Art Music by Caribbean Composers: Curaçao

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Art Music by Caribbean Composers: Curaçao

Christine Gangelhoff
The College of The Bahamas1
Cathleen LeGrand
Royal Thimphu College, Bhutan
INTRODUCTION Curaçao served as an important commercial
Curaçao was formerly the administrative capital centre and slave depot – a trans-shipment point
of the Netherlands Antilles, the final remnant of between West Africa and the slave markets of
the Dutch colonial empire in the Caribbean the New World (Dutch empire, 2008). In the
(Sharpe, 2008, para. 8). In 2010, with the 20th century, after the discovery of oil in
official dissolution of the Netherlands Antilles, Venezuela, oil refineries were opened in Curaçao
Curaçao became a self-governing nation within and the petroleum industry became a major
the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Curaçao, component of the island’s economy (Razak,
2012). 2005).
Curaçao is rocky and arid; the climate and terrain Folk musical traditions of Curaçao include
of the island inhibit extensive cultivation, tambu (also known as “the Curaçao blues”) and
preventing the development of the agricultural tumba (Razak, 2005). Art music has long had a
plantations that dominated many of the other presence in Curaçao. Orchestras, concert
West Indian islands (Allofs, van Niekerk, societies, and art musical instruction have been
Salverda & Dh'aen, 2008). The official in place since the early 19th century (Gansemans,
languages are Dutch, English and Papiamentu, “a 2008). Composed dance music, for localized
Spanish-based creole with Portuguese, Dutch, versions of dances such as waltz, polkas and
and English elements” (Netherlands Antilles, mazurkas, is particularly popular in Curaçao
2008, para. 2). (Gansemans, 2008). “The most important of
Beginning in the 17th century, the islands of the these is the Antillean waltz (also known as the
Netherlands Antilles were controlled by the Curaçaoan waltz), distinguished from its
Dutch West India Company, the monopoly European relatives chiefly by its differently
responsible for governing Dutch colonies in the accented rhythmic patterns” (Bilby, 2013, para.
Americas. The Dutch East India Company held 10).
control over Dutch colonies in the Pacific and in Wim Statius Muller, a prominent composer and
Africa (Sharpe, 2008). The slave trade was one pianist from Curaçao, elaborated on the musical
of the West India Company’s ventures, and traditions and unique rhythms of the music of

Christine Gangelhoff, Assistant Professor, School of Communication and Creative Arts, The College of The
Bahamas, P.O. Box N-4912, Nassau, Bahamas; Cathleen LeGrand, Librarian, Royal Thimphu College,
Ngabiphu, Thimphu, Bhutan.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank Randal Corsen, Johannes “Joop” Halman, Livio Hermans,
Patrick Mortier and Vanessa Toré for their contributions and assistance with this chapter.
E-mail: [email protected]
APA reference: Gangelhoff, C., & LeGrand, C. (2013). Art music by Caribbean composers: Curaçao. The
International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 19(2), 19-43. Retrieved from

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand, 2013. Journal compilation The International Journal of Bahamian Studies, 2013
C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Curaçao. 20

Curaçao and the former Netherlands Antilles. several generations” (Gansemans, 2008, p. 433).
These islands Jan Gerard Palm, the founder of the musical
Palm dynasty, is often called the “father of
have a particular type of music, the Caribbean Curaçao classical music” (“Musical homage”,
music which derives from African sources, 2012, para. 2).
from Western European sources—that music
is fascinating in its rhythm and you can hear it The Cultureel Centrum Curaçao (Sentro Kultural
through all the islands. But each one of the Kòrsou) provides private instruction in music,
islands will have a slightly different version of dance, and the literary, dramatic, and visual arts.
the same rhythm or maybe the melodic idiom The centre's music school, the Akademia di
will be slightly different. The interesting Músika Edgar Palm (re-named for the prominant
thing about all these waltzes is ... that your composer in 1999), “offers classes in piano,
basic 3/4 rhythm always has a 6/8 implication. guitar, keyboard, kuarta and mandolin, recorder
You’re able to hear six running eighth notes (‘blokfluit’), trumpet, saxophone, drum,
either in a duple or triple meter. Sometimes percussion ... and AMV (Algemeen Muziek
you hear the duple and the triple combined Vormend onderwijs) = general music education”
(Dubal & Statius Muller, 2013). (“History”, 2011, paras. 6-7). Former students at
the Akademia include composer and guitarist
The Palm and Boskaljon families have turned out Randal Corsen (“History”, 2011).
a large number of musicians and composers and
have “dominated the field of composition for

REFERENCES History. (2011). Sentro Kultural Kòrsou.

Allofs, L., van Niekerk, A., Salverda, R., & Retrieved from http://www.sentrokultural-
Dh'aen, T. (2008). The Netherlands and its
colonies: Introduction. In A historical ew=article&id=74&Itemid=67&lang=en
companion to postcolonial literatures: Musical homage to one of Curaçao's greatest
Continental Europe and its empires. Retrieved composers. (2012, December 14). Curaçao
from Chronicle. Retrieved from http://www.curacao
olonies_introduction one-of-curacaos-greatest-composers/
Bilby, K. (2013). Netherlands Antilles and Netherlands Antilles. (2008). In The Columbia
Aruba. In Grove music online. New York, NY: encyclopedia. Retrieved from
Oxford University Press.
Curacao. (2012). CIA world factbook. Retrieved y/netherlands_antilles
from Razak, V. M. (2005). Netherlands Antilles. In
/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/cc.html Continuum encyclopedia of popular music of
Dubal, D. (Interviewer), & Statius Muller, W. the world: Locations. Retrieved from
(Interviewee). (2013). Wim Statius Muller &
David Dubal, 3/8/84 [Interview video file]. l/netherlands_antilles
Retrieved from Sharpe, M. O. (2008). Dutch empire. In Africa
Gansemans, J. (2008). Musical traditions in and the Americas: Culture, politics, and
Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao. In Kuss, M. history. Retrieved from http://www.credo
Music in Latin America and the Caribbean: An
encyclopedic history (pp.431-444). Austin:
University of Texas Press.
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COMPOSERS Robert Palm (1943- )

Jules Francois Blasini (1847-1887) Rudolf Theodorus Palm (“Pa Dodo,” 1880-1950)
Cornelius August Boskaljon (1890-1930) Rudy Plaate (1937- )
Johannes Petren Boskaljon (1863-1936) C. V. de Pool
Rudolf Frederick Willem Boskaljon (“Shon Jacobo C. de Pool
Dodo,” 1887-1970) Etzel Provence (1938- )
Graciela Boskaljon-Ecker Erwin M. Prudencia (1951- )
Abraham Capriles (1862-1936) Rignald Ricordino
Jacobo Onario Conrad (“Coco Lepol,” 1879- Jean Jacques Rojer (1976- , born in Holland)
Robert Anthony Rojer (1939- )
Joseph Sickman Corsen (1853-1911)
Willem Gerard Statius Muller (1930- )
Randal Corsen (1972- )
Christiaan Alardus Ulder (1841-1895)
Anselmo (Boy) Dap (1933- )
Miguel Eusebius, Senior (1877-1947) COMPOSITIONS, by composer
W. C. Grunings Blasini
Boeis Haile (1919-2010) L'ami absènt (waltz)
Willem Manuel Hayer (1862-1953) Aubade (song)
Livio Hermans (1935- ) Chant du soir (nocturne)
Johnny Kleinmoedig (1962- ) Los ojitos de una mexicana (danza)
Julio E. Leyba Ne m'oubliez pas (cantata)
Jose Maria Emirto de Lima (1890-1972) ¿Para cuál de las tres? (danza)
Paul Quirino de Lima (1861-1926) ¿Por qué no? (danza)
A. Z. Lopez Penha Pourquoi vivre de souvenirs? (song)
Eleazer H. S. (Charles) Maduro (1883-1947) El ramo de milflores (waltz)
Julia Moreno Sombras queridas (danza)
Emilio Naar (1876-1945) Tú lo has querido (danza)
M. Candidus Nouwens (1865-1938) 24 July (cantata)
Albert Telesforo Palm (1903-1958) La violeta doble (danza)
Edgar Rudolf Roemer Palm (1905-1997) Boskaljon, C. A.
Jacobo Jose Maria Palm (“Shon Coco,” 1887- American garage (waltz)
Amicita (waltz)
Jan Gerard Palm (1831- 1906)
Amor (waltz)
Jean Bernard Antoine Palm (1885-1963)
Así eres tú (waltz)
Jeanette Gijsbertha (Betsy) Palm (1888-1940)
Clavel (danza)
John Antonio Palm (1885-1925)
Feliz 1916 (waltz)

