Computer Studies Form 1 2 3 4 Schemes of Work Combined
Computer Studies Form 1 2 3 4 Schemes of Work Combined
Computer Studies Form 1 2 3 4 Schemes of Work Combined
2-3 PHYSICAL PARTS By the end of the lesson, Through question A working Gateway
OF A COMPUTER the learner should be able and answer list personal secondary
to parts of a Computer computer Revision
State and explain Through S.Mburu G.
various physical brainstorming, Chemwapg 1
parts of a explain various Foundations of
computer parts of a computer Computer
studies by
Pepelapg 3
3 1 DEVELOPMENT By the end of the lesson, Through Charts or Lomghorn
OF COMPUTERS the learner should be able brainstorming photographs Secondary.
to identify and discuss from books, S.Mburu, G.
Explain how non-electronic tools magazines or Chemwa page 10
computers have newspapers
4 1 AREAS WHERE By the end of the lesson, Learner to Flash Cards Lomghorn
COMPUTER ARE the learner should be able Through Secondary.
USED to brainstorming S.Mburu, G.
Identify areas identify and discuss Chemwa page
where computers areas where 14-15
are used computers are used
Describe the listed
areas where
computers are
2-3 KEYBOARD SKILLS Discuss parts of the In group of three, charts Foundations of
keyboard discuss parts of the Computer
Type using keyboard and type studies by
keyboard using keyboard Pepelapg 25
8 1 MOUSE SKILLS By the end of the lesson, In group of three, Computer Foundations of
the learner should be able discuss parts of the mouse Computer
to: mouse studies by
Describe parts of Pepelapg 23-25
Use mouse
1 1 COMPUTER By the end of the lesson, Learner to: Pictures from Lomghorn
SYSTEMS the learner should be able Through question books and Secondary.
DIGITIZERS to and answer define newspapers S.Mburu, G.
SPEECH Define digitizer digitizer PDA’s Chemwa page
RECOGNITION List other input Through 37-38
DEVICES technologies brainstorming to list Foundations of
Describe the other input Computer
listed input technologies studies by
technologies Through group Pepelapg 76
discussion, discuss
the listed input
2-3 CENTRAL By the end of the lesson, Through questions A working Gateway
PROCESSING UNIT the learner should be able and answer define personal Secondary
to the term CPU computer Revision,
Define term CPU Through S.MburuG.Chem
List functional brainstorming, list wapg 40
elements of CPU and illustrate the Foundations of
functional elements Computer
of CPU studies by
Pepelapg 77
2-3 MAIN MEMORY By the end of the lesson, Learner to: Pictures from Gateway
the learner should be able Through question books Secondary
to and answer classify RAM module Revision,
Classify computer computer memories S.MburuG.Chem
memories Trough wapg 41-43
List examples of brainstorming list
primary memory examples of primary
and secondary memory and
memory secondary memory
State Through questions
characteristics of and answer state
RAM and ROM characteristics of
4 1 MEMORY By the end of the lesson, Learner to: RAM module Foundations of
CAPACITY the learner should be able Through questions Flash cards Computer
to and answer define studies by
Define byte byte Pepelapg 79-80
Express memory Through teachers
quantities demonstration,
Calculate memory express memory
quantities quantities and
calculate memory
6 1 OUTPUT DEVICES By the end of the lesson, Learner to: CRT,LCD, TFT Gateway
the learner should be able (a) Through question monitors Secondary
to and answer define Speakers Revision,
Define output output device and LED S.MburuG.Chem
device classify output wapg 51-60
Classify output devices Foundations of
devices (b) Through group Computer
List softcopy discussion, discuss studies by
output devices the listed softcopy Pepelapg 80
Describe monitor output devices
as a soft copy
output device
2-3 MONITOR DISPLAY Define the Through question Photograph from Longhorn
TERMINOLOGIES terminologies and answer define books Secondary.
AND VIDEO used in monitor terminologies S.Mburu, G.
