War Conflict and Play
War Conflict and Play
War Conflict and Play
Debating Play
Series Editor: Tina Bruce
Tina Hyder
lum seekers and their families. It describes how war and conflict can
interrupt the development of young children as relationships and com-
munities are destroyed, and looks at how play can help to restore
these children’s lost childhoods.
Tina Hyder has been working with young children and their families in
London for many years. She has written widely on a range of equality
Tina Hyder
and children’s rights issues. Formerly a lecturer in early childhood
studies, she is currently Diversity Adviser for Save the Children, UK.
Tina Hyder
email: [email protected]
world wide web: www.openup.co.uk
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Introduction 1
Bibliography 102
Index 108
I was delighted when Tina Hyder agreed to write this book. She has,
through her work with Save the Children, developed great expertise
and understanding of the issues for children and families who are
living through war and conflict, and those who become refugees or
asylum seekers. She has a very measured approach to these deeply
distressing situations, and helps the reader to get on the inside of
what this means to children and families in ways which allow reflec-
tion and quietly thought through action, so that feelings do not run
so high that they constrain what can be achieved.
The book is holistic in its approach, but it gives a major focus to the
importance of play for children living through war, or as refugees, thus
keeping the spirit and emphasis of the ‘Debating Play’ Series. Play is as
important, if not more important than ordinarily for children living such
extraordinary lives. Tina Hyder sets the scene for the reader, addressing
questions such as who is a refugee, why refugees leave their home,
what happens to families when they arrive in the UK, and the problems
that relate to ensuring the children have opportunities for play.
Children and families are influenced by their experiences of war
and becoming refugees in ways which affect their relationship with
their parents, carers and their general development. Tina Hyder
shows how play has a restorative impact on development and rela-
tionships. Good early years practice, emphasising the importance of
play, are central in developing this. She outlines some of the theories
of play which are helpful in taking early years practice forward. She
gives case studies which demonstrate how, using various approaches
which bring healing through play, children affected by the direct and
viii War, Conflict and Play
There are many children, families and colleagues who have inspired
and informed this book. I would particularly like to mention the
children, families and staff of Salusbury World; Lois Mutesi; Babette
Brown, and the early years service in Islington.
I would also like to say a very heartfelt thank you to Tina Bruce for
her support and encouragement throughout. This book really would
not have been possible without her.
Thanks also to my former colleagues at London Metropolitan
University; and also colleagues, past and present, at Save the Children.
And, as always, thank you to Charles and Yasmin.
Tina Hyder
July 2004
This book is about the many ways play can make a positive difference
in the lives of an extraordinary group of children – the young refugees
and asylum-seekers from many parts of the world who are increasingly
part of our social fabric.
Every morning or evening in our homes, we listen to news about
war or civil unrest; these events, with their often devastating impact
on children as well as adults, are occurring in parts of the world that
seem remote – and yet are closer than we think.
Some of you will have had direct experience of such events, but for
many of us the plight of those affected by conflict is something we
observe from afar. However, as globalization impacts on all aspects of
our lives, war and conflict in what may appear to be far-flung parts of
the world are coming to affect all of us closer to home. The wars that
we see unfold in front of us on our television screens translate into the
presence of real families and children in our early years settings and
This book aims to examine the crucial importance of play for chil-
dren’s development. It then looks at the experience of being a refugee,
and the implications of war and conflict for young children’s devel-
opment. It goes on to consider how best we can support, through
play, the young children for whom we care.
Families with children seeking a safe haven have of course been
coming to the UK for many years, and some readers of this book will
already be familiar with the numerous issues that arise from working
with refugee and asylum-seeking families; the book aims to help you
reflect on your experiences.
For others, including those readers who are training to work with
young children and families, involvement in early years settings with
2 War, Conflict and Play
Jebb, along with her sister, Dorothy Buxton, sought to raise public
awareness of the plight of these children, and elicit sympathy and
support for the suffering inhabitants of the vanquished nations,
initially by producing leaflets highlighting the impact of famine
in Europe. Jebb was even arrested in 1919 in Trafalgar Square for
distributing copies of a pamphlet entitled ‘A Starving Baby’.
Undeterred, the sisters went on to found Save the Children, initially
as a temporary organization working to raise money for children’s
organizations all over war-torn Europe – and operating firmly accord-
ing to the children’s rights principles set out by Jebb: that children
should not be made to suffer for the actions of adults. This rights-
based approach continues to underpin the work of Save the Children
today, as children globally face the consequences of war and civil
Introduction 3
This prototype of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted
and promoted by the International Save the Children Union in 1923,
and within a year was adopted by the League of Nations and achieved
lasting international significance.
The present United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
(UNCRC), adopted in 1989, is derived from Eglantyne Jebb’s early
statements (Save the Children 2003). It sets out a framework for gov-
ernments to recognize and actively pursue, through policy and legis-
lation, the rights of all children. The UK government ratified the
convention in 1991.
It is important to note the distinction between the concept of chil-
dren having ‘needs’ as opposed to ‘rights’. On the one hand, the
‘needs’ of one group are often defined by another more powerful
group, and meeting ‘needs’ can be an optional action by those who
are in a more powerful position – both to define a need and then to
decide whether or not to meet it. On the other hand, the concept of
‘rights’ suggests a set of legal imperatives or entitlements that gov-
ernments and other institutions have a duty in law to uphold. In this
formulation, and as the culmination of the process initiated by Jebb,
children are now seen to have internationally recognized human
rights. This is a shift from the idea that children are the property of
their parents – instead, the state has a duty to recognize the child as an
individual, and to support families to provide the best possible start for
their children.
The fundamental principles of the UNCRC, all of which work
towards enhancing children’s development, are:
The rights set out in the UNCRC cover almost every aspect of chil-
dren’s lives. The Convention specifically requires governments to take
into account the rights of refugee and asylum-seeking children. The
relevant section is Article 22, setting obligations for governments to
offer protection to children seeking refugee status and to ensure that
those children enjoy all the other rights set out in the Convention.
In addition, the Convention also sets out the child’s right to play.
Article 31 states that ‘all children have a fundamental right to leisure,
play and recreation’ (United Nations 1989).
This book will bring together theories of children’s play with
information about the impact of war and conflict on young children –
with the aim of helping practitioners put Article 31 into practice for
refugee and asylum-seeking children. It also provides some practical
information about the processes and context of being a refugee in the
UK today. And it will offer examples of the ways early years services
can best respond to and support asylum-seeking and refugee children
and families. It will describe practical, play-based activities that prac-
titioners can undertake with young children. Finally, the under-
pinning argument of this book is that play is a healing experience for
young children affected by war and conflict. Moreover, this assertion is
not just about play in isolation, as a process in which the individual
child takes part. It is also about play as a part of the social fabric of a
community and as a dynamic exchange between the child and their
world. Play can return to the children of conflict their lost childhoods.
The terms ‘asylum-seeker’ and ‘refugee’ have precise and distinct legal
meanings. An asylum-seeker is waiting to be recognized as a refugee –
that is, as someone with a well-founded fear of persecution under
international law (see p. 26 ff. for a fuller explanation). However, the
terms are not always used consistently in the media and elsewhere. In
this book the term ‘refugee’ is used to encompass both states, unless
specifically referring to conditions affecting one group or the other.
The terms ‘war’, ‘conflict’ and ‘violence’ refer to a vast range of
military and political crises. In many cases these categories cannot be
disentangled. For the purposes of this book what is meant are situ-
ations of civil, political and social upheaval characterized by armed
violence whether between or within nations.
When we take care of children, we are also helping the human species
find the truth and understand the world.
(Gopnik et al. 1999: 211)
There are increasing strides being made in the field of child develop-
ment. More is now known about the importance of the early years of
life, and how later patterns of behaviour are shaped by early experi-
ences, than ever before. This is demonstrated particularly by research
Children and development 9
in the last ten years into the development of the brain in infancy. We
will explore this research later in the chapter.
Child development is a continuous process, but there are distinct
phases. The period from birth to the age of 3 sees children’s evolving
capacities at their most active. Children are learning to walk and talk,
to form relationships and to become part of a family and community.
The natural world also provides an area of enormous fascination.
The safety to explore and to overcome challenges is one of the key
features of this point in life – particularly through play. While this
may be taken for granted, when safety and security do not surround a
child and family the opportunities for children to test and extend
their evolving capacities are not available, and this has a negative
impact on the child’s development. Birth to 3, while being a key
period of development, is a time when children are particularly
vulnerable in terms of survival and damage if conditions are not
conducive (Molteno 1996).
