Beloved, Toni Morrison: The Little Seagull Handbook, Bullock, Brody and Weinberg
Beloved, Toni Morrison: The Little Seagull Handbook, Bullock, Brody and Weinberg
Beloved, Toni Morrison: The Little Seagull Handbook, Bullock, Brody and Weinberg
Instructor: Dr. Jonathan Luftig
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: Turner’s Armory 207
Mailbox Location: Holmes 202 (English Dept. Office)
Telephone: 443-885-4102
e-mail: [email protected]
Required Texts:
Beloved, Toni Morrison
The Little Seagull Handbook, Bullock, Brody and Weinberg
Course Description:
This course combines reading and discussion of literature with the writing of two short
research papers. The paper will be completed in a series of required steps. This course
will help you develop your writing skills, which, as we shall see, are intricately linked to
the reading process.
Course Requirements:
Attendance/Participation. Because writing can be a troublesome task, it is useful to
discuss it with other people who may be having similar problems or who may have
helpful advice to share. Therefore, attendance is required. In addition to everyday
attendance, it is especially necessary for you to be present for peer group discussion and
to be an active participant.
Only one unexcused absence permitted; any absence beyond may result in failure. To be
excused, the absence must have valid documentation in writing (for example, notice
of an official Morgan event, a note from a counseling service, a doctor’s excuse, a record
of a funeral or car breakdown, or a court document). A note signed by a student or a
friend or a relative is not an acceptable excuse.
** You must bring the necessary readings with you to every class. Failure to do so
WILL result in the loss of points from your final average. **
There will be periodic book quizzes. On-line versions are available for most readings,
especially at the beginning of the semester, so economic hardship, while certainly a
reality for many of us, does not constitute a valid excuse in this context. Please come
speak with me if you have any questions.
Please observe courtesy to others in the classroom. All electronic devices, including text
messaging devices, must be turned off for the duration of class.
Required Work and Grading:
22 Introduction
24 Toni Morrison, “No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear”
Grammar Review
“Mourning for Whiteness,” Toni Morrison
Fragments, Comma Splices and
Run-ons (Little Seagull Handbook, 250-9)
14 Rough Research Paper Due
(Bring Three Copies)
23 Thanksgiving
5 Final Paper Due
Plagiarism is theft. Plagiarism is submitting, orally or in writing, the words, ideas,
drawings, or other work of another person as one’s own without appropriate citation in
order to receive credit for having completed an academic assignment or exercise. Any
student who is found to have engaged in plagiarism shall fail the assignment and may fail
the course. For further information, review the current Morgan State University Catalog.