested in the way the speech was delivered by Mark
Zuckerberg on May 26, 2017 for the opening speech of Harvard graduation day.
After I did some research on speech and how to deliver it, I started drafting on how I
wanted to implement my speech with my presentation. The various ways I have been
thinking of doing exercises in front of a mirror and talking as if I were giving a speech. Then
I practiced in front of my friends because I wanted their opinion to improve the way I
delivered the speeches I made.
After doing the task given, I can feel that producing creative content is not something
easy and it takes a long time. Various inputs that need to be emphasized to produce a content
of creativity in the form of speech so that the speech and video delivered can influence the
listener. Personally, I take a very long time in completing this assignment because I am not a
person with high creativity. But I really enjoyed the process of performing this task.
To complete this task, I took these five weeks because it is a new thing for me, and it
takes a very long time. During that period I have tried many applications that can help me but
all of them did not give me what I wanted until I remembered one of my friends who worked
as a video creator in media prima. I asked for help from my friend to give an opinion on the
appropriate application for me to complete my recording. I am very excited because with
the suggestion from my friends, I have managed to find an application that helps me. I am so
thankful to my friend and I treat my friend with MacDonald.
I have done some training to make sure my speech looks creative and innovative. At
the time of doing it I was very depressed because I felt my production did not reach the level
of creativity and innovation. Then I try to find videos that have creative and innovative
elements that can help me. From that observation found that by producing a video that has
creative elements and innovation can further attract the interest of the audience. At that time,
I have used some elements that can help me in producing videos that have creative features. I
use background music additions to increase people's interest in watching my videos and add
some relevant pictures to give the audience an idea of my speech.
After completing the video recording of my speech, I presented it to some of my
family members and friends. At first, I felt embarrassed and unsure to present my speech
recording, but I felt that if I did not show the recording, I could not make improvements in
my speech video.
The first person I showed in my speech video was my mother, first my mother gave a
shocked reaction because my mother knew I was a very shy person when in front of the
camera. Then after watching the video of my speech, my mother stated that my video can
make improvements in terms of the presentation information I want to convey. I accept that
view and make improvements in my video. To me a mother’s view is an excellent view for
every action I take.
Then I gave a video recording of my speech to my friend. The first reaction my friend
gave was that he was impressed because I was able to make something out of my comfort
before. The reaction given by my friend when he saw the video of my speech was that he felt
I was able to produce a video that can have an impact on people. I just need a lot of training.
After getting reactions from my friends and mother, I next showed my recording to
my friend who has helped me in making the recording. My friend stated that it is a good
effort and can continue the effort in making improvements in the video. My friends have also
given additional ideas to make my videos look more interesting and able to impact people.
For me, the process of preparing a video recording of my speech was a process that
really affected me. It was a very useful experience for me to take advantage of in my life for
me to communicate in completing this task. At first, I felt the task given was very difficult for
me to complete, then I looked at the words “a goal without a plan is just a whish”. After
seeing those words, I said to myself if I do not do it now, I will not get a new experience in
my life then I start my task by planning what to do first.
By learning this course, I can use the input learned by applying it into my work
environment where it is very helpful for me in doing my daily tasks in the job. By
understanding the concepts in creativity and innovation it makes me think more openly about
the concept of producing a video and how to communicate with someone. Furthermore, this
course also gives me a lot of impact on the importance that needs to be emphasized in the
field of good communication to get input.
The way I learned this course at Open University Malaysia is very easy for me to
understand about this subject and the task and at the same time help me facilitate the process
of completing the given assignment. This learning has various mediums that I can use to get
information about my learning and to completing the task. I can get information online where
OUM provides an e-tutor that allows me to ask questions anytime and anywhere. Online
learning with Mr. Mohan A / L K.Muniandy who provided a lot of information about this
course and this task really gave me a clear idea to complete the assignment and understand
more clearly about this course and this task. I am very grateful to Mr. Mohan because he is
very efficient in conveying information and his ideas are also very helpful to me in
understanding this course and completing my task.