Design of Microstrip Antennas Using Artificial Neural Networks
Design of Microstrip Antennas Using Artificial Neural Networks
Design of Microstrip Antennas Using Artificial Neural Networks
A general design procedure is suggested for the micro strip antennas using artificial neural
networks and this is demonstrated using the rectangular patch geometry. In the design
procedure, synthesis and analysis are defined as forward side and reverse side of the problem.
1. Introduction
In high-performance spacecraft, aircraft, missile and satellite applications, where size,
weight, cost, performance, ease of installation and aerodynamic profile are constraints, low
profile antennas may be required. To meet these requirements, microstrip antennas that are low-
profile, conformable to planar and non-planar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to manufacture
using modern printed circuit technology, mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces,
compatible with MMIC designs, and when particular patch shape and mode selected they are
very versatile in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern and impedance can be used
[1]. In this work, rectangular microstrip antennas are the ones under consideration .Design
complexity and non linearity are two major bottle necks in the design of these antennas.ANN
models have been in the analysis and synthesis of these antennas,which are simple, easy to
apply and very useful for antenna engineers to predict both patch dimensions and resonant
frequency[2-5].The analysis problem can be defined as to obtain resonant frequency for a
given dielectric material and geometric structure (Figure 2). However in this work, the
corresponding synthesis ANN model is built to obtain patch dimensions of rectangular
microstrip antennas (W, L) as the function of input variables, which are the height of the
dielectric substrate (h), dielectric constant of the dielectric material (εr) and the resonant
frequency ( fr ) (Figure1).
2.Design problem for the microstrip antenna
The forward and reverse sides of the problem will be defined for the rectangular patch
geometry in the following section.
The Forward Side and Reverse side of the Problem: the Synthesis & the Analysis ANN
Figure 1. The synthesis ANN model Figure 2. The analysis ANN model.
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3. Building neural networks for the rectangular microstrip antenna and
Methods and Simulations
Both Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and Radial Basis Function (RBF) networks were
used in ANN models [7]. MLP models were trained with almost all network learning
algorithms. Among all these, the ones giving the best results for MLP network has been shown
in Table 1. MLP network, which has configuration of 3 input neurons, 10 and 5 neurons in
two hidden layers, and 2 output neurons with learning rate=0.1, goal=0.001, was trained for 500
epochs. Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid and linear transfer functions were used in MLP training. In
RBF network, spread value was chosen as 0.01 which gives the best accuracy. Both MLP and
RBF were trained with 270 samples and tested with 90 samples determined according to the
definition of the problem; 4 inputs and 1 output were used for the analysis ANN and 3 inputs
and 2 outputs for the synthesis ANN.
In Table 1 and Table 2, the accuracy values of synthesis ANN and analysis ANN for
four networks giving the best results have been given. As can be seen from Table 1 and Table
2, in synthesis RBF network and in analysis Levenberg-Marquardt network were the one giving
the best approximation to the target values whose structure is defined in the following
subsection. The train and test data of the synthesis and analysis ANN were obtained from both
experimental results given in previous works [4] and a computer program using formulae [6].
The data are in a matrix form consisting inputs and target values and arranged according to the
definitions of the problems. The results of the synthesis and analysis ANN and comparison with
the targets are given in Table 3 and 4, respectively.
% %
Accuracy Accuracy
RBF 99.991 MLP3 99.999
MLP1 99.974 RBF 99.68
MLP2 99.162 MLP2 98.151
MLP3 82.337 MLP1 97.243
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Table 3. Results of the synthesis ANN and comparison with the targets
Table 4. Results of the analysis ANN and comparison with the targets.
h (mm) εr W L fr fr fr fr fr
(mm) (mm) Target MLP3 RBF MLP2 MLP1
(GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz) (GHz)
20 3.5 22.22 5.95 4.5 4.50 4.63 4.51 4.58
25 8.5 12.51 -1.77 5.5 5.50 5.32 4.68 4.61
25 3.5 28.57 8.04 3.5 3.50 3.44 3.87 3.90
25 3.5 40 16.97 2.5 2.50 2.52 2.77 2.86
17.5 8.5 15.29 3.12 4.5 4.50 4.74 4.39 4.34
4. Conclusion
In this paper, the neural network is employed as a tool in design of the microstrip
antennas. In this design procedure, synthesis is defined as the forward side and then analysis as
the reverse side of the problem. Therefore, one can obtain the geometric dimensions with high
accuracy, which are the length and the width of the patch in our geometry, at the output of the
synthesis network by inputting resonant frequency, height and dielectric constants of the chosen
substrate. Furthermore, in our work, the synthesis can also be applied into anisotropic dielectric
substrate. In this work the analysis is considered as a final stage of the design procedure,
therefore the parameters of the analysis ANN network are determined by the data obtained
reversing the input-output data of the synthesis network. Thus, resonant frequency resulted
from the synthesized antenna geometry is examined against the target in the analysis ANN
network. Finally, in this work, a general design procedure for the microstrip antennas is
suggested using artificial neural networks and this is demonstrated using the rectangular patch
5. References
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[7] Q. J. Zhang and K. C. Gupta, Neural Networks for RF and Microwave Design, Artech House Publishers, 2000.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Technology- Delhi. Downloaded on February 05,2021 at 11:21:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.