This Form Should Be Accomplished by The LAC Facilitator and Its Members at The First LAC Session
This Form Should Be Accomplished by The LAC Facilitator and Its Members at The First LAC Session
This Form Should Be Accomplished by The LAC Facilitator and Its Members at The First LAC Session
Department of Education
Region VIII
Schools Division of Leyte
LAC Members
Male/ DESIGNATION/ DIVISION/S Contact details Preferred contact
NAME Female POSITION (email, mobile mode (email, phone,
number) Skype, Zoom, Google
Meet, Viber, FB)
Preferred contact mode: (Indicate all: email, phone, Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, Zoom, Googlemeet, FB,
Messenger, etc.)
Yo u r Futu re … O ur Fo c u s…
Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by ticking the
appropriate box.
Comments / Remarks
(For example, if you disagree or strongly
SD D N A SA disagree, please indicate why.)
5. The members
engagement in and/or
enthusiasm for the learning
tasks during the session
(including providing
on each other’s
Part B
Please provide the information requested.
Yo u r Fu ture … O ur Fo c us…
Part A
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with each of the following statements by ticking
the appropriate box. (SD = Strongly Disagree; D = Disagree; N = Neutral; A = Agree; SA =
Strongly agree)
Part B
Please provide the information requested.
1. I need further clarification and/or resources on the following topics:
3. Other comments/suggestions:
Yo u r Fu ture … O ur Fo c us…