From 3 onwards children lay claim to their wishes for independ-
ence and autonomy versus their roles and responsibilities in relation
to others. Children are testing their physical abilities and experiment-
ing with their physical and social environments. Linguistic develop-
ment is rapid at this stage. Friendships, treasured objects and interests
are all part of the assertion of self. The adult and natural worlds pro-
vide endless opportunities for investigation and learning – and if this
learning is supported and encouraged, children develop and gain
confidence in themselves and their competencies.
Taking this as a snapshot of the process of child development, the
academic focus in the past has typically been on the debate between
those convinced about the influence of genetic inheritance versus
those emphasizing environmental factors (nature vs. nurture). Evi-
dence now points to an interactionist perspective as offering the most
informed and accurate framework for child development at this
point. This means that the biological characteristics of a child are in
constant interplay with the child’s environment. One shapes and
responds to the other.
An acknowledgement therefore of the complexity of the child’s
social and environmental systems, as demonstrated in Bronfenbren-
ner’s model of ecological development, referred to above, is essential.
This is because children develop through social interactions and
social structures – all of which have an important influence on the
child’s overall individual development.
10 War, Conflict and Play
In the past, it was believed that the structure of the brain was genetic-
ally predetermined and largely in place before birth. Scientists were
not aware of the enormous and formative impact of an infant’s first
Research in infant neuroscience (see Gopnik et al. 1999) reveals that
from birth, and before, the infant’s brain is full of cells that trigger in
response to their interactions and experiences of the world.
The nerve cells in the brain are called neurons, and they are in place
before birth. At the time of birth infants have approximately a
thousand billion brain cells. Each neuron has a long fibre (axon) that
sends information in the form of electrical impulses to other cells.
Information is also received from other cells through short fibres
At birth, the neurons are not connected. As children grow and an
increasing amount of information is received in the brain, the den-
drites branch out, forming tree-like structures as they receive signals
from many neurons. Early brain development is about the formation
and reinforcement of such connections. The point at which neurons
connect and exchange information is called the synapse: ‘Connec-
tions among neurons are formed as the growing child experiences the
surrounding world and forms attachments to parents, family mem-
bers, and other caregivers’ (Shore 1997: 17). Therefore, an infant’s
early experiences create neural activity and subsequent neural
connections, that can be in place for life (Gopnik et al. 1999).
New technologies, such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging –
showing the brain structure) and PET (positron emission tomography
– measuring brain activity) scans and other brain imaging technolo-
gies have revealed that the brain, from before birth and onwards, is
affected by environmental factors. And it is during the first three years
of life that the majority of developmental neural and synaptic activity
takes place – setting out the networks for later life.
From birth onwards there is a rapid and enormous growth in syn-
aptic activity that peaks at about the age of 3. At 3 children have more
neural pathways than adults, and children’s brains are two and a half
times more active that the brains of adults (Shore 1997: 21). This
synaptic density remains in place until about the age of 10, when
unused synaptic connections fall away.
Clearly, these research findings indicate that early experiences are
even more important than once believed. The neural pathways that
become established are those that are in repeated use. In this way,
early experiences have a decisive impact on how the brain becomes
wired. (Gopnik et al. 1999). What this means is that early experiences
Children and development 11
Often what is helpful is that there is some part of the experience that
we are familiar with, that we can build on for reassurance. For
instance, if we are taking an examination, previous experience of tests
and examinations will help us determine what strategies we need to
put in place to reduce stress.
From the perspective of a very young infant, the world is full of new
experiences. This is why the routines and connections established in
the early days between the infant and the caregiver are so important.
The smallest interactions, whether in response to crying and being
held, being fed or changed, or tone of voice, are potentially life-
changing events for an infant, especially if the quality of that inter-
action is harsh or uncaring, or undertaken by adults whose own lives
are disrupted and insecure.
Trauma and neglect will impact in other ways on the development
of the young child. For instance, a child’s ability to form secure
attachments will be influenced by the quality of the caregiving that
they have had themselves.
It is also the case that the security of the attachment experienced by
young children will affect their capacity to form relationships, to be
empathetic and to express emotions and control behaviour. Gunnar’s
research, reported in Shore (1997: 28), suggests that ‘babies who
receive sensitive and nurturing care in their first year of life are less
likely than other children to respond to minor stress’.
At the same time, under-stimulation, emotional neglect and social
deprivation will also impact on children. Researchers in the USA (see
Perry 1996) suggest that a combination of experiences may affect the
brain’s development. Stress or under-stimulation result in a lack of
development of higher brain functions related to abstract thinking
and behaviours; instead, lower brain functions associated with
immediate survival responses are over-developed. This can lead to
over-aggressive behaviours in response to ordinary occurrences, such
as when someone raises their voice.
What then is the role of play in early brain development? Crucially,
it would appear that play can actually shape and structure the brain,
as researchers who have investigated the role of play in supporting
synaptic development have found (see Jambor 2000).
Not all types of play do this; the function is most apparent in
imaginative play characterized by engagement and interest. This play
includes those fantasies and dramas that children initiate themselves
and then choose to pursue and elaborate. It has elements of repetition
and is fun. It activates and encourages neural pathways, and because
it is often replayed, it promotes memory skills.
In conclusion, the current debate regarding brain development has
highlighted the importance of the first three years of life. Nevertheless,
Children and development 13
researchers (e.g. Meade 2003) are now exploring the perception that,
notwithstanding the importance of these first three years for chil-
dren’s development, later childhood and adulthood also provide
opportunities for learning and development. Consequently, inter-
ventions such as daycare and early years services can be seen to be of
benefit for children who have not necessarily had the best start.
The implications of this for those children and communities
affected by war, conflict and violence are serious. Given what may be
a crisis situation in early infancy, if children are to reach their full
potential they need opportunities for secure and stable relationships
with early caregivers in an environment that fosters the development
of close and responsive relationships and opportunities for self-
expression. Play can be a key way in which childhood can be restored.
Play has been notoriously hard to define and research, and there are
numerous theories about its purpose and form. This section will begin
with a brief outline of the major theories of play. This will provide a
backdrop upon which to reflect on what happens when opportunities
to play are denied to young children whose lives have been disrupted
by conflict. The section will then trace the impact of conflict on play
as well as the role of play in restoring childhood.
What is play?
There is great difficulty in using the umbrella term ‘play’. The focus
needs to be refined so we can establish what is meant by this word.
Many things called ‘play’ by those of us working with children are
not so.
(Bruce 1997: i)
What distinguishes play from other forms of human activity are its
qualities of spontaneity and self-initiation. Across human cultures all
children, in normal circumstances, have an intrinsic desire to play.
The features of play include the symbolic use of objects, its pretend ‘as
if’ nature, the construction of rules, and the fact that play is more
often than not fun and risk-free, and does not have to have an end
Play enables children to explore the customs and roles of their dir-
ect community, to reflect upon their inner selves and their emotions,
to encounter abstract thinking and to develop communication
skills. Play is also often said to provide a vehicle for children to create
meaning from their experiences (Bruce 1997).
We will now briefly review a range of theoretical perspectives on
play. We can see that biologists, psychologists, anthropologists, soci-
ologists and others have all attempted to define play from their
particular theoretical standpoint.
Early theories tended to concentrate on global evolutionary
explanations with a focus on the physical features of play. Later
theorists have, in the main, focused on the internal, emotional
functions of play. The cognitive role of play came to the fore in the
mid-twentieth century, and has been a key feature of later
approaches to play, influencing the development of services for
young children.
More recently, there has been a consolidation of play theory, pro-
viding an overall holistic framework for child development within a
social context. The significance of play within the developmental
context has been increasingly recognized. Today, from a develop-
mental perspective, we draw on a rich range of theories and ideas
from a variety of academic disciplines, enabling us to value play as a
vital way of being in early childhood.
Herbert Spencer, in 1878, drew links between children’s play and that
of animals. He noted that play occurred because of excess energy. He
also drew parallels between play and art, viewing art as a product of
surplus energy after basic human needs had been met.
Spencer’s ideas can be traced to those of Schiller (1845), who also
saw play as a means for children to use up surplus energy. He sug-
gested that it was because children did not have to work to survive, as
adults did, that they therefore had amounts of energy that were not
used. Play was important for adults too as it was linked to creativity
16 War, Conflict and Play
and beauty. Other writers of the time thought that play in fact
restored and did not deplete energy. These theories were known as
‘recreation’ or ‘relaxation’ theories.
Another interesting theory from the turn of the twentieth century
was that of Hall (1908), who proposed that in play humans progress
through all the stages of evolutionary development, and children’s
play is the evidence of this. For instance, the animal stage of human
development is repeated in children’s desire to climb and swing.
