What Is Description or Descriptive Study
What Is Description or Descriptive Study
What Is Description or Descriptive Study
Mere Description
This article attempts to reformulate and resuscitate the seemingly prosaic methodological task of
description, which is often derided in favour of causal analysis. First, the problem of definition is
addressed: what does this category of analysis (‘description’) refer to? Secondly, a taxonomy of
descriptive arguments is offered, emphasizing the diversity contained within this genre of empirical
analysis. Thirdly, the demise of description within political science is charted over the past century,
with comparisons to other disciplines. Fourthly, it is argued that the task of description ought to
be approached independently, not merely as a handmaiden of causal theories. Fifthly, the
methodological difficulties of descriptive inference are addressed. Finally, fruitful research areas
within the rubric of description are reviewed.
* Department of Political Science, Boston University (email: [email protected]). This article has
benefited enormously from comments received from Robert Adcock, Ben Bishin, Fred Chernoff, Michael
Coppedge, Zachary Elkins, Colin Elman, Gary Goertz, Andy Harris, Patrick Johnston, Evan Lieberman,
Drew Linzer, James Mahoney, Fred Schaffer, Andreas Schedler, Carsten Schneider and David Waldner.
The author is also grateful to Joshua Yesnowitz, who conducted the content analysis for Figures 2–4.
Abraham Kaplan, The Conduct of Inquiry: Methodology for Behavioral Science (San Francisco:
Chandler, 1964), p. 85.
It is not clear when, precisely, this pejorative connotation arose. It was invoked, or commented on, in
the social science literature at various points in the mid-to-late twentieth century (e.g., Lester E. Klimm,
‘Mere Description’, Economic Geography, 35:1 (1959), unnumbered; Amartya Sen, ‘Description as
Choice’, Oxford Economic Papers, 32 (1980), 353–69; J. David Singer, ‘The Level-of-Analysis Problem in
International Relations’, World Politics, 14 (1961), 77–92). However, it probably stretches back further in
time within the tradition of Anglo-American economics and political science (e.g., John Clark and Joseph
Banks, ‘Description of an Extraordinary Production of Human Generation, with Observations’,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 83 (1793), 154–63, p. 157).
These areas are reviewed briefly in the concluding section of this article.
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highly fragmented universe of work devoted to specific topics (often under special
disciplinary nomenclatures) – concepts, measurement, descriptive statistics, inference
from sample to population, ethnography, and so forth – with no recognition that these
might add up to a coherent whole (despite their evident interconnections). Description
awaits a convincing synthetic account. Indeed, there may be doubts about whether one
can say anything at all that pertains to this broad and seemingly incoherent subject.
I begin by addressing the problem of definition. What does description mean, or what
should it mean? Secondly, I offer a taxonomy of descriptive arguments intended to
delineate the diversity contained within this genre of empirical analysis. Thirdly, I address
the status of description in political science, charting its decline over the past century and
arguing that a shift of emphasis from description to causation marks a dramatic
reorientation of the field, outstripping parallel developments in other scientific disciplines.
Fourthly, I make the case for approaching the task of description independently, rather
than simply as a handmaiden of causal theories. Fifthly, I address the methodological
difficulties of descriptive inference relative to causal inference. The article concludes with
a brief summary of research areas within the rubric of description that seem especially
Implicit in this article is the notion that description can be integrated into the social-
scientific method (understood, for present purposes, as the attempt to study human action
in a systematic, rigorous, empirical fashion).4 Far from being critical of the scientific ideal,
this article will take the view that political science has misunderstood that ideal.
Causality and description are intimately related; one cannot be understood without the
other. Consequently, throughout this article I shall compare and contrast these two ways
of comprehending the world. Unfortunately, although everyone agrees that description
should be distinguished from causation, there is great disagreement over what it is,
precisely, that distinguishes the two realms. Evidently, a good deal rides on the way in
which this set of polar concepts is defined.5 So the definitional ground will be covered
slowly, and with great care.
I shall approach description and causation as types of arguments, i.e., assertions,
models, propositions, statements, or theories about the world. Arguments may be
advanced in prose and/or in formulas; the qualitative/quantitative distinction is not
relevant here.
A descriptive argument describes some aspect of the world. In doing so, it aims to
answer what questions (e.g., when, whom, out of what, in what manner) about a
phenomenon or a set of phenomena. Descriptive arguments are about what is/was. For
example: ‘Over the course of the past two centuries there have been three major waves of
For a compendium of definitions from prominent writers, see: www.gly.uga.edu/railsback/
1122sciencedefns.html. For work addressing the meaning of science in a more nuanced and extended
fashion, see Larry Laudan, Science and Values (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983); Simon
Schaffer, ‘What is Science?’, in John Krige and Dominique Pestre, eds, Science in the Twentieth Century
(Amsterdam: Overseas Publishers Association, 1997), pp. 27–42.
Indeed, readers who are unwilling to accept my terminological argument will find the rest of this
essay bewildering.
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Mere Description 723
By contrast, causal arguments attempt to answer why questions. Specifically, they assert
that one or more factors generate change in some outcome, or generated change on some
particular outcome.6 They imply a counterfactual.7 For example: ‘The third wave of
democratization was caused, in part, by the end of the Cold War.’8 It will be seen that
descriptive arguments are nested within causal arguments. Both X and Y are descriptive
statements about the world upon which the causal argument rests.
This provides a rough-and-ready way of distinguishing between these dominant forms
of argumentation. Below, I offer a taxonomy of descriptive arguments, which will serve to
further refine and define our topic. But, before moving on, it is essential to point out a few
contrasts with other definitions of ‘description’ that have been salient at one time or
another in the social sciences.
An older use of descriptive – still common in ethics, philosophy of science, and decision
theory – is as a synonym for non-evaluative, empirical, positive or constative.9 Thus,
arguments are sometimes classified as (a) descriptive or (b) normative. This is not the
meaning adopted here. Indeed, many descriptions (according to my own definition of the
term) have both evaluative and non-evaluative connotations.
It is sometimes averred that description is factual in nature, arising from directly
observable features of a case, while causal arguments are inferential since they involve a
counterfactual.10 My wide-ranging definition of description encompasses statements
about phenomena that are directly observable, allowing for arguments that arise
unproblematically from the facts of a case. However, most descriptive arguments of
concern to social science involve a degree of inference from what is known to what is
unknown. The inferential quality of a description may derive from the latent
(unmeasurable) quality of a concept, from problematic sources of data, from
problematic measurement instruments or coding procedures, from missing data, from
sample-to-population extrapolations, and so forth. There are many sources of uncertainty.
The lack of a counterfactual does not mean that descriptive arguments in the social sciences
involve fewer and less problematic assumptions about the world, a theme that we will
shortly take up.
It is commonly said that causal arguments provide explanation while descriptive
arguments provide understanding.11 However, the distinction is sometimes difficult to
sustain. Note that some causal arguments are more focused on causal effects than
on causal mechanisms, and thus do not provide an explicit explanation for X’s
This is a very minimal definition, to be sure. For a more extended discussion, see John Gerring,
Social Science Methodology: A Unified Framework, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2012), chaps 8–9, 13.
One can argue about whether counterfactuals are implied by cause-in-fact arguments. See Judea
Pearl, Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2009), chap. 10. Much depends on the implied or assumed temporal bounds of such arguments.
How questions partake of both worlds, which is to say, they can be differently viewed.
Keith E. Stanovich and Richard F. West, ‘Discrepancies between Normative and Descriptive Models
of Decision Making and the Understanding/Acceptance Principle’, Cognitive Psychology, 38 (1999),
One must infer what the outcome of a case might be if were exposed to the counterfactual condition.
