Communication Skills Paper

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Final-Term Exam Spring 2020

Course Title: Communication Skills Course Code: ENG-325
Discipline /Program: BSCS-IT Total Marks: 30
Time allowed: 48:00 hrs. Instructor: Sofia Iram/ Mr. Haroon

Apply the reading technique of both skimming and scanning on the given paragraph. Each of

the application should have separate heading technique for instance, give heading of application

of skimming reading technique and then write it down in the form of paragraph not points, the

same goes for the other technique. (10)

Q2: Draw a visual clustering diagram distinguishing between topic, main ideas and supporting details.


Q3: Write down an essay by using your writing skills on the below given statement: How

Science fiction literature is predicting future?

NOTE that the essay should contain all the basic elements of writing, for instance topic sentence,

body, main ideas, supporting ideas, concluding paragraph etc. The length of the essay should

not increase 2 pages (10)

Q4: Define the following terms in not less than five lines: (5)

1. Accent neutralization

2. Phonetics

3. Diction

4. Surveying


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