Hall’s ‘recapitulation theory’ rests on the notion that play provides an
outlet for instinctive behaviours, and that play lessens instinctual
Groos (1901), in The Play of Man, saw play as a preparation for
adulthood, with children acting out and pretending to take on adult
roles. He also began to elaborate the role of play as a means by which
children develop consciousness. Later on Bruner (1983: 43 quoted in
Bruce 1997: 31) extended this definition by describing play as ‘pre-
paration for the technical and social life that constitutes human
Similarly, Maria Montessori (1870–1952) placed importance on
children learning about reality. She viewed pretend play as primitive
and felt that children benefit from adult guidance to enable them to
explore the properties of the real world through specially constructed
play materials.
Behaviourist perspectives on play such as that of Skinner
(1938) conceptualize play as a learnt response to a set of stimuli – for
example, toys. Play was also seen as a set of problem-solving
behaviours, because of its complex and investigative features.
More recently Bateson (1972), considered play as a means of devel-
oping children’s communication skills. This theory is based on his
observations of the shared ‘scripts’ that children create as they play
together. Children will often talk about what a character will say and
do, and then go on, in character, to act this out. This ability to reflect
on communication, as Bateson observes, provides children with
‘metacommunication skills’ – that is, the ability to reflect upon and
consider the functions and forms of communication.
In 1962, Jean Piaget was one of the first to shift the focus on play
away from social and emotional development and towards cognitive
development. Piaget argued that play contributes to intellectual
development through the processes of ‘accommodation’ and ‘assimi-
lation’. Assimilation is the dominant mode in play, with children
achieving it through play by taking an idea and making it fit with
what they know and understand. With the emergence of symbolic
play and abstract thinking, evidenced through a child’s ability to
represent the world, we see the basis for the development of later
Children and development 17
• epistemic play – within which children learn and explore the world
and its properties;
• ludic play – when children are using their imaginations but are not
• games with rules – structured activities.
What this means is that children are solving problems, and symbolic-
ally representing their experiences, in ways that are highly creative
and spontaneous and of high intellectual order. This requires space,
opportunity and safety.
Bruce also offers a critique of the way many other theorists place
value on structured play and games with rules, without full appreci-
ation of the value of free-flow play. For Bruce, (1997, 2001) free-flow
Anna Freud and Melanie Klein both wrote about the therapeutic
nature of play and can be seen to be the leading influences in
the development of child psychotherapy. Klein developed Freud’s
work by stating that there is symbolic meaning in all aspects of play.
The main point in the work of both Freud and Klein is that play
reveals tensions but is also the means by which such tensions are
The work of both Freud and Klein heralded the creation of the
child psychotherapy movement and associated play, creative and art
therapies. The play therapy movement, as described by Victoria
Axline in the classic book, Dibs: In Search of Self (1990), which looks in
detail at the therapeutic process, can be seen to derive more directly
from the work of Klein.
Winnicott (1971), a paediatrician who later became a psycho-
analyst, was a colleague of Klein. He interpreted play as the inter-
mediary experience between the child’s inner world and the outer
world. He stressed that play is a normal occupation of childhood
which offers a safe space within which inner tensions can be explored
in the outer world.
In Winnicott’s thinking, play therapy sees play as a healing experi-
ence, within which children can solve their problems and resolve
inner tensions, hence coming to terms with difficult or overwhelming
feelings. Importantly, he noted: ‘It is good to remember always that
playing is itself a therapy. To arrange for children to be able to play is
itself a psychotherapy that has immediate and universal application’
(1971: 50).
From the work of Freud, Klein and Winnicott the play therapy
movement has developed. The approach stresses the benefits of a
dedicated time and space for children to play within the emotional
structure created by the play therapist. Many of the concepts and
methods of play therapy are now in wide general use in early years
and school settings.
A number of stages exist in the therapeutic play process that it may
be helpful for early childhood practitioners to note. The stages are:
• sensory play – within this type of play, children use a tactile medium
such as clay to explore the world through their senses; they can
dribble or shape or smear according to their needs;
• projective play – is where children use toys and props to tell a story
that will indicate their inner concerns and fears;
• symbolic play – is where children negotiate roles and stories, clearly
indicating when the play is stopping and starting; children can
explore difficult feelings, traumas and experiences through this
type of play (Cattanach 1994).
Children and development 21
We have traced the conditions for optimal development for the child
and noted how war and conflict destroy the conditions for child
development and erode children’s rights, including the right to play.
The importance of the early years has been emphasized via a review
of research on early brain development, wherein the earliest relation-
ships help shape children’s responses and ability to interact with the
So what do these multiple perspectives on play tell us about the role
and importance of play in children’s lives? We can draw the following
First, play is a universal feature of child development and happens
in all communities which enjoy safety and security, although
attitudes to play and its details will vary.
Children and development 23
Second, play is both the way that children express themselves and
the means through which they resolve issues. Moreover, play is a
means by which children learn and hypothesize about the world.
Cultural, social, emotional, cognitive and other areas of develop-
mental progress cannot be disentangled in this process.
We will focus in greater detail on how lessons from play theorists
can inform the ways that early childhood practitioners can support
young asylum-seeking and refugee children later in the book.
I was happy in my country, but then the war started and I saw lots of
people die.
7-year-old Afghani boy (Save the Children and
the Refugee Council 2001)
Who is a refugee?
Some mines are small, the size of a small ball, and are brightly
coloured. They are therefore very attractive to children and bound to
arouse their curiosity. The makers of these weapons and the armed
forces that employ them are well aware of the nature of their impact
and their fatal attraction for children. What commitment is this to
the rights of children?
Once war or civil conflict erupt, most refugees will only take flight as
far as another part of their own country. Only a small number of those
who become refugees reach Europe, and even fewer arrive in the UK.
The term ‘refugee’ has a specific legal definition. Under the 1951
United Nations Convention on Refugees a refugee is someone who has
had to leave his or her country ‘owing to a well-founded fear of being
persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group or political opinion’.
An ‘asylum-seeker’ is a person who has crossed an international
26 War, Conflict and Play
Case study
Mrs X and her three young children left her country after being subject to
imprisonment and torture because of Mr and Mrs X’s political activities.
Mr X was arrested, tortured and sentenced to 14 years imprisonment
for his peaceful activities against the military regime. The security organ-
izations are empowered to arrest without charge and to imprison without
trial. After three years of imprisonment, Mr X managed to escape and
went into hiding.
Mr X went to prison at a time when Mrs X was pregnant. She too was
routinely arrested and tortured both physically and mentally. When she
was 8 months pregnant, her torture was to stand on her feet for up to
12 hours a day for a number of days at a time. The result of this was that
she developed severe problems in the blood vessels in her legs as well as
anaemia. Due to her health problems she had to have a caesarean section
without anaesthetic.
Mrs X and her three children tried to seek refuge in Syria where they
spent 11 months. Mrs X became ill but the hospital refused to treat her
without a passport. The authorities also threatened to take her children
Eventually they moved on to the Ukraine where the family were detained
again for four days and then sent back to Syria. Some friends of Mrs X’s
husband managed to get a new (false) passport issued to the family and
they returned to the Ukraine. Once again they were unwelcome, so
they finally moved to the UK. They had spent one year and three months
travelling by the time they arrived. Mrs X’s husband is still in hiding.
The effect of the war on the children has been extreme. The eldest son
dreams regularly about guns and violence and still sleepwalks, some two
years after arrival in the UK. He was referred to a psychiatrist and has also
received treatment from a specialist agency working with survivors of
torture. The second child also has bad memories and has had a series of
behavioural problems at school. The youngest child does not remember a
great deal but misses her father. All three children miss their father and
have been through periods of blaming their mother for the separation.
The family lived for two years in one room in a large dirty hotel where
they experienced a multitude of problems, ranging from mould on the
walls (exacerbating asthma in the eldest child), to a broken window (not
fixed for six months) to the general overcrowding of sharing a bathroom
and kitchen with several other families, with no space for the children
to play.
28 War, Conflict and Play
The Refugee Council again notes that people in Britain tend to vastly
overestimate the numbers of asylum-seekers and refugees in the UK.
According to research conducted by the Refugee Council, on average
people think that about a quarter (23 per cent) of the world’s refugees
and asylum-seekers are in the UK. The reality is that the UK has less
than 2 per cent of the world’s refugee population.
The Refugee Council goes on to state:
There can be one of three outcomes. The first is that the application
is rejected. The second is that temporary agreement is given for an
individual to remain in the country. The third is that an individual is
granted full refugee status.
When temporary leave is given, after a fixed time the government
will then review the political situation in the country of origin and
may decide that it is safe to return. The right to temporary admission
to the UK was called exceptional leave to remain (ELR), and was often
granted for four years, after which an application for indefinite leave
to remain could be made (ILR).
