A Road Is A Wide Way Leading From One Place To Another
A Road Is A Wide Way Leading From One Place To Another
A Road Is A Wide Way Leading From One Place To Another
Road traffic refers to the collection of all vehicles that moves along a wide way leading
from one place to another. In most cases such traffic moves with an accompaniment of a
pedestrian in a pavement.
In 18081, the first car in the world was discovered where its engine was made of a
mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. The discoverer of the car was known as Isaac De Rivaz, a
citizen of France and Switzerland, but the type of car he discovered did not work in the same
way. After 24 years, Entiene Noire succeeded in repairing the engine but after installing it in the
car it was working faster than even humans. On January 26 2, 1886, a German discoverer
discovered a Karl Benz with a gasoline auto motor in Germany, and Karl Benz was the first to
establish a world automotive industry, making a three wheeled car as a landmark in his
hometown roam. Gottlieb Daimler then discovered gas and repaired his car using the gas. In
March of that year, the car was first manufactured with a four-wheel-drive, fuel-efficient engine
and was ready to be advertised.1889 Daimler introduced a new engine and one year later
Daimler officially announced Daimler as his new Daimler car company in Germany in the city of
Stuttgart to start competing with other car manufacturing companies.
Due to discovery of the motor vehicle there was a need for Road Traffic regulation in the
United State of America road traffic injuries claim more than 1.2 million lives each year and are
the leading cause of death among young people aged between 15 and 29 years old. These deaths
have a huge impact on health and development and represent an economic burden in American
country. Legislation is key in the effort to improve road user behavior and decrease road traffic
casualties. Most of the Region’s countries need to tighten their laws dealing with road safety risk
and protective factors to bring them in line with international best practices. Road safety
History of the automobile retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_automobile on 11:9pm .
Eckermann, Erik (2001). World History of the Automobile. SAE Press. p. 14. ISBN 9780768008005.
legislation is effective only when coupled with effective enforcement countries reported a need
to better enforce these laws.
Traffic in the context of road using has been described to include all the vehicles that are moving
along the roads in a particular area3this means that moving vehicles has been recorded since time
in memorial that can be denoted from the time of colonization to post colonial period 4. During
Germany domination or colonization in TANZANIA different kinds of vehicles were shipped to
Tanganyika by then. Road Traffic of Tanganyika experienced movement of vehicles which were
very strong to be called Germany.
Through historical narrations the history of road transportation in Tanzania began with a
seemingly simple two-part question, why was there a lack of all-weather roads in southern
Tanzania, and how did their absence hamper the region’s economic development this,
presentation addressed the latter half of the question. They concluded that the failure of the
colonial (1880s-1961) and post-colonial states to construct adequate transportation infrastructure
in the south aggravated the region’s real and perceived impoverishment and isolation throughout
the twentieth century5. Data on road traffic revealed that, Colonial authorities and private
investors were eager to improve infrastructure in southern Tanzania (then German East Africa)
in the 1890s in order to better exploit natural resources and create a lucrative, cash crop
producing landscape. The physical destruction and social unrest caused by the Maji Maji
rebellion (1905-1907) and First World War thwarted colonial “development” schemes in the
British Colonial in the British colonial state and Tanzanian national government road traffic
increased however invested their limited resources in more prosperous regions accessible by
railway networks. At the turn of the twenty-first century, newspaper articles and historians
continued to lament the deplorable road conditions. Stranded passengers purchased food from
local communities and slept onboard the broken-down buses out of fear of potential lion attacks
as they waited indefinite periods for a replacement vehicle to arrive. These stories persuaded me
Traffic concept retrived from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/traffic on 11.03PM of 2020
Roads And Travel In Tanzania: A Reflection On History & Current Trends
Traffic concept retrived from https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/traffic on 11.03PM of 2020
that the history of road transportation in southern Tanzania was innately pessimistic. The
dilapidated roads served as a powerful symbol of the region’s isolation and poverty. They helped
to justify government neglect and propagate stereotypes that the region was incapable of
Currently the Road Traffic therefore is increased due to the presence of many motor vehicles in
the United Republic of Tanzania. Experiences in road traffic shows 6 Tanzania have various
passenger vehicles that commands a variety of road traffic like, motor cycles (piki piki or boda
boda), auto rickshaws (bajaj), mini-buses (dala dala), and major bus liners. This shorks the
people who are now travelling from different corners like from Dar es Salaam to Lindi (454 km)
and northeast from Songea to Dar es Salaam (934 km)
Streit, V. (2018). Roads and Travel in Tanzania: A Reflection on History & Current Trends.