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COMMS Exam 1

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COMMS Exam 1

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1. A/an ________ outline is similar to an outline for a written memo or report, whereas planning outline, speaking outline
a/an ________ outline is a simplified version designed to help you during the delivery
of the your presentation.
2. After receiving messages, listeners ____ what they've heard by assigning meaning to decode
the sounds.
3. _________ __________ are employees at all levels of an organization who specialize in knowledge employees
acquiring, processing, and communicating info correctively
4. an audience-centered approach to comm... a. Starts with the assumption that the
audience is always right
b. Improves the effectiveness of
communication by focusing on the
information needs of the audience
c. Is generally a waste of time because it
doesn't accommodate the needs of the
d. Always simplifies the tasks involved in
planning and creating messages

5. Charts and tables used for electronic presentations should be a. Simpler than charts and tables used for
printed documents.
b. More complex than charts and tables
used for printed documents.
c. Exactly the same as charts and tables
used for printed documents

6. The combination of values, traditions, and habits that gives a company its a. Company style
atmosphere and personality is known as b. Standards and practices
c. Corporate culture
d. Corporate presence

7. Communication style using the Business Communication 2.0 concept is best a. Conversational
described as b. Multilingual
c. Technical
d. Playful

8. Communication technology has value only if it helps deliver the right _____ to the information, people
right _____ at the right time.
9. Conflict in team settings can be ___________ if it forces important issues into the open, constructive
increases the involvement of team members, and generates creative ideas for
solving a problem.
10. Constantly testing the limits of your company's dress and grooming a. Don't understand or don't respect your
standards send a strong signal that you... company's culture
b. Are a strong advocate for worker's rights
c. Are a creative and independent thinker who is
likely to generate lots of successful business ideas
d. Represent the leading edge of a new generation
of enlightened workers who will redefine the
workplace according to contemporary standards

11. A culturally rich workforce, composed of employees representing a wide a. Always slows down the decision-making
range of ethnicities, religions, ages, physical abilities, languages, and other process
factors, b. Can be more challenging to manage but can
pay off in a variety of important ways
c. Is easier to manage because so many new ideas
are present
d. Is a concern only for companies that do
business outside the United States

12. Culture is defined as a. A distinct group that exists within a country
b. A shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitudes,
expectations, and norms for behavior
c. The pattern of cues and stimuli that convey
meaning between two or more people
d. Serious art forms such as classical music,
painting, sculpture, drama, and poetry

13. Culture is learned from a. Family members
b. Explicit teaching by others in the culture
c. Observations of the behavior of others in the
d. All of the above

14. Differing attitudes toward greeting gestures, personal space, touching, facial nonverbal
expression, eye contact, posture, and formality are common examples of ---
-- differences between cultures.
15. effective business messages are a. Entertaining, blunt, direct, opinionated, and
b. Practical, objective, concise, clear, and
c. Personal, clear, short, catchy, and challenging

16. An ethical _____ exists when a person is faced with two conflicting but ethical dilemma, lapse
choices or alternatives that are neither entirely right nor entirely wrong; an
ethical _____ occurs when a person makes an unethical choice.
17. An example of low-context cultural communication would a. Someone using metaphors to convey meaning
be b. Someone insisting that the details of an agreement can be worked
out later
c. Someone vigorously arguing his point of view in a problem-solving
d. Someone encouraging socializing before entering into official

18. How does the completion stage of the three-step writing a. Completion is exactly the same for reports and presentations.
process differ between reports and presentations? b. Presentations are never proofread or tested ahead of time; doing so
would destroy the spontaneity of your delivery.
c. You never revise presentation slides because they're locked in place
once you create them.
d. The completion state for presentations involves a wider range of
tasks, including testing your presentation slides, verifying equipment
operation, practicing your speech, and creating handout materials.