More recently, the government has been issuing a temporary pro-
tection order of 12 months with no prospect of renewal. And the
system has now changed further, with the Home Office no longer
granting ELR, but instead granting either ‘humanitarian protection’
or ‘discretionary leave’.
Humanitarian protection is given when the government recognizes
that there is a real risk of ‘death, torture, or other inhuman or degrad-
ing treatment, which falls outside the strict terms of the 1951 Refugee
Convention’ (Refugee Council 2002). When granted humanitarian
protection, three years’ temporary leave is given, allowing the appli-
cant access to employment in the same way that someone granted full
refugee status is able to work. Entitlement to welfare support is also
granted. After three years the application will be reviewed, and if the
Home Office feels that protection is no longer needed then arrange-
ments will be made for the applicant to return to their country of
Discretionary leave may be granted when someone making an
application is not recognized as being in need of refugee status or
humanitarian protection, but it is considered that their removal may
cause the worsening of health conditions or may contravene their
human rights. It can be granted for any period up to three years.
Discretionary leave is granted in some cases for young people under
the age of 18. If an applicant is granted discretionary leave this also
entitles them to work or to claim welfare benefits and to access other
public services.
As can be seen from the description of the various options given
here, the rights of children are not fully taken into account in UK
asylum legislation. The implications of the current situation are pro-
found. For instance, as humanitarian protection or discretionary
leave to remain in the UK is temporary, parents and caregivers will be
in a constant state of worry about what will happen next. That worry
will be communicated to their children.
30 War, Conflict and Play
days, when they might have been enquiring about the details of what
they needed to do and where they needed to go in order to make their
claim. Now, the government has decided it will provide no resources
at all for the support of those who apply for asylum after they have
entered the country.
This move has led a large number of agencies to voice concern
about the plight of those denied all forms of support. The Refugee
Council has reported the impact of this ruling as resulting in
hundreds of people being forced to sleep rough, in parks or on the
streets, hungry and homeless. Indeed there have been reports of men
and women forced to sleep outside the offices of the Refugee Council
in South London, waiting for Church and other groups to bring food
in vans, unable to access toilet facilities, with no means of keeping
warm or clean. At the time of writing this latest asylum ruling by the
government is still being disputed in the courts.
It is important to note that a family with children under the age of
18 should always be offered support by the government’s National
Asylum Support Service (NASS).
Those who make an application on arrival become the responsibil-
ity of the NASS, which will provide accommodation and support for
those awaiting the outcome of their application. As readers may be
aware from television or other news reports, asylum applicants are
dispersed around the country. The initial reason for this was to
remove pressure on local authorities in London and the South East.
In the past, when new arrivals came to the UK they would normally
try to find relatives or friends and stay with them while their claims
were processed. This meant that refugee communities would emerge
in particular areas in many of the large cities in the UK. For instance,
there is a thriving Somali community in South Wales and a Kurdish
community in North London. New arrivals would find community
organizations and informal support systems in place, and applicants
would find a temporary place of safety within the community.
Children would be able to join with other children from the wider
community and perhaps gain access to play and early years provision.
However, some local authorities felt that they were being dis-
proportionately penalised by having to provide housing and other
welfare services in such areas. Therefore, in 1998 the government
introduced the Asylum and Immigration Act. A new policy of
dispersal was introduced which has resulted in new arrivals being
dispersed to accommodation around the country. This accommoda-
tion is privately-owned or run by voluntary organizations or housing
When this step was first introduced it provoked further distress
among asylum-seekers who had already experienced hardship. For
32 War, Conflict and Play
detained have often come from countries the Home Office deems not
to be dangerous – so that any applications for asylum from indi-
viduals from such countries are immediately thought not to be
Children and families are also held in these centres, and in
Dungavel, Lanarkshire in Scotland, campaigners have been arguing
for children held at the centre to be allowed to have access to educa-
tion in local schools. According to a report in the Guardian news-
papers (15 August 2003), ‘The Ay family, with four children aged eight
to 14, were held at Dungavel for more than a year before being
deported to Germany last week. Beriwan Ay, 14, had spoken of the
children’s distress at being kept in Dungavel, unable to play freely and
denied access to a proper education’. Dungavel, the report went on,
was the only immigration detention centre in Britain regularly to
hold children for long periods: ‘The welfare and development of chil-
dren is likely to be compromised by detention, however humane the
provisions, and that will increase the longer detention is maintained’.
Anne Owers, the Chief Inspector of Prisons, believed that indepen-
dent assessors should be brought in to decide if conditions were
suitable for children to be detained.
There were 18 youngsters at the privately run centre at the time of
Owers’ inspection. Families were locked into the 62-bed family unit
and had to ask to be let out to visit the centre’s shop, while there was
limited access to outdoor play areas for children.
Cole (2003), in research into the detention of asylum-seeking fam-
ilies in the UK, records the impact of detention on families in greater
detail. According to Cole’s study, arrest or removal from home
impacted seriously on young children. In one example, a mother
described how eight police officers came to the house at half past six in
the morning. While being transported from Manchester to Gatwick,
her 2-year-old son needed to use the toilet. The police refused to stop.
Security staff were also described as behaving forcefully: ‘They put
handcuffs on my hands . . . my children crying on the floor [beside
me]’, one mother reported (Cole 2003: 46).
Cole also describes how ‘people explained how settled they had
become in this country. Two families explained that their children’s
first language was now English, with one father extremely concerned
that his children were facing removal to a country they had never
known’ (p. 25). Some families had been in the UK for up to six years,
and were being uprooted from communities and friendships.
Cole also goes on to note that detention is experienced as a particu-
lar blow to families who have had a difficult journey to the UK – only
then to have their claims rejected. As one mother says: ‘[My children
were] just four and a half years and one year old when we left. All
34 War, Conflict and Play
Children may well have lost parents and been subject to, or witnesses
of, violence. Children may also have been displaced, spent time in
hiding and have been subject to shelling and attack.
Journeys to safety can also have been perilous. Families may have
had to walk long distances with their belongings without much food
or water before finding a place of safety. Refugee camps, although
providing some safety and security, can also be dangerous places. The
risk of sexual violence can be high, and women and girls can fall
victim to armed gangs who control access to resources.
Journeys to countries such as the UK are often dangerous and are
undertaken through illegal means. This is because it is virtually
impossible to gain visas or papers to travel legally when a country is at
war or experiencing civil conflict. Therefore, using forged passports
and payments of large amounts of money to traffickers are often the
only route to safety for some people.
Being a refugee: the loss of play 35
with. And for the parent, given the weight of dealing with the needs
of the family single-handedly, it may again be hard to respond
appropriately to children’s emotional needs and requirements
for play.
A recent report produced by the agency Refugee Action, Is it Safe
Here? (2003), highlights the experiences of women refugees in the UK.
According to the report women represent about a third of all applica-
tions for asylum to the UK, however women find themselves quickly
isolated and often facing abuse, and have an enormous struggle
One refugee group estimates that half of the women they have had
contact with have been raped or sexually assaulted before reaching
the UK. In addition, many of these women, some of whom were now
experiencing medical and psychological distress, were not aware of
the services in this country that could support them.
However, once in the UK, women also face a catalogue of prejudice
and harassment. Many women said they were too afraid to go out and
had experienced verbal or physical abuse on the streets. One woman
said a neighbour had flicked lit cigarettes at her children, while local
youths regularly threw stones at her windows.
Another issue is that some women will have had to leave their
children in the care of relatives in order to flee to a place of safety. This
clearly causes particular stress to a woman and is estimated to be the
experience of about 40 per cent of single women refugees in the UK.
Other women face a different experience, where they are caring for
children without the support of their partners. In addition, fewer
than one in five of those interviewed described their English as good.
While almost all the women said they wanted to improve their
English, half said they could not attend classes because of a lack of
It is important to be aware of the educational and care services that
asylum-seeking and refugee children have a right to use. They are
entitled to access educational services during the ages of statutory
schooling (5–16), and can also use pre-school services. Children whose
parents are supported under the NASS arrangements are also entitled
to free school meals.
Despite this entitlement, it remains the case for early years provision
that asylum-seeking and refugee children are often under-represented
in such services. This is also true in a range of other play and leisure
activities such as after school and sports activities.
Being a refugee: the loss of play 37
This can be for a variety of reasons. Parents and carers are often
unfamiliar with the services that are available for young children; this
sort of provision would not have been available in their countries of
origin, where extended family members would normally care for the
youngest children and formal schooling starts at age 6 or 7. In addi-
tion, in the UK, many different types of early years service exist; for
instance, playgroups, parent and child drop-ins, crèches, nursery
schools and children’s centres to name but a few. This in itself can be
confusing for parents, particularly where many services are publicized
through word of mouth, or via leaflets in English. It is hard for parents
who do not speak English to find out about services as they are not
part of local networks.
