Real Property 2016 Summer Ny Bar Barbri

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Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri

Prof. P. Franzese

Table of Contents
Part 1 --- ESTATE IN LAND 不動産所有権...............................................................................6
Part 1-1 The Present Estates.........................................................................................................6
I. The Fee Simple Absolute 絶対的単純不動産権.....................................................................6
II. The Fee Tail 限嗣不動産権 <seldom, if ever, tested>.........................................................7
III. The Defeasible Fees 消滅条件付封土権<most commonly tested>......................................7
A.** The Fee Simple Determinable 解除条件付単純不動産権(解除条件)................................................7
B.** The Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent 解約権付不動産権(解除オプション)..................8
C. The Fee Simple Subject to Executory Limitation 未履行の限定付単純不動産権...................................9
D.** RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 解釈ルール<very commonly tested at every other time>....................9
IV. The Life Estate 生涯不動産権 <important, always tested>................................................10
Part 1-2 Future Interests.............................................................................................................15
I. Future Interest Capable of Creation in the Grantor 付与者に生じる将来権...................15
A. The Possibility of Reverter 復帰可能権:..................................................................................................15
B. The Right of Entry (Power of Termination): 終了権/解約権.................................................................15
C. The Reversion 復帰権:..............................................................................................................................15
II. Future Interests in Transferees 付与者以外の将来権.........................................................16
A. If our future interest is held by someone other than the grantor, it has to be either:.................................16
B. Our 3 Tasks in Assessing Future interests in Transferees:........................................................................16
C. The difference b/w vested remainders and contingent remainders: 確定残余権と未確定残余権..........16
D. Distinguish the three kinds of vested remainders: 3 種類の確定残余権の相違.....................................20
E. Distinguish remainders from executory interests <MBE favorite>残余権と未発生将来権の違い.......23
Part 1-3. The Rule against Perpetuities (RAP)永久拘束禁止則.............................................25
I. The Rule..................................................................................................................................25
II. 4-Step Technique for Assessing Potential RAP Problems:..................................................25
A. Step 1: Determine which future interests have been created by the conveyance. 将来権の種類..........25
B. Step 2: Identify the conditions precedent to the vesting of the suspect future interest. 前提条件の確定
C. Step 3: Find a measuring life. 生存基準者の確定.................................................................................25
D. Step 4: Ask: Will we know, with certainty, within 21 years of the death of our measuring life, if our
future interest holders(s) can or cannot take? 生存基準者の死後 21 年以内に確定するか。..............25
III.** Two Bright Line Rules of Common Law RAP <MBE favorite>........................................26
A. A gift to an open class that is conditioned on the members surviving to an age beyond 21 violates the
common law RAP......................................................................................................................................26
B. Many shifting executory interests violate the RAP. An executory interest with no limit on the time
within which it must vest violates the RAP...............................................................................................27
IV.** Reform of the RAP.................................................................................................................29
Part 1-4. Concurrent Estates 共同所有的不動産権.................................................................30
I. Joint Tenancy <important for MBE + essay>.....................................................................30
A. Distinguishing characteristics:...................................................................................................................30
B. Creation of a Joint Tenancy:合有不動産権の発生..................................................................................30
C. Severance of a Joint Tenancy: 合有関係の解消......................................................................................31
II. Tenancy by the Entirety.........................................................................................................32
III. Tenancy in Common 共有......................................................................................................33
IV. Rights and Duties of Co-Tenants 共有者の権利義務 (9 R&Ds)........................................33
A. Possessions 占有........................................................................................................................................33
B. Rent from co-tenant in exclusive possession 排他的占有をする共有者からの賃料............................34

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C. Rent from third parties 第三者からの賃料..............................................................................................34

D. Adverse possession 時効取得...................................................................................................................34
E. Carrying costs............................................................................................................................................34
F. Repairs 修繕..............................................................................................................................................34
G. Improvements 改良...................................................................................................................................35
H. Waste 毀損.................................................................................................................................................35
I. Partition 共有物分割.................................................................................................................................35
Part 2 --- LANDLORD/TENANT LAW....................................................................................36
I. 4 Lease Hold (non-freehold) Estate.......................................................................................36
A. The Tenancy for Years 定期不動産賃貸借 (Estate for Years, Term of Years)...................................36
B. The Periodic Tenancy 自動更新定期不動産賃貸借...............................................................................37
C. Tenancy at will 任意終了賃貸借..............................................................................................................38
D. The Tenancy at Sufferance 容認不動産権...............................................................................................38
II. Tenant’s Duties (3 categories) 賃借人の義務.......................................................................39
A. T’s liability to third parties 第三者に対する義務...................................................................................39
B. T’s duty to pay rent 賃料支払義務 <most essential duty>.....................................................................39
C. T’s duty to repair 修繕義務.......................................................................................................................40
D*** The law of fixtures 定着物.......................................................................................................................40
III. Landlord’s Duties...................................................................................................................42
A. Duty to deliver possession 占有の引渡義務..........................................................................................42
B. The implied covenant of quiet enjoyment 平穏享有保証約束 <favorite, vital>....................................42
C.** The Implied Warranty of habitability 居住性の黙示保証<favorite>.....................................................43
D. Retaliatory eviction 報復的追立ての抗弁...............................................................................................43
IV. The Assignment versus the Sublease 譲渡と転貸<MBE favorite>....................................44
A. Basic rule...................................................................................................................................................44
B. The assignment 譲渡.................................................................................................................................44
C. The sublease 転貸......................................................................................................................................45
V. Landlord’s tort liability <MBE favorite>............................................................................46
Part 3 --- SERVITUDES 土地の利用制限.................................................................................47
I. Easements 地役権 (most formidable servitude)..................................................................47
A. Definition...................................................................................................................................................47
B. Easement can be affirmative or negative. 積極的地役権と消極的地役権.............................................47
C. An easement is either “Appurtenant to land” or it is “Held in Gross.” 「土地従属性」or「属人性」. 47
D. The easement and transferability: 地役権の譲渡可能性.........................................................................48
E. Creation of an Affirmative Easement: 4 ways. 積極的地役権の発生原因(4 種類)........................48
F. Scope of easement......................................................................................................................................50
G. Termination of an easement: 地役権の消滅.............................................................................................50
II. License 立入権........................................................................................................................52
III. The Profit 不動産の果実収受権............................................................................................52
IV. The Covenant 土地に関する契約上のコベナンツ..............................................................52
V. Equitable Servitude エクィティ上の利用制限....................................................................55
Part 4 --- ADVERSE POSSESSION...........................................................................................60
I. The basic concept:..................................................................................................................60
II. The elements of adverse possession:......................................................................................60
III. Tacking 前占有者占有期間の加算........................................................................................60
IV. Disabilities...............................................................................................................................61
Part 5 --- LAND CONVEYANCING: The Purchase and Sale of Real Estate........................62
I. The land contract 不動産譲渡契約.......................................................................................62
A. The land contract and the statute of frauds: 不動産譲渡契約と詐欺防止法..........................................62
B. Risk of loss 危険負担<always in MBE>..................................................................................................62
C. Two implied promises in every land contract. 2 種類の黙示の約束:契約締結時の約束.................63
D. NO implied warranties of fitness or habitability........................................................................................65
II. The Closing.............................................................................................................................65
A. Overview....................................................................................................................................................65

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B. Lawful execution of a deed 適法な譲渡証書の作成:..............................................................................66

C. The delivery requirement 引渡しの要件:.................................................................................................66
D. Covenants for title and the 3 types of deed:...............................................................................................68
III. Recording System (二重譲渡の処理)....................................................................................70
A. Overview....................................................................................................................................................70
B. Bona Fide Purchaser (BFP).......................................................................................................................71
C. 2 routine value questions (purchaser for value):.......................................................................................71
D. 3 Form of Notice........................................................................................................................................71
E. The Recording Statutes:.............................................................................................................................72
F. Chain of Title 権原連鎖:..........................................................................................................................73
Part 6 --- MORTGAGES.............................................................................................................76
I. How does one create a mortgage?.........................................................................................76
II. The Equitable Mortgage: (譲渡担保、bona fide purchaser に対抗できず)......................76
III. Once a mortgage has been created, what are the parties’ rights? 設定後の当事者の権利
IV. All parties to a mortgage can transfer their interest. Mortgage に関する利益の移転.....77
V. Foreclosure 抵当権実行手続き.............................................................................................79
VI. Effect of foreclosure on various interests 抵当権実行手続の効果......................................79
VII. Priorities 優先権.....................................................................................................................80
VIII. Redemption: 受戻し...............................................................................................................81
A. Redemption in equity: エクイティ上の受戻し.......................................................................................81
B. Statutory redemption: 法令上の受戻権....................................................................................................82
Part 7 --- NATURAL RIGHT AND OTHERS..........................................................................83
I. Lateral Support 水平支持権(横方向)(MBE)...................................................................83
II. Water Rights 水利権・用水権.................................................................................................83
III. Possessor’s Rights: 占有権.....................................................................................................84
IV. Eminent Domain 収用権........................................................................................................85
V. Zoning 土地利用規制.............................................................................................................85

Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri


Freehold Estates Summary


Fee Simple Absolute “To A and his heirs” None Absolute ownership
“To A”
Fee Tail “To A and the heirs of Reversion (grantor) Passes automatically A’s
his body” or lineal blood descendants.
(Abolished in most Remainder (third party) FT terminates when there
states, including NY) are no more descendants.
FSD “To A so long as…” Possibility of Reverter Automatic forfeiture to
“To A until…” (held by grantor) grantor once condition is
NY: Fee on “To A while…” satisfied

FSSCS “To A, but if X occurs, Right of Reentry / No automatic forfeiture.
then O has a right to Power of Termination Grantor must timely
NY: Fee on reenter” (held by grantor exercise his right.
Condition NY: Right of
FSSEL “To A, but if X occurs, Shifting Executory Automatic forfeiture to B
then to B” Interest once the condition is
Life Estate “To A for life” Reversion (grantor) Measuring life remains
Life Estate pur autre “To A for the life of or the same upon transfer
vie B” Remainder (third party)

First Future Interest Contingent Future Interest Condition Satisfied/Not Satisfied

Vested Remainder Subject
to Partial Divestment
Vested Remainder Subject Executory Interest (Shifting or Indefeasibly Vested Remainder
to Complete Divestment Springing)
Contingent Remainder Alternative Contingent Vested Remainder (subject to…) and
Remainder Executory Interest (shifting/springing)
 Occurs when the beneficiaries
become presently ascertainable (#1, p.


Indefeasibly Vested Remainder, if there

is a condition of survivorship (#2, p.

Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri

Right Grantee’s Right Third Partiy’s Right

Subject to RAP
Fee Simple Absolute
To A (To A and his heir も同 Shifting Executory Interest
Executory To A for life, then to B;
Defeasible Fee Interest but if [Condition], then to C

Possibility of Spring Executory Interest

Reverter Fee Simple Determinable
To X when and if he becomes a doctor, OR
To A
To X for life, then two years after X’s death to
for long as … / Until … / While … /
During …

Right of Entry
Fee Simple Subject to
(Power of
Condition Subsequent
To A
but if … / Upon condition that … /
Provided that …, Indefeasibly Vested Remainders
Grantor reserve the right to
To A for life, then to B

Fee Simple Subject to

Vested Remainder
Executory Limitation
Subject to Complete Defeasance
To A for so long as …, and if
not … to B To A for life, then to B; but if [Condition], then
to C
To A, if … , to B

Vested Remainder Subject to Open

Reversion To A for life, then to A’s children in equal share

Life Estate

To A for life Contingent Remainder

To A for the life of B To X for life, then to X’s surviving children

To A for life, but if …, to B Remainder To A for life, then to B if [Condition]

To A for life, then to B Subject to RAP

Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri

*Memory game: method.

1) Generalize: make material as simple as possible.
2) Memorize.
3) Practicing.

Part 1 --- ESTATE IN LAND 不動産所有権

Part 1-1 The Present Estates
I. We are concerned here with four categories of freehold estates (自由土地不動産権) , so named
because they grew out of the English system of feudalism.
1) Fee Simple Absolute 絶対的単純不動産権;
2) The Fee Tail 限嗣不動産権;【現在は試験範囲外】
3) The Defeasible Fees 消滅条件付封土権(of which there are three species); and
4) The Life Estate.生涯不動産権

II. The bar examiners will expect you to know three things with respect to each of these estates:
A. What language will create the estate?
B. Once identified, what are the estate’s distinguishing characteristics 特 徴 的 な 要 件 in terms of
duration, transferability, and inheritability? In other words, is the estate:
1) devisable, 遺贈可能性
meaning, can it pass by will (遺贈できるか)?
2) descendible, 相続可能性
meaning, will it pass by the statutes of intestacy if its holder dies intestate (w/o a will)? 無遺言
3) alienable, 譲渡可能性
meaning, is it transferable inter vivos ( 生存者間 ), or during the holder’s lifetime? 生存者間で
C. Which future interests, if any, is the estate capable of?

I. The Fee Simple Absolute 絶対的単純不動産権

A. How to create?: Either “To A” or “To A and his heirs.”「A に」又は「A 及びその相続人に」
1. At common law, “To A and his heirs” is only possible to create FSA. Common
law insisted these magic words. コモンロー上は「A 及びその相続人に」によってのみ FSA は発
2. Today, “To A” is sufficient.しかし、今日では「A に」というだけで十分
【問題意識がよく分からないが“To A”だと Life Estate とも解釈する余地がある、ということか。】

B. Distinguishing characteristics:
1. “Absolute” ownership of potentially infinite duration. 恒久的な絶対的な所有権
* Possessor of real property has the exclusive right to the use and possession of the
surface, the air above the surface, and the land below the surface (including minerals). 不
2. Freely devisable, descendible, and alienable (transferable), during its holder’s lifetime. 保
C.** Accompanying future interest? 将来権を伴うか? Absolutely NO.
Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri

1. Grant language “To A” or “To A and his heirs”: Only A has absolute ownership. 「A に」
又は「A 及びその相続人に」の付与文言では、A のみが絶対的な所有権を有する。

2. Living person has no “heirs”. So, A’s “prospective heirs” have nothing, not even a future
interest, at the time of conveyance. A の将来の相続人は、将来権であったとしても移転の際に
a) Even if A’s heirs anticipate someday inherit the estate, A can transfer it any time
b/f that would happen. So A’s heirs have no right to interfere. A の相続人が相続
を期待していたとしても、A はそうなる前にいつでも資産を移転することができる。相
(e.g.) O conveys Blackacre “to A and his heirs.” A is alive and well. What do A’s heirs have?
 Nothing. (Heirs don’t even exist so long as A is alive.) 相続人 Heirs は A が生きている限り存

II. The Fee Tail 限嗣不動産権 <seldom, if ever, tested>

A. How to create: “To A and the heirs of his body.”
B. Distinguishing characteristics: 特徴的要素
1. The fee tail is virtually abolished in the U.S. today. US では実質的には既に廃止されている。
2. Historically, the fee tail would pass directly to grantee’s lineal blood descendants, no
matter what. (It was to maintain of the dynasty in feudal England.) 直系卑属のみに対する
* It would last only as long as there were blood descendants of the original grantee. The
Fee Tail would pass automatically and directly to the grantee’s linear blood descendants,
even if the grant transfers it by will to the contrary. 直系卑属がいる限り存続する。異なる遺言
3. Today, the attempted creation of a fee tail creates instead – a fee simple absolute.
C. Accompanying future interest? 将来権を随伴? Yes. Two kinds of future interest.
1. All the grantors retain future interest what is called a “Reversion.” 全ての付与者は「復帰
権」といわれる将来権を有する。 This means if and when the blood line runs dry, the estate
will revert back to O or O’s heirs. 血縁が途絶えた場合、不動産は O または O の相続人が承継す
2. In a third party (some one other than O), it was called “Remainder” 第三者の場合は、「残
【現在は The Fee Trail は試験範囲外になったので不要】
III. The Defeasible Fees 消滅条件付封土権<most commonly tested>
Three species, all are potentially infinite duration, but capable of terminating on happening of a
stated event. 3 種類あり、いずれも潜在的には期間無限定だが、定められた事由の発生により消滅する。
A.** The Fee Simple Determinable 解除条件付単純不動産権(解除条件)
1. How to create:
a) “To A so long as …” “To A during…” “To A until …”
b) Grantor must use clear durational language. 明確な期間限定文言
c) If the stated condition is violated, forfeiture is automatic. (Automatically
terminate upon happening of a stated event.) 解除条件事由が発生した場合、自動的に
2. Distinguishing characteristics:
* Devisable, descendible, and alienable; but always to subject to the condition. 遺贈可能、
* You may convey less than what you’ve got, but you cannot convey more. In other
words, you can’t always get what you want. 自分が取得した権利に満たない権利は移転でき
(e.g.) Paul conveys Blackacre “to Ringo so long as the premises are used as a recording studio.” Ringo
has a fee simple determinable.
Suppose that Ringo in turn conveys to Mick, who seeks to convert the recording studio into a bowl-
a-rama. May Mick do so?
 No. Not w/o forfeiting the estate.
Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri

3. Accompanying future interest? 将来権?

a) Only one future interest “The Possibility of Reverter” in grantor. 復帰可能権が権
*[QE] Possibility of Reverter POR 復 帰 可 能 権 could not be transferred at
common law but can be transferred today. コモンロー上は POR 復帰可能権は譲渡され

b) It doesn’t have to be expressed or even mentioned at all. It accompanies FSD

(e.g.) Frank Sinatra conveys Sinatra Palace “to Orville Redenbacher, so long as popcorn is never
made on the premises.” Classify the interests. Orville has got a Fee Simple Determinable.
Frank has a “possibility of reverter.” (future interest) Sinatra が Orville に対して Sinatra
Palace を、ポップコーンを建物内で作らないという条件で移転。Orville は FSD を
取得。Sinatra は復帰可能権(将来権)を取得。

1) Fee Simple Determinable: Possibility Of Reverter. この二つは常に付随す
2) Frank Sinatra Didn’t Prefer Orville Redenbacher.
B.** The Fee Simple Subject to Condition Subsequent 解約権付不動産権(解除オプション)
1. How to create:
a) “To A, but if X event occurs, grantor reserves the right to reenter and
A に付与する。しかし、X が生じた場合には再び所有権を取得し、奪い返すことができ
b) The grantor must use durational language + carve out the right to reenter and
retake. 付与者は期間制限文言+再取得権を行使しなければならない。
(e.g.) Ross conveys “To Rachel, but if coffee is ever consumed on the premises, the right to re-
enter and re-take.”Rachel に付与するが、コーヒーが建物内で淹れられたら Ross が
* Rachel has a fee simple subject to condition subsequent. Rachel は解約権付不動産権
* Ross has the right of entry, synonymous with the power of termination. Ross は解約権
c) This estate is not automatically terminated or forfeited, but it can be cut short
only at grantor’s option, if the stated condition occurs. 自動的に解約されず、付
d) The grantor has the mere option (prerogative to terminate). 単なる裁量を有するの
み If the grantor never exercised his prerogative, the estate will continue despite
the breach. 特権を行使しないと、違法にもかかわらず、不動産権は存続する。
BSM-139 解除事由が生じただけでは自動的に解約されないため、 Right of Entry を有
する Grantor は、訴えを提起するなどの明示的な行為を行う必要がある。

2. Distinguishing characteristics
* Devisable, descendible, alienable, always subject to the condition subsequent. 遺贈可能、
3. Accompanying future interest? 将来権は? Yes.
a) O has future interest what is called “the Right of Entry” (synomymous the
Power of Termination) O は土地取戻権(解約権)と呼ばれる将来権を有する。
* [QE] Today ROE is not alienable but devisable and descendible. 今日では土地取
C. The Fee Simple Subject to Executory Limitation 未履行の限定付単純不動産権
1. How to create:
a) “To A, but if X event occurs, then to B.”「A に付与。しかし、X が生じたら、B に付
(e.g.) “To Barry Manilow, but if music is ever performed on the premises, then to Mandy.”
Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri
* Barry has a fee simple subject to Mandy’s shifting executory interest.
* Mandy has a future interest called shifting executory interest.
b) The estate is automatically forfeited if the condition is broken. However, not in
favor of grantor but in favor of someone else. Just like Fee Simple Determinable
except that who’s favored. 条件違反があれば、自動的に不動産権は奪われる。しかし、
付与者のためではなく、その他の第三者のために。 FSD に近いが、誰の利益になるかが違
2. Distinguishing characteristics:
* Devisable, descendible, and alienable, but always subject to the condition.
3. Accompanying future interest?
 Yes. The third party has future interest called “Shifting Executory Interest.
D.** RULES OF CONSTRUCTION 解釈ルール<very commonly tested at every other time>
* As concerns the defeasible fees, note two important rules of construction: 消滅条件付封土権につ
1. Words of mere desire, hope, or intention are insufficient to create a defeasible fee.
単なる希望、望み又は意図では defeasible fee 消滅権付封土権を発生させるには不十分。
a) Courts disfavor restriction on the free use of property. Therefore, court will not
find a defeasible fee unless clear durational language is used (such as “To A
until…,” “To A so long as …,” “To A during…,” “To A unless ….”), otherwise
fee simple absolute. 裁判所は不動産の自由利用の制限を好まないので、明確な期間制限
b) “With a condition that”は OK. 条件であることを明確にすることが必要。
(e.g.) In each of these instances, A is vested with a fee simple absolute, and NOT a defeasible fee: “To A
for the purpose of constructing a day care center”; “To A with the hope that he becomes a lawyer”;
“To A with the expectation that the premise will be used as a Blockbuster video store.” いずれの場
合でも A は絶対的単純不動産権を付与されているが、消滅権付封土権ではない。「デイケ
アセンター建設のため A に付与」「弁護士になるのを願って A に付与」「Blockbuster ビデ
オセンターとして使われることを期待して A に付与」は×。

2. Absolute restraints on alienation are void. 絶対的な譲渡制限は無効。

a) Absolute restriction or ban on the power to transfer that is not linked to any
reasonable time limited purpose is void. ( It is considered repugnant to public
policy.) 合理的な期間制限目的に関連しない制限は無効(公序良俗違反)
(e.g.1) O conveys “to A so long as she never attempts to sell.” A が売ろうとしない限り A に付
 It is a fee simple absolute b/c the condition is void. A has a fee simple absolute. O has
nothing. 条件は無効なので単純不動産権成立。O には何もなし。
(e.g.2) Contrast with: O conveys: “To A so long as she does not attempt to sell until the year
2008, when clouds on the title will be resolved.”2008 年まで売ろうとせず、所有権の
 The restraint is good.制限は有効。 It is linked to a reasonable time limited purposed.
A has a fee simple determinable. O has a possibility of reverter. この場合、限定的目的
による合理的な期間に関連している。 A は FSD を有し、O は POR 復帰可能権と
Rule against Restrains on Alienation applies only to legal interests. Restrains on the
alienation of equitable interest (e.g., spendthrift clauses in trust instruments) are valid
利についての譲渡制限は有効である。たとえば、浪費家信託( spendthrift
trust:Beneficiary (受益者)の生活を保護するため、意思能力の有無を問わず受
判例または制定法によりその有効性が承認されている. )
BIM-25 “to A and his heirs, but should A or his successor attempt to convey this
property, then to B and his heirs” 「A 及び A の相続人に。ただし、A または A の
相続人が不動産を売ろうとした場合には、 B 及び B の相続人に。」解除条件
より利益を受ける B への権利付与の部分も無効となる。結果的には A が FSD
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[QE] However, right of first refusal are generally excepted from the application
of the common law rule Against Restraints on Alienation (but subject to RAP).
先買権は譲渡制限に対するコモンローの適用から除外される。ただし、RAP に服し、違

IV. The Life Estate 生涯不動産権 <important, always tested>

A. How to create:
1. O conveys: “To A for life.” 「A に一生付与」
* A has a life estate. A is known as a Life Tenant. A は永代借地人
* O has a reversion. O は復帰権を有する。
1) Estate that must be measured for explicit life time terms and never in terms of
years, no matter how long years. 何年であっても年数ではなく生涯であることが必要。
2) Contrast with: “To A for 50 years, if she lives that long,” or “To A for life, but
in no event more than 10 years,” both of which create the term of years, and
NEVER the life estate. 「A が 50 年生きるのであれば、その期間」「一生涯付与、た
だし 10 年以内で」いずれも期間の設定があるので生涯不動産権ではない。
3) At the conclusion of life, the estate will go back to O or O’s heirs. A が死亡すると
O 又は O の相続人に承継される。付与者の側に権利が戻ってくる。

PR-6 Life estate in joint live.

Life estate in the joint lives of two persons could only last until one of them died. At
the death of either person, the life estate terminated.
2. Alienable, devisable and descendible if pur autre vie and measuring life is still alive.
3. The life estate pur autre vie: 第三者生涯権 “To A for the life of B.”
1) Life estate pur autre vie is measured by a life other than the grantees. 被付与者以外
2) A has life estate pur autre vie. A は第三者生涯権を有する。
(e.g.1) O conveys: “To Madonna, for the life of David Letterman.”
 Once Letterman dies, Madonna’s time with the land comes to a close. Letterman が死
んだら Madonna の土地に対する権利は消滅。
* Madonna has a life estate pur autre vie.
* O has a reversion. O は復帰権を有する。 At the end of Letterman’s life, the estate
reverts to O or O’s heirs.
(e.g.2) O conveys “to Madonna for life.” Madonna then sells her entire interest to Letterman.
Madonna に生涯権を与え、Madonna が Letterman に権利を譲渡。
 Permissible b/c life estate is alienable. But you can’t convey more than you’ve got. So
Madonna can convey only her life estate. Thus Letterman got ‘life estate pur autre vie’
measured in terms of Madonna’s life. Once Madonna is dead, Letterman’s time is up
Letterman は Madonnna の生涯を基準とする第三者生涯権を取得する。
* O has a reversion. At the end of Madonna’s life, the estate back to O or O’s heirs.
PS-25 Life Tenant が動産を土地に付着させた場合には、Life Tenant の死亡時に Life Estate が終了
した後合理的期間内に、Life Tenant の代理人(遺産管理人など)が動産を撤去することができ
る。しかし、合理的期間内に撤去しなかった場合には、Reversion を有している者(当初の所有

B. Distinguishing characteristics of the life estate: life estate is liable to waste.

1. Doctrine of waste: 毀損の法理
The life tenant’s entitlements are rooted in the important doctrine of waste.
Note two general rules.
a) The life tenant is entitled to all ordinary uses and profits from the land. 通常の使
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b) The life tenant must not commit waste. She must not do anything to hurt future
interest holders. 永代借地人は土地を毀損してはならない。
BIM73 土地上の担保について Life Tenant と Holder of remainder の義務。Life Tenant
が金利、Holder of remainder が元本を払う。
PB-95   Ownership of a fee interest, even a defeasable fee, includes the right to exploit the
mineral resources of the land including oil.
PB-94 も し Life Interest が future interest を harm し た ら 、 future interest holder で あ る
remainder person は damage について訴え、差止めを求めてもよい。
Mini A future interest holder may sue for damages or enjoin for life tenant’s waste. Life Tenant
が土地を毀損した場合には、将来権者は Life Tenant に対して、損害賠償請求すること

2. Three species of waste: 毀損の 3 類型

a) Voluntary or affirmative waste 自発的又は積極的毀損
1) This is actual, overt conduct that causes a decrease in value. 価値を減少さ
(e.g.) Tenant kicked down the wall of the estate. = actual overt conduct.