19. If you are facing an audience that is apprehensive about If your message will calm their fears, use the direct approach; if your
what you might have to say in a presentation, which of the message will confirm their fears, consider the indirect approach to
following approaches is best? build acceptance.
20. If you are using a conventional structured slide design, 8-10
roughly how many slides should you plan to use in a 30-
minute presentation?
21. If you don't agree with something the speaker says in a a. Signal your disagreement by folding your arms across your chest
large, formal meeting, the best response is to... and staring defiantly back at the speaker
b. Use your mobile phone to begin sending text messages to other
people in the room, explaining why the speaker is wrong
c. Immediately challenge the speaker so that the misinformation is
caught and corrected
d. Quietly make a note of your objections and wait until a question-
and-answer period to raise your hand

22. If you forgot to shut off your mobile phone before a. Lower your voice to protect the privacy of your phone
stepping into a business meeting and you receive a call conversation
during the meeting, the most appropriate thing to do is b. Answer the phone and then quickly hang it up to minimize the
to... disruption to the meeting
c. Excuse yourself from the meeting and find a quiet place to talk
d. Continue to participate in the meeting while taking the call; this
shows everyone that you're an effective multitasker

23. If you receive a question that is important and relevant to the topic a. "I'm sorry; I don't know the answer."
you're presenting but you lack the information needed to answer it, which b. "You've asked an important question, but I don't
of the following would be the best response? have the information needed to answer it properly. I'll
research the issue after we're finished here today and
then send everyone an email message with the
c. "Let me get back to you on that."
d. "I'd really like to stay focused on the material that I
prepared for this presentation."

24. If you're giving an important presentation and notice that many of the a. These audience members don't want to challenge
audience members look away when you try to make momentary eye your authority by making direct eye contact.
contact, which of the following is most likely going on? b. You work with a lot of shy people.
c. The information you're presenting is making your
audience uncomfortable in some way.
d. The audience is taking time to carefully think about
the information you're presenting.

25. If you're giving a presentation in a subject area you've researched a. During your introduction, explain that your
thoroughly but in which you don't have any handson experience (suppose presentation is the result of research that you've done
your topic is coordinating a major facility relocation or hiring a tax and briefly explain the extent of the research.
attorney, for instance), which of these steps should you take to build b. Explain that you don't have any experience in the
credibility? subject area, but you've done some research.
c. Emphasize that you know a great deal about the
subject matter.
d. Sidestep the issue of credibility entirely in the
introduction and let your knowledge shine through
during the body of your presentation.

26. If you suspect that your audience doesn't really care about the topic you a. Look for ways to help them relate to the
plan to discuss, how can you generate interest in your presentation? information on a personal level, such as helping the
company ensure better job security.
b. Speak louder and, if possible, use lots of sound
effects and visual special effects in your presentation.
c. Show your passion for the material by speaking
faster than normal and pacing the room in an excited
d. Show that you care about their feelings by saying
up front that you don't really care about the topic
either, but you've been assigned to talk about it.

27. In business, recognizing cultural differences is important because a. Doing so helps reduce the chances for
b. Someone from another culture may try to take
advantage of your ignorance
c. If you don't, you'll be accused of being politically
d. Doing so helps you become more ethnocentrism

28. In order for audience members to successfully receive messages, they sense, select, perceive
must first _____ the presence of the message, then _____ it from other
sensory input, and then _____ it as a message.
29. In order for the receiver of a message to respond in the manner desired a. Remember the message
by the sender, the receiver needs to b. Be able to respond to the message
c. Have the motivation to respond to the message
d. Do all of the above

30. ______ is the mistake of assigning a wide range of generalized attributes to stereotyping
individuals on the basis of their membership in a particular culture or social
group, without considering an individual's unique characteristics.
31. ----- is the tendency to judge all other groups according to the standards, ethnocentrism
behaviors, and customs of one's own group.
32. Nonverbal signs can be more influential than spoken language because... a. Body language is difficult to control and therefore
difficult to fake, so listeners often put more trust in
nonverbal cues than in the words a speaker uses
b. Nonverbal signals communicate faster than
spoken language, and most people are impatient
c. Body language saves listeners from the trouble of
paying attention to what a speaker is saying