GRAPHIC List and describe Through group Chemwa page
ADAPTERS the video graphic discussion, describe 49-52
adapters the listed video
graphic adapters
2-3 HARD COPY List factors to Through question Longhorn
OUTPUT DEVICES consider when and answer list Printers Secondary.
purchasing a factors to consider Pictures from S.Mburu, G.
printer when purchasing a magazines Chemwa page 53
printer Newspapers
2-3 SECONDARY By the end of the lesson, Through Flash disc Foundations of
STORAGE DEVICES the learner should be able brainstorming, Floppy Computer
AND MEDIA to discuss fixed storage Diskettes studies by
Discuss fixed device Memory sticks Pepelapg 101
storage device Compact disk
Hard disk
and optical drives Pepelapg 101
2 1 FUNCTION OF AN By the end of the lesson, Through questions Flash Cards Longhorn
OPERATING the learner should be able and answers, list Secondary.
SYSTEM to devices under S.Mburu, G.
List devices under control of operating Chemwa page
the operating system 83-85
3 TYPES OF By the end of the lesson, Learner to PC’s loaded with Longhorn
1 OPERATING the learner should be able (a) List and describe different Secondary.
SYSTEM to types of operating operating S.Mburu, G.
List types of system systems, pupils Chemwa page
operating system book part 3,4 83-85
2-3 Describe: (a) Draw a summary PC’s loaded with Foundations of
Single program diagram of various different Computer
and multitasking operating system operating studies by
operating system types systems, pupils Pepelapg 170
book part 3,4
5 1 HOW OPERATING By the end of the lesson, Identify features on PC loaded with Longhorn
SYSTEM ORGANIZE the learner should be able windows desktop any version of Secondary.
INFORMATION to windows S.Mburu, G.
State and explain Chemwa page
factors that 89-94
dictate file
6 1 MANAGING FILE By the end of the lesson, Learner to Flash cards Longhorn
AND FOLDERS the learner should be able Create folder in Secondary.
to both Graphical user S.Mburu, G.
Distinguish interface and MS- Chemwa page
between folder DOS 95-97
and directory
Draw directory
(folder) tree
7 1 Save changes to a Learner to Personal Longhorn
file Save changes to a computer loaded Secondary.
Rename files or file, rename files with any version S.Mburu, G.
folders and folders of windows Chemwa page
Copy, move, sort 95-97
files and folders
2-3 USING A WORD By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
PROCESSING the learner should be able practical Books Secondary.
PACKAGE to Working S.Mburu, G.
Start a Microsoft personal Chemwa page 5-
word computer 10
Explain the
Microsoft screen
2-3 EDITING AND By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
FORMATTING A the learner should be able practical Books Computer
DOCUMENT to Working studies
Select a computer Secondary.
document S.Mburu, G.
Move, copy and Chemwa page
delete 16-19
Insert and type
4 1 FIND AND REPLACE By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the leaner should be able practical Card working Computer
to computer studies
Define the term Secondary.
find and replace S.Mburu, G.
Find and replace a Chemwa page
documents 16-24
Use thesaurus
2-3 TEXT FORMATTING By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Cards Computer
to Working studies
Bold, italicize, computer Secondary.
underline, change S.Mburu, G.
fonts Chemwa page
2-3 PARAGRAPH By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Books Longhorn
FORMATTING the learner should be able practical Newspapers Computer
to Working studies
Space and section computer Secondary.
break S.Mburu, G.
Bullet and Chemwa page
number 22-23
headers and
2-3 SET-UP By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Handouts Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Define the term books Secondary.
table S.Mburu, G.
Crate tables Chemwa page
Insert rows and 37-39
Merge/split rows
7 1 TABLE By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Handouts Longhorn
CONVERSION/ the learner should be able practical Working Computer
ARITHMETIC to computer studies
CALCULATIONS convert text to a Chalk board Secondary.
table and vice S.Mburu, G.
verse Chemwa page
import 40-41
2-3 MAIL MERGE By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Card Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
mail merge Chalk board S.Mburu, G.
Create: main Chemwa page
document and 44-46
data source
Merge fields
8 1 GRAPHICS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Clip art Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Define the term Secondary.
graphic S.Mburu, G.
Insert/edit Chemwa page
graphics 44-49
2-3 PRINTING By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Define the term Secondary.
printing S.Mburu, G.
Set up the printer Chemwa page 44
and print
9 1 SPREAD SHEETS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Discussion Call register Longhorn
(SPREADSHEETS) the learner should be able Accounts book Computer
to studies
Define the term Secondary.
spreadsheets S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
application areas 52-53
of spreadsheet
2-3 CREATING A By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
WORKSHEET the learner should be able practical Class register Computer
to Accounts book studies
Define the term Working Secondary.
worksheet computer S.Mburu, G.
