Controversies Conference
Timothy H.J. Goodship1, H. Terence Cook2, Fadi Fakhouri3, Fernando C. Fervenza4,
Véronique Frémeaux-Bacchi5, David Kavanagh1, Carla M. Nester6,7, Marina Noris8, Matthew C. Pickering2,
Santiago Rodrı́guez de Córdoba9, Lubka T. Roumenina10,11,12, Sanjeev Sethi13 and Richard J.H. Smith6,7;
for Conference Participants14
Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; 2Centre for Complement and Inflammation Research,
Department of Medicine, Imperial College Hammersmith Campus, London, UK; 3INSERM, UMR-S 1064, and Department of Nephrology
and Immunology, CHU de Nantes, Nantes, France; 4Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,
USA; 5Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France; 6Molecular Otolaryngology and Renal
Research Laboratories, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA; 7Division of Nephrology, Department of
Internal Medicine, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA; 8IRCCS–Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario
Negri,” Clinical Research Center for Rare Diseases “Aldo e Cele Daccò,” Ranica, Bergamo, Italy; 9Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas,
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Enfermedades Raras, Madrid, Spain;
Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Unité Mixte de Recherche S1138, Complément et Maladies, Centre de
Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France; 11Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris-Cité, Paris, France; 12Université Pierre et Marie Curie
(UPMC-Paris-6), Paris, France; and 13Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
In both atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) and C3 he 2 prototypical complement-mediated kidney dis-
glomerulopathy (C3G) complement plays a primary role in eases are atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS)
disease pathogenesis. Herein we report the outcome of a and C3 glomerulopathy (C3G).
2015 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome is an ultra-rare dis-
Controversies Conference where key issues in the ease characterized by acute kidney injury, thrombocytopenia,
management of these 2 diseases were considered by a and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia that occurs with a
global panel of experts. Areas addressed included renal reported incidence of approximately 0.5 per million per year.
pathology, clinical phenotype and assessment, genetic Other diseases that can present with a similar phenotype
drivers of disease, acquired drivers of disease, and treatment include Shiga toxin-producing E. coli-associated hemolytic
strategies. In order to help guide clinicians who are caring uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS), thrombotic thrombocyto-
for such patients, recommendations for best treatment penic purpura, and other multisystem disorders. Criteria have
strategies were discussed at length, providing the evidence been established to facilitate the diagnosis of aHUS. At least
base underpinning current treatment options. Knowledge 50% of patients with aHUS have an underlying inherited and/
gaps were identified and a prioritized research agenda was or acquired complement abnormality, which leads to dysre-
proposed to resolve outstanding controversial issues. gulated activity of the alternative pathway at the endothelial
Kidney International (2017) 91, 539–551; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ cell surface. There are, however, noncomplement inherited
j.kint.2016.10.005 abnormalities such as mutations in DGKE, which can result
KEYWORDS: anti-complement therapies; atypical hemolytic uremic syn- in an aHUS phenotype. Until recently, the prognosis for
drome; C3 glomerulopathy; complement; glomerulonephritis; kidney aHUS was poor, with the majority of patients developing end-
disease stage renal disease within 2 years of presentation. However,
Copyright ª 2016, International Society of Nephrology. Published by
with the introduction of eculizumab, a humanized mono-
Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license
(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/). clonal antibody against C5, it is now possible to control the
renal disease and prevent development of end-stage renal
Correspondence: Timothy H.J. Goodship, Institute of Genetic Medicine,
Newcastle University, Central Parkway, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3BZ, UK. C3G is also ultra-rare (incidence approximately 1 per
E-mail: [email protected]; and Richard J.H. Smith, University of million per year) and defines a group of incurable kidney
Iowa, 200 Hawkins Drive—21151 PFP, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA. E-mail: diseases driven by uncontrolled activation of the complement
[email protected] cascade that leads to C3 deposition within the glomerulus.