2) Natural resources: 天然資源 <favorite>

(a) general rule ( 原 則 ) : the life tenant must not consume or exploit
natural resources on the property (such as timber, oil, minerals, etc.),
unless one of 4 exceptions applies, Remember [PURGE] (4
exceptions) 永代借地人は土地上の天然資源を使用してはならない。4 つの
(b) Exception (例外)
(1) Prior Use 事前使用 : If, prior to the grant, the land was used for
exploitation, the life tenant may continue to exploit unless
otherwise agreed. 付与前から開発に利用されている場合には、別段
* Compare Prior Use and the Open Mines Doctrine, which
applies to excavation: If mining was done on the land before
the life estate began, the life tenant may continue to mine the
property, but is limited to the mines that are already open (the
life tenant must not open any new mine) unless he is granted
otherwise to do so. 採掘に適用される、Open Mines Doctrine 開かれ
た鉱山の原理との比較。Open Mines Doctrine では、Life Estate が開始
(2) Reasonable Repairs 合理的な修繕 to maintain premises: a life
tenant may consume natural resources for reasonable repairs
and maintenance of the premises. 天然資源を合理的な修繕とメン
(3) Grant 権利付与 : Life tenant may exploit if expressly granted to
do so. 明示的な承認があれば、天然資源も利用可能。
(4) Exploitation 採掘 : If the land is suitable only for exploitation,
the life tenant is entitled to continue to exploit unless otherwise
agreed. 土地が採掘にのみ適している場合。

b) Permissive waste, or neglect 不作為による毀損又は過失

1) Permissive waste occurs whenever the life tenant allows the land to fall
into disrepair, or the life tenant fails to take reasonable measures to
protect the land. 不作為による毀損は、土地の破損を許容し、土地を保護する合
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2) Maintenance is the key word. Life tenant must do no more than and no
less than is necessary to maintain the property. 必要な限りにおいてメンテナ
3) Permissible waste and two obligations Life Tenant が負う 2 つの義務
(a) Obligation to repair 修繕義務:
Life tenant must simply maintain the premises in reasonably
good repair.
(e.g.) Roof is leaking. Life tenant doesn’t have to replace the whole
roof (occasionally patch up the loof). But if he does not repair
it for a long time, leave it in disrepair and allow it to have a
cave, he is liable to permissive waste.

(b) Obligation to pay all ordinary taxes 通常の税金の支払義務:

The life tenant is obligated to pay all ordinary taxes on the land,
to the extent of income or profits from the land. If there is no
income or profit from the land, the life tenant is still required to
pay all ordinary taxes to the extent of premise’s fair rental value.
益・収入がない場合であっても、Life Tenant はなお公正な賃料価格相当
不毛な土地(vacant and unproductive)であれば税金を支払わなくて良い。
BSM-18 Tenant for Life は、税金を支払えない場合には、個人的に責任
を負う。Remainderman は税金の支払について利益を有し(Life Tenant
に支払強制可能)、Tax Sale 換価処分により権利を Cut off される。

Emanuel 50 (c) mortage payment

Life estate holder が portion of the moratage reflecting interest (実際に占有
し て い る 場 合 に は reasonable rental value ) を 支 払 い 、 remainderman が
principal を支払う。

PR-90 Tenant for Life は 、 Grantor 付 与 者 に 対 し て だ け で な く 、 Vested

Remainderman 確定残余権は又は Reversionor 復帰権者に対して、自発的な毀損
について責任を負う(Contingent Remainderman 不確定残余権者に対しては責
任を負わない。)。Vested Remainderman 確定的残余権者は、Tenant for Life 生
Life Tenant=税金の支払義務あり。原則は土地の Income から支払い。
但し、income がない場合も Fair Rental Value の限度で支払い義務あり。
Remainderman=税金の支払義務なし。Life Tenant に対して支払強制可能。

c) Ameliorative waste 改良的現状変更: Maintenance is the key word as well.

1) The life tenant must not engage in any action that will enhance property’s
value unless all of the future interest holders are known and consent. 将来
(or there is a substantial form of reasonable productivity or usefulness). –
not mentioned.
(e.g.) Life tenant must not convert homestead Blackacre into a roller link no matter
that the conversion actually enhances the premise’s value. Seems counter-
intuitive. But, because real estate owner has sentimental value in the premises.
Life Tenant はたとえ価値が増加するものであっても、農地をローラーリ

C. Life estate’s accompanying future interest? 生涯権に付随する将来権?  Yes.

1. If held by grantor, called “Reversion.” 付与者が将来権を保有する場合、復帰権。
2. If held by a third party, called “Remainder” 第三者が保有する場合、残余権
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Correlative Future
Correlative Future
Present Estate Examples Duration Interest in Third
Interest in Grantor
付与者に残る将来権 Party
1 Fee Simple “To A & his Forever None None
Absolute heirs”
2 Fee Simple “To A & his heirs As long as Possibility of None
Determinabl for so long as…” condition is met Reverter
e 解除条件 until…” then automatically
while…” to grantor
3 Fee Simple “To A & his heirs, Until happening of Right of Entry None
Subject to but if… ” named event and
Condition upon condition reenty by grantor
Precedent 解 that…”
約権 provided that…”
4 Fee Simple “To A & his heirs As long as None Executory Interest
Subject to for so long as… condition is met
Executory and if not… to B then to third party
Interest 未発 解除条件
生将来権 “To A & his heirs, Until happening of None Executory Interest
but if… , to B” 解 event
5 Life Estate “To A for life,” or Until the end of Reversion None
“To A for the life the measuring life
of B”
“To A for life, Until the end of None Remainder
then to B” measuring life
“To A for life, but Until the end of Reversion Executory Interest
if … to B” the measuring life
or the happening
of the named event
6 Term of years “To A for XX XX years Reversion None
Present Possessory Estate
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Part 1-2 Future Interests

There are 6 categories of future interests, and we classify them based on whether they are retained by the
grantor (O) or instead, by a transferee (someone other than O).
I. Future Interest Capable of Creation in the Grantor 付与者に生じる将来権
* There are only 3 future interests capable of creation in the grantor.
Grantor に生じうる future interest は 3 種類しかない。

A. The Possibility of Reverter 復帰可能権:

from Fee Simple Determinable only (accompanies one and only one, FSD).
BIM-13 Possibility of Reverter 復帰可能権は、Grantor が FSD(解除条件付単純不動産権)を付与した場合
に Grantor に残る権利のことである。→未確定な権利を禁止する RAP の対象とはならない。
BSM-159 Possibility of Reverter は Devisable, Descendible, Alienable なので、遺贈によって承継可能。

B. The Right of Entry (Power of Termination): 終了権/解約権

from Fee Simple subject to condition subsequent only (FSS must be accompanied by POT).
C. The Reversion 復帰権:
from all other than above two. 上記 2 つ以外から生じるもの
A reversion is the future interest that arises in a grantor who transfers an estate of lesser quantum
than she started with, other than a fee simple determinable or a fee simple subject to condition
subsequent. 復帰権は、将来権であり、FSD 解約条件付不動産権又は FSCS 解約権付不動産権以外の当初の
* If O still has leftover (残余物), O has a reversion O が残余物をなお有している場合は、O は復帰権
* The property might go back to O (or to O’s heirs, if O is dead). 不動産は O または O 死亡の場合は O
BIM-27 If the reversion was not expressly retained, it will arise by operation of law where no other disposition is
made of the property after expiration of the lesser estate. Reversion 復帰権が明示的に示されていない場合、そ

(e.g.) O, the holder of a fee simple absolute, conveys:

絶対的単純不動産権を有する O が以下のように付与
a) “To A for life.” 「生存中 A に付与
O has conveyed less than what she started with. She has a reversion.
O は自己が当初より有している権利よりも狭い範囲の権利を付与
→O に復帰権 left over = reversion

b) “To A for 99 years.” 「99 年間 A に付与」Term of years.

O has conveyed less than what she started with. She has a reversion.
O は自己が当初より有している権利よりも狭い範囲の権利を付与→O に復帰権

c) “To A for life, then to B for 99 years.” 「生存中 A に付与、その後 B に 99 年間付

O has still conveyed less than what she started with. (Remember that the fee
simple absolute can endure forever.) O has a reversion.
O は自己が当初より有している権利よりも狭い範囲の権利を付与(絶対的単純不動産
権は永久の権利制限もありうる)→O に復帰権

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II. Future Interests in Transferees 付与者以外の将来権

A. If our future interest is held by someone other than the grantor, it has to be either:
1. A vested remainder 確定的残余権:Three species
(i) the indefeasibly vested remainder, 解除不能の確定的残余権
(ii) the vested remainder subject to complete defeasance (also known as the vested
remainder subject to total divestment), and
(iii) the vested remainder subject to open 全てのメンバーが確定していない確定的残余権).
2. A contingent remainder 未確定残余権; OR
3. An executory interest 未発生将来権 :Two species:
(i) the shifting executory interest 移転的未発生将来権 and
(ii) the springing executory interests 発生的未発生将来権.
B. Our 3 Tasks in Assessing Future interests in Transferees:
1. We must distinguish vested remainders from contingent remainders; 確定的残余権と未確定
2. We must distinguish the three kinds of vested remainders from each other; 確定的残余権の
3 種類の違い and
3. We must distinguish all remainders from executory interests. 未発生将来権と残余権の違い
C. The difference b/w vested remainders and contingent remainders: 確定残余権と未確定残余権
1. First, what is a remainder?
a) A remainder is a future interest created in a grantee (never in O) that is capable of
becoming possessory upon the expiration of a prior possessory estate created
in the same conveyance in which the remainder is created.
残余権は被付与者(O ではない)に発生する将来権。残余権が発生するのと同じ付与にお
b) Remainderman is sociable, patient, and polite:
1) Sociable: He never travels alone: always travels with the preceding estate
of known, fixed duration. In other words, remainder man is always
created by express grant in the very same instrument that creates the
preceding present estate. 独自に移転せずに、既知の限定された期間の先行不動
* Usually by life estate or term of years: (e.g. “To A for life, then to B” or
“To A for 10 years, then to B”) 生涯権又は期間による不動産権。
2) Patient and polite:
 Remainder man never follows a defeasible fee:
残余権 Remainder は Defeasible Fee 消滅条件付封土権に従わない。

 He patiently waits for his term coming after preceding estate’s

conclusion by natural course.
 He doesn’t have the power to unexpectedly cut short or prematurely
divest anyone else. If your present estate is a defeasible fee, your
future interest is not a remainder, but an executory interest.
現実に保有している不動産権が 消滅条件付封土権である場合、将来権は残
Defeasable fee は前者の権利が途中で打切られる可能性がある=remainder ではない

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* Follows only fixed terms from the outset.

* “To A and her heirs, but if B returns from Canada sometime next year,
to B and his heirs.”: shifting executory interest infra: B is not remainder.
Remainder is not the kind of man who cut short unexpectedly A’s
otherwise potentially infinite fee simple. – not mentioned.
c) Remainders are either VESTED or CONTINGENT.  確定的又は未確定
1) A remainder is vested if it is both created in an ascertained person and is
not subject to any condition precedent.
2) A remainder is contingent if it is created in an unascertained person or is
subject to a condition precedent, or both.
2. Contingent remainder 未確定残余権
a) The remainder that is contingent b/c it is created in as yet unborn or unascertained
persons. 未確定又は未出生で発生する場合は、未確定残余権となる。
(e.g.12) “To A for life, then to B’s first child.” A is alive. B, as yet, has no children.B は子供な

 Unknown B’s child is a contingent remainder (because we do not know yet).
(e.g.13) “To A for life, then to B’s heirs.” A is alive. B is alive. B/c a living person has no heirs,
while B is alive, his heirs are unknown.
 We have a contingent remainder.
(e.g.14) “To A for life, then to those children of B who survive A.” A is alive. We don’t know yet
which, if any, of B’s children will survive A.
 We have a contingent remainder.
BarBri Set 3-3 Vested か否かは権利の発生時点で判断(例えば will の作成時点)。

b) The remainder that is contingent b/c it is subject to a condition precedent.

A condition is a condition precedent when it appears before the language that
creates the remainder, or it is woven into the fabric of grant to a remainder man.
Condition precedent = Prerequisite
(e.g.15) “To A for life, then, if B graduates from college, to B.” 「A の生存中、A の死亡時に B
が大学を卒業していたら B に付与」 A is alive. B is now in high school. B/f B can
take, he must graduate from college. He has not yet satisfied this condition precedent
(prerequisite).B はまだ停止条件をクリアしていない。
* B has a contingent remainder. B は未確定残余権
* O has a reversion (until B graduates). O は復帰権(ただし B 卒業時まで)
* If B never graduates, O or O’s heir will take. (B が卒業しなければ、O 又は O の
* If B graduates from college during A’s life time, then, B’s contingent remainder will be
automatically transformed into an indefeasibly vested remainder. A の生存中に B が大学
を卒業したら、B の未確定残余権は解約条件のない(解約不能な)確定的残余権
(e.g.16) “To A for life, and if B has reached the age of 21, to B.” A is alive. B is 19 years old.
Again, B must satisfy a condition precedent b/f B can take. A の生存中に 21 歳になった
* B therefore has a contingent remainder. B は未確定残余権
* O has a reversion (until B reaches 21).
* If B never reaches age of 21, the estate back to O or O’s heirs.
* If B attains age of 21 during A’s lifetime, B’s contingent remainder is transformed into
an indefeasibly vested remainder. A が生きている間に B が 21 歳になった場合、B の
BarBri Essay-4
"To X for life, then to my surviving children"という場合の Surviving は CP であり、その充

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足の有無は請求が可能になる時点(=X の死亡時点)で判断される。遺言の作成時では

c) Important rules related to contingent remainder:

1) The Rule of Destructibility of Contingent Remainders:
(a) Historically, at common law, a contingent remainder would be
destroyed if it is still contingent at the time the preceding estate
terminated. 歴史的にはコモンロー上は、未確定残余権は、先行不動産権
(b) Today, in most states, the rule of destructibility has been virtually
abolished. 今日では多くの州でこのルールは廃止されている。
(e.g.17) “To A for life, and if B has reached the age of 21, to B.” Now, A has died,
leaving behind B, who is still only 19 years old. Assess the state of the title. 「A
の生存中付与、B が 21 歳に達していたら B に付与。」A 死亡。B は生き
ているが 19 歳。
Under historical common law rule: B’s contingent remainder is destroyed b/c it
is still contingent. コモンローでは B の未確定残余権はなお未確定なので
喪失 The condition precedent has not been attained, now that the preceding
estate terminated.
 O or O’s heirs (if O is dead) takes in Fee Simple Absolute. O 又は O の相続
*Under current rule: Fee reverts back to O. But B doesn’t lose his interest. B
now has springing executory interest. O holds it subject to B’s springing
executory interest. If B reaches 21, B divests O (B will take away the estate
from O). 不動産権は O に復帰。しかし、B も利益は失わず、B は発生的
未発生将来権を取得。O は B の発生的未発生将来権を条件に取得。B が
21 歳になったら、B は O から権利を奪う。

2) The Rule in Shelley’s case:シェリィ事件のルール

(a) At common law, the rule would apply in one setting only: O
conveys “To A for life, then, on A’s death, to A’s heirs.” A is
alive. A の生存中に「A に生存中付与、A の死亡時に A の相続人に」
この準則は, freehold (自由土地保有権)の移転に際し、A に生涯権 (life estate)
を設定すると同時に、同一の移転証書で remainder "to his heirs" もしくは "to
the heirs of his body" というような限定を付した場合、双方がともに legal
interest (コモン・ロー上の財産権)またはともに equitable interest (エクイティ上
の財産権)であれば、このいずれの場合においても、A への生涯間の権利の付
与があった時点において、heirs (法定相続人)に限定された不動産権もその効
力を発生するものと解し、したがって各々の場合について A に fee simple ( 単
純不動産権)、または fee tail (限嗣不動産権)が設定されたものとみなす 。つま
り 各 々 の 場 合 の heirs の 語 は 、 当 該 の 不 動 産 権 の 範 囲 を 示 す words of
limitation (内容表示文言)であって、heirs 等を権利の譲受人として指定するた
めの words of purchase (権利取得者表示文言)ではないとするのが、この準則
の要点である。こうして、一方では feudal incidents (封建的付随条件)の回避
し、この準則は, 例えば "to A for life, remainder to X's next heir male and the
heirs of the body of such next heir male" のように remainder (残余権)を A のただ
一 人 の heir およ びそ の法 定相 続人 に限 定し て譲 与す れば 克服 され えた
(Archer's Case (1597))。 アメリカでも初めそのまま継受されたが, その後ほと

(b) Historically, the present and future interest would merge, giving
A a fee simple absolute (Shelly’s case). 歴史的には現在権及び将来
権は混合し、A に絶対的単純不動産権が付与された。

(c) Note: The rule in Shelley’s case is a rule of law, and not a rule of
construction. So the rule would apply even in the face of
grantor’s intention to the contrary. Shelly 事件のルールは法原則であ

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(d) Today, largely due to the rigidity of the rule of Shelley’s case, this
rule has been virtually abolished in U.S. 多くの州でこのルールを廃
Thus, the result today (Shelley Rule を適用しない場合):
* A has life estate. A は生涯不動産権を有する。
* A’s (as yet unknown) heirs have a contingent remainder. 未知の
A の相続人は未確定残余権者
* When A is dead and there is no heirs, it reverts back to O (O has
reversion since A could die without remaining heirs). A が相続人な
しに死んだら、O が取得(O は復帰権を有する)。
* このルールは主に grantee (被譲与人)の相続人に対する remainder 設定

3) The Doctrine of Worthier Title 相続権原優先原則 (also known as the rule

against a remainder in grantor’s heirs)
主として grantor の相続人に対する remainder の設定に関して適用される):

(a) Rule:
Where a testator conveys an heir the same estate in land that the
heir would take under the laws of inheritance, the heir would be
adjudged to have taken title to the land by inheritance rather than
by the conveyance.
譲渡人が自らの相続人を名宛人として不動産を譲渡した場合( e.g., "to X
for life, then to my heirs")、相続人に対する譲渡は行われず、当該不動産
(b) This applies only to conveyance which tries to create a future
interest in O’s heirs while O is still alive. (It pertains only inter
vivos conveyances of real and personal property during O’s life
and that attempt to create a future interest in O’s heir.) このルール
は O がまだ生存中に O の相続人に対して将来権を発生させようとして不
動産権を付与する場合にのみ適用される( O の生存中の生存者間の不動
産及び動産の権利付与、O の相続人に将来権を発生させようとする場合
This rule is still viable in most state today.

(e.g.19) O, who is alive, conveys “To A for life, then to O’s heirs.”
* If the Doctrine of Worthier Title did not apply,
A has a life estate and O’s heirs have contingent remainder,
because O is still alive and a living person has no heirs.
* Instead, because of the Doctrine of Worthier Title, the
contingent remainder in O’s heirs is void.
Thus, A has a life estate. A は生涯不動産権を有する。
O has a reversion. O は復帰権を有する。
O の相続人が未確定残余権を有するのではなくて、O が復帰権
を有し、復帰した後に O の相続人に資産が承継されていくこ
(c) The purpose of this rule is to promote free land transfer. 目的は土
(d) Note: The Doctrine of Worthier Title is a rule of construction,
and not a rule of law, meaning grantor’s intent controls.
Grantor’s intentions are binding. So, if grantor clearly intends to
create a contingent remainder in his heirs, then the grantor’s
intention is binding. 相続権原優先原則は解釈原則であり、法原則では
<Difference between Vested Remainder and Contingent Remainder>

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Vested Remainder Contingent remainder

1 Is vested. Is NOT vested.
2 Is NOT subject to the Rule against Is subject to the Rule against Perpetuities
3 Is limited to an ascertained person who has Is subject to a condition precedent; it will
the right to immediate possession if and not vest until the happening of an event or
when the prior estate is terminated. the ascertainment of a person
4 Remainderman has right against prior state Remainderman has NO right against prior
owner (e.g. life tenant) for waste state owner (e.g. life tenant) for waste
5 Remainderman CAN compel estate owner Remainderman CANNOT compel estate
to pay taxes or interest on encumbrances owner to pay taxes or interest on

D. Distinguish the three kinds of vested remainders: 3 種類の確定残余権の相違

* Note: Only remainders can be vested.
PR-90 確定残余権者の権利
Vested Remainderman 確定的残余権者は、自己の権利の前提となる権利であって、現在不動産を
保有している Tenant for Life 生涯不動産権者に対して、利益又は収入の範囲内で税金又は担保

1. The indefeasibly vested remainder 解約不能確定的残余権:

a) The holder of this remainder is certain to acquire an estate in the future with no
strings attached. This is the best of any future interest. 条件が付与されていない場合、
b) He is also certain to retain permanently that estate. 恒久的に不動産権を有する。
c) His condition is not subject to any condition at all. 条件に左右されない。
(e.g.20) “To A for life, remainder to B.” A is alive. B is alive.
1) A has a life estate. B has an indefeasibly vested remainder. B is known, B’s entitlement is
not accompanied by any condition, provisos, whatsoever.
2) What if B predeceases A? B が A より先に死んだ場合
All vested remainders are transferable, descendible, and devisable. So B’s future
interest will survive. B can transfer his interest by his will or by the statute of intestacy ( 無
遺言) to his heirs. 確定的残余権は、譲渡可能、相続可能及び遺贈可能。したがって、
B の将来権は存続。B は将来権を遺言又は無遺言相続によって相続人に移転でき
る。→いつかは A が死ぬので、B の相続人が存在する限りは、不動産権はいつか
は B 側に来ることになる。

2. The vested remainder subject to complete defeasance 権利消滅条件(解除条件)付確定的残

余権 (also known as “the vested remainder subject to total divestment”.):

a) Remainder man is in existent and known, and he is NOT subject to any condition
precedent (no prerequisite). 残余権者が生存・既知であり、前提条件にかからない。
b) However, remainder man’s right to possession could be cut short (divested) b/c of
the presence of a condition subsequent. しかし、解除条件により消滅することもある。
* This remainder man runs the risk of losing at all subject to condition
c) Here, note the difference between a condition precedent, which creates a
contingent remainder, and a condition subsequent, which creates a vested
remainder subject to complete defeasance.
To tell the difference, apply the “Comma Rule”: 「前提条件の存在により生じる未

1) When conditional language in a transfer follows language that, taken

alone and set off by commas, would create a vested remainder, the
condition is a condition subsequent, and you have a vested remainder

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subject to complete defeasance. 不動産権付与についての条件文言が、当該文

(e.g.21) O conveys: “To A for life, remainder to B, provided, however, that if B
dies under the age of 25, [condition subsequent] to C.” A is alive. B is
20 years old.
* A has a life estate. A は生涯権
* B has a vested remainder subject to complete defeasance because B’s taking is
subject to condition subsequent. B には解除条件がついているので、解除条
* C has a shifting executory interest. C は移転的未発生将来権
* If B is under 25 at the time of A’s death, B still takes the Blackacre. But, B
must reach 25 to retain his interest. Otherwise, B’s heirs will lose it all, and C
will take. (B’s interest will be divested subject to the subsequent condition. If B
dies under 25, C takes it all the way from B’s heirs.)
A 死亡時に B が 25 歳以下だとしても、B はなお甲地の不動産権を所有。
しかし、B は 25 歳にならなければならない。その前に死亡すると(解除
条件成就)B の相続人は負け、C が取得。B の利益は解除条件に従って
剥奪される。B が 25 歳未満で死亡したら、C は権利取得。
いったん B が取得するが解除条件である「25 歳未満で死亡」の条件が成
就すると B の権利はなくなり、C が取得。
* O has a reversion because it is possible neither C or C’s heirs will exist if and
when a condition subsequent is breached. O は復帰権を有する。解除条件成
就の際に C 又は C の相続人が存在しないこともありうるから。

2) By contrast, if the conditional language appears before the language

creating the remainder, the condition is a condition precedent, and you
have a contingent remainder. 残余権付与文言よりも前に条件文言がある場合
(e.g.22) O conveys “To A for life, and if B has reached the age of 25 [condicition
precedent], to B.” A is alive. B is 20 years old.
* A has a life estate. A は生涯権
* B has a contingent remainder because his taking is subject to a condition
precedent. B must be 25 before he can assume possession. 停止条件があるの
で、B は未確定残余権。保有を承継する前に 25 歳にならなくてはなら
* O has a reversion. O は復帰権。 If B dies under 25, the estate goes back to
O or O’s heirs. B が 25 歳未満で死んだら O 又は O の相続人に戻る。
* If B is still alive but under 25 at the time of A’s death, B cannot take, because
B has a condition precedent. Estate goes back to O or O’s heirs who holds it
subject to B’s springing executory interest. (Once B reaches 25, B takes it away
from O. dies and B is still under 25, B can’t take it.)
A 死亡時に B が生存しているが 25 歳未満の場合、停止条件未成就なの
で O に戻る。そして 25 歳に達したら、B が O から奪える。25 歳未満で
「25 歳になること」が停止条件なので、25 歳になるまではいずれにし
3. The vested remainder subject to open 全てのメンバーが確定していない確定的残余権:
a) Here, a remainder is vested in a group of takers, at least one of whom is
qualified to take possession. 残余権が少なくとも資格ある一人を含むグループ・クラス
b) But each class member’s share is subject to partial diminution because
additional takers not yet ascertained can still be qualified as class members.
(e.g.23) “To A for life, then to B’s children.” A is alive. B has two children, C and D. What do
C and D have?「A に生存中付与、死後 B の子供に付与」B は子供が二人。
* C and D have vested remainder subject to open. C and D are known. However, their
share is still subject to partial diminution if B will have another child. In other word,

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class is still open. B にさらに子供ができる可能性があるので、クラスは開かれて
Emanuel-43 遺言に“to grandchildren”と class が指定されている場合の範囲の定め方
・上記の「生存中」には胎児(unborn baby)も含まれる。
効力発生時に class が close するため)
anti-lapse statute がある場合は statute で指定された者が代わりに相続可能になり得る
anti-lapse statute の例: “If a devisee, including a devisee of a class gift, who is a grandparent or a lineal
descendant of a grandparent of the testator is dead at the time of execution of the will or fails to survive
the testator, the issue of such deceased devisee hsall take the deceased’s share under the will”
Note: 上記では“issue”(子)が指定されているので、当該孫の他の相続人では参加できない
なお、"surviving grandchildren"と限定されている場合、survive しなかった grandchildren はそ
もそもクラスの要件を満たさないため、antilapse の話にならず、当然に相続できない。

c) A Class is either Open or Closed

1) A class is open if other members can join. 加入が可能であればクラスは Open
2) A class is closed when no others can join. (The person born thereafter
will be shut out.) 最大限のメンバーがすでにいる場合クラスは Close
3) How will you know when the given class has closed?
Apply the common law rule of convenience.
Convenience Rule を適用してクローズしたかどうかを確認。
(a) The class closes whenever any member can demand possession.
(b) This is a rule of construction 解釈原則:
It will not apply if grantor clearly indicates that it should not
apply. 付与者が適用を否定した場合、適用されない。
(e.g.) In the preceding example (“To A for life, then to B’s children.” A is alive. B
has two children, C and D), when does the class close?
[Bright line test]
* At B’s death, and also, according to the rule of convenience, at A’s death, no
matter that B is still alive. Because at A’s death, C and D will be allowed to
demand possession. B 死亡時、Convenience Rule によれば B が生きていて
も A の死亡時。A の死亡時には C と D は保有を要求できる。
* Once A dies, a child of B born or conceived thereafter will not share in the gift
(will not share the entitlement). A が死んだら、その後生まれた B の子供は×
* Exception 例外: The womb rule: B’s child being in the womb at A’s death
will share the entitlement with C and D. A の死亡時に存在した B の胎児は他
d) Vested remainder is alienable, devisable, and descendible. 確定的残余権は、譲渡
可能、相続可能、遺贈可能。 At common law, her shares still pass according to
her will or would pass by the statute of intestacy.
*What if C and D predecease A? Vested remainder will be passed to heirs or devisees. A より先
に C・D が死亡してもその相続人・受贈者が確定的残余権を承継する。
BarBri Set 5-1
Surviving などの限定がなければ、権利発生後、Class が close する間に死亡した人の
vested remainder subject to class open は相続人に承継される。

E. Distinguish remainders from executory interests <MBE favorite>残余権と未発生将来権の違い

1. What is executory interest? - The holder of executory interest (executor) is impatient,
unexpectedly interrupting. 未発生将来権者は、性急かつ、予期せずして妨害する。
a) It is a future interest created in a transferee (a third party), which is not a
remainder and which takes effect by either cutting short some interest in another
person (“shifting”) or in the grantor or his heirs (“springing”).