Create a Chemwa page
worksheet 57-65
Save/retrieve a
10 1 CELL DATA TYPES By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion Books Longhorn
the learner should be able Computer
to studies
Define the term Secondary.
cell data type S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page 66
different data
2-3 CELL REFERENCING By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
cell referencing S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
different cell 66-69
Apply cell
referencing on a
11 1 FUNCTIONS AND By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Working Longhorn
FORMULAE the learner should be able Practical computer Computer
to Books studies
Differentiate Secondary.
between S.Mburu, G.
functions and Chemwa page
formulae 70-73
Apply functions
and formulae on a
2-3 WORKSHEET By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
FORMATTING the learner should be able practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Format a computer Secondary.
worksheet: text, S.Mburu, G.
numbers, rows, Chemwa page
columns and 74-79
2-3 CHARTS/GRAPHICS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Definite the terms computer Secondary.
chart S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
different charts 77-79
Insert charts
2 1 DATABASE By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion Class list Longhorn
the learner should be able Computer
to studies
Define the Secondary.
database S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
concept of D/base 93-94
2-3 DATABASE By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
MODELS the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
d/base model S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
difference d/base 96-98
Discuss the
features of a
2-3 MS ACCESS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
SCREEN LAYOUT the learner should be able practical Cards Computer
to Books studies
Explain the access Working Secondary.
screen layout computer S.Mburu, G.
Create a database Chemwa page
4 1 EDITING A D/BASE By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Cart Computer
to Working studies
Edict a data base computer Secondary.
S.Mburu, G.
Chemwa page
2-3 QUERIES By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
the learner should be able Practical Card Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
query S.Mburu, G.
Crate a query Chemwa page
2-3 FORM DESIGN By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Newspaper Computer
to Working studies
Explain the form computer Secondary.
layout S.Mburu, G.
Create a form Chemwa page
2-3 REPORTS LAYOUT By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Practical Handouts Longhorn
the learner should be able Books Computer
to Working studies
Define a report Computer Secondary.
Create a report S.Mburu, G.
Modify a report Chemwa page
7 1 REPORTS LAYOUT By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Forms Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Report Computer
to Working studies
Sort and group computer Secondary.
data in a report S.Mburu, G.
Design labels Chemwa page
2-3 PRINTING By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Forms Longhorn
the learner should be able Practical Report Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
printing S.Mburu, G.
Print: form and a Chemwa page
report 112
8 1 DESKTOP By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Clip art Longhorn
PUBLISHING the learner should be able practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Define DTP S/W Secondary.
State then S.Mburu, G.
purpose of Chemwa page
DTPS/W 132-134
2-3 DESIGNING A By the end of the lesson, Q/A Observation Letters Longhorn
PUBLICATION the learner should be able Practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Explain the DTP Secondary.
S/W S.Mburu, G.
Discuss the types Chemwa page
of DTP 133-134
2-3 DESIGNING A By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration practical Cards,
PUBLICATION the learner should be able certificates, text Longhorn
to calendars, Computer
Set up a textbooks studies
publication Working Secondary.
Manipulate text Computer S.Mburu, G.
and graphics Chemwa page
10 1 TEXT By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion Calendars, Longhorn
the learner should be able textbooks Computer
to studies
Design page Secondary.
layout S.Mburu, G.
Use a ruler to Chemwa page
measure 158
2-3 GRAPHICS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Define the term Computer Secondary.
graphics S.Mburu, G.
Change full stroke Chemwa page
Reshape objects 150
2& GRAPHICS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
3 the learner should be able Practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Group objects computer Secondary.
Lock objects S.Mburu, G.
Chemwa page
2 1 INTERNET AND E- By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion internet Longhorn
MAIL the learner should be able Demonstration Text book Computer
to observation Working studies
Define the term Computer Secondary.
internet S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
development of 168-169
2-3 IMPORTANCE OF By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
THE INTERNET the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working studies
Explain the computer Secondary.
importance of the S.Mburu, G.
internet Chemwa page
2-3 INTERNET By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
SERVICES the learner should be able Practical Cards Computer
to Books studies
Explain the computer Secondary.
internet services S.Mburu, G.
Chemwa page
4 2-3 HYPER LINKS AND By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Letters Longhorn
SEARCH ENGINES the learner should be able practical Card Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
search engine S.Mburu, G.
