Introduction To Measurement Methods Introduction To Measurement Methods
Introduction To Measurement Methods Introduction To Measurement Methods
Introduction To Measurement Methods Introduction To Measurement Methods
Special Conditions
• Drag ( Wetline / Dryline corrections )
• Oblique angle of flow
• Rapidly changing stage
Computation of Discharge
One may wonder as to why a large number of stations located on various rivers across India operate
all the year round to measure river discharge and concurrent water level. In order to steer clear of
any doubt, let us visualize the existence of a few structures that often open up before our eyes, such
as Dams, Barrages, Rail and Road Bridges, Canals, and many more. Have you ever thought of extent
of works involved d in planning, design and execution of these structures? Or, have you ever
imagined impact on us, if there were no such structures around us. Most likely, the answer is
negative. Without debating the role of these structures for brevity, it is enough to stress
st here that
proportion of all such structures are largely dictated by analyses based on hydro-meteorological
data collected at these stations. Secondly, since basin characteristics and river regime both exhibit
continuous changes, it is equally important to gather data at judiciously adopted intervals. The
Central Water Commission under Ministry of Water Resources, Govt of India alone maintains over
900 stations (For details, pl visit: ).
Whilst a wide range of techniques to record river discharge are available, in this module, our focus
will be pointed to river discharge estimation by velocity-area method only. Alternative options, such
as slope-area method, float method etc. are available, and can be engaged at a particular site, if
velocity area method approach is limited by the geometric and hydraulic characteristics of the
channel, and by the facilities and instruments available at the site.
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As the name suggests, in this method, discharge is computed by measuring river depths and
velocity at a number of regularly or irregularly spaced verticals as shown in figure below.
This set of information is eventually integrated by mid-section method to determine river discharge.
This satisfies the equation Q = A * V. Succeeding paragraphs of this module elaborate these aspects
in greater depth.
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For small rivers less than 10 metres in width the following selection criteria are recommended:
Additional Conditions
Two additional verticals not included in the above are required close to each of the two water's
edges (banks).
In all instances depths and velocities made at the waters edge are additional to above.
The difference in water depth between two adjacent verticals should not exceed 50% of the
The difference in velocity between non
non-zero sampless taken at the same proportion of depth in
adjacent verticals shall not exceed 50% of the smaller.
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The measurement of the width of the channel and of individual segments or finding the position
across the river relative to a fixed reference, are obtained by measuring the distance from or to a
fixed reference point on the river bank. The technique selected depends on the width of the channel
and the method of deployment used for gauging.
• Wading gauging
• Bridges
• Fixed cableways with bankside winch (unmanned instrument carriage)
• Fixed cableways with cable car (winch and cradle/manned trolley)
• If gauging is by boat, it includes following techniques:
Of several alternatives as listed above, often used method in field is 'Pivot Point Method' shown
right; where position of a boat is fixed with two rays merging at point M, in the middle of river.
Here, all other points, such as D, C, E and N are marked on the bank, and inter-distance between
these points help estimate MD - the distance of vertical/boat from a benchmark point D. By
switching the position of N, i.e. different CN values, boat position at other points can be easily
determined. In another approach, an officer is seen here holding a sextant to determine the location
of his boat along the measuring section.
Another layout of 'Pivot Point Method' shown here defines various positions of boats across the
river by holding flags at E1, E2 - one by one. Either of the two methods can be used in field
according to site condition.
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Once a team establishes its position at a pre-defined vertical in the middle of river, their next target
is to measure river depth. The method of depth measurement during gauging depends on depth and
velocity and whether done by wading, cableway, bridge or boat. Depth and position in the vertical
are measured by rigid rod or by a sounding weight suspended from a cable provided that velocities
are not too high. Regardless of what method is opted for, at least two observations of depth are
suggested at each vertical and the mean of the two values used for area and discharge computation.
o Wading rods
o Sounding rods
o Sounding reels and cables (including wet- and airline correction)
o Echo-sounder
For a shallow river/stream, normally wading or sounding rods is used to measure depth. For deeper
rivers, and where velocity is high, eco-sounder is commonly used instrument. The sounding
transducer mounted underwater, releases bursts of ultrasonic energy at fixed intervals and the
instrument measures the time required for these pulses of energy to travel to the stream bed and to
be reflected and return to the transducer. With the known propagation velocity of sound in water,
the sounder computes and records the depth on a strip chart, dial, data logger or portable PC. Here,
in the picture, observer is seen measuring the depth by wading rod.
