A1061 Field Trips
A1061 Field Trips
A1061 Field Trips
Memorandum A1061
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Contents Page
Item 1 Guidelines................................................................................................................1
Item 2 Approvals.................................................................................................................3
Item 4 Supervision..............................................................................................................4
Item 5 Safety.......................................................................................................................5
1. Guidelines
1.1 Simcoe County District School Board recognizes that there is significant educational
value in properly organized and well-planned student field trips. Field trips are
board-approved educational experiences which enhance the school program and
take place away from school property. These experiences should broaden the
students’ knowledge and enhance skills required within the curriculum expectations
and may expand the opportunities within a co-curricular program.
Trips arranged for students outside the school program are not the responsibility of
a school or the Board and shall be treated as community activities. Instructional
time shall not be devoted to the preparation or planning of such events. Where
groups have organized for such purposes, legal guardians shall be informed by the
principal that the trips are not sponsored by the Board and that the Board accepts
no responsibility whatsoever. They shall not be announced in the school as a
school event, or in any way appear to be under the auspices of the Board.
1.2.12 Legal guardians must provide proof of health insurance or complete the
Waiver of Student Insurance Form (FORM A1061 - 5) and cancellation
insurance for field trips outside of Ontario is mandatory and can be
purchased through most travel providers;
1.2.13 Staff planning field trips consult the principal, resource staff, students, legal
guardians and bring with them copies of Student Medical/Health Data forms
and Medical Emergency Plans (see APM A1420, Administration of
Medication and Medical Emergency) as required, in order to accommodate
students with special needs; and,
1.2.14 Staff will not benefit financially, or through attainment of goods or services,
from the organization or planning of field trips (as per APM A2500
Purchasing Procedures).
2. Approvals
2.1 Principals are authorized to approve field trips within Ontario and the National
Capital Region, which have a duration of up to three days.
2.2 All national and international field trips and those within Ontario and the National
Capital Region with a duration of more than three days are subject to the final
approval of the superintendent of education in addition to the principal's approval.
Preliminary approval must be sought and given by the superintendent prior to any
sharing of information to students or parents.
2.3 Field trips to destinations outside Ontario other than the National Capital Region
(Item 2.1) are subject to the final approval of the superintendent of education in
addition to the principal's approval.
2.4 Principals shall submit requests for approval for trips described in Items 2.2 and 2.3,
to the superintendent of education on the form Request for Approval of an
International Field Trip or a Field Trip of a Duration Exceeding Three Days (FORM
A1061 - 3) at least three months prior to the commencement of the proposed trip
and prior to any planning with students, legal guardians and the school community.
The three-month period may be waived when the trip is a direct result of
participation in a competition which leads to further participation.
2.5 Field trips involving more than one school are subject to all conditions in APM
A1061. In addition:
2.5.1 The cost for replacement staff coverage for field trips involving more than
one school shall be shared in an equitable fashion by participating schools.
This distribution of cost must be explained on the Request for Approval
Form (FORM A1061 - 3);
2.5.2 Field trip request forms must be submitted to the superintendent of
education from each participating school and must clearly designate the
teacher in charge of the field trip and his/her school location;
2.5.3 A complete list of all participating students, chaperones, school locations
and phone numbers must be submitted to the principals of all participating
schools and be made available to the superintendents of education five
school days prior to departure; and,
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2.5.4 Staff must use diligence in keeping student personal information secure and
3. Participation
3.1 Student participation in field trips is voluntary. In cases where eligible students do
not participate, the principal is responsible for ensuring that an appropriate
instructional program is provided at the school.
3.2 No eligible student will be excluded from a field trip due to extenuating financial
circumstances. In such cases, the principal shall arrange alternative financial
3.3 It is an expectation that all students will be included on field trips. In keeping with
the Safe Schools, Special Education practices, and school’s progressive discipline
practices and communication, the principal shall consult with their superintendent
prior to considering exclusion of any student to a field trip. A decision to exclude a
student shall be confirmed in writing with the reasons stated after meeting with the
legal guardians and student, where appropriate. For any student excluded from a
field trip an alternate program will be provided.