Waiting lists can be many months long and newly-arrived parents
have no opportunity to access such lists. For these reasons and a range
of others, including even the small charges that some groups make,
very young children from asylum-seeking and refugee families will
not always be present in early years groups, despite living in the area,
and being in particular need of the service and the play opportunities
on offer.
Research has demonstrated the interest in childcare and early
childhood services that exists in refugee communities (Rutter and
Hyder 1998). This is because refugee families are strongly motivated
to ensure that their children receive the best possible provision and
make the best possible start. However, it is important to be aware of
the diversity of views in relation to play. In many communities and
cultures play is taken for granted as something children engage in
without adult interference. Children are often in multi-age groups of
siblings and extended family, where older children act as play guides
to the younger ones. The case for play does not have to be made; it
goes on regardless.
Within predominantly urban communities such as those in the
UK, where families are more isolated and children are not always
exposed to wider age groups, opportunities for play have become
more formalized. It is very important that the value of play is con-
veyed to parents, and especially to asylum-seeker and refugee parents
whose children may benefit in particular from the healing experience
of play.
Research conducted by the Refugee Council and Save the Children
with refugee families, focusing on early years practice and policy
(Rutter and Hyder 1998) highlighted the following issues.
Asylum-seeking and refugee families often have multiple issues to
contend with. These can include poverty, family separation, difficult
legal applications, isolation and psychological trauma. In addition,
family members may have particular health requirements due to
38 War, Conflict and Play
This issue also linked to concerns that many parents expressed about
the need for children to retain a sense of identity. Unlike other
migrants, many refugees hope to return one day to their country of
origin. It can be extremely distressing for parents when children who
are brought up in a country of refuge start to acquire the values and
customs of their new home.
From a child’s perspective this is perhaps inevitable, and many
children successfully manage complex identities and acquire what
they feel is positive from each community. For many parents though
the gap between family and cultural practices in the country of origin
and youth culture in the UK is too great, and becomes yet another
loss in the catalogue of losses that can make up the experience of
Another gap in expectations relates to the experience and values of
school in the UK. In many communities teachers generate huge
respect within a community, parents have little contact with school
and education itself is a formal and serious exercise. The contrast with
the apparently informal nature of schools within the UK is difficult
for some parents to come to terms with. Expectations about
behaviour, homework, child-centred curricula and the home–school
relationship can cause tensions.
Parents also pointed out that other differences between their cus-
tomary childcare practices and those common in the UK made them
feel uncomfortable. For instance, it is common practice in many parts
of the world for younger children to be left in the care of an older
sibling. However, in the UK this is not common practice, and parents
were concerned that they might be accused of abuse or neglect.
Different expectations of children and views of childhood were also
noted by some refugee parents as potential causes of tension. As one
mother said: ‘At home, an eight-year-old could cook a meal. Now they
can’t do anything. They just watch television all day’.
In conclusion, this chapter has set out the international and national
legal frameworks relating to claiming refugee status. It has also looked
at some of the experiences facing children and families caught in the
process of claiming refuge in the UK.
The limitations on children’s rights to play and education caused
by the asylum process have also been explored. The potential clash of
values and expectations of asylum-seeking and refugee parents with
early years and developmental theory as practiced in the UK has also
been considered.
40 War, Conflict and Play
The chapter has set out the case for play in even stronger terms, as a
means through which children can overcome some of the losses they
may have experienced during the upheaval of seeking asylum. Over-
all, this chapter has considered the extensive changes that families
may have experienced in their journeys to safety and illustrated that
those changes do not stop once a place of safety has been reached.
The term ‘war’ derives from the German noun ‘werra’ meaning
‘confusion’ or ‘strife’. It is an apt root that provides the world with a
picture of what war can do to individuals.
(Elbedour et al. 1993: 805)
. . . up until the mid 20th century, little attention was paid to women or
children in the literature of war at all.
(Elbedour et al. 1993: 806)
The evidence about the impact of war, conflict and violence on young
children is varied and there appears to be no clear consensus. It is
important to note that individual experiences and interpretations of
events will be context-specific but that some responses may be
Work by Cassie Landers (1998) for the children’s rights organisation
UNICEF, provides a useful overview of this topic. Landers identified
three main areas of impact when considering the effect of violence on
children. These are:
• behavioural manifestations;
• clinical manifestations;
• spiritual and psychological impact.
Young children rely on the adults around them to care for them.
Children’s early lives are dependent on carers’ sensitivities and
abilities to anticipate their needs. The experience of living in conflict
or of being politically oppressed causes enormous stresses for
This means that carers may, through no fault of their own, be
preoccupied and stressed, and even depressed, and may not be in a
position to really focus on children’s many emotional and social
needs. Add to this the experience of leaving one’s country of origin
and seeking asylum in an unsympathetic country, and it is not sur-
prising that the carers of young asylum-seeking and refugee children
are not always able to offer the emotional support or attention that
children need in order to thrive.
The key to dealing with stress and conflict for younger children
appears to be response of adults – and in particular the mother or
primary carer – to the stress of upheaval. The mother becomes ‘a
protective shield’ (Khan 1963: 291 in Elbedour et al. 1993: 810).
The impact of war on young children 45
Small infants learn to trust their mothers and fathers and other
primary caregivers to provide food, affection and protection. The
direct or indirect impact of violence on children’s lives erodes trust
and reduces opportunities to explore the environment. Children’s
basic physical and emotional needs will not necessarily have been
met. Life may have been chaotic and unpredictable, leading the
child to experience the world as unsafe.
Trauma can alter the quality of the young child’s play in several
ways. Some traumatised children are quite restricted in their
range of play activities. Many traumatised children are initially
unable to use play symbolically. Trauma may have interrupted
developmental processes to the extent that symbolic capacities
were not generated. Early relationships may have been dis-
rupted, preventing the child from using transitional objects and
other toys as symbols for significant people and experiences.
Some traumatised children have developed symbolic capacity
to a certain extent, by the quality of their symbolic play is quite
unlike that of most young children. Gone is the sense of joyful
adventure, story and spirited imaginative discovery that is
characteristic of childhood. The play of the remotest child is
often grim and despairing. It tends to lack organisation and
elaboration. Disturbing themes might be introduced but never
resolved in the context of play. Traumatised children’s play can
become repetitive – the child is driven to play and replay his
traumatic experiences in a compulsive attempt to master them.
In addition, defences against re-experiencing feelings associated
with the trauma may be evident in play.
collude with adults to the point that adults are convinced that
children no longer remember:
Research has been carried out, over the years, with a number of groups
of children who have been directly or indirectly exposed to armed
conflict (Burlingham and Freud 1942; Pynoos and Nader 1993). These
studies include research into the children of torture victims; those
who are the children of concentration camp prisoners; children who
have themselves lived in camps; and those who have experienced
armed conflict.
The children studied here tend to be aged 5 and over, and it is from
these studies that we must extract information that will provide
an insight into the experiences of younger children. However, these
50 War, Conflict and Play
• attention-seeking behaviour;
• refusal to acknowledge problems and a need to be alone;
• a need to cut off and daydream;
• a need to seek approval and be good.
at them Mummy and then they wouldn’t have tried to hurt us?’ was
the daughter’s question to her mother a few days after the event.
Children may also blame themselves for what has happened, espe-
cially if their parents are depressed or angry: ‘Young children may feel
that they have caused their parents’ withdrawal as a result of their
own angry thoughts and actions . . . Young children thinking magic-
ally, believe that they have much greater influence over what
happens to them than is actually the case’ (Melzak 1992: 206).
When they have witnessed violence, very young children may have
confused memories about what has happened, in that they are less
likely to be able to express in words what they have felt than older
children or adults. However, this does not mean that they will have
forgotten and they will certainly be affected by what has happened.
They need opportunities to sort out their thoughts – for example,
through play and other means of self-expression which we will
consider in later chapters.
The evidence of the impact of violence caused by conflict and war
on children is sparse – but the results are consistent. What is clear is
that a small minority of children are severely affected by such experi-
ences. For the majority though, recovery is possible. This is demon-
strated through work from a number of conflict zones over recent
For instance, UNICEF (1993: 168) cite a number of studies including
the work of Bodman in 1941 who surveyed 8000 children in war-torn
Britain and noted that about 4 per cent of the children surveyed dem-
onstrated signs of ‘strain’ following air raids. In a study conducted in
1981, McWhirter (in UNICEF 1993) surveyed the teachers of over
5000 children in Northern Ireland. Just under 9 per cent were
reported by teachers to be disturbed, with the disturbance character-
ized by antisocial behaviour. A report from the Lebanon by Hourani
et al. (1982) (reported in UNICEF 1993) revealed that about 8 per cent
of those taking part in a household study reported ‘psychological
stress symptoms during conflict’.