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There are two types of current (point velocity) meter which are used in India.
The rotating element current meter operates on the proportionality between local flow velocity and
the local angular velocity of the meter rotor. The relationship between velocity and rotor speed is
usually established experimentally by towing the meter at various velocities through sensibly still
water and recording the revolutions of the rotor.
Optionally, a calibration chart can also be used to read velocity against speed of impeller.
Generally for most Indian applications it is recommended that an exposure time of 60 seconds be
adopted. If the velocities are very low and there are less than 20 counts in fifty seconds the exposure
time should be increased to 100 seconds.
Alternatively the time it takes to record 20 revolutions should be measured. In situations where the
stage is varying rapidly it is possible that the exposure time could be reduced to 30 seconds.
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A limited number of current meters (often 2) are available for gauging at a particular station,
usually a standard larger diameter (100 to 125 mm diameter) and a smaller diameter Pygmy
meter. The larger diameter meter will be used for bridge, cableway and boat measurement but
for wading gauging the meter chosen will depend on the depth of flow.
The selected current meter should normally not be used in water less than four times the
diameter of the impeller because the registration of the meter is affected by its proximity to the
water surface and the bed. Thus a standard 100 mm diameter meter should not normally be
used when the depth of water across the section is less than 0.4 metres. In addition, ISO 748
recommends that the horizontal axis of the current meter is situated at a distance not less than
one and a half times the rotor height from the water surface or three times the rotor height from
the bed. In particular no part of the meter should break the surface of the water. Where only a
small number of verticals (< 4) exist on the river margins with a depth less than 0.4 m, it is
usually not profitable to change to a smaller meter.
The miniature (Pygmy) meter is best suited for gauging in depths of less than 0.5 metres when
the expected velocity is less than the meter's maximum calibration velocity (usually about 1
In general, meters should be selected which will operate within their calibration range, and
particular consideration should be given to performance and the minimum speed of response in
rivers with very low velocities.
If a river is too deep or too rapid to wade, the current meter is
suspended from a boat, bridge or cableway. A sounding
weight is suspended below the current meter to keep it
stationary in the water. The weight also prevents damage to
the meter when the assembly is lowered to the bed provided
the instrument is handled carefully and the bed can be
detected. The size of the sounding weight used in current
meter measurements depends on the depth and velocity in the
cross section. As a rule of thumb the size of the weight in kg
should be greater than 5 times the product of velocity (m/sec)
and depth (metres).
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If the velocity distribution in a vertical is close to the regular classical form then it can be assumed
that the mean velocity occurs at 0.6 of the depth (D) from the surface i.e. 0.6D. The one (0.6D) and
two point (0.2D & 0.8D) methods are adequate for most routine fieldwork. The former is used for
depths less than 1.0 m and the latter for depths greater than a 1.0m, but for the latter also the 0.6D
method may be used. In some cases it is only possible to use the surface velocity method in which
case the surface velocity is multiplied to a coefficient similar to that for a surface water float, say
0.85. Such coefficients should be confirmed by estimating the mean velocity by another method.
An alternative to 0.6D is to position the current meter at 0.5D and multiply the resulting velocity by
0.95 to obtain the mean in the vertical. An experiment conducted at a river station northern India
reveals that for smoother velocity profiles, average velocities are more or less same, independent of
method used to determine it.
NOTE: In terms of reducing the overall uncertainty in the discharge measurement it is better to use more
verticals than trying to measure more points in the vertical.
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A measuring tape or tag line is stretched across the river at right angles to the direction of flow. The
positions of successive verticals used for depth and velocity are located by horizontal measurements
from a reference marker (initial point) on the bank usually defined by a pin or a monument.
The position of the operator is important to ensure that the operator's body does not affect the flow
pattern at or approaching the current meter. The best position is to stand facing one or other of the
banks, slightly downstream from the meter and at arm's length from it. The rod is kept vertical
throughout the measurement and the meter parallel to the direction of flow. In very narrow
channels, avoid standing in the water if feet and legs would occupy a considerable percentage of the
cross section; stand on a plank or other support rather than in the water if conditions permit.
