Dyonic Born-Infeld Black Hole in 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

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Dyonic Born-Infeld black hole in 4D

Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

Kun Meng, Lianzhen Cao, Jiaqiang Zhao,

Fuyong Qin, Tao Zhou, Meihua Deng∗
School of Physics and Photoelectric Engineering, Weifang University,
arXiv:2102.05112v1 [gr-qc] 9 Feb 2021

Weifang 261061, China


The action of 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity coupled to Born-Infeld elec-

tromagnetic fields is given via the Kaluza-Klein process. Dyonic black hole solution
of the theory is presented. The metric is devoid of singularity at the origin inde-
pendent of the parameter selections. Thermodynamics of the black hole is studied,
the first law is obtained and the Smarr relation is given. In extended phase space,
calculations show that there exists no thermodynamic phase transition for the
black hole.

1 Introduction
Lovelock theorem states that, in four dimensions the tensors that satisfy divergence free,
symmetric, and concomitant of the metric tensor and its derivatives are no more than
the metric tensor and the Einstein tensor [1]. That is to say Einstein’s general relativity
(GR) is the unique proper theory of gravity in four dimensions. Recently, in order to
bypass Lovelock theorem a proposal has been made by adding Gauss-Bonnet term to
GR [2]. As we know, the Gauss-Bonnet contribution is a topological invariant in four
dimensions according to Gauss-Bonnet theorem, and does not affect the field equations
of the theory. The authors of Ref. [2] first make the replacement α → D−4 to cancel the
factor D − 4 in the Gauss-Bonnet term contribution to field equations, and then take
the D → 4 limit. The resulting 4D Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet(EGB) gravity exhibits novel
properties not found in GR.
However, one sees that Wald entropy of the black hole in the 4D EGB gravity
2 √
1 α
S= d x γ 1+2 R̃(γ)
4G D−4

email: [email protected]

is divergent manifestly in the D → 4 limit. The standard thermodynamic relation
between free energy and entropy I = −T −1 F = S −T −1 M also implies divergence in the
on-shell Euclidean action, thus the action cannot account for the Euclidean path-integral
for the topologically nontrivial solutions. Meanwhile, the Gauss-Bonnet contribution to
field equations Hµν can be decomposed into two parts Hµν = −2(Lµν + Zµν ), where
the Zµν part is proportional to D − 4, it is regular after the rescaling α → D−4 and
taking the D → 4 limit. While the tensor Lµν , which can be expressed in terms of Weyl
tensor Lµν = Cµαβσ Cν αβσ − 41 gµν Cαβρσ C αβρσ , vanishes identically in D ≤ 4, thus D−4 is
undefined [3, 4].
In order to obtain a regularized EGB theory that is well defined in the limit D → 4,
one way is to take the Kaluza-Klein reduction of the EGB theory in higher dimensions.
The authors of Ref. [5] compactify D-dimensional EGB gravity on (D − 4)-dimensional
maximally symmetric space, and then make the replacement of Gauss-Bonnet coupling
α → D−4 and take the D → 4 limit. Through this procedure, an extra scalar degree of
freedom is introduced in addition to the spin-2 degree of freedom, the resulting model
is a special scalar-tensor theory that belongs to the family of Horndeski gravity. Other
attempts involve the method of conformally rescaling the metric, then subtracting the
original action from the new one associated with the rescaled metric, and taking the
D → 4 limit at last [3, 6]. The action obtained via this method is compatible with the
one obtained via the Kaluza-Klein method.
We intend to investigate black hole solution of the regularized 4D EGB gravity cou-
pled to Born-Infeld (BI) electromagnetic fields. BI electrodynamics was proposed orig-
inally with the motivation of obtaining a finite value of the self-energy of electron [7].
In Ref. [8], the authors showed that BI action arises naturally from string theory. The
D3-brane dynamics was also noticed to be governed by BI action [9]. In recent years,
BI theory has been vastly used to study dark energy, holographic superconductor, holo-
graphic entanglement entropy, and holographic complexity [10–13], etc. Black hole
solutions have been constructed for BI electromagnetic fields coupled to the Lovelock
gravity class and to massive gravity [14–20], thermodynamics of the BI black holes have
been studied in [14–16, 21–23]. In this paper, we construct novel black hole solution of
4D EGB gravity coupled to BI electromagnetic fields, we also study thermodynamics of
the black hole.
The paper is organized as, in section 2, the action of 4D EGB gravity coupled to BI
electromagnetic fields is given, and the dyonic BI black hole solution is presented. In
section 3, the first law of thermodynamics is checked, the Smarr relation is given, and
whether the thermal phase transitions exist or not is examined in extended phase space.
We summarize our results in the last section.