4. Supervision
4.1 All field trips shall be supervised by at least one teacher employed by the Board.
4.3 On all overnight field trips, supervisors shall be provided according to the gender
distribution of the group.
4.4 At least two lists of students and supervisors are required for every field trip:
4.4.1 one shall be kept in the school office,
4.4.2 the other shall be in the possession of the teacher in charge of the trip
4.5 Where more than one bus or vehicle is used to transport the participants:
4.5.1 the person in charge of each bus shall have a list of students assigned to the
bus or vehicle,
4.5.2 the school office shall retain a copy of each list,
4.5.3 students must travel on the bus or vehicle to which they have been assigned
5. Safety
5.2 Principals shall ensure that all safety requirements prescribed by the Board and
outlined by the OPHEA Safety Guidelines are known and implemented when
planning high-risk activities such as skiing, snow-boarding, swimming, canoeing,
sailing, windsurfing, out-tripping, etc. OSBIE Guidelines should also be consulted.
Principals may wish to access Insurance and Risk department for information and
recommendations regarding high risk activities.
5.4 When lodged in overnight accommodations, the teacher(s) in charge shall review
with the participants, the evacuation plans and procedures to be followed in case of
fire or other emergencies.
5.5 For elementary school excursions the following information, carried out of sight of
the public by the participants, shall be available to the supervisor at all times:
5.5.1 student’s name
5.5.3 school telephone number
5.5.4 school name and location
5.5.5 person to contact in case of emergency
5.5.6 pertinent medical information
5.6 For all field trips it is the parent's/guardian's option as to whether or not the Ontario
Health Card is carried by the student. Student health numbers will not be required
for field trip participation; however, parents/guardians/students may be invited to
volunteer such information in advance of the field trip to facilitate the provision of
emergency health services if necessary. Health card numbers will be protected with
appropriate safeguards and will be securely disposed of following the completion of
the field trip.
Students requiring medical attention within Ontario, not carrying a health card, will
be billed directly through the Ministry of Health. For students requiring medical
attention outside Ontario, the Ministry of Health covers only a minimal daily fee;
extended health cover is required for such field trips.
5.7 Principals must scrutinize all waivers, contracts, and insurance policies. They may
wish to access Insurance and Risk department for clarification regarding waiver or
contract wording for insurance purposes.
5.8 Preparation for canoe tripping field trips are to meet all the requirements of the
Simcoe County District School Board Policy 4430 and APM A1061 including:
a) a thorough review of Policy 4430 and relevant APMs A7012 and A7013;
b) student training preparation and testing will have been completed as
required (Item 7 of APPENDIX B);
c) leaders are qualified and meet required criteria as per OPHEA guidelines;
d) all equipment has been checked (Item 8 of APPENDIX B);
e) restrictions outlined in APM A1061 have been discussed and addressed.
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6. Conduct
6.1 Field trips are extensions of the school program. Students are responsible to the
staff in charge and are required to conduct themselves according to the school's
Code of Behaviour and Ontario Regulation 298, Section 23 and Policy 4240 Safe
and Caring School Cultures.
6.2 When students travel by bus, the staff in charge, after consultation with the bus
driver shall outline to the participants, their responsibilities. The staff in charge shall
deal with breaches of conduct.
6.4 Misconduct during a field trip may result in consequences upon the student’s return.
7. Financing
7.1 Field trips of one day's duration or less, may be financed entirely or in part from the
school's basic budget at the discretion of the principal.
7.2 For voluntary trips, the incurred cost of supply teachers and Educational Assistants
will be included in the overall cost of the field trip.
7.3 Schools may undertake fundraising activities to support field trips subject to Board
Policy 4320 and APM A2600 - Fundraising & Financial Accountability.
8. Consent
8.1 For day field trips, a consent form produced by the school shall be signed by the
student or legal guardian of a student under 18 years of age, before the student is
allowed to participate in the trip. The following caution shall be included;
"While field trips are supervised by the teaching staff, they involve activities beyond
those of normal school programs. It is essential that parents/guardians counsel their
children on the necessity for extra care and co-operation."