See Appendix for list of other conference participants. Most frequently, dysregulation occurs at the level of the
Received 9 August 2016; revised 10 October 2016; accepted 20 October C3 convertase of the alternative pathway in the fluid phase
2016; published online 16 December 2016 and is driven by genetic and/or acquired defects. Broad
interindividual variability gives rise to 2 major subtypes of transplantation.1 However, its presence is not reliable and we
disease, dense deposit disease (DDD) and C3 glomerulone- do not know whether this variability reflects technical or
phritis (C3GN), that are resolved by characteristic findings on biological differences (Table 1).
renal biopsy. In general, it is not possible to determine etiology from
The objective of this Kidney Disease: Improving Global morphology. Because morphologic features do not allow
Outcomes (KDIGO) conference was to gather a global panel identification of etiology, it is important for the pathologist to
of multidisciplinary clinical and scientific expertise to identify provide a differential diagnosis, especially in patients with
key issues relevant to the optimal management of these 2 severe hypertension, where attributing changes to hyperten-
diseases and to propose a research agenda to resolve sion alone may lead to failure to identify other specific causes
outstanding controversial issues. such as complement dysfunction.
useful.3 The timing of the initial biopsy is crucial because secondary aHUS have been excluded (Figure 1). However,
C3G often presents in the context of an acute infection, and even in some of these patients, a complement abnormality
C3 dominance can be seen in self-limiting postinfectious will not be identified. In many patients with an underlying
glomerulonephritis. There are no morphological features in complement risk factor, a trigger is required for aHUS to
acute exudative GN that predict resolution or progression. manifest.12 Triggers include autoimmune conditions, trans-
Humps are no longer considered pathognomonic of post- plants, pregnancy, infections, drugs, and metabolic condi-
infectious glomerulonephritis, as they are frequently found in tions.13 It may be difficult to show unequivocally that a trigger
C3G. Cases of acute exudative GN with double contours of unmasks latent complement defects. Additional work is
the glomerular basement membrane should heighten suspi- required to define the impact of complement risk factors in
cion for C3GN. EM should be conducted in all cases to these subgroups.
unequivocally distinguish DDD and C3GN, as this distinction Acute versus chronic disease? In general, we do not
is clinically important. In addition, in light of recent understand the time course of a clinical episode of aHUS and
descriptions of GN with masked monotypic Ig deposits,4,5 whether disease activity persists. However, many patients
staining for IgG and light chains on pronase-digested appear to be at life-long risk for the recurrent acute presen-
paraffin sections should be considered for all cases of C3GN tation of aHUS. Disease penetrance for an acute episode of
on standard IF, especially in adults. aHUS is age-related, and by age 70 may be as high as 64%,14
Areas of controversy and gaps in knowledge. There is evi- an observation that supports the existence of additional dis-
dence that staining for C4d can distinguish C3G from ease modifiers. A small percentage (3%–5%) of patients carry
immune complex-mediated GN, though its role is not more than 1 pathogenic genetic variant, supporting a rela-
established.5–7 Further studies on both frozen and paraffin tionship between mutation burden and penetrance.15 Pre-
sections are required. sentation in later life is consistent with the need for an
There are numerous knowledge gaps. Broadly, correlations environmental trigger. Discordance between the pathological
between renal biopsy appearances, etiology, and clinical and clinical manifestations of the disease is sometimes seen.
outcome including response to therapy are ill defined. IF For instance, a thrombotic microangiopathy can sometimes
staining is subjective and semiquantitative, and reliability and be present on renal biopsy in the absence of
reproducibility have not been studied. While the EM thrombocytopenia.
appearance of DDD is well-defined and is used as a standard The introduction of eculizumab has changed the natural
against which to assess the role of IF,3 it is not clear whether history of aHUS. Prior to eculizumab, most patients with
EM appearances in C3GN are characteristic and can confirm aHUS progressed to end-stage renal disease, at which time
the diagnosis if IF is equivocal. The significance of some EM the TMA process usually ceased.16 With complement
findings, such as the hump-like subepithelial deposits, is inhibitory therapy, glomerular perfusion and function are
uncertain, and in some cases, distinguishing DDD and C3GN maintained. How the renal endothelium is altered and
by EM is difficult. While it is possible to objectively assess the interacts with the complement system following withdrawal
density of deposits on EM, the value of this approach requires of complement inhibitors is unclear and may be informed
further study. by clinical trials.
