A six months retrospective study was done to find out the utility of bleeding time (BT) and clotting time (CT)
in evaluation of preoperative hemostasis. All the BT and CT requested for preoperative evaluation were analysed
with other parameters determining the normal hemostasis. The sensitivity of bleeding time was only 20% and for
clotting time was 11.1%. This study highlights the drawbacks of this commonly misused hematology tests and
discusses the other more scientific alternatives during preanaesthetic workup of a patient.
protocols [2]. The platelet count, prothrombin time Table 3: Correlation of low platelet count with BT and
deranged PT/aPTT with CT
(PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time
(aPTT) if done in these patients were correlated Total No. Low Platelet Deranged Deranged
with the readings of BT and CT. A BT of >5min; (n= 912) Count PT aPTT
CT have been derived. False positive = 1, False out at 37°C (normal human temperature) and does
negative = 32, Sensitivity = 11.1%, Specificity = not have a clear cut end point. The test is commonly
99.3%, Positive predictive value = 80% Negative misinterpreted because only the initial traces of
predictive value 82.5%, True positives = 4, True thrombin formed is enough to cause the clotting in
Negatives = 151. On applying chi square test for the outermost part of column of blood within the
CT Vs aPTT following values were derived. False capillary tube [1]. The PT and aPTT comparatively
positive = 1, False negative = 16, Sensitivity = 20%, are more sensitive in the sense of being deranged
Specificity = 95.8%, Positive predictive value = 80% on dip of as less as 15% of concerned coagulation
Negative predictive value = 58.9%, True positives factors. It is carried out at 37°C and assesses the
= 4, True Negatives = 23. intrinsic and extrinsic pathway.
parameters. However of late there are various of bleeding diathesis but a sensitivity of BT as 20%
studies that have concluded that the BT is also vis-a-vis the platelet count clearly proves its
altered by hematocrit, skin quality and the technique inefficiency as a screening test for preoperative
[6,7,8]. The inter and intraobserver variation hemostasis. Platelet function is assayed better by
amongst the technicians is as high as 20% [4]. No aggregrometry when the index of suspicion is high.
two skin areas of the body are exactly the same Vascualr phase defects can be ruled out by a good
and do not give similar results [9]. There is no history and a careful examination. CT had a
absolute correlation of skin bleeding time and the sensitivity of only 11.1% vis-a vis PT, that clearly
extent of bleeding in the viscera during an operation signifies the fallacies of this test as a screening test.
[4]. It has been hypothesized that the main reason In the study population 36 patients required > 3 blood
for the lack of a relationship between the cutaneous bags/fresh frozen plasma. This set of patients
bleeding time and surgical bleeding lies in the multiple excludes the bleeding due to surgical causes of
determinants of surgical bleeding, which might bleeding. Only 4 out of these 36 patients had a
obscure, by their preponderant weight, the possible deranged CT and BT in preoperative evaluation.
predictive capacity of the bleeding time test. Linear At the same time 11 of these cases had undergone
regression analysis was applied to data from 23 platelet count, PT or aPTT. 10 of these 11 cases
studies relating platelet count to bleeding time, to had one of these values deranged again proving
assess published claims that the bleeding time and the superiority of these tests over BT and CT.
platelet count follow a predictively useful linear Further there was a loss of 3manhours per day
relationship. In 22 of 23 instances, the inverse to the hospital laboratory carrying out the BT &
relationship between bleeding time and platelet CT.
count was associated with broad statistical scatter,
making it impossible to predict precisely one variable General approach to preoperative hemostasis
given the other [5]. The pathophysiology of an evaluation includes careful history taking and first
abnormal bleeding time remains poorly understood. line screening tests. A history of a molar extraction
The bleeding time is affected by a large number of with brisk bleeding of less than 1 hour and oozing
diseases, drugs, physiologic factors, test conditions, less than 2 days signifies an intact haemostatic
and therapeutic actions, not all of them platelet- system [12]. A history of trauma with normal
related [5]. There have been studies showing no clotting, normal delivery and menstruation are also
statistical correlation between the preoperative BT important indirect markers of intact coagulation and
and the amount of surgical loss or the requirements vascular phase of hemostasis. The acquired
of the blood products [10,11]. bleeding disorders like disseminated intravascular
coagulation, leukaemia, drugs and purpuras (allergic,
In our study out of the entire study population drug induced) can easily be ruled out by proper
of 912 only 94 had undergone a platelet count. 10 examination and baseline investigations. The
of these patients had thrombocytopenia (<1 lac/ coagulation and platelet defects can be easily
cmm). Only 2 of these patients showing a deranged differentiated by simple history and examination as
BT. Out of the 36 patients who had a deranged shown in Table 7.
prothrombin time only 4 patients had a prolonged
clotting time. BT apart from platelet count is also a The laid down guidelines [13] for preoperative
marker for platelet function and the vascular reasons hemostasis is appended in Table 8.
Certain disorders will even be missed by the platelet function, such as von Willebrand’s syndrome.
battery of first line screening tests (PT, aPTT, However, its application in preoperative analysis is
platelet count) which includes: von Willerbrand highly questionable due its low sensitivity. The whole
disease, mild inherited coagulation disorders, factor blood clotting time also has a very low sensitivity
XIII deficiency, dysfibrinogenemia, disorders of and negative predictive value. We recommend the
platelet function and allergic/vascular purpuras. A discontinuation of BT and CT as a routine
simple questionare can be developed by anaesthetist preanaesthetic checkup for hemostasis evaluation
during PA check up to exclude history of bleeding and should be replaced by the standard guidelines
diathesis in past [14,15]. mentioned above.
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