Use search Chemwa page
engines 177-179
5 1 ELECTRONIC MAIL By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Handouts Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working studies
Explain the term computer Secondary.
e-mail S.Mburu, G.
Discuss the use of Chemwa page
email s/w 178-180
2-3 E-MAIL By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Web pages Computer
to Working studies
State the e-mail computer Secondary.
facilities S.Mburu, G.
Compose mails Chemwa page
Check mails 30-37
2-3 SET-UP By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Websites Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Web pages Computer
to Working studies
Fax e-mail computer Secondary.
Attach files S.Mburu, G.
Chemwa page
7 1 TEL MESSAGING By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Handouts Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Web pages Computer
to Working studies
Explain the term computer Secondary.
tel messaging S.Mburu, G.
Develop contact Chemwa page
mgt 181-182
2-3 EMERGING ISSUES By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Websites Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Web pages Computer
to Working studies
Explain the computer Secondary.
emerging issues S.Mburu, G.
Search for the Chemwa page
emerging issues in 182-183
the net
8 1 GRAPHICS By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Web sites Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Web pages Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
graphic S.Mburu, G.
Insert/edit Chemwa page
graphics 44-49
2-3 G. DATA SECURITY By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
AND CONTROLS the learner should be able practical Working Computer
to computer studies
Define the term Secondary.
data security S.Mburu, G.
Identify security Chemwa page
threats on ICT 185-186
2-3 COMPUTER By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
CRIMES the learner should be able Practical Internet Computer
to Working studies
Define the term computer Secondary.
computer crimes S.Mburu, G.
Explain the Chemwa page
computer crimes 188-190
10 1 ICT PROTECTION By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration practical Books
the learner should be able Internet Longhorn
to Handouts Computer
Discuss ICT Working studies
protection computer Secondary.
measures S.Mburu, G.
Chemwa page
2-3 LAWS OF ICT By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Books Computer
the learner should be able practical Internet studies by
to Handouts S.JohnOnunga
Define the terms Books page 327-328
ethics Working
Explain the ethical computer
2-3 WORKSHEET By the end of the lesson, Q/A Demonstration Books Longhorn
FORMATTING the earner should be able practical Handouts Computer
to Working studies
Format a computer Secondary.
w/sheet: text, S.Mburu, G.
numbers, rows, Chemwa page
columns and 190-193
1 1 Data DEFINITION & By the end of the lesson, Questions and computer Longhorn
Representati INTRODUCTION the learner should be able answers keyboard Computer
on in a to Discussions in electronic studies Bk 3
computer Define data groups circuits page 1-3
Define brainstorming Charts Computer
information Photographs studies by
Classify Pictures from Onunga and
computers books Shah page 1
according to
functionality with
3-4 Data DATA By the end of the lesson, Discussions charts Longhorn
Representati REPRESENTATION the learner should be able Question and Computer
on to answer studies Bk 3
Give reasons why page 24
binary system is Computer
used in studies by
computers Onunga and
Define bits, bytes, Shah page 1
nibble and word
2 1 Data NUMBER SYSTEMS By the end of the lesson, Group discussions Charts Longhorn
Representati the learner should be able Exercises given and Simple Computer
on to marked by the calculations studies Bk 3
Define decimal teacher page 25
Represent data in
decimal number studies by
system Onunga and
Represent data in Shah page 6
actual number
2 NUMBER SYSTEM By the end of the lesson, Group discussions charts Longhorn
the learner should be able Questions and simple Computer
to answering calculations studies Bk 3
Represent data in exercises Computer page 26
actual number
system Computer
Represent data in studies by
Hexadecimal Onunga and
number system Shah page 7-8
3 1 Data FURTHER By the end of the lesson, Questions and Charts Longhorn
representatio CONVERSION OF the learner should be able answers Simple Computer
n NUMBER SYSTEMS to Discussions in calculations studies Bk 3
Convert binary groups Questions page 26
number to papers
decimal number Computer
system studies by