Jon Elster, Explaining Social Behavior: More Nuts and Bolts for the Social Sciences (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 7; Martin Hollis and Steve Smith, Explaining and Understanding
International Relations (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990); Gary King, Robert O. Keohane and
Sidney Verba, Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1994).
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relationship to Y.12 Likewise, many descriptive arguments (as I have defined the subject)
may be viewed as performing an explanatory function.13 Other descriptive arguments may
provide little understanding. So, the distinction between explanation and understanding is
not always helpful in clarifying the distinction between causation and description, as
I have defined these terms.
Finally, we must wrestle with current usage of ‘descriptive’ and ‘causal’ within
mainstream methodological circles. Here, the principal objective is to distinguish carefully
between evidence that permits strong causal inference (without a lot of questionable
assumptions about the data-generating process) and evidence that does not. The term
causal is often reserved for the former (i.e., for experimental or quasi-experimental
evidence), while everything else is relegated to the category descriptive. Andrew Gelman
advises: ‘When describing comparisons and regressions, try to avoid ‘‘effect’’ and other
causal terms (except in clearly causal scenarios) and instead write or speak in descriptive
terms.’14 Some researchers go further, regarding all evidence as descriptive so as to
emphasize even more strongly the interpretive leap that causal inference requires.15
The problem with this way of dividing up the lexical terrain is that it deprives us of a
way to distinguish between different analytic goals – descriptive, causal or some other –
or, worse, it assumes that all analysis aims ultimately for causal inference. Note that
any attempt to appraise the truth-value of an empirical proposition must begin by
resolving what the goals of that proposition are. If a truth-claim is unclear it is impossible
to falsify. My perspective, therefore, is that the terms causal and descriptive should be
understood as forms of argumentation, not (or only secondarily) as characterizations of
the sort of evidence available for causal inference. A causal argument is an argument
about a (putatively) causal relationship; it may or may not be true and may or may not
be grounded in quasi-experimental evidence. Likewise, a descriptive argument is an
argument about a descriptive relationship, which may or may not have causal
In using these terms in this way I am keenly aware that every lexical choice elucidates
some features of the world and obscures others. Depending upon one’s methodological
goals and priorities, one may wish to define description in a variety of ways. Ultimately,
the justification for these definitional decisions rests on their productivity for the ongoing
work of social science.
It will already be apparent that description hides a diverse range of empirical assertions.
We perform very different actions when we describe. Yet, these activities are not limitless,
nor are they shapeless. Rather, each presupposes a somewhat different type of structure
and associated methodological criteria.
David Dessler, ‘Beyond Correlations: Toward a Causal Theory of War’, International Studies
Quarterly, 35 (1991), 337–55.
Alexander Wendt, ‘On Constitution and Causation in International Relations’, Review of
International Studies, 24 (1998), 101–17; Alexander Wendt, The Social Theory of International Politics
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Andrew Gelman, ‘Describing Descriptive Studies Using Descriptive Language, or the Practical
Virtues of Statistical Humility’, Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science (March 2009),
Christopher H. Achen, Interpreting and Using Regression (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1982), pp. 77–8.
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Mere Description 725
Particularizing Generalizing
One-dimensional Multi-dimensional
Syntheses Typologies
Descriptive arguments, I will argue, assume five archetypal forms: accounts, indicators,
associations, syntheses and typologies, as summarized in Figure 1. This is how social
science carves up nature at the descriptive level. These are the patterns that we look for
when attempting to describe events in the social world. This is what description means at
the level of argumentation.
Accounts refer to any analysis of an event or set of events with no explicit attempt to
generalize beyond the specifics of a particular case. When T. H. White remarks that John
F. Kennedy won the 1960 presidential election with a bare majority of votes (as reported
by the states to Congress), he is describing a specific event, with no intent to generalize.16
This style of description is common in historical and ethnographic narratives, including
some interpretivist work.17 Of course, a particularizing account may form a part of a
larger (causal or descriptive) argument; indeed, different types of claims are always nested
within each other. So, in labelling something as an account it is important to specify
whether one is speaking of a passage, a chapter or an entire work. Note also that
particularizing accounts may be inferential.18 Indeed, individual ‘facts’ are often obscure
and must, therefore, be inferred from a congeries of evidence, from our general knowledge
of the world, or from a formal theoretical model.
Other categories of description are generalizing; that is, they refer explicitly to a class of
events (which may or may not be larger than the sample under study). Of course,
generalizing is a matter of degree. There are no truly universal propositions (every
proposition has explicit or implicit scope conditions), just as there are no truly particular
facts (facts understood without any reference to context or to other known facts).
Nonetheless, it is helpful to distinguish between generalizing and particularizing
Theodore H. White, The Making of the President 1960 (New York: Atheneum House, 1961).
The goal of generalization remains in dispute within the interpretivist community. Contrast Norman
Denzin, ‘Interpretive Interactionism’, in Gareth Morgan, ed., Beyond Method: Strategies for Social
Research (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1983), pp. 129–46; and Malcolm Williams, ‘Interpretivism and
Generalisation’, Sociology, 34 (2000), 209–24.
Contra King, Keohane and Verba, Designing Social Inquiry, p. 34.
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statements about the world. It is also important to recognize that embracing the goal of
generalization does not imply a neglect of specific cases and events. What it means, rather,
is that the analytic goal of a case is to shed light on a larger class of cases, i.e., a
population.19 So viewed, a descriptive generalization, whether it takes a qualitative or
quantitative form, provides a ‘formula’20 or ‘theory’21 with which to describe some part
of the world.
An indicator aims to describe one feature (i.e., one dimension) of a population
based on the empirical manifestation of some phenomenon. It is univariate description.
Granted, the identified dimension may be the product of multiple measures which
do not perfectly co-vary – an index. Even so, an index claims to reduce this complexity to
a single dimension and, therefore, carries the empirical features of an indicator. So
defined, the concept of an indicator encompasses near-synonyms such as attribute,
dimension, factor, measure, property and variable. Note that the construction of an
indicator is equivalent to the task of measurement, as usually understood – assigning
cases to some sort of scale, and, in so doing, establishing a metric of equivalence
so that diverse observations can be directly and explicitly compared. Whatever the
terminology, an indicator is the primitive empirical proposition underlying all
other general propositions, descriptive or causal. Prominent indicators in political
science include those intended to measure democracy such as the Polity22 and Freedom
House23 indices.
Descriptive arguments about multidimensional components of a phenomenon, or the
properties of various units, are associational. Research has focused, for example, on the
degree to which involvement in politics is skewed towards the middle and upper classes in
the United States, i.e., on the association between social class and political engagement.24
Trend analysis seeks to discover a relationship between a phenomenon and time. For
example, Putnam argues that social capital in the United States has declined precipitously
since the 1930s and 1940s.25 Network analysis focuses on interrelationships between units
(which may be understood in spatial, temporal or functional ways). Frequently, political
scientists are concerned with networks among political and economic elites.26 Each of
these associational arguments has causal implications, to be sure. However, the
descriptive patterns are important, in and of themselves.
Some multidimensional arguments attempt to group together diverse dimensions into
distinct categories. If there is only one category of interest (others are not well defined),
John Gerring, Case Study Research: Principles and Practices (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2007).
Richard A. Berk, Regression Analysis: A Constructive Critique (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2004),
p. 207.
William G. Jacoby, ‘Levels of Measurement and Political Research: An Optimistic View’, American
Journal of Political Science, 43 (1999), 271–301.
