Research Article
Exploring Factors Impacting Paths of Left-Turning Vehicles
from Minor Road Approach at Unsignalized Intersections
Copyright © 2016 Guoqiang Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
At unsignalized intersections, left-turning vehicles from minor road approach are more likely to be involved in traffic conflicts and
traffic crashes and are one of the most leading factors impacting traffic efficiency and capacity. The authors of the paper observed
that some drivers behaved illegally and dangerously while performing left turns from minor road approach, resulting in abnormal
trajectories at unsignalized intersections. By applying binary logistic analysis, a probability prediction model was developed to
explore various factors affecting probability of normal path taken by drivers while turning left from minor road approach. Based
upon the model, measures such as lowering running speeds of vehicles on major road or minor road and adding more lanes on
minor road can be used to encourage more drivers to take normal vehicle paths, which is helpful for the improvement of traffic safety,
efficiency, and capacity. Results of the paper can be used for the guidance of design and management of unsignalized intersections.
controlled intersection and used stochastic queuing theory 2. Data Collection and Method
to evaluate the intersection’s performance. Pollatschek et
al. [10] presented a microscopic decision model for driver 2.1. Data Collection. In China, at stop controlled intersec-
gap acceptance behavior when waiting at an unsignalized tions, vehicles from minor road approach do not stop before
intersection on minor road approach. Davis and Swenson the stop line when there are no conflicting vehicles on major
[11] used logit modeling for studying drivers’ left turn gap roads. Thus, stop controlled intersections are very similar to
acceptance. The study revealed that the probability of a yield controlled intersections. Therefore, the research did not
driver accepting a gap of a given duration increased as distinguish between stop controlled intersection and yield
the speed of the oncoming vehicle increased. Guo and Lin controlled intersection.
[12] designed a survey designed method of rejected and Many factors may impact trajectory of left-turning vehi-
accepted gaps. Four methods for calculating critical gap were cles and they could be classified into three groups: character-
proposed. istics of roads and other facilities, characteristics of vehicles,
In the last decade, dangerous behaviors and attitudes and characteristics of drivers. Because impacting factors were
of drivers have also received some attention [14–18]. Kaysi both numerous and confounding, limits were set on scope
[14] hypothesized a behavioral framework that enables the of the research so that the study could be carried out and
analysis of drivers’ attitudes at unsignalized intersections important factors could be explored.
based on the driver’s characteristics, his past choices, and The research focused upon the unsignalized intersections
the actual conditions. Shinar and Compton [16] investigated whose major road and minor road could be easily identified
three types of behavior that are commonly characterized as and whose control devices such as stop signs or yield signs
“aggressive driving,” namely, honking, cutting across one were well maintained. Deformity intersections were excluded
or more lanes in front of other vehicles, and passing on from the research because trajectories of vehicles at the
the shoulders. Liu and Lee [17] highlighted a significant intersections were quite unique and the patterns of vehicle
parameter in aggressive driving: that of car-phone use during paths were not easy to recognize.
critical driving maneuvers. Kaysi and Abbany [18] modelled It was impossible to acquire information about character-
aggressive driver behavior at unsignalized intersections and istics of drivers such as age, gender, education level, years of
concluded that age, car performance, and average speed on driving experience, accident involvement, and attitudes when
the major road were the major determinants of aggressive they were making left turns from minor road approach. For
behavior. this reason, impacts of driver characteristics were excluded
The researches discussed above were helpful for us to from the research.
understand the performance of unsignalized intersections. Characteristics of roads and other facilities include many
However, it should be noticed that some important elements factors that may have more or less impact upon vehicle path.
have been ignored. In fact, when drivers decide to accept Among them, number of lanes on the road was selected for
a gap in conflicting traffic streams, they have to plan a analysis, because it represented some of the most influential
path to cross the road. Patterns of vehicle path (trajectory) characteristics of roads such as width and capacity.