2 Black hole solution

2.1 EGB gravity in 4D

In general D dimensions, the action of Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet-Born-Infeld gravity is

given by

ID = dD x −g (R − 2Λ + αLGB + 16πGD L(F )) , (1)
where LGB is the Gauss-Bonnet density
LGB = Rµνρσ Rµνρσ − 4Rµν Rµν + R2 , (2)
and L(F ) takes the form
2 2
L(F ) = β −det(gµν ) − β −det gµν + , (3)
where Fµν = ∂µ Aν −∂ν Aµ is the field strength tensor. Note that (3) tends to the Maxwell
Lagrangian − 14 Fµν F µν in the limit β → ∞.
In order to obtain the 4D EGB gravity, one considers the Kaluza-Klein diagonal
reduction of the action (1), with metric ansatz
ds2D = ds2p + e2φ dΣ2D−p,λ , (4)
where the breathing scalar φ depends only on the external p-dimensional coordinates.
The line elements dΣ2D−p,λ describe the internal maximally symmetric space, and λ
denotes the sign of the Euclidean space curvature. Then the action (1) reduces to the
p-dimensional action [5, 6]

1 n
p (D−p)φ
R − 2Λ0 + (D − p)(D − p − 1) (∂φ)2 + λe−2φ

Ip = d x −ge

+α LGB − 2(D − p)(D − p − 1) 2Gµν ∂µ φ∂ν φ − λRe−2φ

−(D − p)(D − p − 1)(D − p − 2) 2(∂φ)2 φ + (D − p − 1)((∂φ)2 )2

+(D − p)(D − p − 1)(D − p − 2)(D − p − 3) 2λ(∂φ)2 e−2φ + λ2 e−4φ

, (5)

where Gµν is Einstein tensor. For p ≤ 4, it is free to add

− dp x −g LGB (6)
to action (5) without affecting the field equations, since (6) is just a topological invariant.
Now rescaling the Gauss-Bonnet coupling as α → D−p and taking the D → p limit, one
Ip = dp x −g R − 2Λ + L(F ) − 2λRe−2φ − 12λ(∂φ)2 e−2φ − 6λ2 e−4φ
+α φLGB + 4Gµν ∂µ φ∂ν φ − 4(∂φ)2 φ + 2((∂φ)2 )2 .


2.2 equations of motion

The variation with respect to the electromagnetic field gives rise to the field equation
−h −1 [µν]
EA = ∇µ √ β(h ) =0 (8)

where hµν ≡ gµν + Fβµν , and h ≡ det(hµν ). The symmetric part and antisymmetric part
of hµν are denoted respectively by h(µν) and h[µν] . (h−1 )µν denotes the inverse of hµν ,
similarly, (h−1 )(µν) and (h−1 )[µν] are respectively the symmetric and antisymmetric parts
of (h−1 )µν .
The equation of motion of φ is given by [6, 24]

Eφ = − LGB + 8Gµν ∇ν ∇µ φ + 8Rµν ∇µ φ∇ν φ − 8(φ)2 + 8(∇φ)2 φ

+ 16∇µ φ∇ν ∇ν ∇µ φ + 8∇µ ∇ν ∇µ ∇ν φ − 24λ2 e−4φ − 4λRe−2φ
+ 24λe−2φ (∇φ)2 − φ = 0,


The variation with respect to the metric yields

1 2 1 2 −h
Eµν =Λgµν + Gµν − β gµν + β √ h(µν)
2 2 −g

ρ ρ
+ α φHµν − 2R [(∇µ φ)(∇ν φ) + ∇ν ∇µ φ] + 8R(µ ∇ν) ∇ρ φ + 8R(µ (∇ν) φ)(∇ρ φ)

