Module 1 VMGO Educ-8
Module 1 VMGO Educ-8
Module 1 VMGO Educ-8
I know that these words/ terms are familiar with us. BISU aims for sustainable
development not just in our school but also in Bohol and the coutry. To meet the
needs of the people at present and for the near future. Every school especially
BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in different specializations
and develop responsive extension programs. To produce competent individual
for global engagement.
Content: Deepen the knowledge towards Submit activities and requirements on time.
the subject.
Class: Engage in different activities. Listen attentively and work with the class.
Column A Column B
Column A Column B
______D____1. The first person who brought the A 1907
concept of special education in the
______A____2. The year when special education B Barrows
program started.
______F____3. The first Fil. To be appointed as C 1927
principal of School for the Deaf and
______E____4. Quezon City Science High School for D Atkinson
Gifted was inaugurated.
______C____5. The Welfareville Children’s Village E 1949
F Francisco
Activity B.
_____2_____a. The National Orthopedic Hospital opened its School for Crippled Children.
_____3_____b. PAD opened the school for children with hearing impairment.
_____5_____e. Quezon City Science High School for Gifted students was inaugurated.
3. Do you think the number of SPED schools in the Philippines is enough to cater the
needs of children with special needs?
No, because there are still a lot of children in the country especially those living
in slum and remote area didn’t afford to send their selves in school. It’s too far for
them to go to school that is why they are just contented of their living even
without education. And it saddens me for all of us deserves quality education.
1. Special Education is given importance over time through sustaining the needs and aims
of the programs. It is a big opportunity for children who have special needs that is why it
is our responsibility to make a hand. Maybe for us it is just a piece of help but for them it
is a life changing journey.
2. AbbéCharles Michel de I’Epée Father of the Deaf, who created the “Institute for
Deaf”and developed a system for spelling out of French words, Jean- Marc- Gaspard
Itard was noted for his work with the deaf and with the “wild boy of Aveyron, Maria
Montessori individualized and discovery learning and Louis Braille who developed a
system for printing and writing that is extensively used by the blind. These persons are
known for their contributions on the foundation of Special Education. They brought a
light and hope for the children.
1902 Through General Superintendent of Education Mr. Fred Atkinson, the interest to educate Filipino
children with disabilities was expressed.
1907 Special Education was formally started in the Philippines, with the establishment of the Insular School
for the Deaf and the Blind, a residential school located in Pasay City, Metro Manila by M. Delia Delight
Rice, an American educator.
1927 The government established the Welfareville Children’s Village in Mandaluyong, a school for people
with mental retardation and physical disabilities
1949 The Quezon City Science High School opened for gifted students.
1950 Philippine Association for the Deaf (PAD) opened a school for children with hearing impairment.
1953 The Elshie Gaches Village in Alabang was established as residential care facility for the abandoned
and neglected children. For the youth also who are physical and mental handicaps such as cerebral
1954 The first week of August was declared as Sight Saving Week
1956 A more formal training of teachers for children with mental retardation, hearing impairment and visual
impairment was offered at Baguio Vacation Normal School. Special classes for the deaf was also
1957 The Bureau of Public Schools (BPS) of the Department of Education and Culture (DEC) created the
Special Education Section of the Special Subjects and Services Division. The inclusion of special
education in the structure of DEC provided the impetus of the development of special education in all
regions of the country.
1958 The Regional office of American Foundation for Overseas Blind was opened in Manila.
1962 The Manila Youth Rehabilitation Center was opened. This center extended services to children and
youth who were emotionally disturbed and socially maladjusted. In the same year, DEC issued circular
no. 11 s 1962 that specified the “Qualifications of Special Education Teachers”.
1963 The training of DEC teacher scholars for blind Children started at the Philippine Normal College, with
the approval of R.A No. 3562.
1967 The Bureau of Public Schools organized the National Committee on Special education
1968 The teacher training program for teachers of exceptional children was help at the Philippine Normal
College for the next ten years and for the same year the first Asian Conference in work for blind was
held in Manila
1973 The juvinile and domestic Relations Court of Manila established the Tahanan Special School for
socially maladjusted children and youth.
1974 The first National Conference on the Rehabilitation of the Disabled was held at the Social security
building in Quezon City
1979 The Bureau of Elementary Education Special Education unit conducted a two- year nationwide survey
of unidentified exceptional children who were in school.
1981 The United Nations Assembly proclaimed the observance of the International Year of Disabled
1983 The Batas Pambansa enacted the Accessibility Law, an act to enhance the mobility of disabled
1990 The Philippine Institute for Deaf, an Oral school for children with hearing impaiment was established.
1991 The first National Congress on Street Children was held at La Salle Greenhills in San Juan Metro
1992 The summer training for teacher of visually impaired started at Philippine Normal University
1993 DECS issued Order No. 14 that directed regional officers to organize the Regional Special Education
Council ( RSEC ).
1995 The summer training for teacher of hearing impaired started at Philippine Normal University.
1997 DECS issued order No. 26 on the Institutionalization of the Special Education Programs in all schools
was promulgated. The first wheelaton- a-race for wheelchair users was the main event on the National
Disability prevention and Rehabilitation Week
1998 DECS issued order No. 5 “Reclassification of Regular tear and principal items to SPED teacher and
special school principals item.
1999 DECS issued order No. 33 “Implementation of Administrative Order No. 101 directing the DPWH, the
DECS and the CHED to provide architectural facilities or structural feature for disabled persons in all
state college, universities and other public buildings”; Order No. 11 “Recognized Special Education
Centers in the Philippines.