45 Gurdeep - Copie
45 Gurdeep - Copie
45 Gurdeep - Copie
To cite this article: Gurdeep Singh & Urvinder Singh (2021): Multi-objective Naked
Mole-Rat Algorithm for UWB Antenna Design, IETE Journal of Research, DOI:
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This paper presents a novel multi-objective naked mole-rat (MONMR) algorithm to optimize two CST-MATLAB integration
printed monopole patch antenna structures for ultrawideband (UWB) applications. The design (CMI); Electromagnetics;
includes basic-ultrawideband and triple band-notch characteristic antennas. The performance of Metaheuristic;
MONMR is evaluated for two objectives: minimize pass-band signal reflection and maximize the gain Multi-objective optimization;
Naked mole-rat algorithm;
of the antenna. In resultant, MONMR provided multiple optimum antenna designs instead of a sin- Triple band-notched; UWB
gle antenna design by mapping solutions to the Pareto-front (PF) boundary in the objective space. antenna
The simulated results matched with the experimental results and hence MONMR has proved to be
an effective approach in the field of electromagnetics. Moreover, the obtained PF designs are better
than the reported UWB antennas in terms of the gain and reflection coefficient.
© 2021 IETE
where X is the design variables vector [1, D], D is the problem under consideration.
dimension size, M and N are the numbers of objectives
and constraints. XLb and XUb are the lower and upper Si,j = Smin,j + rand × (Smax,j − Smin,j ) (6)
bound limits.
Here, i and j are the [1:n] population and [1:D] dimen-
sion vectors, respectively. Si,j is an ith solution for the jth
Generally, an SOO has only one optimal solution whereas
dimension, Smin,j and Smax,j are lower and upper bounds
a MOO problem has a set of optimal solutions known
as the Pareto optimal set. The solutions which are not of the problem to be tested. rand is a uniform random
dominated by others, located at the outer edge of the number that lies between [0,1]. Here, every solution pro-
objective space, called the Pareto-front. All the solutions vides M objective fitness values.
are optimal for one/more objective/s, but none of them
is optimal for all the objectives. A PF boundary selection 2.3.2 Worker Phase
is based on the problem designer’s decision, expressed in The worker phase of MONMR is the same as that of
Equation (4). the basic NMR algorithm and has been discussed in the
previous section.
The MOO algorithm aims to converge maximum solu-
tions over the entire PF and extract most of them towards 2.3.3 Breeder Phase
the true PF with maximum constraints satisfaction. The breeder phase of the MONMR is the same as that of
the basic NMR algorithm and only Equation 8 has been
introduced in the proposed MONMR algorithm which
2.3 Proposed Multi-objective NMR (MONMR) is based on the SA-IW strategy. After investigation, bp is
Algorithm taken as 0.05 for getting better optimization results.
Most of the engineering design problems are typically
i = (1 − λ)Bti + λ(best − Bti ) (7)
multi-objective including non-smooth/non-linear con-
straints. Though it needed MOO algorithms, which are where Bti corresponds to the ith breeder in tth iteration,
different from SOO. The number of function evalua- Bt+1 is the new breeder solution, λ controls the breeder
tions and computation effort may increase significantly mating frequency, which is now based on the SA-IW
in MOO. strategy.
For MONMR with M objectives, there are three modifi- λ = αmin + [(αmax − αmin ) × pk−1 ] (8)
cations in NMR rules can be described as:
where αmin and αmax constant values are taken as 0.5 and
• Each NMR group, a combination of worker and breed- 0.9, respectively. p is 0.95 and k is any random number
ers, puts n number of solutions. n corresponds to the [0,1].
solution of the Mth objective.
