Floor Jansen
Floor Jansen
Floor Jansen
FloorJansen has spent her life silencing dickheads. As Nightwish prepareto celebrate 20
bombastic years, we find out why their 6nigmatic frontwo-man refusei to play by the rules
There was, she says, a mass intake being me is a[[ great." off could be the time.' But even that
of breath from the audience. A six- We're sitting in an ice-cotd presents its own chal[enges, ha ha ha! ffr
foot Dutch woman armed with a photo studio on an industrial estate on There's on[y so much planning you can do lilr
fearsome death stare and a reservoir the outskirts of Gothenburg. F[oor lives when it comes to pregnancies, y'know..." t1
of patience aboutto run dry hadjust half an hourt drive away, with her 0nstage and on record, Floor is a
pubticly offered out a drunken partner, Sabaton drummer Hannes van commanding figure. Hervoice - powerful {r
trogLodyte. There was on [y ever going Dah[, and their ].0-month-o[d baby but emotiona[, strident yet pliab[e utr
to be one winner in this smackdown. daughter, Freja. - is a contro[ted force of nature. Today, JIT
"Yeah, I picked a fight with that guy Itt the first week of January. In a few perched cross-legged on a low chair, tl
from the stage," she says. "It worked Like days'time, Floor wi[[ meet up with her she's friendLy and open, even if the whiff ur
a charm. He didn't say another word." bandmates in Nightwish to discuss the of steeliness stiLL surrounds her. She fi
She arches a dismissive eyebrow. "If you forthcoming US and European tours in admits that she's impatient and has 'i
wantto be that stupid, by aLt means do it. support of their new greatest hits a[bum, a low tolerance for idiots. $
Butyou don't deserve my attention." Decades.It wi[[ be the first time they've "Everybody meets a lot of idiots in
been together since the end of 2016, their [ine of work, notjust in music," rl
iven the snootiness sometimes she says. "But I'm an impatient person.
directed towards it, it's ironic that ,,PEOPLE when they embarked on
a year-long break. For the That can make everybody an idiot pretty
symphonic metaI has been atthe singer, the prearranged soon. So thatt not fair." ml
forefront of the battle for gender hiatus and her pregnancy What FloorJansen definite[yis not
equality for the last 20 years. There are DON'TGET dovetailed perfectly is a diva, at least nottoday. The'd'-word
few other genres where women are - though not in the has plagued her for severaIyears. It's i'
afforded such a prominent ro[e, from TO DICTATE most obvious way. an accusation that has been brandished 5
Within Temptation's Sharon den Ade[and "I think a lot of people as a weapon by people who seem unable
Epica's Simone Simons to Floor herself. WHATEUER think I had the year off to comprehend thata woman in her ..ll'l
And whi[e it's stiLL chiefLy dominated by because of my pregnancy," position is entitled to refuse to stand
men - the driving force behind Floor's THEYWANT she says. "Butthe for bullshit. In 201,4, she felt obl.iged
current band, Nightwish, is undeniab[y pregnancy was because to post an open letter online in response
keyboard player and composer Tuomas
Holopainen - it's far less exclusive than
FROMME" we had a year off. That's to criticism of how she dealt with fans. (
THE SINIGER WROTE a very important order." The letter's contents were summed
many other supposed[y more progressive A LETTER ASKING When the break was first mooted, up in the typicaLLy blunt [ine: "I am i
strands of music. PUs}IY FANS TO she wasn't keen on the idea. She had not an arrogant bitch ." (Asentiment
Floor herself blanches at the idea of RESPECT HER SPACT only been in the band a few years, and a male contemporary would never have
being anyone's figurehead, though that's her batterjes were stil,L ful,ty charged. to express.) ilt
- -. -: ay wunt from
: - = "arelY uses sociat media 3H
- : : lavs. She hasn't been on &
A &"c W
r .,%
:- , or months, if not Years' 3
:--!^ecanbaretYhideher - - . i
, ';='"-'.to'JJffi:9';l,n.'{i.' ru
:- : - s of themse[ves Poslng
.- ::'am every day"' She's b.tt! tu
-' - -.,'get of the kind of apopLectlc
" I iurV that certain metatfans
: : ,P so weLl', notteastafter
rred 3
: - - ' rerinterviewin which she caL[er
- , :'"adreadfulband"'
- -: ,,ni
hoLe sociat media thing is
asn't alwaYs been this b ulle:-
As a teenager finding
: of.
-1,., she hadthe usual nrix
-..t. and insecurity' Physica L'-'
.. -- l
a benefit when it c" =
='ght was
; - she had Power and Presc ::
Floor having a blast at WembLey
Arena in December 201,5
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Floor has no
; time for your shit