Convert decimal Onunga and
numbers to Shah page 8
binary numbers
3-4 Teacher administers questions and answer session for better retention
4 1 DATA Converting octal By the end of the lesson, Discussion Chart Longhorn
REPRESENTA numbers to the learner should be able Question and Computer
TION decimal and binary to answer studies Bk 3
numbers Convert octal
page 26
numbers to
decimal numbers Computer
Convert octal studies by
numbers to Onunga and
binary numbers Shah page 12
2 DATA Symbolic By the end of the lesson, Discussion in groups Charts Longhorn
REPRESENTATI Representation the learner should be able Scientific and Computer
ON using coding to simple calculator studies Bk 3
schemes Explain the computer page 26
standard code for Computer
information studies by
interchange code Onunga and
(ASCII) as a
Shah page 22-27
4 Administer a small exam
8 1 Data DEFINITION AND By the end of the lesson, Group discussions charts Longhorn
Processing INTRODUCTION the learner should be able Question and computer Computer
to answering studies Bk 3
Define data brainstorming page 32
information and
data processing Computer
studies by
Describe the data
Onunga and
processing cycle
Shah page 32-35
Give methods of
data collection
2 Data DATA PROCESSING By the end of the lesson, Group discussions charts Longhorn
Processing CYCLE the learner should be able Question and computer Computer
to answering studies Bk 3
List stages for Brainstorming page 32
data processing
Describe the
studies by
listed data
Onunga and
processing cycle
Shah page 32-35
3- Data DATA PROCESSING By the end of the lesson, Discussion in groups Flash cards
4 Processing CYCLE the learner should be able Question and Charts Longhorn
to answer computer Computer
Give the errors Assignments studies Bk 3
that influence the marked by the page 35
accuracy of data teacher
and information Computer
output studies by
Onunga and
Explain the errors
Shah page 33
in data processing
9 1 Data DATA INTEGRITY By the end of the lesson, Discussion in groups Flash cards Computer
processing the learner should be able Illustrations by the Simple studies by
to teacher information Onunga and
Define data Question and system Shah page 41
integrity answer
Give the
measurements of
data integrity
Describe the
listed data
2 Data DATA PROCESSING By the end of this lesson, Flash cards Computer
processing METHODS the learner should be able Discussion in groups Simple studies by
to Illustrations by the information Onunga and
State the ways of teacher system Shah page 41
minimizing threat Question and
to data integrity answer
List and describe
the methods of
data processing
3- Data COMPUTER FILES By the end of the lesson, Discussion in groups Charts Computer
4 processing the learner should be able Illustrations by the studies by
to teacher Onunga and
Define a Question and Shah page 49
computer file answer
Give the types of
computer files
State the
advantages of
10 1 Data ELEMENTS OF By the end of the lesson, Discussion in groups database Longhorn
processing COMPUTER FILE the learner should be able Question and chart with Computer
to answer relation studies Bk 3
List the elements demonstration database
page 40
of a computer file
Describe the
listed elements of
a computer file
2 Data CLASSIFICATION By the end of the lesson, Illustration by the Floppy diskette Longhorn
processing OF COMPUTER the learner should be able teacher Compact disc Computer
FILES to Computer video studies Bk 3
Classify computer tape page 41
studies by
between logical
Onunga and
and physical
Shah page 50
computer files
11 1 Data FILE By the end of the lesson, Question and Floppy diskettes Longhorn
processing ORGANIZATION the learner should be able answer Compact disk Computer
METHODS to Brainstorming Video tapes studies by
Define file Discussions in Mburu and
organization groups
ChemwaBk 3
List the methods
of organizing files page 42
on a storage Computer
media studies by
Describe the Onunga and
listed methods of Shah page 55
file organization
2 Data ELECTRONIC DATA By the end of the lesson, Discussions in Charts Longhorn
processing PROCESSING the learner should be able groups Flash cards Computer
to Question and studies by
Give the data answer
Mburu and
processing modes Illustration by the
ChemwaBk 3
Describe teacher
(i) Online page 43-45
processing Computer
(ii) Real-time studies by
Onunga and
(iii) Distributed
processing Shah page 61
3- Data ELECTRONIC DATA Bythe end of the lesson, Discussions in Charts Computer
4 processing PROCESSING the learner should be able groups Flash cards studies by
MODES to Question and Onunga and
