Artist Statement

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Artist Statement Flow Chart

Use this chart to help you construct an artist statement about your artwork.

1 Describe
Some questions to consider: What does
your artwork look like? What is the
Start Here subject matter? What is the title of your
your artwork. work? What elements or principles are
most obvious in your work?

Some questions to consider: What

media is your artwork made from? 2 How did you
create your art?
What tools, techniques or processes
did you use to create your artwork?

Some questions to consider:

3 What is the big idea What or who inspired your

artwork? Does your work
express a personal or social
behind your artwork? issue? What emotions did you
try to show in your artwork?

Some questions to
consider: What are your 4 What were your
goals as an artist? Did this
piece help you reach your
goals? Why or why not?
goals for this artwork?

5 What are your Some questions to consider: What did

overall thoughts
you learn in creating this artwork? Is
the final piece what you imagined?
How so? How will this piece influence
of your artwork? your future artworks?

Way to go! You just wrote a reflective artist statement.

Please edit your statement for spelling and grammar.
Ask a friend to read it through and share their thoughts on your artist statement.

The Art of Education |

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