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Cf. Remainder is capable of taking in possession upon the natural termination

of the preceding estate. 残余権は先行する不動産権の自然的な終了により占有
b) Shifting executory interest:移転的未発生将来権
It always follows a defeasible fee (Fee Simple Subject to Executory Limitation)
and cuts short someone other than the grantor. 常に 消滅条件付封土権が付随し(未発
(e.g.) “To A and her heirs, but if B returns from Canada sometime next year, to B and his
heirs.”「A 及び A の相続人に付与。ただし、B が来年カナダから戻ってきたら、B
及び B の相続人に付与。」
* B has a shifting executory interest. B は移転的未発生将来権
* Why doesn’t B have a remainder?: Because remainders never follow defeasible fees. 残
余権は消滅条件付封土権が付随しないため、B は残余権を取得しない。
* A has a fee simple subject to B’s shifting executory interest (= A has a defeasible fee). A
は B の移転的未発生将来権を条件とした単純不動産権( A は 消滅条件付封土
権)A の権利は B の移転的未発生将来権が条件となっていることで、権利が縮小
* Does the conveyance violate the rule against perpetuities? No, because of the 1 year
limit on B’s power. 永久拘束禁止則違反では? B の権利は 1 年に制限されている
(e.g.) “To A, but if A uses land for non-residential purposes at any time during the next 20 years,
then to B.”「A に付与、しかし、A が 20 年以内に非居住目的で使用した場合には、
B に付与」
* B has a shifting executory interest. B は移転的未発生将来権
* A has a fee simple subject to B’s shifting executory interest. A は B の移転的未発生将
* Does the conveyance violate the rule against perpetuities? No, because of the 20 year
limit on B’s potential power. 永久拘束禁止則違反では? B の潜在的権利は 20 年に
c) Springing executory interest 発生的未発生将来権
It will divest/cut short O himself (grantor). O(付与者)自身の権利を縮小。
(e.g.) O conveys: “To A, if and when he marries.” A is unmarried. 「A に付与。A が結婚し
* A has a springing executory interest. A は発生的未発生将来権
* O has a fee simple subject to A’s springing executory interest. (O’s potentially limitless
time interest can be cut off by someone else, A, the springing executory interest holder.)
O は A の発生的未発生将来権を条件とした単純不動産権を取得( O の潜在的な
時間無制限の利益は第三者によって縮小され、A は発生的未発生将来権を有す
* Does the conveyance violate the rule against perpetuities (RAP)? No. We will know by
the end of A’s life whether the condition is met or not. RAP に反しないか?OK. A 死亡
(e.g.) O conveys: “To A, if and when he becomes a lawyer.” A is in high school. 「A に付与。
A が弁護士になった場合/時」
* A has a springing executory interest. A は発生的未発生将来権
* O has a fee simple subject to A’s springing executory interest. O は A の発生的未発生
* Does the conveyance violate the RAP?: No. We will know by the end of A’s life
whether the condition is satisfied or not. RAP に反しないか?OK. A 死亡時までに条件
Future Interests in Transferees
Alienability 譲渡可能性 Subject to RAP?
Future Interest Example 譲渡 遺贈 相続 永久拘束禁止則
1 Indefeasibly Vested “To A for life, then to
Remainder 解除不能の確 B” ○ ○ ○ No
2 Vested Remainder “To A for life, and on ○ ○ ○ No
Subject to Total A’s death, to B; but if
Divestment 権利消滅条件 B predeceases A, then

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付確定的残余権 to C”
3 Vested Remainder “To A for life, then to ○ Yes as long as the
Subject to Open メンバー A’s children in equal in most ○ ○ class remains
未確定の確定的残余権 shares” state open
4 Contingent Remainder “To A for life, then to
未確定残余権 B if marries C ○
in most ○ ○ Yes
“To X for life, then to state
X’s surviving children
5 Shifting Executory “To A for life,
Interest 移転的未発生将来 remainder to B and her ○
権 heirs, but if B ○ ○ Yes
in most
predeceases A, then to state
C and his heirs”
6 Springing Executory “To X when and if X
Interest 発生的未発生将来 becomes a doctor
権 ○
“To X for life, then two in most ○ ○ Yes
years after X’s death, to state

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Part 1-3. The Rule against Perpetuities (RAP)永久拘束禁止則

I. The Rule
Certain kinds of future interests are void if there is any possibility, however remote, that the given
interest may vest more than 21 years after the death of a measuring life .
基準生存者の死後 21 年以上経過後に権利付与が発生する可能性のある一定の将来権は無効。

To prevent one generation of the property owners from tying up the property too long into the
future. 将来の長期間にわたって土地との関係を強制することを防ぐ目的がある。
II. 4-Step Technique for Assessing Potential RAP Problems:
A. Step 1: Determine which future interests have been created by the conveyance. 将来権の種類
1. The RAP potentially applies only to
(i) contingent remainders,
(ii) executory interests, and
(iii) certain vested remainders subject to open.
RAP は未確定残余権、未発生将来権、特定のメンバーが未確定の確定的残余権にのみ適用される。
(c.f.) Future interest includes a right of first refusal, options to purchase connected
with a fee, class gifts, and powers of appointment.
BIM-13 First Refusal Right はエクィティ上の不動産権。多くの州では、personal to the holder(譲
渡不可)であるとの推定が働くとされ、原則として RAP は適用されない。譲渡可能との特約が
PR-114 RAP と Options to Purchase Land
土地売買契約に基づく Deed Instrument に含まれる Options to Purchase Land には RAP が適用され
る。Lease も原則として同様だが、Leasehold Contract 賃貸借契約に含まれる Current tenant 及び
その Assignee が保有する Options to Purchase Land に対しては例外的に RAP は適用されない。

2. The RAP does NOT apply to RAP は以下の権利には適用されない。

(i) any of the 3 future interests created in all the grantor: possibility of reverter, right of
entry or reversion, 付与者に生じる将来権(復帰可能権、終了権、復帰権)、
(ii) indefeasibly vested remainder, or 解約不能確定的残余権
(iii) vested remainder subject to complete defeasance. 権利消滅条件付確定的残余権
B. Step 2: Identify the conditions precedent to the vesting of the suspect future interest. 前提条件の
(e.g.) To A for life, then to A’s children.” A is alive. She has no children.
* The as yet unborn children have contingent remainder. まだ生まれてない子供は未確定残余権
* In the preceding example, What has to happen before a future interest holder can take?: A must die leaving
child. 前提条件は何か(将来権者が不動産権を取得するために何が必要か)?A が子供を残して死
C. Step 3: Find a measuring life. 生存基準者の確定
Measuring life is a person alive at the date of conveyance and whose life or death is related to the
conditions occurrence. (i)財産権付与の時点で生存、(ii)死亡が条件
(e.g.) In the preceding example, who qualifies as a measuring life? Here, certainly A is a measuring life. (A’s life is
thoroughly relevant.)

D. Step 4: Ask: Will we know, with certainty, within 21 years of the death of our measuring life, if
our future interest holders(s) can or cannot take? 生存基準者の死後 21 年以内に確定するか。
1. If so (yes), the conveyance is good. 財産権移転は有効
2. If not (if there is any possibility, however remote, that the condition precedent could or
could not occur more than 21 years after the death of a measuring life), the future interest
is void.

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(e.g.) Preceding conveyance, therefore is good. We will know at the instance of A’s death if A has left behind the
child or not. (So, if A has no child at the time of his death, it is OK b/c we know there is no future interest
holder from the instant at the A’s death.)
(e.g.) “To A for life, then to the first of her children to reach the age of 30.” A is 70. Her only child, B, is 29 years
old. 「A の生存中、そして A の 30 歳に達した最初の子供に。」A は 70 歳で、唯一の子供 B は 29 歳。
* Apply the 4 steps:
a) Classify the future interest.将来権の特定:
The first of her children has a contingent remainder. A future interest created and as yet an
unknown taker. A の最初の子供は未確定的残余権。
b) What are the conditions precedent to the vesting of the future interest?将来権付与のための前提条
A must die and have a child to reach 30. A が死亡し、子供が 30 歳に達していること。
c) Find a measuring life.基準生存者は?:
A is a measuring life. Because conveyance to A’s children is not specific to B, B cannot be a
measuring life. A は基準生存者である。A の子供への付与は B に特定のものではなく、B は
d) Will we know, with certainty, within 21 years of the death of our measuring life if a future interest
holder can take? In other words, is there any possibility, however remote, that A would not have a
child to reach 30 until more than 21 years after A’s death?: 将来権者が引き継ぐ場合に、基準生
存者の死亡から 21 年以内であることが明確か?A の死亡後 A が 21 年以内に 30 歳以上の子
Yes. There is possibility.可能性はないとは言えない(B が明日死亡して、A に新しく子供が
生まれ、A の死亡時点で 5 歳ということもありうる) “Anything is possible.” Therefore,
future interest is void. 将来権は無効。
* Common law regards anything possible: Suppose B die tomorrow, and A gets another child, C. A
dies when C is 5. コモンロー上は、全ての可能性について考慮する。
-> B/c future interest is void, A has life estate. O has a reversion.結論として、A は生涯不動産権、O は復
3. The Fertile Octogenarian Rule(元気な 80 代): Common law rule that woman can bear her
child regardless of her age. 女性は何歳でも生殖可能との前提
III.** Two Bright Line Rules of Common Law RAP <MBE favorite>
A. A gift to an open class that is conditioned on the members surviving to an age beyond 21 violates
the common law RAP.
21 歳以上まで生存することを条件としてメンバー未確定の Class に対する贈与はコモンロー上の RAP 違反。
* “Bad as to one, bad as to all.” 一つ無効なら全て無効
1. To be valid, it must be shown that the condition precedent to every single class member’s
taking will occur within the perpetuity period. 永続的期間内に全てのメンバーの停止条件が実
2. If it is possible that a disposition might vest too remotely with respect to any member of
the class, the entire class gift is voided. 全体のクラスが無効になる。
(e.g.) “To A for life, then to such of A’s children as live to attain the age of 30.” A has two children, B and C. B is
35 and C is 40. A is alive.
a) B and C’s vested remainder subject to open are voided by the common law Rule Against
Perpetuities and “Bad as to one, bad as to all” rule.
b) The class is open. Anything will happen. B and C could die tomorrow. A might have another child
D, and A might die in the process.  This vested remainder will be voided for A’s unborn potential
remainder man D. So, the entire future interest is void.B と C が明日死ぬかもしれないし、A の
子供が生まれる可能性もある。→A のまだ生まれてない子供には潜在的残余権がある。し
たがって、他の B 及び C の将来権も無効。
c) Thus, under the common law RAP, we are left with a life estate in A and a reversion in O. The
future interest is wiped out.

B. Many shifting executory interests violate the RAP. An executory interest with no limit on the
time within which it must vest violates the RAP.
移転的未発生将来権の多くは RAP 違反。付与すべき期間の制限のない未発生将来権は RAP 違反。

1. Shifting executory interest が fee simple determinable に変容する場合

(e.g.) “To A and his heirs so long as the land is used for farm purposes, and if the land ceases to
be so used, to B and his heirs.”

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1) Classify the future interest.: B has a shifting executory interest. 移転的未発生将

2) What are the conditions that will trigger B’s entitlement?: The land must cease to
be used for farm purposes.前提条件は土地の農場目的利用の停止
3) Find a measuring life.: A’s lifetime is measuring life.
4)* Will we know with certainty, within 21 years of the death of our measuring life if
a future interest holder can take or not? 確定性
 No, b/c the condition might never be breached forever (there is no time limit.
Too remote.).
 Therefore, shifting executory interest is void. 移転的未発生将来権は無効。
5) Once the offensive future interest is stricken, we are left with: “To A and his
heirs so long as the land is used for farm purposes.”
a) Thus, A now has a fee simple determinable. A は解除条件付単純不動産権を
b) O now has a possibility of reverter. O は復帰可能権
c) Is there a RAP problem?: No, because RAP simply never applies to future
interest in a grantor. RAP は付与者 O の将来権(復帰可能権)には適用され
2. Shifting executory interest が fee simple absolute に変容する場合
* Compare the preceding example to:
(e.g.) “To A and his heirs, but if the land ceases to be used for farm purposes, to B and his heirs.”
a) Same result as above, except that now:
b) Once the offensive future interest (“to B and his heirs”) is stricken, the conveyance is no
longer grammatically sound. Thus, the entire conditional clause is stricken. 将来権が無
c) Therefore, A now has a fee simple absolute (“To A and his heirs.”).
d) O has nothing. O は権利なし。

3. The charity-to-charity exception 慈善活動の例外:

A gift from one charity to another does not violate the RAP. (Because we wish to
encourage charity gift giving.) 慈善団体から慈善団体に移転する贈与は RAP 違反とならない。
B-IM54 一度一般人に移転させてから Charity にいく場合は×

(e.g.) “To the American Red Cross, so long as the premises are used for Red Cross purposes, and if they
cease to be so used, then to the YMCA.” 「ARC の目的に基づいて使用する限りは、ARC に。
使用をやめる場合は YMCA に。」
1) Ordinarily, the YMCA would have a void shifting executory interest by the common law
RAP.通常 YMCA の権利は RAP により、Shifting Executory Interest なので無効。
2) However, because of the charity-to-charity exception to the RAP, the gift stands
(YMCA’s future interest is valid). しかし、慈善団体から慈善団体への移転の場合は
RAP は適用なし。
* ARC has a fee simple subject to YMCA’s shifting executory interest.

RAP 事例まとめ
1) O conveys P “his heirs and assigns; but if my friend shall be living 30 years from the date of this deed, then to
my friend, his heirs and assins”
→valid. Friend の権利は、Friend が証書作成日から 30 年間生存するかによって定まるため、Friend が生
存基準者になり、friend が証書作成日から 30 年間生存するかは、friend の死亡時点(=friend の死後 21
年以内)に確定する。 Emanuel 45

2) By his will, O devised “my farm to such of my grandchildren who shall reach the age of 21; and by this
provision I intend to include all grandchildren whenever born”
→valid. 「21 歳になる O の孫」が権利者クラスであり、「O の孫」の範囲は O の子供の範囲によって決
まる。そして、上記は遺贈であるため、生存基準者の確定は遺贈の効力発生時点=O の死亡時であ
り、この時点で生きている O の全ての子供が生存基準者である。帰結として、クラスである「 O の
孫」はいずれも生存基準者の子供となる。そして、O の子供が死亡後にその子供(O の孫)が増えるこ
とはなく、O の子供の死亡後 21 年以内には、「21 歳になる O の孫」のクラスが確定することになる。
他方、仮に上記が生前贈与である場合、生前贈与時点において存在した O の子供が生存基準者になる

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ものの、贈与後に O に子供が生まれる可能性があり、クラスである「 O の孫」に生存基準者以外の子

供が含まれ得ることになる。この場合、生存基準者の死亡後に、生存基準者以外の O の子供が子供(O
の孫)を生む可能性が残り、当該子供が 21 歳に到達するかは生存基準者の死亡後 21 年以内に確定しな
いことになるため、RAP 違反となる。 Emanuel 47

3) By his will, O devised “my house to my surviving widow for life, remainder to such of my children as shall live
to attain the age of 30 years, but if any child dies under the aged of 30 years survived by a child or children, such
child or children shall take and receive the share which his, her, or their parent would have received had such
parent lived to attain the age of 30 years”
→valid. 「30 歳になる O の子供」と「30 歳までに死亡した O の子供の子供」が権利者のクラスであ
る。上記は遺贈であるため、生存基準者の確定は遺贈の効力発生時点=O の死亡時であり、この時点
で生きている O の全ての子供が生存基準者である。上記 2 つの権利はいずれも当該子供が 30 歳になっ
た時点で確定する(30 歳まで生きれば O の子供に権利が発生し、O の孫は権利喪失。逆に 30 歳まで二
死亡した場合は O の子供は権利を得ず、O の孫の権利が確定)ため、O の子供の死亡時点(=死後 21
年以内)で権利確定が生じる。 Emanuel 52

4) O conveyed the land “to a grantee by a deed: “by accepting this deed, the grantee covenants for herself, her
heirs and assigns that the premises herein conveyed shall be used solely for residential purposes and , if the
premises are used for nonresidential purpose, the landowner, his heirs and assigns, shall have the right to
repurchase the premise.”
→ void.
土地に関する権限に従属しないオプションは RAP の問題。生存基準者は landowner であるが、例えば
landowner の曽孫がオプションを行使することもできてしまうため RAP 違反になる。 Emanuel 54

5) “to A and A’s heirs, so long as the property is used for residential purposes, then to B and B’s heirs”
→A は Fee Simple subject to Executory Interest を有し、B 及び B の相続人は Executory Interest を有する。
しかし、A の死亡後 21 年以内に条件が成就するかどうかは不明であり、RAP に反する。したがっ
て、RAP 違反となる将来権の部分は無効になるので、B の Executory Interest は無効となり、A は Fee
Simple Absolute を有する。 Emanuel 48

6) O conveys a tract “to his friend for life, and then to his widow for her life, remainder to his children then alive”
→Void. 「Friend の widow の死亡時点で生存する Friend の子供」が権利者クラスであり、上記権利者ク
ラスの権利が確定するのは「friend の widow の死亡時」である。上記は生前贈与であり、「widow」が
誰かが決まるのは Friend の死亡時点であるため、生前贈与時点で未定の widow は生存基準者にならな
い。そして、widow の死亡が唯一の生存基準者である Friend の死後 21 年以内に生じるとは限らないた
め、RAP 違反となる(仮に上記が遺贈であれば widow が生存基準者になるため、RAP 違反にならな
い)。“to his friend for life”と読み替えられ、remainder は O の相続人へ。 BarBri Set 1-2
7) O conveys a tract “to his son for life, and then to the son’s widow for her life, remainder to the son’s children.”
→Valid. Son が生存基準者となり、son の死亡時においてその子供が vested remainder を取得することが
確定する(現に title を取得するのは widow の死んだ時であり、それは 21 年以内ではないかもしれない
が問題はない)。6)との違いは、6)は widow の死亡時まで権利確定が生じない(∵widow 死亡時に生存
していることが条件になっている)のに対して、7)の場合には son の死亡時点で remainder が vest され
ることになる点である。 BarBri Set 5-1

8) O conveys a tract “to the neighbor reserved for the landowner, his heir and assigns the right of first refusal to
purchase the and when it was offered for sale
→Void. Neighbor を生存基準者にしてその死後 21 年以内に確定しない(O の heirs, assigns が権利行使で
きてしまう。なお O のみが FRR を持っている場合には RAP の問題が生じないため有効) BarBri Set 3-7

IV.** Reform of the RAP

A. The “wait and see” or “second look” doctrine: Majority of states.
* Under this majority reform effort,
1. The validity of any suspect future interest is determined on the basis of the facts as they
actually occurred, or as they now exist, at the conclusion of a measuring life.

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2. This eliminates the common law’s “what if?” or “anything is possible” line of inquiry. It
just asks, “What has actually happened when the measuring life expired?”
(i)基準時点が契約時ではなく生存基準者死亡時になる + (ii) Common Law のおよそあり得るかどうかという
B. The Uniform Statutory Rule Against Perpetuities (USRAP): 20 states.
* Codifies the common law RAP and, in addition, provides for an alternative 90 year vesting
period after creation. RAP を制定法化し、期間を権利形成時より 90 年と設定。
* Any future interest subject to the rule must be certain to vest within the traditional common law
perpetuities period or within 90 yrs after the interest’s creation. 将来権付与から 90 年以内又は永久拘
C. Both the “wait and see” and USRAP reforms embrace: (both are in the effort to rescue the suspect
of conveyance.)
1. The cy pres (as near as possible) doctrine: 可及的近似則; シープレー原則
* If the given transfer violates the RAP, we give the court the power to reform that
transfer in a way that will most closely match the grantor’s intent that will be still
complying with the RAP. RAP で無効になったとしても、当事者の意思に最も近い内容の将来権
2. The reduction of offensive age contingency to 21 years.
* If a future interest would violate the RAP b/c it is contingent on any person’s having to
attain an age over 21 years, that offensive age contingency will be automatically reduced
to 21 years.21 年以上が設定されているため RAP によって無効とされる場合には、自動的に 21 年

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Part 1-4. Concurrent Estates 共同所有的不動産権

There are 3 forms of concurrent ownership:
1) The joint tenancy 合有不動産権:
2 or more own with the right of survivorship. 2 人以上、死亡時に合有者が承継(生存者財産権)
2) The tenancy by the entirety 夫婦全部保有権:
a protected marital interest between H and W with the right of survivorship.
3) The tenancy in common 共有:
2 or more own without the right of survivorship.生存者財産権なし。
BSM-169 Undevided one-half interest という表現は共有を意味する(tenant in common も含む)

I. Joint Tenancy <important for MBE + essay>

* 2 or more persons own Blackacre. The Key distinguishing feature is “Right of Survivorship.”
A. Distinguishing characteristics:
1. The right of survivorship 生存者財産権:
When one joint tenancy dies, his share passes automatically to the surviving joint tenant.
2. Joint tenancy’s interest is alienable (transferable inter vivos). However, it is not devisable
or descendible (because of the survivorship). 譲渡可能(生存者間でも譲渡可能)。ただし、相
続・遺贈は×。譲渡したら Joint Tenancy の解消となり、Tenancy In Common となる。
* If all joint tenants die at the same time, the joint tenancy severed to each heir. 全員同時に
B. Creation of a Joint Tenancy:合有不動産権の発生
1. The 4 unities:
* Remember this “T-TIP”: Joint tenancy must be created as T-TIP..
a) At the same Time. 同時に
b) By the same Title (in the same instrument). 同じ不動産を
c) Identical equal Interest. 持分平等
d) The identical right to Possess the whole. 不動産全体に対する保有権
2. Grantor must clearly express the right of survivorship. 生存者財産権を明示する必要あり。
Joint tenancies are disfavored. The presumption always favors the Tenancy in Common.
Therefore, in addition to TTIP, the Conveyance must clearly express the Right of
Survivorship. “To A and B, as joint tenants with the right of survivorship.” 合有は好まれな
いため、共有との推定が働きやすい。そのため付与の際には、明確に Joint Tenancy であることを明
3. Use of a straw. わら人形を利用した合有不動産権の発生 <MBE favorite>
単独所有を Joint Tenancy に変更する場合のスキーム
(e.g.) Dave holds Blackacre in fee simple absolute. He wishes to hold it as a joint tenant
with his best friend Paul. How must Dave proceed?
For the multi-state purpose, he has to use a straw (middleman, liaison).
1) Dave conveys Blackacre to strawman. 土地を Strawman(わら人形)に付与。
2) Strawman conveys back to Dave + Paul as joint tenants. Strawman が 2 人を Joint
Tenant として付与。
* 通常の不動産所有者が、無権利の他の当事者に対して合有不動産権を付与すると
いっても joint tenancy とはならない。

* Tenants in Common would convey the subject property to themselves as joint tenants in writing
(by the Statute of Frauds).

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PB-4 Tenancy in Common での共有者は、strawman がいなくても joint tenant になれる。手続きとしては原

則的に Real Property Conveyance となるため SOF が適用されるため、書面が必要。
SOF の例外として、Part Performance に該当する場合には、書面は不要となり、口頭でも執行可能となる
(=Joint Tenancy を主張できる)。
(Part Performance)
以下の 3 つのうち 2 つの状況を満たせば、口頭の不動産売却契約であっても特定履行を要求できる。
a) Buyer takes physical possession of the land and 買主が物理的占有
b) Buyer pays all or part of the purchase price; or 買主が全部又は一部の代金を支払い、又は
c) Buyer makes substantial improvements to the land.買主が実質的な改良
* Seller’s knowledge of these facts is not necessary. 売主の事実の認識は不要

C. Severance of a Joint Tenancy: 合有関係の解消

* Remember “SPAM”: Sale, Partition And Mortgage. 売買、分割、担保提供
PB-91 当事者間の合意によって、Tenancy in Common に変更することも可能。

1. Sale <MBE favorite> 売買

a) A joint tenant can sell or transfer her interest during her lifetime.
1) May she do so secretly? 秘密で売買 OK.
* Yes, without the other’s knowledge or consent. 他の合有者の認識・同意は
2) One joint tenant’s sale severs the joint tenancy as to the seller’s joint
tenant interest (disrupts from unities). Thus, the buyer is a tenant in
common. 売却すると、買主は合有ではなく共有になる(合有は好まれない)。
3) However, to the extent that we started with more than two joint tenants in
the first place, joint tenants remain intact as between the other non-
transferring joint tenants. ただし、その他の未譲渡の合有者との間では合有関
(e.g.) O conveys Blackacre “To Phoebe, Ross, and Monica as joint tenants with the right of
(a) Each owns a presumptive 1/3 share + the right to use and enjoy a whole.
(b) Phoebe then sells her interest to Chandler. What is the state of the title?
 Phoebe’s act severs the joint tenancy as to Phoebe’s interest. Ross and Monica
hold 2/3 as joint tenant. Chandler holds 1/3 as their Tenant in Common.
(c) Later Ross dies, leaving behind his heir, Rachel. What is the state of the title?
 Monica takes Ross’s share (because of the right of survivorship). Monica then
holds 2/3 with Chandler who holds 1/3. Monica and Chandler are tenants in
common. Rachel takes nothing.
PB-39 (joint tenant が同時に死んだ場合)相続のときは分割され、それぞれの相続人へ渡

PR-192 Joint Tenancy である夫婦の夫が子供 2 人に対して、4 分の 1 ずつ譲渡した場
合、夫婦は半分についての Joint Tenancy となり、子供 2 人はそれぞれ 4 分の 1 の
Tenancy in Common となる。夫の半分の持分がなくなるわけではない。【記載の正確

b) The Doctrine of Equitable Conversion: エクイティ上の財産権の形態転換

1) In equity, a joint tenant’s mere act of entering into a contract for the
sale of her share will sever the Joint Tenancy as to the contracting party
interest. 合有者が売買契約を署名・締結した時点で(クロージング前でも)、契
約対象となった持分権に関しては合有から分離する。Risk of Loss も契約の締結・
2) This is because the doctrine of Equitable Conversion, which provides that
“equity regards as done that which ought to be done.” (The JT is severed
as to the K party’s interest from the instant the K is signed.)
(e.g.) O conveys Blackacre to “Ringo, Paul, and John as joint tenants with the right of
survivorship.” This form of concurrent estate is joint tenancy because of the
clear language of intent.

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On January 1, Ringo enters into a contract for sale of his interest in the joint
tenancy to George, with the closing to take place on April 1. When does the
severance as to Ringo’s interest occur, and why?
 Jan. 1, under the Equitable Conversion. In equity, the joint tenancy is severed
as to Ringo’s share from the instant Ringo signs the contract.
2. Partition <essay> 分割
* Remember 3 variations:
a) By voluntary agreement 自 発 的 契 約 : an allowable peaceful way to end the
b) Partition in kind 現物分割 : a judicial action for physical division of the property,
if it is in the best interests of all parties. 全当事者にとって最善となる場合には、不動
に死亡した場合は、survivorship に従い残余合有者に分配。)3 人の場合、Partition 請求者
以外は引き続き joint tenancy。

c) Forced sale 強制売却 : a judicial action if in the best interest of all parties, where
the land is sold and the proceeds are then divided up proportionally. 全当事者に
PS-162 売却及び代金の配分の方法は、平等かつ衡平な現物分割が不可能な場合にのみ適用される。
PR-54 合有者は他の合有者に対して、補修や改良についての求償権を有さないが、分割が行われる
場合には、裁判所は Proceed のエクィティ上の分割をするに当たり、合有者によって行われた修繕
や改良について考慮に入れる。分割請求手続はエクィティ裁判所の管轄下で行われる。 Tenancy in
Common の場合は求償権が発生する(ただし修繕のみ)。
Partition に対する制限は”reasonable”であれば有効。一生 Partition しない等の制限は無効になる。
Emanuel 33 Partition にあたっては裁判所が、一方当事者が他方当事者に対して債務を負っているか
(共有地を貸していた場合の賃料、税金など)を調べるために accoutnig order を発する。

3. Mortgage <MBE> 担保権設定

a) The rule: One joint tenant’s execution of a mortgage or a lien on his or her share
will sever the joint tenancy as to that now encumbered share only in the
minority states that follow the title theory of mortgages. 合有者の一人が持分に担
保権設定した場合その持分について合有解消。ただし、少数州。この theory によれば、
mortgage は property の title を移転するものとされ、unity of title を破壊する。

b) By contrast, the majority of states follow the lien theory of mortgages, whereby
a joint tenant’s execution of a mortgage on his or her interest will NOT sever the
joint tenancy. 多くの州では、担保権設定によって合有解消とはならない。
* [QE] However, it will sever a/t default and foreclosure proceedings have been
completed. ただし、デフォルト・担保権実行手続が完了したら合有解消。
(e.g.) Paul, John, and George are joint tenants. Suppose now that Paul mortgages his interest
in the joint tenancy. Will this sever the joint tenancy as to Paul’s interest?
1) In a minority jurisdiction to follow the title theory of mortgages: Yes. (Paul retain equity of
redemption, not legal interest.)
2) In a majority jurisdiction to follow the lien theory of mortgages: No.
* If Paul, mortgagor, dies before foreclosure, John and George will get Paul’s interest and
mortgage on Paul’s interest will be wiped out.
Emanuel-3 債権者による差押え(filing of judgement by creditor)の場合

II. Tenancy by the Entirety

* Especially protected marital interest. It can only exist b/t husband and wife. Also characterized
by “Right of Survivorship.”
A. How to create?