• The best worker or breeder is selected among M objec- 2.3.4 Sorting Process for Pareto Optimal Set
tives instead of single-objective in NMR. A solution vector s = (s1 , . . . , sn )T ∈ F is said to domi-
• Some poor-performing breeders have been eliminated nate another vector r = (s1 , . . . , sn )T if and only if si ≤ ri
with a probability bp. The new breeder solution is for ∀i ∈ [1 . . . M] (in particular, all solutions of s are less
made according to similarities/difference to old solu- than or equal to r), ∃i ∈ [1 . . . M] : si < ri indicates at
tions. For this, a simulated annealing-inertia weight least one component is smaller. Therefore, a solution x∗ ∈
(SA-IW) based mating factor has been introduced F is selected as a non-dominated solution if no solution
[41]. A small random mixing can be used to increase is better than it or dominates it.
diversity if needed.
The PF boundary of a MOO problem can be defined as a
Every multi-objective algorithm has a target to achieve PF set of non-dominated solutions as described below:
optimal set, which is defined by the “domination” concept
as described in the following subsections. PF = {s ∈ S|s ∈ S : s ≺ s} (9)
All the above-discussed modifications are added inde- update current Pareto optimal solutions
pendently without compromising the basic properties of
NMR, to formulate the new algorithm as described in the end until
Pseudocode shown in Algorithm 1.
Post processing results and visualization, save best (d,n)
Algorithm 1: Pseudocode of the proposed MONMR
Algorithm End
Inputs: Initialize objective function with Eq. (4) RESULTS
To check the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed
NMRs population: n, maxiter, d, Lb, Ub, bp,
MONMR, it is applied to the design of EM antenna
problems. In the present case, two different antenna
Breeders: B = n/5, Workers: W = n-B
structures are considered for optimization: basic UWB
with 9 optimization parameters and triple band-notched
Generate an initial population of n NMRs with Eq. (6)
UWB antenna with 13 variables. After that, the antenna
was fabricated, tested, and compared to some recently
Sort the initialized population
reported BN techniques. All the simulations have been
performed on window 7 PC with a 64-bit operating
while (t ≤ maxiter)
system, 32 GB RAM and Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU
3.20 GHz machine including the software versions of
for i = 1: W
MATLAB R2016a and CST studio suite 2016.
perform worker phase: using updated Eq. (2)
3.1 Basic-Ultrawideband (B-UWB) Antenna Design
In the case of the first antenna design, MONMR is intro-
update new solution and current best duced to obtain UWB characteristics (3.1–10.6 GHz)
including two objectives: minimize reflection to ensure
end for S11 ≤ −10 dB and maximize the gain. The correspond-
ing fitness functions are formulated in Equations (11)
for i = 1:B and (12). The antenna initial structure dimensions
are taken as W × L of 20 mm × 28 mm, consists of
if (rand > bp) ground structure on bottom plane 20 mm × 11 mm,
microstrip patch 20 mm × 15 mm, microstrip feed line
perform breeder phase: using updated Eq. (7) 3.316 mm × 13 mm, as shown in Figure 1. Both the top
and bottom metal layers (35 μm) are separated by a flame
evaluate retardant-4 (FR-4) dielectric substrate of the relative per-
mittivity (ε r ) 4.4 and a height of 1.6 mm. The parameters
update new solution and current best for MONMR optimization are selected as the popula-
tion size of 30, iterations 100, bp 0.05, dimension size of
end if 9 antenna parameters with the lower and upper bound
limits, as listed in Table 1.