Wading rods are usually marked in centimetres and measurements made to the nearest 5 mm
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Cableways are normally used when the depth of flow is too deep for wading, when wading in a
swift current is considered dangerous or when the measuring section is too wide to string a tag line
or tape across it.
The operating procedure depends on the type of cableway, whether it is an unmanned instrument
carriage controlled from the bank by means of a winch, or a manned personnel carriage or cablecar
which travels across the river to make the observations.
In the case of the unmanned cableway, the operator on the bank is able to move the current meter
and sounding weight and to place the current meter at the desired point in the river by means of
distance and depth counters on the winch. The electrical pulses from the current meter are returned
through a coaxial suspension cable and registered on a revolution counter.
The manned cableway is provided with a support for a gauging reel, a guide pulley for the
suspension cable and a protractor for reading the vertical angle of the suspension cable.
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When a river cannot be waded, suitable bridges may be used for current meter measurement and
intervals on the chosen side (upstream or downstream) marked in advance at a small enough
interval to allow sufficient vertical to be taken when the width of flow is at a minimum.
Low footbridges can sometimes be used on a small stream with rod suspension with extension rods.
The procedure in low velocities is the same as for a wading measurement but the procedure for
obtaining the depth in higher velocities should be modified to eliminate errors caused by the water
piling up on the upstream face of the rod as follows:
For road bridges care must be taken to ensure that road traffic does not endanger the gauging team
or other road users. Particular precaution must be taken on narrow bridges without pedestrian
walkways. Warning signs should be set up at appropriate distances on both approaches and the area
of working clearly delimited by marker cones. Additional precautions should be taken when the
section is subject to the passage of river traffic, with one team member stationed as a lookout to give
warning of approaching craft with sufficient time to reel in the suspended equipment.
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Discharge measurements are made from boats where no gauging cableways or suitable bridges are
available and the river is too deep to wade. The boat is held in place in the measuring section either
by fixing to a cable strung across the river (the boat/cableway method) or by using an adequately
powered boat.
If the maximum depth in the section is less than 3 metres and the velocity is low, rods can be used
for measuring the depth and supporting the current meter. Otherwise cable suspension with a reel
and sounding weight is used as for bridge and cableway measurement.
Position in the cross section may be fixed by using markers on the supporting cableway, by tag line
from the shore, or by the use of a variety of surveying methods based on bankside flags. For a
particular station, the precise method of observation should be established in advance.
When a boat powered by a motor is used, it is often difficult to maintain it exactly on the transit line
throughout the measurement of velocity. Where the position of the boat can be established with
precision at the beginning and end of the velocity measurement, a correction to the observed
velocity can be made. CWC apply the following formula
where :
Vp = True velocity in m/sec
Vo = Observed velocity with the boat drifting, and
Vd = Drift velocity in m/sec (Drift in metres / Meter exposure time)
Personal safety is an important consideration in boat gauging, and velocity of flow in relation to the
power of the boat will limit the conditions under which gauging is possible. All members of the
crew should wear serviceable life jackets. The crew should always include one member specifically
assigned to the task of propelling, controlling and positioning the boat and that person should have
no other function. No gauging should be attempted on any section less than 500 metres upstream
from a weir, sluice, waterfall or rapids unless special safety measures have been provided (e.g.
rescue vessel).
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There are a number of conditions associated with cableway, bridge and boat gauging which require
additional measurement and computation. These include cableway drag and consequent depth
corrections, corrections for oblique angle of flow and the effects of rapid changes in stage during the
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When measurements are made by suspending the current meter in deep swift water, it is carried
downstream before the weight touches the bottom (Figure 1). The length of cable paid out is more
than the true depth. In order to obtain the corrected depth, dry/air line and wet line corrections,
which are functions of the vertical angle p, are applied to the observed depth, where the angle p is
measured by a fixed protractor.
Figure 1
Definition sketch for dry line and wet line corrections
1. Measure the vertical distance from the guide pulley on the gauging reel to the water surface
using the reel counter. This is (ab) the "air
"air-line" depth.
2. Place the bottom of the weight at the water surface and set the depth counter on the gauging
reel to read zero.
3. Lower the weight to the bed. Read the sounded depth (ce) and the vertical angle ? of the cable
on the protractor.