It is possible to identify different C3 breakdown products
in glomeruli by IF8 or mass spectrometry after laser capture C3G
microdissection.9,10 This methodology can also be used to In contrast to the acute presentation of aHUS, in the majority
detect other complement components (i.e., factor H-related of patients with C3G, the disease follows a chronic, indolent
proteins, C5–C9). It is not known whether some of these course with persistent alternative pathway activation resulting
complement components in specific tissue compartments in a 10-year renal survival of approximately 50%.17 However,
(e.g., C5b-9) might identify a subset of patients likely to cases of C3G presenting as a rapidly progressive GN are well
benefit from a specific type of therapy (e.g., anti-C5 therapy). recognized.18–20
An increased understanding of the significance of different
complement components would be facilitated by detailed IF Extrarenal manifestations of aHUS and C3G
studies using well-characterized antibodies. Extrarenal manifestations are reported in up to 20% of
patients with aHUS (Supplementary Table S1). It is unclear
CLINICAL PHENOTYPE AND ASSESSMENT whether these manifestations are a direct consequence of
aHUS complement activation, TMA, or other factors such as severe
The term aHUS has been used historically to define any HUS hypertension and uremia. Interestingly, despite sharing many
not caused by STEC-HUS. Current classifications reflect an of the same rare genetic variants in CFH21 and CFI22
increased understanding of disease mechanisms including the described in age-related macular degeneration, drusen for-
impact of genetic background and etiologic triggers.11 As a mation is not commonly reported in aHUS.23
result, some clinicians now use the term “primary aHUS” In C3G (DDD and C3GN), acquired partial lipodys-
when an underlying abnormality of the alternative pathway of trophy24 and retinal drusen25,26 are reported and appear to be
complement is strongly suspected and other causes of direct consequences of complement activation. Acquired
Plts Haptoglobin
ADAMTS13 activity <10%
Cobalamin C Pneumococcal Autoimmune Drug-induced BMT Infection Malignancy Posttransplant Pregnancy 1ary
Figure 1 | TMA diagnostic flow chart. Following the diagnosis of a TMA, clinical and laboratory evaluation is required to establish the etiology.
ADAMTS13 activity is urgently required to exclude TTP prior to treatment with eculizumab in adults but is not a prerequisite in children.
Investigation for STEC-HUS should be undertaken in all individuals with suspected aHUS. In all pediatric aHUS, plasma and urinary evaluation for
cblC deficiency is mandatory. All individuals with suspected primary aHUS should have a complete evaluation for complement-mediated aHUS.
Individuals with pregnancy-associated aHUS and de novo transplantation associated aHUS should also have a full complement evaluation due
to the high prevalence of rare genetic variants described in these subgroups. In other secondary cases of aHUS, insufficient evidence exists to
recommend a full genetic evaluation, although it is noted that rare genetic variants have been described in many of these cases. Rarely, in
severe cases of STEC-HUS resulting in ESRD, rare genetic variants have been described following HUS recurrence in a subsequent renal
transplant. In cases where the role of complement is as yet unclear, the clinician should decide on the evaluation based on the clinical
consequences of positive result (e.g., listing for renal transplantation as demonstrated by the dotted line). Factor H autoantibodies have been
reported in non–small cell lung cancer, although a causative association with malignancy associated aHUS has yet to be made.107 1ary, primary;
Ab, antibody; ACA, anticentromere antibody; aHUS, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; ANA antinuclear antibody; anti-Scl-70, anti-topo-
isomerase I antibody; BMT, bone marrow transplant; CMV, cytomegalovirus; DGKE, diacylglycerol kinase ε; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; ESRD, end-
stage renal disease; FACS, flow cytometry; Hb, hemoglobin; Hep, hepatitis; HUS, hemolytic uremic syndrome; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase;
MAHA, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia; MLPA, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; Plts,
platelets; STEC-HUS, Shiga toxin E. coli HUS; Stx, Shiga toxin; TMA, thrombotic microangiopathy; TTP, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
partial lipodystrophy is most commonly seen in individuals however, signs of nonresponse should be carefully monitored.