Monty G. Marshall and Keith Jaggers, ‘Polity IV Project: Political Regime Characteristics and
Transitions, 1800–2006’, (2007), http://www.systemicpeace.org/polity/polity4.htm.
Freedom House, ‘Freedom in the World’ (2010), www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page515.
E. E. Schattschneider, The Semi-Sovereign People (New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1960);
Sidney Verba, Kay Lehman Schlozman and Henry Brady, Voice and Equality: Civic Voluntarism in
American Life (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995).
Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 2001).
David Knoke, Jeffrey Broadbent, Yutaka Tsujinaka and Franz Pappi, eds, Comparing Policy
Networks: Labor Politics in U.S., Germany, and Japan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996).
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Mere Description 727
this style of argument may be called synthetic. The claim here is that diverse attributes of a
topic revolve around a central theme which unifies the attributes, lending coherence to an
otherwise disparate set of phenomena. This is a common form of argumentation with
respect to national political cultures. Writers dispute whether American political culture is
best characterized as liberal/egalitarian,27 republican,28 or a mixture of both, along with
various ascriptive identities.29 Each offers a synthetic generalization of a broad and
diverse subject matter.
Where multiple categories are defined, the result is a typology. Here, the goal is to sort
phenomena into discrete categories that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive on the
basis of a uniform categorization principle or principles. Note that while the
categorization principle may be unidimensional the purpose of the typology is not
achieved unless it performs a grouping function. Apples and oranges are rightfully
separated into different categories of fruit because they are different from each other
along multiple dimensions (colour, taste, etc.).30
Typologies come in various forms, which may be briefly illustrated. A simple typology
has no further characteristics beyond the defining characteristics of a typology. Thus,
Finer divides up extant polities into four categories: Palace, Church, Nobility and
Forum.31 More complex typologies have additional attributes. A temporal typology, or
periodization, constructs categories according to discrete time-periods. For example, it is
sometimes argued that democratic transitions arrive in waves, each with distinctive
Louis Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America (New York: Harcourt, Brace, World, 1955); Alexis de
Tocqueville, Democracy in America, 2 vols (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945).
J. G. A. Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican
Tradition (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1975).
Rogers M. Smith, ‘Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz: The Multiple Traditions in America’,
American Political Science Review, 87 (1993), 549–66.
Confusingly, three words are often used semi-synonymously: typology, classification and taxonomy.
In my adopted usage, ‘taxonomy’ refers to a specific kind of typology. For work on these inter-related
subjects, see Kenneth D. Bailey, ‘Polythetic Reduction of Monothetic Property Space’, Sociological
Methodology, 4 (1972), 83–111; Vittorio Capecchi, ‘On the Definition of Typology and Classification in
Sociology’, Quality and Quantity, 2 (1968), 9–30; David Collier, Jody LaPorte and Jason Seawright,
‘Putting Typologies to Work: Levels of Measurement, Concept-Formation, and Analytic Rigor’, Political
Research Quarterly, 65 (2012), 217–32; Colin Elman, ‘Explanatory Typologies in Qualitative Studies of
International Politics’, International Organization, 59 (2005), 293–326; Alexander L. George and Andrew
Bennett, Case Studies and Theory Development (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2005), chap. 11; Peter
Lange and Hudson Meadwell, ‘Typologies of Democratic Systems: From Political Inputs to Political
Economy’, in Howard J. Wiarda, ed., New Directions in Comparative Politics (Boulder, Colo.: Westview,
1991), pp. 82–117; Gerhard Lenski, ‘Societal Taxonomies: Mapping the Social Universe’, Annual Review
of Sociology, 20 (1994), 1–26; Arend Lijphart, ‘Typologies of Democratic Systems’, Comparative Political
Studies, 1 (1968), 3–44; Alberto Marradi, ‘Classification, Typology, Taxonomy’, Quality & Quantity, 24
(1990), 129–57; John C. McKinney, ‘The Role of Constructive Typology in Scientific Sociological
Analysis’, Social Forces, 28 (1950), 235–40; John C. McKinney, ‘Polar Variables of Type Construction’,
Social Forces, 35 (1957), 300–6; John C. McKinney, ‘Typification, Typologies, and Sociological Theory’,
Social Forces, 48 (1969), 1–12; Helga Nowotny, ‘The Uses of Typological Procedures in Qualitative
Macrosociological Studies’, Quality & Quantity, 6 (1971), 3–37; Kevin B. Smith, ‘Typologies,
Taxonomies, and the Benefits of Policy Classification’, Policy Studies Journal, 30 (2002), 379–95; John
C. Whittaker, Douglas Caulkins and Kathryn A. Kamp, ‘Evaluating Consistency in Typology and
Classification’, Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 5 (1998), 129–64; H. V. Wiseman, Political
Systems: Some Sociological Approaches (New York: Praeger, 1966).
Samuel E. Finer, The History of Government, Vols. 1–3 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
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Renske Doorenspleet, ‘Reassessing the Three Waves of Democratization’, World Politics, 52 (2000),
384–406; Samuel P. Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century
(Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1991).
Some writers define ‘typology’ as having a matrix form. This usage seems more common in settings
where the typology is playing a causal role, i.e., where the intersection of two or more attributes explains
(causally) the values found in the resulting cells (Elman, ‘Explanatory Typologies in Qualitative Studies of
International Politics’). My understanding of a matrix typology does not preclude causal relationships,
but it does not presume them either. This is consistent with Collier, LaPorte and Seawright, ‘Putting
Typologies to Work’, who use the term ‘multidimensional typology’.
Robert A. Dahl, Polyarchy: Participation and Opposition (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press,
1971), p. 7.
David Collier and James E. Mahon Jr, ‘Conceptual ‘‘Stretching’’ Revisited: Adapting Categories in
Comparative Analysis’, American Political Science Review, 87 (1993), 845–55; George Lakoff, Women,
Fire, and Dangerous Things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1987).
Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, et al., ‘Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: A New
Approach’, Perspectives on Politics, 9 (2011), 247–67; see also David Held, Models of Democracy, 3rd edn
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 2006).
A more detailed treatment is offered in Gerring, Social Science Methodology, chap. 6.
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Mere Description 729
% of Total Articles
1900-1919 1920-1939 1940-1959 1960-1979 1980-1999
Frequently, these techniques are combined. Our topic therefore embraces mathematically-
based techniques for large-N analysis as well as non-mathematical approaches referred to
variously as ethnographic, interpretive, hermeneutic, narrative or qualitative.
Having defined our topic, we turn to the relative status of causal and descriptive
arguments within the discipline of political science. Of course, most work combines both
genres. It is difficult to characterize any study as purely descriptive or purely causal,
particularly when one considers that causal propositions build on descriptive
propositions. Nonetheless, it is usually possible to characterize the most important
contribution of a study as descriptive or causal. Thus, when speaking of these modes of
analysis I shall be inferring differences of degree: some studies are more descriptive in
orientation, others are more causal.
I will argue that causality has been granted preference over description in recent decades, at
least in mainstream American political science. In order to test this question in a systematic
fashion, several counting exercises are conducted. Each content analysis focuses on a small set
of top journals (presumed to be representative of the best mainstream work conducted in that
discipline) that are general in purview (rather than subfield specific), have a long and
continuous publication history, and are housed within the JSTOR database.
The first analysis focuses on three political science journals: American Political Science
Review (1906–99), American Journal of Political Science/Midwest Journal of Political
Science (1957–99), and World Politics (1948–99). For each two-decade period over the
past century an automated search is conducted for the following terms: cause, causal,
causality and causation. The number of articles including at least one of these search
terms is then calculated as a ratio of all articles published within each two-decade period.