represent drivers’ behavior and are closely related to traffic Characteristics of vehicles include the most complicated
safety. Literature review shows that no studies have focused and dynamic information. For example, hundreds and thou-
on vehicle path at unsignalized intersections. sands of vehicles may have gone through an intersection in a
Some researchers noticed the impact of intersection short period of time during peak hours and traffic situations
layout on vehicle paths and studied variations in vehicle may be changing all the time. Meanwhile, there are countless
turning trajectories [19, 20]. The studies were important for factors that may impact driver’s behavior and vehicle path.
the understanding of vehicle paths at intersections. However, In order to facilitate the research, information concerning
at unsignalized intersections, trajectories of turning vehicles vehicle characteristics was selected and simplified.
are rather complicated. They are affected by many differ- In China, when traffic volume of bicycles, motorcycles,
ent factors. Besides geometric design, factors such as time and pedestrians is not very high, it is common practice for
headway of vehicles on major road and speeds of turning them to yield the right of way to automobiles. Therefore,
vehicles also influence paths of turning vehicles. No research their influence upon left-turning vehicle path is negligible.
has been carried out to study the impacts of the various For this reason, the research did not take their impact into
factors. consideration.
At unsignalized intersections, compared with other vehi- When vehicles on minor road approach turn left, there
cles, left-turning vehicles from minor road approach are are many traffic streams that may be in conflict with them.
faced with greater danger. They must keep a good watch Nevertheless, it is the eastbound through traffic on major
for potential conflicts while planning left-turning trajectory. road that constitutes the main threat and exerts the most
This is especially true in developing countries where illegal important influence upon trajectories of left-turning vehicles.
and dangerous behaviors are rather prevalent. The primary Two factors concerning through vehicles on major road were
objective for this study is to explore various factors impacting selected for analysis. They were time headway of vehicles on
paths of left-turning vehicles from minor road approach at major road and running speed of vehicle on major road. Time
unsignalized intersection. The study will help engineers have headway of vehicles on major road was defined as the time
a better understanding of how drivers behave while making headway of vehicles on major road on the near side of minor
left turns. road approach when vehicle on minor road approach was
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3
passing the stop line and trying to turn left. Running speed road will be too small to be analyzed statistically. On
of vehicle on major road was defined as the running speed of the other hand, when traffic volumes are high, it will
the first vehicle before the conflict area on major road on the be difficult for vehicles from minor road approach to
near side of minor road approach at the moment when vehicle turn left without stopping before the stop line.
on minor road approach was passing the stop line and trying
to turn left. As far as the objective of this study is concerned,
As for characteristics of vehicles making left turns from T shaped intersections were superior to other types of
minor road approach, two factors were selected and they intersections and were given special priority in the site
were type of left-turning vehicle and running speed of left- selection process. The reasons for this are as follows. Firstly,
turning vehicle. Left-turning vehicles were classified into two T shaped intersections are found abundantly in roadway
types: small size vehicles and other vehicles. Running speed of systems and are representative of unsignalized intersec-
left-turning vehicle was defined as the running speed of left- tions; secondly, at T shaped intersections, minor road
turning vehicle at the moment when it was passing the stop was connected to major road at right angles, which is
line on minor road and was trying to turn left. helpful for vehicles on minor road approach to make
To control for the impacts of various confounding factors left-turn or right-turn movements; finally, compared with
that affect paths of left-turning vehicles from minor road other types of unsignalized intersections, T shaped inter-
approach, the following criteria were applied in the site sections usually do not have a lot of vehicles to interfere
selection process: with left-turning vehicles from minor road approach except
through vehicles on major road. For example, at crisscrossing
(1) The selected intersection should be in territory of road intersections, left-turning vehicles from minor road
flat terrain. Vehicle trajectories at intersections are approach are sometimes impacted by vehicles making
strongly influenced by various types of terrain. The through movements on minor road in the opposite direction.
influence of terrain is rather complicated and is T shaped intersection does not have this kind of impact
excluded from the research. which, as discussed above, was excluded from the
(2) The selected intersection should be in the suburbs research.