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1. Can only be created in Husband and Wife who share the right of survivorship. 生存者財産
2. In those states to recognize the tenancy by the entirety, it arises presumptively in any
conveyance made to H and W (“O conveys to husband and wife”) unless clearly
expressed otherwise. 特に明示されない限り、夫婦に対して財産付与がなされた場合には、夫婦
全部保有権となる。 権利の承継時点で夫婦かどうかを確認。その時点で夫婦でなければ (単に
“Husband and Wife”として取得した場合は)Joint tenancy になる。

Essay-R22 結婚前に “Husband and Wife”として取得した後に実際に結婚したとしても Tenancy

by Entirety とはならない。Joint Tenancy となる。離婚すると多くの州で tenancy in common とな

B. This is a very protected form of co-ownership: 強力に保護された共有形態

Remember “Can’t touch this.” 不可侵
1. Creditors: Creditors, including mortgagee, of only one spouse can’t touch this tenancy by
the entirety. (MBE rule) 一方当事者の担保権者・債権者も手を出せない。
2. Unilateral conveyance: 一方的付与
* Neither tenant, acting alone, can defeat the right of survivorship by a unilateral
conveyance to the third party. 一方的付与によって夫婦全部保有権が変更されることはない。一
方当事者の意思のみで移転させられない。Right of Survivorship が残る。
(e.g.) Tony and Carmella, married to each other, own Blackacre as tenants by the entirety. Tony then
secretly transfers his interest to Uncle Junior. What does Uncle Junior have?
 Nothing. (Can’t touch this!) 夫婦の一方が秘密で譲渡したとしても、譲渡は無効。

3. Not descendible, devisable and transferable inter vivos. 生存者間でも遺贈、相続、譲渡不能

BIM-19 夫婦の一方が、Will を作成して子供を Devisee 受贈者に指定して死亡したとしても、Tenancy by
the Entirety 夫婦全部保有権は終了せず、right of survivorship により生存者に全て帰属する。
BIM-19 事実上の婚姻で内縁であるとしても、夫婦全部保有権は成立する。

III. Tenancy in Common 共有

* Two or more persons own without Right of Survivorship.
* Remember 3 features:
1. Each co-tenant owns an individual part, and each has a right to possess a whole.
2. Each interest is descendible, devisable and alienable (transferable inter vivos). There
are no survivorship right between tenants in common.
3. The presumption favors the tenancy in common. (Conveyance to two or more people that
fails to specify the form of concurrent ownership, presumptively creates a tenancy in
common.) 共有推定の原則
* Either “O conveys to A and B.” or “O conveys to A and B jointly.” or “O conveys to A
and B concurrently.”

* Termination: By partition the same for JT above.

共有関係解消 Joint Tenancy と同じく共有物分割により解消される。

IV. Rights and Duties of Co-Tenants 共有者の権利義務 (9 R&Ds)

(e.g.) Greg and Marcia own Blackacre as tenants in common. Greg contributed 90% of the purchase price and Marcia

A. Possessions 占有
1. Each co-tenant is entitled to possess and enjoy the whole. 不動産全体に対する保有権

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2. If one co-tenant wrongfully excludes another co-tenant from possession of the whole or
any part, he has committed actionable ouster. 一方が他方の占有を不法に排除した場合、他方
(e.g.) Greg takes a can of white paint and divides up the premises. “Marcia,” he says, “you can use and
enjoy that 10% on that side of the line, and only that.” Are Greg’s actions permissible?
 Absolutely NOT.

B. Rent from co-tenant in exclusive possession 排他的占有をする共有者からの賃料

Absent ouster, a co-tenant in exclusive possession is NOT liable to the other for rent. (Only the
ousted co-tenant gets the accounting in order to receive the fair share of the property’s rental
value during the time she was forced out.) 不動産侵奪がなければ、排他的占有をする共有者は他の共有
(e.g.) Marcia leaves Blackacre voluntarily, for a 3-month tour of Europe with her cheerleading squad. On her return,
she demands rent from Greg for the 3 months in which he enjoyed exclusive possession. Will she prevail?
 No.

C. Rent from third parties 第三者からの賃料

A co-tenant who leases all or part of the premises to a third party must account to his co-tenants
providing them their fair share of the rental income. 共有者が不動産の全部又は一部を貸している場合
(e.g.) Greg leases Blackacre’s basement to Alice, a tenant. Is Marcia entitled to a portion of the rental income?
 Yes. (10% of the rental income, equal to her undivided interest in the whole.)
Emanuel-15 上記の前提として、リースの可否も問題になる。リースは可能であるが、共有者によるリー

D. Adverse possession 時効取得

1. Unless he has ousted the other co-tenants, one co-tenant in exclusive possession for the
statutory adverse possession period cannot acquire title to the whole to exclusion of the
others. 不動産侵奪により他の共有者を追い出したのでない限り、共有者が消滅時効期間中排他的
2. Why not? The hostility element of adverse possession is missing because there is no
ouster. 時効取得には敵対的な要素が必要。
(e.g.) Marcia, so enthralled by a family trip to the Grand Canyon, decides to stay there for the next 20
years. In her absence, can Greg acquire title to the whole through adverse possession?
 (for MBE) NO.

E. Carrying costs
1. Each co-tenant is responsible for his or her fair share of carrying costs (such as taxes and
mortgage interest payments), based upon the undivided share that he or she holds.
共有者はそれぞれ持分につき持越し費用(Tax、Mortgage Interest の支払)を負担する。

2. If a co-tenant paid more than her fair share of the premise’s carrying costs, he is entitled
to the Right of Contribution from the other. 持分を超えて払った場合は求償権あり。
F. Repairs 修繕
1. The repairing co-tenant enjoys a right to contribution for necessary repairs; provided that
the repairing co-tenant has notified the others of the need for repairs. (In other word, a
co-tenant who paid more than her fair share for repairs has the right of contribution from
the others.) 必要な修理については求償権発生。ただし、通知必要。
(e.g.) A football, thrown in Marcia’s direction, goes through Blackacre’s front window. Marcia, who has
repaired the window, now seeks contribution from Greg. Will she prevail?
 Yes. Greg must contribute 90%; Marcia 10%.

G. Improvements 改良

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1. During the life of the co-tenancy, there is no right to contribution for so called
“improvements” (Improvement for one co-tenant maybe other’s nightmare).
2. However, at partition, the improving co-tenant is entitled to a credit, equal to any increase
in value caused by her efforts.
共有物分割の際には改良による価値の増加分と同額につき credit 取得。

3. Attendantly, at partition, the so-called “improver” bears full liability for any decrease in
value caused by her efforts. 共有物分割の際に改良者は価値の減少につき責任を負う。
(e.g.) Marcia has wallpapered Blackacre’s den with life-size posters of her idol, Davy Jones. She now
seeks contribution from Greg, for his fair share of the costs of her “improvements.” Will she
 No.

H. Waste 毀損
1. A co-tenant must not commit any waste. (Recall the 3 species of waste: Voluntary,
Permissive, and Ameliorative waste.) 共有者は毀損禁止
2. A co-tenant can bring an action for waste during the life of co-tenancy. 共有存続中は毀損に
(e.g.) M’s wallpapering is from intent to amount to a voluntary waste. Even if it enhances the
Blackacre’s value, G has the right to bring an action for a waste during the life of co-tenancy. Co-
tenant need not wait for a partition (resolution) to bring an action for the waste.

I. Partition 共有物分割
1. A joint tenant or tenant in common has a right to bring an action for partition. 合有者と共
2. Court can order partition in kind (physical division) or forced sale with the proceed
distributed appropriately. 現物分割又は強制売買を命令できる。

Type of definition Transferability How to create

Joint Each tenant hasa an Alienable “To A and B as joint tenants with the right
Tenancy undivided interest in of survivorship.”
whole estate. Not divisable ( ほ か の
tenant が取得) (下線部分がないと tenancy in common
Tenancy Husband and wife Not divisable “To H and W”
by the each has an undivided
Not alienable conveyance の時点で夫婦である必要が
Entirety interest in the whole
estate. Not descendible あ る ( の ち に 離 婚 す る と tenancy in
common になる)
Tenancy Each tenant has a Divisable (b/c No “To A and B” or “To A and B as joint
in distinct, survivorship) tenants”
Common proportionate,
undivided interest in
property. Descendible

====== The End of Estate in land ======

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<1-3 in MBE, Ripe in Essay>

Type Definition Creation Termination Comments

Fixed “To A for 10 years” At end of stated period Term of years greater
determined without notice by than one year requires a
period of time either party writing b/c Statute of
(if know Frauds
for Years
date from the
Some fixed “To A from month to Notice, usually in Oral term of years in
period that month” writing, given at least violation of statute of
continues for equal to length of time frauds creates an
successive “To A, with rent of period itself, unless implied periodic
periods until payable on the 1st of otherwise agreed. tenancy (rent is
either party every month” measured by way rent is
gives notice EXCEPTION: if tendered)
Periodic of Landlord elects to bind tenancy is year-to-year
Tenancy termination, hold-over residential or greater, only 6 Periodic tenancy must
may be tenant for an additional months notice end at the conclusion
implied if no term required. of a natural lease
mention of period, i.e. if rent due
duration, but on 1st then can’t end
payment of lease on 15 in month-
rent at set to-month
No fixed “To T for as long as L Usually either party Unless parties
period of or T desires” may end (reasonable expressly agree to
duration time to vacate typically tenancy at will, the
“To T for and during required). payment of regular rent
pleasure of L” (either will cause a court to
can terminate) Can end by operation treat as implied
at will
of law, i.e. one party periodic tenancy
“To T for as many dies, attempt to transfer L のみに任意解約権→T にも
years as T desires” interest) 能性高い。
(only T may terminate) T のみに任意解約権→L にも
T wrongfully T’s lease expires, but T L can evict OR elect to
Tenancy holds over continues to occupy hold T to another term
at after the
sufferance termination of

I. 4 Lease Hold (non-freehold) Estate

A. The Tenancy for Years 定期不動産賃貸借 (Estate for Years, Term of Years)
1. This is a lease for a fixed, determined period of time that could be 1 day, 2 months, or
50 years, as long as you know when it will end from the start. (If the termination date is
unclear from the outset, you will never have Term of Years.) 特定された明確な期間が必要

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2. Because a term of years states from the outset when it will terminate, no notice is
necessary to bring the leasehold to an end. 契約時点から終了日が分かっているので、解約に通
(e.g.) L leases Blackacre to T “from January 1, 2003 to July 1, 2003.” Which form of tenancy exists here?
 Tenancy for years
* Why?: It is a leasehold for a fixed, known period of time.
* How much notice is needed to terminate the tenancy? None.

3. A term of years greater than one year must be in writing to be enforceable because of
the Statute of Frauds.
契約期間が 1 年を超える場合には書面で成されなければ執行力を有しない(詐欺防止法)。

B. The Periodic Tenancy 自動更新定期不動産賃貸借

1. This is a lease which continues for successive intervals until L or T gives proper notice
of termination. L 又は T が適切な解約通知を出すまで更新。
2. The periodic tenancy can be created expressly: L conveys “To T from year to year.”
(month to month/ week to week) 明示により発生する。
3. Periodic tenancy by Implication 黙示の自動更新定期不動産賃貸借 <Bar exam favorite> (Three
ways) ただし以下の 3 つの場合黙示でも成立
* The periodic tenancy can also arise by implication, in any one of 3 ways:
a) Land is leased with no mention of duration, but provision is made for the
payment of rent at set intervals. 期間の定めはないが一定期間毎の賃料の支払規定があ
(e.g.) T rents an apartment from L, beginning June 1. Nothing is said about duration. T pays
rent each month. What tenancy exists here?
 T is an implied month to month periodic tenant. 月ごとの支払となっている場合に
は、1 ヵ月毎の自動更新定期不動産賃貸借となる。
b) An oral term of years in violation of the statute of frauds. 詐欺防止法違反の口頭で
* This creates an implied periodic tenancy measured by the way rent is tendered.
(e.g.) L and T negotiate on the telephone for a commercial lease. They verbally agree on a five-
year lease with rent at $1,000 a month. 口頭で 5 年間の月々 1000 ドルの契約締結
1) Is this a tenancy for years?  No. b/c it violates the Statute of Frauds.書面が
ないので SOF 違反
2) What if T sends L a check for $1,000 and L accepts it? 1000 ドルのチェック
を Tenant が Landlord に送り、Landlord が受領。
 T’s first rental payment renders his interest an implied periodic tenancy, with
the intervals based on the way rent is tendered. 賃料の提供により黙示の自動
更新定期賃貸借が発生。1 ヶ月の賃料を支払っているので、 1 ヵ月毎の
c) Holdover Doctrine 保有期間満了後占有
In a residential lease, if L elects to holdover a T who has wrongfully stayed on
past the conclusion of the original lease, an implied periodic tenancy arises,
measured by the way the rent is now tendered (other than period, the terms and
conditions of the expired tenancy apply to the new tenancy). 住居用賃貸借で、保有

(e.g.) T holds over after the expiration of her one-year lease, but sends another month’s rent
check to L, who cashes it. What tenancy now exists?
 An implied month to month periodic tenancy.
居住用住居の 1 year lease(Tenancy for Years 定期賃貸借)で期間終了後に月々の
賃料の支払を継続。この場合、1 ヵ月毎の自動更新定期賃貸借となる。
[QE] In a non-residential lease, if the original lease term was for a year or more, a
year-to-year tenancy results from holding over. (With some terms as the original
tenancy unless the LL notified the T b/f termination of the original tenancy that
occupancy after termination will be at an increased rent.) 非居住用の賃貸の場合、元

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の賃貸が 1 年以上だと、保有期間満了後占有により 1 年毎の自動更新定期不動産賃貸借と
BSM-129 期間満了前に賃貸人が Tenant に対し、「満了後~日まで占有するなら賃料
を 100 ドル増額する」と通知していた場合、Holdover Doctrine に基づいて有効となる
Periodic Tenancy は増加した金額で存続することになる。

(Holdover Doctrine のまとめ)

居住用 → generally Month-to-month
元々 1 年未満 → 支払方法により Periodic Tenancy の期間決定
元々 1 年以上 → 1 年の Periodic Tenancy となる。

4. How to terminate a periodic tenancy: 自動更新定期不動産賃貸借の解約

a) Notice, usually written must be given. 通常書面による通知が必要

b) How much notice? At common law, at least equal to the length of the period
of interval itself unless otherwise agreed. <favorite> コモンロー上は、特に合意がない

* Thus, in a month-to-month periodic tenancy, one month notice. In a week-to-

week periodic tenancy, one week notice. 1 ヵ月毎の場合には、1 か月前の通知。1 週
間毎の場合は 1 週間前の通知。

 If the tenancy is from year-to-year or greater, then only 6 months notice is
required. 期間が 1 年以上の場合には 6 ヶ月前でよい。
 By private agreement, the parties may lengthen or shorten these common-law
prescribed notice provisions. 当事者間の契約で通知期間を延長・短縮できる。

5. Note: The periodic tenancy must end at the conclusion of a natural lease period. 自動更新

(e.g.) L leased Blackacre to T on January 1, 2003, for a periodic tenancy of month-to-month. On May 15,
2003, T sends written notice of termination. T is bound until:  June 30, 2003.
* Here, natural lease period is from first of the month to end of the month. 1 日から始まった 1 ヶ
月間の賃貸借の場合には、いつ通知したとしても 1 ヶ月以上経過した後の最初に到来する
月末日に終了する。通知の 1 ヵ月後に終了するわけではない。

C. Tenancy at will 任意終了賃貸借

1. This is a tenancy for no fixed period of duration. It endures so long as either party
desires. 明確な期間なし。当事者が望む限り存続
(e.g.) “To T for as long as L or T desires.”

2. Unless the parties expressly agree to a tenancy at will, the payment of regular rent will
cause a court to treat the tenancy as an implied periodic tenancy. Thus, the tenancy at will
is very rare. 任意終了賃貸借であるとの明示の合意がない限り、裁判所は定期的な支払を Implied
Periodic Tenancy 黙示の自動更新定期賃貸借と見る。
3. The tenancy at will may be terminated by either party at any time. However, a
reasonable demand to vacate the premises is typically required. いずれの当事者もいつで
D. The Tenancy at Sufferance 容認不動産権
1. This is created when the tenant is wrongfully heldover, passed the expiration of the lease.
2. The tenancy at sufferance lasts only until L either evicts T or elects to hold him to a new
term. 賃貸人が賃借人を追い出すか、賃借人と新しい契約を締結したときのみ容認不動産権が終了。
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(This is to give the landlord lawful means to reach the proceed against the wrongdoer for
rent. この制度は所有者が不法行為者から正当に賃料を得るための方策)
PR-60 議員が議会の開催中 1 年に 9 ヶ月間ホテルに滞在しているとしても、通常は Lease は成立しない。
ホテルの場合には、排他的な占有及び支配がホテル側にあるのであって、 Lease とは異なる。ホテルの
代金が週払いになっていたとしても、それだけで Lease は成立しない。
PB-89 契約期間中に Tenant が死んだら残り期間の契約は存続して相続財産となる。

II. Tenant’s Duties (3 categories) 賃借人の義務

1 T’s liability to third parties: 第三者に対する義務
2 T’s duty to pay rent. 賃料支払義務
3 T’s duty to repair; 修繕義務
A. T’s liability to third parties 第三者に対する義務
1. T is responsible for keeping the premises in reasonably good repair under the Tort Law.
Tenant は合理的な修理を行って不法行為法上問題とならないように建物を維持する責任を負う。

2. T is liable for injuries sustained by third parties T invited to the premises, even
where L has expressly promised to make all repairs. (Counter-intuitive!) 賃借人が招待した
第三者に対する傷害については、Landlord が明示的に全ての修理を行うと約束していたとしても、
(e.g.) L leases a building to T, expressly promising to maintain the premises in a state of good repair. T’s
invitee trips over a loose floorboard and sues T. If invitee sues T, what result?
* T always loses. It does not matter T may and in fact should seek indemnification from L vis-à-vis
the plaintiff.

B. T’s duty to pay rent 賃料支払義務 <most essential duty>

* What is entitled to landlord if the tenant breaches this duty? It depends on whether T is in
possession or out of possession. 賃料支払義務不履行に基づきいかなる請求が認められるかは、賃借人が
1. In possession 占有している場合
a) The landlord’s only options are to evict through the courts or to continue the
relationship and sue for the rent due. If the landlord moves to evict, she is
nonetheless entitled to rent from the tenant until the tenant, who is now a tenant
at sufferance, vacates. Landlord のオプションは、明渡しを裁判所に要求するか、賃料
b) Landlord Must Not engage in Self Help, such as changing locks, or forcibly
removing T or T’s possessions.鍵の付け替え、強制追い出しなどの自救行為は×
2. Out of possession 占有がない場合
a) For example, T wrongfully vacates with time left on a term of years lease (=
tenancy for year). 定期賃貸借で残存期間を残して Tenant が出て行ってしまった場合
b) L’s 3 options 所有者側のオプション: Remember “SIR”
Surrender: 放棄(相手方の同意必要)
(a) L could choose to treat T’s abandonment as an implicit offer of
surrender, which L accepts. L は T の放棄(使用中止)を黙示の明渡
(b) What is surrender? T demonstrates by words or conduct that she
wishes to give up the leasehold. 賃借人は言葉又は行為で賃貸借を断
(c) If the unexpired term is greater than 1 year, surrender must be in
writing to satisfy the statute of frauds. 1 年以上残存期間がある場合
は SOF の観点から書面で放棄すべき。

2) Ignore the abandonment: 使用放棄の無視(相手方の同意不要)

(1) Ignore the abandonment and hold T responsible for the unpaid
rent, just as if she was still there. T がいまだに占有しているかのよう
に T は未払賃料につき責任ありと扱う。

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(2) Available only in the minority of states

3) Re-let 再賃貸
(1) Re-let the premises on the wrong doer’s behalf, and hold her
responsible for any deficiency. 所有者(賃貸人)が、違法者(賃借
(2) Majority rule: L must make reasonably diligent efforts to mitigate
his losses by at least trying to re-let. 多数説によると損失軽減のため

BIM-70 PR-43 Partial Condemnation 収用の場合、賃貸借関係は継続する。Tenant は残り期間につき従前

の賃料額の支払い義務を負う。しかし、Landlord が収用による補償を取得する場合には、Tenant の権利
に影響のあった範囲で、請求することができる。Entire condemnation の場合、賃貸借関係が消滅
PR-69 賃貸人が賃借人に対して、修繕義務の履行を約束(covenants)していたにもかかわらず賃貸人が

C. T’s duty to repair 修繕義務

1. T’s duty to repair when the lease is silent 明示規定ない場合の賃借人の修繕義務
a) The standard: T is required only to keep the premises in reasonably good repair.
合理的な状態を保つ。 (covenant がなければ、ordinary wear and tear は修繕しなくてよい)

b) This means; T must NOT commit waste: 毀損してはならない。

Remember the 3 species of waste:
1) Voluntary waste 作為による(積極的)毀損: overt wrongful acts.明白な不法行為
2) Permissive waste 不作為による毀損: neglect. 過失。必要な修繕をしないで家屋
3) Ameliorative waste 改良的現状変更 : alteration that increase the premise’s
2. T’s duty to repair when T has expressly covenanted in the lease to maintain the property
in good condition for the duration of the lease: 修繕義務について明示規定がある場合の修繕義

a) At common law, historically, T was responsible for any loss to the property,
including loss attributable to the force of nature. コモンロー上、歴史的には、不可抗
PR-32 不可抗力の場合も含めてすべて賃借人が修繕義務を負うが、修繕義務の対象と
して Normal Tear and Wear 通常の損耗は含まれない。

b) Today, the majority view: T may terminate the lease if the premise is destroyed
without T’s fault. 今日では、多数説としては、賃借人の過失なく不動産が破壊されたと
D*** The law of fixtures 定着物
1. Defitnition:
A fixture is a once movable chattel that, by virtue of its annexation to realty, objectively
shows the intention to permanently improve the realty.
2. General Rules:
a) When a tenant removes a fixture, he commits voluntary waste.
(e.g.) heating systems, custom made storm windows, furnaces, lighting installation.
b) T must NOT remove a fixture, no matter that she installed it. Fixtures pass with
ownership of the land. 自分で備え付けたとしても定着物の所有権は土地の所有権に付

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(e.g.) Janet Jackson, a tenant, installs a beautiful heirloom chandelier in the dining
room. At the conclusion of the leasehold, as she is about to remove it, Landlord
demands that the chandelier stay put.

BarBri Set 4-16 定着物でない付着動産(Annexed Chattels)の場合

Landlord に帰属する。

3. When a tenant installation qualifies as a fixture? 定着物となる場合?

a) Express agreement controls.
The agreement between L and T on the issue is binding. 合意が最優先。
b) In the absence of the agreement
In objective judgment, the annexor’s intent determines whether the chattel
becomes a fixture.
[General Factors for Fixture] 一般的な考慮要素 (Emanuel-39 参照)
(i) Are the chattels firmly embedded or connected to the soil or some pre-
existing structure? 土地や既存の構造に固定されたか?
(ii) Are the chattels peculiarly adapted or fitted to the particular premises?
(iii) Would removal of the chattels largely destroy the chattels or damage the
premises? 撤去すると大きな損害が発生するか?
(iv) Did the person who annexed the chattels have a substantial and permanent
interest in the land? 付着させた人は土地について実質的かつ恒久的な利益を有し
Note: (iii)の要素が特に重要性が高いものと思われる。
c) Exception: Trade fixtures 業務用定着物
Trade fixtures (Fixtures installed for the purpose of carrying on a trade or
business) are removable prior to the end of the lease term by T.
業務用定着物は契約期間終了前に撤去可能(定着物ではあるが、 Trade Fixture に該当する

Fixture に該当するか?
(a)No→取り外し OK=Annexed Chattel
(b)Yes→Trade Fixture に該当するか?
(ii)Yes→取り外し OK

4. Accession 附合 (Constructive Annexation 擬制定着物)

An addition to personal property (X) that becomes an integral part of the property in the
same sense that a fixture becomes an integral part of the realty. If X becomes fixture,
accession runs with it.
附合とは、定着物が動産と不可分の一体となることをいう。 定着物が不動産と不可分の一体にな
(e.g.) Pipe organ & its special chair.
PS-25 Fixture の問題は賃貸借以外にも生じる。Life Tenant が動産を土地に付着させた場合には、Life
Tenant の死亡時に Life Estate が終了した後合理的期間内に、Life Tenant の代理人(遺産管理人など)が動
産を撤去することができる。しかし、合理的期間内に撤去しなかった場合には、 Reversion を有している
PR-193 Fixture になっているとしても、賃貸人による同意があれば、賃借人は Fixture を撤去することがで

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III. Landlord’s Duties

A. Duty to deliver possession 占有の引渡義務
多数州では Actual Possession 現実の占有の引渡しが必要。

1. The majority rule requires that L puts T in actual physical possession of the premises.
多数州は L は T に対し、T が物理的に目的物を占有できるようにする義務を負う。

*This means that at the start of T’s lease, if prior holder is still there, L is in breach and
new T is entitled to damages. 契約開始時に、以前の賃借人がまだ土地上に存在する場合には義
務違反となり、Tenant は損害賠償請求できる。

2. Minority states does not require L puts T in actual physical possession. Just legal
possession is sufficient.
B. The implied covenant of quiet enjoyment 平穏享有保証約束 <favorite, vital>
1. Applies to both residential and commercial leases. 居住用、商業用のいずれにも適用される。
2. T has a right to quiet use and enjoyment of the premises, without interference from L.
3. Breach by actual wrongful eviction 実際の不法な明渡しによる違反:
If L wrongfully evicts T or excludes T from the premises. Landlord が Tenant を不動産から追
4.*** Breach by constructive eviction 擬制占有剥奪による違反
a) If you claim this, Remember “SING.”
1) Substantial Interference 実質的妨害:
Attributable to L’s actions or failure to act.
Landlord の行為又は不作為によるもの
* It doesn’t have to be permanent. Just enough to be regularly recurring,
chronic problem that is fundamentally incompatible with T’s quiet use
and enjoyment. 恒常的でなくてもよい。定期的に生じるものであればよい。
(e.g.) Every time it rains, T’s apartment is flooded.
2) Notice 通知:
T must have notified of L of the problem and L must have failed to
respond meaningfully. T が発生した問題について通知したが L が無反応
3) Goodbye 立退き (or Get out):
T must vacate within a reasonable time after L fails to correct the
problem. L の問題の解決失敗後に T が合理的期間内に立ち退いていなければな
b) Is landlord liable for acts of other tenants? L は他の T の行為につき責任負うか?
1) General rule: No.
2) Two exceptions:
(a) L has a duty not to permit a nuisance on the premises. 不動産への
(b) L must control common areas (stairways, hallways, front/back
yards). L が共有スペースを管理・支配する場合
BarBri Essay-7 特約がなければ賃貸人は賃貸不動産の修繕義務を負わない。

C.** The Implied Warranty of habitability 居住性の黙示保証<favorite>

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1. Applies only to residential leases. 居住目的賃貸借にのみ適用

It does not apply to commercial leases. 商業用賃貸借には適用なし。
Note: なお、不動産譲渡の場合は新築建売のみ。下記 Part 5. I.D を参照。

2. The implied warranty of habitability is non-waivable. 居住性の保証は放棄不可

An attempted disclaimer is void. 放棄しようとする条項は無効
3. The standard:
a) The premises must be fit for basic human habitation, meaning simply bare living
requirements must be met. 基本的な人間の住居に適したものであること。最低の生活
b) The appropriate standard may be supplied by local housing code or independent
judicial conclusion. 適切な基準は州の住居法で規定
c) The sorts of problems to trigger breach of the implied warranty of habitability
include; failure to provide heat in winter, lack of adequate plumbing, or lack of
running water. 居住性の黙示保証違反:冬に暖房なし、適切な配管なし、水道なし
4. T’s entitlements when the implied warranty of habitability is breached: 違反に対する請求
In implied warranty of habitability, T has a menu of options other than good-bye.
* Remember T’s 4 options “MR3.”

a) Move 引越し: Move out and terminate the lease. 解約して引越し

b) Repair 修繕 : Repair and deduct. In growing number of states, by statute, T may
make the repairs herself and deduct their costs from the future rent. 修理して費用を
c) Reduce 賃料減額 : Reduce rent or withhold all rent until the court determines fair
rental value. Typically, T must place any withheld rent in an escrow account to
show her good faith. 公正な価格になるように減額請求。ただし、賃料はエスクローに
d) Remain 継続 : Remain in possession, pay full rent, and affirmatively seek money
damages. そのまま賃料支払も継続するが、損害賠償請求をする。
D. Retaliatory eviction 報復的追立ての抗弁
* If T lawfully reports L for housing code violation, L is barred from penalizing T by, for
example, raising rent or terminating the lease, harassing T, or engaging in any other retaliatory
measures. This shields T from L’s reprisal.
T が居住制限違反を報告した場合、L は賃料増額・解約など T に懲罰を与えてはならない。これにより
Tenant は Landlord による追い出しから免れる。

IV. The Assignment versus the Sublease 譲渡と転貸<MBE favorite>

A. Basic rule
1. In the absence of some prohibition in the lease, a T may freely transfer his or her interest
in whole (thereby accomplishing an assignment) or in part (thereby accomplishing a
sublease). 禁止条項がなければ、T は自由に譲渡(全期間の移転)又は転貸(一部の期間の移転)
2. In the lease, L can prohibit T from assigning or subleasing without L’s prior written
approval. However, once L consents to one transfer by T, L waives the right to object to
future transfers by that T unless L expressly reserves the right. L waives the right of
object if L receives rents from a new T.
貸主は、契約上、譲渡又は転貸に事前書面承認を要求可能。ただし、 一度譲渡に同意したら、明示
的に権利を留保しない限り、その後は他の譲渡についてもかかる権利を失う( Rule in Dumpor’s
新しい T から賃料を受領した場合も同じ。

3. 家主が変わった場合、その通知を受けるまでは前家主に支払った賃料を新家主に対抗できる。

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Privity of estate
No Privity of Contract No Privity of estate
unless assignee assumes No Privity of Contract
contractual duties Lease

Assignee Tenant SubTenant

Assignment Sub Lease

(1) Privity of Contract は当初の Tenant との間にのみ成立する。ただし、Assume の場合の例外あ

(2) Privity of Estate は Assignment のときに移転。保有者のみが有する。

B. The assignment 譲渡
(e.g.) T1 has 10 months remaining on a 2-year term of years. T1 transfers all 10 months to T2.
This is an assignment.