Results, depicted in Figure 2, show a doubling of articles focused (at least peripherally)
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% of Total Articles
20 Causality
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
on causal questions – from 30 per cent in the first period to roughly 60 per cent in the
final period.
The second analysis is more fine-grained. Here, articles within American Political
Science Review are hand-coded by a research assistant to discover whether the main
argument of each piece (as revealed in the abstract, introduction and/or conclusion) is
predominantly descriptive or causal. Coding includes all articles published within a given
year, at decadal intervals – a total of forty-two issues and 330 articles. Results, displayed
in Figure 3, show a relatively consistent decrease in descriptive articles, coincident with an
increase in causal articles, beginning about 1920. By the late twentieth century the two
genres have traded places as dominant motifs in the discipline’s leading journal. Why
questions have displaced what/how possible/when/whom, or in-what-manner questions.
Of course, many other disciplines may have registered a parallel change in orientation
over the same period. Arguably, the paradigmatic shift from description to causation
qualifies as a mark of disciplinary maturity within a natural or social science. Have
changes in political science mirrored those in other disciplines? In order to investigate this
question a third content analysis is conducted. Here, the percentage of articles mentioning
causality and its cognates in top journals is compared across five social-science disciplines
(political science, sociology, economics, psychology and anthropology) and in a polyglot
group of natural sciences over the past two decades. Results, displayed in Figure 4, seem
to confirm that preoccupations with causality are considerably stronger in political
science than in any other social science or in the natural sciences.38
One might question whether mentions of causality and its cognates accurately represent
the methodological focus of journal articles. For example, authors may mention causality
with the aim of debunking the objective; likewise, they may pursue causal questions
without mentioning the term itself. In order to cross-validate this coding procedure a
Hoover employs a similar methodology to examine the frequency of economics articles in the JSTOR
database using ‘cause’ or some variation thereof from 1930 to the present. He finds a U-shaped pattern,
with the nadir in the 1970s and a steep ascent in recent decades. However, the level of usage today is only
slightly ahead of the level recorded for the 1930s (Kevin D. Hoover, ‘Lost Causes’, Journal of the History
of Economic Thought, 26 (2004), 149–64, p. 152).
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Mere Description 731
% of Total Articles
Causation, Causality, Cause, Causal
number of other searches are applied across these same disciplines. Keywords include
exogeneity/endogeneity (important terms for any statistical analysis whose focus is causal
assessment) and cluster analysis/factor analysis/discriminant analysis/multidimensional
scaling (important terms for statistical analyses whose focus is not explicitly causal).
These additional content analyses (available on request) reveal the same general picture.
In political science, causal studies are more common, and descriptive studies less
common, than in other social sciences or the natural sciences. Note also that our second
content analysis involved hand-coding of the American Political Science Review (Figure 3)
and is thus not subject to the foibles of automatic coding by keyword. It does not seem
likely that this set of results is a product of arbitrary coding rules.
Let us try to make sense of these long-term patterns. Note that the demise of
description and the attendant rise of causation coincides with the embrace of scientific
methods within political science.39 While perceptions of the scientific model have changed
over the decades – from behavioralism, to rational choice, to potential-outcomes and
Bayesian inference – each of these approaches privileges causation over description.
Within political science, doing ‘hard’ science means analysing causal relationships.
Robert Adcock and Mark Bevir, ‘Political Science’, in Roger E. Backhouse and Philippe Fontaine,
eds, The History of the Social Sciences Since 1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010),
pp. 71–101.
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Likewise, methods courses tend to give short shrift to descriptive techniques of data
gathering and data analysis (e.g., ethnography, field research, coding, content analysis,
measurement, factor analysis) in favour of causal topics (e.g., experimental and quasi-
experimental research design, case studies, regression, matching, instrumental variables).
By contrast, in most of the natural sciences – including anatomy, archaeology, astronomy,
biology, botany, chemistry, ecology and environmental science, geology, linguistics,
medicine, paleontology and zoology – advances are accompanied by the discovery of
new things ‘out there’ which must be named, measured, characterized and classified, or
re-classified.40 This is a descriptive task, and an eminently important one.
Similarly, within other social-science disciplines – including anthropology, economics,
psychology and sociology – the ancient task of describing the social world continues to
inspire interest and to receive scholarly acclaim. Even in economics, which has played a
pioneering role in the analysis of causal relations, a central role has been preserved
for descriptive tasks. These are often closely tied to national governments (e.g., finance,
commerce, agriculture and labour departments, along with national banks) and
international financial institutions (e.g., the World Bank, the International Monetary
Fund, the World Trade Organization, the Food and Agricultura; Organization and the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) that supervise the collection
of economic data. Daily, an army of economists pores over surveys and national accounts
in an attempt to describe specific features of the world’s economies. The results of these
labours inform the content of journals, where debates over conceptualization and
measurement form an important category of work.
A signal of these general patterns can be seen in the prominence of measurement as a
methodological topic across the social sciences. The development of a self-conscious
field devoted to problems of social measurement is grounded in work by scholars of
education (Edward Thorndike), psychology (Donald Campbell, Lee Cronbach, David
Krantz, Georg Rasch, Charles Spearman, Louis Thurstone, Amos Tversky),41 sociology
(Ken Bollen, Otis Duncan,42 Louis Guttman, Paul Lazarsfeld,43 Samuel Stouffer), and –
more recently – economics.44 Surveys intended to cover the topic of measurement across
the social sciences45 reflect this disciplinary grounding, as do journals that deal centrally
with measurement issues (e.g., Psychometrika, Quality and Quantity, Social Indicators
Maurice P. Crosland, Historical Studies in the Language of Chemistry (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1962); E. G. Linsley and R. L. Usinger, ‘Linnaeus and the Development of the
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature’, Systematic Zoology, 8 (1959), 39–47; Ernst Mayr,
‘Origin and History of Some Terms in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology’, Systematic Biology, 27
(1978), 83–88.
David L. Krantz, R. Duncan Luce, Patrick Suppes and Amos Tversky, Foundations of Measurement,
Vols. 1–3 (New York: Academic Press, 1971, 1989, 1990); Joel Michell, Measurement in Psychology: A
Critical History of a Methodological Concept (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).
Otis Dudley Duncan, Notes on Social Measurement: Historical and Critical (New York: Russell Sage
Foundation, 1984).
Paul F. Lazarsfeld and Allen H. Barton, ‘Qualitative Measurement in the Social Sciences:
Classification, Typologies, and Indices’, in Daniel Lerner and Harold D. Lasswell, eds, The Policy
Sciences (Palo Alto, Calif.: Stanford University Press, 1951), pp. 155–92.
Marcel Boumans, ed., Measurement in Economics: A Handbook (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2007).
E.g. David J. Bartholomew, ed, Measurement, 4 vols (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2007); Kimberly
Kempf-Leonard, ed., Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 3 vols (New York: Academic Press, 2004);
Benjamin D. Wright, ‘A History of Social Science Measurement’, Educational Measurement: Issues and
Practice, 16 (1997), 33–45.
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Mere Description 733
I have demonstrated that causal questions have higher status within political science
than within other social and natural sciences, at least in the latter twentieth century,
and that the task of description has fallen into relative desuetude. I turn now to the
normative implications of this development. To what extent might this be considered a
To clarify, the current view of description within the discipline does not deny the
importance of the task. However, its importance is thought to derive from its role in causal
explanation. Political scientists describe in order to explain. All phenomena eventually
take their place within a causal schema – as X (the causal factor of theoretical interest),
Y (the outcome of interest), M (the mechanism connecting X to Y), or Z (a covariate).