Case study
Sheila Melzak (1995: 116) writes about the enormous losses experi-
enced by refugee children, affecting the progress of their development:
While so far we have noted the restorative and healing nature of play,
for those children seriously affected by trauma, it is argued by some
that play may not be healing unless supported and guided: ‘Traumatic
play includes the redramatisation in play of episodes of the event or
the repetition of play in traumatic themes’.
Terr (1981) observed that if children’s traumatic play fails to pro-
vide relief, it may aggravate rather that soothe the condition, and
58 War, Conflict and Play
I remember when R first started at the playgroup. He was just three and
had arrived recently from Eritrea. He was so angry and frustrated he
threw things around and hit other children.
Over the weeks he began to trust us and start communicating with the
other children. I think he really benefited from his time with us. We
were a place of safety.
When S, a four year old Kurdish girl from Turkey, arrived she also
wouldn’t communicate, wouldn’t play, and for many weeks refused to
be physically separated from her mother. It took a long time before she
felt able to join in with activities and begin to work out some of her
anxieties through play.
(Hyder 1998: 93)
This chapter sets out useful concepts and those first principles that
underpin good practice when supporting and encouraging play in
early years settings, with young asylum-seekers and with refugees. It
highlights the issues early years practitioners need to be aware of and
sets the scene for Chapter 5 which concentrates in more detail on
good practice and outlines some specific play activities with young
asylum-seeking and refugee children.
As well as discussing the principles of good early years practice for
children who have experienced war and armed conflict, this chapter
will consider the concept of resilience, followed by discussion of the
importance of communication with parents and families, and with
children. Finally the role of anti-racism and good inclusive practice
will be outlined.
What works 61
As has already been set out in earlier chapters, play offers children
important ways of making sense of their experiences. Play in itself is a
healing process which gives children an opportunity to ‘play out’
their feelings and problems. Early years settings can provide children
with valuable opportunities to play and explore, so enabling them to
come to terms with past events.
These play opportunities include both adult-led activities with an
anticipated outcome that are exploratory, and those opportunities for
free-flow play that are imaginative and open-ended.
Evidence suggests that in many cases young children who have
experienced the trauma of conflict or displacement do not need spe-
cialized therapy or intervention. The majority of children who are
manifesting distressed behaviours will, after just a short time in an
early years group, begin to benefit from the relationships, routine,
surroundings and materials of the setting (Tolfree 1996). Children will
have a safe space and can start establishing relationships with sympa-
thetic and supportive adults.
Space and structure are vital to any early years programme. For a
refugee child, getting to know the predictable routine of the early
62 War, Conflict and Play
What is resilience?
Foundation 1999) have noted is that adverse or risk factors are cumu-
lative. Most children can cope with the experience of one or even two
of the risk factors listed above – it is when there are four or more in
place that children are less likely to cope.
However, the risk factors have to be set against the factors that
promote resilience. Therefore, the more factors to promote resilience
that are in place the more able a child is to deal with adversity.
The important point to note is that adversity or resilience factors are
not just personal attributes or traits – environmental and social
conditions will also bolster or harm a child.
Early years services can contribute to combating the risk factors and
maximizing the protective factors by providing a safe and predictable
environment within which to build relationships. Early years settings
and services also provide safe and structured opportunities for play,
which is one of the most healing experiences for children who have
encountered war and conflict. Evidence from war zones and areas of
conflict around the world has shown that children will in many cases
overcome trauma and benefit from opportunities to be together and
play, even if just for a few hours a day (Tolfree 1996).
Supportive adults
When adults are themselves stressed the enthusiasm and joy of chil-
dren’s play can be hard to bear. Children will either be in constant
battle with adults or will stifle their wish to play. Adults working in
early years services either as childminders, nursery workers, teachers
or assistants can all bring their professional knowledge to bear to sup-
port children in play. The opportunity for physical play, development
and expression is also an important right that can be denied to
children affected by conflict.
Children will use anything to hand for play, and will be as happy with
natural materials, such as stones or water, as with the manufactured
equipment found in many early years settings (Molteno 1996). Chil-
dren may have been denied the opportunity to play with toys and
equipment as families have had to move from place to place with few
possessions in order to find a place of safety. Equally, toys may not be
part of the culture of childhood within which the children have
grown up. Nevertheless, materials, however simple, are important
props and transformative objects for play. Early years settings can
introduce children in a safe and non-threatening way to toys
and equipment they may not be familiar with, but may be used
extensively in educational and other provision in the UK.
Lois conducted the research partly because of the reception her own
child had received when starting nursery some years previously. Lois
felt that the teaching staff, while well meaning, were ill-prepared and
ill-informed: they found it hard to communicate with refugee
parents, to welcome them properly and to explain the play-based
curriculum used in the school.
For her research Lois conducted a series of interviews with parents
and staff in London schools. What she found was that schools were
confused about the details of the refugee communities they were
working with. For instance, there was a lack of clarity about the
origins and languages of some refugee families. In addition, teachers
did not appear to make good induction procedures with individual
families a priority. Consequently, they were not always equipped to
meet the individual needs of refugee children. Lois herself also noted
that she, as a new parent, was not introduced to the play-based
curriculum. As a result she was at first at a loss to see its value.
When speaking to parents, she found that settings were able to
provide real value where there were focused and detailed whole-
school strategies in place to support and welcome refugee children
and parents. These strategies included good induction, pairing chil-
dren up with ‘buddies’ as they started in the nursery or school, and a
welcome for parents with clear details about how they could become
more involved in their child’s education.
Added to this, Lois also noted that one way schools had found to
reduce aggression and name-calling in the playground was to pair
older children with younger children in the setting. This was achieved
through, for instance, asking a Year 2 class to come into nursery and
read with children and so form positive relationships.
Another successful strategy was to ensure that there were specific
measures available to support children’s emotional well-being if prob-
lematic issues did arise. Therefore, initiatives such as the ‘Place2Be’,
which was a highly successful school-based counselling service for
children, were seen to have particular value.
Lois found that parents welcomed the opportunity to come into
class and help with specific activities. Further specific support which
was welcomed included the provision of classes for English language
and the chance to talk to staff about the curriculum. Lois also found
that play was very important to support the emotional needs of refu-
gee children. Some of the more successful schools noted how refugee
children seemed to benefit from outdoor play opportunities and
expressive activities such as drawing and painting.
Lois recounted, from her own experience of growing up in a refugee
camp, her memories of play as a rarer experience for children, as they
were expected to work from an early age to support the family. Formal
68 War, Conflict and Play
education started at a later age, (6 or 7), and was very much based on
rote learning.
However, when reflecting on her own childhood in the light of
being a student of early childhood studies, Lois noted how much she
had gained from the times when she did play. She had made her own
dolls, had made their clothes and woven baskets and spent time in
imaginative play. She found that this was an important experience
shared with other refugee parents – as they too would remember how
they played as children.
Lois notes that it is as if ‘something clicks’, as parents remember
playing freely as children. They realize that this doesn’t happen in the
UK in the same way, but that early years settings and nurseries try to
provide such opportunities for play as an essential foundation for all
that follows.
All around the world parents are keen that their children have a suc-
cessful education. That interest may translate itself into an emphasis
on the need for formal education through formal approaches from an
early age. In many parts of the world play is seen as an unproductive
and limited activity. It is important to understand parents’ perspec-
tives on play, however different they are from what many UK-based
early years practitioners believe. While there is great emphasis placed
on play in northern Europe and North America (the amount of
research conducted into play reflects this), in many parts of the world
play is seen as a much more marginal occupation of childhood, before
apprenticeship into adult roles:
Roopnarine et al. link the focus on play and the development of early
years services to the growth of women’s employment in industrial-
ized countries. They propose that this focus on play is at least partly
due to the need to justify placing children in centres outside the
What works 69
Play as communication
Many of these behaviours will disappear after some time in the set-
ting, where there are opportunities for children to come to terms with
their feelings through play and other activities.
Tackling discrimination
Children need to feel valued and be free from discrimination. Where the
registered person and staff are committed to equality they recognise
that children’s attitudes to others are established in the early years. They
understand relevant legislation and plan to help children learn about
equality and justice through their play. The provision is carefully
organised and monitored to ensure that all staff and children have
access to the full range of activities. Family members and staff work
together and share information, for example, about cultures, home
languages, play activities and children’s specific needs.