33. Robert's Rules of Order is a guide to ____ procedure. parliamentary
34. sensitivity to business etiquette a. Reduces the chance of interpersonal blunders that
might negatively affect communication
b. Is considered by most companies to be a waste
of time in today's fast-paced markets
c. Is now legally required in all 50 states
d. Always increases the cost of business

35. Slide _______ control how one slide replaces another, whereas slide _______ transitions, builds
control how text and graphical elements are revealed on an individual
36. ____ teams are teams whose members work in different locations and virtual
interact electronically.
37. Teams can achieve a higher level of performance than a. They combine the intelligence and energy of multiple
individuals alone because individuals
b. They can foster motivation and creativity
c. They involve more input and a greater diversity of views,
which tens to result in better decisions
d. They do all of the above

38. ____ technologies enable realistic conferences in which telepresence
participants thousands of miles apart almost seem to be in the
same room.
39. Understanding the nuances of a culture can take years to a. Learn as much as you can from websites, travel guides, and
learn, so the best approach when preparing to communicate other resources and not be afraid to ask for help while you are
with people in a culture that you don't know well is to communicating in that new culture
b. Learn as much as you can from websites, travel guides, and
other resources but never ask for help because doing so will
only show everyone how ignorant you are
c. Learn as much as you can from television shows and movies
that feature the other culture; the combination of spoken words,
visuals, and music is the best way to learn a culture
d. Not worry about cultural variations; you'll never have time to
understand them all, so your energy is better spent on other
business issues

40. What advice would you give to a novice presenter regarding a. Don't practice—it destroys the spontaneity you need to give an
practicing before a big presentation? upbeat presentation.
b. Make multiple practice runs, a half dozen if needed, to make
sure you can deliver the material smoothly and confidently.
c. Write out a script and memorize it word for word; you can't
risk forgetting any key points.
d. One practice session is adequate; use the extra time to polish
your presentation slides instead.

41. What are the three key steps to making sure meetings are a. Planning, planning, and more planning
productive? b. Preparing carefully, conducting meetings efficiently, and
putting meeting results to productive use
c. Preparing carefully, conducting meetings using true
democratic participation, and using meeting technologies wisely
d. Preparing carefully, using meeting technologies wisely, and
distributing in-depth minutes to everyone in the company

42. What is the best approach to a. Create them after you've planned, developed, and tested your presentation so that you
developing handout materials? can see which points are confusing and could benefit from additional support.
b. Wait until you give the presentation and then ask your viewers what they would like to
see in terms of additional information.
c. Always follow the lead of whatever the more experienced presenters in your department
do; they've already set audience expectations.
d. Plan your handouts as you plan and create your slides so that you maintain an effective
balance between information that you'll cover during the presentation and information that
is better suited to a printed handout.

43. What is the best strategy for using the a. Build automated Twitter feeds into your presentation slides that send out capsule points
Twitter-enabled backchannel in a as you move through the presentation, but ignore whatever audience members might be
presentation? doing on Twitter and stay focused on your presentation.
b. Announce up front that the use of Twitter and other
messaging tools is forbidden during the presentation; the audience's job is to pay attention
to you, the speaker.
c. Embrace the backchannel fully, including building in automated feeds from your
presentation, providing a hashtag for everyone to use making it easy to follow tweets
related to the presentation, and take occasional Twitter breaks to check for feedback and
questions from the audience.
d. Ignore it; you can't stop people from tweeting during a presentation, so you might as
well just accept that they are going to do so.