Moreover, this schema guides the process of conceptualization and measurement, regardless
of whether the research is qualitative or quantitative, experimental or observational.
I shall argue that while this asymmetry may be justified in some circumstances,
difficulties arise when description is systematically subordinated to causation within a
discipline. Specifically, if description occurs only in the quest for causal inference the
causal motivation of researchers may mitigate both the quality and the quantity of
descriptive inferences. We will know less about the world (descriptively) and what we
know will be less precise, less reliable and perhaps subject to systematic bias – generated
by scholars’ motivation to uncover a causal relationship. My argument is, therefore, that
description should sometimes proceed independently of causal propositions – that it has,
or ought to have, an independent status within the discipline.
Consider, to begin with, that description of a topic usually precedes causal analysis of
that topic. King, Keohane and Verba point out that ‘it is hard to develop [causal]
explanations before we know something about the world and what needs to be explained
on the basis of what characteristics.’48 It follows that in cases where description precedes
causation, i.e., in those circumstances where knowledge of a topic is minimal, description
must proceed independently of causal propositions.
Secondly, a large class of topics in political science is intrinsically important, regardless of
any causal effects they might possess. This applies to subjects like democracy, human rights,
war, revolution, standards of living, mortality, ethnic conflict, happiness/utility and inequality.
Indeed, every causal analysis presupposes that something – at least Y, but sometimes also
Carmines and Zeller is now over three decades old (Edward G. Carmines and Richard A. Zeller,
Reliability and Validity Assessment (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1979)).
Henry E. Brady, ‘Doing Good and Doing Better: How Far Does the Quantitative Template Get Us?’
in Henry E. Brady and David Collier, eds, Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards,
2nd edn (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010), pp. 67–82, at pp. 76–7.
King, Keohane and Verba, Designing Social Inquiry, p. 34.
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X – is important enough, substantively, to warrant investigation. For such topics, our interest
is not contingent merely upon the roles they might play in causal propositions.49
A final reason for liberating description from specific causal hypotheses is practical in
nature. Often, it is more efficient to collect evidence when the objective of the investigation is
descriptive rather than causal. Consider that data is collected from persons, governments,
archives and other organizations. Collecting evidence from these sources in a systematic
fashion usually requires a great deal of well-coordinated energy and resources, sustained over
many years. When a data collection effort is constructed around a single causal hypothesis or
theory the scholar’s purview is naturally quite limited; only those factors having direct
bearing on the hypothesis will be collected. This may be efficient in the short run, but it is not
likely to be efficient in the long run.50 Narrowly focused data expeditions entail scaling high
cliffs and returning to base camp with a small and unrepresentative sample of what one finds
at the peak. Later expeditions, focused on different hypotheses, will require re-scaling the
same peak, a time-consuming and wasteful enterprise. By contrast, if an evidence-gathering
mission is conceptualized as descriptive rather than causal (which is to say, no single causal
theory guides the research), it is more likely to produce a broad range of evidence that will be
applicable to a broad range of questions, both descriptive and causal.
Before concluding this discussion it should be pointed out that the subordination of
description to causation would not be problematic if political science possessed a single
causal-theoretical framework around which a coherent description of the world could be
constructed – something on the order of evolution within the biological sciences. Lacking
such a unifying paradigm it is difficult to say how a causally-ordered description of the
political world might be organized or what it would look like (in concrete terms).
One might counter that in the multi-paradigmatic universe of social science one should
look to smaller-scale causal hypotheses to organize the work of the discipline (along the
‘behaviouralist’ model). But here one stumbles upon another problem of indeterminacy.
Because causal attribution is difficult to establish for most non-trivial questions in
political science, it is problematic to assert that X matters as a subject of investigation
only in so far as it causes Y (or Y matters only in so far as it is caused by X). Uncertainty
about whether X really causes Y means that it may be safer to approach X and Y first
as descriptive phenomena – important in their own right – rather than as potential
independent and dependent variables.
As an example, let us consider the question of ‘party strength’. Presumably, this feature
has many causal properties. However, we do not know for sure what these are; certainly,
we do not know precisely what they are. Consequently, I would argue that the subject
is better approached, at least initially, as a descriptive issue. This means, in practical
terms, that the investigation is structured by the concept and its definition, by the
understood or intuited boundaries of the concept (places where party strength is
meaningful, or where it means roughly the same things), and by an anticipation of its
possible causal relevance.
Description should never be carried out in ignorance of all causal potentialities.
Rather, in circumstances where causal truth is open-ended – presumably the vast majority
of cases in political science – descriptive inference ought to be carried out independent
Berk, Regression Analysis, p. 218; Michael E. Sobel, ‘An Introduction to Causal Inference’,
Sociological Methods and Research, 24 (1996), 353–79, p. 376.
Andreas Schedler, ‘The Measurer’s Dilemma: Coordination Failures in Cross-National Political
Data Collection’, Comparative Political Studies, 45:2 (2012), 237–66.
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Mere Description 735
of any particular causal hypothesis. This helps to avoid a highly prejudiced (i.e.,
particularistic, idiosyncratic) definition of a subject matter. All plausible causal
hypotheses are relevant – those in which a subject serves as an independent variable,
those in which it serves as a dependent variable, and those in which it serves as a causal
pathway in some larger subject. When considered in this open-ended fashion the subject
of interest (e.g., party strength) is approached descriptively rather than simply as a preface
to causal analysis.
Glenn Firebaugh, Seven Rules for Social Research (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
2008), p. 3.
Stanley Lieberson, Making it Count: The Improvement of Social Research and Theory (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1985), p. 219; see also Andrew Gelman, ‘Causality and Statistical
Learning’, American Journal of Sociology, 117 (2011), 955–66.
Richard F. Hamilton, The Social Misconstruction of Reality: Validity and Verification in the
Scholarly Community (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1996); Anthony Heath and Jean
Martin, ‘Why Are There So Few Formal Measuring Instruments in Social and Political Research?’, in
Lars E. Fyberg, Paul Biemer, Martin Collins, Edith De Leeuw, Cathryn Dippo, Norbert Schwarz and
Dennis Trewin, eds, Survey Measurement and Process Quality (New York: Wiley, 1997), pp. 71–86;
Yoshiko M. Herrera and Devesh Kapur, ‘Improving Data Quality: Actors, Incentives, and Capabilities’,
Political Analysis, 15 (2007), 365–86; Marcus J. Kurtz and Andrew Schrank, ‘Growth and Governance:
Models, Measures, and Mechanisms’, Journal of Politics, 69 (2007), 538–54; Gerardo L. Munck,
Measuring Democracy: A Bridge between Scholarship and Politics (Baltimore, Md.: John Hopkins
University Press, 2009); Stein Rokkan with Angus Campbell, Per Torsvik and Henry Valen, Citizens,
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problematic, or are restricted in purview to very specific contexts (and hence resistant to
generalization). Likewise, the master concepts of political science – e.g., civil society,
democracy, governance, politics, power, state – have no standard and precise meaning or
measurement.54 Meanwhile, whole tracts of political activity remain virtually terra
incognita.55 As a result, empirical phenomena on the left and right sides of our causal
models are highly uncertain.