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Gloria (march) Capriles

Gratitud (waltz) Una naranjera (waltz)
Julia (waltz) Notas sin letras (schottish)
Koningin Wilhelmina (march) Para las tres (waltz)
Lluvia de perlas (waltz) Pense (andante mosso)

Boskaljon, J. P. El rendez-vous (waltz)

Adiós a Sta. Cecilia (march) Conrad, J.

Escucha (waltz) A Maria (waltz)
Estrella solitaria (1912, waltz) Aire ardiente (danza)
Feliz 1934 (waltz) Alas de brisas (waltz)
Kioskmars (march) Azucena (waltz)
Notte somobia (waltz) Lo bello (1914, waltz)
Oficina marîtima (waltz) La bicicleta (waltz)
La negrita callejera (danza) Carolina (waltz)
Pepita rincon (waltz) La celosa (waltz)
Pla-pla-pla (polka) Cine Guillermina (waltz)
Purim alegre (waltz) La danza
Un recuerdo (danza) La dórada (polka)
28 de Marzo (waltz) Dulce scharloo (1915, waltz)
De veras (waltz) Escondite (waltz)
Welkom "Doegoedoegoe" (danza) Esqueleto (waltz)
White zombi (waltz) Flor tras flor (waltz)
Un wiri (danza) 4 de Enero de 1908 Bella Carlota (waltz)
Zepelin (waltz) Hércules (waltz)

Boskaljon, R. F. W. Ideal (danza)

Cantate "Welkom" Ideal (waltz)

Curaçao dance suite Ilusión (waltz)

Festival overture "Apollo" El improvisto (polka)

Symphonie Curaçao Irma (waltz)

Wals, May 19 (waltz) Josefina (waltz)

Juventud alegre (waltz)
Boskaljon-Ecker, G.
Una lágrima serenata (waltz)
Luz patras (polka)
Welkom op Curaçao
Margarita (danza)

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Mi idilio (waltz) Meditacion (for piano)

Noche alegre (waltz) Le meilleur moment des amours (song, for piano)
Nocturno (waltz) Nana (danza)
Notas sentimentales (waltz) Nelly (polka, for piano)
Nuestra reserva (waltz) El neverí (polka)
Nuestra reunión (waltz) Nocturne “esperanza” (for piano)
Los ojitos de Chaita (waltz) Ojos azules (waltz)
Pan angelical (waltz) El regreso (waltz)
Pensando (danza) Rêverie (cantabile)
Qué pretensión (waltz) Schets: “De saaibol” (for piano)
Qué disco (waltz) Second mazurka nocturne (mazurka, for piano)
Recuerdo de Aruba (waltz) Simpátia (waltz, for piano)
Rafael (waltz) La sonrisa [prima] (polka)
La rosa (waltz) La sonrisa [seconda] (polka)
Siempre alegre (polka) Un sueño (1891, waltz, for piano)
La simpática (waltz) Tic-tac (polka)
10 de Junio (waltz) El Venezolano (waltz)
Tragedia de una rioche (waltz) Wals no. 5 (waltz, for piano)
Willem Albertus (waltz) Wals no. 6 (waltz, for piano)

Corsen, J. S. Wals no. 11 (waltz)

El aguinaldo (danza-merengue) Wals no. 12 (waltz)

Amicitia (serenade) Corsen, R.

Amorosa (danza, for piano) Capricho simpátia (for Gergiev Festival 2011)
Denny (danza) Evi de Jean 'Aarde'
Un deseo (1886, waltz, for piano) Katibu di shon (2013, first opera sung in
1888 (waltz) Papiamento, libretto by Carel de Haseth)

1893 (waltz) Mazurka moderno (2012, for the

La elegante (mazurka)
Tumbabo (2004)
Fantasie cantabile “Rêverie Opus 31” (for
piano) Zulaika, kobra ta duru (2003)

Fantasie op “Othelo” (for piano) Dap

El lisonjero (waltz) Amor sin dolor (waltz)
La mariposa (danza, for piano) Amor skondí (waltz)
Mazurka B'a subi (tumba)

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Bai goal (tumba) Amor di nos dos

Barika hel (waltz) Aruba Ariba
Bashé (tumba) Ban canta juntu (march)
Basilon Boneiru [Bonaire] (1952)
Bendicion y felicidad (charanga) Contestación
Un biaha mas (tumba) Contestación a Gina
Brug di ponton Contestación a mala mujer
Buya barata (tumba) Dusji Corsouw
Chaparita Himno y Bandera
Dal e cos (tumba) Homenaje na Juancho Yrausquin
Despensa, e ta bini (tumba) Homenaje na Julio Abraham
E Djaka (tumba) Kaminda di Westpunt
Fiesta (merengue) Kloknan di Pasku
Huma (tumba) Kloknan di misa
Los laga bai (tumba) Kòrsou, mi dushi Kòrsou
Mandé (tumba) Kurason di mama
Mi ta den (tumba) Libertad
Mi t'ei (tumba) Medalion di santa Clara
Nervioso (tumba) Pasku di nancementu
No llores mas (bolero) Uni
Pachanga del año Himno di bandera
Un pan pa mi ruman (tumba) Hermans
Si bo'n ke bo laga (tumba) Dudi
Sigui awor (tumba) Pavane para guiomar
Ta bo morto bo ke (tumba)
de Jongh, C. R.
Ta mi mes (tumba)
Feliz año nuevo (waltz)
Tur bende compañé (tumba)
Sin pretension (danza)
Waya (tumba)
Atjeh (danza)
Koningin Emma (march)
Atjeh (march)
Haile Una flor (polka)
Adiós mi amor La ilusión (waltz)
Adónde vamos Un recuerdo (danza)

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El 30 del Agosto (waltz) Dos palomas y un nido (c. 1904, danza)

Saint Colomban (waltz) Dulce pequeña mía (song)

de Lima, J. M. E. La dulzura de tu voz

Alba lila (pasillo) Ella quiere joyas (pasillo)

Alas de cefiro (pasillo) Encantadora (waltz)

Alma de artista (danza) Ensoñación (pasillo)

El angel guardian (danza) Ensueño (waltz)

Anhelos (waltz) Epifania (pasillo)

Antifoon aan Sta. Cecilia Esta vieja herida (song)

Atardecer (song) Estampa del mar (waltz)

Ave de paso (song) Etudes in d-min

Ave gris (song) Etudes in G

Ave Maria Extasis (pasillo)

La bandera Colombiana Una flor (song)

La batalla de Boyacá (march) Gavotte “Elogio”