8.2 Handwritten notes will not be accepted in place of a consent form; the original
signed document must be received by the school.
8.4 For all field trips involving high risk activities, an Informed Consent Form (FORM
A1061 - 7) shall be signed by the student or legal guardian of a student under 18
years of age. The purpose of this form is to ensure parent/guardians are aware of
identified potential areas of risk for injury to students.
8.6 For all field trips involving volunteer drivers, students or legal guardians of a student
under 18 must sign “Consent for a volunteer driver to transport”. (See FORMS
A1061 - 2 and FORM A1061 - 7).
TO: Students and legal Guardians of students taking part in field trips outside Ontario
Students travelling outside Ontario are required to make their own arrangements for additional coverage.
Such coverage can be obtained through any combination of the following:
The cost of hospitalization in the U.S. can be as high as $3,000 per day.
Student accident insurance is an option made available to all Simcoe County District School Board
students through Reliable Life Insurance Co. and underwritten by Old Republic Insurance Group.
Information is available at www.insuremykids.com
This insurance package includes a special out-of-province clause which covers most of the specific
accident expense reimbursements listed in the general policy. The following exceptions should be
- it is an accident and injury insurance only; only the Super Plan Plus will pay if the emergency is
illness-related (ie: diabetes, heart disease);
- it covers all reasonable and customary services from hospitals, doctors' offices, outpatient clinics,
etc., as long as the services are performed by a licensed medical doctor. The insurer's approval is
not required before treatment;
- it does NOT cover chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapy services, etc. These services must be
performed in Ontario in order to be reimbursed;
- Super Plan Plus does provide emergency transportation home, if medically necessary;
- reimbursement is limited to the difference between OHIP and the actual fees charged in the area
where the service was rendered;
- the claimant MUST pay up front, submit the bill to OHIP first, and then file for eligible expense
reimbursement from Reliable Life.
Students and/or their parents/guardians should refer to their actual policy to determine their individual
coverage needs.
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1. General
1.1 Canoe-tripping activities require the prior written approval of the superintendent of
1.2 Schools will submit the Simcoe County District School Board Request for Approval
of an International Field Trip or a Field Trip of a Duration Exceeding Three Days
(FORM A1061 - 3) indicating that students will have been instructed in and have
practised canoeing skills as outlined in Section 7 of APPENDIX B.
1.3 Where swimming is involved, the conditions outlined in APM A7013 - Swimming,
shall be satisfied.
2. Participation
2.1 Students currently attending Simcoe County District School Board secondary
schools are eligible to participate. Adult chaperones may be included to ensure
safety, and to assist with transportation and supervision of students.
3. Time of Year
3.1 Trips shall only be approved for the period beginning with the Victoria Day weekend
in May and ending with the Thanksgiving weekend in October.
3.2 Training for canoeing skills may occur prior to the Victoria Day weekend only on flat
water and with due diligence to related safety precautions and weather conditions.
4. White-Water Canoeing
5. Leader Qualifications
5.1 At least two leaders are required on each canoe trip, one of whom shall be a
teacher employed by the Board.
5.2 Each leader shall be qualified in one or more of the following areas and each area
must be included in the combined qualifications of the leaders:
5.2.1 first aid as per Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA)
5.2.2 supervision of swimming activities as described in APM A7013 - Swimming
5.2.3 canoeing skills as per OPHEA guidelines and as outlined in
5.3 Leaders shall be provided to reflect the gender composition of the group.
5.4 The qualifications and experience of the leaders shall be included in the submission
to the superintendent of education as per FORM A1061 - 3.
6. Supervision
6.1 The ratio shall not exceed eight students to one leader.
7. Preparation
7.1 The following shall be essential components of the preparation sessions for all
7.1.1 demonstrate the ability to swim 100 metres continuously fully clothed while
wearing a personal flotation device (PFD); tread water for three minutes
without a PFD; put on a PFD in the water; and, use the HELP position to
maintain body warmth.
