Mpc1 Multi Purpose Can Controller - Reference Manual: Baldur Gíslason December 17, 2018

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Contents Contents


Baldur Gíslason

December 17, 2018


1 Introduction 2

2 Wiring 3
2.1 Pin-outs and description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.1 Pin numbering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 Connector A pin-out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.2 Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2.1 Filtered CAN routing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1. Introduction

1 Introduction

MPC1 is a multi purpose CAN controller, capable of routing data across

two incompatible CAN networks, intercepting and modifying selected
data passing between two legs of an otherwise compatible network, reading
speed or analog sensors and outputting the values onto a CAN network or
controlling tachometers, speedometers, relays or PWM consumers based
on data received via CAN or any combination of these functions all at
There are a number of user configurable logic functions as well as general
purpose PID controllers, general purpose lookup functions and more.

2. Wiring

2 Wiring

2.1 Pin-outs and description

2.1.1 Pin numbering

Figure 2.1: Connector A

2. Wiring 2.1. Pin-outs and description

2.1.2 Connector A pin-out

Pin I/O Function Note
1 OUT 5V supply for 200mA max
2 IN Analog 0 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
3 IN Analog 1 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
4 OUT Ground return
for sensors
5 IN Analog 4 0-5V 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
6 IN Analog 5 0-5V 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
7 IO CAN 1 high 120Ω termination on board
8 IO CAN 1 low 120Ω termination on board
9 OUT Output 1 Low-side switch, 5A max
10 OUT Output 2 Low-side switch, 5A max
11 IN Analog 7 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
12 IN Power ground
13 IN Analog 6 51kΩ pull-up to 5V
14 IN Analog 2 3kΩ pull-up
15 IN Analog 3 3kΩ pull-up
16 IO CAN 2 high 120Ω termination on board
17 IO CAN 2 low 120Ω termination on board
18 IN Digital in 1 6kΩ pull-up to 5V. 12V and AC tolerant
(suitable for VR speed sensors)
19 IN Digital in 2 6kΩ pull-up to 5V. 12V and AC tolerant
(suitable for VR speed sensors)
20 IN Digital in 3 6kΩ pull-up to 5V. 12V and AC tolerant
(suitable for VR speed sensors)
21 OUT Output 4 Low-side switch, 5A max
22 OUT Output 3 Low-side switch, 5A max
23 IN Digital in 4 6kΩ pull-up to 5V. 12V and AC tolerant
(suitable for VR speed sensors)
24 IN Switched
+12V supply
The combined current of all 4 low side switch outputs should not exceed

2. Wiring 2.2. Usage

2.2 Usage
The PC interface application, BG Calibrator, can be downloaded from and firmware updates for the controller
may be found at
The remaining sections of this chapter describe different usage scenarios.

2.2.1 Filtered CAN routing

In this scenario, a previously whole CAN network can be broken into
two segments and the MPC1 controls what data passes through and
can edit the contents of selected packets. Typically used to recalibrate
speedometers or change the source of the speed information that passes to
certain devices on the CAN network.
Configure each of the CAN networks to the correct speed and set both of
the CAN routing parameters to unfiltered initially. Verify that the CAN
network is operational after power cycling the controller.
If selected packets that pass from CAN 1 to CAN 2 should be blocked or
have their contents altered, set the CAN 1 to CAN 2 routing parameter
to filtered, and vice versa for packets passing the other direction.
The CAN bus 1 ingress filter rules control routing of packets received on
CAN 1 passing to CAN 2. This works sort of like a networking firewall.
First populate the routing IDs that need special treatment, starting from
the bottom row (numbered 0 in the routing IDs list). The first row that
has an ID of 0 is treated as the default rule for any ID not listed.
Next set up the routing actions table. The routing actions table mirrors
the IDs set up in the IDs table and offers a number of different actions.
A pass action lets the packet pass unmodified over to the other CAN
network. A drop action prevents the packet from crossing the networks.
An edit action selects one of the edit rules that may be applied to the
When the action table is parsed by the controller for each incoming
packet it starts at the bottom and advances up until it has found a rule
matching the ID of the incoming packet or an ID of zero.
The routing rules may be optional, by default the conditions table would
have all the rules set to always on, but if a condition input (switch, logic
condition or something else) is selected, an alternative action may be
selected for that rule when the input is off.

The edit rules allow up to 4 parameters inside a packet passing through

to be edited in place.
First select a data type for each of the parameter you would like to edit,
the type names signify signed/unsigned, the number of bits to the integer
and little or big endian. For example u16be would signify unsigned 16
bits big endian, s8 signified signed 8 bits (no endian for data types of 8
bits or smaller). Most automotive systems use big endian numbers.
Data length cut off should normally be set to 0 for each parameter, but
it allows the editing of parameters that may not be a multiple of 8 bits
in size. For example if a parameter has 15 bits of integer data with the

2. Wiring 2.2. Usage

upper most bit used for other purposes, use the data length cut off to
limit that parameter to 15 bits to avoid conflict with the most significant
Next set the byte location (offset) of the item inside the CAN frame. A
value from 0-7 unless the item is of type bit, then the offset can be from 0
to 63.
Replacement data source allows discarding the original data and replace
it with data from another source. If this is not desired, select ’Keep
original’ in that table.
The data selected is then multiplied by the multiplier and the adder can
add or subtract from it. The result is overflow protected.

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