Beatriz (danza) Gavotte “Las hij as de Turin”

Brumas (pasillo) Gloria (waltz)

La cabaña Gracia rubia (pasillo)

Capricho Colombiano (waltz) Gratia plena (song)

Cantares (song) Himne van de Amerikaanse studenten

Cantinela castaña (danza) Himno a sucre

A una caraqueña (song) Himno al niño

Carmen El himno del arbol

Cofre de raso (pasillo) Himno Bolivariano

Cómo miran las rubias (danza) Idilio (pasillo)

Con la tarde de oro (pasillo) Impromptu in f-min

Concert études Intermezzo y rondo

Concierto voor piano in 9 nummers Jardin fragante (pasillo)

Confiame tus secretos (song) Josefina (danza)

Confidencias (waltz) Juegos de amor (pasillo)

Contemplación (pasillo) Kwartet in d-mineur

Corazón (song) Laura (danza)

Cuento del mar (pasillo) Llámame

Delectación (pasillo) Narcisos negros (waltz)

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Ojos traviesos (waltz) Peda nacarada (pasillo)

Olga (danza) Pedacito de cielo
Pálida rubia (waltz) Perfil romántico (pasillo)
Pensativa (pasillo) La perseverancia [Loge Igualdad?] (march)
Poesta (pasillo) Piedra del camino (song)
Premiero nocturno (danza) Poema
Leyenda apasionada (pasillo) Poema indio (song)
Lirio Hondureño (song) El poeta de rosal (song)
Love's ballad Por esa (song)
Marino Primavera (song)
Mariposa (song) Psiquis (song)
Los médanos de Coro (song) Púrpura (song)
Meditación Qué tarde tropical (waltz)
Menuet in A-mol Quiero (song)
Mórbida pena (pasillo) Ráfagas
Morena (song) Rayitos de sol (mazurka)
A una morena (waltz) Retorno (song)
La muerte del sol (song) Rêverie (danza)
La mujer nueva in 9 delen: Rizos hondos (danza)
1) la mujer chofera Romanza (song)
2) la amatriz
3) la tenista A una rubia (song)
4) la atleta El ruiseñor canta (song)
5) lajugadora de bridge Scherzo no. 1
6) la "Yachtwoman"
7) la billarista Senda florida (pasillo)
8) la dactilógrafa Serenata en a-may
9) la doctora
Serenidad (pasillo)
A una nuca afeitada (pasillo)
La siesta de las nayades (pasillo)
Ocasos (song)
"Sonatina" ballet
Sonrisa niña (pasillo)
Ojos negros
Sortilegio (pasillo)
Las olas náufragas (song)
Suefio de adiós (pasillo)
Operette “El club de los solteros”
El sueño de la virgen (danza)
Páginas rotas (song)
Sueño platero (song)
Palabras de la amada (song)
Para tu arribo (song)

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Suite van 5 delen voor viooltrio cello en piano Lopez Penha

1) Estampas Causerie (danza)
2) Elogio
3) Marieta Rimenbranze (waltz)
4) Capricho Colombiano
5) Nuit
Amada mîa
A ti (song)
At evening
To one I love (song)
Un bouquet (waltz)
Tropical (march)
Tuberosas (song)
Curaçao (waltz)
Tus ojos (song)
La Colombiana
Unica (song)
Valse brillante no. 1 (waltz)
Valse brillante no. 2 (waltz)
Flor del camino
Valse caprice (waltz)
Gavotte "Filigraine"
Valse capricho (waltz)
La gitana
Valse nostálgico (waltz)
Vampiresa rubia (song)
Hojas muertas
Velo de hada (pasillo)
I dream of you
Vespertina (song)
Little flower
Loin de mon pays
La voz del agua (song)
Melodîa criolla
de Lima, P. Q. Menuet
La bella Africana (1918, danza) No me olvides (waltz)
Don Juan (waltz) Oh señorita
Envidia (mazurka) On the lake
First of November (waltz) Pasillo (waltz)
Henriquez Carvijal (danza) Quien podrá
Landvoogd (march)
Rêverie Viennoise
Monterey (march) Rhapsodie espagnole
¿Por que sufrir? (1916, waltz) Ricordi
Se fiel (waltz) Scherzo espagnole
Sea feliz (danza) Sad princess
Theodorique (piano duet) Sevillana
Souvenir d'un rêve (waltz)

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Un sueño Los dos Sagitarios [Poppy & George] (waltz)

13 de septiembre (waltz) Enjoyment society (march)
Trianon A fanciful girl (foxtrot)
Welcome home (march) Feliz año 1930 (waltz)
Wilhelmina (march) Flor juvenil (march)
Ya no me importa Griselda (waltz)
Moreno High life (march)
Emma Maria (waltz) Himno Antillano
Naar Himno di Curaçao
Botica Central (waltz) Ina (waltz)
Las dos hermanitas (danza) Independiente (march)
Las dos inseparables (waltz) Jane [21-1-1933] (waltz)
Isabel (waltz) Jong Holland (march)
Mis ojos (waltz) King of jazz (waltz)
Olga Antonieta (waltz) Kiss me
Primero de Enero de 1900 (waltz) Mayerling (waltz)
Los seis (waltz) Mies (danza)
Somos amigos (waltz) Miss (danza)
Namias de Crasto, B. Nils (merengue)
Suspiros 19 de Septiembre (waltz)
Nouwens Nos a triunfá (guaracha)
Himno di Kòrsou (anthem of Curacao, Otrabanda (waltz)
adopted 1978) Las palmas (waltz)
Palm, Albert T. Para que amar? (waltz)
Al pronto regreso (waltz) Paranda di tida (waltz)
Anna (waltz) Recreation park (waltz)
Aura (waltz) Riselle (waltz)
La belle Hélène [1955] (waltz) Sally (waltz)
Brother John (waltz) Selma (waltz)
Compai weis (waltz) Shon Anna (waltz)
Corrido "Dicha" Social club (march)
Despedida y pronto regreso (waltz) Social club “Villa Rosa” (march)
Don Enrique (calypso) Thelma (waltz)
Don Pepe [Albert & Edgar Palm] (waltz) Tot ons genoegen (march)
Don Q (calypso)
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27 de Octubre (waltz) Palm, J. G.

Twila (mazurka) Acacia (fantasy)
Unitas (march) Adios (waltz)
Vaderdag (waltz) Adon gnolam (fantasy)
van Engelen (march) Afscheid (march)
Villa Maria (march) Alexander (waltz)
Viva la democracia (calypso) Amor (danza)

Palm, E. Amor oculto (waltz)

La bella Trix (1955) L'amourette (mazurka)

Buchi fil (ballet criollos) Anna (danza)

Cumpleaños (ballet criollos) Anna (waltz)

Dulcinea (ballet criollos) Ana Catharine (waltz)

Padu (waltz) Awaseru (tumba)

Turista the punda (ballet criollos) Baron v. Heerdt (march)

La bella Arubiana (waltz)
Palm, J. A.
Bello recuerdo (waltz)
La belleza
Besjimanto (danza)
Club X
Bethencourt (march)
Betsy (waltz)
Gozar sufriendo
Betsy (mazurka)
Ma pensée
Bibiana (waltz)
Cantique fúnebre (fantasy)
2 de Abrii
La casa blanca (waltz)
La véloce
Casino (mazurka)
Palm, J. B. A. Catrien (waltz)
Un amargo despertar (waltz) Chaîne d'union (fantasy)
El desengaño (mazurka) Coco (danza)
El 33 (waltz) Les cocotiers (waltz)
Incurable (waltz) Curaçao (1863, march, for piano & violin)
Maria (waltz) Dalia a bai (tumba)
Sorpresa inesperada (danza) La dalia blanca (waltz)
Tera di solo y suave biento [Land of the sun Dedication
and soft breeze] (anthem of Bonaire, lyrics
by Hubert Obdulio “Lio” Booi) Del paraiso (waltz)