Describe answer
Shah page 612-
(i) Time- sharing Illustration by the
(ii) Batch teacher
(iii) Multi
(iv) Multi-tasking
(v) Interactive
1 1 ELEMENTARY DEFINITION OF By the end of this lesson, Question and Charts Longhorn
PROGRAMMI PROGRAMMING the learner should be able answer Books Computer
NG to Discussion in Journals studies by
PRINCIPLES Define groups Software Mburu and
programming Illustration by the computer
ChemwaBk 3
List the terms used teacher
in programming page 47
Describe the listed Computer
terms studies by
Differentiate Onunga and
between source Shah page 72
program and
object program
2 ELEMENTARY LEVELS OF By the end of the lesson, Demonstration Flash cards Longhorn
PROGRAMMI PROGRAMMING the learner should be able Q/A Charts Computer
NG LANGUAGE to books studies by
PRINCIPLES Classify the
Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Describe the low page 49-51
level programming Computer
language studies by
Onunga and
Shah page 73
3-4 ELEMENTARY LEVELS OF By the end of the lesson, Q/A Flash cards Longhorn
PROGRAMMI PROGRAMMING the learner should be able Discussion Charts Computer
NG LANGUAGE to studies by
PRINCIPLES Describe the high
Mburu and
level language
ChemwaBk 3
State the
advantages and page 59
disadvantages of Computer
low-level and high studies by
level languages Onunga and
Shah page 74-75
2 1 ELEMENTARY PROGRAM By the end of the lesson, Question and Flash cards Longhorn
PROGRAMMI DEVELOPMENT the learner should be able answer charts Computer
NG to Discussion in studies by
PRINCIPLES List the stages in groups Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Describe page 60-66
(i) program
(ii) program
NG to teacher Onunga and
PRINCIPLES Describe Shah page 83
(i) Program
(ii) Program
3-4 ELEMENTARY PROGRAM By the end of the lesson, Discussions in Flash cards Computer
PROGRAMMI DEVELOPMENT the learner should be able groups charts studies by
NG to Illustrations by the Onunga and
PRINCIPLES Describe teacher
Shah page 85
(i) program Question and
testing answer
(ii) Program
on and
3-4 ELEMENTARY Program control By the end of the lesson, Illustration by the Chart Computer
PROGRAMMI structures the learner should be able teacher chalkboard studies by
NG to Discussion in Onunga and
PRINCIPLES Describe selection groups
Shah page 94
as a control Question and
structure answer
Design a more
complex algorithm
characteristics of a studies by
system Onunga and
Shah page 168
3-4 SYSTEM Information By the end of the lesson, Discussion in Charts Computer
DEVELOPMEN system the learner should be able groups Flash cards studies by
T to Illustration by the Chalkboard Onunga and
Describe the listed teacher Computer Shah page 170
characteristics of a Books
Define information
2 SYSTEM Theories of By the end of the lesson, Discussions in Chalk board Computer
DEVELOPMEN system the learner should be able groups Flash cards studies by
T development to Illustration by the Charts Onunga and
Describe tradition teacher
Shah page 170
Describe rapid
3-4 Theories of By the end of the lesson, Discussions in Chalk board Longhorn
system the learner should be able groups Flash cards Computer
development to Illustration by the Charts studies by
Describe the teacher
Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Give examples of page 97
ways of
information of
7 1 Stages of system By the end of the lesson, Illustration by the Chalk board Longhorn
SYSTEM development the learner should be able teacher charts Computer
DEVELOPMEN to Question and studies by
T State and define all answer Mburu and
the stages of
ChemwaBk 3
development page 97
2 SYSTEM Stages of system By the end of the lesson, Demonstration Chalk board Longhorn
DEVELOPMEN development the learner should be able Discussion Charts Computer
T to studies by
Give the methods
Mburu and
used in
ChemwaBk 3
gathering page 100-104
Describe Computer
interviews studying studies by
of available Onunga and
documents as used Shah page 175
in information
3-4 SYSTEM Stages of system By the end of the lesson, Discussions in Sample Longhorn
DEVELOPMEN development the learner should be able groups questionnaire Computer
T to Question and Chalkboard studies by
Prepare a answer
Mburu and
questionnaire Illustration by the
ChemwaBk 3
Prepare and teacher
present a fait page 104
finding report
Describe how
methods are used
3-4 Designing a By the end of the lesson, Question and Chalkboard Longhorn
system flowchart the learner should be able answer chart Computer
to Discussion in studies by
Write a sample groups
Mburu and
library books
ChemwaBk 3
system flowchart page 110