or in rural areas where bicycles, motorcycles, and The research team did a lot of field surveys in Jiangsu
pedestrians were seldom observed. When there were Province, a populous and economically developed region
only a small number of bicycles, motorcycles, or in the east of China. After comprehensive analysis, two
pedestrians, their influence upon vehicle path could unsignalized intersections were selected. They were T shaped
be disregarded. intersections with typical geometric designs as shown in
Figure 1. The major roads of the selected intersections were
(3) Except through vehicles on major road, the selected provincial trunk roads and the minor roads were country
intersection should have very few vehicles to interfere roads. Both of them had four lanes on the major road with
with left-turning vehicles from minor road approach. two lanes in each direction. One of them had four lanes on the
Unsignalized intersections that have a lot of vehicles minor road with an exclusive left-turn lane and an exclusive
turning left from the major road approaches or right-turn lane on the approach (see Figure 1(a)). The other
making through movements on minor road should be intersection had two lanes on the minor road with one lane
excluded. on the approach shared by left turns and right turns (see
(4) The selected intersection should be isolated. Accord- Figure 1(b)).
ing to Highway Capacity Manual, an intersection can There were tall buildings in the vicinity of the intersec-
be regarded as isolated when the nearest intersection tions, from the top of which digital video cameras were used
is more than 5000 feet (1524 meters) away [13]. to record vehicle movements at the intersections. Special
The value was adopted in the selection of isolated marks were painted on the roads so that it was possible to get
intersections. Traffic flow at such places is effectively the time when a vehicle passed a marked point on the roads
random, which meets the requirement of the research. from recorded video. Time headway and running speed were
then calculated.
(5) The selected intersection should have no access con-
The research team played digital video files over and
nections in its functional area. The functional area
over again and studied every vehicle making left turns from
extends both upstream and downstream from the
minor road approach. In all, 184 vehicles were found to make
physical intersection area and includes the longi-
left turns from minor road approach without stopping. Data
tudinal limits of auxiliary lanes. This is the area
concerning the vehicles, their trajectories, and impacting
where drivers are responding to the intersection,
factors were collected and analyzed.
decelerating, and maneuvering into the appropriate
After exploring various left-turning vehicle paths from
lane to stop or complete a turn. Access connections in
video records, six types of vehicle paths were identified.
the functional area can cause various traffic conflicts
They were defined as type 1, type 2, type 3, type 4, type
that hamper the research.
5, and type 6 left-turning vehicle paths, respectively, based
(6) Traffic volumes of the selected intersection should upon characteristics of left-turning vehicle trajectory. Their
be moderate. When traffic volumes of unsignalized definitions are illustrated in Figure 1. Their characteristics are
intersection are low, influence of vehicles on major briefly described as follows.
4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
6 3 5 1 2 4
6 3 5 1 2
Figure 1: Paths of left-turning vehicles at unsignalized intersections. (a) Intersection with four lanes on the minor road. (b) Intersection with
two lanes on the minor road.
Both type 1 and type 2 left-turning vehicle paths were nor- vehicle path. 107 (58.2%) vehicle paths were found to be type
mal paths which represented drivers’ legal and safe behaviors. 1 and only 18 (9.8%) paths were found to be type 2.
When drivers took such paths, time headway of vehicles on Type 3, type 4, type 5, and type 6 vehicle paths were
major road was long enough for left-turning maneuvers. Left- abnormal and they represented drivers’ illegal and dangerous
turning vehicles started from a lane on minor road approach behaviors when performing left turns. When time headways
and moved fast upward and leftward. After crossing two on major road were too short to be accepted, drivers would
lanes on major road, left-turning vehicles merged quickly take type 3 paths. Under such circumstance, left-turning
with major road vehicles in the opposite direction. Although vehicles moved leftward slowly near the through traffic
the two types of left-turning vehicle trajectories were very stream on major road until there was a gap in the traffic,
similar, there was some slight difference. Compared with which was big enough to be used by left-turning vehicles. So,
type 2, type 1 left-turning vehicle path had a larger turning vehicle paths of type 3 were seriously lengthened compared
radius, which enabled left-turn movements to be more fast with type 1 paths. In the left-turning process, left-turning
and comfortable. When left-turning vehicles were affected by vehicles moved near the through traffic in the opposite
bicycles or pedestrians, drivers were forced to slow down and direction, causing great danger to vehicles on major road.