Vano emperio (danza) Den steef (tumba)

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Las delicias (danza) Inda, mi tei (mazurka)

La despedida de Eliza (waltz) lsolina (waltz)
Djuku (danza) Jan Schorrenber (tumba)
El Dominicano (waltz) Jane (danza)
Don Quijote (danza) Jane (waltz)
Dubbel effect (polka) Josephina (waltz)
Eduardo (polka) Jubileum Mars (1890, march)
El 18 de febrero (waltz) Kai orgel (polka)
Eil Nora alilah Kerk marsch, in A major (march)
Elisabeth (waltz) Kerk marsch, in C major (march)
Eliza (mazurka) Kerk marsch, in G major (march)
Emilio (danza) Kleine Fritz (waltz)
Engelenzang (canto de los angeles) (waltz) Kleine Jan (danza)
La enriqueta (polka) Kleine Jan (polka)
Erani ta malu shon (danza) Kleine mars (march)
La estrella (waltz) La “Lé” (waltz)
Existe todavia (danza) Let me pass (danza)
Fantasia en fa mayor (for piano & violin) Llorar no sirve (danza)
Fantasia en la mayor (for piano & violin) Luther (fantasy)
Fantasie Zaira la gitana (for piano & violin) Mahuma (tumba)
Federico (waltz) Mantji (waltz)
Le fee (danza) Marcha union (march, for piano & violin)
Feestgezang (fantasy) Marie (tumba)
Ferguson's marsch (march) Mars des élèves (march)
14 de mayo (polka) Mi jugete (polka)
Los frenéticos (polka) Mi pikete (galop)
Generaal Joubert (march) Mijn laatste gezang (fantasy)
Hallelujah Mis ojitos (waltz)
Hariu Mis quejas (waltz)
Hasta luego (danza) Mita (waltz)
Hendrik's marsch (march) Monkey (polka)
Herman (waltz) Monte Carmelo (tumba)
Huwelijk's marsch (march) My evening song (fantasy)
Hymne aan God (fantasy) Nationale mars (march)

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Nero (tumba) El sueno (waltz)

No se querer (danza) Un sueño (waltz)
Non sirbere (danza) Un sueño en la menor (1870, waltz)
El Norah (fantasy) Un sueño en re menor (waltz)
Onze landvoogd (march) La surprise (danza)
Op de brug (1888, waltz) Sweet home (waltz)
Organo solemne (fantasy) Ta bo mes ke (tumba)
El otrobandista (danza) Tapa cayon (tumba)
La paciencia (waltz) Tempel march
Paranda (waltz) The Temple Adon Olam
Pensando 3 de enero (mazurka) Tende mi gitara (waltz)
Polka militar Three fantasies (fantasy)
Por que sufres? (waltz) Tombeau (fantasy)
Primero de diciembre (waltz) Tranquilidad (waltz)
Que 28 dias! (waltz) Treurmarsch (march)
Que apuro (danza) La triguea (danza)
Que beuno! (mazurka) El triste presente (waltz)
Que dulce eres tu! (waltz) Tulipan negro (danza)
Que dulce soy yo (danza) Un tumba mas
Ranka mina (tumba) Tumba pa bo
Recuerdo (danza) El tyeso (tumba)
Reiní a puntra pa casa (tumba) Victoria (tumba)
De reorganisatie (march) El viejo (waltz)
Rouwloge (fantasy) El viejo moyo (waltz)
Sabrosa (mazurka) Villa Orangine (waltz)
Un sanguera mas (march) Vondeling (waltz)
Sannicolas (waltz) Voorwaarts (march)
Santa Clara (mazurka) Los voluntarios (waltz)
Serenata el Eden (fantasy, for piano & violin) Wilhelmina (waltz)
Serenade 2 (for piano & violin) Willern (march)
Sji Marietje (tumba) Zaira (fantasy)
Siempre o nunca (polka-mazurka)
Smakoor (polka)
La sorpresa (waltz)

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Palm, Jacobo J. M La ilusión (danza)

A Bertica (waltz) Inocencia (waltz)
A su memoria (danza) Isaac de Windt (waltz)
Adiós querida (waltz) La jeunesse (waltz)
Alegría (waltz) Kwiek (march)
Atardi (song) Lagámi na mi lugá (tumba)
Ave de paso (danza) Lieja (waltz)
Azucenas (waltz) Lindos pasos (mazurka)
Belinda Mi consuelo (waltz)
Bella boca (polka) Mis anhelos (waltz)
Biba pomerón (waltz) Mis delicias (danza)
Bill brau beer (Two step) Mis felicitaciones (waltz)
Bo ke baila un polka awor (polka) Mis palabras (waltz)
Bo'n por toké [Recordándote] (waltz) Mis parabienes (waltz)
Brion (march) Morning greetings (mazurka)
Cantica di tambú (tumba) Notas complacientes (waltz)
Clavel y nardo (waltz) La onza (waltz)
Club de gezelligheid (march) Perdonar y olvidar (waltz)
Cometa (waltz) Primero de Octubre (waltz)
La coqueta (polka) Qué brío (mazurka)
Corazón en la mano (waltz) Qué caballero (polka)
El cuatrista alegre (waltz) Qué linda (mazurka)
The cupwinner (march) Qué me importa (danza)
Doce de Mayo (waltz) Las quejas de un mártir (waltz)
Ecos del alma (pasillo) Recordándote (waltz)
Ecos del baile (waltz) Un recuerdo (1930, waltz)
Elisa (danza) Recuerdos (mazurka)
EIsa Maria (waltz) El regreso de jolley (tango)
La encantadora (danza) Rufo (danza)
Feliz encuentro (waltz) Salud y gloria (waltz)
Feliz viaje (waltz) La simpática (waltz)
Gaita (gaita) La sinceridad (waltz)
Gentileza (mazurka) Sint Nicolaas is jarig (waltz)
Ibertica (waltz) Sparta (march)

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A su memoria (danza) Canto riba Corsouw 2 (song, lyrics by W. Kroon)

Tango (tango) Canto riba Corsouw 3 (song, lyrics by W. Kroon)
10 de octubre (waltz) Cariño (waltz)
Tierna sonrisa (waltz) Champion (danza)
La tristeza de la soledad (waltz) Chicos y chicas (waltz)
Tu nombre (waltz) Chinchó grandi (waltz)
12 de mayo (waltz) Clara Margarita (waltz)
Victoria (waltz) Club alianza (1928, waltz)
Palm, Robert Cojo es (waltz)
Pocho pocho (waltz, for guitar) Coma lo quieres (danza)
Wals Estela (waltz, for guitar) Como tu lo quieres (waltz, for piano)
Palm, R. Th. La coronación (1898, waltz)
Adiós a Curazao (waltz, for piano) Cuba libre (waltz)
Aida (waltz, for piano) Cumpleaño (song, lyrics by E. Davelaar)
Always happy (tumba) Danki di mundu (waltz)
A.M.S. (march) Deborah (1945, waltz)
Amada madre (waltz) Democraat (march)
Ana Josefa (waltz) Den steef (tumba)
Anitra’s waltz (piano trio) Los dispuestos (waltz)
Anne Marie (1948) Los dos amigos (1912, waltz, for piano)
Aurora (waltz) Dum-dum-dum (tumba)
Azijn banana (song) D.V.S. (1919, waltz)
Balthazar (tumba) Edna (waltz, for piano)
La bella Arubanita 11 de Diciembre (1919, waltz)
Blanca (waltz) Elka (1948, waltz, for piano)
La blanca margarita (waltz) Elly (waltz)
Bodas de plata (1912) EIsa (waltz)
El brillo de una estrella (waltz) Elsie (1950, waltz, for piano)
Calina y Paulina (danza, for piano) Elvira (waltz)
Canto di bienvenida (1944, song) Emma (waltz)
Canto di laman (song, lyrics by P. P. Entre nous (1900, danza)
Offermans) Era imposible (waltz)
Canto di pueblo (song, lyrics by W. Kroon) Esta bunita amor (waltz)
Canto riba Corsouw 1 (song, lyrics by W. La fama

