Indonesian Traditional Clothing

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kebaya and 

Indonesia’s rich culture Most traditional Indonesian

featured many aspects in costumes belong to three
the spiritual life and cultures; Javanese,
tradition of every people – Sundanese and Balinese.
For example,
arts, handicrafts, festivals, the kebaya and
ceremonies, and traditional the batik cloth. As many
costumes. It has been other Southeast-Asian
through centuries that countries, Indonesian men
Indonesia’s traditional and women traditionally
costumes have played a wear a sarong, a long
piece of cloth wrapped
vital role in the life of
around the body from the
Indonesian. Nowadays, waist down.
people are proud to wear
their traditional attires in Batik and Peci
important events and It is the appropriate men’s
formal ceremonies. attire for wedding,
ceremony, an important
The History of Indonesia meeting or any
Traditional Dress celebrations, consist of
As a multi-diverse country traditional sarong with a
of over 300 ethnic groups, batik shirt
Indonesia is divided into Kebaya for Indonesian
more than 30 provinces, women
each with their own way of
doing things and their own The kebaya is traditionally
traditional dress with worn by Javanese,
distinguished designs. But Sundanese and Balinese
perhaps, the most widely is now considered a
recognized Indonesian national costume. This
traditional dress including long sleeve blouse made
batik and kebaya. These of silk, cotton, semi-
costumes featured the transparent nylon or
culture of Java and Bali, brocade is worn with
the two glorious a batik sarong. The hair is
civilizations of Indonesia. normally tied into a bun
In some cultures, the and decorated with gold or
traditional dress belongs to silver hairpins but since a
the Royals few years, many Muslim
women choose to wear
a Muslim
veil, jilbab or hijab, instead
of the traditional hair style.
Balinese headscarf while splendid ornament comes
the blangkon is typically for from the Hindu Buddhist
Javanese. Motifs and era. In Sumatra,
folding methods are way the Minang bride wears
The Regional Indonesian different.
a suntiang, which looks
Costumes Golds and Crown quite different from the
The regional outfits called signifies Indonesian Javanese jamang.  There
baju adat or baju daerah wealth are various models of
represent different ethnic crowns throughout the
groups. Headdresses and Women’s headdresses are
country, some are
hats are different in every also specific to each area.
especially for traditional
area. Udeng is the The jamang is the crown
dances, others for wedding
worn by the Balinese and
Javanese dancers. This

used for ceremonial

purposes. Usually worn as
a shawl, Ulos have a
significant cultural value,
usually in

Another fabric that is a

signature to Indonesian
traditional clothing is Ulos.
relationships. Ulos can be
Originated and developed
a family heirloom that is
in Batak, North Sumatra,
passed down through
this handwoven fabric is

embroidered with gold or

silver threads that help
Songket is a traditional fabric local to Sumatra island. The create shimmering effects.
unique handwoven fabric consists of silk or cotton

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