Module 1 - GE107
Module 1 - GE107
Module 1 - GE107
Specific Objectives:
1. Define and discuss the origin and types of ethics and the
Philosophers who gave contribution to it.
2. Differentiate the formal object of ethics from material object of ethics.
3. Explain the importance of Ethics; how it drives the human’s critical
and rational mind.
Fundamentals of Ethics
Knowing the nature of ethics is the first basic step workers can take
to strengthen the foundation upon which to anchor themselves in their
quest to live ethically in and out of the workplace.
Workers make ethical judgements all the time when performing their
work. These judgements are frequently based on ethic.
Ethics is a personal and a lifelong commitment. To be ethical does not only
require knowledge of ethics but also the willingness to live ethically.
Assumptions of Ethics
2. Means – this is the act or object employed to carry out the intent of
the act. The act of studying hard means to pass the exam or training
one’s self is a means to win aa=the championship match.
Moral acts or human acts stem from the human will that controls or influences the
internal and external actions of man.
The will stirs a person to act or hampers him from acting. It colors the motives for
his engaging or disengaging in a certain action. Living against all odds. hoping during
hopelessness, selfless sacrifice for others- these are just a few cases that demonstrate
the power of the will to motivate the human soul for goodness, hope and determination.
It is the part of the soul that affects the freedom and reasoning of the individual. The will
is the agency of choice.
The will may prompt reason to overpower passion or the other extreme, arouse
passion and allow it to overrun reason. As such, the will is a potential force for both
good and evil.
The human will is what ethics, and religious and values education aim to tame
through the instruction of the moral sense which is borne out of human experience. It is
morality which directs the will to its proper choice.
We can study ethics in two general ways. We may describe the kinds of values
people have and the sort of principles they apply in making moral judgments, or we may
discover norms or principles by which we may prescribe how we ought to live or by
which we can discern what we ought to do in a particular situation. Thus, the study of
ethics or moral values, falls under two general categories: Descriptive and Normative
Normative Ethics
Many philosophers believe that ethics is, for the most part, a normative study.
The normative study is not merely a description of what people find morally good and
morally bad but seeks to discover norms that ought to guide our actions. Though the
search may sound theoretical, ethics nevertheless has a practical purpose: that is, it
tries to produce practical knowledge about how we should conduct our lives
Major Normative Ethics theories are usually classified into the following:
This holds that the will of God is what determines the rightness and wrongness of
an act. The will of God is expressed through the Holy Scriptures and which dictates of
reason inspired by faith. Holy Scriptures may refer to sacred texts such as Christianity's
Bible and Islam's Koran.
The authority, which has the divine privilege to formulate the articles of faith for
believers, is the body of person who call themselves priests, pastors, clerics. and
others. The community of believes what they call the Church. The truth embedded in
the holy texts are assumed by religious believers or followers to be infallible, that is,
they are accepted to be absolute truths, and the authority of the people who interpret
these texts are indubitable and unquestionable. Going against their teachings may
result in expulsion from the Church.
This, on the other hand, determines right from wrong, based on a body of clearly
stated and well-documented body of laws. Laws provide a standard of behavior which
every member of a state must try to observe. These laws are imposed by the
government to its citizens, and their observance are ensured through overwhelming
police and military forces. We can clearly observe that the theological and legalistic
theories of morality use authority and force in imposing standards of right and wrong.
This explains why they are both categorize under Authoritarian Ethics
Ethical Egoism
Ethical Egoism maintains that an action is right only if it is in the interest of the
agent or the doer of the act. This theory is consequentialist, but unlike most of the
consequentialist theories that emphasize the idea of the greatest good for most people,
egoism views the good exclusive to the interest of the doer. If an act brings good to the
doer, then it is good: if it brings harm. then it is bad. If it brings little or no perceivable
good to the doer, but does to others, then the act is not worth doing at all.
For some moral philosophers, Ethical Egoism is not a simple theory of morality,
but a challenge to the entire idea of human morality. For an ethical egoist, ethics cannot
make one materially wealthy. (Have you heard the story of a man who by sheer honesty
became wealthy?) Or, ethics can make man physically beautiful (Socrates, the first
western moralist. is believed to have a physique no lover of beauty will find appealing),
and it cannot, promise eternal salvation because salvation, they say, requires a dose of
faith. Hence, there is no reason why we should bother about our morality.
Situational Ethics
Situational Ethics asserts that the morality of an action depends on the situation and not
on the application of moral laws to the case. For each case, there is a duty to perform
and the nature of the condition in which one finds itself, not thecategorical principles of
morality, determines what one ought to do. The act of telling the truth for example, is
perfectly ethical in one case. but not in a different case.
Practical Ethics is essentially normative, that Is, it prescribes courses of action for
moral issues where clear answers are lacking. Generally, Practical Ethics aims to
develop a workable system of behavior that can be used in the daily conduct of human
existence. Under this school of Ethics are the Consequentialist ethical theories
(Consequentialism), and Nonconsequentialist ethical theories (Deontological).
Theoretical Ethics primarily aims to study the meaning of ethical concepts such
as good, right, fairness, etc.
Theoretical Ethics attempts to study the nature or moral acts, inquiries into what
makes a right action right, and determines the relation between facts and values. It is
GE – 107 Ethics 10 | P a g e
perceived to be on a higher ground than ethics itself, because it's business is to analyze
moral judgments and assess moral theories. in short, thinking about ethics.
Theoretical Ethics aims to answer questions such as: Is this ethical standard fair
or it is arbitrary? What does it mean when one says something is right or good? Why
should I be moral?
Skepticism comes from the Greek word, skeptesthai, meaning "to examine" or
"to consider". It is a general name for the philosophic attitude that rejects any claim to
certainty, thus opposed to any form of moral dogmatism, or to any attitude of
authoritative certainty.
What we only do have, this school of thought contends, are just an encyclopedia
of different moral theories, conflicting ethical standards and different opinions about the
morality of our acts. Thus. when one judges something as unethical, it is uncertain that
it is really the case as some other theories may contend that it is not.
However, to think that these two forms of ethics are entirely different and hence,
to argue which between them is more important, will only lead to an irresolvable and
fruitless debate. Though they are seemingly different, personal ethics, or any morality
for this matter, is essentially social, as comprehending problems that arise in a social
setting. A person's duty to himself. for example. is comprehensible only if it is put into its
proper social context: that is, in relation to his duty to his fellowmen.
GE – 107 Ethics 11 | P a g e
GE – 107 Ethics 12 | P a g e