take a more sharp turn and, in that way, they took a type 2 Type 4 paths were very similar to type 2 paths, except that
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5
type 4 started from the exclusive right-turn lane. Type 5 was The exponential of the coefficient, exp(𝛽𝑖 ), expresses
similar to type 1 and type 6 was similar to type 3, except the odds ratio (the ratio of probability of occurrence of
that both of them started from the wrong place, which was an event to the probability of nonoccurrence of an event).
designed for traffic exiting from the intersections. When a More specifically, concerning positive coefficients, for each
left-turning vehicle was blocked by other vehicles in front of additional unit increase in the variable 𝑋𝑖 , the odds of 𝑌 = 1
it, the driver sometimes sought to avoid blockage by moving are increased by 100 ⋅ [exp(𝛽𝑖 ) − 1] percent. For negative
to other lanes illegally and, in this way, type 4, type 5, or type coefficients, a one-unit increase decreases the odds of 𝑌 = 1
6 vehicle paths were taken by impetuous drivers. It was found by 100 ⋅ [1 − exp(𝛽𝑖 )] percent.
that 42 (22.8%), 12 (6.5%), 3 (1.6%), and 2 (1.1%) vehicle paths
were type 3, type 4, type 5, and type 6, respectively. 3. Data Analysis Results
Later on, data concerning type 2, type 4, type 5, and type
6 left-turning vehicle paths were excluded from modelling. It In this study, a probability prediction model for left-turning
was done under the following considerations: these types of vehicle path types was developed to explore various fac-
vehicle paths were taken under the impacts of some stochastic tors that contribute to driver’s choice of paths at unsignal-
factors such as the random appearance of pedestrians or ized intersection while making left turns from minor road
bicycles or driver’s rash behavior, which were very difficult to approach and to explain how time headway of vehicles
explore; preliminary analysis of data indicated that the types on major road impacts driver’s behavior along with other
discarded accounted for only a small portion of the total left- confounding factors. The dependent variable of the model
turning vehicle paths (19%); therefore, exclusion of the data is type of left-turning vehicle path with 1 for normal path
did not affect data analysis results too much. After exclusion (type 1 vehicle path) and 0 for abnormal path (type 3 vehicle
of these vehicle paths, 149 paths were used in modelling and path). Six independent variables were initially considered.
they were classified as normal (type 1) and abnormal (type 3). The descriptive statistics of these variables are given in Table 1.
In order to choose the significant variables from the
2.2. Statistical Method. Linear regression models that have six independent variables listed in Table 1, forward stepwise
been used in transportation research have the assumption variable selection method with Likelihood-Ratio removal
that the response variable is continuous. However, in cases criterion was used. In the first step, the most significant
where the response (dependent) variable is not continuous, variable is identified and evaluated for incorporation into
discrete outcome models should be applied. When there the model. If this particular variable satisfies the significance
are two discrete outcomes, binary logistic regression models level requirement (0.05 in this study) then the variable is
can be applied. Like linear regression, the goal of logistic accepted. In the second step, the model developed in step
regression is to identify the best fitting model that describes 1 is used as the base model and significance values of each
the relationship between a binary dependent variable and a of the remaining variables for consideration are determined.
set of independent or explanatory variables. In contrast to The most significant variable is evaluated for incorporation
linear regression, the dependent variable is the population into the model. If the variable meets the significance level
proportion or probability (𝑃) that the resulting outcome is requirement, the variable is added to the model. Before
equal to 1. It is important to note that the parameters obtained moving to the next step, variables entered into the model are
for the independent variable can be used to estimate odds evaluated for their significance levels by using the likelihood
ratios for each of the independent variables in the model. ratio test. If all variables are significant at the specified
General form of the binary logistic regression is as follows: significance level (0.10 in this study), the next step starts. If the
significance value for a variable exceeds the predetermined
𝑃 (𝑌 = 1 | 𝑋1 , 𝑋2 , . . . , 𝑋𝑝 ) significance level, the variable is removed from the regression
log ( )
1 − 𝑃 (𝑌 = 1 | 𝑋1 , 𝑋2 , . . . , 𝑋𝑝 ) (1) model and the model is reevaluated to determine if any
additional variables should be removed from the model. The
= 𝛼 + 𝛽1 𝑋1 + 𝛽2 𝑋2 + ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ + 𝛽𝑝 𝑋𝑝 , algorithm continues until eliminations result in a previously
evaluated model or none of the variables meet entry or
where 𝑌 is dichotomous dependent variable; 𝑋𝑖 are inde-
removal criteria.