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Felicitaciones (waltz) Luna cla (song, lyrics by E. Davelaar)

Feliz viaje Maria Catarina (mazurka)
50 aña (1948, song, lyrics by P. P. Offermans, Mi Curaçao (waltz)
1948) Mi deseo (waltz)
Una flor de Aruba (1943, waltz) Mi westpunt stimá (song, lyrics by A. Leito)
Florita (waltz) Mila (1948, walltz)
Fumad la corona (waltz) Miss Heidenreich (march)
Gabrielita (waltz) Monte carindo (tumba)
Genio alegre (waltz) Mosaico de tumbas 1
Gertrudis (waltz) Mosaico de tumbas 2
Gloria (waltz) Myrna (1946, waltz, for piano)
Gratas memorias (waltz) 9 de Noviembre (waltz)
Groot St. Joris Noche buena (1900, danza, for piano)
Los hermanos Hellburg (waltz, for piano) Nos ora infantil (song, lyrics by A. Martinez)
Himno brión (march) Nos papiamento (song, lyrics by W.M. Hoyer)
Himno Corsow (march) Olga Antonieta (waltz, for piano)
Himno de los confirmantes (1916, march) Ozama (1935, song)
Himno nupcial (1914, march) Palais royal (waltz)
Himno riba Corsouw (song, lyrics by W. Un pami, un pabo, en pe. John (tumba)
Pata di heru (tumba)
Hojas de oro (waltz)
Paseo de Zaquitó (waltz, for piano)
Hojas de oro (1923, waltz)
Phyllis (waltz)
Homenaje (song)
Hotel Suiza
Ponche imperial (waltz)
Imelda (waltz)
Poppy (waltz)
La inspiración [Burengerucht] (1901, waltz,
for piano) Porque (danza)
Irma President Gaerste (march)
Ivy (1948, waltz) Progreso (danza)
Jona (1917) Quejas de amor (waltz)
Lágrimas mías Rafaela (waltz, for piano)
Lamta bam, bon trempan (song, lyrics by P. Rina (1944, waltz, for piano)
Poiesz) Rose Marie (1948, waltz)
Ligia (waltz) Salón brion (waltz)
Lorito real (waltz) Seis' or (tumba)

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La simpática (mazurka) Rojer

Solemne As you like it (danza, for piano)
Sonia (1949, waltz) Awas (danza, for piano)
Sorosis (waltz) Balans (danza, for piano)
10 de abril (1943, waltz, for piano) Barbulètè (waltz, for two pianos)
Triste pensamiento (danza for two pianos) Clair-obscur (waltz, for two pianos)
La trompeta (polka) Cri de cœur (waltz)
Tumba nobo (tumba) Dalakochi (waltz, for two pianos)
Variety shop (1929, waltz) Dushi tempu (waltz, for two pianos)
Violet (waltz) Images (danza, for piano)
Vivian (waltz) Kabayero (waltz, for two pianos)
Voz di pueblo (waltz) Kaleidoscoop (danza, for piano)
Welkomstgroet (march) Kèlki hel (waltz, for two pianos)
Winy (danzón, for piano) Mar y cielo (for piano)
Wurlitzer piano (polka) Mi amigu laman (waltz, for two pianos)
Yona (waltz) Paso real (waltz, for piano)
Zaquitó (waltz) Reflekshon (waltz, for two pianos)
Zilveren bruiloft (waltz) Riba alanan di kanto (waltz, for two pianos)
Zwarte Piet (march) Shete di November (waltz, for two pianos)

Plaate Something else [Algu otro] (danza, for piano)

Amor (waltz) Tal para cual (danza, for piano)

Atardi Korsou ta bunita Valse lento (for piano)

Mainta tempran Statius Muller

Trupial Andrea (waltz)

de Pool, C. V. Una anochi na scharloo, op. 4, no. 8 (danza, for

Un lección à tiempo (waltz)
Avila Beach, op. 4, no. 2 (waltz, for piano)
de Pool, J. La belle aliance (waltz)
Feliz ao (waltz) Bo tei?, op. 4, no. 1 (tumba, for piano)
Impromptu Bon playa, op. 4, no. 20 (tumba)
Lo stesso (polka) Bulado, op. 4, no. 19 (waltz)
Prudencia Calypso el Curaçao, op. 2, no. 4
Dedicación Calypso na caya, op. 2, no. 11 (for piano)
Christa, op. 4, no. 7 (waltz)

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Chuchubi, op. 4, no. 5 (a la rumba, for piano) Soirée na Awasa, op. 4, no. 17 (tumba)
Consolation, op. 2, no. 10 (for piano) Souvenir di Curaçao, op. 3:
Corsouw (film score) Bailarina mística, waltz no. 6
Una cita engañosa, waltz no. 4
Cumpleanos, op. 4, no. 21 (waltz) Conciencia remordada, waltz no. 5
El Curaçao, op. 2, no. 4 (calypso, for piano) Jovencita enamorada, waltz no. 1
Margarita, waltz no. 3
Danza in C minor, op. 2, no. 21 (for piano)
Solterona, waltz no. 2
Danza in C-sharp minor (for piano)
Suite pikina (2006, waltz, mazurka & tumba, for
Despedida, op. 4, no. 25 (waltz, for piano) piano)
Escondida, op. 4, no. 12 (waltz, for piano) Te aworo (film score)
Elegancia, op. 4, no. 3 (mazurka, for piano) Tokeki, op. 4, no. 9 (waltz, for piano)
Elegia, op. 4, no. 10 (waltz) Tristezza, op. 2, no. 13 (for piano)
Elsita (waltz) Tumba calypso in E, op. 2, no. 17 (for piano)
George, op. 4, no. 15 (waltz) Tumba calypso in F, op. 2, no. 14
Kalin, op. 2, no. 19 (for piano) Tumba cortico, op. 2, no. 8 (for piano)
Kura di schon Zjako (waltz) Tumba di Johan, op. 2, no. 1 (for piano)
Kwalke dia, op. 4, no. 14 (waltz, for piano) Tumba kalien, op. 2, no. 19 (for piano)
Luna i sol, op. 2, no. 15 (for piano) Tumba nobo, op. 2, no. 9
El maestro, op. 4, no. 16 (waltz) Tumba ostinato, op. 2, no. 9 (for piano)
Mazurka, op. 2, no. 16 (for piano) Tumba pret, op. 2, no. 23 (for piano)
Montmartre, op, 4, no. 6 (waltz, for piano) Ultimo tumba, op. 2, no. 24 (for piano)
Na kaya, op. 2, no. 11 (calypso, for piano) Valse brillante, op. 2, no. 5 (waltz, for piano)
No mishi, op. 4, no. 11 (danza) Wals piet maal, op. 2, no. 13 (for piano)
Nostalgia, op. 2, no. 22 (waltz, for piano) Wals te aoro, op. 2, no. 18 (waltz, for piano)
Nydia (waltz, for piano) Wals 26 Juli, op. 2, no. 20 (waltz, for piano)
Piet maal, op. 2, no. 13 (waltz, for piano) E yobida di ayera, op. 5, no. 4 (waltz, for piano)
Plan mulina, op. 4, no. 13 (tumba) Zazinka, op. 4, no. 22 (tumba, for piano)
Polka, op. 2, no. 12 (for piano)
Ulder, C. A
De prisa, op. 4, no. 23 (waltz)
La aldeana (danza)
Que Linda la muchacha, op. 4, no. 24 (tumba)
Amistad (danza)
Un recuerdo sentimental, op. 2, no. 7(for
El aniversário (danza)
Bachaco (danza)
René (waltz)
Revueltas, op. 4, no. 18 (waltz) Buiten polka
Canción "Las dos Marias" (mazurka)
San Sebastian, op. 4, no. 4 (waltz)
Carmen (waltz)
Shon coco, op. 2, no. 2 (for piano)
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Emilia Benic (waltz) Corsen