44. When communicating orally to those a. Immediately rephrase every important point you make in order to give your listeners two
who speak English as a second options to choose from
language, you should make a habit to b. Speak louder if listeners don't seem to understand you
always c. Ignore the other person's body language
d. Rephrase your key points if you observe body language that suggests a lack of

45. When writing for audiences who don't a. Spelling out numbers rather than writing them as figures
speak the same native language as b. Using simple sentences and careful word choices
you speak, you can improve c. Using long paragraphs to reduce the number of visual breaks on the page
communication by d. Doing all of the above

46. When you are writing for a. Should be used often because it makes your audience feel welcome on a personal level
multilanguage audiences, humor b. Should rarely, if ever, be used because humor is one of the most difficult elements of
communication to encode or decode in a second language
c. Should never be used because movies and other entertainment products rarely cross
over national boundaries
d. Should be used at least once per letter to show that you appreciate your audience as
human beings

47. Which of the following factors is a significant reason U.S. a. Recent changes to government regulations require cultural
business professionals often need to understand the education before companies are granted export licenses.
cultures of other countries? b. The U.S. economy has been shrinking for the past 20 years, forcing
companies to look overseas.
c. Many countries require business executives to be fluent in at least
two languages.
d. Thousands of U.S. companies, including many of the largest
corporations in the country, rely on markets in other countries for a
significant portion of their sales.

48. Which of the following is a benefit of a multicultural a. Providing a broader range of viewpoints and ideas
workforce? b. Giving companies a better understanding of diverse markets
c. Enabling companies to recruit workers from the broadest possible
pool of talent
d. All of the above

49. Which of the following is a benefit of organizing a slide a. Slides without key visuals are always boring and repetitive.
around a key visual such as a pyramid or a circular flow b. The key visual shows how the various ideas are related, making it
diagram? easier for viewers to grasp your message.
c. With a key visual to rely on, the speaker doesn't have to know the
subject matter quite as thoroughly.
d. You can use the key visual for every slide, making your
presentation more consistent.

50. Which of the following is a disadvantage of conducting a. The lack of audio communication
presentations online? b. The inability of most people to participate, since businesses have
different Internet connection speed.
c. The inability to use PowerPoint slides online
d. The shortage (or sometimes complete lack) of nonverbal signals
such as posture, which can provide vital feedback during a

51. Which of the following is an advantage of online a. Lower costs as a result of less travel
presentations? b. More opportunities for employees to meet customers in person
c. The ability to multitask during meetings
d. All of the above

52. Which of the following is an advantage of structured slide a. Structured designs are more colorful and therefore keep audience
designs over free-form designs? attention better.
b. People are accustomed to structured designs, so they are more
comfortable with them.
c. Structured slides are generally easier to create than freeform
d. Structured slides are cheaper.

53. Which of the following is an effective way to a. Think up a short joke to begin your presentation; the audience's laughter will
respond if you feel nervous right before giving help you relax.
a presentation? b. Begin your presentation by telling people that you're nervous and asking them
to be sympathetic if you make any mistakes.
c. Begin your presentation by telling the audience how much you dislike
speaking in public; most of them dislike public speaking, too, so they'll be more
sympathetic toward you.
d. Remind yourself that everybody gets nervous and that being nervous simply
means you care about doing well; use the nervousness to be more energetic
when you begin speaking.

54. Which of the following is a potential a. Teams always stamp out creativity by forcing people to conform to existing
disadvantage of working in teams? ideas and practices.
b. Teams increase a company's clerical workload because of the additional
government paperwork required for administering workplace insurance.
c. Team members are never held accountable for their individual performance.
d. Social pressure within the group can lead to groupthink, in which people go
along with a bad idea or poor decision even though they may not really believe
in it.

55. Which of the following is a problem that results a. It forces the audience members to spend more time reading than listening to
from cramming too much text on a slide? speaker.
b. It forces the presenter to use smaller type on the slide.
c. It overloads the audience with too much information too fast.
d. All of the above are problems that result from cramming too much text on a

56. Which of the following is generally true about a. Employees work shorter hours in such cultures because context allows them
high-context cultures? to communicate less often.
b. People rely less on verbal communication and more on the context of
nonverbal actions and environmental setting to convey meaning.
c. People rely more on verbal communication and less on the context of
nonverbal actions and environmental setting to convey meaning.
d. The rules of everyday life are explicitly taught to all people within the culture.

