Office of The Principal Government Polytechnic Gulzarbagh, Patna-7
Office of The Principal Government Polytechnic Gulzarbagh, Patna-7
Office of The Principal Government Polytechnic Gulzarbagh, Patna-7
Government Polytechnic Gulzarbagh, Patna-7
Diksha Sachdeva,
Assistant Director, D/O Higher Education,
M/O Education, Govt. of India.
1. References:
(i) Your email dated: 24 Aug 2020.
(ii) This institute’s DCF reference no.: S-709-2019.
2. This is intimated that the total no. of enrolled/studying students (including all semester students)
present in this institute by September 2019 is 1051 which has been got uploaded in this institute’s DCF
bearing reference no.: S-709-2019 .
The total no. of student’s enrolment i.e newly admitted students in 1 semester for the survey
year 2019-20 as on September 2019 in this institute is 323 only as shown in the table given below. It is
also to be mentioned that in Place of 1 year student’s enrolment data for the survey year 2019-20, a
combined data of all students of all semesters of this institute has been uploaded erroneously.
3. In above context, this is for your kind consideration that there is only a slight difference in between
total no. of student’s enrolment for the survey year 2019-20 and that for the survey year 2018-19 as
shown below:
4. A category wise list of student’ enrolment in survey year 2019-20 has also been attached as Annex ‘A’
for your perusal and kind consideration please.
Government Polytechnic Gulzarbagh, Patna-7