La harmonie (mazurka) Corsen plays Corsen [CD]. (2006). Randal Corsen,
Harmonie waltz piano. Utrecht, Netherlands: Fineline Classical.
Catalogue no. FL 72408 (one disc, 69 min.)
La ilusión (danza) Track 1. Simpatia, waltz for piano (2:03)
Ma volonté (danza) Track 2. Un deseo, waltz for piano (2:14)
Track 3. Amorosa, danza for piano (2:23)
March van eps
Track 4. Second mazurka nocturne, for piano
Marcial (polka) (5:46)
Mis voor koor en orgel (mazurka) Track 5. Wals no. 6, for piano (2:17)
Track 6. Nelly, polka for piano (1:37)
Persévérance (march)
Track 7. Meditación, for piano (5:22)
Polka militaire "14 July, 1892" Track 8. Wals no. 5, for piano (3:04)
El ritmo (mazurka) Track 9. La mariposa, danza for piano (4:01)
Track 10. Un sueño, waltz for piano (3:05)
Schottisch club (march)
Track 11. Amicitia (serenade) (2:38)
Serenata (mazurka) Track 12. Mazurka (2:45)
Si tú supieras (waltz) Track 13. Waltz no. 11 (3:03)
Track 14. Nocturne (6:00)
La simpleza (mazurka) Track 15. El lisonjero (waltz) (1:33)
Stijf (danza) Track 16. Denny (dance) (3:56)
Tempoe ta delega (polka) Track 17. Tic-tac (polka) (1:22)
Track 18. Waltz no. 12 (4:01)
El tulipán (mazurka) Track 19. Reverie (3:02)
Twee kerkelijke stukken (mazurka) Track 20. El venezolano (waltz) (1:41)
Track 21. La elegante (mazurka) (1:55)
RECORDINGS Track 22. 1893 (waltz) (2:04)
Conrad Track 23. 1888 (waltz) (3:13)
Dulce scharloo [CD]. (1990). Edgar Palm, Hermans
piano; Charles Sweers, violin. Netherlands A bag of music [CD]. (2011). Henk van Twillert,
Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro Muziekstichting. saxophone; Tjako van Schie, piano. Amsterdam,
(one disc, 34 min.). The Netherlands: Sax Unlimited. (3 CDs)
Track 1. Dulce scharloo (1:57) Disc 3, Track 4. Dudi
Track 2. Notas sentimentales (2:35) Disc 3, Track 14. Pavane para Guiomar
Track 3. La danza (4:22)
Palm, Albert T.
Track 4. A Maria (2:24)
Track 5. Nuestra reserva (2:19) Lampe, P. [CD]. (2005). Piesanan di ayera. (71
Track 6. Aire ardiente (2:26) min.)
Track 7. Pan angelical (3:32) Track 2. Aura (2:49)
Track 8. Willem Albertus (3:08) Palm, J. G.
Track 9. Ideal (2:29)
Track 10. Lo bello (2:11) Antillean songs [CD]. (1990). Tica Giel, voice.
Track 11. Flor tras flor (2:11) Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro
Track 12. Pensando (5:18) Muziekstichting. OCLC 36934796. (one disc, 53
Track 10. Awaceru (1:30)

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A bag of music [CD]. (2011). Henk van Track 3. Mi pikete (2:43)

Twillert, saxophone; Tjako van Schie, piano. Track 4. Rouw loge (1:12)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Sax Track 5. Generaal Joubert (1:32)
Unlimited. (3 CDs) Track 6. Santa Clara (2:17)
Disc 2, Track 2: Un sueño en re menor Track 7. Curaçao (3:18)
Jan Gerard Palm: 19th century music from Track 8. Engelenzang (2:03)
Curacao. [CD]. Robert Rojer, piano. Track 9. Cantique funèbre (0:56)
Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro Track 10. Treurmars brion (1:22)
Muziekstichting. Catalogue no. MCD 15. Track 11. Fantasía en fa mayor (5:32)
Track 1. El viejo moyo Track 12. Hendrik’s marsch (4:23)
Track 2. Anna Track 13. Fantasía en la mayor (2:20)
Track 3. El triste presente Track 14. Awaseru (1:46)
Track 4. Jan Schorrenber en Marie Track 15. Erani ta malu (1:56)
Track 5. Inda mi tei Track 16. Que bueno! (3:01)
Track 6. El 18 de febrero
Palm, Jacobo J.M.
Track 7. Beshimantó
Track 8. El 14 de mayo Antillean songs [CD]. (1990). Tica Giel, voice.
Track 9. Engelenzang Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro
Track 10. Djuku Muziekstichting. OCLC 36934796. (one disc, 53
Track 11. Pensando el 3 de enero min.)
Track 12. Catrien Track 8. Paharito y su amiguita (2:05)
Track 13. Emilio Track 19. Anochi ta di gala (1:04)
Track 14. Kleine Frits Track 20. Mariposa (1:57)
Track 15. Eduardo Track 22. Nino Hesus (1:49)
Track 16. La casa blanca Track 24. Atardi (2:47)
Track 17. Shi marichi
Track 18. La despedida de Eliza Lampe, P. [CD]. (2005). Piesanan di ayera. (71
Track 19. Qué bueno! min.)
Track 20. Paranda Track 23. Un rekuerdo (2:18)
Track 21. La trigueña
Palm, J. (2012). Jacobo Palm: Original recordings
Track 22. Casino
from the fifties [CD]. [The Netherlands: Palm
Track 23.Mis ojitos
Music Foundation].
Track 24. Ka’i orgel
Track 1. Tu nombre
Track 25. Un sueño, en la menor
Track 2. The cupwinner
Track 26. Erani ta malu
Track 3. Primero de Octubre
Track 27. La paciencia
Track 4. Ave de paso
Track 28. Kleine Jan
Track 5. Adiós querida
Track 29. Betsy
Track 6. Que Linda
Track 30. Mi pikete
Track 7. Lieja
A souvenir from 19th c. Curacao: The Johan Track 8. Tierna sonrisa
Willem Friso Royal Military Band plays Jan Track 9. Gentileza
Gerard Palm (1831-1906) [CD]. (c2009). Track 10. Que me importa
The Netherlands: Palm Music Foundation. Track 11. La tristeza de la soledad
Track 1. Mita (1:52) Track 12. Corazón en la mano
Track 2. Marcha unión (2:55) Track 13. Elsa Maria

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Track 14. Feliz encuentro Rojer