4. The air-line correction (cd) iss air
air-line depth (ab) * (sec p - 1).
5. Calculate the wet line length as (sounded depth - air line correction) (de = ce - cd)
6. The wet line correction for given angle p is shown in Table below. The correction is applied to
wet line depth.
7. Wet line depth minus wet line correction is true depth of water.
The total length of a sounding line when the sinker weight is touching the bed of a river = 7.55
m. The depth from guide pulley to surface = 3.0 m. The angle between the vertical and the
sounding line at the point of suspension i.e. p = 20o . What is the true depth of the vertical?
Propeller type meters on rod, held firmly at right angles to the cross section will measure the
component velocity in such oblique flows and do not need correction. However, cup-type meters
and propeller meters on cable suspension align themselves directly into the current and require
correction by multiplying the measured velocity by the cosine of the angle between the current
direction and the normal direction.
where: θ = the angle between the direction of flow and the perpendicular to the cross-section.
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The mean gauge height corresponding to the measured discharge is used in plotting the stage-
discharge relationship or rating curve for gauging stations. An accurate determination of the gauge
height is therefore as important as the accurate measurement of discharge. Where the change in
gauge height during a measurement is less than 0.05 m, the arithmetic mean of the gauge heights at
the start and end of the measurement can usually be taken as the mean gauge height. However if the
gauge height changes rapidly and irregularly, the mean is obtained by weighting the gauge height
readings taken during the gauging by the corresponding measured segment discharges that they
Sometimes water level changes so rapidly, especially during rising flood conditions, which it is
difficult to assign a mean gauge height to the gauging if the normal number of intervals and
exposure time is adopted. In these circumstances it is legitimate to simplify the gauging such that it
can be completed in less than 30 minutes. The following simplifications may be made, either singly
or in combination.
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The computation of discharge can be attempted by mid-section method. In India, agencies involved
in collection of discharge observation activities use SWDES software - a freeware for computation of
discharge, storage of a range of hydro-meteorological data and its primary validation. This software
estimates discharge value following mid-section method. Secondary and basin level data validation
and analyses are accomplished with HYMOS software.
Here below are steps enumerated for discharge estimation by Mid-section
section method for a river cross-
section layout shown here. Water edge begins at relative distance(RD) 7.0m on left bank, and ends at
RD 59m opposite bank. Schematic below displays RDs & corresponding depth. Velocity was
recorded at 0.6d at each vertical.
1. Segment Width: Since the mid-section method assumes that the velocity sampled at each
vertical represents a mean velocity in a segment, the segment width (and area) extends from
half the distance from the preceding vertical to half the distance to the next. Here, in the
current example, barring end segments on either ends, all verticals are 5m apart
ai = di * (bi+1 - bi-1) / 2
where, bi+1, bi-1 =distances from an initial (reference) point on the bank to verticals i +1 and i -
1, di = depth of flow at vertical. Let us denote first RD & its depth as bi-1 & di-1 respectively.
3. Segment Velocity: Velocity at a point is read from the appropriate current meter rating table
for given revolutions and time. Corrections as required are made for skewed flow and drift.
For measurements at 0.6d only, the vertical and segment velocity are the same as the point
velocity. For 2-point measurement at 0.2 and 0.8 the segment velocity is the mean of the two
velocities. However, when the cross section boundary is vertical at the edge (e.g. bridge
abutments and piers), the segment velocity may not be zero and it is usually necessary to
estimate the velocity at the end segments as a percentage of the velocity on the adjacent
vertical because it may not be possible to place the current meter close to the boundary
4. Segment Discharge: Segment discharge is the product of segment area and velocity. In
algebraic terms this is as follows:
qi = viai
Q= qi
6. Wetted Perimeter is determined by equation shown below
7. A discharge computation sheet shown below presents calculations involved in estimation of
discharge and other parameters by mid-section method. This sheet can be downloaded by
users. A tiny triangle in red at upper right corner of few cells contains comments and hints
that will guide users finish their assignment. User may upload a complete assignment sheet
for its evaluation; once this particular assignment is over
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1. Design and Field Manual of Hydrometry published under Hydrology Project Phase -I
2. World Meteorological Organization Document on Stream Gauging by Conventional Current
Meter Method
Module Developed by
Anup Kumar Srivastava
National Water Academy
Pune, India