Celestial Sphere
Celestial Sphere
Celestial Sphere
Two coordinates in
the system: 0º
- Azimuth (along the
horizon regardless of 0º (horizon)
the location on the
- Azimuth (starting to
the North and going 90º
in a clockwise 270º
- Altitude (measuring 90º
the angle of position
in the sky w.r.t. the Overhead
- Altitude (0º at the
horizon to 90º
directly overhead)!
Horizontal Coordinate System
Locating Celestial
objects in the night
sky using this
Coordinate System
requires 3 things.
Time based on UT or
Local Time Zone.
Coordinates on the
Surface of the Earth.
(Lat. & Long.)
Then locating an
object by Alt./Az.
Location: George Observatory, Brazos Bend State Park, TX, US
Date: 2/3/2009
14:43:00 CST
Long. (29º22’30” N) Lat. (95º35’37” W)
32º41’18”/ 99º25’21”
Alt./Az. → 70º45’43”/ 78º47’37”
Equatorial Coordinate System
The Equatorial
Coordinate system is
useful with any
telescope that has a
drive system that can
exploit it!
Examples: Refractors
and Reflectors that
equatorial – based
drive systems.
Most widely used
systems applied to
Star Atlases.
The use and
application of Hour
Equatorial Coordinate System
Common terminology
associated with this
- Celestial North
Poles Celestial
- Celestial
- Declination
- Right
- Hour Angle
Declination (dec or
δ) as the latitude!
Right Ascension (R.A.
or α) also known as
the Hour Angle (H.A.)!
Equatorial Coordinate System
Right Ascension
The Plane of the
Ecliptic (Plane of
the Solar System) North
and the Celestial 80º
Equator are 70º Pole
separated by 23.5º! 50º
Also the axial tilt of 30º
the Earth (23º 26’)! 20º
Ecliptic and 0º
Celestial Equator
do intersect at two
positions of RA in -20º
R.A. increases to
the East and 5h
4h 6h 7h8h 9h
decreases to the 3h 10h
West! North
0h R.A. line lies 80º Celestial 12h
in the East End 70º Pole
of the Great Vernal
50º Equinox
Square of 40º
Pegasus! 30º0h 13h
This is known as 10º
the Prime 23h 14h
22h 21h 15h
Meridian! -10º 20h 19h 18h 17h 16h
Declination is measured
by degrees, arcminutes,
and arcseconds 4h 6h 7h8h 9h
3h 10h
(º ‘ “)!
1º = 60’ = 3600” 2h
R.A. is divided into 80º 12h
hours, minutes, and 70º
seconds similar to 60º
Sidereal Time! 50º
1h = 60m = 3600s
30º 13h
Every 2 hrs of R.A. is 20º
separated by 15º! 10º
With 24hrs of R.A. all 23h 14h
22h 21h 15h
together that -10º 20h 19h 18h 17h 16h
corresponds to a
complete 360º turn of -20º
every celestial object
about the entire celestial
hemisphere! -40º
Equatorial Coordinate System
each hr is divided up
into mins & secs just
like with R.A. !
The H.A.s are
seperated by 15º!
Equatorial Coordinate System
Find an object
using this
coordinate system!
Example: M42
Orion Nebula
Using Dec/RA
A Coordinate system that is centered on the Sun that is aligned with the apparent center of the
Milky Way!
This coordinate system is appropriate for measuring objects far from our local celestial
neighborhood and nearby galaxies!
Since all objects are moving with the Sun with the same apparent motion of orbital velocity
around the center of the Galaxy!
The Galactic Equator is aligned on the plane of the Milky Way!
Galactic Longitude (l) & Galactic Latitude (b)
Galactic Coordinate System
‘Anti-Center’ Note: This Coordinate System is unique since it is in
perspective to our Sun being the vertex or origin of this system
and not the ‘True Galactic Center’!
Galactic Coordinate System
Galactic Prime Meridian
(l = 0º)
Galactic Equator
(b = 0º)
Sagittarius A*
l = 90º
l = 270º
l = 180º l = 180º
Galactic Coordinate System
(J2000) Epoch
P.A.: φ = 122.932º
Zero of Galactic Longitude is at Position Angle 122.932º which is angle of separation between the Earth’s
Equatorial plane & the galactic equator!
Galactic Coordinate System
Finding distant objects using this Coordinate System!
“Headphones Nebula”
PK 164+31.1
M97 “Owl Nebula”
PK 148+57.1
Common catalogue is the
“PK or Perek – Kohoutek” Galactic
Catalogue of Planetary Nebulae Longitude (l) Pease 1
consisting of 1455 objects! PK 065 - 27.1
SGL -45º
SGL -22.5º
SGL 0º
SGL -22.5º
SGL -45º
SGL -90º
Note: SGB angles on the Red line stretching almost horizontal from Pavo (The
Peacock) from the Right across this map to just past Andromeda to the Left!
Super Galactic Coordinate System
Abell 2162
Abell 3526
Keplerian Coordinates
a semi-major axis of the ellipse – half of the major axis True anomaly: angle z-s-p
of an elliptical orbit
Mean Anomaly: angle z-c-y
e eccentricity of the ellipse – where 1 is a straight line
Eccentric Anomaly: angle z-c-x
and 0 is a perfect circle
i inclination of the orbital plane – angle between the Eccentric Anomaly: The angle E
orbital plane and a reference plane between the direction of the
Ω longitude of the ascending node – angle between line periapsis and the current
of nodes and the zero point of longitude in the position of the object on its
reference plane orbit!
ω argument of the pericenter – angle from ascending
node to the body in the orbital plane
Mean Anomaly: The angle M – a
measure of time measured in
v (or f) true anomaly – location of planet from distance degrees between passages at
closest to star (assuming a true circular orbit)
periapsis as a fraction of that
Johannes Kepler
orbital (1610)
Keplerian Coordinate System
Saturn Ceres
Keplerian Coordinates Saturn Ceres
1,443 million km 414.7 million km
(9.58 AU) (2.77 AU)
e 0.055 7 0.079 8
I 10.587º
(5.51º w.r.t. Sun’s Equator)
Ω 113.642º 80.407º
*There is not much difference in terminology between the true & mean anomalies expect that the mean anomaly
changes linearly over time and does not pertain to any geometric angle in an elliptical orbit!
Now to you know how to locate & map
objects in the night sky from the solar
system to the edge of the known universe!