Course Syllabus Course Details

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Cagayan State University

College of Engineering
Chemical Engineering Department


Course Details:
Course Code: ES012
Course Title: Environmental Science and Engineering
Credit: 3 units
Term: Semester 2, AY2020-2021
Lecturer: Engr. Alva Durian

Course Description:
The course is intended to provide the concepts of environmental science and engineering to electrical
engineering students. The course specifically deals with ecological framework of sustainable development;
pollution environments: water, air, and solid; waste treatment processes, disposal, and management; government
legislation, rules, and regulation related to the environment and waste management; and environmental
management system.

Course Objectives:
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Understand the various effects of environmental pollution.
2. Know the existing laws, rules, and regulations of the government on environmental issues
3. Identify, plan, and select appropriate design treatment schemes for waste disposal
4. Understand the importance of waste management and its relevance to the engineering profession

Teaching Methods/Strategies: Blended Learning

• Module and Online lecture class
• Discussion, inquiry, and problem-based learning
• Collaborative learning

Grading System and Requirements:

Student engagement 20%

Assigned activities 15%
Quizzes and unit examination 25%
Major examinations 25%
Course project 15%
Total 100%

Passing Mark: 75%

Course Outline:

Week Topics
01 Course Orientation
• Syllabus
• Course requirements
• Grading system
• Class policies
02 Unit I. Ecological Concepts
1.1 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
1.2 Ecology of Life
1.3 Biogeochemical Cycles
1.4 Ecosystems
04 Unit II. Pollution Environments
2.1 Water Environment
2.2 Air Environment
2.3 Solid Environment
2.4 Toxic and Hazardous Waste Treatment
09 Mid-Term Examination
10 Unit III. Environmental Management System
3.1 Environmental Impact Assessment
3.2 Environmental Clearance Certificate
18 Final Term Examination
Course Project Report and Presentation

Course References:

Davis, M.L. & Masten, S.J. (2004). Principles of Environmental Engineering and Science. McGraw-Hill
Ouano, E.A.R. (2010). Commentaries on the Environmental Impact Assessment Practices. Central Book Supply, Inc

Course Policies and Standard

1. Online Class Etiquette and Discipline
When attending a virtual meeting from home, find a quiet space to set-up the computer or smartphone
to minimize distractions.
Students are expected to actively participate in the discussion and learning activities. Disruptive language
and gestures are sternly forbidden.
Recording, in any form, of the virtual meeting is strictly prohibited.

2. Attendance
Submission of class requirements on the prescribed due date during the class schedule shall be
considered as part of the attendance.
Attendance shall be checked in every virtual group presentation intended to assess the student’s learning.

3. Academic Integrity
All forms of cheating and other major offenses stipulated in the student manual are strictly prohibited.
Any instructional material disseminated should be utilized by the enrolled student for personal use only.
Reproduction and distribution of instructional material in any form without the author’s permission is

4. Dropping
A student is considered officially dropped upon submission of the instructor’s copy of the duly-
accomplished dropping slip before the scheduled deadline of the dropping.

5. Make-up Quizzes and/or Exams

Make-up quizzes and/or exams are allowed provided that the reason for such absence is valid.

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