Use data flow
10 1 SYSTEM System By the end of the lesson, Question and Charts Longhorn
DEVELOPMEN Construction the learner should be able answer Chalkboard Computer
T to Discussion in Information studies by
Define the term groups system (Cleaner) Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Identify number of page 110
technique that can
be used to
construct a
designed system
3-4 Change over By the end of the lesson, Discussions Flash card Longhorn
strategies the learner should be able Question and Charts Computer
to answer chalkboard studies by
Define the term
Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
List the system
change over page 116
Describe three
listed changeover
2 System By the end of the lesson, Illustration by the Charts Longhorn
documentation the learner should be able teacher Flash cards Computer
to Question and studies by
Write a report on answer Mburu and
case study
ChemwaBk 3
page 117
3-4 System By the end of the lesson, Illustration by the A chart Longhorn
documentation the learner should be able teacher Computer Computer
to Discussions Printer studies by
Develop a system Chalkboard Mburu and
using a case study
ChemwaBk 3
page 117
2 PROGRAMMIN Visual basic Bythe end of the lesson, the Demonstration Chalkboard Longhorn
G toolbox learner should be able to Question and Photograph Computer
Identify parts of answer computer studies by
the visual basic
Mburu and
tool box
ChemwaBk 3
Describe parts of
the visual basic page 123
3-4 Saving a visual By the end of the lesson, Demonstration by Computer Longhorn
project the learner should be able the teacher Chalkboard Computer
to Question and studies by
Save a visual basic answer Mburu and
project Practical
ChemwaBk 3
Open an existing
visual basic project page 123
3-4 Case construct By the end of this lesson, Demonstration by Chart Longhorn
Looping construct the learner should be able the teacher Chalkboard Computer
to Discussion Computer studies by
Use case Question and printer Mburu and
statement that can answer
ChemwaBk 3
display the name
of a weekday when page 147
its number is
Write a program
using do-loop
Write a program
using FOR-NEXT
3-4 Creating means By the end of the lesson, Demonstration computer Longhorn
and dialog boxes the learner should be able Discussions printer Computer
to Question and chart studies by
Create a dropdown answers chalkboard Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Create a message
and dialog boxes page 151
1 List boxes and By the end of the lesson, Discussion Chart Longhorn
control boxes the learner should be able Demonstration Photograph Computer
to Practical Computer studies by
Define list box and chalkboard Mburu and
combo box
ChemwaBk 3
Create a list box
and a combo box page 161
Create a project
that loads a list of
5 2 Visual basic data By the end of the lesson, Discussion Chart Longhorn
structures the learner should be able Demonstration Photograph Computer
to Practical Computer studies by
Define the term chalkboard Mburu and
ChemwaBk 3
Declare an array
page 163
3-4 Visual basic data By the end of the lesson, Discussion Chart Longhorn
structures the learner should be able Demonstration Photograph Computer
to Practical Computer studies by
Declare two chalkboard Mburu and
dimensional arrays
ChemwaBk 3
Write array of
records page 161
3-4 Defining By the end of the lesson, Question and computer Longhorn
attributes the learner should be able answer chart Computer
to Practical chalkboard studies by
Define a foreign Demonstration Mburu and
key discussions
ChemwaBk 3
between an entity page 203-204
and attributes
Create one to
many relationships
page 217
3-4 Forms and By the end of the lesson, Discussion in Computer Longhorn
commands the learner should be able groups Chart Computer
to Demonstration Chalkboard studies by
Create a form/ Practical Mburu and
interface Question and
ChemwaBk 3
Call for commands answer
page 21o
2- Network Software By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Handouts Longhorn
3 the learner should be able practical Books Computer studies
to Working PC by S.Mburu and C.
Discuss the
Chemwa page 30-
different network
s/w: O/S, protocols
computer the learner should be able practical Books Computer studies
networks to Working PC by S.Mburu and C.
Discuss the three Chemwa page 4-5
types of computer
Computer studies
by Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page 22
4 Network By the end of the lesson the Q/A demonstration Working PC Longhorn
Topologies learner should be able to practical Handouts Computer studies
Explain a by S.Mburu and C.