union band of 8 GHz) X-band and C-strip pair on both After completing the OI iterative process with the exe-
sides of microstrip-fed line is used to reject WLAN band cution time of ≈ 95 h, the non-dominated solutions on
(5.2/5.8 GHz) (Figure 5). PF boundary, are shown in Figure 6. Five diverse solu-
tions are marked as Ant-4 through Ant-8 on PF for
The MONMR parameters were selected as the population analyzing the MONMR diversity-the detail is listed in
size of 30, iterations 150, bp 0.05, and 13-dimensional Table 2. Ant-5 is selected as the best TBN-UWB antenna
variables of BN elements. All the variables are listed in in respective to “min-max” optimization problem among
Table 2 with their lower and upper bound limits. the other TBN-UWB antennas. Figure 7 illustrates F 1
Table 3: Comparison of the proposed Ant-5 with some recently reported BN antenna techniques
Reference (mm2 ) Area (mm2 ) Gain (dBi) Optimization Rejection bands (GHz) BN technique used
[36], 2018 60 × 60 3600 <6 NA 3.0–3.75 and 5.2–5.6 Spiral defected microstrip
structure and SRR
[42], 2015 30 × 30 2080 < 5.8 SOO 3.55, 5.5 and 7.2 C and arc-shape slots and
annular strips
[43], 2020 34.2 × 40.7 1392 < 5.4 SOO 3.2–3.9 and 5.1–6.05 FTA structure
[37], 2019 26 × 35 910 < 3.5 NA 3.3–3.57 and 5.17–5.25 C-slot on patch and horizontal
stripes on ground
[44], 2015 30 × 30 900 < 3.8 NA 3.29–3.61, 4.65–5.49 and 7.3–8.41 Spiral slot loading
[45], 2013 28 × 32 896 <2 SOO 5.06–5.9 V-shaped slot
[34], 2019 24 × 30 720 < 3.7 MOO 3.3–3.6 and 5.15–5.84 FTA structure
[35], 2020 24 × 28 672 < 4.08 NA 5.02–5.97 and 7.23–7.72 S-slot on feed line and C-strip
on ground
[38], 2019 22 × 28 616 < 3.35 NA 3.15–4 and 5.18–5.95 V-shaped slot and C-strips
[3], 2018 20 × 29 580 < 3.3 SOO 3.4–3.7 and 5.1–5.9 Inverted U-slit and C-strips
Proposed Ant-5 20 × 28 560 < 3.89 MOO 3.5, 5.2/5.8 and 8.4 Inverted U-slots and C-strips
This paper proposes a novel MONMR algorithm to
Figure 9: Photograph of the fabricated TBN-UWB monopole Ant- optimize two antenna design problems in the field of
5: front, back-view, and VNA measurement setup electromagnetics. These designs included B-UWB and
TBN-UWB antennas. In MONMR, the exploration and
exploitation search has been improved by using Levy-
flight based scaling factor and SA-IW based mating fac-
tor, respectively. Here, two objective functions are consid-
ered for optimization: minimize reflection and maximize
the antenna gain over the entire UWB range. As a result,
Ant-5 gives the best TBN-UWB antenna structure, the
size is reduced to 20 mm × 28 mm along with sharp TBN
characteristics. Further, the prototype measurement has
also been reasonably good in agreement with the simu-
lated results. The measured working range is observed as
Figure 10: Simulated and measured S11 of proposed TBN-UWB 2.95–13.3 (FBW of 127%) including three notched-bands
Ant-5 of Wi-Max (3.15–3.95 GHz), WLAN (5.05–6.05 GHz)
and ITU-8 X-band (7.65–8.67 GHz). The peak gain is
denoted as 3.89 dBi with an excellent average gain of
tangent of FR-4 substrate, and environmental effects etc.
2.45 dBi throughout the UWB except for band-notched
Also, it is observed that the Ant-5 provided a sharp
regions. Hence, the proposed antenna is a good candidate
TBN characteristic at Wi-Max (3.15–3.95 GHz), WLAN
for UWB applications.
(5.05–6.05 GHz) and ITU-8 (7.65–8.67 GHz). The mea-
sured S11(min) is noted as −17.1, −35.6, −31 and −39 dB
at 3.05, 4.75, 6.98, 11.82 GHz frequencies, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
This work was supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial
In the last section, the performance of the proposed Research (CSIR) HRD Group, Govt. of India (GoI) under SRF
trapezoidal-shaped TBN-UWB Ant-5 monopole struc- research grant No. 09/677(0042)/2019-EMR-I.
ture is compared to some recently reported BN tech-
niques in terms of patch size, covered area, peak gain,
rejected bands and their corresponding band-notch tech- FUNDING
niques, as shown in Table 3. From this table, it can be con- This work was supported by Council of Scientific and Industrial
cluded that the MONMR optimized antenna provided Research (CSIR) HRD Group, Govt. of India (GoI) under SRF
good size reduction of 20 mm × 28 mm, peak gain of 3.89 research grant No. 09/677(0042)/2019-EMR-I.
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