(Full Day Care: Guidance to the National Standards: 41 OFSTED 2001)
74 War, Conflict and Play
the policy. Policies should be live documents that are easily accessible
to all (see Lane 1998).
For settings aiming to develop their work with asylum-seeking and
refugee children and families, training has been found to be very
helpful. A number of agencies are able to offer information and
insight into best practice with children and families. This can range
from information about the asylum process to welfare entitlements
and advice; the role of child and adolescent mental health services;
the role of local agencies and multi-agency working; curriculum
planning for children with English as an additional language; and a
focus on healing and restorative play activities within the curriculum.
Work with young children on anti-racism is also possible through
play. Louise Derman-Sparks (1989) has written about the ‘anti-bias
curriculum’, which through play-based activities with children from
2 years onwards describes how to create opportunities to enable chil-
dren to learn to appreciate difference in others and also to value
themselves. The aim of this method is that children learn to feel
unique and special, but not at the expense of feeling superior to
others: ‘Through learning about each other and appreciating their
diversity, children recognise that teasing, harassing and abusing one
another is unfair and hurtful’ (Brown 1998: xiii).
Children themselves become activists for equality as they begin to
question the discrimination and prejudice they see around them. A
video aimed at practitioners in the UK highlights the principles of
anti-discriminatory approaches and inclusion in early years practice
(Brown 2004).
When life has been chaotic, routines can help a child regain control.
When a child knows what to expect next, where to go and what to do,
they begin to take control of their environment and not feel subject to
whatever is forced upon them.
76 War, Conflict and Play
Build self-esteem
This chapter has set out the core principles that form the foundation
of effective support for refugee children in the early years. The role
of play as a way for children to make sense of and come to terms
with experiences has been stressed. We have considered the notion of
resilience, that places early years experience and play provision as a
protective mechanism for refugee children.
The other underpinning principles of the need for space, time,
communication and good professional and personal relationships,
coupled with a commitment to tackle discrimination through play
and policies, have also been discussed.
This chapter will examine curricula that promote play. It will consider
good practice to support play and how different early years services,
including Sure Start, respond to the play and other requirements of
refugee children. It will outline a range of play activities of particular
benefit to asylum-seeking and refugee children.
78 War, Conflict and Play
If you currently work with refugee populations, there are several things
that you can put in place in order to support families as they arrive.
An important starting point is to map local resources and sources of
support and information. Useful information would include:
Induction/settling in
• the child’s preferred name and the naming system used by the
• age and medical history;
• special requirements;
• languages spoken and understood;
• religion;
• position in family;
• earlier play or educational experience;
• likes and dislikes in terms of play activities and foods.
The ‘key worker’ system used in many early years settings ensures that
a child can begin to establish a close and trusting relationship with
one person. This is particularly important for refugee children, who
may have lost many of the significant adults in their lives. Through
the creation of a safe and secure relationship, key workers can help
children explore through play.
Tina Bruce (2001) writes about the importance of adults as a
catalyst for children’s free-flow play. Adults can take part in a number
of ways:
indicate to children that you are ready to take your lead from them.
Sims (2000: 7) describes how one caregiver used a strategy whereby
she found one toy that the child enjoyed, and made a point of playing
with that toy near the child as often as possible, encouraging the child
to join her. Any play together was initially focused on the toy. She
found that spending enjoyable time together (although initially
solely toy-focused) gradually evolved into a trusting relationship. She
emphasized that this change took a long time but rated it as a very
effective strategy.
music that is a family favourite. This will contribute to the feeling that
they are accepted, have something to offer and that home is not
something to be ashamed of. As part of this process, books, posters,
puzzles, games and toys must be evaluated for messages about diver-
sity to ensure they contain positive, realistic and accurate images that
are not stereotyped or exotic (Lane 1998).
Research has shown that children as young as 2 or 3 are aware of
difference and begin to develop positive and negative feelings about
difference (Brown 1998). It is important that early years practitioners
support children to notice similarities and differences in the way
children and adults look, speak and dress in their family groups and to
see difference as positive. Unless work is done by early years educators
on valuing diversity from the start, children will absorb the implicit
and explicit messages about what is supposed to be ‘normal’ in
There are many ways to support diversity in the early years setting
through the provision of a range of play resources and activities.
Home corners are a vital and adaptable part of any early years setting.
As well as reflecting a variety of homes, home corners can be trans-
formed into airports, hospitals or launderettes. They offer opportun-
ities for children to act out situations they have experienced (e.g.
arriving in the UK at the airport) and/or are currently experiencing
that are new and strange (e.g. using a launderette).
In addition they can also reflect the way things are done at home.
Many settings already use a range of cooking and eating utensils such
as chopsticks and pots to make tea. Other props are also useful. Model
food can be made from clay or Playdough or bought from educational
suppliers. All offer a useful starting point for children and staff. There
are many other examples.
A range of realistic-looking plastic breads from around the world
presents early years workers with the basis of an exciting theme and
is an important adition to the home corner. Models of injera from
Ethiopia and Chinese steamed buns as well as rye, white and whole-
wheat bread provide opportunities for children to say to each other,
‘My family eats this’. Making the real thing is the next step, and this
provides children with the chance to smell, taste and be involved in
food preparation.
Home corners without the usual miniature tables and chairs offer
children the chance to sit on the floor or on low stools and to take tea,
eat and talk as they have seen their parents and grandparents do.
Lessons from practice 85
Play-based activities
In one early years centre, a brother and sister dived under the table every
time they heard loud noises or planes overhead. They had recently
arrived from a refugee camp. Staff discovered that this was because of an
incident when the family were under attack, and to reduce this fear
devised a series of activities around the theme of feelings, using stories,
puppet shows, music, dance and discussion as well as painting,
model-making and imaginative play. Without introducing specific
information about being pursued or shot at, or about bombs or shelling,
which might have been distressing, the opportunity was offered to talk
in small groups about ‘what scares me’, ‘what makes me happy’, ‘what
do I feel like if someone shouts at me or calls me names’.
(Hyder 1998: 97)
This section will consider some examples of play activities that may
be of particular benefit for young refugee children.
Diana Brandenburger (2001), an art therapist who works with
refugee children and early years practitioners, suggests some activities
that could be beneficial. Free, undirected activities using sand, water,
clay or ‘gloop’ are tactile and healing. No end product is required and
the exploratory and creative opportunities mean that children can
safely explore the properties and potential of the materials without
feeling any pressure to create an end product. Children new to
English can play alongside English-speaking peers and so start to hear
English informally.
Mask-making and role-play are also very positive experiences for
86 War, Conflict and Play
Persona dolls
Story boxes
Story boxes build on the idea of story props and have been developed
by Helen Bromley (2000). A story box is a shoebox equipped with
props. Children are able to create ‘small worlds’ using whatever
materials are available. Bromley proposed that children be enabled
to make their own boxes – drawing on whatever material they
choose – and so be enabled to tell their own stories.
Boxes can be given to children already partly equipped, and chil-
dren can either develop their own stories or work in groups. The
box can be decorated with a particular scenario – for instance, it
could be a beach with shells and sand or a launderette with model
Lessons from practice 87
Multi-sensory play
Cattanach also alerts us to the fact that children establish play frames
before engaging in imaginative play. What this means is that children
signal that they are about to pretend, often through gesture or smiling
and laughing. Cattanach notes that when engaged in play, children
are operating at two levels, with full awareness of meanings and rela-
tionships in both the pretend and real worlds. Children are also adept
at moving between their worlds in a way that adults sometimes find
hard to follow.
The implication for the early years practitioner is that observation is
crucial – children will reveal a great deal in their fantasy and imagina-
tive pretend play, sometimes provoked through the use of props and
resources and sometimes not. Knowing when and how to intervene
comes through listening and understanding, and appreciating
children’s stories.
Lessons from practice 89
Gun play
What conclusions can be drawn from the above about how practi-
tioners may choose to respond to the violent play themes that some
asylum-seeking and refugee children engage in?
Initially it seems important to disentangle why different groups of
children engage in weapon and superhero play. For the majority of
the children described above, weapon and superhero play may be
deemed to be an exploration of what it means to be male. Their play is
clearly pretend and does not seem to lead to an increase in real
incidents of aggression, although the evidence here is not conclusive
(see Holland 2003). Furthermore, despite concerns about being seen
to encourage violent interaction – even if in play – there may well be
benefits for boys as this type of play acts as a catalyst for other areas of
For those children who have been exposed to acts of real violence,
whether as witnesses or victims, in the home or in a war zone, acting
out scenes of violence through play can be seen to be more than an
exploration of identity – it represents a need to come to terms with
extreme experiences.