with C3 nephritic factors. Factor D, required for formation of By contrast, in adults, measuring ADAMTS13 activity is
the C3 convertase, is highly expressed in adipocytes, which recommended prior to eculizumab initiation. Investigation
undergo C3 nephritic factor–induced complement- for STEC-HUS should be routine in all patients with pre-
dependent lysis.27 Drusen, the accumulation of lipids and sumed aHUS, as approximately 5% of STEC-HUS cases have
complement-rich proteins between Bruch’s membrane and no prodromal diarrhea, whereas 30% of complement-
the retinal pigment epithelium, are commonly seen in age- mediated aHUS cases have concurrent diarrhea or gastroen-
related macular degeneration but occur at an earlier age in teritis (Figure 1).29
the context of the results for all other complement assays and with some improvement, but there is a risk that delaying the
genetic screens. onset of eculizumab may lead to a suboptimal therapeutic
TREATMENT STRATEGIES Treatment duration is controversial, and to date there is no
aHUS evidence to support lifelong therapy in all aHUS patients.
All patients with a clinical diagnosis of primary aHUS are Discontinuation of plasma therapy or complement inhibition
eligible for treatment with a complement inhibitor is feasible at least in some patients with aHUS. The consensus
(Supplementary Table S9). The dosing schedule reported in favored a minimal period of treatment to allow optimal renal
the trials is recommended, although 2 options for altered recovery without early relapse (Figure 3). Prospective studies
dosing have been considered: (i) the minimal dose required to are crucial to assess parameters predictive of relapse and to
achieve complement blockade; and (ii) a discontinuation define how genetics, quality of renal recovery, age, presence or
dosing schedule.79 No data exist to support either option, and absence of a triggering event, and biomarkers related to
both require monitoring of complement activity (Table 3). complement activation and/or endothelial cell injury inform
The treatment of FH autoantibody–driven aHUS involves the this decision.
use of anticellular therapy and is guided by antibody titer Eculizumab increases the risk of meningococcal infec-
(Figure 2). Interruption of anticomplement therapy during tion.11 Patients should receive vaccination against meningo-
intercurrent illness, a time of high-risk for aHUS relapse, is coccus, including type B; however, vaccination should not
not recommended unless an infection with an encapsulated delay the start of eculizumab. Antibiotic prophylaxis is
organism is suspected or documented. mandated during the first 2 weeks. Controversy remains as to
If access to eculizumab is unavailable, plasma therapy can whether vaccination is efficacious in patients with acute
be used. Plasma exchange should also be considered for anti- kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, and/or during immu-
FH-positive aHUS and in the emergency treatment of criti- nosuppression. It is unknown whether antimeningococcal
cally ill patients with severe TMA (e.g., coma or convulsions) antibodies are protective in the setting of complement
and a strong presumption of TTP until evidence of residual blockade; therefore, it is recommended that antibiotic pro-
ADAMTS13 activity exceeds 10%.80 The use of plasma phylaxis be maintained for the treatment duration and up to 2
exchange when eculizumab is available may be associated to 3 months after discontinuation.
Clinical diagnosis
High titer
FH autoantibodya
Figure 2 | Treatment of complement factor H autoantibody-mediated aHUS. There are no prospective controlled studies in patients with
atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) due to anti–factor H protein (FH) antibodies, and thus the proposed management is based on a
pediatric consensus.11
Abnormal titer depends on the testing laboratory.
The decision to use plasma therapy versus eculizumab will be based on patient age and local resource availability.
Cyclophosphamide, rituximab, or mycophenolate mofetil.
The decision to continue anticomplement therapy indefinitely is not informed by data.
The interval may be monthly or quarterly and is based on local resources.
