I must say that I like the lesson in module 2 about the western and eastern though.
Because I’ve learned the society, culture and different kinds of individuals in the western
and eastern though and ways on how they live. Also, I’ve learned the differences of eastern
and western, although there are some thoughts that still the same, but indeed there are lots
of differences especially in their culture. I’ve learned also that the Western Philosophy
generally is trying to find out and prove what the “truth” is. On the other hand, Eastern
philosophy accepts what the “truth” is and is more focused on trying to find a balance in
their lives. Western philosophy is mainly used in the Western parts of the world, such as in
the European countries, while the Eastern philosophy is prevalent in Asian countries. The
western view of the ‘enduring self’ refers to the notion that “you are the same person you
were earlier in your life.
The first thing that I encountered in this lesson is that I am reminiscing memories
from my elementary, high school and now in college. When I try to recall the memories
somehow, I’d smile and some part of it is sadness, but it makes me stronger. That is why I
describe myself as a kind-hearted person which help other people, cheerful, as I always
cheer my friends whenever they feel down. Determined, whenever I feel lost and down
especially if I do not understand the lesson but I’m always trying to understand because my
family is my greatest source of good values that I have right until now. They are my role
models in doing good things. That is why my personality as an individual are based on what
they shown me before and now that they taught me to become a kind and have a respect to
everyone. I don’t blame them with the bad things I did because its my choice and that’s
choice help me become more responsible enough to the things I did. My self in this world is
based on the people around me and the environment and culture that I have but I am
thankful for what I become right now.
I am a person that don’t like lies even white lies. Sometimes I am just reacting that I
don’t know but before anything they say, I knew what the truth is behind what their saying.
I don’t feel shy when I was showing myself, because I don’t like to be someone else for them
to like me. I would like others to see me in a way they perceive me because as with all
perceptions, people see you through their own eyes of experience. That way they will be
attracted to me for the qualities they can relate to, and we go from there. The qualities I
pride myself in displaying are kindness, patience, acceptance, empathy, generosity,
thoughtfulness and consideration. You will never find a more reliable person than myself,
and who will go above and beyond to help or make a difference. I have nothing to hide and
what you see, is what you get. I don’t have to reconfigure myself to make you feel good or
because I feel bad. I am the person I want to be because I have spent a lifetime developing
myself into the human being that has overcome obstacles, understands life and remained
loving and kind towards my fellow. I am worthy, everyone’s worthy even if we have ups
and down. No matter how rich or poor you are, no matter what you’re doing right now, you
deserve or we deserve to be respect, love and to be love.