pendent variables (𝑖 = 1, 2, . . . , 𝑝); 𝛽𝑖 are logistic regression
Two variables were found to be statistically insignificant
coefficients (𝑖 = 1, 2, . . . , 𝑝); and 𝛼 is intercept term.
and were excluded from the model. The best model has four
The values of the intercept term and the regression
independent variables and the results are given in Table 2.
coefficient for each independent variable are estimated by
The final equation for probability prediction of normal path
the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The
of left-turning vehicles is given as follows:
goodness of fit of the model can be assessed with the
likelihood ratio test. The likelihood ratio test uses the ratio 𝑃 (𝑌 = 1)
of the maximized value of the likelihood function for the
exp (5.562 − 1.924𝐼 − 0.188𝑉𝑙 − 0.036𝑉𝑚 + 0.112𝑇𝑚 ) (3)
full model (𝐿 𝑓 ) over the maximized value of the likelihood = ,
function for the simpler model (𝐿 0 ). The likelihood ratio test 1 + exp (5.562 − 1.924𝐼 − 0.188𝑉𝑙 − 0.036𝑉𝑚 + 0.112𝑇𝑚 )
statistic is as follows:
where 𝑌 is type of left-turning vehicle path (1 for normal path,
𝐿 0 for abnormal path); 𝐼 is the number of lanes on minor road
−2 log ( 0 ) = −2 [log (𝐿 0 ) − log (𝐿 𝑓 )] . (2)
𝐿𝑓 (1 for two lanes, 0 for four lanes); 𝑉𝑙 is the running speed of
6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Table 2: Binary logistic model for path of left-turning vehicles from minor road approach.
left-turning vehicle on minor road approach (km/hour); 𝑉𝑚 an impact on driver’s behavior and therefore influences traffic
is the running speed of vehicle on major road (km/hour); and safety. It can be speculated that the reason for a wider minor
𝑇𝑚 is time headway of vehicles on major road (seconds). road (with more lanes) to have a higher probability of normal
Table 2 summarizes the output of binary logistic regres- left-turning vehicle path can be due to the potentially better
sion analysis. All of the independent variables selected for sight distance which enables drivers of left-turning vehicles
the model are statistically significant at 0.05 significance level. to see and assess the possibility of impending hazards posed
Coefficients for these variables can be used to analyze impacts by vehicles on major road. It can also be speculated that
of various factors upon probability of normal vehicle path. narrower road (with less lanes) may impair driver’s ability to
The coefficient for the indicator variable for number of accept a gap in the conflicting traffic stream through which
lanes on minor road is negative, implying the fact that proba- left-turning maneuvers can be performed safely. Besides,
bility of normal path is higher at intersection with four lanes narrower two-lane minor road (as shown in Figure 1(b)) does
on the minor road compared with two lanes on the minor not have an exclusive left-turn lane and can bring about more
road. The exponential of the coefficient 𝐵 of this variable delay and more uncomfortable experience to drivers of left-
(0.149) expresses the odds ratio (the ratio of probability of turning vehicles when confronted with right-turning vehicles
occurrence of an event to the probability of nonoccurrence competing for the same lane. Unfavorable road conditions of
of an event). Based on the value, if other factors remain the two-lane minor road may lead to dangerous behaviors such
same, replacing a two-lane minor road with a four-lane minor as those indicated by abnormal vehicle path.