Arguably, this presents an even stronger case for a review of a ‘zero
tolerance’ approach to weapon and war play. At the same time we
need to consider what issues need to be addressed when children who
are playing with violent themes for exploration purposes are doing so
with children who are playing for resolution because of past experi-
ences. Is there a need for concern when one group of children who
appear to be engaged in a process of exploration are confronted with
children for whom the themes of weapons and war really do have life
or death implications?
In other words, is there a danger that the extreme experiences of
one group of children and their need to re-enact and come to terms
with their feelings may somehow ‘contaminate’ the play of others?
The guidelines offered by Holland are useful in this respect. There
need to be clear boundaries between what is real and what is pretend.
War and violence in the wider world 93
David Tolfree (1996) has written about the impact of war and conflict
on communities and notes that from a child’s perspective there are a
range of activities to recreate a normal life that will ‘restore playful-
ness’ within the child. Tolfree stresses the fact that a range of thera-
peutic approaches such as individual psychoanalytic interventions
may be suitable within one community but will not be appropriate
within another. This is because the psychoanalytic approach has
developed within a particular historical and social context and its
focus is very much on the individual. However, many communities
around the world have developed without the same focus on the
individual and the personal. Within some communities there are
collective rituals that provide opportunities for healing that need to
be experienced by children in order to ‘restore playfulness’. The
main point is that countries such as those that have experienced
conflict and war will not find it helpful for aid agencies to import
psychosocial interventions that have no resonance in the local
community. Instead, communities need to find ways to heal and
restore normal life that make sense within their religious and cul-
tural traditions.
Tolfree describes different approaches from around the world to
overcoming the impacts of conflict and war. He stresses that the
routes to healing the community, and the individual, will be found in
the community itself. For instance, work in El Salvador is described
when, in response to ongoing civil conflict, an agency initially offered
counselling and psychotherapy. Eventually work shifted towards
training local volunteers to offer a wide range of activities within the
umbrella of ‘mental health activity’. This was because it was noted
War and violence in the wider world 97
that the effects of conflict were not always direct. Use of drugs and
alcohol, domestic violence and child abuse, despair and hopelessness
impacted greatly on the community. Social norms were violated as
the normal means of social regulation and control had been eroded.
The impact on children was that adults were so preoccupied that they
had little time for them. In turn, children had little opportunity for
play as the space, both physical and psychological, was not available.
However, the agency also found that children and young people were
less despairing and more able to look to the future. Hence, young
adults were recruited to provide a spectrum of support activities that
were agreed by the local community. There ranged from co-listening
groups to awareness-raising about domestic violence and the provi-
sion of services for young children, and the community started to
heal itself.
Another example, from the former Yugoslavia, is also useful as it
focuses on early childhood. In 1992, a group of developmental psy-
chologists from the University of Belgrade wanted to assess the
impact of war on young children. Through interviews they discovered
that children were preoccupied and even obsessed with war. This
obsession was revealed in some of their activities such as drawing
with extreme colours and the heavy use of black. Children also
revealed their reactions to war in play. They were rigid and were
unable to elaborate and extend play, and seemed stuck in recreating
and reacting to situations in the past. They also revealed increased
aggression in play. The children thought that war should end in
‘extermination’ and not resolution and reconciliation.
On closer observation the psychologists noticed that the children
were unable to develop and extend play because of all their experi-
ences and the constraints under which they were living. This was
evidenced in the reactions of parents who revealed that they felt less
competent, were isolated and felt a loss of individuality, personal
identity and personal space.
Rather than focus on trauma, an intervention was initiated that
concentrated on solutions. Psychologists convened groups, in the
centres where communities lived, for adults and for children. The aim
was to promote self-expression though crafts and creative activities,
to promote social cohesiveness and to promote capacities and
resilience rather than provide treatment.
Focus on play
One North London local authority recently reviewed its early years
services, (voluntary, private and statutory) and found that despite
98 War, Conflict and Play
being present in the borough there were very few refugee families in
any of the early years services. The reasons appeared to be that despite
the strong play ethos of the smaller voluntary sector groups, a
number of factors meant that families did not use these services.
These included: the small charges that were made for use; the fact that
changes in council funding for these groups meant that free places
could no longer be offered; the lack of practitioners from refugee or
other minority ethnic communities; and the fact that free school
places are available from the age of 3. Therefore, young refugee chil-
dren’s requirements for play as a restorative experience were not
being met. Added to this, despite the fact that a play-based curricu-
lum is used in most early years settings, within schools, the top-
down pressures of assessment mean that the time and space for play
is sometimes restricted.
The early years services, being aware of the numbers of refugee fam-
ilies in the area, have now initiated a series of activities to encourage
families into early years services and are raising staff awareness of the
principles needed to underpin good practice with refugee families and
their children.
Strategies include holding meetings for families in the area using
interpreters to explain the early years services, transition to primary
school and the value of play in the early years. At the same time,
in-service training courses are available for all staff working in set-
tings, providing an overview of the experiences that many refugee
families will have had and also stressing the importance of a
play-based curriculum.
Once families are in a setting, advisory services are available that
provide information about ways to support young newly-arrived
bilingual children through a play-based curriculum. In addition, the
special educational needs service acts as a bridge to access other
mental health services if required, or to help structure an individual
plan to meet the needs of children who may require additional input.
Sure Start services are alert to the importance of supporting refugee
and asylum-seeking children. Initial guidance stresses the need for
culturally appropriate services that fully support families that have
experienced stress. In addition, guidance from the DfES for local
authorities sets out how early years development and childcare part-
nerships should consider how to involve refugee families in planning
and implementation of services. It also states how arrangements
should be in place to ‘provide asylum-seeking and refugee families
with accessible information on local schools and admissions
procedures and early years provision’ (DfES 2000).
War and violence in the wider world 99
This chapter has explored the themes of gun play and the impact of
violence on children in general, as well as considering issues for prac-
titioners when working with refugee children. It has also briefly
described how local services may focus on and respond to the particu-
lar circumstances faced by refugee families in order to make sure that
children can benefit from opportunities to play in the early years.
In war, children usually have little choice but to share the same horrors
as their parents. As wars take on an ethnic, tribal or fratricidal cast,
civilians and their children may find themselves the objects of
genocidal violence. As one political commentator cynically expressed it
in a 1994 radio broadcast before violence erupted in Rwanda, ‘To kill the
big rats, you have to kill the little rats’.
(UNICEF 1996)
• described the importance of the early years of life and the import-
ance of early caregiving for young children’s overall development;
• demonstrated the impact of war and violence on young children’s
• considered the crucial role of play in restoring lost childhoods and
as a child’s right;
• outlined what practitioners can do to promote play and support
refugee children and their families.
Amnesty International United Kingdom (1999) In the Firing Line: War and
Children’s Rights. London: Amnesty International United Kingdom.
Axline, V. (1990) Dibs: In Search of Self. London: Penguin.
Bateson, G. (1972) Steps to an Ecology of Mind. New York: Ballantine.
Blackwell, D. and Melzak, S. (2000) Far from the Battle but Still at War:
Troubled Refugee Children in School. London: Child Psychotherapy
Bowlby, J. (1969) Attachment and Loss: Attachment Vol. 1. London:
Hogarth Press.
Boyden, J. and Mann, G. (2000) Children’s Risk, Resilience and Coping
in Extreme Situations, background paper to the consultation on
Children in Adversity. Oxford: Department of Refugee Studies,
University of Oxford.
Bracken, P.J. (1998) Hidden agendas: deconstructing post-traumatic
stress disorder, in P.J. Bracken and C. Petty (eds) Rethinking the
Trauma of War. London: Free Association Books.
Brandenburger, D. (2001) Art therapy with refugee children, in Save
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Training Pack to Support Work with Young Refugee Children. London:
Save the Children.
Broadhead, P. (1992) Play-fighting, play or fighting? – from parallel to
co-operative play in the pre-school, Early Years, 13(1): 45–49.
Bromley, H. (2000) Lifting the lid on the magic of storytelling, in
Early years Educator Vol 2, No 8.
Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979) The Ecology of Human Development.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Brown, B. (1998) Unlearning Discrimination in the Early Years. Stoke-on-
Trent: Trentham Books.
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Bibliography 105
violence terminology 4, 41
in play 90–3 see also violence
terminology 4 weapons 24–5
see also sexual violence; war toy 90–3
Vygotsky, L. 17 whole child perspective 62–4
Winnicott, D.W. 20
war withdrawn behaviour 69
impact on carers 44–5, 48–9 women 8, 34, 35–6, 38
impact on children 42–4,
45–54 ‘zero tolerance’ approach to violent
impact on communities 6–8 play 91, 92, 93