Track 15. Recuerdos Martina, H., & Rojer, R. (1988). Curacao waltzes
Track 16. Feliz viaje for two pianos. Brussels, Belgium: Rene Gailly
Track 17. Rufo International Productions. Catalogue no. 87107. (1
disc, 50 min.)
Palm, Rudolf Th.
Track 1. Kabayero (3:31)
Antillean songs [CD]. (1990). Tica Giel, Track 2. Barbulètè (4:10)
voice. Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro Track 3. Reflekshon (4:06)
Muziekstichting. OCLC 36934796. (one Track 4. Kèlki hel (3:41)
disc, 53 min.) Track 5. Clair-obscur (3:24)
Track 13. Luna cla (2:26) Track 6. Dushi tempu (4:19)
Rudolf Th. Palm, 1880-1950 [CD]. (c2011). Track 7. Paso real (5:31)
Robert Rojer, piano. Netherlands Antilles: Track 8. Riba Alanan di Kanto (3:28)
S.E.L. Maduro Muziekstichting. Track 9. Cri de cœur (4:35)
Track 1. Winy (5:03) Track 10. Dalakotchi (4:42)
Track 2. 10 de abril (5:06) Track 11. Mi amigu Laman (3:34)
Track 3. Aida (4:13) Track 12. Shete di novèmber (4:21)
Track 4. Calina y Paulina (2:37) Statius Muller
Track 5. Como tú lo quieres (3:03)
Track 6. Edna (3:48) Antillean dances [CD]. (2012). Belgium:
Track 7. Elka (3:20) Qualunque. Catalogue no. 5411499 09032. (two
Track 8. Elsie (3:52) discs, 163 min.)
Track 9. La inspiración [Burengeruch] Disc 1:
(2:04) Track 1: Bo tei? (1:34)
Track 10. Los dos amigos (3:05) Track 2: Avila Beach (2:19)
Track 11. Los hermanos Hellburg (3:45) Track 3: Elegancia (2:09)
Track 12. Myrna (2:00) Track 4: San Sebastian (2:32)
Track 13. Noche buena (3:21) Track 5: Chuchubi (1:48)
Track 14. Olga Antonieta (3:15) Track 6: Montmartre (2:32)
Track 15. Paseo de Zaquitó (1:53) Track 7: Christa (2:56)
Track 16. Rafaela (2:35) Track 8: Una anochi na Scharloo (3:10)
Track 17. Rina (1:57) Track 9: Tokèki (2:03)
Track 18. Adiós a Curazao (2:45) Track 10: Elegia (2:23)
Track 11: No mishi (2:43)
Plaate Track 12: Escondida (2:34)
Antillean songs [CD]. (1990). Tica Giel, Track 13: Plan mulina (1:47)
voice. Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro Track 14: Kwalke dia (2:39)
Muziekstichting. OCLC 36934796. (one Track 15: George (3:42)
disc, 53 min.) Track 16: El maestro (2:22)
Track 2. Trupial (2:26) Track 17: Soirée na awasa (2:12)
Track 4. Mainta tempran (2:16) Track 18: Revueltas (2:38)
Track 21. Atardi korsou ta bunita (3:03) Track 19: Bulado (2:22)
Track 20: Bon playa (1:29)
Track 21: Cumpleanos (2:18)
Track 22: Zakina (2:18)
Track 23: De prisa (2:34)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 19, no. 2 (2013)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Curaçao. 40

Track 24: Que Linda la muchacha (1:30) Track 9. Toteki (2:03)

Track 25: Despedida (3:23) Track 10. Elegia (2:24)
Track 11. No mishi (2:44)
Disc 2: Track 12. Escondida (2:34)
Track 1: Tumba di Johan (2:02) Track 13. Plan Mulina (1:47)
Track 2: Shon Coco (1:46) Track 14. Kwalke dia (2:39)
Track 3: Tristezza (1:58) Track 15. George (3:43)
Track4: Calypso el Curaçao (2:02) Track 16. El maestro (2:23)
Track 5: Valse brillante (2:24) Track 17. Soirée na Awasa (2:13)
Track 6: Danza in C-sharp minor (2:14) Track 18. Revueltas (2:40)
Track 7: Un recuerdo sentimental (1:58) Track 19. Bulado (2:22)
Track 8: Tumba cortico (0:55) Track 20. Ban playa (1:30)
Track 9: Tumba nobo (1:03) Track 21. Cumpleaños (2:18)
Track 10: Consolation (2:10) Track 22. Zakinza (2:19)
Track 11: Calypso na caya (1:35) Track 23. De prisa (2:35)
Track 12: Polka (1:41) Track 24. Que linda la muchacha (1:31)
Track 13: Wals piet maal (1:54) Track 25. Despedida (3:26)
Track 14: Tumba calypso in F (1:21)
Antillean songs [CD]. (1990). Tica Giel, voice.
Track 15: Luna i sol (2:24)
Netherlands Antilles: S.E.L. Maduro
Track 16: Mazurka (1:44)
Muziekstichting. OCLC 36934796. (one disc, 53
Track 17: Tumba calypso in E (1:18)
Track 18: Wals te aoro (1:47)
Track 5. Encuentro (1:56)
Track 19: Tumba kalien (2:15)
Track 7. Te aworo (2:18)
Track 20: Wals 26 juli (2:18)
Track 9. Guera (0:43)
Track 21: Danza in C minor (1:38)
Track 12. Spiritu (1:53)
Track 22: Nostalgia (1:32)
Track 18. He patu (1:50)
Track 23: Tumba pret (0:56)
Track 24: Ultimo tumba (1:42) Antillean treasures [CD]. (2012). Wim Statius
Track 25: La belle aliance (1:55) Muller, piano. Belgium, Qualunque. (one disc)
Track 26: Elsita (2:54) Track 1. Suite pikiña, opus 7, waltz no. 1 (2:58)
Track 27: E yobida di ayera (2:32) Track 2. Suite pikiña, opus 7, mazurka no. 2 (2:17)
Track 28: Nydia (2:30) Track 3. Suite pikiña, opus 7, tumba no. 3 (2:05)
Track 29: René (2:16) Track 4. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Jovencita
Track 30: Andrea (2:03) enamorada, waltz no.1 (2:25)
Track 31: Kura di shon Zjako (2:58) Track 5. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Solterona,
Antillean dances, opus 4 [CD]. (1990). waltz no.2 (2:42)
Brussels, Belgium: Rene Gailly International Track 6. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Margarita,
Productions. (one disc, 60:35) waltz no.3 (2:43)
Track 1. Bo tei? (1:35) Track 7. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Una cita
Track 2. Avila Beach (2:21) engañosa, waltz no.4 (2:23)
Track 3. Elegancia (2:11) Track 8. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Conciencia
Track 4. San Sebastian (2:32) remordada, waltz no.5 (2:08)
Track 5. Chuchubi (1:48) Track 9. Souvenir di Curaçao, opus 3: Bailarina
Track 6. Montmartre (2:33) mística, waltz no.6 (2:40)
Track 7. Christa (2:56) Track 10. Three waltzes, opus 8: Leo, waltz no. 1
Track 8. Un anochi na Scharloo (3:11) (2:22)

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C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Curaçao. 41

Track 11. Three waltzes, opus 8: Nic, waltz Boskaljon, J. P. (n.d.). Un wiri. In Curacaosche
no. 2 (3:18) dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Track 12. Three waltzes, opus 8: Ola Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Caribense, waltz no. 3 (2:18) Boskaljon, J. P. (n.d.). Nube sombria. In
Track 13. Bertha opus, 9: Mazurka (2:01) Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
Track 14. Two dances arranged for four Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
hands, opus 2: Shon coco, waltz no. 2 (1:47)
Track 15. Two dances arranged for four Boskaljon-Ecker, G.
hands, opus 2: Kalin, tumba no.19 (2:31) Boskaljon-Ecker, G. (n.d.). Madeline. In
Track 16. Nostalgia, waltz opus 2, no.22 Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
(Bonus track taken from Antillean Dances, Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Track 17. Una anochi na Scharloo, danza, Boskaljon-Ecker, G. (n.d.). Welkom op Curaçao. In
opus 4, no.8 (Bonus track taken from Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
Antillean Dances, 3:10) Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Track 18. Chuchubi, à la rumba, opus 4,
no.5 (Bonus track taken from Antillean
Dances, 1:48) Capriles, A. M. (n.d.). Una naranjera. In
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
A bag of music [CD]. (2011). Henk van
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Twillert, saxophone; Tjako van Schie, piano.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Sax Conrad
Unlimited. (3 CDs)
Conrad, J. (n.d.). Esqueleto. In Curacaosche
Disc 2, Track 2. Despedida
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
SCORES Broekmans & Van Poppel.