− 2Gµν (∇φ)2 + 2φ − 4 [(∇µ φ)(∇ν φ) + ∇ν ∇µ φ] φ + 3λ2 e−4φ gµν


+ 8(∇(µ φ)(∇ν) ∇ρ φ)∇ρ φ − 4gµν Rρσ [∇ρ ∇σ φ + (∇ρ φ)(∇σ φ)] + 2gµν (φ)2
− 2gµν (∇ρ ∇σ φ)(∇ρ ∇σ φ) − 4gµν (∇ρ φ)(∇σ φ)(∇ρ ∇σ φ) + 4(∇ρ ∇ν φ)(∇ρ ∇µ φ)
+ 4Rµρνσ [(∇ρ φ)(∇σ φ) + ∇σ ∇ρ φ] − gµν (∇φ)2 − 4(∇µ φ)(∇ν φ) (∇φ)2

−2φ 2

− 2λe Gµν + 2(∇µ φ)(∇ν φ) + 2∇ν ∇µ φ − 2gµν φ + gµν (∇φ) = 0. (10)

Combining the last two equations in the following manner yields

α α 1 2 −h
g Eµν + Eφ = 4Λ − R − LGB − 2β + β √ h(µν) g µν = 0,
µν 2
2 2 2 −g
which is independent of φ and λ.

2.3 black hole solution

We assume that φ = φ(r), and take the metric ansatz and field strength ansatz as
ds24 = −e−2χ(r) f (r)dt2 + dr2 + r2 (dx2 + dy 2 ), (12)
f (r)
F = −a0 (r)dt ∧ dr + pdx ∧ dy. (13)

Substituting (12) and (13) into (8), and making χ(r) to be zero, one has

a0 (r) = p . (14)
p + q 2 + β 2 r4

Note that, unlike Maxwell theory, the infinity in the intensity at r = 0 has been removed
now, hence the infinity in the potential at r = 0 is absent too. Now combining (11)
together with (12), one obtains

2α (f 0 (r)2 + f (r)f 00 (r)) 4f 0 (r) 2f (r)

− 2
+ + f 00 (r) + + 4Λ
 r r2 
−2 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 −1/2

− 16πGβr 2βr − (p + q + 2β r ) p + q + β r = 0. (15)

This equation is not enough for us to find the explicit form of f (r). Substituting the
metric ansatz (12) into (7), and discarding the total derivative terms, one obtains the
effective Lagrangian [5]

e−χ(r)  3 0 4 2

L = −3 4r f (r) + 4Λr + 4r f (r)
−8αr2 f (r)f 0 (r)φ0 (r) r2 φ0 (r)2 − 3rφ0 (r) + 3

+4αr2 f (r)2 φ0 (r)(4χ0 (r) r2 φ0 (r)2 − 3rφ0 (r) + 3

+φ0 (r) 3r2 φ0 (r)2 − 8rφ0 (r) + 6

+96πG β 2 r4 − βr2 (p2 + β 2 r4 )(p2 + q 2 + β 2 r4 )−1/2

, (16)

where the internal space is considered to be flat with λ = 0. Taking variation of (16)
with respect to f (r), and making χ(r) to be zero, one has
4αf (r) (rφ0 (r) − 1) φ0 (r)2 + φ00 (r) = 0,


which implies
φ0 (r) = . (18)
Considering (18) the variation with respect to χ yields

4r r2 − 2αf (r) f 0 (r) + 4f (r) αf (r) + r2 + 4Λr4

+ 16πG −2β 2 r4 + 2βr2 p2 + q 2 + β 2 r4 = 0 (19)

Combining (15) and (19) one is now able to give the exact black hole solution:

r2 32πGαβ 2 4αΛ 32πGαβ 2

f (r) = 1− 1+ − + +
2α Σ2 r 3 3 3 3
s 
2 2 2 2
2 2

p +q 2(p + q ) 1 1 5 p +q
· 1+ 2 4 − 2 F 1 , , ,− 2 4 . (20)
β r β 2 r4 4 2 4 β r

In order to study the behavior of f (r), we expand f (r) in the small-r and large-r
regions respectively, yielding
q p
f (r) = − 8πGM/(αΣ2 ) − 16G βπ(p2 + q 2 )3/4 Γ(1/4)Γ(5/4)/(3α)r1/2
p p
2 + q 2 + 64 πGβ
πGβ p p2 + q 2 Γ(5/4)/Γ(1/4) r2
−p 3 3
√ r3/2 + + O(r)5/2 ,
2 2 3/4
32πGαM/Σ2 − 64αG βπ(p + q ) Γ(1/4)Γ(5/4)/3 2α