As a way of getting our minds around this topic, it may be helpful to consider several
examples of descriptive questions that have agitated the discipline in recent years:
1. Do voters conceptualize politics ideologically56 or non-ideologically?57
2. Is global inequality increasing58 or remaining about the same?59
3. Is American political culture liberal/egalitarian,60 republican61 or a mixture of both,
along with various ascriptive identities?62
These are all essentially descriptive questions about the social world (though, to be sure,
they contain causal implications). They have also proved to be hotly, and enduringly,
contested. And they are not unusual in this regard. A random sample of (non-trivial)
descriptive arguments would be likely to reveal a high level of uncertainty. Why, then, are
these sorts of questions so resistant? Why are (good) descriptive generalizations difficult?
(F’note continued)
Elections, Parties: Approaches to the Comparative Study of the Processes of Development (New York:
David McKay, 1970), pp. 169–80.
On democracy, see Kirk Bowman, Fabrice Lehoucq and James Mahoney, ‘Measuring Political
Democracy: Case Expertise, Data Adequacy, and Central America’, Comparative Political Studies, 38
(2005), 939–70; Axel Hadenius and Jan Teorell, ‘Assessing Alternative Indices of Democracy’, Committee
on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series (August 2005); Munck, Measuring Democracy; Gerardo
L. Munck and Jay Verkuilen, ‘Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy: Alternative Indices’,
Comparative Political Studies, 35 (2002), 5–34. On governance, see Kurtz and Schrank, ‘Growth and
Governance’; James G. March and Johan P. Olsen, Democratic Governance (New York: Free Press, 1995);
Anthony Pagden, ‘The Genesis of Governance and Enlightenment Conceptions of the Cosmopolitan
World Order’, International Social Science Journal, 50 (1998), 7–15; Jon Pierre, ed., Debating Governance
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000). A wide-ranging compendium of indicators for democracy and
governance can be found in USAID, Handbook of Democracy and Governance Program Indicators,
Technical Publication Series PN-ACC-390 (Washington, D.C.: USAID Center for Democracy and
Governance, 1998).
As one example one might consider local government in the developing world, a topic that has
elicited little systematic empirical attention, despite its evident importance. For a recent review of this
neglected field of study, see UN Habitat, State of the World’s Cities 2004–2005: Globalization and Urban
Culture (New York: Earthscan Publications, United Nations, 2004).
Norman H. Nie, Sidney Verba and John R. Petrocik, The Changing American Voter (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976).
Philip E. Converse, ‘The Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics’, in David E. Apter, ed., Ideology
and Discontent (London: Free Press of Glencoe, 1964), pp. 206–61.
Branko Milanovic, Worlds Apart: Measuring International and Global Inequality (Princeton, N.J.:
Princeton University Press, 2005).
Francois Bourguignon and Christian Morrisson, ‘Inequality Among World Citizens: 1820–1992’,
American Economic Review, 92 (2002), 727–44; David Dollar, ‘Globalization, Poverty, and Inequality’, in
Michael M. Weinstein, ed., Globalization: What’s New? (New York: Columbia University Press, 2005),
pp. 96–128; Glenn Firebaugh, The New Geography of Global Income Inequality (Cambridge, Mass.:
Harvard University Press, 2003).
Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America; Tocqueville, Democracy in America.
Pocock, The Machiavellian Moment.
Smith, ‘Beyond Tocqueville, Myrdal, and Hartz’.
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Mere Description 737
I shall argue that these methodological problems may be summarized under the rubric
of falsifiability.63 With descriptive arguments in the social sciences it is often unclear what
criteria might be invoked to disprove a proposition.64
In certain respects, the challenges facing successful descriptive and causal accounts are
similar. Both often attempt to infer from observed to unobserved features of reality. Both
strive for breadth and precision while often failing to achieve one or the other – law-like
propositions are rare. Both endeavours become more difficult as one abstracts from the
concrete to the abstract.65
Even so, an authoritative causal explanation of a subject may be easier to obtain than
an authoritative description of that same subject. To see why this might be so, consider
the following two questions:
1. What is democracy, and how might it be operationalized?
2. Does democracy enhance the prospect of peaceful coexistence?
Note that the second, causal, question presumes an answer to the first, descriptive,
question. In order to estimate democracy’s causal effect one must first establish the
definition and measurement of this vexing concept. Logic suggests that if Proposition 2
builds on Proposition 1 it must be at least as difficult to prove as Proposition 1. And yet,
by all appearances, there is greater scholarly consensus on the answer to the second
question than on the answer to the first question. Scholars of international relations
generally agree that regime-status has a causal effect on peace and war such that
democracies are less likely to fight wars with one another, all other things being equal.
Whether or not democracy is a sufficient condition for peace may never be determined,
and scholars continue to debate the causal mechanisms at work in this relationship.
However, there is still a large measure of agreement on the democratic peace as – at the
very least – a probabilistic causal regularity.66 All things being equal, two democratic
countries are less likely to go to war with one another than two countries, one or both of
which are non-democratic. By contrast, no such consensus exists on how to define and
measure democracy (see citations above). The causal proposition is fairly certain, while
the descriptive proposition that underlies it is highly uncertain.
How can this be so? Let us suppose that in some instances the conceptualization and
measurement of key causal variables (X and Y) have marginal impact on the stated causal
relationship. Setting a low definitional threshold for democracy, for example, means that
cases like Wilhelmine Germany will be understood as democratic, a coding that will show
the First World War as a violation of the democratic peace hypothesis. However,
democratic dyads (so defined) will still be less likely to engage in violent conflict with one
another than non-democratic dyads, reaffirming the theory in its probabilistic
formulation. Similarly, different thresholds for what constitutes ‘war’ will impact one’s
findings but probably not so much as to reverse the general causal relationship. In this
Karl Popper, The Logic of Scientific Discovery (New York: Harper & Row, 1934/1968).
Note that in the following discussion I address the generic characteristics of descriptive work; later, I
shall attend to differences among descriptive arguments.
Resolving membership in the category ‘majoritarian electoral system’ is easier than resolving
membership in the category ‘democracy’, just as analysing the cause or effect of a majoritarian electoral
system is easier than analysing the cause or effect of democracy.
Michael E. Brown, Sean M. Lynn-Jones and Steven E. Miller, eds, Debating the Democratic Peace
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1996); Miriam Fendius Elman, Paths to Peace: Is Democracy the Answer?
(Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997).
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John P. Buonaccorsi, Measurement Error: Models, Methods, and Applications (London: Chapman &
Hall, 2010).
Jeffrey B. Lewis and Drew A. Linzer, ‘Estimating Regression Models in which the Dependent
Variable Is Based on Estimates’, Political Analysis, 13 (2005), 345–64.
Gretchen Casper and Claudiu Tufis, ‘Correlation versus Interchangeability: The Limited Robustness
of Empirical Findings on Democracy Using Highly Correlated Data Sets’, Political Analysis, 11 (2003),
Max Weber, The Methodology of the Social Sciences (New York: Free Press, 1905/1949), p. 78.
David Collier, Fernando Daniel Hidalgo and Andra Olivia Maciuceanu, ‘Essentially Contested
Concepts: Debates and Applications’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 11 (2006), 211–46; W. B. Gallie,
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Mere Description 739
points) in time and space and by the delimited empirical question of whether X generates
Y, descriptive inferences suffer from considerable leeway.
This leeway might be labelled the fundamental problem of descriptive inference: for any
given subject there are often multiple perspectives, each more or less valid. As a
consequence, there is usually more than one plausible answer to the innocent question:
What is that? ‘Rashomon’ effects are endemic.72 To be sure, some answers may be rejected
flat out, just as some causal propositions may be falsified with a high degree of certainty.
