Anjan Gupta
Anjan Gupta
Anjan Gupta
Theorem 4. Let A, B be matrices of the same size. Then det(AB) = det A det B.
Proof. First we assume that A is a diagonal matrix of size n. If diagonal entries of A are d1 , . . . , dn ,
then AB is obtained from B by multiplying rows 1, 2, . . . , n by scalars d1 , d2 , . . . , dn respectively.
This implies det(AB) = d1 . . . dn det B. But det A = d1 . . . dn . Therefore det(AB) = det A det B.
If A is a product of elementary matrices of type Ei j (c), then det A = 1. The product AB can be
obtained from B by applying a finite sequence of elementary operations of type R0i = Ri + cR j on B,
so det(AB) = det B. Therefore det(AB) = det A det B.
Now we prove the result in the general case. By Lemma 3, we obtain A = EDR where E is a
product of elementary matrices of type Ei j (c), D is an invertible diagonal matrix and R is a row
reduced echelon matrix. We consider two cases
Case - 1 : A is a singular matrix.
Since A = EDR and E, D are nonsingular matrices, R is a singular row reduced echelon matrix.
This implies that the last row of R is a zero row. Consequently, the last row of RB is also zero. It
follows that det(RB) = 0. Now
det(AB) = det(EDRB) = det(DRB) = det D det(RB) = 0.
In this case det A = 0. Therefore, det(AB) = det A det B.
Case - 2 : A is a nonsingular matrix. In this case R is a nonsingular row reduced echelon matrix.
By Lemma 1, R = In . Consequently A = ED. Therefore det(A) = det(D). Now
det(AB) = det(EDB) = det(DB) = det D det B = det A det B.
Hence the proof is complete.
Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Bhopal, Bhopal Bypass Road,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. Pin - 462066.
Email address: [email protected]