57. Which of the following is not a benefit of using a. Social media are "out in the open," so messages are easier for managers to
social media for business communication? monitor and control.
b. Social media help erase geographic and organization boundaries.
c. Social media give customers an easy way to voice their opinions and
d. Social media can help "faceless" companies adopt a more human,
conversational tone.

58. Which of the following is not an example of a cultural a. Hindus
group? b. Wrestling fans
c. Television viewers
d. Members of a fraternity

59. which of the following is not a skill employers will a. Communicating effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and
expect you to have experiences
b. Using communication technologies effectively and efficiently
c. Managing your time wisely and using resources efficiently
d. Commanding employees to follow orders

60. which of the following is not one of the six traits of a. Striving to excel
professionalism? b. Being dependable
c. Being ethical
d. Being loyal to the company no matter what

61. Which of the following is one of several techniques a. Minimize interactions with people whose cultures you don't understand.
you can use to make sure you don't fall into the traps b. Make sure that the people you work with clearly understand your
of ethnocentrism and stereotyping? culture.
c. Insist that every employee who works for you strictly follows the
company's guidelines for intercultural communication.
d. Avoiding making assumptions about people in other cultures

62. Which of the following is the best characterization of a. Business etiquette is impossible to generalize because every company
etiquette in today's business environment? has its own culture; you have to make it up as you go along.
b. With ferocious international competition and constant financial pressure,
etiquette is an old-fashioned luxury that businesses simply can't afford
c. Ethical business people don't need to worry directly about etiquette
because ethical behavior automatically leads to good etiquette.
d. Etiquette plays an important part in the process of forming and
maintaining successful business relationships.

63. Which of the following is the best way for a team of a. Each member should plan, research, and write his or her individual
people to write a report? version and then the group can select the strongest report.
b. The team should divide and conquer, with one person doing the
planning, one doing the research, one doing the writing, and so on.
c. To ensure a true group effort, every task from planning through final
production should be done as a team, preferably with everyone in the
same room at the same time.
d. Research and plan as a group but assign the actual writing to one
person, or at least assign separate sections to individual writers and have
one person edit them all to achieve a consistent style.

64. Which of the following is the best way to arouse interest in a a. "If customers leave, so do our jobs."
presentation to a group of fellow employees on the importance of b. "Everything we want as employees of this company
taking ownership of the problem whenever a customer calls in with a —from stable jobs to pay raises to promotional
complaint? opportunities— depends on one thing: satisfied
c. "How are customers supposed to get their problems
solved if we keep passing the buck from one person to
the next without ever doing anything?"
d. "The company's profit margins depend on satisfied
customers, and it's up to us to make sure those
customers are satisfied."

65. which of the following is the most accurate description of the role that a. Ideas matter more than anything, so as long as you
communication will play in your career? are creative and have strong business sense, you can
hire people to take care of communication tasks.
b. No matter what other skills, connections, and
attributes you have, your prospects will be limited if
you don't have good communication skills.
c. In today's tough business world, performance is the
most important differentiator; everything else is a
distant second.
d. As a "soft skill," communication is important in some
careers, such as sales and human resources, but not in
technical, financial, or administrative careers.

66. Which of the following is true about nonverbal signals? a. They can strengthen a spoken message.
b. They can weaken a spoken message.
c. They can replace spoken messages.
d. All of the above are true.