However, many other plausible answers are likely to remain, and among these it is
difficult to discern which one provides the best account of a phenomenon. This means
that description is at once simple to perform (indeed, impossible not to perform) and yet
often difficult, if not impossible, to achieve in a definitive fashion as the example of
‘democracy’ attests.
One way of thinking about this is to say that descriptions are subjective to an extent
that causal inferences are not. In the latter, a good deal of structure is provided by the
nature of causal argument, and the focus is on the truth of the causal relationship rather
than an author’s choice of subjects and concepts. Of course, the degree of structure
provided by causality is to some extent a product of how one chooses to define the key
term. Following Holland, some would argue that causality should apply only to
arguments about the effects of causes (not causes of effects) and only to arguments in
which the causal factor of interest is directly manipulable.73 This eliminates a lot of
ambiguity and allows for a clear and highly structured analysis. At the same time, this
narrow definition of the potential-outcomes framework also disallows a good deal of
work conventionally defined as causal.74
The point I wish to emphasize is that regardless of how causality is defined, causal
inference is still a more highly structured – more ‘objective’ – enterprise than descriptive
inference. One can investigate the causal relationship between trade openness and sweated
labour without revealing one’s attitude towards the subject, while it would be virtually
impossible to do so in the course of a descriptive study focused on the same subjects. In
this vein, Bourguignon, Levin and Rosenblatt conclude that the ongoing debate over the
contours of global inequality rest largely on value judgements about how to
operationalize key parameters.75 It appears that writers with a more critical view of the
current distribution of income (and the mechanisms underlying this distribution) are apt
to make measurement decisions that emphasize inequalities, while those with a more
hopeful view of the status quo may emphasize equalities. Neither view can be decisively
proven or disproven, for they rest on interpretations of the facts.
(F’note continued)
‘Essentially Contested Concepts’, reprinted in Max Black, ed., The Importance of Language (Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1962).
Karl G. Heider, ‘The Rashomon Effect: When Ethnographers Disagree’, American Anthropologist,
90 (1988), 73–81; Wendy D. Roth and Jal D. Mehta, ‘The Rashomon Effect: Combining Positivist and
Interpretivist Approaches in the Analysis of Contested Events’, Sociological Methods and Research, 31
(2002), 131–73.
Paul W. Holland, ‘Statistics and Causal Inference’, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
81 (1986), 945–60.
For further discussion, see Gerring Social Science Methodology, chap. 12.
Francois Bourguignon, Victoria Levin and David Rosenblatt, ‘Declining International Inequality
and Economic Divergence: Reviewing the Evidence through Different Lenses’, Economic Internationale,
100 (2004), 13–25.
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Max Weber, Economy and Society, trans. by Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1968).
Sen, ‘Description as Choice’.
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Mere Description 741
Thus, one finds a raft of studies focused on the causal relationship between democracy
and peace, many of which can rightly claim to be making an important scholarly
contribution. But there are fewer studies focused exclusively on the meaning,
measurement or characteristics of democracy. Moreover, those studies that do adopt a
descriptive focus are seemingly unable to resolve extant ambiguities. Instead, they tend to
focus on the problem itself – demonstrating the lack of agreement over what democracy
means and the difficulties of measuring this ambient concept (see citations above). There
is no cumulation, except in the preliminary sense of agreeing on a set of possible options
for conceptualization and measurement – a topic that must be revisited with each passing
decade, as new meanings are adumbrated.
Disaggregation of an abstract concept like democracy offers some hope for
disambiguation and for solving problems of measurement, but only at a lower level of
abstraction.78 One might hope to agree on how to define and operationalize ‘free and fair
elections’. But even if we can achieve this feat and replicate it for other components of
democracy the result will not inform us about how to define and operationalize
‘democracy’. The aggregation problem looms large. Likewise, abstract terms like
democracy, corruption, accountability, globalization and public goods continue to
animate the discipline. Talcott Parsons has been put to bed but our universe of hazy terms
continues to evolve. And there is good reason to suppose that such terms are critical to
any attempt to generalize about social phenomena – which is to say, to theorize.
Consequently, problems of conceptualization are likely to remain central to the discipline
for the foreseeable future.
Let us return to the problem of innovation. Arguably, true innovation in descriptive
inference is established only by delineating a fundamentally novel empirical terrain, or by
thoroughly revising our sense of an established terrain. For example, to say something
new about democracy will probably require an extensive exploration of many regimes or a
very intensive exploration of a single regime. One is unlikely to make a descriptive
contribution simply by playing with extant facts and data. This is not an armchair
occupation; ‘shoe leather’ is required. By contrast, lots of causal analyses involve re-
workings of extant data. Description, in this respect as well, is more difficult than causal
analysis because it imposes a higher threshold on innovation, requiring a greater
expenditure of time, energy and funds. Frequently, the downstream benefits of this sort of
innovation are greater than the corresponding benefits of causal analysis. But the fact
remains that the descriptively oriented researcher faces a higher hurdle in the race to
publication than the causally oriented researcher.79
For those who might be inclined to view this genre of methodological difficulty as
characteristic of concept formation, but not of measurement, let us explore the latter in
greater detail. The question addressed by causal analysis is whether X causes Y, and if so
what the causal effect might be, as shown in panel (a) of Figure 5. The question addressed by
measurement is the location and quantity of L, the latent concept of interest, as shown in
panel (b). Note that the phenomenon of interest in any measurement task is not directly
measurable but rather latent. We do not consider directly measurable phenomena such as
falling dominoes to present problems of measurement. They become so only when they are
Coppedge, Gerring, et al., ‘Conceptualizing and Measuring Democracy’.
I am speaking of what might be called average-quality publications. Publications in top journals are
probably more likely to involve some original data collection, whether the arguments are causal or
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(a) (b)
not directly measurable. Moreover, most intransigent problems of measurement in the social
science are inherently unmeasurable. They are not like dominoes, which can be measured in
many settings. They are like democracy, which cannot be directly observed in any setting.
Measuring a latent concept is necessarily based on assumptions about that concept,
assumptions that are not liable to empirical testing. This may be demonstrated in a prima facie
manner by consideration of several commonly proposed strategies. Face validity refers to an
obvious or intuitive appeal, an approach that is evidently unsystematic and unavailing (by
definition) in tough cases. Convergent and discriminant strategies attempt to validate a measure
by comparing it with other measures that are deemed to be valid measures of the same concept
(convergent validity) or different concepts (discriminant validity). Of course, both strategies
depend upon the assumption that the comparator concepts are correctly measured and have a
specified relationship to L, assumptions that cannot be tested. Causal strategies attempt to
validate a measure by looking at its causal relationship to an input or output. Naturally, this
causal relationship is inferred, not tested, since L cannot be directly measured.
This is not the place to enter into a discussion of sophisticated measurement techniques
such as item response models and structural equation models.80 Suffice to say that successful
employment of these methods depends upon the data that is available – i.e., on those elements
of a concept that are measurable and have been measured, and on the validity and reliability
of these indicators. If garbage goes into the measurement model, garbage is likely to flow out
(with more realistic uncertainty estimates). The employment of these methods also depends
crucially upon assumptions (generally untestable) about the concept being measured: for
example, which indicators ought to be chosen to measure a latent concept, what the structure
of that concept should be (are there necessary or sufficient attributes?), whether there are
natural boundaries (upper and/or lower limits) to the concept, and what an appropriate
aggregation procedure might be. Thus, although advanced strategies of measurement are
immensely useful, they do not offer a definitive solution to problems of measurement.