Blasini Conrad, J. (n.d.). Dulce scharloo. In Curacaosche

dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Blasini, J. (n.d.) Los ojitos de una Mexicana. Broekmans & Van Poppel.
In Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Corsen
Blasini, J. (n.d.). Para cual de las tres? In Corsen, J. S. (n.d.). Simpatia. In Curacaosche
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Boskaljon, C. A. Corsen, J. S. (n.d.). Al aguinaldo. In Curacaosche
Boskaljon, C. A. (n.d.). Lluvia de perlas. In dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. de Jongh
Boskaljon, C. A. (n.d.). Mis felicitaciones. In de Jongh, C. R. (n.d.). Sin pretension. In
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.

Boskaljon, J. P. de Lima

Boskaljon, J. P. (n.d.). Estrella solitaria. In de Lima, P.(n.d.). Se fiel. In Curacaosche

Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Netherlands : Broekmans & Van Poppel. Broekmans & Van Poppel.

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 19, no. 2 (2013)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Curaçao. 42

de Lima, P.(n.d.). Pourquoi souffrir. In Palm, J. G. (n.d.). Engelenzang. In Curacaosche

Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Namias de Crasto Palm, J. G. (n.d.). Mis ojitos. In Curacaosche
Namias de Crasto, B. (n.d.). Suspiros. In dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Palm, J. J. M.
Nouwens Palm, J. J. M. (n.d.). Mis parabienes. In
Himno di Kòrsou. (n.d.). Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Palm, J. J. M. (n.d.). Un recuerdo. In Curacaosche
Palm, A. T. dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Palm, A. T. (n.d.). Criselda. In Curacaosche Broekmans & Van Poppel.
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Palm, J. [J. M.]. (2011). Pianowerken : Obras para
Broekmans & Van Poppel. piano. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Donemus.
Palm, A. T. (n.d.). Aura. In Curacaosche Catalogue no. 12644.
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Broekmans & Van Poppel. Palm, R. Th.
Palm, R. T. (n.d.). Los dos amigos. In Curacaosche
Palm, J. A. dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Palm, J. A. (n.d.). La veloce. In Curacaosche Broekmans & Van Poppel.
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Palm, R. T. (n.d.). Liederen : Obra par kanta.
Broekmans & Van Poppel. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Donemus.
Palm, J. A. (n.d.). Ma pensée. In Curacaosche Catalogue no. 12574.
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Palm, R. T. (n.d.). Pianowerken : Obras para
Broekmans & Van Poppel. piano. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Donemus.
Catalogue no. 12166.
Palm, J. B. A.
Palm, R. T. (n.d.). 10 de abril. In Curacaosche
Palm, J. B. A. (n.d.). Sorpresa inesperada. In
dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Palm, J. B. A. (n.d.). Vano empeno. In de Pool, J.
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The de Pool, J. (n.d.). Impromptu. In Curacaosche
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Broekmans & Van Poppel.
Palm, J. G.
Halman, J. I. M., & Rojer, R. (Eds.). (2008). Statius Muller
Jan Gerard Palm music scores: Waltzes, Statius Muller, W. (n.d.). Antillean dances for
mazurkas, danzas, tumbas, polkas, marches, piano. New York, NY: International Music
fantasies, serenades, a galop and music Company. Catalogue no. 3435.
composed for services in the synagogue and
the lodge. Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
Broekmans & Van Poppel.

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 19, no. 2 (2013)

C. Gangelhoff & C. LeGrand. Art Music: Curaçao. 43

Ulder Halman, J. I. M., & Rojer, R. A. (2008). Jan Gerard

Ulder, C. A. (n.d.). Emilia Benic. In Palm: Leven en werk van een muzikale patriarch
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The op Curaçao [Jan Gerard Palm: Life and work of a
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. musical patriarch in Curaçao]. Leiden, The
Netherlands: KITVL. OCLC 501319011 (In
Ulder, C. A. (n.d.). La ilusion. In Dutch)
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Hartog, J. (1949/1950). Cultural life in Curaçao.
Caribbean Quarterly, 1(3), 36-38.
Ulder, C. A. (n.d.). Het loo ta bai. In
Curacaosche dansmuziek. Amsterdam, The de Jong, N. (2003). An anatomy of creolization:
Netherlands: Broekmans & Van Poppel. Curaçao and the Antillean waltz. Latin American
Music Review / Revista de Música
Latinoamericana, 24(2), 233-251.
Palm, E. (1978). Music and musicians in the
Netherlands Antilles. [Muziek en musici van de
Himno di Kòrsou [MP3 file]. (n.d.). Nederlandse Antillen]. Curacao: Author. OCLC 8554840. (In Dutch)
Palm, R. T., & Pinto, N. M. G. J. (1946). Ban canta.
FILMS [Willemstad], Curaçao: n.p. OCLC 742079692.
Smeets, A. [Director]. (2011). Nostalgia: The (In Papiamentu)
music of Wim Statius Muller. Netherlands Rojer, R. (1990). Een muzikale wandeling van
Antilles: Zjèitu Films. Chopin naar de Curaçaose dansa [A musical walk
from Chopin to the Curaçao dance]. Willemstad,
WEBSITES Curaçao: University of the Netherlands Antilles.
Palm Music Foundation. OCLC 39913041. (In Dutch) (In Romer, R. A. (1977). Cultureel mozaïek van de
English and Dutch). Nederlandse Antillen: Constanten en varianten
[Cultural mosaic of the Netherlands Antilles].
BOOKS AND ARTICLES Zutphen, The Netherlands: The Walburg Pers.
ISBN 9789060110836. (In Dutch)
Boskaljon, R. (1958). Honderd jaar
[Chapter 8: Music and dance]
muziekleven op Curaçao [One hundred
years of musical life in Curaçao]. Assen, Rutten, A. (1983). Leven en muziekwerken van de
The Netherlands: Van Gorcum. OCLC dichter-musicus J.S. Corsen: Bijdrage tot de
1521705 (In Dutch) kennis van de muziekgeschiedenis der
Nederlandse Antillen in de periode 1853-1911
Brokken, J. C. (2005). Waarom elf Antillianen
[The life and musical compositions of the poet-
knielden voor het hart van Chopin: een reis
musician J.S. Corsen: A contribution to the music
door de Caribische muziek [Why eleven
history of the Netherlands Antilles in the period
Antilleans knelt before the heart of Chopin:
1853-1911]. Assen, The Netherlands: Van
a journey through Caribbean music].
Gorcum. OCLC 462181221. (In Dutch).
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Atlas. OCLC
71190366. (In Dutch)

The International Journal of Bahamian Studies Vol. 19, no. 2 (2013)

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