road will result in 1 − 0.149 = 85.1% increase in the odds that The coefficient for running speed of left-turning vehicle
normal vehicle paths are taken by drivers performing left- is negative, which indicates that probability of normal path
turning maneuvers from minor road approach. Traditionally, decreases with increase of running speed of left-turning
increasing the number of lanes has been used to increase vehicle. More specifically, drivers who drive faster on minor
capacity and level of service. However, based on the findings road approach before performing left-turning operations are
of this study, it can be concluded that the number of lanes less likely to choose a normal path. The value of the odds ratio
on the minor road at unsignalized intersection also has (0.828) means that a one-unit increase in running speed of
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7
0.95 0.95
Vm = 55 km/hour Vm = 35 km/hour
0.85 0.85
Probability (Y = 1)
Probability (Y = 1)
0.75 0.75
Vm = 40 km/hour Vm = 20 km/hour
0.65 0.65
0.55 0.55
0.45 0.45
0.35 0.35
Vm = 70 km/hour Vm = 50 km/hour
0.25 0.25
0.15 0.15
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time headway (seconds) Time headway (seconds)
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Probability curves for intersections. (a) Intersection with four lanes on the minor road (𝑉𝑙 = 25 km/hour). (b) Intersection with
two lanes on the minor road (𝑉𝑙 = 18 km/hour).
left-turning vehicle leads to a 17.2% decrease in the odds of Table 3: Classification table.
normal path, assuming that all other factors remain constant.
Observed Estimated path type Percentage of correct predictions
A possible explanation is that when a vehicle is running at a path type 0 1
faster speed before turning left, it will be difficult for the driver
to stop completely before stop line if there are conflicting 0 24 18 57.1%
vehicles on major road. Under such circumstance, drivers 1 12 95 88.8%
tend to take an abnormal path. Overall
Similarly, the coefficient for running speed of vehicle on percentage — — 79.9%
major road is negative, implying that probability of normal of correct
path decreases with increase of running speed of vehicle on predictions
major road. More specifically, when vehicles on major road —: not applicable.
run at a faster speed, vehicle paths of left-turning vehicles
from minor road approach are less likely to be normal.
The value of the odds ratio (0.965) means that a one-unit correct predictions is 79.9%. The resulting classification table
increase in running speed of vehicle on major road leads to a is provided in Table 3, which implies that predictions of the
3.5% decrease in the odds of normal path, assuming that all model are in good agreement with observed facts. Therefore,
other factors remain constant. When drivers of vehicles on the model can be used to predict possibility of normal path
minor road approach are preparing to turn left, faster moving in various situations.
vehicles on major road pose impending hazards. To avoid To better understand influences of various factors, prob-
potential conflicts and accidents, drivers may tend to take a ability curves have been drawn to show how various factors
detoured abnormal path. impact probability of normal path while vehicles make left
Lastly, the coefficient for time headway of vehicles on turns from minor road approach by using (3). Probability
major road is positive, indicating that probability of normal for normal path is depicted as a function of time headway
path increases with increase of time headway of vehicles on of vehicles on major road (holding all other explanatory
major road. Besides, as is known, traffic volume is an inverse variables at a fixed value). To facilitate analysis of the impact
proportion function of time headway of vehicles. Therefore, of 𝑉𝑚 (running speed of vehicle on major road), three
when traffic volume of major road becomes lower, time probability curves are drawn separately for an intersection,
headway increases and vehicle paths of left-turning vehicles assuming three typical values of 𝑉𝑚 . Figure 2 is provided as
from minor road approach are more likely to be normal. The an example to demonstrate the shape of the probability curves
value of the odds ratio (1.119) means that a one-unit increase for intersection with four lanes on the minor road assuming
in time headway of vehicles on major road leads to a 11.9% 𝑉𝑙 (running speed of left-turning vehicle) is 25 km/hour and
increase in the odds of normal path, assuming that all other intersection with two lanes on the minor road assuming 𝑉𝑙 is
factors remain constant. The reasons for such a phenomenon 18 km/hour.