T1 Assignment T2
a) As a result, L and T2 are in “privity of estate.” 直接的不動産関係
b) This means that L and T2 are liable to each other for all of the covenants in the
original lease that “run with the land.”
L と T2 は相互に当初の賃貸借契約のコベナンツのうち“土地とともに移転する”コベナ
*e.g., the promises to pay rent, to paint the premises, to repair, to pay taxes. Most
promises will run with the land 賃料支払い義務、修繕義務等、多くのものが該当
PR-31 (火災)保険の付保継続義務も“run with the land”であり土地とともに移転する。
PR-40 T1 から T2 への Assignment の際に Covenants の存在が明示されておらず、T2 が
そのようなコベナンツを認識していなかったとしても、“ run with the land”のコベナン
ツは土地とともに移転するため、T2 を拘束する。
* Covenant runs with the land when it is of and pertaining to subject premises.
c) L and T2, however, are NOT in “privity of contract” unless T2 expressly
assumed the performance of all promises/ covenants in the original lease.
T2 が明示的に元の契約の全てのコベナンツ・誓約を引き受けた場合を除き、直接的契約関
d) L and T1 is no longer in “privity of estate.” However, they remain in “privity of
contract.” Thus, L and T1 are secondarily liable to each other.
L と T1 の間の直接的不動産関係は消滅するが、直接的契約関係は残る。 T1 としては、単
に T2 に Assignment をしただけでは、義務から解放されない。賃料支払義務も残ることに
なる。ただし、L と T1 は互いに 2 次的に責任を負う。

(e.g.) L leases Blackacre to T1. T1 assigns to T2. T2 assigns to T3. T3 then engages in
flagrant abuse to the premises.


T1 Assignment
T2 T3

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a) Can L proceed against T3, the direct wrongdoer? L は T3 の不法行為について請求で

 Yes L wins because L and T3 are in “privity of estate.” There is no privity of
contract unless T3 expressly assumed all promises in the original lease. L の請求は
認められる。L と T3 は privity of estate 直接的不動産関係にある。T3 は当初の契約中の全
b) Can L proceed against T1, the original tenant? T1 に対して請求できるか?
 Yes. There is not privity of estate. However, because of privity of contract,
T1 is secondarily liable to L. So if T3 cannot pay or T3 has left the jurisdiction,
T1 is liable. T1 には、直接的不動産関係はないが、直接的契約関係は残っている。 T1 は
2 次的に L に対する責任を負う。T3 が支払わない場合、又は管轄地から出た場合には責任
c) Can L proceed against T2? T2 に対してはどうか?
 No. L loses. “Privity of estate” ended once T2 assigned to T3. Further, there
is never “privity of contract” unless T2 expressly assumed all promises in the
original lease. T2 が T3 に Assign した時点で、直接的不動産関係は終了。さらに T2 が T1
If T2 made no promise to L but did promise T1 that he would pay all future rent, L may be able to
sue T2 as a third-party beneficiary of the contract between T1 and T2. T2 が T1 に対し、L への支
払いを約束していたにすぎない場合でも、third party beneficiary を根拠に L は T2 に対し請
C. The sublease 転貸
If T1 sublet to T2, L and T2 are in neither privity of estate nor privity of contract. They have no
nexus. In other words, T2 is responsible to T1, and vice versa.
は、L は T2 に対して直接請求できない。T1 と T2 の間には直接的不動産関係と直接的契約関係の双方が生じ
T1 Lease T2

Sublease: where the tenant transfer his right of possession for a time shorter than the balance of
the leasehold (transfer its entire interest したとしても、Lease 残期間より短い期間の場合、sublease)

V. Landlord’s tort liability <MBE favorite>

A. The common law of Caveat Lessee. 賃借人をして注意せしめよ
1. Let the tenant be aware.
2. L is under no duty to make the premises safe. L は不動産を安全にする義務はない。
B. The 5 most important exceptions to the common law: 5 つの重要な例外
* Remember: When tenant learns of these exceptions to the harsh common law, he or she
1. Common areas 共有スペース:
L must maintain all common areas, such as hallways, stair roads.
2. Latent Defects rule 隠れた瑕疵:
L must warn T of hidden defects of which L has knowledge or the reason to know.
Simply duty to warn (disclose), not a duty to correct the defects. 既知又は知るべき理由があ
る場合には隠れた瑕疵について T に警告しなければならない。単に通知すればよく、瑕疵を治癒す
PR-47 賃貸人は、賃貸借の開始時点で危険な状態が存在することを賃貸人が知り、または知る

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3. Assumption of repairs 修繕引受:

While under the duty to make NO repairs, once undertaken, L must complete them with
reasonable care. If L as volunteer makes repair negligently, L is liable. 修繕義務自体はない
4. Public Use rule 一般人による利用:
L who leases public space (such as convention hall, museum, tavern, etc.), and who
should know, because of the nature of the defect and length of the lease, that T will not
repair, is liable for any defects on the premises.
5.** Short term leased of furnished dwelling 家具付の短期間リース:
L is responsible for any defective condition which approximately injured T. T does not
have time nor inclination (1) to discover the problem or (2) to remedy the problem.
Landlord は欠陥につき責任を負う。

Termination of the Lease 賃貸借の終了 PR-169

When a tenant contests termination of the tenancy based on a landlord’s retaliatory actions, the court will place the burden
of proof on the landload to show that his actions were not retaliatory. 賃借人が賃貸借契約の解約について賃貸人の報

==== The End of Landlord/Tenant Law ====

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Part 3 --- SERVITUDES 土地の利用制限

<mostly tested topic in MBE>
I. Easements 地役権 (most formidable servitude)
A. Definition
Easement is a grant of non-possessory property interest that entitles its holder to some form of
use or enjoyment of another’s land. その他の土地の使用・利益享受できる非占有的不動産権を土地の保
有者に付与すること。That another’s land is called “Servient tenement.” 承役地
* Common examples: the privilege to lay utility lines on another’s land; the easement giving its
holder the right of access across a tract of land. 通行権、敷設権
* Grantee must not interfere with the owner’s use of the servient land and vice versa.
B. Easement can be affirmative or negative. 積極的地役権と消極的地役権
1. Most easements are affirmative: the right to go on to and do something on the servient
tenement. 大半は積極的地役権:承役地で何かできる権利
2. Negative easements: Negative easements are recognized in only 4 categories. It entitles
its holders to prevent the servient land owner from doing something that would otherwise
be permissible. Historically, negative easements have been despised.
消極的地役権(承役地の所有者になんらかの不作為義務を課す)は 4 種類のみ。歴史的には認めら
* It is traditionally despised and today only 4 categories are allowed. Remember “LASS.”
a) Light 光:
You may acquire negative easement to compel your neighbor from building in
such a way as would impede your premises access to light. (Trinity church has
a negative easement for light over the new John Hancock Center.)
b) Air 空気
c) Support 地盤の支持権 (excavation 掘削)
d) Stream water from artificial flow 水流
[e) Scenic View (only in minority states.) 眺望]
3.** Negative easements can only be created expressly, by writing signed by the grantor.
There is no natural or automatic right to a negative easement. No necessity, no
prescription servitudes. 消極的地役権は明示・署名付書面が必要。(理由) Negative Easement は土
C. An easement is either “Appurtenant to land” or it is “Held in Gross.” 「土地従属性」or「属人性」
1. Appurtenant to land 土地従属性:
The easement is appurtenant when it benefits its holder in his physical use or enjoyment
of his property. 要役地不動産の物理的使用に資する場合には土地従属。要役地自体が承役地の利
* How will you know when you’ve got an easement appurtenant?
* It takes two: Two parcels of land must be involved.
a) Dominant Tenement which derive the benefit. 要役地(利益享受)
b) Servient Tenement which bears the burden. 承役地(負担)
(e.g.) A grants B a right of way across A’s land, so that B can more easily reach his land. B’s land is
benefited by the easement. In easement parlance, it is the dominant tenement. A’s land is serving
B’s easement. It is the servient tenement. Notice that two parcels are involved. B has an easement
appurtenant to B’s dominant tenant.
PS-114 Dominant Tenement の Holder は、Easement の享受に必要な限りにおいて、Easement を効

2. The easement is “in gross” if it confers upon its holder only some personal or pecuniary
advantage that is not related to his use or enjoyment of his land. Here, servient land is
burdened. However, there is no benefited or dominant tenement. 土地の使用や利益享受では

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* Common examples:
a) Your right to place a billboard on another’s land; 他の土地に広告看板を設置
b) Your right to swim in another’s pond; 他人の池を泳ぐ権利
c) Power company’s right to place/ lay power line on your land。電力会社の
PR-125 Franchise Right は Easement in Gross となる。

PR-49 Profit-a-prendre
Easement に類似するものとして、Profit-a-prendre がある。この権利の保有者は、地役権のよう
PB-57 Profit-a-prendre は Property Right であり、その移転については SOF の適用を受け、Eminent
Domain に基づく収用の場合には、州による正当な補償が必要となる。

D. The easement and transferability: 地役権の譲渡可能性

1. The appurtenant easement 属地的地役権
a) Transfer of Dominant Tenement 要役地の移転
The appurtenant easement passes automatically with the dominant tenement,
regardless of whether the easement is even mentioned in the conveyance. 属地的地
(e.g.) A has an easement entitling her to cut across B’s lawn to get more easily to her
1) This is an easement appurtenant (because it takes two parcels).
2) A’s land is the dominant tenement.
3) B’s land is the servient tenement.
4) Now A sells her parcel to Mr. X, with no mention of the easement. Does
Mr. X enjoy the easement? Yes. Mr. X enjoys the easement.
b) Transfer of Servient Tenement 承役地の移転
The burden of the easement appurtenant also passes automatically with the
servient estate, unless the new owner is a bona fide purchaser without notice of
the easement. 新所有者が地役権の通知を受けていない善意の第三者買主の場合でなけれ
BIM-20 単に通用路が存在するだけで買主には Inquiry Notice があることになり、実際に知って

2. An easement in gross is not transferable unless it is for commercial purposes (part of a

business). 属人的地役権は、商業目的でない限り移転しない。
(e.g.) A has an easement entitling her to swim in B’s lake.
1) This is a personal easement in gross (because it involves only one parcel).
2) Is it transferable?: NO.

(e.g.) Starkist has an easement to use B’s lake to fish for bait for Starkist’s tuna company.
1) This is a commercial easement in gross.
2) Is it transferable?: YES.

E. Creation of an Affirmative Easement: 4 ways. 積極的地役権の発生原因(4 種類)

* Remember “PING”: Prescription, Implication, Necessity, Grant.
1. By Grant 付与:
a) An easement to endure for more than 1 year must be in a writing that complies
with all of the FORMAL elements of a deed because of the Statute of Fraud.
(Easement is property interest, thus SoF applies.) 1 年を超える地役権設定の場合は、

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b) Most easement is created by this way and such writing is called “a deed of
easement.” 大半は証書地役権である。
*[QE] If a writing signed by a grantor, it is a valid easement. (The presumption when an
easement is granted that it is perpetual unless otherwise stated.) 付与者が書面に署名してい
PB-63 Express Grant の範囲は Grant の時点で決まり、その後の土地や必要性の変化によっても原
PB-53 express easement の grant があったが、文言上土地のどの部分に easement が成立するのか
分からない場合、Court はかかる Easement の Conveyance が無効であるとする代わりに、当事者
方的に変更することはできない。変更するには、双方が同意して、New Deed を作り直す必要が
PB-54 Easement の Grantor と Holder は、同じ Ease のそれぞれの使用になるべく干渉しないよう
に利用しなければならない。Easement Holder が Easement の利用により Grantor の承役地利用に
不合理に干渉した場合、Holder は Damage を賠償せねばならない。
合理的な利用をしている限り、Grantor に損害が発生したとしても、Easement Holder は責任を負
わない。Grantor はそのような利用方法をもともと承認していたのであり、 Grantor の Successor
PR-122 Indenture
Indenture とは、2 人以上が当事者となる Deed 証書で、これにより当事者が相互に対応する権利
の付与と義務の負担を約束するものである。これにより Cross Easement が発生し、Deed の当事

2. By Implication 黙示の承認
also known as the easement implied from existing use 既存の使用状態から黙示的に発生する
(e.g.) A owns two lots. Lot 1 is hooked up to a sewer drain located on Lot 2. A sells Lot 1 to
B, with no mention of B’s right to continue to use the drain on A’s remaining Lot 2. The
court may nonetheless imply an easement on B’s behalf if:
a) Prior to the division of a single tract; 土地の分割の前から
b) The previous use had been apparent and continuous on the servient part: (分割の
c) It is reasonably necessary for the dominant tenement’s use and
enjoyment]→Dominant Tenement の使用にとって合理的に必要 and
d) The court determines that the parties intended the use to continue after division
of the land.使用を継続させる意図があったと裁判所が判断

*[QE] Reasonableness is determined by cost and difficulty of alternatives and whether

the price paid reflects the expected continued use. 代替手段の困難性及びコストで合理的か

3. By Necessity 必要性: Essay-58 The landlocked setting. 囲繞地

An easement of right of way will be implied by necessity if the grantor conveys a portion
of his land with no way out except over some part of grantor’s remaining land. 出口がない

4. By Prescription (取得時効):Essay-58
a) By satisfying elements of prescription (adverse possession).
(e.g.) Everyday, I cut across the lawn to get to my land (trespasser). Over years, I will have an
b) How do you satisfy? Remember “COAH.”
* These 4 are general, not only for easement.
1) Continuous use for the given statutory period. 法定期間の継続使用
BSM-183 Seasonal な利用であっても継続使用の要件を満たす。

2) Open and notorious use. 公然かつ周知の使用

3) Actual use (cannot be hypothetical). 実際の使用 *地役権の場合 exclusivity 不要
4) Hostile (without servient owner’s permission). 敵対性:承役地所有者の承認なし

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*Permission defeats the acquisition of an easement by prescription

(Prescriptive Easement). An easement by prescription requires that the use be
hostile. 所有者による承諾がある場合は、Hostile でなくなるため取得時効は成立しな
F. Scope of easement
The scope of an easement is fixed by the terms of the grant or conditions that created it. 地役権の範
Unilateral expansion to benefit a non-dominant parcel is not allowed. 非要役地が利益享受するよう
(e.g.) A grants B an easement to use A’s private road to get to and from B’s parcel, Blackacre.
B has an easement appurtenant to B’s dominant tenement. A’s parcel is the servient tenement. Subsequently,
B purchases the adjacent Greenacre, with its small marina. May B unilaterally expand the use of the easement
to benefit Greenacre?
* NO. No unilateral expansion.
PR-88 当初は歩行又は自転車での通行を Easement の範囲として認めていた場合、自動車で通行
速道路に行くために Servient Tenement を使用していたところ、Servient Tenement に隣接する土
地を購入したために隣接地の使用との関係で Servient Tenement を使用する回数が増えるような
は、Easement の範囲内として認められる。
PR-131 要役地 Dominant Tenement の所有者は、Servient Tenement の所有者の利用に不当な又は
な負担・介入があった場合には、地役権付与者は Injunction 差し止めを行うことができる。
Emanuel-28 地役権の場所の固定

G. Termination of an easement: 地役権の消滅

* Remember “END CRAMP.”
1. Estoppel 禁反言
Here, the servient owner materially change his or her position in reasonable reliance on
the easement holder’s assurances that the easement will no longer be enforced. 承役地所有
(e.g.) A tells B that A will no longer be using her right of way across B’s parcel. In reasonable reliance, B
builds a swimming pool on B’s parcel, thereby depriving A of the easement. In equity, A, the
easement holder, is now estopped from enforcing the easement.

2. Necessity 必要性(の消滅)
Easements created by necessity expire as soon as the necessity ends. However, if the
easement, attributable to necessity, was nonetheless created by express grant, it does not
end automatically once the necessity ends. 必要性により発生した地役権は必要性がなくなれば
(e.g.) O conveys a portion of his ten-acre tract to A, with no means of access out except over a portion of
O’s remaining land. The parties reduce their understanding to express writing. Thereafter, the City
builds a public roadway affording A access out. The easement persists.
This rule is applied only to the original easement created by implication. Nonetheless, if
the easement is reduced to express writing, it complies to the statute of fraud. The
easement will not end automatically, either. 黙示の承認により発生した当初の地役権にのみ適
3. Destruction of servient land other than through willful conduct of the servient owner.
4. Condemnation ( 承 役 地 の ) 収 用 of the servient estate by governmental eminent domain

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5. Release: 地役権者による承役権者に対する書面による放棄 A written release given by the

easement holder to the servient owner.
* (not mentioned) SoF: If an easement was to have a duration in excess of one
year, the release must be in writing to be enforceable.
6. Abandonment 破棄
The easement holder must demonstrate by physical action the intention to never make use
of the easement again. 二度と地役権を使用しないという意図を地役権者が物理的行為によって
*Note: Abandonment requires physical action by the easement holder.
(e.g.) A has a right of way across B’s parcel. A erects a structure on A’s parcel that precludes
her from ever again reaching B’s parcel. That is the sort of action to signify abandonment.
By contrast, mere nonuse, or mere words, are insufficient to terminate by abandonment.
7. Merger doctrine (also known as unity of ownership) 混同による消滅
a) The easement is extinguished when title to the easement and title to the servient
land become vested in the same person as long as the duration of servient estate is
equal or loger than the duration of dominant estate. 地役権と承役地が同一人物に帰
要役地の長さと同じかそれより長いことが必要。例えば、承役地が lifetime tenant で要役地
が fee simple absolute の時には merger による消滅はない。)
(e.g.) A has a right of way across B’s parcel, to enable A to better reach her parcel. A’s land is
the dominant tenement. A is a holder of an easement appurtenant to her dominant
tenement. B’s land is the servient tenement. Later, A buys B’s parcel. The result is that
the easement is extinguished.

b) Note: If complete unity of title is achieved, the easement is extinguished. Even

though there may be later separation of title, the easement is not automatically
revived. 混同により消滅した後に分割されたとしても地役権は自動的に復活しない。
(e.g.) Assume now that A later sells the parcel over which she once enjoyed the right of way. The
easement is not automatically reinstated. To create it, A would have to start from scratch.

8. Prescription 時効取得
a) The servient land owner extinguishes the easement by interfering with it in
accordance with the elements of the adverse possession. So she takes back the
right. 承役地(Servient land)の所有者は、時効取得の要件にしたがって介入する(地役権
* This time the easement holder sits on his right. Overtime, the servient estate
holder can succeed in taking back the easement by interfering with satisfying the
COAH adverse possession elements.
b) Remember “COAH”: Continuous, Open and notorious, Actual, Hostile. 継続性・
公然かつ周知・実際の使用・敵対性 (積極的地役権の発生の場合と同じ)
(e.g.) A has an easement of right of way across B’s parcel. B erects a chain link fence on B’s
parcel, thereby precluding A from reaching it. Over time, B may succeed in extinguishing
the easement through prescription.
BIM-20 Mere nonuse 単なる不使用では、Easement 地役権は消滅しない。仮に時効取得の期間に
相当する期間の不使用があったとしても、消滅とはならない。単なる不使用では Abandonment
PR-129 地役権者による単なる過度の使用 Mere Excessive Use では、地役権の消滅 extinguish と
BarBri WS-13 土地の所有権の時効取得と地役権の時効取得の違いは exclusive possession がある

II. License 立入権

A. Defined: A freely revocable, mere privilege (not grant) to enter another’s land for some delineated
purpose. 限定的な目的で他人の土地に立ち入る撤回可能の単なる特権

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(e.g.) Laundry service, paper delivery, theater ticket holder.

1. Licenses are not subject to the statute of frauds. Very informal. 立入権は詐欺防止法の対象
2. Licenses are freely revocable, at the will of the licensor, unless estoppel applies to bar

B. The classic license cases:

1. The ticket cases チケッ ト : Ticket creates freely revocable licenses. (Management does
not have to let you into a movie. No property action. You may have only contract
2. Neighbors talking by the fence: フェンス 越 しに 話す 隣人 “Nothing good comes when
neighbors talking by the fence.”
(e.g.) Neighbor A, talking by the fence with neighbor B, says: “B, you can have that right of way across
my land.” This oral easement is unenforceable. It violates the statute of frauds. Oral easement
creates instead a freely revocable license. A can revoke the license.

3. Estoppel will apply to bar revocation only when the licensee has invested substantial
money or labor or both in reasonable reliance on the license’s continuation. ライセンシーが

III. The Profit 不動産の果実収受権

A. The Profit entitles its holder to enter servient land and take from it soil or some substance of the
soil such as minerals, timber, oil, etc. 不動産果実収受権があると、承役地に立入、土壌や土壌の中の物
B. The profit shares all of the rules of the easement. 地役権と同様の規制に服する。
PR-102 Fructus Naturales 天然果実と Fructus Industriales 労働果実。
1. Definition
(1) Fructus Naturales 天然果実= those which come from nature’s bounty without the aid of man, such as trees,
bushes, grasses and the fruits of these. 自然の働きによる土地産出物である木の実、草のほか、多年
(2) Fructuts Industriales 労働果実= those which come primarily from man’s annual planting, cultivating and
fertilizing such as wheat, beans, corn and citrus fruits in orchards. 土地から上がる穀物など、耕作者の
労働によって得られた産出物をいい、物の用方に従うことによって得られた fructus naturales (天
2. 動産か不動産の一部か。
(1) Fructus Naturales are and remain real property for all purposes until they are actually severed from the land.
(2) Fructus Industriales (also referred to as emblements) are usually annual crops which are for most purpose
personal property.労働果実は、たいてい動産になる目的で生育される毎年栽培される穀物であ
3. 土地が譲渡される時点で、土地上に存在する労働果実も不動産上の動産と同じ扱いとして買主の所有

IV. The Covenant 土地に関する契約上のコベナンツ

A. Defined: A promise to do or refrain from doing something related to land. It is a mere contractual
limitation on land (usually made in conjunction with a lease) and no property right, whereas
easement is a property right. 土地に関する契約上の権利・義務であって、地役権のような不動産権ではな
B. Negative or Affirmative.積極的・消極的コベナンツ
1. Covenants can be negative (known as restrictive covenants): 消極的コベナンツが通常(制
(e.g.) A promise not to use the land for commercial purpose. 商業的利用禁止
(It grew up because negative easement is so limited.)

2. Covenants can be affirmative:積極的コベナンツもある。

(e.g.) I promise to maintain our common fence, common garden. 土地上の共有のフェンス

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PR-113 PR-140 土地に関するコベナンツとして、居住用以外の目的で利用してはならないとされていた

BRQ-24 土地に関してお金を支払うというのもコベナンツになりうる。支払われた金銭が土地の利用に
関して利用されるとコベナンツになりやすい。管理組合に対する Annual Payment が共有施設、公園など

C. How to know whether to construe the given promise as a covenant or as an equitable servitude?
1. On the basis of the remedy your plaintiff seeking. 原告が求める救済方法により異なる。
2. If your plaintiff is seeking money damages, you must construe the promise as a covenant.
Covenant takes its remedy at law. 金銭的損害賠償を求めるのであれば、コベナンツ
3. If your plaintiff is seeking an injunction, you must construe the promise as an equitable
servitude. The equitable servitude takes its remedy in equity. 差止請求はエクィティ
*[QE] If a covenant in a subdivision deed is silent as to who holds its benefit, any neighbor in the
subdivision will be entitled to enforce the covenant if a general scheme or plan is found to have
existed at the time he purchased his lot. (Implication via common scheme) 分譲証書にあるコベナン
D. In covenant parlance, one tract ( 区域 ) is burdened by the promise and another is benefited. When
will the covenant “run with the land”? コベナンツにおいて、一方の区域は負担を負い、他方は利益を
* When it is capable of binding successors. 拘束的な承継人が有効となったとき
(e.g.) Neighbor A promises neighbor B that A will not build for commercial purposes on A's property.
A's parcel is burdened by the promise. B's parcel is benefited. Later, A sells her burdened parcel
to A-1. B sells his benefited parcel to B-1. Now, A-1 has commenced manufacture of a steak
sauce plant on the premises. B-1 wishes to proceed against A-1 for money damages. Will B-1
隣人 A は隣人 B に対して、A の所有地に商業用目的の建物を建築しないと約束。これにより A の土
地は約束に基づく負担を負っている。B の土地は利益を享受している。その後、A が負担付の土地
を A-1 に売却。B は利益を得ている土地を B-1 に売却。A-1 が土地にステーキソースハウスの工場
建築を開始し、B-1 が金銭的賠償を求めた。B の請求は認められるか?
(money damages  You note that it is ‘real covenant’)

(burdened parcel) A <---------------------------------------------> B (benefited parcel)

(horizontal privity)

vertical vertical
privity privity

A-1 B-1

1. It depends on whether the facts as elaborated on the exam support the conclusion that the
benefit and burden run.
2. In answering, two separate contests must be resolved: Always analyze separately burden
side and benefit side. 負担側と利益側、水平・垂直関係を分けて判断。
3. First, does the burden of A’s promise to B run from A to A-1? B に対する A の約束の負担は
A から A-1 に移転するか?
(always analyze the burden side first because it’s harder, then to benefit.)
* Remember “WITHN”: Elements for burden to run with the land of successor.
a) Writing 書面:
The original promise (b/w A-B) must have been in writing.

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b) Intent 意図:
The original parties (A&B) must have intended that the promise would run.
Courts are very liberal in finding this. 当初コベナンツも移転する趣旨かどうか。裁判
c) Touch and concern 接触及び利害関係:
The promise must affect the parties’(A&B’s) legal relations as landowners, and
not simply as members of community at large. 約束により土地所有者としての法的関
(e.g.,) Covenants to pay money to home owners association and covenants not to
compete do not touch and concern the land. 家屋所有者組合に対する金銭の支
d) Horizontal and vertical privity 水平的及び垂直的保有関係: both required 双方必要
1) 水平的関係
Horizontal privity refers to the nexus between our originally promising
parties (A&B). It requires that, at the time the promisor entered into the
covenant with the promisee, they be in succession of estate, meaning they
were in a grantor-grantee relationship, or each other’s landowner and tenant,
or each other’s mortgagors and mortgagees.
水平的保有関係はコベナンツ成立時の当事者( A と B)の関係が問題となる。不動

* It is very rare, unlikely. The absence of horizontal privity is the reason

why most burden fails to run. 9 out of 10 times fail.

