School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
School Grade Level Teacher Learning Area Teaching Dates and Time Quarter
4. Additional Project Ease, Chemistry Project Ease, Chemistry Project Ease, Project Ease, Project Ease, Chemistry
Materials from Module 10 What’s inside Module 10 What’s Chemistry Chemistry Module 10 What’s inside
Learning the Atom? inside the Atom? Module 10 What’s the Atom?
inside the Atom? Module 10 What’s
Resource (LR)
portal inside the Atom?
A. Reviewing Draw an atom as Draw an atom as Draw an atom as Draw an atom as Draw an atom as
yesterday’s lesson or describe by Niels Bohr. describe by Niels Bohr. describe in describe in describe in Quantum
Presenting the new Quantum Quantum Mechanical Model
lesson Mechanical Model
Mechanical Model
Explain the fault in Explain the fault in Compare clues in a Compare clues in Compare clues in a
B. Establishing a Bohr’s Model of the Bohr’s Model of the treasure map with a treasure map treasure map with
purpose for the lesson Atom Atom electron with electron electron configuration.
configuration. configuration.
Do Activity 2. Do Activity 2. Write the electron Write the electron Write the electron
C. Presenting configuration of a configuration of a configuration of a
examples/ instances hypothetical hypothetical hypothetical element x
of the new lesson element x with with atomic no. 30
element x with
atomic no. 30
atomic no. 30
F. Developing mastery Discuss the quantum Discuss the quantum Discuss Aufbau Discuss Aufbau Discuss Aufbau
no. As shown in table 2 no. As shown in table 2 principle, principle, principle,
p.107 p.107 Hund’s rule and Hund’s rule and Hund’s rule and Pauli’s
Pauli’s Pauli’s Exclusion principle
Exclusion principle. Exclusion principle
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living
J. Additional activities Watch videos about Watch videos about Watch videos Watch videos Watch videos about
for application or quantum mechanical quantum mechanical about electron about electron electron configuration.
remediation model. model. configuration. configuration.
A. No. of learners who Acacia (23 learners) Acacia (23 learners) Acacia (23 learners)
Mahogany (22 learners) Mahogany (22 learners) Mahogany (22 learners)
earned 80% on the Molave (28 learners) Molave (28 learners)
formative assessment Narra (23 learners) Narra (23 learners)
Molave (28 learners)
Sycamore (25 learners) Sycamore (25 learners) Narra (23 learners)
Sycamore (25 learners)
B. No. of learners who Acacia (0 learners) Acacia (0 learners) Acacia (0 learners) Acacia (0 learners) Acacia (0 learners)
Mahogany (1 learners) Mahogany (1 learners)
require additional Mahogany (1 learners) Mahogany (1 learners) Molave (0 learners) Molave (0 learners) Mahogany (1 learners)
activities for Molave (0 learners) Molave (0 learners) Narra (3 learners) Narra (3 learners) Molave (0 learners)
Sycamore (1 learners) Sycamore (1
Narra (3 learners) Narra (3 learners) Narra (3 learners)
remediation. learners)
Sycamore (1 learners) Sycamore (1 Sycamore (1 learners)
C. Did the remedial Yes, 6 learners who Yes, 6 learners who Yes, 6 learners Yes, 6 learners Yes, 6 learners who
lessons work? No. of have caught up with the have caught up with who have caught who have caught have caught up with the
learners who have lesson the lesson up with the lesson up with the lesson lesson
caught up with the
Teaching Dates and Time OCTOBER 7-11, 2019 Quarter SECOND
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
D. No. of learners who 2 learners who 2 learners who 2 learners who 2 learners who 2 learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to continue to continue to continue to require
remediation remediation require require require remediation
remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my teaching Collaboration is evident Video presentations as Encourage students to Appreciating them in
Always showing
strategies worked well? and effective during the a springboard to say their answers in everything they do
positivity in everything
English if the medium was also found out to
Why did these work? delivery of my lesson. teaching are likewise encourages the students
of instruction is be a very
The students are seen effective. English; yet answers to do more and strive
positive reinforcement
to be very cooperative Students absorb it said in vernacular will more to please their
for the students.
in learning process. faster if they are also be accepted. teacher and get the
Teacher’s affirmation
looking at a video; Forcing them to speak of what the students
good grades that they
because most of the English might hinder are doing is their
wanted was very
students these days their drive to answer. basis of telling
It is now the teacher’s
evident inside the
themselves that they
are bodily kinesthetic responsibility to classroom. Happiness is
did the right thing and
and visual learners. translate it in English. the best thing to be
followed the right
shown to the
F. What difficulties did I I encountered difficulty in the use of localized Instructional Materials (IMs)for my class, sometimes the availability is an
encounter which my issue.
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or My well-thought of and well- prepared worksheets/ activity sheets can also be used by my co-teachers.
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
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