3 − 9 + 12αΛ 2 8πGM
f (r) = r − √ r−1 + O(r)−2 . (22)
6α Σ2 9 + 12αΛ
From (21) one learns that, f (r) is finite when r → 0. This property is specific for BI
black holes, i.e., for Born-Infeld black holes the metric may be free from divergence at
the origin while the curvature invariants definitely diverge there. f (r) is finite at the
origin originates partly from the theory model of matter fields, partly from the model
of gravity theory, and partly from the dimensions of spacetime. For the black holes
in Gauss-Bonnet-Maxwell gravity, f (r) diverges when r → 0. For the black holes in
Einstein-Born-Infeld gravity, f (r) diverges when r → 0 too. For the black holes in
Gauss-Bonnet-Born-Infeld gravity, when r → 0, f (r) is finite in 5 dimensions while it
diverges in higher than 5 dimensions. For the black holes in 3rd order Lovelock gravity
coupled to BI electromagnetic fields, f (r) is finite in 7 dimensions while it diverges in
higher dimensions at the origin.






0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

Figure 1: The mass of the black hole for some parameter selections.

One also learns from (21) that, in order to ensure f (r) to be well defined, the black
hole mass M is necessary to be larger than some critical one Mc , which is given by

2 β 2
Mc = √ (p + q 2 )3/4 Γ(1/4)Γ(5/4)Σ2 . (23)
3 π

With the black hole horizon r+ , which satisfies f (r+ ) = 0, the black hole mass can be

expressed as
2 2 2 2 2 4 4
M= 8πGβr+ βr+ − p + q + β r+ − Λr+
1 1 5 p2 + q 2
2 2
+16πG(p + q ) 2 F1 , , , − 2 4 (24)
4 2 4 β r+
In Fig.1 we plot the black hole mass for some parameter selections. From Fig.1 one sees
that, when r+ → 0, the value of M tends to be some finite and positive M0 . As r+
increases, M first decreases and then increases, there exist a minimal value of M . This
behavior of M implies that, if the parameter M is taken to be larger than M0 , M and
r+ are in one-to-one correspondence, that is, the black hole possesses only one horizon.


M = 0.900
2 M = 1.026
M = 1.100
4 M = 1.208 = Mc
M = 1.300
6 M = 1.400
0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2: The metric function f (r) for the parameters selection G = 1, β = 0.1, p =
1.5, q = 1.5, Λ = −3, α = 0.1.

Taking the r+ → 0 limit of the black hole mass (24), one obtains

2 β 2
M0 = lim M = √ (p + q 2 )3/4 Γ(1/4)Γ(5/4)Σ2 , (25)
r+ →0 3 π
which is exactly the critical mass Mc , i.e., M0 = Mc . Therefore, M has to satisfies
M > M0 . From Fig.2, one sees that for M > Mc , the black hole possesses only one
horizon. The inner (Cauchy) horizon of the BI black hole turns into the curvature
singularity due to perturbatively instability [26]. In Einstein gravity, the BI black holes
may possess more than one horizon for some parameter selections. For M < Mc , the
black hole is not well defined in the whole spacetime [15]. The argument given previously
implies that, there exists no extremal black hole in our case. To see this is indeed the
case, we substitute
p2 + q 2

re ≡ 8πGβ (26)
Λ2 − 16πGΛβ 2
which is obtained by setting the temperature (28) to be zero, intohthe black holeimass
2 2
(24), and replace the hypergeometric function with 1 since 0 < 2 F1 14 , 12 , 54 , − pβ 2+q
< 1,

then the mass is given by

(p2 + q 2 )3/4 Σ2 (64π 2 G2 β 4 − 24πGΛβ 2 + Λ2 )

Me ≡ − p , (27)
3 2πGβΛ(−16πGβ 2 + Λ)

which is definitely negative for Λ < 0. Therefore, extremal AdS black holes do not exist
for the case we discussed.