BarBri WS-14 : 隣接地の売買契約の deed において、”grantee, his heirs and assigns shall
not plant any shrubbery within 10 feet of the boundary line”とあり、それが record されている場
2) 垂直的関係
Vertical privity refers to the nexus between A and A-1. It simply requires
some non-hostile nexus, such as contract, devise, descent. The only time
that vertical privity will be absent is if A-1 acquired her interest through
adverse possession. A と A-1 の関係が敵対的でないことを要する。契約、遺贈、相
続などの場合には、この要件を満たす。時効取得の場合だと A-1 が敵対的に垂直的
e) Notice:
A-1 must have had some notice of the promise when she took.
A-1 が土地を承継した際に Notice 必要。

4. Second, does the benefit of A’s promise to B run from B to B-1? B に対する A の約束の利益
は B から B-1 に移転するか?
* Assuming there is burden on A-1 (acquired from A), B-1 has to demonstrate standing.
* Remember “WITV”: Elements for benefit to run.
a) Writing 書面による合意であること: Original promise must be in writing.

b) Intent 意 図 : the original parties intended that the benefit would run to the
successor (court is lax in finding the requisite intent as well.) 承継者への利益の移転

c) Touch and concern the land 接触及び利害関係:

the promise must affect the parties in their capacity as landowners.
(e.g.) Lessee’s first refusal right to purchase land. 賃借人が先買権を有する。

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[QE] Options and rights of first refusal are not subject to the rule against
perpetuities as long as it is connected with leaseholds. If option is separated, it is
subject to the rule.

d) Vertical privity 垂直的関係のみ必要:(horizontal は不要)

Only need some non hostile nexus between B/B-1 (K, devise, descent).
Horizontal privity is not needed for the benefit side to run.→敵対的でない承継が必

V. Equitable Servitude エクィティ上の利用制限

A. Defined: Promise that equity will enforce against successors. It is accompanied by an injunction
relief. エクィティによって承継者に対して効果付与されるコベナンツ。差止による救済を伴う。
土地の所有者が自己の土地に対して課した土地利用の制限のことを Equitable Servitude という。
* (mini) An equitable servitude is a covenant that, regardless of whether it runs with the land at
law, equity will enforce against the assignees of the burdened land who have notice of the
covenant. エクィティ上の地役権とは、法律上土地に伴うかどうかにかかわらず、コベナンツの通知を受け
“Run with the Land”かどうかを検討する必要はない。土地に随伴するのが原則でそれを対抗できるかどうか
B. To create an equitable servitude that will bind successors: 承継人を拘束するエクィティ上の地役権
(土地利用制限)の発生原因(=Equitable Servitude が承継人に対しても主張可能となるための要件)
* Remember “WITN- ES(equitable servitude)”
1. Writing 書面: The promise must be in writing, if SOF applies (=generally applies).
2. Intent 意 図 : The original party must have intended that it be enforceable by and against
assignees. 当初の当事者が承継人により及び承継人に対して有効であると意図していること
3. Touch and Concern 接触・利害関係: Promise must touch and concern the land.
4. Notice 通知 : The assignees of the burdened land must have had notice of the promise. 負担
付の土地の承継人が約束の通知を受領していること。通知は Actual Notice と Constructive Notice の
* Actual notice: newspaper
* Inquiry: neighborhood appears to conform to residential restriction
* Record: impute based on publicly recorded documents
BIM-3 土地への制限が記載されている当初の Deed が全て登録されている場合には、制限につ

* Note: Privity is not required to bind successors. 不動産保有関係としての垂直的・水平的関係は要求さ

れない。Equitable servitude is more flexible. エクィティ上の地役権なので柔軟に解されている。

C. The implied equitable servitude– the general or common scheme doctrine. 黙示のエクィティ上の地
(hypo60) A subdivides her land into 50 lots. She sells lots l through 45 through deeds that contain
covenants restricting use to residential purpose. A then se1ls one of the remaining lots to a
commercial entity, B, by deed containing no such covenant. B now seeks to build a convenience
store on his lot. Can he be enjoined from doing so? A が土地を 50 区画に分筆。A は 1 から 45 を住居目
的使用に限定するとのコベナンツ付証書によって売却。A は残りをコベナンツなしの証書によって商人であ
る B に売却。B はコンビニエンスストアの建設を希望しているが、差止を受けるか?

1. Yes, if the two elements of the general or common scheme doctrine apply. Under the
common scheme doctrine, the court will imply a reciprocal negative servitude to hold the
unrestricted lot holder to the restrictive covenant.
Reciprocal Negative Servitude は、a)General Scheme 及び b)Notice の 2 要件を満たしたときに Equitable
Servitude の一種として成立し、裁判所は B(非制限的ロットの所有者)に対しても消極的地役権(エ
クィティ上の地役権)が黙示的に表示されていたと判断する。→商人 B はコンビニを建設できない。

2. The two elements of the general or common scheme doctrine:

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a) General Scheme: When the sales began, the subdivider (A) had a general scheme
of development which included the lot now in question (= the defendant lot);
売り出しが始まった時点で、分割者である A が、問題となっている区域(被告保有の土地
を含む)を含む開発についての一般的な計画を有していること →Deed 中に Covenants の
PR-107 コベナンツに違反していると主張されている被告の土地が、一般的な計画の対

b) Notice: The defendant lot holder (unrestricted one) must have had the notice of
the promise contained in other deeds. (制限が付されていない)区画保有者の被告が
他の Deed に含まれる約束の通知を全て受けていること
* 3 forms of notice: “AIR”
1) Actual notice 実 際 の 通 知 : Literal knowledge of the promises in the
previous deeds. 以前の Deed 中の約束を実際に認識
2)** Inquiry 照 会 : The neighborhood appears to conform to common
restriction. 隣人たちが一般的な制限に準拠しているように見える。
3) Record 登 録 : Form of notice imputed to buyers on the basis of the
publicly recorded documents themselves. 公的な記録に基づく買主に対す
る通知の方式(chain of title により過去の deed の record があれば notice あり)

* Majority rule is that subsequent buyer (the defendant in our case) does
NOT have record notice of the contents of prior deed transferred to
others by common grantor. (So, in our case the D must have had either
Actual notice or Inquiry knowledge to be bound by the equitable
servitude.) 多数派のルールでは、後の買主(本件では被告)は一般的な付与
者によりその他の者に移転される以前の Deed の内容の登録通知を受領していな
いことになる。本件では被告は Actual Notice か Inquiry によるエクィティ上の地
* The better view, taken by other courts, is that the subsequent buyer
does not have record notice of the contents of those prior deeds
transferred to others by the common grantor. Less burden of title record
search on purchasers. (In our case, D did not have a record notice.)

*Also applicable to the subdivider herself.

Equitable Servitude のまとめ

全体で 600
General Scheme あり 何も Plan/Scheme な

Lot A Lot B Lot C

300 200 100

Deed に Deed に Scheme と関係なく、Deed

制限あり 制限なし の制限に拘束されない。

要件 a)、b)のいずれ この場合にのみ General Scheme に

も要件を満たすので ついての要件 b)Notice があるかど
主張可能。 うかが問題となる。

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D. Doctrine of Changed Conditions: (narrow defense) 事情変更の抗弁 (エクィティ上の抗弁)

* The changed circumstances alleged by the party seeking release from the terms of an equitable
servitude must be so pervasive that the entire area or the entire subdivisions’ essential character
has changed. (difficult assertion) 周りの区域全体において、エクイティ上の地役権により制限する目的
* What is never good enough? Limited, piecemeal or border lot change by itself will never be
good enough.
PR-79 Equitable Servitude の消滅
Equitable servitude may be extinguished by the existence of conditions which make the purpose and object of the
servitude impossible of achievement, such as change in the character of the neighborhood from a residential to a
business area. エクィティ上の地役権は、地役権の目的が達成不可能になったような場合に消滅する。た
PR-109 Easement for Public Use 公共利用のための地役権 / Public Dedication 公的寄付
コモンロー上、Dedication には、特定の形式は必要でなく、Dedicator 寄付者による明示的な意図の表示
が あれ ば よ い。 口頭 、行 為、 書 面 を問 わ な い。 公的 機 関 (行 政機 関 や 学 校 な ど )に よる 承諾 の
Manifestation がなされた場合には、公的利用のための地役権の付与が行われ、所有権自体は Dedicator に
残る。Public Dedication が学校に対して行われた後に所有者が土地を売却し、買主が Public Use 以外の用

E. Remedy for the breach of Equitable Servitude 救済方法

If your plaintiff is seeking an injunction, you must construe the promise as an equitable servitude.
The equitable servitude takes its remedy in equity. 差止請求はエクィティに基づいて行われる。
BIM-3 エクィティ上の地役権の違反があった場合の救済方法は Specific Performance と Injunction。した
がって、金銭損害賠償を請求することはできない。これに対し、Covenants である場合、損害賠償請求が

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*Covenant Running with the Land と Equitable Servitude の違い PR-162

Covenant Running with the Land Equitable Servitude
1. Character More than a mere personal contract but is (1) A restriction on the use of land
性質 less than an easement because technically enforceable in a court of equity. エクィティ裁判
it is not an “interest in land.” 技術的には土地 所で履行強制可能な土地の利用制限
に対する権利ではないため、人的な契約以上、地役 (2) More than a covenant running with the
権未満。 land because it is an interest in land. 土地に対す
る権利であるため、Covenant より強い権利。
(3) Broader than an equitable easement
because it applies not only to land but also to
chattel property such as a business. 土地だけで
2. Requirement (a) there must be a covenant in writing, コ (a) may be created by a writing complying
要件 ベナンツ with the Statute of Fraud. SOF に従った書面により
(b) an intention that the covenant run with 発生
the land, and 土地に付随させるという意図 (b) intention of the parties that there be a
(c) must “touch and concern” the land, and restriction, and 制限が存在するという当事者間の意
(d) privity of estate 直接的土地関係 図。
(c) must “touch and concern” the land, and
*A covenant “touch and concerns” the (d) transferee takes the land with either actual
land if it makes the land in the hand of the or constructive notice of the existence of the
owner either more usable and more servitude. 移転を受けた者が Servitude の存在について
valuable or less usable and less valuable コ
やすくなるか又は価値が上がり、若しくは利用しに *Privity of estate is not required. 直接的土地関係
くくなり、又は価値が下がるような場合には、Touch は不要。
and Concern があるといえる。
3. Legal effect To make an assignee of the land either
法的効果 benefit by or be burdened by the covenant
without being party to the making of the
4. Remedies For breach: standard contract remedies Equitable remedies (i.e. injunction, etc.)
救済 (i.e. monetary damages or specific エクィティ上の救済

performance if applicable.) 違反につき通常の

5. (a) by doing an act which violates the
Extinguishmen servitude and continuing for the period of the
t 消滅 statute of limitation. Servitude を侵害する行為および
(b) release by the dominant tenant, or 要益地の
(c) where the purpose and object of the
servitude become impossible of achievement
(e.g., change in character of neighborhood
residential to commercial.)目的の実現不可能

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<always tested>
I. The basic concept:
Possession for statutory prescribed period of time can ripen into title, if certain elements are met.
II. The elements of adverse possession:
* Remember “COAH”: for adverse possession to ripen into title, it must be met.
B-1M62 一部しか占有していなくても、全体を占有したとみなされる。所有者が変わっても時効期間は
Tack される。

A. Continuous 継続性:
Use has to be uninterrupted for given statutory period.途中中断は×
* In most other states, 20-30yrs. 多くの州では 20-30 年
B. Open and notorious 公然かつ周知:
A sort of possession that the ordinary owners would make under the circumstances: visible
occupation is required. (It can’t be secretly.) 通常の所有者が行う占有。目に見える占有が必要であり、

C. Actual 実際の占有:
The entry cannot be hypothetical or fictitious (must be literal) and exclusive (not sharing with
owner). e.g. sending a letter to the owner does not suffice.
B-D7 土地を他人に賃貸して(本当の Owner のように振舞って)占有したとしてもこの要件は満たす。

D. Hostile 敵対的:
The possessor does not have the true owner’s permission to be there.
BarBri Essay-1 Deed が無効であるが、譲受人が占有を継続したという場合も hostile の要件は満たす。
PR-30 Co-Tenant の一方が土地全体を占有していてもその占有は Hostile ではない。占有者が ouster する
までは、Hostile ではない。
PB-3 土地を占有していない Co-Tenant に対して Ouster が成立するには、単に他方が占有するだけでは不
十分であり、非占有 Co-Tenant の占有に対する拒絶などの要素が必要である。

* Note: Possessor’s subjective state of mind is irrelevant. It does not matter what the possessor is
thinking. It does not matter if Possessor thought the land was his. 占有者の主観は無関係。自分の所
PR-158 ↑の Note の記載もあるが、PMBR では、Adverse Possessor の主観も Hostile かどうかの判断に影響
ば、Hostile とはいえなくなる。

BIM-62 Constructive Adverse Possession 擬制取得時効

(1) 一部のみの資産の占有
(2) 占有開始の基礎となった書面等に占有していない部分も含む資産全体の記載がある( Deed には
100acre とあるが、実際には 50acre のみを使用する場合

III. Tacking 前占有者占有期間の加算

One adverse possessor may tack on to his time with the land his predecessor’s time, so long as
there is privity which is satisfied by any non-hostile nexus, such as blood, contract, deed or will.
The only time tacking is NOT allowed is when there has been an ouster. 前占有者による占有期間を
加算できるのは、敵対的ではなく保有関係を承継(血縁、契約、Deed、Will などによる)した場合のみ。前
占有者から ouster 不動産侵奪をした場合には認められない。
PR-52 占有が中断していても、その間に時効取得者の甥を住まわせていた場合には、Tacking が可能とな

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(e.g.) O owned Blackacre in 1980 when A entered adversely. A was on her way to satisfying the
elements of adverse possession when, in 1986, Mr. X ousted her. Mr. X stays on the land
through 2000. Our jurisdiction has a 20-year statute of limitations. In 2000, who owns
 O. Tacking is not allowed when the subsequent taker was ousted his predecessor. Ouster
defeats privity.
IV. Disabilities
The Statute of Limitations will NOT run against a true owner who is afflicted by a disability at the
inception (only from the very start) of the adverse possession. 取得時効の開始時点で行為能力のない
* Common disabilities include infancy, insanity, imprisonment, etc. 未成年・精神異常・服役
PR-7 所有者が未成年であったという事情は、占有開始日に必要。成年であり特に Disability の要素のな
い A が所有者である時点で、 B が占有を開始し、その後 A が死亡して、未成年の C が相続。C は
Disability であるが、所有者が未成年であったという事情は、占有開始日に必要であるため、全体で消滅
占有開始時に真実の権利者が行為無能力→権利者死亡・行為能力ある相続人が相続 この場合、相続時

(e.g.) O owned Blackacre in 1980 when A entered adversely. In 1990, O went insane. In 2000, O recovered. Our
jurisdiction has a 20-year statute of limitations. In 2000, who owns Blackacre?
 A, assuming she has met the COAH elements. O was not suffering from it at the inception of the adverse
possession in 1980.

PS-80 土地の境界に関する問題
(relation back)。

OPE4-70 adverse posession の効力まとめ

・adverse posession が成立した場合、時効取得者による第三者への譲渡は当事者間では有効に成立する(judicial
proceeding 不要)。また、原所有者と時効取得者からの第三者の間でも後者が優先する。
・但し、judicial procedure が完了しないと marketability はないので、時効取得者が第三者へ譲渡する場合、当該譲
受人は marketability の欠缺を主張して close しないことは可能。(Part 5. I.C.1.参照)
・原所有者からの譲受人と時効取得者の間の関係は、時効取得者が常に優先する。(Part 5. III.E.参照)
record をするためには、時効取得について judicial proceeding が必要。(Part 5. III.F.3 参照)

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Part 5 --- LAND CONVEYANCING: The Purchase and Sale of Real Estate
* Every conveyance of real estate always consists of a two-step process.
Step I: The land contract, which endures until step II.
Step II: The closing, where the deed becomes our operative document.
I. The land contract 不動産譲渡契約
A. The land contract and the statute of frauds: 不動産譲渡契約と詐欺防止法
1. The standard:
a) The land contract must be in writing, signed by the party against whom
enforcement is sought. 書面かつ署名
b) It must describe the land and it must state some consideration.土地の詳細と約因
* Violation of the SoF is an affirmative defense. 詐欺防止法違反は積極的抗弁
BarBri WS-16: 土 地 が 特 定 で き る の で あ れ ば 、 記 載 に 不 正 確 が あ っ た と し て も specific
performance を請求できる。

2. When the amount of land recited in the land contract is more than the actual size of the
parcel: 実際の面積よりも契約上の記載が大きいとき
(e.g.) B enters into a contract to purchase a farm. The contract recites that the farm is 100 acres. When B
has a survey done, B learns that the farm is actually 98 acres. What is B’s remedy?

 Specific performance with a pro rata reduction in purchase price that is commensurate
with the acreage deficiency. 特定履行:売却価格をプロラタで減額の上で。Deed は有効であり、
BSM-78 裁判所が特定履行を認めるには、以下の要件が必要。
(1) 2 つの土地の面積の相違が重大でないこと
(2) 代金の減額が当事者の契約内容から過度に乖離しないこと
BIM-8 これとは逆に実際の面積の方が契約上の面積よりも大きい場合、以下の Reformation 証
(1) 実際の面積>契約上の面積=実際の面積優先
(2) 実際の面積<契約上の面積=実際の面積にあわせて代金をプロラタで減額。
PR-166 Deed が Monument、Natural 又は Artificial の記載によって、移転される土地の境界を特

3. The one exception to the statute of frauds 詐 欺 防 止 法 の 例 外 : The Doctrine of Part

Performance. 一部履行原則
If, on your facts, you have two of these three circumstances, the doctrine is satisfied and
equity will decree specific performance of an oral contract for the sale of land: 以下の 3 つ
のうち 2 つの状況を満たせば、口頭の不動産売却契約であっても特定履行を要求できる。
a) Buyer takes physical possession of the land 買主が物理的占有
b) Buyer pays all or part of the purchase price; or 買主が全部又は一部の代金を支払い
c) Buyer makes substantial improvements to the land.買主が実質的な改良
* Seller’s knowledge of these facts is not necessary. 売主の事実の認識は不要
Note: Rationale of The Doctrine of Part Performance 一部履行原則の根拠
(i) The evidentiary theory (acts unequivocally showing the contract has been formed) or
(ii) the estoppel theory (purchaser relying on the oral representations and may suffer
hardships) 証拠法則と禁反言
B. Risk of loss 危険負担<always in MBE>
1. Apply the doctrine of equitable conversion: エクイティ上の財産権の転換原則の適用
ティ上は買主が不動産の title (権原)を取得し、売主は代金への権利を取得したとする法理。危
Emanuel-13 相続で equitable conversion が適用される場面:

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・equitable conversion が適用されないと、当該不動産は不動産として X に相続される
・equitable conversion が適用されると、当該不動産は既に売却代金を受け取る権利( interest in
the eventual sale proceeds)に転化しているものとして扱われ、単なる金銭債権として X 以外
BSM-159 上記とは逆に不動産売買の買主側が死亡した場合、不動産の相続人が対象不動産を承

a) “Equity regards as done that which ought to be done.”

b) Thus, in equity, once the contract is signed, a buyer is the owner of the land,
subject only to the condition that the buyer pays the purchase price at closing. エ
なる。契約締結後 Closing 前の問題。売主にとっては代金が personal property に転換する。

2. Destruction and risk of loss on buyer. 毀損と買主の危険負担→通常は Delivery でリスクが移転

One important result flows from this: If, in the interim between contract and closing,
Blackacre is destroyed through no fault of either party, for the MBE purpose, a buyer
bears the risk of loss unless the contract says otherwise. It doesn’t matter that the seller
was the one in possession at the time of destruction.
PR-24 Equitable Conversion の結果、売主の側に Unjust Enrichment が生じるような場合、裁判所は
Equitable Conversion を適用せず、売主による Specific Performance の請求を認めないということもあ
BSM-159 問題文で特に言及がなければ Doctrine of Equitable conversion は適用がある前提で回答する。

C. Two implied promises in every land contract. 2 種類の黙示の約束:契約締結時の約束

1. Marketable title 売買に適する権原
売主は契約締結時点でクロージングの際に Marketable Title を引き渡すという約束をする。
Seller promises to provide marketable title (= implied warranty of marketable title) at the
closing. →Deed の引渡し後は Marketable Title がないことについての責任を負わない。
Marketable title:
領の義務ありとされる、売買に適するだけの質をもった土地の title (権原)。そのような title を
を強制できる。権原の瑕疵としては、(1)chain of title (権原連鎖)上のもの、(2)当該不動産に対す
引証書登録簿 (→recording act) 上のそれらの瑕疵が発見されても、事実上の証明によって治癒
されうるとする法域が多い。Marketable かどうかの具体的基準は法域によって多少異なるが、
一般に、「完全」である必要はなく、reasonable (合理的) であり通常の不動産取引で取引が成立
するであろうだけの質(free from reasonable doubt といった表現などで表される)があれば足り
Emanuel 26: 分割払いで土地を売買する場合、完済時点で Marketable title があればよい。

a) The standard:
Marketable title is title
(i) that free from reasonable doubt in both law and fact, and
(ii) that a reasonable buyer would accept wituout fear of litigation.
b) Example of the circumstances will render title unmarketable.
1) Adverse Possession 時効取得:
If, even a portion of the title rests on adverse possession, title is
unmarketable. So seller must be able to provide “Good record title.” 当該
* Until the adverse possessor has perfected it by a judgment quieting title.

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BSM-13 取得時効によって取得された土地については、取得者の所有権につ
いても Marketable Title なし。保有者である売主が Marketable Title にするに
は、裁判所に対して quiet title action 権原確認訴訟が必要。Marketable Title が
PR-5 買主が調査をして売主が取得時効によって有効に取得しただろうと考え

2) Encumbrances 担保権等:
Marketable title means an unencumbered fee simple. Mortgages and
servitudes make title unmarketable unless the buyer has waived them.
(Most land contracts have servitude in one form or another.) 取引適合性の

* Note: Seller has the implied right to satisfy an outstanding mortgage or

lien at the closing, with the proceeds of the sale. Thus, buyer cannot
claim title is unmarketable because it is subject to a mortgage prior to
closing, so long as the parties understand that the closing will result in the
mortgage being satisfied or discharged. クロージング時点で売却代金を抵当
BarBri Set 4-2 不動産 につき a lis pendens (係争中の争訟という意味、差し押
代金を resolve the dispute のためにとっておくと売主が約束するのであれば
marketable である。

3) Zoning violations 地域地区規制違反:

Title is unmarketable if the property violates an applicable zoning
ordinance. Mere existence of zoning regulation will not render the title
unmarketable. 単に地域規制があるだけでは問題とならない。
*[QE] Violation of subdivision, housing, building Codes doesn’t
constitute an encumbrance on title.
Emanuel-34 zoning violation の違反については厳格に判断され細かい違反で
例:セットバックが 9 フィート必要であるところ 8.5 フィートしかセット
BarBri Set 1-4
Housing、building code の violation は encumbrance on title にならない。

4) Inability to provide record chain

Seller’s inability to provide record chain of title renders the title
unmarketable unless the contract says otherwise. 契約に別段の規定がない限
5) Easement
Easement generally considered encumbrances that render title
Exception) Beneficial easement that was visible or known to the buyer
*Beneficial Easement: その存在により土地の価値が高まる easement
PB-16 土地譲渡契約中で“Subject to easements, covenants, and restrictions of record”との
文言がある場合、これに矛盾する文言がない限り、 契約締結時点で存在した負担を示
している。したがって、契約締結後に新たな Encumbrance を発生させた場合には、契
約締結時点で存在した負担以上の負担を課すことになるため、 Marketable Title はない
BIM-4 Title may be unmarketable where the owners of the present and future interests attempt
to convey a fee simple absolute title if the future interests are held by persons who are unborn or
unascertainable.現在及び将来権の保有者が Fee Simple Absolute 絶対的単純不動産権を移

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保有されているのであれば、unmarketable である。
BIM-4 対象となる不動産が Marketable Title でない場合には、売主側は買主に対して
Specific Performance を請求することができない。Marketable Title である場合には、通
常の合理的な買主であれば喜んで受領するような Title であるので、そうでなければ拒
BarBri Set 2-15 賃貸中の物件に関し、借主が不動産購入のオプションを有している場
合、merketablility が否定される。

2. Seller promises not to make any false statement of material fact. 重要事実についての不実
a) The majority of states now also hold sellers liable for failure (lying or omission)
to disclose latent material defects. Silence is NOT golden. 多数派の州では隠れた重
BIM-23 不動産の譲渡には、implied warranty of quality or fitness は含まれないが、隠れ

b) If the contract contains a general disclaimer of liability (e.g., “property sold as is”
or “with all faults”), the disclaimer will NOT excuse seller from liability of fraud
or for failure to disclose. 契約に一般的な免責文言が入っていても、売主は詐欺または
D. NO implied warranties of fitness or habitability.
1. Common law norm is “caveat emptor (let the buyer be aware)”. 買主をして注意せしめよ
2. One important Exception : The implied warranty of fitness and workmanlike construction
applies to the sale of a new home by a builder-vendor. 建築業者かつ販売業者による新築住

II. The Closing

A. Overview
1. Our controlling document is now the deed (deed of conveyance). The contract is dead at
2. Unless otherwise specified, acceptance of a deed discharges all of seller’s contractual
obligations, and leaves buyer only with remedies and any covenants contained in the deed
(once the closing occurs, the deed is our operating document, not the contract).
* So, after closing you should not choose a choice pertaining implied warranty of
marketable title in MBE. MBE 上、クロージング(譲渡証書交付)後は、Marketable Title の黙示
的保証に基づく請求ができないので、その肢を選択しないこと。→ Deed 受領後に Title がないこと
* Remedy for partial defective title is generally a partial refund after closing. 一部欠損に対
PR-118 土地売買契約の当事者双方に共通の錯誤がある場合、裁判所は契約の Rescission を命
たとえば、A→B→C と土地売買契約に基づいて Deed が移転されたが、正式な所有者は X であ
り、Deed は A が偽造し、そのことを B が知らず A から購入し、善意の C に売却。あとから偽
造が発覚して X から譲渡を受けた Y が所有者であることが確定したあとに、C が B に対して訴
え提起。この場合、B が善意であるとしても B は救済されず、双方に共通の錯誤があるとし
て、C は原状回復命令により B から売買代金の返還を求めることができる。ただし、原状の回
復であるため、C が自己の費用で家を建てていたとしても、無駄になってしまった建築費用を
B に対して請求することはできない。
BarBri Set 4-3 Deed の撤回はなく、Deed を物理的に破壊しても効力は失われない。

3. How does the deed pass legal title from seller to buyer?

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Remember that it must be “LEAD”: Lawfully Executed And Delivered.