This recommendation is based on limited retrospective case reviews.108–110
Documentation of increased complement activ- complement gene and has no evidence of abnormal com-
ity11,31,79,81,82 in the setting of aHUS after an external trigger plement activation, donation is feasible.31
suggests clinical benefit of complement blockade especially in Liver transplant remains an option in patients with liver-
the setting of severe sequelae.17,77,83 However, in the absence derived complement protein abnormalities, in particular for
of trial data, complement inhibition in these forms of aHUS renal transplant recipients with uncontrolled disease activity
remains controversial. despite eculizumab therapy.85
Transplant. Kidney transplantation should be delayed
until at least 6 months after the start of dialysis because C3G
limited renal recovery may occur several months after starting A single randomized controlled trial using steroid as mono-
eculizumab.82,84 The resolution of hematological TMA fea- therapy in mesangiocapillary GN83 has been published. Given
tures and extrarenal manifestations is a prerequisite for the change in terminology and disease characterization and
transplantation. The decision to use anticomplement therapy the potential confounding effect on trial stratification, the
during transplantation should be based on recurrence risk results of this trial are of limited use in guiding current
(Table 4). treatment considerations for C3G. A retrospective study
Living-related kidney donation carries a risk for recurrence supports the effectiveness of mycophenolate mofetil in a select
in the recipient and a risk of de novo disease in the donor group.86 Outlined here is a tiered approach to treatment
should the donor carry an at-risk genetic variant.81 Potential based primarily on expert opinion, with limited support from
donors with evidence of abnormal alternative complement retrospective cohort studies87–103 (Table 5). In the absence of
pathway activity should be excluded. If the potential living- more specific data, monitoring of anticomplement therapy
related donor does not carry a pathogenic variant in a should be similar to that used in aHUS (Table 3).
Clinical diagnosis
Minimal period of
treatment and absence
of extrarenal disease
Transplant patients,
especially those who
Complete recovery of have lost previous
renal function in children allografts, are not good
>3 years of age candidates for treatment
Figure 3 | Recommendations for cessation of treatment with complement inhibitors. There are no prospective controlled studies in
patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) to define criteria for discontinuation of eculizumab therapy. This flow diagram is
based on expert opinion.111–114 Discontinuation can be considered on a case-by-case basis in patients after at least 6 to 12 months of treatment
and at least 3 months of normalization (or stabilization in the case of residual chronic kidney disease) of kidney function. Earlier cessation
(at 3 months) may be considered in patients (especially children) with pathogenic variants in MCP if there has been rapid remission and
recovery of renal function. In patients who have undergone dialysis, eculizumab should be maintained for at least 4 to 6 months before
considering discontinuation. In this setting, the assessment of fibrotic changes in the kidney using a biopsy may be helpful. In patients who
have undergone transplant, especially patients who have lost previous allografts, discontinuation is not recommended.
No specific recommendation can be made for plasma with well-documented alternative complement pathway
therapy or rituximab (an anti-CD20 antibody). The confer- disease is required to identify morphological and/or immu-
ence attendees acknowledged published reports that support nohistochemical features that may distinguish between these
the effectiveness of plasma therapy in the setting of C3G groups. A longitudinal study of patients with features of
induced specifically by pathogenic variants in factor H; chronic microangiopathy on biopsy but without a history of
however, this approach appears to be beneficial to only a acute presentation is needed to define associations with
select subgroup of patients with C3G.77 clinical features, etiology, and outcome.
Transplant. No specific data are available to inform de- C3G. A comprehensive study is needed to define the
cisions surrounding transplantation in C3G. Recommenda- relationship of morphology to etiology, clinical course, and
tions reflect expert opinion and limited case reports response to therapy, which would be best achieved by a
(Supplementary Table S10). C3G recurs in allografts at a high multicenter collection of well-annotated cases, analyzed by a
rate, leading to graft loss in approximately 50% of patients. group of renal pathologists in a manner similar to that used
for the Oxford classification of IgA nephropathy.105,106 The
RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS study should include: light microscopy with histologic
We believe a cross-disciplinary approach should be under- markers of activity and chronicity; IF, including routine
taken for the recommendations listed below. This should studies together with staining for C3 fragments and other
include combining pathology, clinical phenotyping, genetics, complement proteins; and EM, including objective assess-
and therapy prospectively using scoring systems such as the ment of deposit density, quantity, and distribution.
