Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation Independent
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation Independent
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Rationale Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation Independent
2. Helps increase
2. O2 O2 supply in the
Reference: administration as body. It lessens
Medical-Surgical ordered by MD. the effort of the
Nursing, Maxine body to
L. Patrick compensate for
O2 defiency.
3. Promotes
3. Provision of vasodilation in
supplemental the airway that
humidification leads to increase
such as O2 supply in
nebulization and circulation.
steam inhalation as
ordered by MD.
4. To clear airway
4. Suction when secretions
nasal/oral as block it.
Nursing Care Plan
1. Refer to
laboratory for
sputum collection,
chest x-ray and
Health Teaching:
To help liquefy
Encourage the secretions.
mother/ relatives to
increase patient's
fluid intake to at
least 1500 ml/day.
Encourage the vasodilation of
mother/relatives to airway.
provide warm
liquids rather than
cold as appropriate.
To prevent
Instruct the mother aspiration into
to avoid the use of lungs.
oil-based products
around the nose.
Prevents or
Instruct the lessens fatigue.
to provide time to
Nursing Care Plan
1. Administration of 1. Medications
medications ordered helps rid
(antibiotics) as of
ordered by MD. microorganisms. It
speeds resolution
of bacterial
leading to
improved gas
2. O2 2. Helps increase
administration as O2 supply in the
ordered by MD. body. It lessens the
effort of the body
to compensate for
O2 defiency.
3. Provision of 3. Promotes
supplemental vasodilation in the
humidification such airway that leads
as nebulization and to increase O2
Nursing Care Plan
Health Teaching:
to provide time to
2. Refer to
laboratory for To note if there is
white blood cell an existing
count and for infection
Nursing Care Plan
culture and
sensitivity tests.
Health Teaching
1. Instruct the 1. Prevents
mother the dehydration due
importance of to insensible fluid
maintaining her loss.
son well-hydrated
during febrile
episodes. Patient
should drink plenty
of water and milk
as tolerated.
4. Discuss 4. Prevent
precipitating occurrence of
factors of fever fever and other
with the mother health-related
Nursing Care Plan