67. Which of the following pairs of attributes best describes the social a. Interactive and conversational
communication model? b. Technical and instantaneous
c. Electronic and print
d. Relaxed and unrestricted

68. Which of the following steps should be completed before anyone from a. The team should agree on the project's goals.
the team does any planning, researching, or writing? b. The team should agree on the report's title.
c. To avoid compatibility problems, the team should
agree on which word processor or other software will
be used.
d. The team should always step away from the work
environment and enjoy some social time in order to

69. Which of the following would do the best job of holding an audience's a. "Social networks are now an important feature in the
attention during a presentation on the growing importance of social corporate communication landscape."
networking in corporate communication? In this particular case, the b. "Successful managers around the world now view
audience members are all managers of the same company, but they social networks as an essential tool in their
represent a half-dozen countries and speak four different native communication efforts."
languages (although they all have basic English skills). c. "Millions of customers and employees are now hip to
the latest wave to blow through corporate
communication, the clumsily named but nevertheless
vital social network." d. "I personally get dozens of
interesting social networking updates every day, which is
solid evidence of how important social networks have

70. Which of these actions should you take when an audience member a. Observe the questioner's body language and facial
asks you a question? expression to help determine what the person really
b. Nod your head or show some other sign that you
acknowledge the question.
c. Repeat the question to confirm your understanding
and to ensure that the entire audience has heard it.
d. Do all of the above.

71. Which of these techniques is mentioned in the chapter as a way to a. Speak louder than average
hold an audience's attention during a presentation? b. Tell people that management expects them to pay
c. Use clear and vivid language
d. None of the above

72. Why is consistent use of colors, typefaces and type treatments, size, a. Consistency is not important; in fact, it's a sign of a
and other design elements important in presentations? dull presentation.
b. Consistency shows that you're a smart businessperson
who doesn't waste time on trivial details.
c. Consistency simplifies the viewing and listening
process for your audience and enables them to pay
closer attention to your message rather than spending
time trying to figure out your visuals.
d. Consistency shows that you're a team player who can
follow instructions.

73. why is it important for a business message to clearly state a. To make sure other employees don't avoid their
expectations regarding who is responsible for doing what in response responsibilities
to the message b. To make sure the person who sent the message isn't
criticized if important tasks don't get completed
c. To eliminate confusion by letting each affected person
know his or her specific responsibilities

74. Why is understanding your own culture an important step in learning to relate well a. Understanding your own culture is
with other cultures? important because it helps you
recognize personal biases that shape
your communication habits.
b. Understanding your own culture is
important because it helps you identify
the ways that other cultures are inferior
(or at least might be inferior) to your
c. Understanding your own culture is
important because it helps you identify
the ways that other cultures are
superior (or at least might be superior)
to your own.
d. Understanding your own culture is
not important when you are trying to
reach out to other cultures

75. Your company has established a designated "quiet time" from 1:00 to 3:00 every a. Agree to reactivate the office phone
afternoon, during which office phones, IM, and email are disabled so that people can system if everyone will shut off their
concentrate on planning, researching, writing, and other intensive tasks without being mobile phones, but have all incoming
interrupted. However, a number of people continue to flout the guidelines by leaving calls routed through a receptionist who
their mobile phones on, saying their families and friends need to be able to reach will take messages for all routine calls
them. With all the various ringtones going off at random, the office is just as noisy as it and deliver a note if an employee truly
was before. What is the best response? is needed in an emergency.
b. Give up on quiet time; with so many
electronic gadgets in the workplace
today, you'll never achieve peace and
c. Get tough on the offenders by
confiscating mobile phones whenever
they ring during quiet time.
d. Without telling anyone, simply install
one of the available mobile phone
jamming products that block incoming
and outgoing mobile phone calls.

76. Your company recently relocated from another state, and the owners are eager a. "Becoming involved in community
to begin building a positive relationship with the local community. You've been organizations is a great way for you and your
asked to speak to employees about volunteering in various community families to meet new people and feel more at
organizations. Which of the following statements does the best job of home in your new city."
communicating the owners' wishes while appealing to employees' personal b. "Becoming involved in community
interests? organizations shows our new neighbors that
we're an organization of positive, caring people
—and it's a great way for you and your families
to meet new people and feel more at home in
your new city."
c. "We really owe it to our new community to
give back by volunteering."
d. "The owners feel it is vital for us to become
more involved in the community."


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