MEST score in IgA nephropathy.104
Clinical phenotype and evaluation of aHUS and C3G
Renal pathology A consensus on the terminology covering TMAs and aHUS
aHUS. A comparative study of biopsies from patients should be sought as more information concerning their
with well-documented malignant hypertension and patients pathogenesis becomes available.
Table 4 | Prophylaxis against aHUS recurrence in allografts Table 5 | Recommended treatment approach for C3Ga
based on a risk-assessment strategya
All patients
Optimal blood pressure control (suggested
Recurrence risk Treatment regimen blood pressure below the 90% in children
and #120/80 mm Hg in adults)
High risk (50-100%) Prophylactic eculizumabb,c B Priority agents include angiotensin converting
Previous early recurrence Note: Start on the day of
a enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
Pathogenic mutation transplantation due to blockers
Gain-of-function mutation potential for severe Optimal nutrition for both normal growth in
recurrence and limited children and healthy weight in adults
recovery of function Lipid control
in renal grafts compared Moderate disease Description
with native kidneys Urine protein over 500 mg/24 h despite
supportive therapy
Moderate risk Prophylactic eculizumab or or
No mutation identified plasma exchanged Moderate inflammation on renal biopsy
Isolated CFI mutations
Complement gene
Recent increase in serum creatinine suggesting
mutation of unknown significance risk for progressive disease
Persistent low titer FH autoantibody
Low risk (<10%) No prophylaxis Mycophenolate mofetil
Isolated MCP mutations
Severe disease Description
Persistently negative FH
Urine protein over 2000 mg/24 h despite
autoantibodies immunosuppression and supportive therapy
aHUS, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome; CFI, complement factor I gene; FH, or
complement factor H protein; MCP, membrane cofactor protein gene. Severe inflammation represented by marked
Requires complete screening of all genes implicated in aHUS. endo- or extracapillary proliferation with or
Prophylactic regimens are based on local center protocols; no trial data exist to without crescent formation despite
support superiority of 1 protocol over another.
c immunosuppression and supportive therapy
Liver transplantation can be considered for renal transplant recipients with liver-
derived complement protein abnormalities, uncontrolled disease activity despite or
eculizumab therapy, or financial considerations regarding cost of long-term eculi- Increased serum creatinine suggesting risk for
zumab therapy. progressive disease at onset despite
The decision to perform or not to perform prophylactic plasma exchange or immunosuppression and supportive therapy
complement inhibition is left to the discretion of the clinician. Recommendation
Methylprednisolone pulse dosing as well as
other anti-cellular immune suppressants have
had limited success in rapidly progressive disease
Clinical studies are required to define how complement Data are insufficient to recommend eculizumab
biomarkers correlate with current or impending aHUS as a first-line agent for the treatment of rapidly
progressive disease
relapse and/or renal involvement, to identify risk factors for
C3G, C3 glomerulopathy.
aHUS relapse upon cessation of anti-complement therapy, to a
Based on a single, small prospective trial, case reports, and expert opinion.
identify alternative anticomplement therapeutics for aHUS, to
assess the value of proximal (at the level of the alternative
pathway) anticomplement therapy in C3G, and to determine In patients with aHUS and C3G in whom neither genetic
whether complement biomarkers can inform clinical nor acquired drivers of disease are identified, concerted
outcome in C3G patients. efforts should be made to elucidate disease triggers.