7.1.2 demonstrate basic competency in performing the following canoeing skills:
power stroke, J stroke, sweep stroke, draw stroke, backwater strokes;
proper entry/exit into and from a canoe; rescues into dry and/or a swamped
canoe; canoe over canoe rescue; synchronized strokes; packing a canoe;
and portaging.
7.1.3 students must be instructed on how to handle unexpected wind and wave
7.1.4 familiarity with basic first aid, hypothermia, suitable clothing, canoeing
equipment and repairs, camping skills and safety, environmental concerns,
and navigational skills.
8. Equipment
8.2 The leaders shall establish guidelines, amount and weight for personal equipment.
8.4 Participants shall wear a government approved personal flotation device (PFD) at all
times while on or around the water.
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FORM A1061 - 1
Teacher in
1. Student________________________________________________________________________
Surname First Name Middle
2. Legal Guardian
3. Address Phone
4. Business Phone
6. Does the student have any medical problems that might affect participation in this field trip?
Provide details.
11. Will the student be carrying his/her Ontario Health Card? Yes No
12. While trips are supervised by teaching staff, they involve activities beyond those of normal school
programs. It is essential that legal guardians counsel their children on the necessity for extra care
and co-operation.
13. I understand that if 's conduct is injurious to the safety or moral tone of the group, I
will be contacted and may, at the discretion of the supervising teacher, be returned
home under supervision at my expense.
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FORM A1061 - 2
1. School
3. Teacher in Charge
4. Students involved
10. Consultation and Communication with Legal Guardians: (Attach written communication and consultation
11. This field trip meets the requirements of the Simcoe County District School Board Policy 4430,
Administrative Procedures Memorandum A1061 - Field Trips, and all other applicable administrative
procedures and board policies.
School: _____________________________________
Trip: ________________________________________
Curriculum Expectations
Parent Information
I/We understand that the Simcoe County District School Board has adopted a new policy
whereby all children who participate in out-of-province/out of country field trips MUST have
Student Accident Insurance and/or Extended Health and Dental coverage.
I/We further understand that the above mentioned insurance is a mandatory condition of
I/We understand that the Board is not requiring parents to purchase the Board sponsored
student accident insurance plan. Student accident insurance can be obtained through any
carrier of your choice. Alternately extended health and dental plans may provide the additional
□ I/We have appropriate Extended Health and Dental coverage through another insurance
carrier/or workplace plan.
School: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of Driver:
Street/Rural Route City/Town Postal Code
Telephone: Home ( ) Work ( )
I will act as a volunteer driver, using the vehicle described above, for the Simcoe County District School
Board. I have a valid driver’s license, minimum automobile liability insurance coverage of $1,000,000
and the Ontario Policy Change Form (O.P.C.F) 44. I will provide the Board with prompt written notice
with all available particulars, of any accident/injury arising out of the use of this licensed automobile
during transportation of students to and from activities that are part of the school program. I will provide
an original Criminal Records Check. I am aware that children under 12 years of age should not be
permitted to ride in the front seat if the vehicle is equipped with passenger-side airbags.
NOTE: The board’s insurer provides third party liability coverage which would come into effect if the
primary automobile liability insurance on the vehicle above was exhausted.
Educational activity programs, such as _________________________ involve certain elements of risk. Injuries may occur
while participating in these activities. The following list includes, but is not limited to, examples of the types of injury which
may result from participating in
(describe activity)
The risk of sustaining these types of injuries result from the nature of the activity and can occur without any fault of
either the student, or the school board, its’ employees/agents or the facility where the activity is taking place. By
choosing to take part in this activity, you are accepting the risk that you/your child may be injured.
The chance of an injury occurring can be reduced by carefully following instructions at all times while engaged in the
If you choose to participate in ______________________ on ____________________, you must understand that you
bear the responsibility for any injury that might occur.
The Simcoe County District School Board does not provide accidental death, disability, dismemberment or medical
expense insurance on behalf of the students participating in this activity.
I grant permission for ___________________ to be transported by a volunteer driver (employee, parent or other
adult) approved by the principal or designate. Volunteer drivers are over the age of 21, have a valid driver’s license,
have provided a criminal record check and are adequately insured.