Assessment Rubric in Stylistic Analysis of Text

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Assessment Rubric in Stylistic Analysis of Text

Name: Score:
Scoring Criteria Exemplary (20) Proficient (18) Emerging (15) Points
Ideas The writer The writer The writer
insightfully clearly identifies demonstrates a
identifies and and describes limited
analyzes stylistic understanding of
stylistic techniques stylistic
techniques using support techniques;
employing from more than support is
textual support one source. insufficient or
from multiple inaccurate.

The analysis The analysis

The analysis
displays an in- displays a clear
displays a
depth understanding
understanding of of how the
of how the author
how the author author achieves
achieves the
achieves his his intended
intended effect on
intended effect effect on the
the audience
on the audience. audience. and/or may be
replaced with plot
Organization The essay is The essay is Organization is
multi- multi- attempted by key
paragraphed paragraphed components are
and logically and organized. lacking.
organized to
enhance the

It includes an It includes an It may include an

innovative introduction, introduction with
introduction with with a lead or an unfocused
an insightful lead hook and clear thesis,
or hook and thesis, detailed undeveloped
strong thesis, body body paragraphs,
coherent body paragraphs and and/or
paragraphs, and a conclusion. inadequate
a perceptive conclusion.
Transitions Transitions, if
Effective create attempted, do
transitions exist coherence. little to create
throughout and coherence.
add to the
Evidence of There is There is There is little or
Writing extensive evidence that no evidence that
Process evidence that the essay the essay has
the essay reflects stages undergone
reflects the of the writing stages of the
various stages process. writing process.
of the writing
Use of Language Diction is Diction is mostly Diction is informal
appropriate for appropriate for or inappropriate
an academic an academic for an academic
audience. The essay. The essay. The essay
essay essay may demonstrate
demonstrates a demonstrates a limited or
sophisticated basic use of inaccurate use of
use of terminology to terminology to
terminology to discuss the text. discuss the text.
discuss the text.
Conventions Writing is Writing is Writing contains
virtually error- generally error- errors that
free. free. distract from
Total Points:


Checked and Reviewed by:

Ms. Aira Mae Reyes Sarita

Instructor, ENGL 140: Introduction to Stylistics


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