3 Thermodynamics
In this section, we study thermodynamics of the black holes. First Let’s give the ther-
modynamic quantities.
The temperature of the black hole is
2 4 2
8Gβ βr+ − p2 + q 2 + β 2 r+ − Λr+ /π
T = (28)
With the Iyer-Wald formula, entropy of the black hole is given by

S = −2π d2 x γY µνρσ µν ρσ
2 √
1 ρ σ µν 1 2 ρ σ µν
=− d x γ −2 − 4αφR̃(γ) + αδ[µ ∂ν] φ∂ φ ρσ − α(∂φ) δ[µ δν]  ρσ ,
8G 2

where the first term in the bracket comes from Einstein gravity, the second term comes
from αφLGB in the action (7), while the third and fourth terms come from 4αGµν ∂µ φ∂ν φ
in the action (7). The second term in (29) vanishes since R̃(γ) = 0 for spatially flat
black holes. Meanwhile, straightforward calculations show that the last two terms in
(29) cancel out, i.e., the 4αGµν ∂µ φ∂ν φ term does not contribute to the entropy either.
Therefore, in our case only the Einstein gravity part contribute to the entropy finally,
which reads
r+ Σ2
S= . (30)

The electric and magnetic charges are given by

√ [tr]
Qe = Σ2 −h h−1
= qΣ2 , Qm = Σ2 Fxy |r→∞ = pΣ2 . (31)

Note that above electric charge as a conserved quantity follows from the equation of
motion (8). The electric and magnetic potentials are given by

1 1 5 p2 + q 2 1 1 5 p2 + q 2
q p
Φe = 2 F1 , , ,− 2 4 , Φm = 2 F1 , , ,− 2 4 , (32)
r+ 4 2 4 β r+ r+ 4 2 4 β r+

In extended phase space, the thermodynamic pressure of the system is identified as
[25, 27]
P =− . (33)
The thermodynamic volume conjugate to P is given by
r+ Σ2
V = (34)
With all the thermodynamic quantities given above, it’s straightforward to check the
first law of thermodynamics

δM = T δS + V δP + Φe δQe + Φm δQm (35)

is satisfied. The Smarr formula is given by

M= (T S + Qe Φe + Qm Φm ) (36)
which agrees with the generalized Smarr relation for AdS planar black holes [28].
Now let’s examine if there exist thermal phase transitions of the black hole. The
critical point is determined by the equations
∂ 2 P

= 2 = 0. (37)
∂r+ r+ =rc ,T =Tc ∂r+ r+ =rc ,T =Tc

From (28) one can solve out Λ in terms of T and substitute Λ into the definition of
pressure (33), yielding
2 2
r+ T − 2Gr+ β + 2Gβ p2 + q 2 + β 2 r+
P = 2
. (38)
∂P −1 2
In order for ∂r +
= 0 to be satisfied, one finds the temperature T = −4βG(p2 +q 2 )r+ (p +
2 2 4 −1/2
q + β r+ ) , which implies there will be no thermal phase transition since the tem-
perature is negative. Substituting this T into ∂∂rP2 one has

∂ 2P 2β(p2 + q 2 )(p2 + q 2 + 3β 2 r+
= 4 4
, (39)
∂r+ r+ (p2 + q 2 + β 2 r+ )3/2
which can’t be zero. Thus, there exists no thermal phase transition for the black hole

4 Conclusions
In this paper, we construct novel dyonic BI black hole solution of 4D EGB gravity which
is obtained through Kaluza-Klein process. Through the small-r expansion of f (r), it is

found that the metric is devoid of divergence at the origin while the essential singularity
still exists there. This property is specific for BI black holes. This is determined by
the BI theory, the Gauss-Bonnet theory and the dimensions of spacetime together. The
small-r expansion of f (r) also implies there exist some critical mass Mc . In order for the
black hole to be well defined, the black hole mass must be larger than the critical mass.
Since M0 ≡ limr+ →0 M equals to Mc , one finds that a well-defined black hole possesses
only one horizon considering the behavior of M as function of r+ .
The thermodynamic quantities of the black hole are calculated. It’s found that
the Wald entropy of the black hole equals to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, since
the Gauss-Bonnet contribution vanishes for spatially flat black holes and the term
Gµν ∂µ φ∂ν φ in the action does not contribute to the entropy. With the thermodynamic
quantities, the first law is checked to be satisfied. The Smarr relation is given and it’s
found to agree with the generalized Smarr relation for AdS planar black holes. Finally,
we examine whether thermal phase transitions exist or not in extended phase space.
Through solving the P -V critical equations analytically, it’s found that no thermal
phase transition exists for our black hole.

The work of LZC is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No. 62005199), the Key Research and Development Plan of Shandong Province (No.
2019GGX101073), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (Nos.
ZR2019LLZ006, ZR2020LLZ001, and ZR2019LLZ006). The work of JQZ is supported
by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. ZR2020KF017).

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