B. Lawful execution of a deed 適法な譲渡証書の作成:
1. The standard: The deed must be in writing, signed by the grantor. 譲渡証書は書面でなけれ
ばならず、譲渡人による署名が必要。 It need not recite any consideration, nor must any
consideration pass to make a deed valid. 譲渡証書には約因不要
2. The description of the land 土地の詳細 : It does not have to be perfect. We require only
unambiguous description and a good lead. 完全である必要はないが、不明確でなく、十分な情
(e.g.) The deed recites that O conveys “all my land,” or “all of O’s land in Essex
County.” Would such descriptions suffice?
* Yes. The description provides a sufficient lead. We can do research and
discover what “all of O’s land” happens to mean.
(e.g.) O conveys “some of my land in Sussex County.” Does such a description satisfy
the standard?
* No. It is too imprecise. Even when research, we would not know what “some
of my land” happens to mean.
3. 地名を白紙にして deed を相手方に代金引換で引き渡したら、“agency coupled with interest 利害関係
のある代理”となり、口頭の指示に反して相手方が地名を記入した deed も有効。
BIM-7 Consideration は Deed を有効にするために必要ではない。また、引渡しを撤回不能にする
【Consideration がある譲渡契約が先行する場合だけではなく、deed のみで不動産を譲渡・贈与
するような場面についても consideration は不要。所有権の移転に着目すると deed の作成・交付
で取引が完了しており、所有権の移転自体について enforcement が問題になる場面がないから
BIM-54 付与者が現実に所有している権利よりも広い権利の付与を目的とする Deed もそれだけ
PR-167 共有者が他の共有者の署名を偽造して Deed により譲渡した場合、譲渡は無効。善意の

BarBri Essay-1 有効な deed の作成の要件としては、上記の(i) in writing、(ii) sined、(iii) detail of land に加え
て(iv)intent to convey と (v) specifing grantor and grantee が必要。
grantor / grantee の特定として、名前のほか、"my eldest son"のように特定可能なものでもよいが、単に"to
grantee"は特定を欠く。なお一部の州では"to grantee"の deed について grantee が署名した場合には有効と解

C. The delivery requirement 引渡しの要件:

1. The delivery requirement could be satisfied when grantor physically or manually
transferred the deed to the grantee. Use of the mails or an agent or a messenger is
permissive. 引渡しの要件は、物理的に実際に Deed を手渡す(郵送、代理人、メッセンジャー等
2. However, delivery does NOT necessarily require actual, physical transfer of the
instrument itself (counter-intuitive). The standard for delivery is a legal standard, and is a
test solely of present intent.
しかし、Deed そのものの物理的かつ実際の移転は必ずしも要求されない。 引渡しの要件
* Ask: Did grantor have the present intent to be immediately bound, irrespective
of whether or not the deed itself has been literally handed over. Manifestation by
the grantor is an important sign. Deed が実際に手渡されたかどうかは関係なく、付与者
が即座に拘束される旨の現実の意図を持っていたか。付与者による Manifestation が重要。

BIM-17 Grantor が Grantee に対して、全く付与の意図を告げておらず、第三者に自分が

死んだらベッドルームのクローゼットにある Deed を Grantee に渡すように指示を行っ
ただけでは、(指示の時点では)Deed の引渡しとして有効とはならない。
PR-73 第三者による引渡

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(1)Grantor が Grantee に対して不動産の移転を Deed により行う場合、Grantor が第三者

に対して Grantee に渡すように、といって手渡した場合、手渡した時点で引渡しが成
(2)「Grantee が$500,000 を支払ったら Deed を渡せ」と第三者に指示がなされている場
合は、条件付であるので、条件成就時点(Grantee による支払が行われたとき)に引
BarBri Set 3-1 delivery to the recorder’s office
Grantee が知らなかったとしても recorder’s office において deed が record された場合に
は、delivery が推定される。

* In a donation transaction, a delivery to a third party is satisfactory regardless

whether the grantee knows or not. Grantee’s acceptance is presumed. 寄付行為の
3. Recipient’s express rejection of the deed defeats the delivery. 受領者の明示の拒絶により引
(e.g.) As a surprise graduation gift, A’s Aunt Gertrude executes a deed conveying Blackacre to
A. A responds, “I cannot accept such a lavish gift.” Blackacre belong to Aunt Gertrude.
PR-186 Recipient のほかに Deed により利益を受ける者がいる場合(たとえば、Recipient
に Life Estate、Recipient の子供に Vested Remainder を付与)、Recipient は利益を受ける

4. If a deed, absolute on its face, is transferred to grantee with an oral condition, the oral
condition drops out. It is not provable, and delivery is deemed accomplished. 口頭で条件提
示して、書面上は完全に有効な Deed が引き渡された場合、口頭の条件は無効となり、引渡しは完
(e.g.) O conveys a deed to Blackacre that is absolute on its face, but says to grantee,
“Blackacre is yours only if you survive me.” This oral condition is void.
Delivery has been accomplished.
5. Delivery by Escrow is permissible. エスクローによる引渡しも OK
a) Grantor may deliver an executed deed to a third party, known as an escrow agent,
with instructions that the deed be delivered to grantee once certain conditions are
met. Once the conditions are met, title passes automatically to grantee. 条件成就し
たら引き渡すよう指示を出して Escrow Agent に引き渡すこともできる。条件が成就すると
Emanuel 6 譲渡人がエスクロー・エージェントに対して、いつでも撤回指示ができる

b) The advantage of escrow エ ス ク ロ ー の メ リ ッ ト : If grantor dies or becomes

incompetent or is otherwise unavailable before the express conditions are met,
title will still pass from escrow agent to grantee once the conditions are met. 明確
BIM-7 Grantor が Escrow に対し、Grantor が死亡したら Deed を Grantee に渡すように指
示して Deed を渡した場合、裁判所は、通常の Grantor の意図は、死亡時に fee simple
absolute を付与するのではなく、かかる引渡時点において将来権を Grantee に付与する
こ と に あ る と 判 断 す る 。 し た が っ て 、 当 該 時 点 に お い て delivery が 行 わ れ て お
り、Grantor は Deed を取り戻すことはできない。帰結として、Grantor が Grantee と喧
嘩して、死亡前に Deed を取り返そうとしても認められない。

[QE] If a grantor executes a deed but fails to deliver it during his lifetime, no
conveyance of title has occurred. The fact that grantor just tells his friend to
deliver the deed upon his death to grantee is not deliver.
Grantor が Deed に署名したが生存中に渡してない場合、所有権移転は生じない。友人に対
し自分が死んだら譲受人に Deed を引き渡すように言っただけでは引渡しとならない。

[QE] Where a deed contains an express provision that title will not pass until the
death of the grantor, the effect is to create a present possessory life in the grantor

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and a future estate in the grantee. Grantor の死亡時まで所有権は移転しないという明確

な条項がある場合、Grantor は現在の所有権、Grantee は将来不動産権を取得。

D. Covenants for title and the 3 types of deed:

1. The quit claim deed 権利放棄型捺印証書 (the worst for buyer 買主にもっとも不利):
* It contains no covenants. Grantor is not even promising that he has title to convey.
Remember that the grantor implicitly promised in the contract to provide a marketable
title at the closing.
らかの title (権原)を有しているとしたらこれを放棄し、譲渡するという趣旨の deed。
BIM-4 Quit Claim Deed により不動産を移転する場合、売主は買主に対して Specific Performance
Emanuel-55 Quitclaim deed は通常の完全な所有権の移転ではなく、不完全な所有権( future
interest)の移転を行う場合にも利用できる。例えば、X quitclaimed all interest in the firm to Y と
いった場合、譲渡された対象は完全な所有権とは限らず、X が有する future interst の可能性が

2. The general warranty deed 一般的権原保証証書 (best for buyer 買主にもっとも有利):

1) By contrast, it warrants against all defects in title, including those attributable to
grantor’s predecessors. Not defects on the property.
2) The general warranty deed typically contains all six of the following covenants.
典型的には 6 つのコベナンツを含む(現在のコベナンツ 3 つ+将来のコベナンツ 3 つ)。

* Present covenant is breached, if ever, at the time of delivery. The statute of

limitation begins to run for breach of present covenant from the instant of
delivery. 現在のコベナンツは(違反が生じるとすれば)引渡し時点で違反が生じる。消

(a) The covenant of seisin 不動産所有の保証約束:

Grantor warrants that the grantor owns the estate that he claims to
convey. Grantor が所有権を有していること。
(b) The covenant of right to convey 譲渡権原の保証約束:
Grantor promises that she has the power to make this conveyance. In
other words, there are no temporary restraints on the grantor’s power to
sell. 譲渡人が deed (捺印証書)に記載された土地について、記載通りの不動産権

(c) The covenant against encumbrances 負担不存在の保証約束:

Grantor promises there are no visible encumbrance (e.g., servitude) or
invisible encumbrance (e.g. mortgages) on the land.
譲渡する不動産権に明示された権利以外の負担(地役権、担保権等) がないこ
類似するものとして、契約締結時の Implied Promise 黙示の約束としての
Marketable Title 取引適合性の内容のひとつである“Encumbrancees”担保権設
定についての保証がある。Encumbrances に対する違反、すなわち実は抵当権
これ に対して、 Covenant against Encumbrances の場合には、引渡しの 際に
Deed に含まれる Covenant であるため、後に治癒することは考えられず、引
渡し時点で Encumbrances が存在した場合には、買主は Covenant 違反を主張

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PR-95 この Covenant に違反して抵当権が存在したような場合、買主は売主に


PR-94 これら 3 種類の Covenants は “run with the land”土地に付随する Covenant では

ない。A→B→C という順番で不動産が Deed により譲渡され、A→B の Deed に 3 つの
Covenant が含まれる General Warranty Deed によって行われ、B→C の Deed は通常の
Warranty Deed で行われ、後に C が第三者 D の完全な所有権の存在を理由に所有権を
認められなかったとしても、A の 3 つのコベナンツは個人的なものであって B だけに
対するものであり、土地に付随しないため、C は A のコベナンツ違反を理由に A に対

* Future covenant is NOT breached, if ever, until grantee is disturbed in

possession. The statute of limitation will not begin to run, if ever, until that future
date. Future covenants run with the land, so that any remote grantee in privity of
estate may enforce that covenant against the original grantor. 将来のコベナンツは
Grantee の占有が妨害されるまでは違反とならない。消滅時効は将来の時まで開始しない。
将来のコベナンツは土地とともに移転する。A→B→C と譲渡され、B→C のときに Deed
にコベナンツが記載されていなくても土地とともに移転するので C は A に主張可能。

(d) The covenant for quiet enjoyment 平穏享有の保証約束

Grantor promises that grantee will not be disturbed in possession by the
third party’s lawful claim of title. i.e. no double dealer. 他者の正当な title
This covenant is breached when the grantee is evicted by a third party
with paramount title. 譲受人が優越する第三者によって立ち退かされた場合は
(e) The covenant of warranty:
Grantor promises to defend grantee should there be any lawful claims of
title asserted by others. (essentially the same as covenant for quiet
enjoyment) 将来第三者によって正当な当該不動産に対する権利主張がなされな
いことを保証するとともに、第三者の権利主張に対して譲渡人が譲受人の title
Emanuel 29 Covenants of warranty に基づいて売主が防御しなければならない
範囲は meritorious(価値がある)ものに限定される(frivorous なものは除
応せず、買主が自らの費用で防御し勝訴した場合、翻って請求は meritorious
なものであったと判断され、買主は売主に対し covenant of warranty に基づく

(f) The covenant for further assurances:

Grantor promises to perform whatever future acts are reasonably
necessary to perfect the grantee’s title if it later turns out to be imperfect.
譲渡された不動産権を完全なものとするために必要な行為 (必要書類の作成・交

3. Statutory special warranty deed 法律上の特定保証証書:

* Provided for by statute in many states, this deed contains two promises that grantor
makes only on behalf of himself. (Note: Grantor makes no representations on behalf of his
predecessors in interest.)
1) Grantor promises that he has not conveyed this estate to any one other than
grantee; and
2) the estate is free from encumbrances made by the grantor.
4. A breach of a deed covenant only give rise to an action for damages, and recovery is
almost always limited to the amount the grantor received for the property.

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PS-29 Installment Land Contract 不動産割賦購入契約での売主による保証
Installment Land Contract 不動産割賦購入契約では、売主は割賦払いの最終日においても所有権について
Marketable Title であることを保証する義務を有する。但し、中間時点において、Marketable Title を保証
す る 旨 の 条 項 が な け れ ば 、 そ の 時 点 で Unmarketable で あ っ た と し て も Default に は な ら な い 。 但
し、Closing までには Marketable Title の瑕疵(例えば、実は Mortgage がついていたような場合)を治癒

III. Recording System (二重譲渡の処理)

* Our model: The case of the double dealer (二重譲渡).
* O conveys Blackacre to A. Later, O conveys Blackacre, the same parcel, to B. O, our double
dealer, has skipped town. In the battle of A vs. B, who wins?
* A “chain of title” of a land includes covenants regarding subdivided lands.

A. Overview
Remember 2 brightline rules:
1. If B is a bona fide purchaser, and we are in a NOTICE jurisdiction, B wins, regardless
of whether or not she records before A does. B が善意の第三者で善意者保護型不動産取引証書
登録法の州であれば、A と B の登録の前後にかかわらず、B が勝つ。

2. If B is a bona fide purchaser and we are in a RACE notice jurisdiction, B wins if she
records properly before A does. B が善意の第三者かつ善意登録者保護型不動産取引証書登録法
の州であれば、A が登録する前に B が登録できれば、B が勝つ。
* Purchaser includes “mortgagee.”抵当権者も含む。→抵当権者と買主の関係も同様に処理される。

BIM-17 Double Dealer 二重譲渡に見える場合であっても、最初の譲渡が無効(Deed の引渡しが全く行わ

その場合は、Record の前後・優劣は全く関係がない。

*Recording acts exist to protect only bona fide purchasers and mortgagees. Recording system is
suspicious of B. System says “Prove to us you are a bona fide purchaser.” Basically, B has hard
time prevailing over A.
BarBri Essay-1, Big p.133
Subsequent purchaser は interest made by operation of law (e.g., addverse posession)に対しては record system に
例えば、O が所有していた不動産を X が時効取得した後に、O から BFP である A が譲り受けた場合、A
は常に X に劣後する。

B. Bona Fide Purchaser (BFP)

A bona fide purchaser is one who:
1. purchased Blackacre for value; 有償 and
PB-44 For Value でなければ、BFP に該当しないため、Gift として Deed を受領した者は Record
System で保護される Purchaser とはならない。ただし、契約自体は有効であるため譲渡人が勝手

2. without notice that someone else (A) has got there first. 他の者が先に取得したことの通知な

[QE] BFP ( 善意の第三取得者 ) who buys from non-BFP is BFP against A. 善意の第三者で
[Big123] 善意が要求される時点は「conveyance」の時点(不明確だが取引実行時(deed 交付時)
C. 2 routine value questions (purchaser for value):
1. The bargain basement sale バーゲンセール:通常よりも安く買っても問題ない。
(e.g.) B paid $50,000 cash for Blackacre, when its fair market value is estimated at $100,000. Is B a
purchaser for value?
* Yes. As long as B remits substantial pecuniary consideration, he is a purchaser for value.

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PR-26 対価が Nominal な場合(広大な土地の対価が 1 ドルの場合など)は、Record Statute で保


2. The case of the doomed donee: Recording statutes do not protect donees, heirs or
devisees unless the shelter rule applies (see infra). 登録法上は Shelter Rule が適用されない限り、
受贈者、相続人又は受遺者は保護されない。 * Inheritance is not “for value.”
(e.g.) B is O’s heir, or O’s devisee, or O’s donee. In a recording statute question, B always loses.
Recording statutes do not simply protect unless the shelter rule applies.

D. 3 Form of Notice
3 form of NOTICE that a buyer may potentially be charged with are: 3 種類の通知
* AIR: Actual, Inquiry, or Record. If B gets any one of these, B will lose.いずれかに該当すると B
が負ける(通知要件によって Bona Fide に該当しなくなる)。

1. Actual notice 現実の通知 : Prior to B’s closing, B has literal knowledge of A’s existence.
(seldom tested)
(e.g.) Just b/f the closing, someone says to B, “O had already sold the land to A.”
 B is no longer bona fide and everything is over with him.

2. Inquiry notice 照会通知 (form of constructive notice 擬制通知の一形態) <favorite>

a) Whether B looks or not, B is on inquiry notice of whatever an examination of the
land would reveal.

1) The buyer of real estate has a duty to inspect the premises before transfer
of title, to see, for example, whether anyone else is in possession. If
another is in possession of the premises, B is on inquiry notice of that
fact, regardless of whether Buyer is actually bothered to inspect or not.
わらず)、Inquiry Notice を受けているとみなされる。

2) Thus, in our model, if A had taken possession, B would be on inquiry

notice of that fact, thereby defeating B’s status as a bona fide purchaser .
A が実際に占有していれば、B は BFP でなくなる。

b) If a recorded instrument makes reference to an unrecorded transaction, grantee is

on inquiry notice of whatever a reasonable follow up would have revealed.
* In other words, B is responsible for making a reasonable follow up inquiry to
discover the nature of that unrecorded interest.
ろう事項について Inquiry Notice を受けているとみなされる。つまり、B は未登録の取引
BarBri Essay-5 Inquery notice が生じるのは当該事項のみではない。
例えば、O → A → B と譲渡が行われ(record なし)、A が visible easement の設定を受けている
場合に O からの譲受人 X は、A の visible easement によって inquery notice を受けるが、かかる
inquery は easement のみならず、A の所有を明らかにする。帰結として、X は BFP にならない。

3. Record notice 登録通知 (another form of constructive notice 擬制通知のもう 1 つの形態 )


a) B is on record notice of A’s deeds if at the time B takes, A’s deed was properly
recorded within a chain of title. B cannot be a bona fide purchaser if A properly
recorded before B entered the picture.
B が保有した時点で A が Deed を権原連鎖内に登録している場合は、B は登録通知を受け
ており、B は A が適切に登録していれば BFP にならない。

b) In our model, what if A has not recorded, or has not recorded properly at the time
B takes? Assume that B is a bona fide purchaser. Does B win?
1) It depends on which recording system our jurisdiction has in place.
2) In a Notice statute: Yes. B wins.
3) In a Race-notice statute: To win, B must win the race to record.

Real Property 2016 Summer NY Bar BarBri
A が未登録の場合、登録通知による擬制は生じないので、現実の通知・照会通知もなく B
が B の取引時点で BFP であると仮定すると、A と B の優先関係は(i) Notice Jurisdiction にお
いては B が常に優先し、(ii)Race Notice Jurisdiction においては A と B の登録の先後で決ま
E. The Recording Statutes:
1. The Notice Statute 善意者保護型不動産取引証書登録法:

“A conveyance of an interest in land (“O to A”) shall not be valid against any
subsequent purchaser for value (“B”), without notice thereof (“B”), unless the
conveyance is recorded (“A”).”

* If at the instance B takes, she is a bona fide purchaser, she wins in the notice system. It
will not matter that A may ultimately record first (before B does). It will not matter in the
battle of A versus B that B never records.
* However, as counsel, we should advise to record as soon as possible. There may appear
C, D, E, …
・最終的に第 1 買主が先に Record したとしても、善意の第 2 買主には対抗できない。
・第 1 買主が第 2 買主に勝つためには、第 2 買主の不動産取得時(抵当権設定であれば設定時)ま
でに第 2 買主が Notice(Actual Notice, Inquiry / Constructive Notice)を受領している必要がある。
・第 2 買主は取得時に善意であれば Record せずとも第 1 買主に勝てる。

2. The Race Notice Statute 善意登録者保護型不動産取引証書登録法:

"A conveyance of an interest in land (“O to A”) shall not be valid against any
subsequent purchaser for value (“B”), without notice thereof (“B”), whose
conveyance is first recorded (“B”).”
To prevail, B must (i) be a BFP, and B must (ii) win a race to record. あとから取得した B が
善意の第 2 買主が登場したとしても、第 1 買主がそれを知って先に登録すれば、第 1 買主が勝つ。
(e.g.) On March 1, O conveys to A, a bona fide purchaser who does not record. On April 1, O conveys
the same parcel to B, a bona fide purchaser, who does not record. On May 1, A records.
a) Who takes Blackacre in a notice jurisdiction?
* B. At the time B took, she was a bona fide purchaser. It does not matter that A won the
race to record.
b) Who takes in a race notice jurisdiction? A
* A wins. A, a bona fide purchaser, won the race to report.
3. Back to our original model, note that in either a notice or race-notice jurisdiction, B’s
status as a subsequent bona fide purchaser will be defeated if A had promptly and
properly recorded before B takes. In other words, A’s proper recordation places
subsequent buyers on record notice, thereby defeating their status as bona fide purchasers.
In this case, A will win over all B every time and everywhere.
どちらの法原則によるとしても、A が適切かつ迅速な登録を行う場合には B は負ける(A の適切か
つ迅速な登録により、B は Record Notice を受けることになり BFP でなくなるから)。

F. Chain of Title 権原連鎖:

1. To give record notice to subsequent takers, the deed must be recorded properly, within the
chain of title, which refers to that sequence of recorded documents capable of giving
record notice to subsequent takers. In most states, the chain of title is established through
a title search of what is called Grantor-Grantee Index. Deed は Record Notice をするのに十
PR-91 不動産を買おうとする者は、Grantor-Grantee Index(法的な記録として Recorder に記録
されなければならない)に記載されている内容の認識につき責任を負う。Recorder は、他の記
録、たとえば、Tract Index に記載がある場合にその内容については責任を負わない。したがっ
て、Tract Index に Mortgage の Record があっても、それだけでは Constructive Notice に該当しな

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BIM-30 A title search is not complete w/o an examination of possession. If the possession is
unexplained by the record, the purchaser is obligated to make inquiry. The purchaser is
charged with knowledge of whatever an inspection of the property would have disclosed and
anything that would have been disclosed by the possessor. 権原調査は占有の調査なしには完成

* Note three discrete chain of title problems:

a) The Shelter Rules
b) The Problem of the Wild Deed.不連続譲渡証書
c) Estoppel by Deed. 無権利譲渡人(譲渡証書による禁反言)
2. The Shelter Rule: 善意の第二譲受人から不動産を取得した悪意者の地位
a) One who takes from a BFP will prevail against any entity that the transferor or
BFP would have prevailed against. In other words, the transferee “takes shelter”
in the status of her transferor, and thereby “steps into the shoes” of the BFP even
though she otherwise fails to meet the requirements of BFP status.
(e.g.) O conveys to A, who does not record. Later, O conveys to B, a BFP, who records. B
then conveys to C, who is a mere donee or who has actual knowledge of the O to A
transfer. In the contest of A vs. C, who prevails?
C wins, in both a notice and race-notice state, because of the shelter rule, C steps into
the shoes of B, who was a BFP who recorded first. The shelter does not protect C (no-
BFP) but exists to protect B (BFP) by facilitating BFP’s ability to transfer his interests.
PR-187 Shelter Rule は二重譲渡のように Race Notice が問題となっている場合の善意者
Deed が移転したケースで、O が当初 A に土地を移転する目的で Deed を作成したが、
条件付であったために保有していたところ、A が O から盗んで B に Convey。O は A が
盗んだことを知らなかったが、A の悪行により A への Conveyance を Cancel。この場
合、A は全くの無権利者であり、無権利者である A から Conveyance を受けた B は BFP
であるとしても、保護されない。O が土地の所有権を取り戻すことができる。

These next two problems arise when deed has been improperly recorded – unconnected
to the chain of title:
3. The Problem of Wild Deed (不連続 deed):
If a deed, entered on the records (A to B), has a grantor unconnected to the chain of title
(O to A), the deed is a wild deed. It is incapable of giving record notice of its existence
(not properly recorded). It is not connected to the larger system. It is powerless as if it
was never recorded in the first place.
不連続 Deed では Record 自体はできたとしても、適切な Record ではなく、Record Notice とならない。
元の所有者が第三者に対して譲渡した場合、第三者が善意であれば、不連続 Deed で取得した者は
第三者に対して所有権を主張できない。Notice Jurisdiction でも Race Notice Jurisdiction でも結果は同
(e.g.) O sells Blackacre to A, who does not record. Then, A sells to B. B records the A to B
*Note: The A to B deed, although recorded, is NOT connected to the chain of title,
because it contains a missing grantor. The O to A link is not properly recorded and thus
missing from the public record. The A to B deed, therefore, is a wild deed.
O, our initial grantor and dirty double dealer, then sells Blackacre to C. Assume that C
has no actual or inquiry knowledge of the O-to-A or A-to-B conveyances (B was not in
possession at the time C took). C records. O has skipped town. In the contest of B vs. C,
who prevails?
 C wins. In both notice and race-notice states. C wins in a notice state because at the
time C takes she is a BFP. C wins in a race-notice state, because C is a BFP who has won
the race to record because B’s recording is nullity.

Record × Record ◯
O →→→ A →→→ B

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4. Estoppel By Deed (無権利譲渡人): 捺印証書による禁反言
* Deed which is recorded before the grantor actually obtained the title.
Grantor が実際に所有権を取得する前に登録された Deed
* Rule of estoppel by deed(After-Acquired Title 事後取得資産):
One who conveys realty in which he has no interest (here, X) is estopped from denying
the validity of that conveyance if he subsequently acquires the interest that he had
previously transferred. X が Y への譲渡時点で所有権を有していなかった場合に、後になって譲
(1) X が Y に Deed で 100acre の土地を譲渡したが、実は 90acre しかなく、あとから X が残りの
10acre を取得した場合
(2) X が土地を売ろうとしていた O がいることを知り、購入を見込んで、 X が A に売却して A
が登録した後になって、X がようやく O から買い取ることができた場合
 →この場合 A は BFP の B には譲渡の効力を対抗できない。B が優先する。
PR-27 After-Acquired Title 事後取得資産の法理は、X から A への譲渡が Quitclaim Deed の場合に
は適用されない。通常は Warranty Deed の場合に適用される。Quitclaim Deed の場合には、もし
Acquired Title 事後取得資産の法理を適用する必要がないからである。
(e.g.) * In 1950, O owns Blackacre. He is thinking about selling it to X, but for now decides
against it.
* In 1950, X, who does not own Blackacre, sells it anyway, to A. A records.
* In 1960, O finally sells Blackacre to X. X records.
* In 1970, X, a double dealer, sells Blackacre to B (BFP). B records.

取引 2 取引 1
O →→→ X →→→ A
↓ 取引 3
a) As between X and A, who owned Blackacre from 1960-1969?
* A did. Because of the rule of estoppel by deed. (取引 1 の時点では X は所有権を有して
いなかったが取引 2 により所有権を取得している)
b) Who owns Blackacre in 1970?
* B wins in either notice or race-notice state. B wins the race to record because A’s
recording is a nullity. A recorded too early. B’s title searcher will never find A’s deed.
Why not? Because one is entitled to assume that no one sells land until they first own it.
So title searcher will never discover X’s 1950 pre-ownership transfer to A. A variety of
wild deeds. [Majority rule, “limited search burden,” cf. minority rules require a bona fide
purchaser to search for existence of prior purchaser to whom the seller is estopped to
claim title.]
B は BFP であり Race Notice Jurisdiction / Notice Jurisdiction いずれにおいても A に優
先する。XA 間取引は登録されているがこれは Wild Deed になっているため適切な登録と
しての効力を生じない(B が取引関係に入った時点では XA 間の取引も OX 間の取引も登
録されており、B は X が Estoppel by deed によって A に対し権利主張できないことに気付
き得るが、多数派の週においてはその場合であっても B は BFP として保護される)。

*[QE] When a buyer has paid only part of the purchase price under an installment land
contract, the buyer is protected by the recording acts only to the extent of payment
made. 買主が不動産割賦購入契約(買主が不動産代金を分割払で支払い、全額の支払終了時に不
動産権原証書の引渡義務が発生するという内容の契約)に基づく売買代金の一部を支払った場合 、
買主は支払がなされた限度においてのみ Recording Act によって保護される。

Emanuel-36 差押え債権者と譲渡
不動産の所有者(売主)が第三者に不動産を売却しクロージングも行われたが、record が行われない間に、売主

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“Any judgment properly filed shall, for ten years from filing, be a lien on the real property then owned
or subsequently acquired by any person against whom the judgment is rendered.”
上記文言上、差押えの対象となる不動産は”then owned”という限定があり、この点については record されていな
いものも then owned から除外されると解されているため。

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Part 6 --- MORTGAGES

(financing the land transaction) <popular recently in MBE>
* Our model: C, a creditor, is thinking of lending O $50,000. O offers Blackacre as collateral.
I. How does one create a mortgage?
A. A mortgage is the conveyance of a security interest in land, intended by the parties to be
collateral for the repayment of a monetary obligation mortgage は土地に関する約定担保権。金銭支払義
B. A mortgage is the union of two elements:
1. A debt 債務; and
2. A voluntary transfer of a security interest in debtor’s land to secure that debt.債務を担保す
*By way of vocabulary,
a) Debtor: Mortgagor.
b) Creditor: Mortgagee. “Gee”
C. The mortgage typically must be in writing to satisfy the Statute of Frauds. This is the legal
mortgage. The legal mortgage is evidenced by the writing, which is called “Mortgage Deed” =
Note = Security interest in land = Deed of Trust = Sale/ lease back. 詐欺防止法に基づき抵当権は典型
Mortgage を Assume するにも書面が必要。
PR-151 設定後に取得される土地についても Mortgage の範囲に含める条項の効力
“After-acquired” property clauses in mortgage instruments are enforceable as long as the after-acquired property is sufficiently
identified to put third parties on notice. 事後取得資産条項は、第三者に対する Notice として事後取得資産が十分に特定
PS-82 PR-184 Prepayment Penalty Clause 繰上弁済禁止条項は有効。担保権者である貸手の予期している利息の取得

II. The Equitable Mortgage: (譲渡担保、bona fide purchaser に対抗できず)

(e.g.) O owns Blackacre. Creditor lends O a sum of money. The parties understand that
Blackacre is the collateral for the debt. However, instead of executing a note or mortgage
deed, O hands Creditor a deed to Blackacre that is absolute on its face. That is called an
equitable mortgage. 家ローンの担保として、抵当権の設定でなく、 Deed を債権者に引き渡して
担保とする。書面による必要なし。→SOF の問題とはならない。

*As between O and Creditor: Parol ( 口頭の) evidence is freely admissible to show the parties’ true
intent. 所有者と債権者間の口頭の証拠は当事者の真の意図を示すために証拠能力を有する。
* What if Creditor proceeds to sell Blackacre to bona fide purchaser X?
As long as X is bona fide, X owns the land. O’s only recourse is to proceed against creditor for
fraud and to recover the proceeds from that sale. 善意の第三者 X に Creditor が譲渡した場合、Owner は
譲渡担保を対抗できない。Creditor に対して、不法行為請求をして損害賠償を行い、売却代金から救済。
Factors for Equitable Mortgage 譲渡担保の要素
(1) The existence of a debt or promise of payment by the deed’s grantor
(2) The Grantee’s promise to return the land if the debt is paid
(3) The fact that the amount advanced to the grantor/debtor was much lower than the value of
the property
(4) The degree of the grantor’s financial distress, and
(5) The parties’ prior negotiations
BIM-6 Debtor が債務を支払わない場合には、Equitable Mortgage であっても、Creditor は法的措置により
Foreclose することが必要となる。

III. Once a mortgage has been created, what are the parties’ rights? 設定後の当事者の権利
A. Unless and until foreclosure, debtor-mortgagor has title and the right to possession.