are quite obvious. When time headway of vehicles increases, The curves indicate that probability for normal path
drivers of vehicles on minor road approach are provided increases with the increase of 𝑇𝑚 (time headway of vehicles
with more opportunity to make a normal left turn without on major road). The fact that probability curves with smaller
detouring abnormally. values of 𝑉𝑚 are above those with larger ones implies that
Further analysis indicates that performance of the model drivers are more likely to take normal path when they are con-
is acceptable. For abnormal path (𝑌 = 0), percentage of cor- fronted with slower moving vehicles on major road. Accord-
rect predictions is 57.1%. For normal path (𝑌 = 1), percentage ing to Figure 2(a), for intersection with four lanes on the
of correct predictions is 88.8%. The overall percentage of minor road, assuming 𝑉𝑙 is 25 km/hour, if 𝑉𝑚 is 40 km/hour,
8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
probability for normal path becomes higher than probability while they are approaching intersections or adding more
for abnormal path once 𝑇𝑚 reaches 5.2 seconds. However, if lanes on minor road can be used to encourage more drivers
vehicles on major road are running at a higher speed, such as to take normal vehicle path, which will in turn lead to
55 and 70 km/hour, longer 𝑇𝑚 is needed for drivers to prefer improvement of traffic safety and efficiency at unsignalized
normal path. If 𝑉𝑚 is 55 km/hour, the critical time headway is intersections.
10 seconds. For 70 km/hour, the critical time headway is 14.9
seconds. Similarly, according to Figure 2(b), for intersection 5. Conclusions
with two lanes on the minor road, assuming 𝑉𝑙 is 18 km/hour,
if 𝑉𝑚 is 20, 35, and 50 km/hour, respectively, the critical time The results of this study can assist researchers and practition-
headway is 4.2, 9, and 13.9 seconds. ers in further understanding impacting factors underlying
vehicle driver’s abnormal behaviors when driving at unsignal-
4. Discussions ized intersections. The prediction model can be used to quan-
tify the impacts of various explanatory variables on vehicle
This study evaluated how various factors affected vehicle path of left-turning vehicles from minor road. Designers can
paths while drivers were making left turns from minor road also use the model to evaluate how geometric designs such as
approach at unsignalized intersection. Two typical intersec- number of lanes and design speeds affect vehicle movements
tions were selected as the field observation sites. Data were at unsignalized intersections. The research results have the
collected with the assistance of a video camera. Six types of propensity to help transportation decision-makers develop
left-turning vehicle paths were observed. Two of them (type technical guidelines governing the design and management
1 and type 2) were normal paths and the other four types of unsignalized intersections.
(type 3, type 4, type 5, and type 6) were abnormal paths. Improvement needs to be made in order to rectify the
Characteristics of these types of vehicle paths were discussed. limitations in this study. Except for paths of left-turning
Data for type 1 (normal path) and type 3 (abnormal path) vehicles from minor road, other vehicle paths such as those
vehicle path were used in model calibration. of left-turning and right-turning vehicles from major road
By applying binary logistic analysis, a probability pre- should also be explored. This can lead to more comprehensive
diction model was developed to explore all sorts of factors understanding of how vehicles from various approaches
that affect the probability of normal path. It was found that interact with each other at unsignalized intersections, based
number of lanes on minor road, running speed of left-turning upon which effective measures can be taken to influence
vehicle, running speed of vehicle on major road, and time driver’s behavior in a positive way.
headway of vehicles on major road significantly affected
probability of normal path. Performance of the model is
Competing Interests
acceptable and the overall percentage of correct predictions
is 79.9%. The authors declare that there are no competing interests
Based upon the probability prediction model for normal regarding the publication of this paper.
path, replacing a two-lane minor road with a four-lane minor
road will result in 85.1% increase in the odds of normal path,
assuming that all other factors remain constant. A one-unit Acknowledgments
increase in running speed of left-turning vehicle leads to a
This research was jointly supported by Humanity and Social
17.2% decrease in the odds of normal path and a one-unit
Science Youth Foundation of Ministry of Education of China
increase in running speed of vehicle on major road leads to a
(Project no.: 10YJCZH214) and National Natural Science
3.5% decrease in the odds of normal path. In addition, a one-
Foundation of China (Project no.: 51278103). Their assistance
unit increase in time headway of vehicles on major road leads
is greatly appreciated.
to a 11.9% increase in the odds of normal path.
Probability curves have been drawn to show relationship
between probability of normal path and time headway of References
vehicles on major road. The curves can be used to visually
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9
Journal of Journal of
Mathematics and
Discrete Mathematics