Genetic and acquired drivers of disease Treatment and clinical trial strategies for aHUS and C3G
Genetic testing should be undertaken in all persons with Despite remarkable advances in our understanding of the
suspected primary aHUS, although in cases of secondary underlying pathological mechanisms involved in C3G and
aHUS, the role of genetic testing must be clarified. Exceptions aHUS, much remains to learn about treatment. Because
include de novo posttransplant aHUS and pregnancy- eculizumab has altered the natural history of aHUS, contro-
associated aHUS, both of which require genetic testing. versy has arisen in several areas of treatment. Dosing schedule
In C3G, except for particular cases, present knowledge is and treatment duration remain controversial and should be
insufficient to establish robust phenotype–genotype correla- rigorously studied.
tions. Comprehensive genetic testing is required to fill this The treatment of C3G has not been studied thoroughly. In
knowledge gap. the absence of trial data, retrospective reviews, case studies, and
The impact of acquired autoantibodies such as C3 expert opinion inform the current approach to C3G treatment.
nephritic factor and FH autoantibody must be followed in The development and trial of complement inhibitors as
longitudinal studies to define their relevance to disease course therapeutic interventions for C3G is a high priority. For the
in the context of the results of all other complement assays purposes of selecting patients for clinical trials, the conference
and genetic screening. participants felt that only a single phenotypic parameter
warranted consideration: the EM designation as either DDD or Table S2. Investigations recommended for TMA.
C3GN. While data demonstrating that EM will predict Table S3. Complement studies for aHUS and C3G.
treatment response to current therapeutic options are lacking, Table S4. Genetic drivers in aHUS and C3G.
Table S5. Genotype-phenotype correlations in aHUS.
limited retrospective studies suggest that there is a difference in Table S6. Categorization of the genetic variants.
renal survival between the 2 groups.17 Table S7. Complement assays that should be considered in addition
Although stratification based on sC5b-9 appears to genetic screening in aHUS and C3G.
appealing,88 particularly when considering terminal comple- Table S8. Acquired drivers of disease in aHUS and C3G: screening
ment blockade therapeutics, there is a paucity of data recommendations.
to support the reliability of this assay as a true marker of Table S9. Eculizumab dosing in aHUS based on dosing goal.
disease pathology. There is also insufficient evidence to Table S10. Transplant considerations in C3G.
Supplementary material is linked to the online version of the paper at
support stratification according to C5b-9 staining of renal www.kidney-international.org.
biopsy tissue. The conference participants believed there
was sufficient evidence in other glomerular diseases to
exclude patients from C3G trials if they were stable on prior
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HTC declared having received consultancy fees from Achillion and 12. Caprioli J, Noris M, Brioschi S, et al. Genetics of HUS: the impact of MCP,
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113. Ardissino G, Possenti I, Tel F, et al. Discontinuation of eculizumab Linda Burke, USA; Thomas D. Cairns, UK; Mireya Carratala, Spain;
treatment in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: an update. Am J Vivette D. D’Agati, USA; Mohamed R. Daha, The Netherlands; An
Kidney Dis. 2015;66:172–173. S. De Vriese, Belgium; Marie-Agnès Dragon-Durey, France; Agnes
114. Ardissino G, Testa S, Possenti I, et al. Discontinuation of eculizumab B. Fogo, USA; Miriam Galbusera, Italy; Daniel P. Gale, UK; Hermann
maintenance treatment for atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome: a
Haller, Germany; Sally Johnson, UK; Mihály Józsi, Hungary; Diana
report of 10 cases. Am J Kidney Dis. 2014;64:633–637.
Karpman, Sweden; Lynne Lanning, USA; Moglie Le Quintrec,
France; Christoph Licht, Canada; Chantal Loirat, France; Francisco
Monfort, Spain; B. Paul Morgan, UK; Laure-Hélène Noël, France;
APPENDIX Michelle M. O’Shaughnessy, USA; Marion Rabant, France; Eric
Other Conference Participants Rondeau, France; Piero Ruggenenti, Italy; Neil S. Sheerin, UK; Jenna
Charlie E. Alpers, USA; Gerald B. Appel, USA; Gianluigi Ardissino, Smith, USA; Fabrizio Spoleti, Italy; Joshua M. Thurman, USA; Nicole
Italy; Gema Ariceta, Spain; Mustafa Arici, Turkey; Arvind Bagga, C.A.J. van de Kar, The Netherlands; Marina Vivarelli, Italy; Peter
India; Ingeborg M. Bajema, The Netherlands; Miguel Blasco, Spain; F. Zipfel, Germany