Mesh Topology
Chemwa page 37-
Tree Topology
Computer studies
by Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page 19
6 1 Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working PC studies by
Explain Application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT
Financial system Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
2- Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
3 of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working PC studies by
Explain application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT in
Chemwa page
common system
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
4 Application of ICT By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working PC studies by
Explain application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT in
Chemwa page
retail system
Explain application 40-59
areas of ICT in Computer
Reservation system studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
7 1 Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working PC studies by
Explain Application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT in
Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
2- Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
3 of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working studies by
Explain Application
S.Mburu and C.
of ICT in Education
Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
8 Half Term
9 1 Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working Pc studies by
Explain application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT in
Chemwa page
entertainment and
virtual reality 61,64-65
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
2- Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Internet Longhorn
3 of ICT the learner should be able practical Books Computer
to Working Pc studies by
Explain application
S.Mburu and C.
areas of ICT in
Chemwa page
marketing and law
enforcement 63
4 Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A Discussion Internet Longhorn
of ICT the learner should be able Books Computer
to Working Pc studies by
Explain application
S.Mburu and C.
area of ICT in
Chemwa page
system 44-46
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
10 2- Application areas By the end of the lesson, Q/A demonstration Letters Longhorn
3 of ICT in the the learner should be able practical Working PC Computer
society to Newspapers studies by
Discuss effects on
S.Mburu and C.
(i) Employment
Chemwa page
(ii) Automated
production 44
4 Impact of ICT in By the end of the lesson, Q/A Discussion Handouts Longhorn
the society the learner should be able Journals Computer
to studies by
Discuss effects if S.Mburu and C.
ICT on work’s
Chemwa page
State the
characteristics of Computer
future trends in ICT studies by
Discuss rapid Onunga& Rena
evolution in ICT Shah Bk 4 page
11 1 Impact of ICT in By the end of the lesson, Q/A Discussion Handouts Longhorn
the society the learner should be able Journals Computer
to Videos studies by
Discuss effects of Photographs S.Mburu and C.
ICT on
Chemwa page
(i) Environmental
issues 44
(ii) Cultural effects Computer
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
2- Evolution of By the end of the lesson, Q/A Discussion Class Register Longhorn
3 computer systems the learner should be able Accounts book Computer
to Journals studies by
Discuss Artificial
S.Mburu and C.
Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
2-3 Developing By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion Books Longhorn
project using the learner should be able Sampled Computer
msaccess d/base to projects studies by
Description of a Identify a problem
S.Mburu and C.
given system Definition of a
Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
4 Fact finding By the end of the lesson, Q/A observation Books Longhorn
the learner should be able Computer
to: studies by
Identify the
S.Mburu and C.
number of manual
Chemwa page
documents that
are needed for the 83-84
system given Computer
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
5 1 Fact finding By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampled Longhorn
the learner should be able projects Computer
to Books studies by
Design a sample
S.Mburu and C.
interview guideline
Chemwa page
for the system
given 83-84
2-3 Fact finding By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampeled Longhorn
the learner should be ale to projects Computer
Design a sample books studies by
questionnaire for S.Mburu and C.
the system giver
Chemwa page
studies by
Onunga& Rena
Shah Bk 4 page
4 System design By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampled Longhorn
Prelimina the learner should be able projects Computer
ry design to Books studies by
phase Identify the
S.Mburu and C.
flowchart symbols
Chemwa page
Design a simple
flowchart for the 94-95
6 1 System design By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampled Longhorn
Prelimina the learner should be able projects Computer
ry design to Books studies by
phase Design a complex
S.Mburu and C.
flowchart for the
Chemwa page
4 Detailed design By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampled Longhorn
the leaner should be able projects Computer
to Books studies by
Design input
S.Mburu and C.
interface for the
Chemwa page
7 1 Files and data By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Sampled Longhorn
stores design the learner should be able projects Computer
to Books studies by
Design a database
S.Mburu and C.
Chemwa page
2-3 Creating By the end of the lesson, Q/A practical Books Longhorn
relationships the learner should be able Computer
to studies by
S.Mburu and C.
Chemwa page
4 Hardware and By the end of the lesson, Q/A discussion Books Longhorn
software the learner should be able Realia Computer
requirements to studies by
Identify h/w and
S.Mburu and C.
s/w requirements
Chemwa page
for the system
10 1,2, Designing outputs By the end of the lesson, practical books Longhorn
3,4 the learner should be able internet Computer
to sampled projects studies by
Design outputs
S.Mburu and C.
Chemwa page
11 Designin By the end of the lesson, practical Books Longhorn
g the learner should be able Computer
to studies by
Design various
S.Mburu and C.
Chemwa page
1 Reporting from home and settling for the third term work