Here, again, it may be useful to contrast the corresponding dilemma of causal inference.
Although the counterfactual for a single unit cannot be estimated with much confidence,
the counterfactual for a class of units may be estimated with considerable confidence
using experimental and quasi-experimental methods. This provides a benchmarking
technique for other, less rigorous methods using observational data.81 No analogous
In recent years, this machinery has been brought to bear on the concept of democracy (e.g., Kenneth
A. Bollen, ‘Issues in the Comparative Measurement of Political Democracy’, American Sociological
Review, 45 (1980), 370–90; Daniel Pemstein, Stephen A. Meserve and James Melton, ‘Democratic
Compromise: A Latent Variable Analysis of Ten Measures of Regime Type’, Political Analysis, 18 (2010),
426–49; Shawn Treier and Simon Jackman, ‘Democracy as a Latent Variable’, American Journal of
Political Science, 52 (2008), 201–17).
Robert J. Lalonde, ‘Evaluating the Econometric Evaluations of Training Programs with
Experimental Data’, American Economic Review, 76 (1986), 604–20.
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Mere Description 743
Progress in the discipline of political science rests not simply on the development of
new techniques of research design and analysis intended to solve recalcitrant problems of
identification in causal inference. Equally important is the seemingly prosaic act of description.
As it stands, we simply do not know with any degree of precision or confidence what is going
on out there, as Abraham Kaplan suggests (see epigraph). To paraphrase Sartori, the more
we advance in causal modelling, the more we leave a vast, uncharted territory at our backs.82
The purpose of this article has been to map this relatively uncharted territory.
I argued, first, that in so far as description has come to be defined in social science
venues in a residual fashion (relative to causal inference) much is lost. Instead, I propose
to return to an older understanding of the topic, one rooted in the goals of an inference
rather than the quality of the evidence provided to make that inference. Specifically,
any empirical proposition that attempts to answer a what, when, whom, out of what, or in
what manner question is classified as descriptive (and it may or may not be connected to a
causal proposition).
Giovanni Sartori, ‘Concept Misformation in Comparative Politics’, American Political Science
Review, 64 (1970), 1033–46, p. 1033.
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Of course, it can never truly be written out since it undergirds all causal analysis and comprises our
factual knowledge of the world.
Adam J. Berinsky, ‘Survey Non-Response’, in Wolfgang Donsbach and Michael W. Traugott,
ed., Handbook of Public Opinion Research (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 2008), pp. 309–21;
Gary King, James Honaker, Anne Joseph and Kenneth Scheve, ‘Analyzing Incomplete Political Science
Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple Imputation’, American Political Science Review, 95 (2001),
Joshua D. Clinton, Simon Jackman and Douglas Rivers, ‘The Statistical Analysis of Legislative
Behavior: A Unified Approach’, American Political Science Review, 98 (2004), 355–70; Simon Jackman,
‘Measurement’, in Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Henry Brady and David Collier, eds, The Oxford Handbook
of Political Methodology (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), pp. 119-51; Drew A. Linzer and Jeffrey
K. Staton, ‘A Measurement Model for Synthesizing Multiple Comparative Indicators: The Case of
Judicial Independence’ (presented to the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association,
Seattle, 2011); Pemstein, Meserve and Melton, ‘Democratic Compromise’; Treier and Jackman,
‘Democracy as a Latent Variable’.
Michael Smithson and Jay Verkuilen, Fuzzy Set Theory: Applications in the Social Sciences
(Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2006); Jay Verkuilen, ‘Assigning Membership in a Fuzzy Set Analysis’,
Sociological Methods & Research, 33 (2005), 462–69.
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Mere Description 745
Rawi Abdelal, Yoshiko M. Herrera, Alastair Iain Johnston and Rose McDermott, eds, Measuring
Identity: A Guide for Social Scientists (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009); James D. Fearon,
‘Ethnic Structure and Cultural Diversity by Country’, Journal of Economic Growth, 8 (2003), 195–222;
Daniel N. Posner, ‘Measuring Ethnic Fractionalization in Africa’, American Journal of Political Science,
48 (2004), 849–63.
Jonathan Andrew Harris, ‘A Method for Extracting Information about Ethnicity from Names’
(presented to the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association, Seattle, 2011).
Paul M. Sniderman and Douglas B. Grob, ‘Innovations in Experimental Design in Attitude
Surveys’, Annual Review of Sociology, 22 (1996), 377–99.
‘Special Issue: The Statistical Analysis of Political Text’, Political Analysis, 16 (2008), 351–477.
Joel Barkan, Paul Densham and Gerard Rushton, ‘Space Matters: Designing Better Electoral
Systems for Emerging Democracies’, American Journal of Political Science, 50 (2006), 926–39;
Håvard Hegre, Gudrun Østby and Clionadh Raleigh, ‘Poverty and Civil War Events: A Disaggregated
Study of Liberia’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 53 (2009), 598–623; Nils B. Weidmann and
Michael D. Ward, ‘Predicting Conflict in Space and Time’, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 54 (2010),
Gary King, ‘An Introduction to the Dataverse Network as an Infrastructure for Data Sharing’,
Sociological Methods and Research, 36 (2007), 173–99; Gary King, ‘Ensuring the Data-Rich Future of the
Social Sciences’, Science, 331 (2011), 719–21.
In comparative politics and international relations a number of impressive datasets have appeared
over the past several years. These include: ACLED, Archigos, the Comparative Constitutions Project
(www.comparativeconstitutionsproject.org/), the Database of Political Institutions, GREG, and
NELDA; Clionadh Raleigh, Andrew Linke, Håvard Hegre and Joakim Karlsen, ‘Introducing
ACLED: An Armed Conflict Location and Event Dataset’, Journal of Peace Research, 47 (2010),
651–60; Hein E. Goemans, Kristian Skrede Gleditsch and Giacomo Chiozza, ‘Introducing Archigos: A
Dataset of Political Leaders’, Journal of Peace Research, 46 (2009), 269–83; Thorsten Beck, George
Clarke, Alberto Groff, Philip Keefer and Patrick Walsh, ‘New Tools and New Tests in Comparative
Political Economy: The Database of Political Institutions’, World Bank Economic Review, 15 (2001),
165–76; Nils B. Weidmann, Jan Ketil Rod and Lars-Erik Cederman, ‘Representing Ethnic Groups in
Space: A New Dataset’, Journal of Peace Research, 47 (2010), 491–99; Susan Hyde and Nikolay Marinov,
‘Which Elections Can Be Lost?’ Political Analysis (forthcoming).
Gary Goertz, Social Science Concepts: A User’s Guide (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
Collier, LaPorte and Seawright, ‘Putting Typologies to Work’.
Robert Adcock and David Collier, ‘Measurement Validity: A Shared Standard for Qualitative and
Quantitative Research’, American Political Science Review, 95 (2001), 529–46.
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to knowledge. These issues, in turn, hinge crucially on the sort of description that is being
offered, for which a rough-and-ready categorization is offered in Figure 1.
By way of conclusion, let me return to a point made in passing in the previous section.
Good description is closely hinged to normative judgements about the world – to what we
think is important and what we think is right or wrong, desirable or undesirable. It is
difficult to separate the concepts that govern theoretically driven description – concepts
like democracy, governance or stability – from these normative concerns. It follows that a
re-engagement with description may also involve a re-engagement with the normative
underpinnings of political science,97 a topic often swept under the rug in causal analyses.
John Gerring and Joshua Yesnowitz, ‘A Normative Turn in Political Science?’ Polity, 38 (2006), 101–33.
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