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B. Creditor-mortgagee simply has a lien. He has the right to look to the land if there is a default.
債権者は単に lien を有するのみ。Default 時にかかっていく権利も有する。
BarBri Set 1-9 : 一部の州では title theory を採用しており forcclosure 前においても債権者が title を有する。

IV. All parties to a mortgage can transfer their interest. Mortgage に関する利益の移転
A. The mortgage automatically follows a properly transferred note.
B. The creditor (mortgagee) can transfer his interest by: 移転の方法
1. a) Endorsing the note and delivery it to the transferee; 裏書+譲受人への引渡し or
b) executing a separate document of assignment. 別個の譲渡契約書の締結
[QE] Any payment made by the mortgagor to the original mortgagee after a transfer of
the note will not bind the holder, even if the mortgagor had no notice of the transfer.
Mortgagor が移転通知を受けてなかったとしても、証書移転の後で元の mortgagee に対する支払は
証書の保有者(New Mortgagee)を拘束しない。Mortgagor は New Mortgagee から被担保債務の支
2. If the note is endorsed and delivered (not separate doc.), the transferee is eligible to
become a holder in due course. This means that he takes the note free of any personal
defenses that could have been raised by the maker against the original mortgagee.
(Transferee is protected by this.) 裏書+引渡しがある場合、譲受人は正当な保有者。その場合人
a) “Personal defenses” include partial or total failure of consideration (一部又は全部
の約因の欠如) , fraud in the inducement (勧誘の際の詐欺) , unconscionability(非
良心性), waiver(放棄) and estoppel(禁反言).

b) Thus, the holder in due course may foreclose the mortgage despite the presence of
any such personal defense. 正当な所持人は担保権設定者の人的抗弁があっても、抵当権
3. By contrast, the holder in due course is still subject to “real defense” that the maker
might arise. These include infancy (e.g., debtor is a minor), or other incapacity, or duress,
forgery, illegality, or insolvency. 正当な所持人も物的抗弁には服する。
Real defenses: MAD FIFI4
a) Material Alteration 重大な変更
b) Duress 脅迫
c) Fraud in the Factum 事 実 の 詐 欺 (a lie about the instrument, disguising the
mortgage deed as a different document.)
d) Incapacity 行為無能力
e) Illegality 違法性
f) Infancy 未成年
g) Insolvency 破産
4. To be a holder in due course of the note, the following criteria must be met:
a) The note must be negotiable, meaning made payable to the named mortgagee; 流通性
b) The original note must be endorsed, meaning signed by the named mortgagee; 裏書可

c) The original note must be delivered to the transferee. Photocopy is unacceptable;
d) The transferee must take the note in good faith without notice of any illegality; and
e) The transferee must pay value for the note, some amount that is more than nominal.
証書に対して支払(Nominal では×)

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C. If O, our debtor (mortgagor), sells Blackacre, which is now mortgaged: 債務者(設定者)である O

The lien remains on the land, so long as the mortgage instrument has been properly recorded. All
recording statutes apply to mortgage as well as deeds. 適切に登録されていれば、土地に対する Lien が
(e.g.) On January 10, Madge took out a $50,000 mortgage on Blackacre with First Bank. First Bank
promptly and properly recorded its interest on January 10. Thereafter, on January 15, Madge sold
Blackacre to Buyer. Buyer has no actual knowledge of the lien. Buyer promptly and properly
recorded its deed. Does Buyer hold subject to First Bank’s mortgage?
=>Yes. All recording statutes apply to mortgage as well as deeds. Thus, a subsequent buyer takes
subject to a properly recorded lien. 担保権が適切に登録されているため、譲受人は悪意が擬制され
* Does it matter which recording statute this jurisdiction has enacted?
=>NO. In a notice state, Buyer takes subject to the lien because buyer is on record notice of the
lien at the time buyer takes. In the race-notice state, Buyer takes subject to the lien because buyer
is on record notice and First Bank won the race to record. この場合、Race Notice Jurisdiction でも
Notice Jurisdiction でも結論は変わらない。
(e.g.) By contrast, assume now that on January 10, Madge took out a $50,000 mortgage on Blackacre
with First Bank. On January 15, Madge sold Blackacre to Buyer. Buyer had no knowledge of the
lien. On January 20, First Bank recorded its mortgage in Blackacre. On January 30, Buyer
recorded his deed to Blackacre. Does Buyer hold subject to First Bank’s mortgage?
=>This time, it depends on which recording statute has been enacted.
a) In a race-notice jurisdiction, Yes. Buyer loses because he lost the race to record.
b) In a notice jurisdiction, Buyer wins, so long as he was a bona fide purchaser when he
took. It does not matter that Buyer loses the race to record. In a notice state, a
subsequent BFP prevails over a prior grantee or mortgagee who has not yet
recorded properly at the time the BFP takes.
D. Who is personally liable on the debt if O, our debtor-mortgagor, sells Blackacre to B?
債務者(設定者)である O が土地をBに売った場合、誰が債務につき責任を負うか。

1. 原則:
If B takes “subject to the mortgage”: B assumes no personal liability on the debt. Only
O is personally liable. BUT, if recorded, the mortgage still remains on the land.
Therefore, if O does not pay, the mortgage may be foreclosed. The creditor is allowed to
proceed against the property. B が抵当権の「負担付で」買った場合、B は被担保債務の支払につ
いて責任なし。O のみが責任を負う。しかし、売却前に抵当権が登録されていれば、抵当権自体は
土地に付随したまま残る。O が被担保債務を支払わなければ、抵当権が実行されて、債権者は土地
PR-195 この場合 O の立場は、B の支払債務に対する Surety のような立場となる。

2. 抵当権の承継の場合(明示ある場合のみ)
If B has “assumed the mortgage”: Both O and B are personally liable. B is primarily
liable. O remains secondarily liable.
B が抵当権を「承継した」のであれば、O も B も被担保債務の支払いについて個人的に責任を負う。
B が第 1 義務者で O が第 2 義務者。
Assume をする場合には、B の Acknowledgement が必要(B の署名は不要) 。これを欠く場合、原
則に戻り“Subject to”で承継したことになる。

BIM-29 買主が抵当権を「承継」した場合、買主がその後に第三者に当該不動産を売却したと
PR-4 Deed に Mortgage の記 載が何 らなか った 場合、 被 付与者(譲受人 B )は Mortgage を
Assume しないため、B は責任を負わない。 “Subject to the mortgage”で取得したことになる。

V. Foreclosure 抵当権実行手続き
A. Assuming that our mortgagee (creditor) must look to the land for satisfaction, how must he or she

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* Mortgagee must foreclose by proper judicial proceeding. At foreclosure, the land is sold. The
sale proceeds go to satisfying the debt. 抵当権者は適正な法的手続により抵当権実行しなくてはならない。
B. What if the proceeds from the sale of Blackacer are less than the amount owed?
被担保債務>売却代金 の場合
* Mortgagee can bring a personal action against debtor called a deficiency judgment.土地を売却し
ても足りない場合には担保額不足金判決をとる。担保額不足金判決によって、Mortgagor に対して被担保債
BSM-26 Mortgagor が 土 地 を 売 却 し て お り 、 “ Assume” の 条 件 で Buyer が 署 名 し て い る の で あ れ
ば、Mortgagee は Mortgagor のみならず、Buyer に対しても Deficiency の支払を請求することができる。
PR-198 Mortgagor が土地を売却しており、“Subject to Mortgage” の場合には、Deficiency Judgment の請
求は Mortgagor に対してのみ可能。

C. By contrast, what if there is a surplus?  売却代金>被担保債務の場合

Junior liens are paid off in order of their priority, and the remaining surplus goes to the debtor. 余
分な場合は、後順位 Lien 保有者に優先順位順に支払われる。それでも残れば債務者に。
(e.g.) Blackacre has a fair market value of $50,000 and is subject to 3 mortgagees executed by its owner, Madge.
First Bank, with first priority, is owed $30,000. Second Bank, with second priority, is owed $15,000, and
Third Bank, with third priority, is owed $10,000. Assume that First Bank’s mortgage is foreclosed, and that
Blackacre is sold for $50,000. How will the funds be distributed?
a) Off the top comes attorneys fees, and then comes expenses of the foreclosure, and then any accrued
interest on First Bank’s mortgage. (We assume these items are zero.) 第一順位は弁護士費用、次
b) The sale proceeds are then used to pay off the mortgages in order of their priority. Each claimant is
entitled to satisfaction in full before a subordinated lien-holder may take. Thus, First Bank takes
$30,000. Then, Second Bank takes $15,000. The remaining balance is applied toward Third Bank
which takes $5,000. Third Bank should be able to proceed for a deficiency judgment.
Now assume the same facts as above, except that Blackacre is sold at First Bank’s foreclosure sale for
$60,000. What result?
* After all the creditors are paid in full, the $5,000 surplus goes to the debtor, Madge.
PR-120 Inverse Order of Alienation Rule 抵当権実行の順番
Foreclosure 手続になり、対象となる土地が分割されて一部が第三者に譲渡されているような場
合、Mortgagee 抵当権者は、Mortgagor 抵当権設定者が分割後も依然保有している土地に対して最初
に Foreclose を行い、それでも充足しなければ、それ以外の第三者が保有する土地に対して債務に
充足するまで Foreclose を行う。

VI. Effect of foreclosure on various interests 抵当権実行手続の効果

A. Foreclosure will terminate interests junior to the mortgage being foreclosed but will NOT affect
senior interests. (This means that junior lien-holders will be paid in descending order with the
proceeds from the sale, assuming funds are leftover after full satisfaction of superior claims.
Junior lien-holders should be able to proceed for a deficiency judgment. But once foreclosure of a
superior claim has occurred, with the proceeds distributed appropriately, junior lien-holders can
no longer look to Blackacre for satisfaction.) 抵当権実行手続きにより抵当権より後順位の権利は消滅す
B. Those with interests subordinate to those of the foreclosing party are necessary parties to the
foreclosure action. The debtor-mortgagor is also considered a necessary party and must be joined,
particularly if creditor wishes to proceed against debtor for a personal deficiency judgment.
Failure to include a necessary party results in a preservation of that party’s claim despite the
foreclosure and sale. If a necessary party is NOT joined, his mortgage remains on the land.
BarBri Set 5-4 必要的当事者を欠く foreclosure も手続としては有効である(あくまで当事者にならなかっ
Foreclosure の当事者

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(1) Debtor (Mortgagor)

(2) Foreclosure を請求した Mortgagee
(3) (2)に劣後する Creditor
(2)に優先する Senior Mortgagee は Foreclosure の影響を受けないので、当事者となる必要はない。

C. Foreclosure does NOT affect any interest senior to the mortgage being foreclosed . The buyer at
the sale takes subject to such interest. This means that buyer is NOT personally liable on the
senior debt, but, as a practical matter, if the senior mortgage is not paid, sooner or later, the senior
creditor will foreclose against the land.
上位の Mortgage には影響しない。上位の Mortgage は存続し、後でも実行できる。買主が上位の Mortgage の
被担保債務について個人的に責任を負うことはないが、被担保債務が支払われないと上位の Mortgagee
(e.g.) Assume the same set of facts as in the previous hypothetical: Blackacre has a fair market value of
$50,000 and is subject to 3 mortgages executed by its owner, Madge. First Bank, with first
priority, is owed $30,000. Second Bank, with second priority, is owed $15,000, and Third Bank,
with third priority, is owed $10,000. Now, however, suppose that it is Second Bank’s mortgage
that is being foreclosed. (First Bank’s mortgage exists, but it is either not in default or its holder
has not yet taken action to foreclose it.) Foreclosure does not affect any interest senior to the
mortgage being foreclosed. Thus, foreclosure of Second Bank’s mortgage will not affect First
Bank’s mortgage. First Bank’s mortgage will continue to exist on Blackacre, in the hands of the
foreclosure sale buyer.第 2 順位抵当権者が実行手続き。第 1 順位の抵当権は存続。
1. Is the foreclosure sale buyer personally liable to First Bank?
* NO. But if the senior debt is not repaid, First Bank is entitled to foreclose on Blackacre.
買主は FB に責任を負わないが、FB への支払がなければ、FB は Foreclosure できる。
2. The foreclosure sale buyer has a strong incentive to pay off First Bank’s lien. Otherwise, buyer is
subject to a later foreclosure action brought by First Bank. 1 により、買主は FB の抵当権を支払っ
3. How is bidding apt to proceed at the foreclosure sale brought by Second Bank?
Buyer should bid up to $20,000, which represents Blackacre’s fair market value ($50,000) minus
the amount the buyer has to pay to discharge First Bank’s mortgage, which was $30,000.
4. How will the proceeds from the sale be distributed?
* $15,000 goes to Second Bank.
* $5,000 goes to Third Bank who should get the deficiency judgment against the debtor.
*The buyer of the foreclosure sale should then pay off $30,000 owed to First Bank.
VII. Priorities 優先権
A. As a creditor, you must record; until you properly record your mortgage, you have no priority.
B. Once recorded, the priority is determined by “First in time, first in right.”
C. The purchase money mortgage 売買代金抵当権:
A mortgage given to secure a loan that enables the debtor to acquire the encumbered land.
(e.g.) C lends O $100,000 so that O can purchase Blackacre. C takes as collateral a security interest in
Blackacre, the very parcel that C’s extension of value enabled O to acquire.
a) C is a purchase money mortgagee.
b) Assuming that C records properly, he has first priority as to the parcel he financed (in this
case, Blackacre).
The purchase money mortgagee’s “super-priority.”売買代金抵当権の絶対的優先権
“super-priority.”絶対的優先権=Purchase Money Mortgage よりも先に登録してある Mortgage があるとして
も、それが Purchase Money Mortgage でないのであれば、後から登録した Purchase Money Mortgage が優先す
(e.g.) C1 lends $200,000 to O, taking a security interest in all of O’s real estate holdings, “whether now owned or
hereafter acquired.” This after acquired collateral clause is permissible. 取得後担保権設定条項(担保権
C1 records the mortgage note. Six month later, C2 lends O $50,000 to enable O to acquire a parcel known
as Blueacre, taking back a security interest in Blueacre and recording that interest. Subsequently, O defaults
on all outstanding obligations. All that he has left is Blueacre. Who has first priority in Blueacre? C1 or

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*C2. The purchase money mortgagee has first priority as to Blueacre, the parcel that he financed. 売買代金
譲渡抵当権は第 1 順位を有するので、C2 が優先。

D. Subordination agreements 劣後契約:

By a private agreement, a senior creditor may agree to subordinate its priority to a junior creditor.
Such agreements are enforceable. 劣後契約も有効
BarBri Set 5-15 先順位の抵当権が burden some な内容に変更した場合(例えば interest rate の増加)、当該

VIII. Redemption: 受戻し

A. Redemption in equity: エクイティ上の受戻し
1. Equitable redemption is universally recognized up to the date of sale. At any time prior to
the foreclosure sale, the debtor has the right to redeem the land or free it from the
mortgage. 抵当権実行前であればいつでも債権者は受戻す(債務を弁済して抵当権を消滅させる)
2. Once a valid foreclosure sale has taken place, the right to equitable redemption is cut off.
3. How is the right of equitable redemption exercised?
* By paying off the amount due plus any interest and costs. 期限が到来している債務、利息
4. What if the mortgage or note contained an acceleration clause? 期限の利益喪失条項ある場合
a) An acceleration clause permits the mortgagee to declare the full balance due in
the event of default. 期限の利益喪失条項により Mortgagee は全額につき期限が到来した
b) If the mortgage contains an acceleration clause, the full balance plus accrued
interest plus costs must be paid to redeem. 期限利益喪失条項ある場合には、全額 +利
5. May a debtor/ mortgagor waive the right to redeem in the mortgage itself?
* NO. This is known as clogging the equity of redemption. And it is prohibited.
PR-13 PS-45 Debtor(mortgagor)が Creditor(mortgagee)に対して、土地に Mortgage を設定した場合
で、その後に追加の担保として、Mortgagor が土地についての Deed Absolute(無条件譲渡証書)を
Mortgagee に渡した場合(Escrow Agent に対する引渡しも含む)、Mortgagor の Redemption 受戻
権は消滅しない。一見 Merger による消滅となりそうであるが、無条件譲渡には該当せず、あく
までも Mortgage とみなされるからである。
Mortgagee cannot circumscribe the mortgagor’s right to redeem by disguising the transaction as an
outright conveyance. Mortgagee は取引を無条件譲渡として仮装することによって Mortgagor の受
PR-13 上記の同じケースで、Mortgagee が善意の第三者に Warranty Deed で目的物である土地を
売却した場合、Mortgagor は善意の第三者に対しては何も主張できない。しかし、 Mortgagor
は、Mortgagee に対して自己の選択において、土地の価値または売買代金についての受戻しを
Senior mortgagee が foreclose する場合、劣後担保権者も mortgagor として redemption することが

B. Statutory redemption: 法令上の受戻権

1. Recognized in one-half the states, statutory redemption gives the debtor-mortgagor a
statutory right to redeem for some fixed period after the foreclosure sale has occurred
(typically 6 months to one year). Where recognized, statutory redemption applies only
after foreclosure has occurred. 抵当権実行手続きの後、典型的には 6 ヶ月から 1 年。
2. The amount to be paid is usually the foreclosure sale price, rather than the amount of
original debt. 債務の元本ではなく、実行売買価格を支払えばよい。
3. In most states to recognize statutory redemption, the mortgagor will have the right to
possession of Blackacre during the statutory period. 抵当権設定者は、法定期間中も土地を保

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4. When a mortgagor redeems, the effect is to nullify the foreclosure sale. The redeeming
owner is restored to title. 受戻しをするときは、foreclosure sale は無効となる。
Equitable Redemption と Statutory Redemption の比較
Adopted? Timing Price
Equitable Redemption all (∵Common law) BEFORE the foreclosure Sales Price
Statutory Redemption many AFTER the foreclosure Full Price of debt

BarBri Set 2-17 Judgment Lien が付いている不動産について所有者が第三者に売却した場合、債務額が売却額の場

合、債務者が債権者に売却代金全額を渡したとしても、Judgment Lien は当該不動産に残存する。

BarBri Set 4-15 Mortgage が設定された建物に事後的に附合した動産について、附合前から設定されていた Purchase

Money Security Interest については、 附合後 20 日以内に filing (fixture filing)をすれば、例外的に既存の record 済み
の mortgage に優先する。

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I. Lateral Support 水平支持権(横方向)(MBE)
A. 定義:土地の地表が、地下からの力のほかに隣地の土壌による横からの力によって沈下・陥没から免れ、
support (支持)を受ける権利.

B. Natural Condition(土地に建物が建てられていない場合)
隣人の土地に対する Lateral Support を掘削によって失わせた者は、過失の有無にかかわらず、自然な状態に
C. Improved Land(土地に建物等が建てられている場合)
If land is improved by buildings and an adjacent land owner’s excavation causes that improved
land to cave in, the excavator will be liable only if he acted negligently.
Strict liability does NOT attach to the excavator’s action unless plaintiff can show that, because of
defendant action, plaintiff’s improved land would have collapsed even in its natural state. (very
difficult burden of proof)
土地に建物が建てられている場合、隣地所有者の掘削が改良された土地を陥没させた場合、掘削者は、 過失
* A failure to notice adequately may suffice the negligence. 適切な通知を怠ったことは過失として十
PR-59 損害賠償の範囲は、多数の州のルール(American Rule といわれる)では、土地の自然的状態についての
* Subjacent (vertical) support 垂直支持権(縦方向) : majority rules do not hold liable an adjacent
land owner whose use of underground water deprives the land of the subjacent support. 主要なルー
for subsequently erected buildings requires negligence.
PR-58 隣地所有者との権利関係としては、基本的に Lateral Support と同じ。

II. Water Rights 水利権・用水権

A. The two major systems for determining the allocation of water in watercourses, such as streams,
rivers, and lakes. 2 つの主要な基準
1. The riparian doctrine: 沿岸地所有者原則
a) The water belongs to those who own the land bordering the watercourse. 水路との
b) Those people are known as “riparians,” who share the right of reasonable use of
the water.沿岸地所有者で合理的に使用する。
c) Thus, one riparian will be liable if his or her use unreasonably interferes with
other’s use. 他の沿岸地所有者の利用を邪魔してはならない。
BIM-26 河岸所有者の土地が河流によって徐々に削られて、長期間の間に対岸の土地が増加し
た場合、対岸の河岸所有者は、増加した土地の所有権を有する。Accretion=土地の自然増加; 増
地; 添加; 寄洲
Avulsion(河川流路の突然の可視的な変化による土地急変; 急変地)とは異なることに注意。こ
PR-77 Under riparian doctrine, use of water for natural purposes (domestic use, watering of
stock) is superior to use of water for artificial purpose (irrigation, mining, industry). 沿岸地所有

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2. The prior appropriation doctrine: 先占の理論

a) The water belongs initially to the state (sovereign), but the right to divert it and
use it can be acquired by an individual, regardless of whether or not he happens
to be a riparian owner.
b) Rights are determined by priority of beneficial use. The norm for allocation is
“first in time, first in right.” Thus, a person can acquire the right to divert and use
water from a watercourse merely by being the first to do so. Any productive or
beneficial use of the water, including use for agricultural, is sufficient to create
the appropriation right.先に使い始めたほうが権利を有する。農業用の利用のように生
PR-175 後行の使用が Domestic Use であったとしても先行使用が優先する。

B. Groundwater, also known as Percolating Water: 地下水

1. Water beneath the surface of the earth that is not confined to a known channel.
2. The surface owner is entitled to make reasonable use of ground water. However, use
must NOT be wasteful. 地表の所有者は地下水を合理的に利用可能。ただし、無駄に使ってはな
BIM-24 PR-154 自分の土地に井戸を掘って家庭内での使用のために水をくみ上げたところ、隣の以前から水

C. Surface Waters 地表水

1. Those which come from rain, springs or melting snow, and which have not yet reached a
natural watercourse or basin. 雨、雪解け水など自然の水域に流入していない水。
2. The common enemy rule: 共通の敵原則 *これの反対が natural flow theory
a) It is so named because the surface water is considered as common enemy. 地表水
b) A landowner may change drainage or make any other changes/ improvements on
his land to combat the flow of the surface water. 土地所有者は原則としてなどのよう
な 変 更 を 加 え て も よ い 。 流 れ を 変 え て も よ い 。 Many courts have modified the
common enemy rule to prohibit unnecessary harm to others’ land. 多くの裁判所で
下流の土地所有者は必要な改善をして common enemy を防いでもよい。
PR-11 common enermy rule の下では、下流の土地所有者は、上流の所有者に対するいかなる地

c) Applied by half of the states.

III. Possessor’s Rights: 占有権
A. The possessor of land has the right to be free from trespass and nuisance. 占有権者は不法侵入や生活
B. Trespass: 不法侵入
1. Invasion of land by tangible, physical object that interferes with the right of exclusive
2. To remove a trespasser, you bring an action for ejectment. 不動産(占有)回復訴訟を提起して
C. Private nuisance: It is substantial and unreasonable interference with another’s use and
enjoyment of land. 実質的かつ不合理な妨害。単なる Interference で足りない。原告が Hypersensitive だった

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D. While law of trespass requires physical invasion, a nuisance does not require tangible physical
invasion. Odors or noise can give rise to nuisance, but not trespass. Trespass には物理的侵入を必要
とするが、Nuisance には不要。悪臭・騒音は Nuisance にはなるが、Trespass にはならない。
(e.g.) A operates a dog kennel located near a power plant. A notices that her dogs are chronically
agitated, causing her to lose business. She learns that the power plant emits a high frequency
sound heard by animals but not humans. A sues the plant for nuisance. What result?
* A loses, because A’s use would be considered hyper-sensitive. In other words, no nuisance if
the problem is attributable to plaintiff’s “hyper-sensitivity” or “specialized use.”
PB-80 Possessor’s right = free of physical intrusion by others 自分の土地を不法に占拠されたら、damage の
賠償可能。実際には damage なくても Nominal Damage の賠償可能。

IV. Eminent Domain 収用権

*Interaction with Con Law.
A. Defined: It is the governmental 5th amendment power to take private property for public use in
exchange for just compensation. 公的利用のために個人財産を収用すること。
B. Explicit takings 明示の収用 : It is the overt governmental condemnation of private land for public
(e.g.) To make highway, eliminate houses. Government must pay you just compensation.
C.** Implicit or regulatory takings 黙 示 ・ 規 制 上 の 収 用 : A governmental regulation that although not
intended to be a taking, has the same effect.
* Legal standard: To be an implicit taking, the regulation must wipe out the landowner’s
investment. 黙示の収用というためには、規制により土地所有者による投資を無効にしなくてはならない。
(e.g.) You buy land in North Carolina for development. Three months later, the government imposes
a ban on all development. Note that you have not been the target of an overt condemnation.
Still, you argue that the regulation is an implicit taking. It has worked an an economic wipeout
of your investment.
PR-38 The power of eminent domain may be delegated directly or indirectly to a private person or enterprise
subject to the requirement that the taking be (i) for a public use and (ii) just compensation be given. 収用権は、(i)
公的利用、及び(ii) 補償が与えられることを条件として、直接又は間接的に私人又は法人に対して委任

D. The remedy for a regulatory taking: 救済方法

* The government must either:
1. Compensate owner for the taking; or 補償
2. Terminate the regulation and pay the owner for any damages that incurred while the
regulation was in effect (even temporary takings are compensable). 規制の撤廃及び損害賠償
V. Zoning 土地利用規制
A. Defined:
An inherent power of the state, derivative of its police powers, to enact statute to reasonably
control land use (for health, safety, or welfare). 合理的な土地利用の制限
B. The variance (適用除外・特例措置):
1. The principal means to achieve flexibility in zoning.
2. Its proponent must show (1) undue hardships and (2) to grant the variance will not work
to the detriment to surrounding property values. 主張者は(1)不合理な困難(2)周辺の土地の価値
3. The variance is denied or granted by administrative action, typically a zoning board.
典型的には Zoning Board といわれる行政的機関の行為によって行われる。

C. Amortization Doctrine
This is once lawful existing use that is now deemed non- conforming because of a new zoning
ordinance. This cannot be eliminate all at once, to do so, would work a taking of our property
interest. (Amortization period must be given.) Otherwise, it could be deemed an unconstitutional

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taking. かつては適法であったが、新しい土地規制条例によって不適切となった使用形態。一挙に排除され
D. Unconstitutional exactions: 憲法違反の開発関連の負担
1. Defined: The “exactions” are those amenities that government seeks from a developer in
exchange for granting permission to build. 開発関連の負担とは、建設許可の取得と引き換えに
2. The standard: Those exactions will be considered unconstitutional if they are not
reasonably related both in nature and scope to the impact of the proposed development. 合
(e.g.) You are a developer seeking permission to build a 200-unit residential development in the town of Utopia.
The town tells you that it will grant you the requisite permit if you agree to provide several new streetlights, a
small park and wider roads (see definition of exactions above).
To pass constitutional scrutiny, these exactions must: (exactions are inherently suspect – tantamount to
extortion) – reasonably related both in nature and scope to the impact of the propose development.
If they are not, the exactions are unconstitutional.
*Restitution by a defaulting party: quasi-contract

PR-12 土地の上空の不合理、不適切又は地表の使用を妨害するような使用をする場合には Trespass とな



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