JSF Tutorial 1
JSF Tutorial 1
JSF Tutorial 1
2. Specify the location for your tutorial and click Finish to create the project.
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11/26/2011 09:28 PM
During the tutorial well make extensive use of the following views: AppXplorer view AppXplorer logically organizes web artifacts allowing you to browse web components and manage web application projects. It groups Java classes referenced by the web artifacts under Referenced Types. Design Palette view The Design Palette view lists the standard JSP and HTML tag libraries, the tag libraries declared in the web.xml file, and the tag libraries defined in your web application. It provides an easy way to insert tags into your documents by providing access to tag editors and wizards. When you drag a tag from the palette and drop it into a page, it opens a wizard to specify the tag information, and the corresponding source code is generated automatically. The JSP Variables section of the Design Palette view: This displays the variables available to the current JSP page and allows inserting variables in the page and navigating in the Java code associated with the variables. Properties view for tag editing The Properties view provides three types of tag editors
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Smart Editor: This is a custom editor for efficiently editing the most commonly used attributes for a tag. Property Sheet: This displays all the tag attributes and their values. Tag Selector: This is located at the bottom of the Properties view and is used to activate the tag editor for a specific tag in a tag hierarchy. Outline view This displays the structure of Java classes and web components in a tree form.
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